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Medications prescribed by the Physician;

• Omeprazole
• Actrapid
• Metoclopramide
• Ceftriaxone

Drug name Mechanism of Action Indications Nursing Considerations

Generic name: It inhibits secretion of gastric Treat certain ● Assess the patient's overall status
Omeprazole acid by irreversibly blocking conditions where and condition before administering the
Brand name: Prilosec the enzyme system of there is too much medication.
Pharmacological class: hydrogen/potassium acid in the ● Assess dizziness that might affect
Proton-pump inhibitors adenosine triphosphatase, stomach. gait, balance, and other functional
(PPIs) the “proton pump” of the activities.
Dosage, route, and gastric parietal cell. ● Report balance problems and
frequency: 40 mg IV OD functional limitations to the physician,
and caution the patient and
family/caregivers to guard against falls
and trauma.

Drug name Mechanism of Action Indications Nursing Considerations

Generic name: Ceftriaxone works by Susceptible ❖ Monitor for rash, C-diff, and
Ceftriaxone inhibiting the mucopeptide bacterial infections nephrotoxicity
Pharmacological class: synthesis in the bacterial cell of the lower ❖ Monitor for low blood cell counts
Cephalosporin wall. The beta-lactam moiety respiratory tract, and hemolytic anemia
Dosage, route, and of ceftriaxone binds to skin and skin
frequency: 2g. IV O. D carboxypeptidases, structure, bone
endopeptidases, and and joint, acute
transpeptidases in the otitis media, UTIs,
bacterial cytoplasmic septicemia, pelvic
membrane. These enzymes inflammatory
are involved in cell-wall disease (PID),
synthesis and cell division. intraabdominal
Binding of ceftriaxone to infections,
these enzymes causes the meningitis,
enzyme to lose activity; uncomplicated
therefore, the bacteria gonorrhea.
produce defective cell walls, Surgical
causing cell death. prophylaxis.
Mechanism of Action Indications Nursing Considerations
Drug name

Generic name: Metoclopramide works by Treat nausea and • Assess for extrapyramidal
Metoclopramide antagonizing central and vomiting in patients with symptoms and tardive
Pharmacological peripheral dopamine-two gastroesophageal dyskinesia (more likely in
class: Prokinetic receptors (D2) in the reflux disease or older patients).
agents medullary chemoreceptor diabetic gastroparesis • Assess for gastrointestinal
Dosage, route, and trigger zone in the area by increasing gastric complaints, such as nausea,
frequency: 1 ampule, postrema, usually stimulated motility. It is also used vomiting and constipation.
IV, q8H by levodopa or to control nausea and • In oral administration, for
apomorphine. It achieves vomiting in better absorption allow 30
this by decreasing the chemotherapy patients. minutes to one hour before
sensitivity of visceral afferent eating.
nerves that transmit from the • Rinse mouth frequently to
gastrointestinal system to combat dryness.
the vomiting center in the
area postrema in the
chemoreceptor trigger zone.

Drug name Mechanism of Action Indications Nursing Considerations

Generic name: Insulin inhibits used to reduce the ❖ Assess for contraindications or
Insulin human gluconeogenesis in the liver. high blood sugar level cautions so that appropriate
Brand Name: Actrapid Insulin binds to the insulin in patients with monitoring and dose adjustments
can be completed.
Pharmacological receptor (IR), a diabetes mellitus
❖ Monitor urine or serum glucose
class: fast-acting heterotetrameric protein (diabetes). Diabetes is levels frequently to determine
insulins and analogues consisting of two a disease where your effectiveness of drug and dosage.
Dosage, route, and extracellular alpha units and body does not Patients can learn to adjust insulin
frequency: two transmembrane beta produce enough dosage on a sliding scale based
units. The binding of insulin insulin to control the on test results.
to the alpha subunit of IR level of your blood ❖ Monitor insulin needs during times
of trauma or severe stress; dosage
stimulates the tyrosine sugar. Treatment with
adjustments may be needed.
kinase activity intrinsic to the Actrapid® helps to ❖ Inspect skin areas that will be used
beta subunit of the receptor, prevent complications for injection; note any areas that
from your diabetes. are bruised, thickened, or scarred,
which could interfere with insulin
absorption and alter anticipated
response to insulin therapy.

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