The Case For Central Bank Digital Currencies
The Case For Central Bank Digital Currencies
The Case For Central Bank Digital Currencies
Central Bank
B y A n d r e a s D o m b r e t a n d O l i v e r Wü n s c h
he last dozen years have seen the emergence of digital cur-
rencies, starting with Bitcoin in 2009, a highly specula-
tive asset with some currency characteristics that is pri-
Why it could soon vately issued and not connected to any central bank or
government-issued currency. This was followed by Libra,
invented and de facto controlled by one of the largest tech
be time to go bold. companies, which aimed at merging the advantages of be-
ing based on existing official currencies with the advantag-
es offered by technology (“stablecoin”). More recently, several central banks
are contemplating or already experimenting with issuing a digital currency
themselves—a central bank digital currency, or CBDC—that would comple-
ment “account-based money” which exists as central bank money (physical
cash issued by and reserves with the central banks) and private money (deposits
at private credit institutions).
Pervasive digitization has reduced the leverage policymakers have over the
choices made by economic agents about which currency they use, particularly
in countries with less robust institutions and less stable currencies. While it
is difficult to predict exactly what role digital currencies will play, it is quite
Andreas Dombret is a global senior advisor with Oliver Wyman, and formerly
ECONOMIC POLICY served as board member at the Deutsche Bundesbank and as a member of the
220 I Street, N.E., Suite 200 Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank. Oliver Wünsch is a partner
Washington, D.C. 20002 with Oliver Wyman, and formerly served as one of the International Monetary
Phone: 202-861-0791
Fax: 202-861-0790 Fund’s mission chiefs to Greece and Cyprus, and as representative of the IMF and the Swiss administration to the Bank for International Settlements and the
[email protected] Financial Stability Board.
that develop when network effects are at play, such as To this end, central banks might be best situated
with mobile application platforms (such as Apple’s App to lead the development of a CBDC as an alternative to
Store) or payment providers. The market conduct of physical cash. They are the competent monetary authori-
companies such as Apple and Google that leverage their ties, enjoy the trust of the broader society, can ensure
mobile phone business to exert influence over any eco- close coordination with policymakers, and ensure any
nomic activity that is performed through their mobile
devices is currently under scrutiny by lawmakers in the
United States, the European Union, and elsewhere, and
subject to several high-profile court cases. These net- Pervasive digitization has reduced
works and their effects don’t stop at jurisdictional bor-
ders, and the two global economic points of gravity—the
United States and China—have substantial leverage over the leverage policymakers have over
the platforms. Other regions, including Europe, have so
far failed to establish competitive alternatives. It is likely
that for many economies, creating a secure alternative to the choices made by economic agents.
physical cash is now more promising than the develop-
ment of autonomous digital or payment platforms.
Second, not having a monetary instrument that pro-
vides for anonymous use creates huge amounts of data such initiative is well-embedded in the broader financial
that, as experience shows, is not safe against data breach- system, including banks and financial market infrastruc-
es and will exist forever. Preventing such data from ac- ture institutions. In contrast, one must be skeptical of pri-
cumulating in the first place might be the only effective vate sector initiatives such as privately issued stablecoins,
solution, especially if legal frameworks of involved juris- except for very limited-use cases. Private companies
dictions do not provide for strong data protection domes- would be at risk of pursuing strategic interests that might
tically and across borders. conflict with the public-good character of the monetary
Third and finally, while physical cash requires elab- system. As much as fragmentation will hamper the ac-
orate and expensive logistics to be available in the entire ceptance of any initiative, the emergence of a dominant
economy, an actual transaction does not need any techni- stablecoin player comes with policy, financial stability,
cal infrastructure, as bank notes and coins can be used and anti-trust issues. Furthermore, a privately issued sta-
without electricity, internet, or digital devices. While we blecoin cannot be regarded as central bank money, even
have made significant progress in improving the resil- if it is backed by it, as it remains a claim on the issuer of
iency and availability of core elements of our financial the stablecoin, not directly on the central bank.
market infrastructure (such as real-time payment systems
and communication networks), it is challenging to reach MANAGING THE RISK OF DISINTERMEDIATION
similar standards in the broader economy, which for ex- The ability of economic agents to hold central bank mon-
ample would need to include internet access for consum- ey in a more convenient way than physical cash might
ers and merchants. Recent high-profile failures of cloud shift the balance between holdings of central bank money
infrastructures demonstrate how these vulnerabilities and deposit money with commercial banks. Many of the
could cause entire economies to grind to halt. Again, it constraints that deter agents from holding larger amounts
might be more promising to design a payment instrument of cash do not apply to holdings of CBDC, in particu-
that is resilient by design than to develop a global, cen- lar costly logistics and security measures. Commercial
tralized system that is fully resilient. banks could be (partially) cut out, leading to “disinterme-
The above examples show that even if physical cash diation,” which by some is seen as a key obstacle to the
might not have a significant role in a future economy, rollout of the CBDC.
its specific characteristics remain important. However, A CBDC that allows for the storage of value comes
at least to our current understanding, the features that with challenges in two situations. In the stressed scenario,
make cash resilient to the challenges described above economic agents might choose to withdraw money from
are highly correlated with the characteristics that are tar- their bank accounts, turning their deposits into CBDCs.
geted by the “war on cash.” Smart choices need to be While they would still be exposed to the risk related to the
made to find workable compromises, as the abolishment currency (foreign exchange risk, or inflation), they could
of a monetary instrument as useful as physical cash will effectively avoid the counterparty risk of fragile banks.
likely backfire. There is the concern that the availability of CBDCs could
Effectively, this means that any transaction, includ- “fair” anymore, but open to abuse by powerful private
ing the purchase of a cup of coffee, will require the and public stakeholders, thereby undermining the trust in
identification of the involved counterparties, although one of the most important pillars of our liberal societies.
the circle of individuals and institutions that would have The existence of this exit door might be more important
access to such information would depend on the actual than its actual use.
regulation and technical implementation.
On the other hand, the European Central Bank has ith the advent of digital currencies, we might
performed several studies on the end-user acceptance of stand at a juncture in economic history as sig-
digital currencies. These surveys show that among many nificant as the invention of paper money and
potential aspects, “privacy” is regarded as most impor- banking. The geopolitical, societal, and monetary envi-
tant. It seems then that there is some degree of conflict ronment is facing significant challenges to the stability
between the objectives of policymakers and the charac- we have enjoyed for nearly thirty years. The future de-
teristics that would drive the acceptance of digital curren- sign and continued broad acceptance of digital curren-
cies by the general public. These divergences also seem
to be driven by culture, which will make it difficult to
align on a set of universal rules in the European Union,
let alone globally. It cannot be ruled out that
In the end, it will be necessary to allow for a certain
“risk appetite.” The calibration will require careful consid-
eration. Too much risk appetite might make a digital cur- a CBDC would lead to lower deposit
rency vulnerable to abuse. Too cautious an approach might
hamper the acceptance of a digital currency, as overreach-
ing compliance-related restrictions will negatively impact amounts, the gap being filled
legitimate use. Trade-offs between resilience, the risk of
data breaches, and centralization versus more decentral-
ized approaches need to be well thought out. by central bank funding.
The establishment of trusted monetary systems can be
seen as one of the greatest achievements of economic de- cies will be an important determinant of our political,
velopment and is one of the most important pillars of lib- social, and economic environment for years to come.
eral markets. A key success factors of currencies is that Given the stakes, governments and central banks
they are “abstract” and “apolitical.” As long as one stays are right to pursue a cautious approach. A stable mon-
within the limits of the law—usually a broadly accepted etary system is one of the pillars of stable nations, and
consensus on what is legal and what is not—economic changes to this important public good need to be care-
agents can rely on the unimpeded use of monetary instru- fully considered.
ments in their daily activity. In the absence of a viable The system’s ultimate design should be driven pri-
alternative to physical cash, economic agents are at the marily by market forces and user requirements to ensure
mercy of private companies, and policymakers who pur- broad acceptance. Regulation and policies should focus
sue overly broad objectives might not enjoy broad and on preventing market failures and safeguarding stability,
sustainable consensus within the society, within or even while not stifling the move toward an economic equi-
across jurisdictions. librium between different types of money, or protecting
Safeguarding a certain degree of “abstractness” in market structures that are not efficient as technology de-
the monetary system comes with two important benefits. velops. Otherwise, economic agents might be attracted
First, it provides economic agents with an “exit door” to to alternatives to the formally regulated financial system,
safeguard their funds from the interests of private sector with policymakers having limited power to prevent such
firms and policymakers that are not covered by funda- shifts. Countries with less robust institutions and less sta-
mental legal principles. Second, this exit door tames the ble currencies might be perceived as more vulnerable to
ability of firms and policymakers to “go financial” when such developments. However, the recent Covid crisis has
they should instead address the root of policy failures demonstrated that even in developed countries, the social
directly. Closing the exit door further might cause eco- fabric and trust in institutions might be more fragile than
nomic agents to suspect that the monetary system is not we would have thought. u