Aruneus001-Zombies2 Pathfinder 1e

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Benjamin Gerber
Scott Lazzari Aruneus001
Trollestria Sutton (order #3999944) 1
This supplement contains everything you will need to insert Contagion Infected Human
Zombies into any Pathfinder campaign. Whether you're basing your campaign in the world of
Aruneus or simply want to include a zombie outbreak in an existing or new campaign world,
this supplement is for you.
Introduction 1
Contagion Infected Human Zombie Traits 2
Contagion Infected Human Zombies
Decrepit (50-100 Years) 3
Old (25-50 Years) 4
Standard (0-25 Years) 5
New Attack Option - Head Shot 6
New Feats 6
New Wondrous Item - Vial of Life 7
Aruneus Demographics 7
Zombie Encounter Tables 8

Written by Benjamin Gerber
Edited by Nick Nundahl
Art by Seth Kumpf, Dan Houser
Layout Design by Eric Vernon
All text and tables in this product, with the exception of material specifically excluded in this declaration of product
identity, is open game content. The Aruneus name, any logos, the Troll in the Corner name and all Artwork is under
copyright and cannot be duplicated without permission.

Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under license.
See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Trollestria Sutton (order #3999944) 1

What is Aruneus?

Aruneus is a source book for the Pathfinder Role Playing Game detailing the world, politics and life of those living in a
high fantasy world one hundred years after a cataclysmic zombie apocalypse. The world was a large place. The Humans,
Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs existed if not in peace, at least able to survive with each other. Empires were formed, lives
created and destroyed, magic flourished, and for a brief time Humanity strove to master Aruneus. Then the undead
scourge broke the world.

“Mother, come quick! Aiden's sick! He's been bitten by a man in the
lake and he won't wake up!”
It started with a single child, then a family. Soon, a whole village succumbed. Within weeks hordes of mindless, always
hungry undead swarmed over the Human Empires destroying any creature that was foolish enough or unlucky enough to
fall before them. Although the disease affected only humans, rendering them first dead and then undead in less than two
days, the hungry corpses would eat anything warm blooded that fell into their grasp. Mice, cattle, even the great Dragons.
None were invulnerable. They were not fast or overly strong but their numbers rose to massive totals. Conventional
weapons proved to be nearly useless against a horde. Magic and fire were more effective but the undead in the thousands
proved to be too much. Worse, they did not seem to decay or become weaker over time. Years passed before even the hint
of corruption appeared on their bodies.

One organization, the Order of the White Cloth, proved to be a counter to the undead scourge. With the resources to
organize and defend small but determined groups of Human settlements, the clerics proved invaluable. Able to destroy the
undead through sheer power of will, their protection became vital. The Order has become the new nobility. Their upper
echelons have become the wealthy elite, admitting very few in to their ranks and supplanting kings and emperors as the
new, untouchable power. Anger them and their protection can be withdrawn, leaving you and yours to fend for yourself
against the undead.

The Elves and Dwarves too have been decimated by the undead. Their cities have been ravaged and their population has
plummeted. Fear of Humans is a normal reaction. Any who may have been bitten will turn and in turning they will eat flesh
endlessly until put down. While the Orcs of the north have suffered as well, their frozen country and nomadic ways have
gone far to preserve them. For the first time in centuries, a new Orc empire is rising.

Magic users have become something of a rarity, as the practice and study of magic is a luxury not often had when fighting
for mere survival. The Order of the White Cloth has all but outlawed the practice of magic unless it is done on their license,
in their temples. The lay people see mages as a curiosity and people to put their hope into. What is left of the old nobility
would seek to manipulate them in their secret war against the Clerics. The Order of the White Cloth simply seeks to use the
power of the mages, while also preventing them from becoming a threat. There are rumors of a small island containing the
last operating wizard college not under the thumbs of Clerical overlords, but at this point they may just be tall tales.

When the undead scourge (some called it the apocalypse) spread through the world, it was the grimmest of times.
Societies collapsed and Empires fell in the short span of a few years. Over ten million sentient beings vanished from
Aruneus in this time, many returning as mindless undead. It is only now, one hundred years since that ill-fated child
destroyed the world, that hope can once again be seen in the faces of Man, Dwarf, or Elf. Walled cities are, for the first
time in a century, growing. The undead are finally succumbing to time and rot, literally falling apart. While zombies are still
out there beyond the protecting walls, their numbers are slowly dwindling. The invention of lighter-than-air craft has
reintroduced trade and communications amongst towns and cities.

The Order of the White Cloth, seeing their reign begin to slip, are tightening their yoke on the human population, quashing
rumors and allowing only those communications they see fit to pass through their censors. Still, it is hard to stop the
spread of rumors when they may contain a seed of truth.

A rumor recently surfaced that hints at a possible cure. A means for keeping a living human infected with the undead
Contagion from turning into one of them. If this were true it could be the final answer to the prayers of hundreds of
thousands of humans. The nobility would kill for this and a chance to seize the reins of power from the Order of the White
Cloth. The Order would kill to keep this from diminishing their power. Whole cities would become riotous mobs should they
learn that the cure was being withheld from them.

Should you be given this power and asked to save all of humanity, what would you do with it? Where would you turn
and who would you pick to live or to be condemned to shamble, moan, and wander, always lost and always hungry?
Trollestria Sutton (order #3999944) 1
Contagion Infected Human Zombies
These creatures are a special type of undead Humans who When a Contagion Infected Human Zombie becomes
have been infected by the Contagion. Once a Human has older than 100 years, they will decay to the point of
been bitten by a Contagion Infected Zombie, they destruction within 1d10 years.
themselves will turn in a matter of
hours or at best, days. These When a Contagion Infected Zombie takes more than it's
creatures retain no knowledge of hit points in damage, but less than it's total hit dice, it
falls prone for one full combat round. After that combat
their former existence. They are
round, they recover their full hit points, are prone but
motivated by one purpose only, can act as they normally would. If they are reduced to 0
which is to feed on living flesh of hit points (or less) through damage to their heads (Head
warm blooded creatures. Unlike shot, coup de grace, fire, acid, cold or other magical
their magically created damage) they will die a true death and will not become
counterparts, Contagion Infected mobile again.
Zombies are not compelled by
magical control. They are Damage Reduction(Ex): Contagion Infected Zombies
incapable of understanding any commands. A significant have damage reduction 1/, 2/-, or 3/- . They are essentially
portion of their brain must be destroyed before the zombie masses of flesh for which wounds are not an issue.
succumbs to a final death.
The Contagion(Ex): All Contagion Infected Zombies are
infected with the contagion. A single bite from a Contagion
Much like their counterparts, however, they feel no pain Infected Zombie will infect any Human bitten. The
and will in no way attempt to defend themselves against Contagion confers abilities on those it infects not normally
attack or the ravages of nature. Contagion Infected found in standard undead.
Zombies can be controlled by those who can control the
undead if they are so mastered. Should their new masters Moan(Ex): Contagion Infected Zombies, on determining
lose control; Contagion Infected Zombies immediately that potential prey is nearby, emit a long, low moan which
carries quite a distance. Any other Contagion Infected
revert to mindless eating machines.
Zombies within a half mile radius have a 60% chance of
being attracted by this moan and will also begin moaning
When not actively feeding, a Contagion Infected Zombie will themselves. Often, this results in a Contagion Infected
ceaselessly search for warm-blooded, living flesh to feed Zombie Horde. Zombies will moan if they see prey or hear
on. They do not hunt in groups but are often seen together loud noises which may indicate prey.
(ranging from two zombies to hordes in the thousands)
because they are attracted by the same stimulus. They do Freeze(Ex): When Contagion Infected Zombies are in an
not distinguish or prefer one type of target over another. environment where the temperature falls below 32°F for
over 12 hours they will freeze solid. They will be unable to
They will head to the nearest source of food(a warm
move until they have been exposed to temperatures over
blooded creature), whether it's a field mouse or a sleeping 32°F for 12 or more hours. Frozen zombies are considered
dragon, and immediately attack. immobile and helpless.

Contagion Infected Zombies always attack by first Destruction(Ex): If Contagion Infected Zombies take their
attempting a grapple and then attempting a bite. Once they maximum hit dice (i.e. 1 hit die 1d12 = 12 pts.) in damage
have successfully bitten their target, they will continue to in a single round they are considered destroyed (dead).
feed by biting once per round (per zombie) until that The exception is a Cleric who uses the Channel Energy
ability to channel positive energy. If positive channeled
target's heart stops beating. As soon as the target dies, the energy is used to reduce a Contagion Infected Zombie to 0
Contagion Infected Zombies will lose interest and hit points or less, it is destroyed.
immediately seek a new target.
Contagion Infected Zombies and equipment: Decrepit
and Old zombies almost never have any worth speaking of.
SPECIAL QUALITIES They may be wearing armor if they died from the contagion
All Contagion Infected Human Zombies share the following while so equipped. Over the course of the years though,
qualities. they tend to lose most of what they've had. There is a 5%
chance that a Decrepit Contagion Infected Zombie will
have a +1 to AC and be wearing a helm, a 10% chance
Prolonged Undeath(Ex): Contagion Infected Zombies,
that an Old Contagion Infected Zombie will have a +1 to AC
once turned, decay at a fixed rate equivalent to 1 day of and be wearing a helm, and a 15% chance a Standard
normal decay every 5 years. After the equivalent of 20 Contagion Infected Zombie will have a +1 to AC and be
days of decay (100 years), the Contagion Infected wearing a helm.
Zombie is no longer able to move under their own
power. They will still attempt to attack/bite any warm
blooded creature that passes within their reach.

Trollestria Sutton (order #3999944) 1

Contagion Infected Zombie;
Decrepit: Age 50 - 100 years
This disgusting creature shambles mindlessly forward to spread it’s vile
contagion amongst you and your companions

Contagion Infected Zombie

Decrepit: Age 50-100 years CR ¼
XP 100
NE Medium undead
Init -1; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Perception +5 (warm blooded
creatures only)
AC 10, touch 9, flat-footed 10; (+1 natural, -1 Dex)
HP 6 (1d12)
Fort ---, Ref -1, Will +2
DR 1/-; Immune undead traits
Spd 15 ft (3 squares, can’t run)
Melee Bite -1 (1d2)
Special Attacks grapple
Str 8, Dex 8, Con ---, Int ---, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 8
Feats none
Skills none
SQ prolonged undeath, the contagion, damage reduction,
moan, freeze, destruction and dismemberment,
Staggered: The Decrepit Contagion Infected Zombie is
permanently staggered and can choose to only attack or
move, not both.
Enviroment any
Organization any
Treasure 5% chance of wearing a helmet and making a head
shot impossible and granting the zombie +1 AC.

Trollestria Sutton (order #3999944) 1

Contagion Infected Zombie;
Old: Age 25 - 50 years
This disgusting creature shambles mindlessly forward to spread it’s vile
contagion amongst you and your companions

Contagion Infected Zombie

Old: 25 - 50 years CR ½
XP 200
NE Medium undead
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Perception +5 (warm
blooded creatures only)
AC 11, touch 10, flat-footed 11; (+1 natural)
HP 12 (2d12)
Fort ---, Ref +0, Will +3
DR 2/-; Immune undead traits
Spd 15 ft (3 squares, can’t run)
Melee Bite +1 (1d4)
Special Attacks grapple (will always attempt to grapple
Str 10, Dex 10, Con ---, Int ---, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 11
Feats none
Skills none
SQ prolonged undeath, the contagion, damage reduction
2/-, moan, freeze, destruction and dismemberment
Enviroment any (above 30°)
Organization any
Treasure 10% chance of wearing a helmet and making a
head shot impossible and granting the zombie +1 AC.

Trollestria Sutton (order #3999944) 1

Contagion Infected Zombie;
Standard: Age 0 - 25 years
This disgusting creature shambles mindlessly forward to spread it’s vile
contagion amongst you and your companions

Contagion Infected Zombie

Standard: 0 - 25 years CR 1
XP 400
NE Medium undead
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Perception +5 (warm
blooded creatures only)
AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 11; (+1 natural, +1 Dex)
HP 18 (3d12)
Fort ---, Ref +2, Will +3
DR 3/-; Immune undead traits
Spd 15 ft (3 squares, can’t run)
Melee Bite +3 (1d6+1)
Special Attacks grapple (will always attempt to grapple
Str 12, Dex 12, Con ---, Int ---, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 14 (+5/16 for grapple)
Feats Improved Grapple
Skills none
SQ prolonged undeath, the contagion, damage reduction
3/-, moan, freeze, destruction and dismemberment
Enviroment any (above 30°)
Organization any
Treasure 15% chance of wearing a helmet and making a
head shot impossible and granting the zombie +1 AC.

Trollestria Sutton (order #3999944) 1

Special Rules
New Feats
Head Shot
Deal extra damage to undead in an attempt to destroy the
Prerequisite: None.
Benefit: A Head Shot is an attack that targets a specific
portion of the body - the head. Head shots may be taken if
the following conditions are met:
» Head Shots are only effective against Contagion
Infected Zombies.
» If a ranged weapon is used, the target must be within
short range.
» The head the character is attempting to hit cannot be
obstructed by armor or other obstructions.
A Head Shot may be used during any normal attack action Improved Decapitate
(either an attack action or a full attack action). If the The penalties when you attempt a head shot are removed
character has more than one attack per round during a full completely.
attack action they may substitute a head shot for any or all Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +2, Decapitate.
of these attacks. A touch or ranged touch spell attack may Benefit: When you attempt a head shot against a Contagion
also be used as a head shot. Infected Zombie you do not suffer any penalties on your
attack rolls. You must still reduce the zombie to 0 or less hit
Each head shot causes the character to take a -4 on their points for a successful decapitation.
attack roll. On successfully hitting with a head shot, the Special: You may only use this feat with melee weapons.
target takes an additional 6 points of damage. If that target
is a human infected with the Undead Contagion and their
hit points fall to 0 or less, they have been destroyed and
The Contagion
If a Human is bitten by a Contagion Infected Zombie they
will not rise again.
will die within 1d20+4 hours. Chance of transmission of the
Contagion is always 100%.
Head shots on infected humans wearing a helm do normal
damage and will not be considered enough of a blow to kill
A successful Will save (DC 20) will add an additional 1d10
them. These individuals must either have their head gear
hours of life. Once dead, the victim will reanimate as a
removed, suffer their total hit dice in damage in one round
Contagion Infected Zombie in 1d4 hours.
or be killed by a coup de grace.Contagion Infected Zombies
lack even basic defensive reflexes necessary to prevent a
Once a Human has contracted the Contagion they cannot
head shot.
be healed by any normal or magical means except the Vial
Special. Humans receive Head Shot as a bonus feat.
of Life or a Miracle or Wish (not a Limited Wish).

Improved Head Shot Once a Contagion infected Human has died, they cannot be
Head shots can now be attempted at greater range than resurrected. They will always reanimate as a Standard
normal. Contagion Infected Zombie.
Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +1.
Benefit: When using ranged weapons to attempt a head Non-human races bitten by Contagion Infected Zombies
shot against a Contagion Infected Zombie, the range is must roll a FORT save (DC 16). If they make the save, they
doubled, from short range only to short and medium range. suffer no further ill effects. If they do not, their Con is
Special. You may only use this feat with ranged weapons. reduced by 1 for 24 hours. This effect is cumulative, and will
remain for 24 hours after the last bite suffered. If a
Decapitate characters Con reaches 0, they are dead.
The penalties for attempting a head shot are reduced.
Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +1.
Benefit: Whenever you attempt a Head Shot, instead of
taking a -4 on your attack rolls you only take a -2 penalty.
You must still reduce the zombie to 0 or less hit points for a
successful decapitation.
Special: You may only use this feat
with melee weapons.

Trollestria Sutton (order #3999944) 1

The Cure Today...
For a century, scholars, magic users and clerics have Total world population: 800,000 sentient individuals
been desperately searching for a cure to the maintaining friendly relationships.
contagion without any success. Recently though a Humans - 20% of the population - 160,000
breakthrough has occurred, taking incredible magical Dwarves - 45% of the population - 360,000
powers based in both knowledge and the divine,
Elves - 34% of the population - 272,000
along with the blood of a contagion
infected zombie, the Vial of Life has Other sentient races - 1% of the population - 8000
been created. Orcs Goblins, Trolls and other "unfriendly races" - total
The Vial of Life (Wondrous Object) population 1,200,000

Aura strong Transmutation and Conjuration With the rise of the Orcish Empire it is estimated that roughly
(healing); CL 17
1,000,000 of these are Orcs.
Slot -; Price 1,000,000 GP; Weight -
The Orcs have enjoyed some measure of security from the
Over the course of a month this small vial, undead threat as a large portion of their territory resides in the
which appears to be constructed out of dull Northern reaches of Aruneus where the weather is below
brown soapstone, slowly fills up with a freezing for at least six months out of the year. This has given
sweet-smelling, light green liquid. Once the Orcs the ability to neutralize any frozen zombies during the
the vial is 3/4 full, production of the liquid winter months, and in the face of any large hordes traveling
stops until the vial is emptied. north, they simply retreat to colder climes until the undead
freeze solid. Humans, Elves, and Dwarves have not had any
If drunk, the light green liquid will heal such luck, having occupied the more temperate zones of
1d6+6 HP of damage. If drunk by a human who has been Aruneus.
bitten by a Contagion Infected Zombie, but who is still living
(has not succumbed to the full effects of the Contagion), that
human will endure 1d10 minutes of pure agony where the
person affected is considered unconscious, after which they
will be cured completely of the Contagion.
They will also be cured of 1d6+6 HP of damage. If the liquid is
poured out of the Vial of Life it will lose all magical properties
in 1d4 minutes. The Vial may be stoppered by a simple cork
with no ill effect.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, True Resurrection,

Polymorph Any Object, a Wizard and a Cleric of sufficient
level, fresh blood from a Standard Contagion Infected Zombie,
a potion of Cure Serious Wounds.
Cost 500,000 GP

101 Years ago...
Total world population: 11,375,000 sentient individuals
maintaining friendly relationships.
Humans -70% of the population - 8,500,000
Dwarves - 15% of the population - 1,725,000
Elves - 10% of the population - 1,150,000
Other sentient races - 5% of the population - 575,000
Orcs, Goblins, Trolls and other "unfriendly races" - total
population 2,000,000

Although no formal census has ever been taken, it's felt that
Orcs comprise roughly 85% of that number.

Trollestria Sutton (order #3999944) 1

Zombie Encounters
The following tables can be used to quickly generate zombie encounters from one zombie to a huge horde.

Table 1-1 Single Zombies (roll d100)

01 - 50 Decrepit Contagion Zombie
51 - 80 Old Contagion Zombie
81 - 100 Standard Contagion Zombie

Table 1-2 Zombie Groups (roll d100)

01 - 25 5 Decrepit, 3 Old, 1 Standard Zombies
26 - 40 10 Decrepit, 7 Old, 3 Standard Zombies
41 - 70 15 Decrepit, 10 Old, 5 Standard Zombies
71 - 90 20 Decrepit, 14 Old, 6 Standard Zombies
91 - 100 30 Decrepit, 20 Old, 10 Standard Zombies

Table 1-3 Zombie Hordes (roll d100)

01 - 25 100 Decrepit, 50 Old, 20 Standard Zombies
26 - 50 200 Decrepit, 100 Old, 30 Standard Zombies
51 - 80 500 Decrepit, 200 Old, 50 Standard Zombies
81 - 90 700 Decrepit, 300 Old, 100 Standard Zombies
91 - 100 1000 Decrepit, 500 Old, 200 Standard Zombies

Special thanks to:

Jennifer Gerber, Benjamin Alberti, Izzie & Luca, Daniel McKenna, Tracy Barnett, Chad Perrin, Lisa Joy and
Everyone at Troll in the Corner and the crew at reddit

Aruneus and Troll in the Corner are trademarks owned by Benjamin Gerber. All rights reserved.
All zombie artwork copyright Seth Kumpf and Dan Houser. The mention of or reference to any company or product in these
pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.

Visit us at and watch for our next supplement for The World of Aruneus: The Orcs!

For a great RPG community online, please visit

Trollestria Sutton (order #3999944) 1

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Trollestria Sutton (order #3999944) 1

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