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Lh4 (M2)

KdB Isolation
2 rue Lotz-Cossé
BP 47506-44275
Nantes cedex 2
Tel: 00 33 2 40 48 16 16 Fax: 00 33 2 40 48 08 42 Agrément Certificate
e-mail: [email protected]
website: www.kdb-isolation.com No 07/4503



This Certificate relates to Airflex, a reflective insulation

material for use in pitched roofs.
• factors relating to compliance with Building
Regulations where applicable
• factors relating to additional non-regulatory
information where applicable
• independently verified technical specification
• assessment criteria and technical investigations
• design considerations
• installation guidance
• regular surveillance of production
• formal three-yearly review.


Thermal performance — when combined with other types of insulation, the product can contribute in meeting the
U value requirement for a roof (see section 4).
Condensation risk — the performance of the product with regard to interstitial and surface condensation has been
considered (see section 5).
Behaviour in relation to fire — the roof system using this product can be designed to meet the UK requirements (see
section 6).
Air leakage — the product can be used as a vapour control layer and air barrier (see section 8).
Durability — the durability of the product is satisfactory and will have a life equivalent to that of the structure in which it
is incorporated (see section 11).

The BBA has awarded this Agrément Certificate for Airflex to KdB Isolation as fit for its intended use
provided it is installed, used and maintained as set out in this Agrément Certificate.
On behalf of the British Board of Agrément

Date of First issue: 3 January 2008 Greg Cooper: Chief Executive

The BBA is a UKAS accredited certification body — Number 113. The schedule of the current scope of accreditation for product certification is
available in pdf format via the UKAS link on the BBA website at www.bbacerts.co.uk

Readers are advised to check the validity and latest issue number of this Agrément Certificate by either referring to the BBA website or contacting the BBA direct.

British Board of Agrément tel: 01923 665300

Bucknalls Lane fax: 01923 665301
Garston, Watford e-mail: [email protected]
Herts WD25 9BA ©2008 website: www.bbacerts.co.uk

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In the opinion of the BBA, Airflex, if used in accordance with the provisions of this Certificate, will meet or contribute
to meeting the relevant requirements of the following Building Regulations:
The Building Regulations 2000 (as amended) (England and Wales)

Requirement: B3(4) Internal fire spread (structure)

Comment: The product will not affect the external fire rating of a tiled or slated roof in which it is installed. See
section 6.2 of this Certificate.
Requirement: C2(c) Resistance to moisture
Comment: The product can contribute to a roof meeting this Requirement. See sections 5.1 and 5.8 of this
Requirement: L1(a)(i) Conservation of fuel and power
Comment: Roofs incorporating the product can contribute to a building meeting its Target Emission Rate. See
sections 4.2 to 4.5 of this Certificate.
Requirement: Regulation 7 Materials and workmanship
Comment: The product is acceptable. See section 11 of this Certificate.
The Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (as amended)

Regulation: 8 Fitness and durability of materials and workmanship

Regulation: 8(1) Fitness and durability of materials and workmanship
Comment: The product can contribute to a construction satisfying this Regulation. See section 11 and the Installation
part of this Certificate.
Regulation: 9 Building standards — construction
Standard: 2.2 Separation
Comment: The product must not penetrate the separating wall junction with the roof to ensure that the fire-resistant
integrity of the separating wall is maintained in accordance with clause 2.2.10(1). See section 6.2 of this
Standard: 3.15 Condensation
Comment: The product can contribute to a roof satisfying the requirements of clauses 3.15.1(1) to 3.15.5(1) and
3.15.7(1) of this Standard. See sections 5.1 and 5.9 of this Certificate.
Standard: 6.1 (a)(b) Carbon dioxide emissions
Standard: 6.2 Building insulation envelope
Comment: The product can contribute to a roof satisfying the requirements of these Standards, with reference to
clauses or parts of 6.1.2(1), 6.1.6(1), 6.2.1(1), 6.2.3(1), 6.2.4(1) and 6.2.5(1). See sections 4.2 to 4.5 of
this Certificate.
Regulation: 12 Building standards — conversions
Comment: All comments given for this product under Regulation 9, also apply to this Regulation with reference to
clause 0.12.1(1) and Schedule 6(1).
(1) Technical Handbook (Domestic).

The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000 (as amended)

Regulation: B2 Fitness of materials and workmanship

Comment: The product is acceptable. See section 11 of this Certificate.
Regulation: C5 Condensation
Comment: The product can contribute to a roof satisfying the requirements of this Regulation. See section 5.1 of this
Regulation: E5(b) External fire spread
Comment: The product will not affect the external fire rating of a tiled or slated roof in which it is installed. See
section 6.2 of this Certificate.
Regulation: F2(a)(i) Conservation measures
Regulation F3(2) Target carbon dioxide Emissions Rate
Comment: The product can contribute to a building satisfying its Target Emission Rate. See sections 4.2 to 4.5 of
this Certificate.

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007
Information in this Certificate may assist the client, CDM co-ordinator, designer and contractors to address their
obligations under these Regulations.
See section: 2 Delivery and site handling (2.2).

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Non-regulatory Information
NHBC Standards 2007
NHBC accepts the use of Airflex, when installed and used in accordance with this Certificate, in relation to NHBC
Standards, Chapter 7.2 Pitched roofs, Clauses D10–D11.
Zurich Building Guarantee Technical Manual 2007
In the opinion of the BBA, Airflex, when installed and used in accordance with this Certificate, satisfies the
requirements of the Zurich Building Guarantee Technical Manual, Section 4 Superstructure, Sub-section Pitched roofs,
pages 240 to 267.

This Certificate relates to Airflex and is for use as an insulation above and/or below rafters in tiled or slated pitched
roofs designed and constructed in accordance with the relevant clauses of BS 5534 : 2003. The product is distributed
in the UK by: KdB Insulation Ltd, 88 Acton Road, Scarva, Craigavon, Co Antrim BT63 6LF. Tel: 028 3884 9042.

Technical Specification
1 Description
1.1 Airflex (see Figure 1) consists of a 3 mm thick polyethylene foam (25 kgm–3) core sandwiched between a layer of
bubble foil, laminated with a coated aluminium outer layer on both sides. The layers are line welded together by
means of hot air. The composite sheet incorporates an adhesive layer protected with a siliconised paper strip.
1.2 The product is available in roll form with a width of 1.2 m and lengths of 12.5 m and 25 m.
1.3 KdB Isolation’s 100 mm reflective adhesive tape is an ancillary item used to seal at joints.
1.4 Ancillary items used but outside the scope of this Certificate include:
• staples
• vapour control layer
• roof tile underlay
• pre-treated counter battens, softwood battens and tiling laths
• roofing slates or tiles
• additional insulation where required.

Figure 1 Airflex

5 4
1 coated aluminium 2 1
2 bubble foil layer 1
3 polyethylene foam layer
4 adhesive layer
5 overlap strip

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2 Delivery and site handling
2.1 The product is delivered to site in rolls packed in a protective, branded bag sealed with an end label. Installation
instructions are placed in the bag.
2.2 The rolls should be stored in clean, dry conditions not exposed to sunlight. The product must be protected from
being dropped or crushed by objects. Care must be exercised when storing large quantities on site. The product must
not be exposed to open flame or other ignition sources and must be stored away from flammable material such as
paint and solvents.
2.3 On site, to ensure maximum performance of the product when installed, precautions must be taken to protect it
from mud and dirt.

Assessment and Technical Investigations

The following is a summary of the assessment and technical investigations carried out on Airflex.

Design Considerations
3 Use
3.1 Airflex is a flexible insulation used in conjunction with other insulation materials to reduce the U value (thermal
transmittance) in new or existing pitched roofs. When installed under the rafters, the product performs as a vapour
control layer in the roof system (see section 5).
3.2 The product is for use in constructions where the ceiling follows the pitch of the roof and encloses a habitable space.
3.3 Care must be taken to ensure that the product is covered after installation, as it must not be exposed to rain,
showers or wind-driven rain.
3.4 Care must be taken to ensure the product does not come into contact with heat sources greater than 80°C.

4 Thermal performance
4.1 Calculations of the thermal transmittance (U value) of specific roof constructions incorporating Airflex should be
carried out in accordance with BS EN ISO 6946 : 1997 and BRE report (BR 443 : 2006), Conventions for U-value
calculations using the following values:
• thermal resistance of insulation (nominal thickness 10.4 mm) — 0.272 m2KW–1, should be used for the resistance of
the insulation core
• emissivity of outer layers — 0.1
• thermal resistance of the insulation including a minimum air space of 20 mm on either side (based on the emissivity
value of 0.1) — 1.09 m2KW–1.
4.2 The ultimate thermal performance of the product will depend on the construction of the roof on which it is
installed and the combination of it with other insulation products is necessary to achieve the following design
U values:
England and Wales and Northern Ireland
• 0.16 Wm–2K–1 required for ‘notional’ dwellings in SAP 2005
• 0.25 Wm–2K–1 limit average value specified in Approved Document L1A (Table 2) and Technical Booklet F1
(Table 2.2)
• 0.35 Wm–2K–1 limit for an individual element specified in Approved Document L1A (Table 2) and Technical Booklet
F1 (Table 2.2).
• 0.16 Wm–2K–1 for a ‘notional’ domestic roof required for all fuel packages in Mandatory Standard 6.1, clauses
6.1.6(1) and 6.1.2(1)
• 0.20 Wm–2K–1 maximum average specified in Mandatory Standard 6.2, clause 6.2.1(1)
• 0.35 Wm–2K–1 maximum value for an individual roof element specified in Mandatory Standard 6.2, clause 6.2.1(1)
• 0.20 Wm–2K–1 for extensions as described in Mandatory Standard 6.2, clause 6.2.9(1).
(1) Technical Handbook (Domestic).

4.3 Roofs with U values lower than (or the same as for Scottish dwellings) the relevant ‘notional’ value specified in
section 4.2 will contribute to a building meeting its target overall reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of about 20%
(or 18% to 25% in Scotland) for dwellings and 23% to 28% for buildings other than dwellings. Roofs with higher
U values will require additional energy saving measures in the building envelope and/or services.
4.4 Compliance with the guidance referred to in section 4.2 (see also Figure 2) will allow the use of the default psi
values from Table 3 of BRE Information Paper IP 1/06 Assessing the effects of thermal bridging at junctions and around
openings and Table K1 of The Government’s Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of Dwellings (SAP
2005), in Target Emission Rate calculations to SAP 2005 use ‘simplified approach’ for Scotland).
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4.5 The product can maintain or contribute to maintaining continuity of thermal insulation at junctions between the
external wall and other building elements. Guidance in this respect, and on limiting heat loss by air infiltration, can be
found in:
England and Wales — Limiting thermal bridging and air leakage: Robust construction details for dwellings and similar
buildings TSO 2002
Scotland — Accredited Construction Details (Scotland)
Northern Ireland — Accredited Construction Details (version 1.0).

5 Condensation risk
Interstitial condensation
5.1 Roofs incorporating the product will adequately limit the risk of interstitial condensation when designed and
constructed in accordance with BS 5250 : 2002, Section 8.4 and Appendix D.

5.2 The risk of interstitial condensation is greatest when the building is drying out after construction. Guidance on
preventing condensation from this and other sources is given in BRE Digest 369 Interstitial condensation and fabric
degradation and BRE report (BR 262 : 2002) Thermal insulation: avoiding risks.
5.3 The product has a high water vapour resistance with a measured value in excess of 3000 MNsg–1.
5.4 When installed in accordance with section 13 and in a continuous layer, the product will provide a convection-
free envelope of high vapour resistance.
Installation above rafters
5.5 A vapour control layer should be used in conjunction with a suitable vapour permeable roof tile underlay without
a ventilated air space.
Installation below rafters
5.6 The product will perform as a vapour control layer and should be used in conjunction with a vapour permeable
roof tile underlay.
5.7 In all cases, where high vapour resistance roof tile underlays are used, ventilation to the air space should be in
accordance with the recommendations of BS 5250 : 2002 or relevant BBA Certificate for the roof tile underlay. When
installed in conjunction with other insulation materials, the water vapour resistance and installation instructions of the
additional insulation should be taken into consideration.
Surface condensation
5.8 Roofs will adequately limit the risk of surface condensation when the thermal transmittance (U value) does
not exceed 0.35 Wm–2K–1 at any point and the junctions with walls are designed in accordance with the
relevant requirements of Limiting thermal bridging and air leakage : Robust construction details for dwellings and
similar buildings, TSO 2002 or BRE Information Paper IP 1/06.
5.9 Roofs will adequately limit the risk of surface condensation when the thermal transmittance (U value) does
not exceed 1.2 Wm–2K–1 at any point. Guidance may be obtained from Section 8 of BS 5250 : 2002 and
BRE Report (BR 262 : 2002).

6 Behaviour in relation to fire

6.1 Although the product is combustible it is difficult to ignite and has the following declared classification test report
result of B in accordance with BS EN 13501-1 : 2002.
6.2 The insulation must not be carried over junctions between roofs and walls required to provide
a minimum period of fire resistance. The continuity of fire resistance must be maintained, for example as
described in:
England and Wales — Approved Document B, Volume 1, Sections 5.11 to 5.12
Scotland — Mandatory Standard 2.2, clause 2.2.10(1)
(1) Technical Handbook (Domestic).
Northern Ireland — Technical Booklet E, paragraph 3.21.
6.3 The use of the product will not affect the fire rating obtained by tiled or slated roofs when evaluated by
assessment or test to BS 476-3 : 1958.
6.4 When installed with other additional insulation materials, the fire properties of these materials must be taken into

7 Proximity of flues and appliances

When the product is installed in close proximity to certain flue pipes and/or heat-producing appliances, for buildings
subject to national Building Regulations the relevant provisions and guidance given below should be met:
England and Wales — Approved Document J
Scotland — Mandatory Standard Standard 3.19
Northern Ireland — Technical Booklet L.
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8 Air leakage
8.1 The insulation was tested to BS EN 12114 : 2000 with positive pressure of 50 Pa. The leakage rate was
0.6 m3hr–1m–2.
8.2 When the product is used as a vapour control layer and an air barrier, the airtightness of the system is reliant on
the careful sealing of the insulation and is dependent on maintaining the integrity of seal throughout. In addition to
sealing at all joints, the insulation must be suitably sealed at the perimeter and all penetrations. Details of sealing at
eaves, ridges, hips, valleys and penetrations must be in accordance with the Certificate holder’s instructions.
8.3 The airtightness of the building will also be dependent on the performance of the other building elements.
Provided these also incorporate appropriate design details and building techniques, air infiltration through the building
fabric should be minimal and the building reasonably airtight.

9 De-rating of electrical cables

As with other insulation products, it may be necessary in some cases to de-rate electrical cables buried in insulation. In
BS 7671 : 2001 it is suggested that where wiring is completely surrounded by insulation, it may need to be de-rated
to as low as half its free air current carrying capacity. Guidance should be sought from a qualified electrician.

10 Maintenance and repair

Once installed, the product does not require any maintenance. Small holes, rips or punctures in the outer layers should
be repaired with KdB Isolation’s reflective adhesive tape.

11 Durability
The product is rot-proof, does not tear easily and when installed as specified, will have a life equivalent to that
of the roof structure in which it is incorporated.

12 General
12.1 Installation of Airflex and additional insulation products should be in accordance with the Certificate holder’s
instructions and current good building practice (see Figure 2).
12.2 The product is attached to the rafters by using staples at 200 mm centres, prior to fixing battens.
12.3 When the product is cut to fit around openings, eg the roof perimeter, care should be taken to minimise gaps.
12.4 The product can be cut easily by using a knife.

13 Procedure
Above rafters installation
13.1 Installation starts from eaves and the insulation is unrolled parallel to the eaves.
13.2 As the product is unrolled across rafters it is fixed using nails or staples of at least 14 mm length.
13.3 The next roll must overlap the preceding layer by the predetermined guide and the overlap should be sealed
along the entire length using the incorporated self-adhesive tape.
13.4 The product should be permanently fixed in place using wooden battens parallel to the rafters, held in place
with nails.
13.5 When the top layer has been battened, any excess material may be cut by running a sharp knife along the
edge of the batten.
13.6 A breather membrane (ie roof tile underlay) should be installed on the counter battens and tiling battens
attached perpendicular to the rafters.
13.7 Roof tiles or slates are installed in accordance with BS 5534 : 2003.
13.8 When applying roof tiles or slates to a warm roof construction the recommendations of the tile/slate
manufacturer should be followed.
Below rafters installation
13.9 Installation starts from the ridge with the product being unrolled parallel to the eaves.
13.10 As the product is unrolled across the rafters, it is fixed in place using nails or staples of at least 14 mm depth.
13.11 The next roll must overlap the preceding layer by the predetermined guide and the overlap should be sealed
along the entire length using the incorporated self-adhesive tape.
13.12 The product should be permanently fixed in place using wooden battens parallel to the rafters, held in place
with nails.
13.13 When the bottom layer has been battened, any excess material may be cut by running a sharp knife along the
edge of the batten.
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Figure 2 Construction details

counter batten
ventilated air gap vapour permeable
additional insulation roof tile underlay
vapour permeable with vapour barrier
counter batten
roof tile underlay
air gap Airflex

additional insulation vapour control

Airflex layer
air gap

eaves carrier wall plate cross bar

additional insulation
rafter rafter
cavity barrier


(a) eaves detail — below rafter with additional insulation (b) eaves detail — above rafter with additional insulation

additional insulation
vapour permeable vapour permeable
additional insulation
roof tile underlay roof tile underlay


air gap
air gap vapour control

plasterboard air gap

(c) ridge detail — below rafter both sides (d) ridge detail — above rafter with additional insulation

additional insulation additional insulation

rafter rafter vapour permeable

vapour permeable roof tile underlay
roof tile underlay counter


air gap
air gap

additional plasterboard additional vapour contol layer

insulation insulation

(e) gable detail — below rafter with additional insulation (f) gable detail — above rafter with additional insulation

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13.14 Any exposed cut edges of the product should be sealed with a suitable adhesive tape. Any tears or holes in
the outer layer should be repaired with KdB Isolation’s heat-reflective tape.
13.15 Plasterboard is fixed to the battens. The batten size should be at least 32 mm by 25 mm, with the fixings at
either 150 mm spacing nails or 230 mm for screws. This batten size should be sufficient to ensure a 20 mm air gap
between the product and the plasterboard.
Additional insulation
13.16 When used with other additional insulation materials, care should be taken to ensure that all gaps are
maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for their products, and advice should be sought from the
Certificate holder.
13.17 When the product is installed below the rafters, mineral wool products can be placed directly on top of the
product between the rafters without an air space. When the product is installed above the rafters, mineral wool can
rest on the vapour control layer and plasterboard without an air space.

Technical Investigations
14 Tests
Tests were carried out on Airflex to determine the emissivity and durability of the outer foil and water vapour and air
permeability of the product.

15 Investigations
An assessment of the risk of interstitial condensation in typical constructions was made for application of Airflex used
above the rafters and below the rafters in pitched roofs.

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BS 476-3 : 1958 Fire tests on building materials and structures — External fire exposure roof test
BS 5250 : 2002 Code of practice for control of condensation in buildings
BS 5534 : 2003 Code of practice for slating and tiling (including shingles)
BS 7671 : 2001 Requirements for electrical installations. IEE Wiring Regulations. Sixteenth Edition
BS EN 12114 : 2000 Thermal performance of buildings — Air permeability of building components and building
elements – Laboratory test method
BS EN 13501-1 : 2002 Fire classification of construction products and building elements. Classification using test
data from reaction to fire tests
BS EN ISO 6946 : 1997 Building components and building elements — Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance
— Calculation method
BS EN ISO : 8990 : 1996 Thermal insulation — Determination of steady-state thermal transmission properties —
Calibrated and guarded hot box

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Conditions of Certification
16 Conditions
16.1 This Certificate:
• relates only to the product/system that is named and described on the front page
• is granted only to the company, firm or person named on the front page — no other company, firm or person may
hold or claim any entitlement to this Certificate
• is valid only within the UK
• has to be read, considered and used as a whole document — it may be misleading and will be incomplete to be
• is copyright of the BBA
• is subject to English law.
16.2 References in this Certificate to any Act of Parliament, Statutory Instrument, Directive or Regulation of the
European Union, British, European or International Standard, Code of Practice, manufacturers’ instructions or similar
publication, are references to such publication in the form in which it was current at the date of this Certificate.
16.3 This Certificate will remain valid for an unlimited period provided that the product/system and the manufacture
and/or fabrication including all related and relevant processes thereof:
• are maintained at or above the levels which have been assessed and found to be satisfactory by the BBA
• continue to be checked as and when deemed appropriate by the BBA under arrangements that it will determine
• are reviewed by the BBA as and when it considers appropriate.
16.4 In granting this Certificate, the BBA is not responsible for:
• the presence or absence of any patent, intellectual property or similar rights subsisting in the product/system or any
other product/system
• the right of the Certificate holder to manufacture, supply, install, maintain or market the product/system
• individual installations of the product/system, including the nature, design, methods and workmanship of or related
to the installation
• the actual works in which the product/system is installed, used and maintained, including the nature, design,
methods and workmanship of such works.
16.5 Any information relating to the manufacture, supply, installation, use and maintenance of this product/system
which is contained or referred to in this Certificate is the minimum required to be met when the product/system is
manufactured, supplied, installed, used and maintained. It does not purport in any way to restate the requirements of
the Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974, or of any other statutory, common law or other duty which may exist at the
date of this Certificate; nor is conformity with such information to be taken as satisfying the requirements of the 1974
Act or of any statutory, common law or other duty of care. In granting this Certificate, the BBA does not accept
responsibility to any person or body for any loss or damage, including personal injury, arising as a direct or indirect
result of the manufacture, supply, installation, use and maintenance of this product/system.

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British Board of Agrément tel: 01923 665300
Bucknalls Lane fax: 01923 665301
Garston, Watford e-mail: [email protected]
Herts WD25 9BA ©2008 website: www.bbacerts.co.uk

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