BestPracProjAsmntScheme ReqAndGuidelines GBCertification 12jan2011

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Best Practice

Project Assessment Scheme

Green Building Certification


January 2011


1 Introduction ________________________________________________________________ 1

2 Context ___________________________________________________________________ 2
2.1 Energy Efficiency and Climate Change ______________________________________________ 2
2.2 Green Building Accreditation and SANS 10400X______________________________________ 3
2.3 Impact on Service Delivery ________________________________________________________ 3
3 Requirements and Application _________________________________________________ 5
3.1 Registration of Projects ___________________________________________________________ 5
3.2 Green Building Certification _______________________________________________________ 5
3.3 Procurement Guidelines __________________________________________________________ 6
3.4 Compliance ____________________________________________________________________ 6
4. Leasing of Public Buildings ____________________________________________________ 7

Appendix 1 Contract Registration (Form CRS-F001) ____________________________________ 8

Appendix 2 Compliance with Green Building Requirements (Form CRS-F002GB) ____________ 12

Appendix 3 Procurement Guidelines ________________________________________________ 14

Appendix 4 Guidelines for Lease Agreements _________________________________________ 16

A4.1 The Use of Green Building Certification Status as Eligibility Criteria _____________________ 16
A4.2 Alternative Tenders ____________________________________________________________ 17
A4.3 The Application of Green Building Certification Status in the Quality Evaluation __________ 18


The cidb Act (Act 38 of 2000) requires that the Board must establish a Best Practice Project
Assessment Scheme based on the best practices identified by the Board. All construction contracts
above a prescribed tender value will then be subject to an assessment of compliance with best
practice standards and guidelines published by the Board.

In line with government objectives and policy, the cidb endorses the Green Star SA certification of
the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) as a best practice for public and private sector

In line with the above, clients are encouraged (or, where mandatory, are required) to specify that
new buildings, or buildings that are to undergo major renovations, are to be designed, constructed,
and certified to meet, at a minimum, a Four Star Green Star SA standard where such Green Star SA
rating tools exist for the class of building. Furthermore, clients are encouraged to take into account
the Green Star SA rating (if any) as a quality factor when procuring office space in a lease

This Framework Document sets out the requirements and guidelines for Green Building
Certification, upon which the necessary regulation will be developed. This Framework Document
will also inform the cidb system and resource requirements.


2.1 Energy Efficiency and Climate Change

The South African government is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through a
combination of mechanisms, including:

• energy efficiency;
• renewable energy;
• clean energy; and
• tax on CO2.

This commitment was reflected in South Africa’s position at COP 15, in which it was willing to
reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 34% below current levels by 2020, and by about
42% by 2025 (conditional upon a fair agreement at the Copenhagen climate change talks and
finance, technology and capacity building assistance from the developed nations to developing
countries)1,2. These GHG mitigations are in line with South Africa's the Long Term Mitigation
Scenario (LTMS) study3, which indicated that emissions should peak between 2020 and 2025,
plateau for about a decade and then decline in absolute terms.

As recognised in, amongst others, the IPCC 4th Assessment Report4, the UNEP Sustainable
Buildings and Construction Initiative (SBCI)5 and others, the building sector has the largest potential
for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Specifically, the potential for reducing greenhouse gas
emission is closely linked to energy efficiency, which is clearly identified in the Energy Efficiency
Strategy of South Africa6 (2005) and is discussed in detail in the UNEP-SBCI / cidb South African
Report on Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Potentials from Buildings7.

The role of buildings in reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions is addressed in several reports by
UNEP-SBCI, in which it is noted that the barriers to energy efficient buildings will not be removed
unless governments take action8,9. In many countries in the world, this action has included a strong
focus on energy efficiency and/or green building standards for government buildings, including, for
example in the China, the USA, Australia, Singapore and the European Union.

It is incumbent therefore on the building sector in South Africa to also respond to the need for
energy efficiency and for reducing greenhouse gas emissions – and specifically for government to
lead by example. This can be achieved through certification of buildings to Green Star SA
standards by the Green Building Council of South Africa, and this document sets out the minimum
requirements and guidelines for certification.

1 The Presidency (2009). Address by President Jacob Zuma at UN Climate Change Conference, Copenhagen.
18 December 2009.
2 ENR (2009). SA Announces Emissions Target as Climate Talks Start. Engineering News Record, 7 December 2009.
3 Scenario Building Team (2007). Long Term Mitigation Scenarios: Technical Summary. Department of Environment
Affairs and Tourism, Pretoria, October 2007.
4 IPCC (2007). Climate Change 2007; 4th Assessment Report. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
5 After UNEP SBCI (2008).
6 DME (2005). Energy Efficiency Strategy of the Republic of South Africa. Department of Minerals and Energy, Pretoria,
March 2005.
7 UNEP-SBCI, et al. (2009). South African Report on Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Potentials from Buildings; A
Discussion Document. cidb, Pretoria,
8 UNEP SBCI (2007). Assessment of Policy Instruments for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Buildings; Summary
and Recommendations.
9 UNEP-SBCI, et al. (2009). Buildings and Climate Change –Summary for Decision-Makers.

2.2 Green Building Accreditation and SANS 10400X

The Part X of the application of the National Building Regulations, SANS 10400, has been released
for public comment, and includes requirements for energy usage in buildings (Section A). When
mandated, SANS 10400 will be mandatory on all new buildings and major renovations requiring
building plan approval.

Energy regulations such as SANS 10400X are important components in energy efficiency of
buildings, and energy use equal to or less than that of SANS 10400X is also a minimum
requirement for a Green Star SA rating. Extra points are then awarded in the rating system for
exceeding the minimum requirements of SANS 10400X. However, Green Star SA goes beyond the
requirements of only energy efficiency, addressing other environmental and human health impacts
of buildings..

Furthermore, in its current form, SANS 10400X can only be applied in the design of new buildings
and major renovations, and does not specify requirements for the operation or “in-use” phase of
buildings – whereas Green Star SA rating tools are being developed for the operation or “in-use”
phase of buildings.

2.3 Impact on Service Delivery

The conventionally held view is that the initial or capital cost of energy efficient and green buildings
is higher than that of other buildings. However, it is well established that when considering the total
costs over the life of a building, including capital and operational costs, energy efficient and green
buildings are typically more economical than conventional buildings. Specifically, the IPCC has
noted that the energy consumption in both new and existing buildings can be cut by an estimated
30 to 50 percent without significantly increasing investment costs with proven and commercially
available technologies. The IPCC notes further that this potential for greenhouse gas emission
reductions from buildings is common to developed and developing countries as well as countries
with economies in transition.

Estimated economic mitigation potential by sector and region using technologies and practices
expected to be available in 2030. The potentials do not include non-technical options such as
lifestyle changes. Source: IPCC, 20074.

These savings were verified in an unpublished pilot analysis of the energy savings and overall life-
cycle costs associated with SANS 0204 undertaken for the Department of Minerals and Energy.

In addition to the overall cost savings in the capital and operational costs of an energy efficient
building, additional savings are accrued at a national level due to the reduced energy demand
which translates into reduced investment requirements in energy generation.

All of these savings contribute directly and indirectly towards savings which can be applied to
enhance service delivery.


3.1 Registration of Projects

In terms of the Construction Industry Development Board Regulations 2004 (as amended 2008), all
public and private employers must, in the manner prescribed by the cidb, register a contract above
a prescribed value (see below) with the cidb at least monthly for the public and quarterly for private
employers, respectively, from the date on which the contractor’s offer to perform a construction
works contract is accepted in writing (see Form CRS-F001, Appendix 1).

Minimum Prescribed Value for Registration of Projects

Sector Minimum Project Value
Public sector projects R200 thousand
Public entity R10 million
Private sector projects R10 million

Such registration must include the type of facility being constructed (see Section C of Form CRS-

3.2 Green Building Certification

After the date, above a prescribed tender value at planning stage and for the type of facility
determined by the Minister of Public Works in the Gazette, all public sector buildings (including
PPPs) for which the planning phase is begun (including major renovations for which planning
approval is required) shall be designed and/or constructed to achieve, at a minimum, 4 Star Green
Star SA certification, where such Green Star SA exists10. (Two different certifications are possible,
namely “Design” at the end of the design phase and/or “As Built” at the end of the construction
process. Projects may choose which certification to pursue, or may complete both.)

Minimum Implementation
Client Department
Tender Grade Date
National Public Works and regions 7 year 0
National government departments 7 year 1
Provincial government departments 7 year 1
Public entities 7 year 1
Metros 7 year 1
High-capacity municipalities 7 year 2
Medium-capacity municipalities 7 year 3
Low-capacity municipalities 7 year 3

Where prescribed, all employers must then submit:

• proof of registration for a Green Star SA "Design" or "As Built" certification, in the manner
prescribed by the cidb, within 30 days of the date of issuance of a certificate of practical
completion of a registered contract (see Form CRS-F002GB, Appendix 2); and
• proof of Green Star SA certification achieved, in the manner prescribed by the cidb, within 30
days of notification of the outcome of the assessment by the Green Building Council of South
Africa (see Form CRS-F002GB, Appendix A).

10 As of June 2010, Green Star SA rating tools have been published for office and retail centre buildings, of
which only the office building rating tool is likely to be applicable to public sector buildings. Rating tools or
other categories of public sector buildings (such as health, education and criminal justice facilities) will in
time be introduced by the Green Building Council of South Africa, and which would then be applicable to
public sector buildings.

3.3 Procurement Guidelines

Guidelines and requirements for designing, constructing and certifying buildings are available from
the Green Building Council of South Africa11.

Contract requirements for Green Star SA standards are required to be specified in the design brief,
request for tender and contract documents. Guidelines on clauses that need to be included in
tender briefs, tender documents and/or in a notice to tenderers are given in Appendix 3.

3.4 Compliance

Compliance with these guidelines and minimum requirements will have been met if the registered
project achieves a minimum of Four Star Green Star SA "Design" or "As Built" certification.

Compliance with these guidelines and minimum requirements in the public sector are subject to
inspection and audit by the cidb from time to time. Any organ of state who fails to comply with
these requirements for Green Star SA accreditation will be referred to the Auditor-General.

11 See Green Building Council of South Africa;


Although not a requirement under the cidb Best Practice Project Assessment Scheme, public sector
clients are encouraged to adopt policies that require a Green Star SA certification to be taken into
account as a quality factor when procuring public building space in a lease agreement.

Relevant components of such a draft procurement policy are given in Appendix 4 that can be
adopted by public sector clients.



S ec tion A: Em ployer Infor m ation

cidb E m ployer Num ber
E m ployer Nam e

E m ployer Contact P ers on Title Initials S urnam e

Des ignation
e-m ail

Mobile 0 - -
Office Telephone 0 - -
E m ployer P hys ical Addres s

E m ployer P os tal Addres s

S ec tion B : Contr ac t Data
Contract Title
Des cription of Contract

Clos es t Tow n
Clos es t Magis terial Dis trict
P rovide the follow ing pro-rate R es idential %
breakdow n of the as s et types to Non-R es idential %
be cons tructed:
Civil Works %
1 0 0 %
Which of the follow ing General B uilding
categories of Cons truction Civil E ngineering
Works com pris e m ore than 10%
E lectrical E ngineering
by value of the s cope of w ork
(m ark w ith an 'X '): Mechanical E ngineering
S pecialis ed Cons truction Works

Secti o n C : Pro ject C las s i fi catio n
Provide the main category of the type of facility (mark one with an X):
Res i dential Indus tri al C o mmerci al
Single-unit Manufacturing & processing Accommodation
Multi-unit Other Retail
Low-income Finance
Mixed-use (residential/retail) Office
Other Recreation & entertainment
Storage, warehouse & distribution

C o mmunity Ser vices Publi c Ser vices Recreati o n & Entertainment

Health Water Entertainment assembly
Education Communication Sports assembly
Welfare Transportation Sports facilities
Military Waste Amusement facilities
Police, fire & civil defence Power Other
Correctional services Other
Other Government building

Sectio n D: Emplo yer' s Repr es entati ve Info rmatio n

Organisation Name
Name of Representative Title Initials Surname
Professional Registration Body
Registration Number

Mobile 0 - -
Office Telephone 0 - -

S ec tion E: Contr ac tor Inform ation
Com plete the follow ing if the contractor is NOT a J oint Venture, and is cidb regis tered
cidb Contractor R eg. Num ber
Com plete the follow ing if this is a J oint Venture, and the contractors are cidb regis tered
S tate the num ber of J V partners
cidb Contractor R egis tration Num bers and % participation
J V L ead P artner %
J V P artner %
J V P artner %
J V P artner %
J V P artner %
Com plete the follow ing if the contractor(s ) is (are) NOT regis tered w ith the cidb
Nam e of contractor /J oint Venture
Trading as
P hys ical Addres s

P os tal Addres s

Contractor contact pers on res pons ible for this contract
Nam e of R epres entative Title Initials S urnam e
Des ignation
e-m ail

Mobile 0 - -
Office Telephone 0 - -
S ec tion F: Dec lar ation (Em ployer' s R epr es entative)
I, the unders igned w arrant that:
• I am duly authoris ed to s ubm it this notice to the cidb on behalf of the E m ployer;
• The contents of this notice are w ithin m y pers onal know ledge, and are to the bes t of m y belief both true and
• I hereby authoris e the cidb to m ake s uch enquiries as neces s ary to verify the inform ation contained on this
S ignature

Nam e (pleas e print)

P os ition

Date com pleted Y Y Y Y - M M - D D

S ec tion G: c idb Offic ial Us e Only
cidb Contract Num ber



(W her e Appl icabl e)

Secti o n A: Empl o yer Info rmati o n

cidb Employer Number
Employer Name

Secti o n B : C o ntr act Info r mati o n

cidb Contract Number
Contract Title

Date of Practical Completion Y Y Y Y M M D D

Secti o n B : Regis trati o n o f Pr o ject w i th GB C SA / Gr een Star C er ti ficati o n
C o mpl ete as appl icable
Type of facility (see Form CRS-F001)
Date of registration with GBCSA Y Y Y Y M M D D
Registration for "Design" assessment or "As Built"
GBCSA Project Number
Green Star SA certification achieved Star
Date of certification by GBCSA Y Y Y Y M M D D
GBCSA Project Number
Secti o n C : Decl arati o n (Emplo yer' s Repr es entati ve)

I, the undersigned warrant that:

• I am duly authorised to submit this notice to the cidb on behalf of the Employer;
• The contents of this notice are within my personal knowledge, and are to the best of my belief both true and correct;
• I hereby authorise the cidb to make such enquiries as necessary to verify the information contained on this form.


Name (please print)


Date completed Y Y Y Y - M M - D D

S ec tion D: c idb Offic ial Us e Only
cidb Contract Num ber


The following clauses shall be included in the scope of work of all contracts involving the
procurement of new offices or base building refurbishments.

1) Construction works contracts where the contractor is responsible for the design of the

….. Green Star SA – Office Certified Rating

...1 All office buildings shall de designed and constructed to achieve the Green Building Council
of South Africa’s (GBCSA) 4 Star Green Star SA – Office Certified Rating, using the most
recent version of the rating tool at time of project registration with the GBCSA.

…2 The Contractor shall in accordance with the procedures of the GBCSA:

1) register the project with the GBCSA before commencing with any detailed design work
and pay the first part of the Certification Fee; and either

2) obtain the required Green Star SA – Office Certified Design Rating. The contractor
shall submit the project for certification within two months of beginning construction.
The process includes the following steps (see for more

a) preparing documentation, drawings and calculations;

b) informing the GBCSA of the date of submission at least two weeks prior to the
anticipated submission date;
c) paying the second part of the Certification Fee and timeously making a submission
to the GBCSA; and
d) accepting the results as the final rating or resubmitting documentation for credits
"to be confirmed" for a Round 2 assessment; or

3) obtain in respect of each discrete office building the required Green Star SA – Office
Certified As Built Rating. The contractor shall submit the project for certification within
two months of achieving a state of readiness for occupation, although some minor
work may be outstanding.

2) Construction works contracts where the contractor is not responsible for the design of the

….. Green Star SA Certified Rating

...1 All office buildings have been designed to achieve the Green Building Council of South
Africa’s (GBCSA) 4 Star Green Star SA – Office Certified Rating.

...2 The Contractor shall co-operate and work closely with the Employer’s design team during
construction to ensure that, in respect of each discrete office building, the building is
submitted for the required Green Star SA – Office Certified As Built Rating within two months
of achieving a state of readiness for occupation although some minor work may be

3) Professional service contracts: multi-disciplinary services including architectural services or

only architectural services

….. Green Star SA Certified Rating

...1 All office buildings shall de designed or constructed to achieve the Green Building Council of
South Africa’s (GBCSA) 4 Star Green Star SA – Office Certified Rating.

...2 The Consultant / Service Provider (delete that which is not applicable)* shall in accordance
with the procedures of the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA):

1) register the project with the GBCSA before commencing with any detailed design work
and facilitate the payment by the Employer of the first part of the Certification Fee;
and either

2) obtain the required Green Star SA – Office Design certification. The project must be
submitted for certification within two months of beginning construction by:

a) preparing documentation, drawings and calculations;

b) informing the GBCSA of the date of submission at least two weeks prior to the
anticipated submission date;
c) facilitating the payment by the Employer of the second part of the Certification Fee
and timeously making a submission to the GBCSA; and
d) accepting the results as the final rating or resubmitting documentation for credits
"to be confirmed" for a Round 2 assessment; or

3) obtain in respect of each discrete office building the required Green Star SA – Office
Certified As Built Rating. The project must be submitted for certification within two
months of achieving a state of readiness for occupation, although some minor work
may be outstanding.

* The term “Consultant” applies to contracts based on the NEC3 Professional Service Contract
whereas the term “Service Provider” applies to contracts based on the CIDB Standard Professional
Services Contract.

4) Professional service contracts: single design and construction monitoring services that don’t
include architectural services

….. Green Star SA Certified Rating

..1 All office buildings shall de designed or constructed to achieve the Green Building Council of
South Africa’s (GBCSA) 4 Star Green Star SA – Office Certified Rating.

..2 The Consultant / Service Provider (delete that which is not applicable)* shall co-operate and
work closely with the Employer’s design team to ensure services provided under the Contract
are performed in such a manner that:

a) the required Green Star SA – Office Design certification is obtained. The project must
be submitted for certification within two months of beginning construction; or
b) the required Green Star SA – Office Certified As Built Rating in respect of each
discrete office building is obtained. The project must be submitted for certification
within two months of achieving a state of readiness for occupation, although some
minor work may be outstanding.

* The term “Consultant” applies to contracts based on the NEC3 Professional Service Contract
whereas the term “Service Provider” applies to contracts based on the CIDB Standard Professional
Services Contract.


In line with government objectives and policy, the cidb has endorsed the Green Star SA certification
of the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) as a best practice for public and private
sector buildings (see Table 1). In line with the, clients are encouraged to take into account the
Green Star SA rating (if any) as a quality factor when procuring office space in a lease, and a Four
Star Green Star SA standard should be the minimum target where such Green Star SA rating tools
exist for the class of building.

Table 1. Green Star SA Certification Levels

Rating Represents
Four Star Best Practice
Five Star South African Excellence
Six Star World Leadership

Relevant components of a draft procurement policy are given in this appendix that can be adopted
by public sector clients. This draft procurement policy is applicable to lease renewals and to new

i) Renewal of an existing lease: The renewal of an existing lease should have been planned for in
the original procurement and would be a provision of the lease agreement. If the
accommodation is not at a Green Star SA rating that is acceptable, then negotiation of an
acceptable renewal based on retrofitting to achieve an acceptable rating would be appropriate.
A rent review should be conducted to ensure cost effectiveness and if necessary a new
procurement process could be undertaken. The cost of relocation should be included in the rent

ii) New leases: New lease procurement can be undertaken without change to the procurement
procedure. An appropriate quality strategy can then be used to ensure that leases conform to
organisational policy on sustainability issues of the accommodation portfolio.

Public sector organisation may adopt the generic provisions of the cidb documentation given here
within their procurement policy, or these provisions may be amended to suit the organisation.

A4.1 The Use of Green Building Certification Status as Eligibility Criteria

i) Where deemed desirable to do so, and where such a Green Star SA rating system exists, the
employer may establish eligibility criteria in building lease contracts by including the following
wording in the Notice and Invitation to Tender:

Only tenderers whose buildings that are being offered for lease and which possess a 4 Star
Green Star SA “Design” or “As Built” certification of 4 or higher / 5 or higher* are eligible
to submit tenders.
*Delete the certification level which does not apply. (See Table 1)

ii) The following wording shall be included in the Tender Data in all building lease contracts which
are categorised having eligibility criteria:

Clause number (refer

Tender data
to Annex F )
Only tenderers whose buildings that are being offered for lease and which possess a
F.2.1 4 Star Green Star SA “Design” or “As Built” certification of 4 or higher / 5 or higher*
are eligible to submit tenders.
*Delete the certification level which does not apply. (See Table 1)

iii) The following wording shall be included in the Notice and Invitation to Submit an Expression of
Interest in all building lease contracts:

Only respondents whose buildings that are being offered for lease and which possess a 4 Star
Green Star SA “Design” or “As Built” certification of 4 or higher / 5 or higher* are eligible to
submit tenders.
*Delete the level which does not apply. (See Table 1)

iv) The following wording shall be included in the Submission Data in all building lease contracts
which are categorised as complex projects:

Clause number (refer

Submission data
to Annex H )
Only those respondents whose buildings that are being offered for lease and which
H.2.1 possess a 4 Star Green Star SA “Design” or “As Built” certification of 4 or higher / 5
or higher* are eligible to submit tenders.
*Delete the certification level which does not apply. (See Table 1)

A4.2 Alternative Tenders

i) Alternative tenders will be allowed so that accommodation may be offered at different rates for
different Green Star SA certification levels.

ii) The following wording shall be included in the Notice and Invitation to Submit an Expression of
Interest in all building lease contracts to allow for alternative tenders:

Clause Insert
F2.12 If a tenderer wishes to submit an alternative tender offer, the only criteria permitted for
such alternative tender offer is that it demonstrably satisfies the Employer’s standards and
requirements the details of which may be obtained from the Employer’s Agent.

Alternative offers are to be made within a single submission by completing the relevant
evaluation schedule and the pricing schedule.

Acceptance of an alternative tender offer will mean acceptance in principle of the offer. It
will be an obligation of the contract for the tenderer in the event that the alternative is
accepted to accept full responsibility and liability that the alternative offer complies in all
respects with the Employer’s standards and requirements.

iii) The following wording shall be included in the Submission Data in all building lease contracts
which are categorised as complex projects:

Clause number (refer

Submission data
to Annex H )
H.2.1 If a tenderer wishes to submit an alternative tender offer, the only criteria permitted
for such alternative tender offer is that it demonstrably satisfies the Employer’s
standards and requirements the details of which may be obtained from the
Employer’s Agent.

Alternative offers are to be made within a single submission by completing the

relevant evaluation schedule and the pricing schedule.

Acceptance of an alternative tender offer will mean acceptance in principle of the

offer. It will be an obligation of the contract for the tenderer in the event that the
alternative is accepted to accept full responsibility and liability that the alternative
offer complies in all respects with the Employer’s standards and requirements.

A4.3 The Application of Green Building Certification Status in the Quality Evaluation

i) The tender data or submission data, as relevant, shall indicate the total number of evaluation
points allocated to the aggregate score for Green Star SA certification status.

ii) The scoring should be either on a logarithmic scale or a linear scale as illustrated in Tables 2
and 3.

Table 2: Evaluation of Green Star SA Certification Levels – Logarithmic Scale

Score (percentage of maximum score)
4 Star 5 Star 6 Star
Maximum No Green
Green Star Green Star Green Star
Criteria Star SA
score SA SA SA
(40%) (80%) (100%)
Green Star SA
certification (“Design” X
or “As Built”)

Table 3: Evaluation of Green Star SA Certification Levels – Linear Scale

Score (percentage of maximum score)
Maximum No Green 4 Star Green 5 Star Green 6 Star Green
Criteria Star SA Star SA Star SA Star SA
(0%) (33%) (66%) (100%)
Green Star SA
certification (“Design” X
or “As Built”)

Best Practice
Project Assessment Scheme

Green Building Certification

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