2022 February16 AnnexB EmergencyDepartmentPlan

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Ambulance bay Designed in conjunction with the Ambulance Service and
With Direct access to trauma/ resuscitation rooms, Isolation
and Decontamination Area
Can fit 2-3 ambulance simultaneously loading/unloading
patients at ER
Consider one way entrance/exit
Adequate overhead weather protection
Adequate lighting
Rubberized floor for stretcher path towards ER entrance
Non-slip surfaces
With specific area entrance for PWD with hand rails
Signage/ground marking should be visible
Triage First contact of patients so must be in conjunction with
ambulance/walk in entrance
Design should allow clear line of sight from perspective of the
Should provide a space for at least 2 triage officers and
equipment during surge of patients
Provision for separate triage area for highly infectious patients
Can accommodate 1-2 stretcher/ wheelchair at a time.
Security Location near the entrance with direct visualization of waiting
room, triage, and reception areas
With provision for CCTV monitoring system
Reception For clerical staff and encoding of patient details
Can accommodate at least 2 clerical staff with work stations
(tables with computer, printers etc.) and a space where
relative/patient can be interviewed.
Cabinet or organizer for storing files/ED records
Should be beside triage area
Waiting area Holding area for patients waiting for their turn and relatives
accompanying their patients
Provision for space for benches/chairs to accommodate patient
and companion
With socket/ outlets for electronic displays for announcements
and reminders and other communication systems
Size: At least 15 sqm (0.65 sqm per person)
Decontamination area Provision for disrobing area, decontamination area and drying
off area
Should have high pressure showers and or retractable hoses
with a water drain that does not connect with main hospital
Should have own entrance aside from ER entrance
Adequate space for at least 2-3 patients
At least 9.29 sqm
Ambulatory care/fast track area Design should consider rapid turnover of patients
With area for physician’s consultation and 1-2 nurse working
space at least 5.02 sqm/staff
Provision of 1-2 patient beds for examination enclosed for
with space for at least 5 chairs for ambulatory patients
Acute care/general treatment area Each cubicle/area should be at least 7.43 sqm/bed to
accommodate the ff:
Space for at least 1 companion
Space for bedside equipment
With at least 2.4 meters of clear floor space between beds,
minimum length should be 3 meters
Areas for Medicine/Surgery /Pediatric /OB Gyn
Provision to ensure privacy (hospital grade accordion/division)
Designed to ensure direct observation from the staff position
Oxygen/socket/outlets per bed
Resuscitation area Two (2) resuscitation areas
Adequate space to accommodate the resuscitation team,
portable x-rays, mechanical ventilations, portable ultrasound
and the like, space for medications/equipment
Circulation space for movement of staff and equipment around
the area
Easy access/ proximity from ambulance bay and triage
With own sink/wash area
Minimum size for a single bed resuscitation is 25 sqm for each
bed space (not including storage area)
Space to ensure 360 access to all parts of the patient for
Adequate sockets for machines (mechanical ventilations,
cardiac monitor) and separate for other equipment (suction
machines, nebulizers, etc.)
At least 2 pipe-in for oxygen (1 for mechanical ventilator and
one for other airway devices)
Should have solid partitions between it
With hospital grade sliding doors
Trauma Bay Adequate space to accommodate the resuscitation team,
portable x-rays, mechanical ventilations, portable ultrasound
and the like, space for medications/equipment for trauma care
and trauma procedures
Adequate shelving to accommodate medications and
equipment required for trauma care
Circulation space for movement of staff and equipment around
the area
Minimum size for a single bed resuscitation is 25sq m for each
bed space (not including storage area)
Space to ensure 360 access to all parts of the patient for
Adequate sockets for machines (mechanical ventilations,
cardiac monitor) and separate for other equipment (suction
machines, nebulizers, etc)
2 pipe in for oxygen (1 for mechanical ventilator and one for
other airway devices)
Should have solid partitions
With hospital grade sliding door
Procedure area/Minor operating Adequate space and lighting to perform procedures
Room With sink/lavatory
At least 7.43 sqm/bed and can accommodate at least 2
stretchers at a time
At least 20 sq m
With cabinet/shelves for storage
Isolation Rooms Should be designed in conjunction with the ff
- Entrance at ED
- Triage
- Ante-room (for hand hygiene and donning and doffing)
Should have own toilet
At least 9.29 sqm
Should have own entrance aside from ER entrance
2 isolation rooms and can accommodate at least 2 beds each
Provision for negative ventilation with at least 6 air changes per
hour or 12 air changes per hour
Air exhaust be directed away from people and air intakes
Nurses station Should be located at the center to facilitate monitoring and
mobility of nurses and medical staff
With work stations/ medication areas/sink for handwashing
Provision of work station area to place central monitors,
computers, printers and area for nurses/physicians to order and
With shelves/organizers for ED records, patient charts and
Separate area for medication preparation, counter should be
made of granite
5.02 sqm/staff or at least 25 sqm
Staff call room/pantry Should be adequate to seat all staff on a rostered meal break at
least 5 staff per break at least 15 sq m
Located away from patient areas
With toilet/sink/lavatory
Staff change/lockers/toilet/shower Built in cabinet for staff bags/personal items
facility With male and female rooms and toilet
Should be adjacent with staff call room/pantry
Storage room At least 4.25 sq m size
Located near staff call room or admin areas in the ED
For central and decentralized storage of equipment and
Sufficient space and power sockets for charging battery
powered equipment
With built in cabinets for storage
Observation units Holding area or buffer area of the acute care/treatment area
Should be in proximity with Acute Care area
At least 7.43 sqm per bed
Can accommodate at least 5 patients
With provision of one working area for staff and space for some
Acute mental health area Should be conducive for managing patients in acute psychiatric
Minimum of 9.29 sqm
WCPU/counseling room Should be private and soundproofed space
Provision for at least 1 examination table 7.43 sqm
Consultation areas of at least 5 sqm
Admitting Section Area for the admitting staff
Can accommodate at least 2 staff with working stations for
computer, printing and processing of papers
At least 10 sq m
Satellite Laboratory For rapid access and to minimize turnaround time for lab
requests. Proximity to medicines and prescriptions for ER
At least 10 sq m
With access for pneumatic tube transport system to main
laboratory (if applicable)
Satellite Pharmacy Provision for ED needs on medication and supplies
Adequate space for shelves/storage of medicine and supplies
At least 10 sq m
Satellite CSSU Provision for ED needs on supplies
Adequate space for shelves/storage of medicine and supplies
At least 10 sq m
Satellite Cashier For easier access to Cashier/Billing for ED patients
Can accommodate at least 1 staff with working station for
computer, printing and processing of papers
At least 8 sqm
Utility room Sufficient size for storage
Physicians room For ER consultants/doctors/rotators rest place/call room
Can fit at least one double deck
With enough working space for computers, for writing,
With own toilet and shower
2 rooms (male/female)
Emergency Medicine Office Office for the Department Head
Provision for working space for ED secretary and head 5.02 sq m
per staff
Provision of space for visitor area, for short consults/ meetings
if possible separate from main office/anteroom
And space for medical records/ED records
With own Toilet
Nurse Supervisor Office Office for Nurse Supervisor
Provision of space for working on ED papers and deadlines
Conference room Office space for didactics, meetings, conference
With shelves/cabinets for EM training library, databases and
other documents required
With separate toilet
Can accommodate a conference table for 8-10 persons
With shelves for medical books/library for ED training
ED online referral/ command center For ED online referral/command center
Provision of working space for 2 staff with computers and
Sockets/internet connection ready
Other General Considerations
Toilet/comfort rooms At least 1.67 sqm, areas with separate CR (isolation room,
conference room, pantry, ED head office)
Toilet for the main ED ( 1 female, 1 male, 1 PWD)
Space conducive for patients with IV lines/wheelchair borne
Fire safety Constructed to comply with fire regulations
With fire exit doors needed and opened in case of emergency
An area for fire extinguisher
Signages Visible signages at the ED
Floor markings
Cabling Adequate cabling to all clinical and non-clinical areas, cabling
for phone, internet, patient call, emergency call and computers
Adequate sockets in every area for equipment, computers etc
Medical gases Provision for internal piping for oxygen to all patient care areas
At least one for every hospital bed in all patient areas except in
resuscitation and trauma bay with at least 2
Doors/windows All doors through which patients may pass must be sufficient
size to accommodate a full hospital bed with attached IV lines
and traction apparatus with ease.
Main entrance doors to be motion censored with rubber
studded flooring or the like in the entrance area.
Other possible exit/entrance area at the ED should be code-
generated for access of ED/hospital staff only
Door in offices fitted with self-closing devices
All doors with door stopper
All window furnishings should be appropriately designed and
located so that they cannot be accessed by patients and used
for potential harm

Corridors Adequate width to allow cross passage of two hospital beds or a

hospital beds without difficulty
Adequate space for trolley to move around
Unidirectional foot traffic
Air conditioning / ventilation The ED should have a separate air system capable of rapid
change from recirculation to fresh air flow.
Isolation room with different ventilation
All rooms with provision for aircon
Centralized aircon for the acute areas and main ED
Hand washing facilities Sink and lavatory for hand washing should be available within
each treatment area and provision for cleaning of instrument
Emergency Power Emergency lightning should be available in all areas
All computer terminals should have access to emergency power
Wall finish All wall surfaces in areas should be reinforced and protected
with buffer rails/wall guards/similar esp in areas where hospital
beds, wheelchairs may cause damage.
Floor The floor covering in all patient care areas and corridors should
have the ff:
Non slip surface
Impermeable to water, body fluids
Easy to clean
Acoustic properties that reduce sound transmission
Shock absorption to optimize staff comfort but facilitate
movement of beds

*All other specifications per area should be in accordance with DOH guidelines.

*Attached is the summary of the Emergency Medicine Facilities from the departmental plans and
technical requirements of a 250-bed hospital (level 3) manual, volume 3.


DOH Management of the Hospital Emergency Department, 2nd ed. Chapter 4 (Infrastructure Standards)

ACEM Guidelines in ED design

All plans in accordance to functional areas required by the Philippine Boards of Emergency Medicine in possible accreditation for EM training.


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