Grade 7 Practice Test 1

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I. Find The Phoneme - vowels

Look carefully at the phoneme for each question. Which of the four following words contains that phoneme?

1. touch - eight - hope - pool

2. bag - take - party - phone

3. father - mother - sister - brother

4. path - far - cat - seven

5. fear - pear - each - see

6. meat - big - its - end

7. clean - feet - ear - head

8. first - Terry - pear – seen

9. sure - do - took – due

10. cousin - pure - university – put

11. /aʊ/ cover - ouch! – mouth – now
12. /i:/ meet – sit
13. /ei/ take – back – breakfast – fast
14. /aʊ/ show – close – house – blue
15. /e/ say – breakfast – man - heat
II. Find The Phoneme - Consonants
Look carefully at the consonant phoneme. Which of the four following words contains that phoneme?

1. honest – hour – happen - honor

2. shop – ceiling – vision - passion

3. teethe – thought – theme - thing

4. chip – gate – chic - Gemini

5. dip – genius – gap - China

6. the - mother - think - church

7. chimpanzee - shower - father - mishap

8. yes - Japan - Germany - play

9. teeth - father – think - thought

10. jest – jar – yeast – play

III. Put the following words according to the underlined sounds.
Example: each /iːtʃ/ is put in the /i:/ columm
Table A

Table B

IV. Circle the word which has the underlined part different from others.
1. 1. a. dead b. mean c. bread d. head
2. a. girl b. expert c. open d. burn
3. a. sentence b. world c. picture d. dangerous
4. a. surfing b. collect c. concert d. melody
5. a. worst b. learn c. control d. dessert
6. a. exciting b. excellent c. experience d. expensive
7. a. hobby b. cycle c. bye d. why
8. a. fruit b. suit c. juice d. built
9. a. heard b. bird c. world d. picture
10. a. country b. young c. youth d. couple
V. Listen to the words and circle the phonemic transcription that matches the pronunciation of the
word you hear. Then, write the words with the correct spelling.

læk _______________ _____ leɪk _______________ _____

tæp _______________ _____ teɪp _______________ _____
plæn _______________ _____ pleɪn _______________ _____
ˈlætə _______________ _____ leɪtə _______________ _____
ɑːm _______________ _____ eɪm _______________ _____
mɑːk _______________ _____ meɪk _______________ _____
pɑːs _______________ _____ peɪs _______________ _____
kɑːm _______________ _____ keɪm _______________ _____

VI. Write the words

VII. Write the transcribed sentences on the right with ordinary letters.

/aɪ kʌm frəm frɑːns/.

2 /duː jʊ wɜːk fɔː ə bɪɡ ˈkʌmpəni?/
3 /aɪ ˈstʌdi ə lɒt/.
4 /ʃi ɡəʊz tə bed ət faɪv əˈklɒk/.
5 /ðeɪ həv ˈbrekfəst ɪn ðə ˈmɔːnɪŋ/.
6 /aɪ lɪv ɪn ə smɔːl ˈsɪti/.
7 /wi lʌv ˈkʊkɪŋ/.
8 /dəz ʃi mɪs hɜː ˈfæməli/?
9 /duː jʊ ˈevə riːd bʊks ɪn ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/?
10 /jʊ ˈnevə ˈlɪsən tə mi/.
11 /aɪ ˈjuːʒuəli duː maɪ ˈhəʊmwɜːk ət naɪt/.
12 /ˈeniθɪŋ els/?
VIII. Listen and fill in the blanks with the missing words.

Reading is an important step in learning English well. I read (1) ______textbooks_______, and other reading
materials. When I am (2) ____free______, I often read English magazines and (3)
__________newspapers____________. Although there are lots of new words, I often (4) ____go
through________ what I read without paying much attention to the new words or difficult (5)
______sentences________. In this way, I’ve (6) _____improved_______ my reading comprehension. How
(7) ___glad____ I am! The more I read, the more I understand; the more I understand, the more I read.

Recently, I have also been trying to (8) ____write_____. Though I often (9) _______make
mistakes_________, I am not discouraged. I’m (10) ______determined________ to study English well. I’m
sure I will know it well in the future.

IX. Listen and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
The white lie
Have you ever noticed (1) _____________ which say “Learn a foreign language in (2) _____________, or
we pay your money back”? From the first day your pronunciation will be excellent. Just send… ” and so on?
Of course, it never happens like that. The only language that is easy to learn is the (3)
____________________. And think how much practice that gets. Before the Second World War, people
usually learn a foreign language in order to read the (4) ______________ of the country. Now speaking the
foreign language is what most people want. Every year (5) _____________ of people start learning one. How
do they do it?

Some people try (6) ___________, with books and (7) _______________; others go to (8)
__________________. If they use the language only two or three times a week, learning it will take (9)
____________________, like language learning at school. A few people try to learn a language (10)
_________ by studying for six or more (11) _________ a day. It is clearly (12) __________ to learn the
language in the country where it is (13) ____________. However, most people (14) __________________
this, and for many it is 15) ____________. They need the language in order to do their work better, for
example, (16) ____________ and doctors chiefly need to be able to read books and reports in the (17)
____________ language. Whether the language is learnt quickly or slowly, it is (18) ______________.
Machines and good books are (19) __________, but they cannot do the (20) ________________ for them.

X. Fill in the gap with one suitable word pronounced with /i:/ or /e/. Listen and compare

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