The-Savvy-Marketers-cheat-sheet-to-Cloud-Computing (From The Internet)

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Cloud Computing has been around for a while but
interestingly the more the technology is becoming
mainstream, fuzzier its definition is getting - where
everything seems to be ‘in the cloud’. If you too are
feeling a bit lost, here is Cheat Sheet that gives you
a complete and quick low down on cloud computing
basics before you finish your coffee.
1. What is Cloud Computing? 03

2. Characteristics of Cloud Computing 04

3. Service models 05

4. Deployment Models 06

5. Cloud Computing Benefits 07

What is
Cloud Computing?
Cloud computing encompasses all those
activities where IT resources (networks,
infrastructure, applications, libraries, software
and more) are leveraged over the internet,
by multiple people (from same or different
organizations), in an environment where they
have the flexibility to scale their requirements
up and down, and only pay for the resources
consumed by them.

© The Savvy Marketers’ Cheat Sheet to Cloud Computing 03

Characteristics of
Cloud Computing
1. Scalability

Cloud services are scalable to meet the sudden resource allocation demands of peak times or
downtimes. In addition, an application can be scaled by adding more users.

2. Self-Provisioning

Provisioning of cloud computing is self-controlled and only once users have to request the service
provider for the resources.

3. Pay-per-use

Most striking feature of cloud computing is that users pay only for what they use. The billing can be
based upon the amount of resources consumed or the time period of the usage.

4. Broad Network Access

Cloud provides widespread and heterogeneous network accessibility for different computing

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Service Models
Services in cloud computing are delivered under three different models. Every other as- a-service is a
sub category of one of these models.

1. Software- as-a-Service (SaaS)

In SaaS, users are provided access to software over the internet using a multi-tenant architetcure,
where they have the ability to establish or terminate the connection at their will. Users only have to
pay for the time period they use the software. The applications are available to the users either through
a web browser or through a program interface. The entire IT infrastructure required to manage the
application is taken care of by the service provider, making it easy for the users to avoid upfront
investment in servers or software licensing. While on the provider side, it’s the management of single
application and multi-
tenant architecture that bring in the revenues.

2. Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
PaaS provides developers with a framework, upon which they can develop and deployapplications,
over the cloud. With PaaS, users can avoid the expenditure on underlaying layers of hardware and
software that they need to execute the applications, yet leverage enterprise infrastructure, applications,
libraries and services to make creation and deployment of their applications a success. While they have
no control over the underlying architetcure, consumers have full control over their applications and
the hosting environment.
Examples:, Google App Engine

3. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
In IaaS, complete computer infrastructure is delivered as a service, including storage, servers, databases
and networking. With IaaS, users can install different platforms in accordance of their applications.
Consumers have access to processing, storage and network resources. And while the consumers have
no control over this infrsatruture, they have compete control of their deployed applications.
Example: Amazon Web Services, Google Compute Engine

Note: PaaS and IaaS differ in the extent of control the user is provided. In PaaS, vendors manage
the infrastructure, while in IaaS control is given to the users. In contrast, PaaS apparently has no
administration costs while IaaS has administration costs similar to actual computer infrastructure.

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Deployment Models
Cloud computing has four deployment models, and organizations can choose the model based on
their own requirements.

1. Public
In this model, a third party hosts the physical resources and access is provided publically over the
internet. Multiple organizations can access the resources at affordable costs without having to
worry about purchasing or maintaining these resources. Public Model is highly scalable and low

2. Private
When cloud services are provided within an organization, then private deployment is used. The access
is provided through LAN, intranet or the internet; however, servers can be either on-site or hosted
by a third party. The company has complete control over virtualized resources, their access, and their
maintenance.Private model is highly secure and offers over control over resources, and where it is on
the intranet it offers faster access.

3. Community
Service exchange between two organizations is done under community model, which includes the
features of both, private and public. Multiple users, like in the public model, can access computing
resources but each organization is responsible for the maintenance of its own infrastructure.

4. Hybrid
Hybrid model has the features of all three models. While each cloud type maintains its identity, it
is connected with the other cloud through technology interface that provides data and application
portability. Large organizations with global footprint prefer this model.

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Cloud Computing Benefits
1. Access to enterprise IT infrastructure

Companies get access to world class enterprise infrastructure which otherwise may
not bewithin their reach or may eat up their IT budgets, distracting IT from value
creating projects to focus on expense control.

2. Reduced IT costs

Moving to the cloud saves companies heavy expenditure in IT infrastructure, its

management and maintenance. In effect, overall operating costs and energy
consumption are significantly reduced.

3. Scalability

With cloud, users need not to worry about handling of the storage needs as their
business expands. Leveraging the cloud enables them to focus on their business
growth, while their service provider manages the upgrades.

4. Business Agility

Unlike in the traditional environment where prolonged IT infrastructure

procurement delays execution; by leveraging ready and scalable Cloud services,
companies can significantly accelerate their applications’ go to market plan.

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About Regalix Research
Headquartered in Silicon Valley, we help the CMO organization leverage emerging digital practices for creating
marketing leverage as they bring new products and innovation to market. Regalix Research helps marketers
through research-based insights, consulting and peer-to-peer programs that guide marketing strategy development
and execution. Our focus is helping Technology companies leverage innovation and best practices to create real
differentiation. Our analysts are practitioners with a successful track record of delivering real marketing results for
both leading Fortune 500 companies as well as venture backed firms.

Regalix is an award-winning Global Innovation company that leverages technology and marketing to help
companies grow. We create successful ventures with our clients through co-innovation and idea-driven
frameworks that inspire companies to think different. We bring ideas to life by envisioning new companies,
developing brands, engineering products, and designing technology platforms. Founded in 1998, Regalix is based
in Palo Alto. Our Silicon Valley setting has enabled us to stay ahead of emerging trends in digital technology and

For over a decade, we have provided complete marketing services – Social, Mobile, Content, Multi-channel
Campaigns, Technology Development, and Analytics – to companies such as CA Technologies, Citi, Apple, eBay,
Cisco, VMWare, NetApp, Cypress, LSI, Keynote, and MetricStream.

For more information

To find out how Regalix can help you,
please contact our office,
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