Teori Eosinopenia Dewasa
Teori Eosinopenia Dewasa
Teori Eosinopenia Dewasa
Background: Little is known about the potential use of the eosinophil count as a predictive marker of bloodstream
infection. In this study, we aimed to assess the reliability of eosinopenia as a predictive marker of bloodstream
Methods: This retrospective cohort study was performed in the outpatient department and general internal
medicine department of a tertiary university hospital in Japan. A total of 189 adult patients with at least 2 sets of
blood cultures obtained during the period January 1–December 31, 2018, were included; those with the use of
antibiotic therapy within 2 weeks prior to blood culture, steroid therapy, or a history of haematological cancer were
excluded. The diagnostic accuracies of each univariate variable and the multivariable logistic regression models
were assessed by calculating the areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUROCs). The primary
outcome was a positive blood culture indicating bloodstream infection.
Results: Severe eosinopenia (< 24.4 cells/mm3) alone yielded small but statistically significant overall predictive
ability (AUROC: 0.648, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.547–0.748, P < 0.05), and only moderate sensitivity (68, 95% CI:
46–85%) and specificity (62, 95% CI: 54–69%). The model comprising baseline variables (age, sex), the C-reactive
protein level, and neutrophil count yielded an AUROC of 0.729, and further addition of eosinopenia yielded a slight
improvement, with an AUROC of 0.758 (P < 0.05) and a statistically significant net reclassification improvement (NRI)
(P = 0.003). However, the integrated discrimination index (IDI) (P = 0.284) remained non-significant.
Conclusions: Severe eosinopenia can be considered an inexpensive marker of bloodstream infection, although of
limited diagnostic accuracy, in a general internal medicine setting.
Keywords: Eosinopenia, Bloodstream infection, Blood culture
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International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
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Hirosawa et al. BMC Infectious Diseases (2020) 20:85 Page 2 of 7
Table 1 Comparison of characteristics between patients with and without bloodstream infection
Variable Bloodstream infection No bloodstream infection(n = 164) P value*
(n = 25)
Age, y (SD) [median] 71.8 (15.8) [75.0] 62.8 (20.0) [68.0] 0.246
Male, n (%) 12 (46) 93 (57) 0.582
CRP, mg/l [median, IQR] 120.5 [93.8, 50.4–160.7] 63.5 [40.4, 8.7–88.7] 0.017
Total white cell count, cells/mm [median, IQR] 11,360 [11,100, 8400-12,700] 9901 [8900, 6700-12,000] 0.009
Eosinophil count, cells/mm3 [median, IQR] 32.0 [11.0, 0.00–38.4] 115.1 [37.6, 0.00–100.3] 0.741
Neutrophil count, cells/mm3 [median, IQR] 10,141 [9601, 6969-11,842] 7971 [7250, 4754-9964] 0.075
qSOFA score 0–1 22 145 0.208
qSOFA score 2–3 3 19
Chills, n (%) 8 (32) 34 (20) 0.891
SD standard deviation, IQR interquartile range, CRP C-reactive protein. QSOFA Quick Sequential (Sepsis-Related) Organ Failure Assessment
*P values by chi-squared, Mann-Whitney U test, or Fisher’s exact test
Table 2 Areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves of eosinophil, total white cell, neutrophil count, CRP, and qSOFA as
potential markers of bloodstream infection identified through univariate analysis
Variable Cut-off value AUROC (95% CI) P value*
Eosinophil count < 24.4 cells/mm3 0.648 (0.547–0.748)0.648 (0.557–0.743)** 0.007
White cell count > 10,950 cells/mm 0.597 (0.472–0.723) 0.185
Neutrophil count > 9033 cells/mm3 0.638 (0.519–0.758) 0.040
CRP, mg/l > 4.89 mg/dl 0.699 (0.597–0.802) 0.001
qSOFA 0.502 (0.433–0.572) 0.952
Chills 0.556 (0.458–0.655) 0.211
AUROC Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve
CI confidence interval, CRP C-reactive protein
QSOFA Quick Sequential (Sepsis-Related) Organ Failure Assessment
*P values by chi-squared, Mann-Whitney U test, or Fisher’s exact test
**Bootstrapping method (1000 bootstrap replicates)
Hirosawa et al. BMC Infectious Diseases (2020) 20:85 Page 5 of 7
Table 3 Areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves of the predictive models for bloodstream infection
Model AUROC (95% CI) P value IDI P value NRI P value
Baseline variables* 0.650 (0.551–0.749)
Baseline variables 0.729 (0.622–0.835) 0.002** 0.069** 0.023** 0.583** 0.005**
+ neutrophil count
Baseline variables 0.758 0.048*** 0.016*** 0.284*** 0.592*** 0.003***
+ CRP (0.664–0.853)
+ neutrophil count 0.758
+ eosinopenia (0.667–0.845)****
AUROC Area under the receiver operating characteristic curves
CI confidence interval, CRP C-reactive protein
IDI integrated discrimination index
NRI net reclassification improvement
* Including age, sex
** Compared with the model with baseline variables
***Compared with the model with baseline variables + CRP + neutrophil count
****Bootstrapping method (1000 bootstrap replicates)
that neither factor was a significant predictor of blood- an elevated CRP level and elevated neutrophil count to
stream infection in our general internal medicine depart- the baseline variables yielded a stronger predictive meas-
ment. This inconsistency suggests that chills and qSOFA ure. Further addition of severe eosinopenia to this model
may only be useful predictors in patients with a severe also led to a slight improvement in the predictive ability,
acute condition, who often present to an emergency de- even though the eosinophil count itself was not a suffi-
partment or are admitted to intensive care unit, but not ciently predictive marker.
in patients with milder conditions who would present to This study had several limitations. First, it was con-
a general internal medicine department. Additionally, ducted in a single department at a single centre, and
our finding that eosinopenia is a predictor of blood- therefore, our results cannot be easily generalised to the
stream infection suggests that this marker may be a use- intensive care unit, surgery, and emergency department.
ful tool for predicting such infections in patients with a Second, we excluded 178 patients (44.6%) who used an-
mild general condition. We found that the addition of tibiotics within 2 weeks prior to blood culture sampling,
Fig. 2 Areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves associated with bloodstream infection for the baseline variables alone (black line),
baseline variables + C-reactive protein + neutrophil count (CRP, blue line), and baseline variables + CRP + neutrophil count + eosinopenia (red line)
Hirosawa et al. BMC Infectious Diseases (2020) 20:85 Page 6 of 7
which may pose a risk of inducing a selection bias. This Availability of data and materials
may be due to the tertiary nature of our institution, as The datasets generated and/or analysed in this study are not publicly
available because it is possible that individual anonymity could be
patients with bloodstream infection may have initially compromised.
visited a primary clinic and began to receive antibiotic
treatment prior to referral to our department. Third, no Ethics approval and consent to participate
clear criteria have been set to determine which patients Ethics committee of Dokkyo Medical University (No. R-20-18 J). The commit-
tee approved participation of patients was obtained through an opt-out
would be subjected to blood culture. Rather, this deci- methodology. The patients consented to analysis of their medical records
sion was made by the treating physician on a case-by- was not required. Any further permission from the hospital was not required.
case basis. Fourth, we excluded patients with haemato- This was because of all data was obtained from usual clinical process.
logical diseases, eosinophilia, and steroid users, as such
Consent for publication
cases are rarely seen in our department. Accordingly, Not applicable.
our findings are not generalisable to these patient groups
or areas with a high prevalence of these diseases. Fifth, Competing interests
not only severe and shaking but also mild to moderate None declared.
chills were included in this study. According to the ori-
Received: 29 July 2019 Accepted: 21 January 2020
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