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lecture (3)

Gas is a state of matter that has no fixed shape and no fixed volume. Gases have lower density than
other states of matter, such as solids and liquids. There is a great deal of empty space between
particles, which have a lot of kinetic energy.

 Pressure (symbol P) is the force applied perpendicular to the surface of an object per unit area.

F is the magnitude of the normal force.

A is the area of the surface on contact.
Units of pressure:
The SI unit of pressure, the pascal (Pa = 1newton per square meter (N/m2); similarly, the pound force per
square inch (psi)
The pressure of a gas is the force that the gas exerts on the walls of its container.
Atmospheric pressure at sea level can be expressed in terms of standard atmospheric
pressure and equal:
1 atm = 1.013*10 5 Pa = 1.013*105 N/m2
= 760 mmHg= 760 torr
= 76 cmHg
The Gas Laws
 Four variables are needed to define the physical condition of a gas: absolute temperature, T,
pressure, P, volume, V, and the amount of gas, which is usually expressed as the number of
moles, n. The equations that express the relationships among T, P, V, and n are known as the gas
 1- The Pressure-Volume Relationship: Boyle's Law
 British chemist Robert Boyle investigated the relationship between the pressure of a gas and its
volume at constant temperature and no. of moles.

 The law states that the volume of a fixed quantity of gas maintained at constant temperature is
inversely proportional to the pressure. Boyle's law can be expressed in mathematical terms:
The graph of V versus P in Fig. (a) shows the type of curve obtained for a given quantity of gas at a fixed
temperature. A linear relationship is obtained when V is plotted versus 1/P .

2- The Temperature-Volume Relationship: Charles's Law

The relationship between gas volume and temperature was discovered in 1787 by the French scientist states that: The volume of a fixed amount of gas maintained at constant pressure is directly
proportional to its absolute temperature. Thus, doubling absolute temperature causes the gas volume to

 Charles found that the volume of a fixed quantity of gas at constant pressure increases linearly with
temperature. Notice that the extended line passes through -273°C. Note also that the gas is predicted to
have zero volume at this temperature.
3- The Quantity-Volume Relationship: Avogadro's Law
As we add gas to a balloon, the balloon expands. The volume of a gas is affected not only by pressure and
temperature but by the amount of gas as well. The relationship between the quantity of a gas and its volume follows
Avogadro law:
Avogadro's hypothesis: Equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal numbers of
molecules. For example, experiments show that approximately 22.4 L of any gas at 0°C and 1 atm contain 6.02 ×
1023 gas molecules (that is, 1 mol).
Avogadro’s law follows from Avogadro's hypothesis: The volume of a gas maintained at
constant temperature and pressure is directly proportional to the number of moles of the gas.
That is,

Thus, doubling the number of moles of gas will cause the volume to double if T and P remain
Examining the three gas laws. Each was obtained by holding two variables constant in order to
see how the other variables affect each other:

We can combine these relationships to make a more general gas law:

→ this called ideal-gas equation

An ideal gas is a hypothetical gas whose pressure, volume, and temperature behavior is
completely described by the ideal-gas equation.
 R in the ideal-gas equation is called the gas constant.

 Suppose we have 1.000 mol of an ideal gas at 1.000 atm and 0.00°C (273.15 K). Then, from
the ideal-gas equation the volume of the gas is:

 The conditions 0°C and 1 atm are referred to as the standard temperature and pressure
 Ex. Calcium carbonate, CaCO3(s), decomposes upon heating to give CaO(s) and CO2(g). A sample of
CaCO3 is decomposed, and the carbon dioxide is collected in a 250-mL flask. After the decomposition is
complete, the gas has a pressure of 1.3 atm at a temperature of 31°C. How many moles of CO2 gas were
 Given: the volume (250 mL), pressure (1.3 atm), and temperature (31°C) of a sample of CO2 gas. To
calculate the number of moles of CO2 from the ideal gas equation, n.
 for R (0.0821 L-atm/mol-K). In this case the given values are

 Ex. The gas pressure in an aerosol can is 1.5 atm at 25°C. Assuming that the gas inside obeys the ideal-gas
equation, what would the pressure be if the can were heated to 450°C?
We have constant n & v so, we can compare the two conditions:


Ex. An inflated balloon has a volume of 6.0 L at sea level (1.0 atm) and is allowed to ascend in altitude until
the pressure is 0.45 atm. During ascent the temperature of the gas falls from 22°C to -21°C. Calculate the
volume of the balloon at its final altitude.


at constant no. of moles so,

relation between density & pressure & temperature:

PV=nRT ⇒ n/V=P/RT

Multiplying both sides by molar mass M we get: ⇒ M n/V=MP/RT———–(1)

grams/ moles * Moles/Liter = grams/liter so,

d = PM/RT
 Ex. What is the density of carbon tetrachloride vapor at 714 torr and 125°C?
The molar mass of CCl4 is 12.0 + (4*35.5) = 154 g/mol. T= (273+125) = 398K.
 A large flask is evacuated and found to weigh 134.567 g. It is then filled to a pressure of 735 torr at 31 °C
with a gas of unknown molar mass and then reweighed; its mass is 137.456 g. The flask is then filled with
water and again weighed; its mass is now 1067.9 g. Assuming that the ideal-gas equation applies, what is the
molar mass of the unknown gas? (The density of water at 31°C is 0.997 g/cm3.
 SOLUTION First we must determine the volume of the flask. This is given by the difference in weights of
the empty flask and the flask filled with water, divided by the density of water at 31°C, which is
0.997 g/cm3:

Because the mass of the gas is 137.456 g - 134.567 g = 2.889 g, its density is 2.889 g/0.936 L = 3.09
 How to calculate volumes of Gases in Chemical Reactions:
Ex. The industrial synthesis of nitric acid involves the reaction of nitrogen dioxide gas with water:

3NO2(g) + H2O(l) ⇒ 2HNO3(aq)+ NO(g)

How many moles of nitric acid can be prepared using 450 L of NO2 at a pressure of 5.00 atm and a
temperature of 295 K?

SOLUTION The balanced chemical equation tells us that 3 mol of NO2 will produce 2 mol of
HNO3in the reaction. we must first determine the number of moles of NO2:

 moles of NO2=n= PV/RT= 5 atm * 450 L/ 0.0821 (L. atm/mol. K)(295K)

 = 92.9 mol
 From balancing the equation the no. f moles of HNO 3= 92.9*2/3= 61.9 moles
 Gas mixture and partial pressure:
 An example of gas mixture is the air you breathe which is composed of approximately 78% nitrogen, 21%
oxygen, and 1% argon.
 The partial pressures of a gas are simply the pressure exerted by that gas within a gas mixture.
1. The partial pressure of each gas is just the total pressure multiplied by the mole fraction (equal to moles of gas
divided by total moles) of that gas.
The sum of the partial pressures is equal to the total pressure, this is called Dalton Law. Let n1, n2, n3 and so forth,
be the number of moles of each of the gases in the mixture, and nt be the total number of moles of gas
(nt = n1 + n2 + n3 + ···).
If each of the gases obeys the ideal-gas equation, we can write

, and so forth.

All the gases experience the same temperature and volume. Therefore, by substituting into Equation 10.12, we
 Ex. A gaseous mixture made from 6.00 g O2 and 9.00 g CH4 is placed in a 15.0-L vessel at 0°C. What is the
partial pressure of each gas, and what is the total pressure in the vessel?
 We must first convert the mass of each gas to moles:

 According to Dalton law:

Partial Pressures and Mole Fractions

Because each gas in a mixture behaves independently, we can easily relate the amount of a given gas
in a mixture to its partial pressure. For an ideal gas P = nRT/V, and so we can write
 The ratio n1/nt is called the mole fraction of gas 1, which we denote X1. The mole fraction, X, is a
dimensionless number that expresses the ratio of the number of moles of one component to the total number of
moles in the mixture. We can rearrange Equation to give:

Thus, the partial pressure of a gas in a mixture is its mole fraction times the total pressure.
Ex. A study of the effects of certain gases on plant growth requires a synthetic atmosphere composed of 1.5 mol
percent CO2, 18.0 mol percent O2, and 80.5 mol percent Ar. (a) Calculate the partial pressure of O2 in the mixture if
the total pressure of the atmosphere is to be 745 torr. (b) If this atmosphere is to be held in a 120-L space at 295 K,
how many moles of O2 are needed?

Solution: (a) The mole percent is just the mole fraction times 100. Therefore, the mole fraction of O2 is

(b) Tabulating the given variables and

 T= 295K, V= 120 L nO2 = ?

Solving the ideal-gas equation for nO2, we have

End of lecture 3
to be continued

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