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Usg CBL 2020 Edition 2

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Table of Contents

Article Title


I Name and Domicile

II Vision and Mission

III General Provisions

IV Purpose and Objectives

V Membership, Rights and Responsibilities

VI USG Composition

VII USG Committees

VIII Meetings

IX Commission on Election

X Removal from Office

XI Funds

XII Amendments and Revisions

XIII Repealing Clause

XIV Separability Clause

XV Effectivity

ANNEX A Election Code


We, the bona fide college students of Caraga State University, imploring the aid of
Almighty God, in order to live up with an effective discipline for academic and non-academic
excellence, in the development of the youth as future leaders of the nation, believing in need
of a well-organized and democratic student government that unites the entire studentry of
Caraga State University to practice our social responsibilities, protect students' rights and
uphold democracy, defend justice and promote peace under the rule of law, do hereby ordain
and promulgate this Constitution.


Section 1. The student government of Caraga State University (CSU) shall be known as
the University Student Government (USG) – Main campus.

Section 2. The University Student Government's official domicile (USG) shall be within
the CSU - Main Campus.



A competent student governing body engaging with a high sense of commitment in Community
Service and Student-empowerment through representation and exemplary youth leadership.


Caraga State University's Student Government highly commits itself to lead, serve, and realize
the student populace's interests with honor, discipline, and integrity.


Section 1. This Constitution shall be known as the "Constitution and By-Laws of the
University Student Government in Caraga State University."
Section 2. This Constitution and by-laws shall govern the University Student Government,
both university-wide and college level, and campus organizations.

Section 3. The officers' duties and responsibilities shall take effect immediately after
taking their oath of office and shall terminate after the succeeding office's oath-

Section 4. For this Constitution:

A. "University Student Government" refers to the central government officers

of CSU Main Campus.

B. "Local Government" refers to the college government of this University.


University Student Government is the highest student governing body and the umbrella of all
student organizations of Caraga State University, In line with its Vision and Mission; CSU-
USG aims to:

Section 1. Serve the studentry as the policy-making body guided by the University Code.

Section 2. Establish a collaboration model between academic, civic, cultural, social

welfare, and business organizations in a university.

Section 3. Become Primary advocates of students' rights and welfare.

Section 4. Promote, Preserve, and Lead anchored with the University's Goals, Objectives,
and Core Values.

Section 5. Ensure a student-friendly campus by promoting a sense of peace and harmony

among students.

Section 6. Act as a liaison and cultivate a partnership between the studentry and
administration over academic and non-academic issues and in developing
competent and responsible students.


A. The USG lives up to the CSU Vision and Mission.

B. The USG shall equally protect and promote the rights of the students'
fundamental freedom, peace, and unity; promote volunteerism for the welfare
of the members.

C. The USG shall recognize all student government and campus organizations'
essential function to promote mutual understanding through spiritual, social,
intellectual, recreational, and scientific programs and activities.

D. The USG recognizes the League of Campus Organizations’ (LCO) essential role
in empowering the students' cooperation for building a well-developed
institution of higher learning.

E. The USG shall uphold fairness, accountability, transparency, efficiency, and

integrity in pursuing student leadership and governance.

F. Mold the studentry to be community-engaged students; and encourage

awareness on social, mental, spiritual, emotional responsibilities both as a
student and as a citizen.


Section 1. All bonafide students of Caraga State University are members of the University
Student Government.

Section 2. Members shall have the right to vote or to be voted unless declared disqualified
by specific election rules.

Section 3. Members shall have the right to enjoy the freedom of expression and shall not
be deprived of their rights and privileges without due process of law, subject to
limitations set by law.

Section 4. Members shall have the right to meet peaceably, form organization, and redress
grievances without fear of penalty to appropriate offices in the University,
subject to the University's policies regulating student organizations.

Section 5. Members shall have the right to be represented in the different meetings and
assemblies of the University on issues affecting the studentry's welfare.

Section 6. Members shall have the right to information on issues and matters concerning
the University and studentry.

Section 7. Members are obliged to participate in any activities conducted in/by the

Section 8. Members shall have the responsibility to this Constitution and By-Laws and the
policies, rules, and regulations of this University as cited by the Student
Handbook and University Code.

Section 9. Members shall be responsible for assisting the school authorities in

disseminating the rules and regulations on student conduct and discipline among
the students.



Section 1. Caraga State University – Main Campus shall have its owned USG governed by
this CBL;

Section 2. The University Student Government shall be composed of the following:

A. Central Government
B. Local Government

Section 3. The Central Government shall be composed of duly elected President, Vice
President, (3) three Senators per college, Treasurer, Auditor, College
Governors, and LCO President.

Section 4. An appointed Executive Secretary and Undersecretary shall assist the President
and Vice President.

Section 5. The Local College Government shall be composed of duly elected Governor,
Vice Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Business Manager, and Program


Section 6. The University Student Government shall have the following functions:

A. Plan and conduct annual or per semester of student activities.

B. Implement rules and regulations that are deemed necessary to carry out the
objectives of the student government.
C. Coordinate with the administration in protecting the welfare and security of
every bona fide student.
D. Implement a policy within its term of office.

Section 7. The Central Government executes and enforces policies within the studentry. It
shall have the following functions:

a. Serve as the chief executive officer of USG.
b. Approve all USG legal documents such as Executive Order and
c. Call and preside over all meetings of the government.
d. Call for special meetings as the need arises.
e. Vote in case of ties.
f. Exercise the power of appointment for all central government appointive
g. Represent the USG in all affairs/ matters called for by the
h. Oversee all executive committees, college governments, and campus
i. Perform such other functions that are deemed necessary.

B. VICE PRESIDENT shall have the following functions:

a. Assist the President in all matters whenever required.
b. Serve as OIC when the President is on official travel or leave.
c. Take over the function of the President in case of his/her absence due to
official travel or leave of absence, but only limited to the following:
i. Call and preside meetings.
ii. Approve memorandums.
iii. Represent USG in all affairs.

d. Take over as the chief executive officer due to the President's
termination or expiration of term of office upon suspension, resignation,
or incapacity.
e. Perform such other functions that are deemed necessary.

C. SENATORS shall have the following functions:

a. Formulate house rules, ordinances/ policies and propose a bill within a

year which shall be necessary and proper for the whole studentry.
b. Serve as the heads of the respective committees of USG except for
Fiscal, Internationalization, and Grievance Committee and shall be
appointed based on their capabilities through nomination by the council
and approval by the USG President.
c. Participate in the election of the Senate President coming from among
the senators.

In case of chairpersonship, a senator shall:

d. Submit a semi-annual and annual report to the executive secretary.

e. Prepare, transact and liquidate the budget of activities conducted by their
respective committees.

As Senate President, he/she shall have the following functions:

i. Act as the presiding officer of the Senate as well as the leader of

the Legislative Branch of USG.
ii. Serve as third-in-line of succession, after the USG President and
iii. Act as a Chairperson for the Amendments, Revision, and
Ratification of the USG CBL after every five (5) years.
iv. Preside over the sessions of the Senate on crafting the
policies/bills of the Senate.
v. Oversee all legislative committees in the Senate.
vi. Represent the Legislative Branch in all affairs/matters called by
the administration.
vii. Serve as one of the ex-officio members of the commission on
viii. Conduct regular monthly meetings of all Senate members
thereof or as often as necessary to discuss important matters
relating to the USG and the lower house.

f. Perform such other functions that are deemed necessary.

The appointed Executive Secretary shall perform the following
a. Maintain/keep a record of all the documents, correspondence to the
USG, and turnover to the next executive secretary.
b. Act as secretariat to all meetings conducted by the USG.

c. Prepare minutes, finalize resolutions, and distribute to concerned
d. Maintain continuous correspondence with the members of the USG.
e. Keep a file of all pertinent documents and papers of the USG.
f. Consolidate all the Committee reports.
g. Consolidate quarterly and annual reports for submission to the Office of
Student Affairs and Services.
h. Act as a secretariat of the election commission and also an ex-officio
member of the council.
i. Perform such other functions that are deemed necessary.

The appointed Undersecretary shall perform the following functions:
a. Assist the executive secretary in his/her duties.
b. Act as a member of a committee assigned.
c. Perform such other functions that are deemed necessary.

F. TREASURER shall have the following functions:

a. Take responsibility for the safekeeping of all financial records of the
b. Supervise all financial transactions (i.e., budget proposals,
disbursements, liquidation, collections, and availability of funds) of the
c. Prepare and submit liquidation report to the Office of Student Affairs
and Services.
d. Coordinate with the Auditor.
e. Perform such other functions that are deemed necessary.

G. AUDITOR shall have the following functions:

a. Audit all funds of USG.
b. Check all financial records of USG.
c. Prepare and submit liquidation report to the Office of Student Affairs
and Services.
d. Coordinate with the Treasurer.
e. Perform such other functions that are deemed necessary.

Section 5. The Elected COLLEGE LOCAL GOVERNMENT officers shall have the
following functions:

a. Serve as the chief executive for the local college government.
b. Execute orders/tasks from the USG President.
c. Approve all legal documents under his/her respective college
d. Represent his/her college on occasions and events where the college
needs representation.
e. Take a seat as an ex-officio member in the policy-making body within
the central government.

f. Represent the local government in formulating laws/policies in the
legislative branch of the central government.
g. Oversee the formulation of policy in the local government.
h. Appoint all college positions in case of a vacancy.
i. Participate in the election of the Speaker of the House coming from
among the college governors.

As Speaker of the House, he/she shall have the following functions:

i. Serve as the presiding officer of the lower house and the Local
Student Government of USG.
ii. Take responsibility fourth in line of succession, after the USG
President, Vice-President, and the Senate President.
iii. Represent the lower house in all affairs/matters called for by the
iv. Establish linkage with the Senate to efficiently provide public
information, timely, and accurate information relating to the
lower house, Legislative, and USG.
v. Assist the Senate President with the Amendments, Revisions,
Ratification of the CBL every after five (5) years.
vi. Oversee the semi-annual financial liquidation of the lower
vii. Conduct regular monthly meeting of all members of the house
thereof or as often as may be necessary to discuss important
matters relating to the lower and the upper house.

j. Perform such other functions that are deemed necessary.

a. Assist the Governor in all matters whenever required.
b. Represent as officer-in-charge (OIC) when the Governor is on official
travel or leave of absence.
c. Take over the function of the Governor in case of his/her absence due to
official travel or termination, but only limited to the following:
i. Call and preside meetings.
ii. Approve memorandums.
iii. Represent USG in all affairs.
d. Perform such other functions that are deemed necessary.

a. Prepare minutes, finalize resolutions, and distribute to concerned
b. Maintain continuous correspondence with the members of the College
c. Keep a file of all pertinent documents and papers of the College
d. Prepare and submit quarterly and annual reports to the OSAS.
e. Act as Secretariat.

f. Assist the College Governor to represent his/her college on occasions
and events where the college needs representation if the vice governor
is not available.
g. Perform such other functions that are deemed necessary.

a. Take responsibility for the safekeeping of all financial records of the
College Government.
b. Supervise all financial transactions (i.e., disbursements, collections, and
availability of funds) of the College Government.
c. Prepare and submit liquidation report to the Office of Student Affairs
and Services.
d. Furnish a copy of liquidation to the College Secretary.
e. Coordinate with the Auditor.
f. Perform such other functions that are deemed necessary.

a. Audit all funds of the College Government.
b. Check all financial records of the College Government as well as the
Programs under their college.
c. Prepare and submit liquidation report to the Office of Student Affairs
and Services.
d. Coordinate with the Treasurer.
e. Perform such other functions that are deemed necessary.

a. Manage all the income-generating projects of the College Government.
b. Facilitate procurement of goods and services.
c. Prepare and submit liquidation of all purchases to the College Treasurer.
d. Coordinate with the treasurer.
e. Perform such other functions that are deemed necessary.

a. Serve as the representative of his/her program.
b. Take a seat in the policy-making body of the Local College Government.
c. Formulate house rules, ordinances/ policies, and propose a bill within
his/her term, which shall be necessary and proper for the college's
d. Shall submit proposed policies/bills to the ex-officio member of the
central government.
e. Facilitate and organize the conduct of activities of their respective
f. Coordinate with the College Government in the conduct of different
g. Perform such other functions that are deemed necessary.
h. As a matter of policy, the program representative shall not serve as the
President of any organization in the LCO.

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Section 6. The LEAGUE OF CAMPUS ORGANIZATIONS officers shall have the
following functions:

A. Supervise all accredited organizations in the University.

B. Govern all campus organizations through its own implementing rules and
regulations recognized by the USG.
C. Represent in all affairs/matters called for by the USG and administration.
D. Facilitate the promotion of peace and order among all accredited
organizations of the University.
E. Prepare the consolidated accomplishment and liquidation report of all
accredited organizations for submission to the Office of Student Affairs and
F. Perform such other functions that are deemed necessary.

Section 7. The USG ADVISER shall have the following qualifications and functions:

A. The OSAS Director shall be the over-all USG Adviser.

B. There shall be a maximum of two (2) USG advisers who are full-time faculty
C. The faculty adviser shall be nominated by any USG officers and be chosen
through majority votes by the central government.
D. The USG shall ask for confirmation of the nominated faculty.
E. Special Order issued by the Office of the University President shall be
provided outlining specific duties and responsibilities of the USG Adviser.
F. The adviser shall countersign all resolutions of the USG.
G. The adviser shall be present in every activity conducted by the USG.
H. Local College Government shall have a maximum of two (2) USG advisers
who are full-time faculty members selected/appointed in the same manner.


Section 1. The USG shall form the following committees:

A. Entrepreneurship
B. Environment and Sanitation
C. Evaluation
D. Fiscal
E. General Services
F. Grievance
G. Insurance and Health
H. Internationalization
I. Inventory
J. Public Relations
K. Sports, Culture, and Arts
L. Rules and Implementations

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Section 2. The Entrepreneurship Committee shall be composed of one (1) senator as
Chairperson, (1) one Co-Chairperson and two (2) members.

The Entrepreneurship Committee shall have the following functions:

2.1 Take responsibility for conceptualizing and developing business

managerial skills among USG members.
2.2 Ready projects, programs, activities, and business ventures that will
generate income.
2.3 Generate income to finance different outreach programs and other
University-wide activities subject to the OSAS Director's approval.
2.4 Submit a quarterly report of the financial status of the business venture/s
to the USG President.
2.5 Regularly monitor the development of their business venture/s and
submit liquidation of the funds taken from the entrepreneurial projects
to the USG President.
2.6 Submit semi-annual reports to the executive secretary.

Section 3. The Environment and Sanitation Committee shall be composed of one (1)
senator as the Chairperson, and one (1) member from each college that holds no

The Environment and Sanitation Committee shall have the following

3.1 Take responsibility for conducting Do Day and Clean Up Drive
activities in the Studentry.
3.2 Conduct other activities related to environmental and sanitation
3.3 Submit semi-annual reports to the executive secretary.

Section 4. The Evaluation Committee shall be comprised of two (2) senators.

The Evaluation Committee shall have the following functions:

4.1 Take responsibility for evaluating the student's feedback, comments,

and suggestions after conducting USG activities.
4.2 Coordinate with Quality Assurance Management Services (QUAMS)
and the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA) in
the conduct of evaluation to the different activities.
4.3 Submit semi-annual reports to the executive secretary.

Section 5. The Fiscal Committee shall be composed of the USG Vice President as
Chairperson and (2) members. Other committee members shall be the USG
Treasurer and the Auditor.

The Fiscal Committee shall have the following functions:

5.1 Overall, in-charge of the Appropriation and Fiscal processes of the USG.

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5.2 Take responsibility for allocating funds of the USG for the Work and
Financial Plan.
5.3 Oversee the realignment of funds as the term progresses.
5.4 The USG Treasurer shall be responsible for managing any Cash-on-hand
of the USG and submit Financial Statement monthly to the Fiscal
5.5 The USG Auditor shall assist and work with the USG Treasurer.
5.6 The USG Auditor shall serve as the overall auditor that collects the
liquidation and financial statement of the local government and shall submit
report and findings to the fiscal Chairperson regarding the said audit.
5.7 Submit semi-annual reports to the executive secretary.

Section 6. The General Services Committee shall be composed of two (2) senators as

The General Services Committee shall have the following functions:

6.1 Take responsibility in gathering individuals that would help or assist in

the following tasks:
i. Cleanliness and restoration of the venue before and after the
ii. Production of the decors/structures to be used during events; and
iii. Dismantling of the materials and decors
6.2 Submit semi-annual reports to the executive secretary.

Section 7. The Grievance Committee- the President shall serve as the Chairperson, and
(1) one Senator from each college as members.

The Grievance Committee shall have the following functions:

7.1 Hear cases with extreme neutrality and reliability.

7.2 Strive with extreme care to solve and settle student problems within their
7.3 Elevate problems beyond their control to the Office of Student Affairs
and Services (OSAS).
7.4 Submit semi-annual reports to the executive secretary.

Section 8. The Insurance and Health Committee shall be composed of one (1) senator
as the Chairperson and the respective college governors.

The Insurance and Health Committee shall have the following functions:

8.1 Assist the students in compiling the requirements needed to avail of the
insurance benefits.
8.2 Keep updated records of insurance beneficiaries from time to time.
8.3 Coordinate with the Office of Student Affairs and Services in processing
the insurance.
8.4 Submit semi-annual reports to the executive secretary.

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Section 9. The Internationalization Committee shall be composed of the USG
President as chairperson, one (1) co-chairperson, and two (2) members.

The Internalization Committee shall have the following functions:

9.1 Endorse programs and activities that could promote internationalization

and globalization.
9.2 Review all activities submitted to it by the other committees of the USG
and of the different accredited organizations under the LCO to ascertain
that the activities conducted shall develop students’ 21st-century skills.
9.3 Take responsibility for conceptualized activities that could promote
interactions between international and domestic students to develop
their cultural fluency skills in preparation for a globalized future.
9.4 Submit semi-annual reports to the executive secretary.

Section 10. The Inventory Committee shall be composed of two (2) senators responsible
for keeping inventory regarding new, damaged, or lost office supplies.

The Inventory Committee shall have the following functions:

10.1 Coordinate with the Procurement Office and the Supply Office.
10.2 Submit semi-annual reports to the executive secretary.

Section 11. The Public Relations Committee shall be composed of one (1) senator as
Chairperson and secretaries from respective colleges.

The Public Relations Committee shall have the following functions:

11.1 Take responsibility for disseminating information related to student

11.2 Submit semi-annual reports to the executive secretary.

Section 12. The Sports, Culture, and Arts Committee shall be comprised of two (2)
senators and college governors.

The Sports, Culture, and Arts Committee shall have the following functions:
12.1 Organize activities on sports, culture, and arts.
12.2 Submit semi-annual reports to the executive secretary.

Section 13. The Committee on Rules and Implementations shall be composed of one (1)
senator as chairperson, one (1) co-chairperson, and two (2) members.

The Committee on Rules and Implementations shall have the following


13.1 Review resolutions on the collection of fees by any organization

under the USG; but may not be limited to;
a. All College Local Government.
b. League of Campus Organizations.
13.2 Submit semi-annual reports to the executive secretary.

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Section 1. All meetings shall be conducted through a parliamentary procedure, and no

meeting shall be construed without a quorum.

Section 2. Regular Meetings

2.1 Regular Meetings of the Central Government shall be conducted twice a

month or as necessary.
2.2 Regular Meeting of Local College Governments shall be conducted twice a
month otherwise specified by the college.

Section 3. Special meetings shall be conducted from time to time as deemed necessary.

3.1 The President or the designated, delegated officer can call for an emergency
3.2 The Governor or the designated, delegated officer can call for an emergency
meeting for the College Government.

Section 4. General assembly meetings among central government officers and the
members shall be held every 1st quarter of the semester or, as necessary, fixed
by the officers.


Section 1. The Commission on Elections shall be referred to as (COMELEC), an

independent committee that shall oversee an honest, orderly, and peaceful
conduct of the University's electoral process.

Section 2. The COMELEC shall be composed of a COMELEC Chairperson, one (1)

member drawn from each college.

Section 3. The members of the commission shall nominate the COMELEC Chairperson
on the election.

Section 5. The LCO President, Senate President, Executive Secretary, and College
Governors shall be ex-officio members.

Section 4. The COMELEC shall have the following powers, duties, and responsibilities.

4.1 Adhere to the election code that will serve as a basis of the election process.
4.2 Certify the qualifications of candidates in ANNEX A "Election Code".
4.3 Penalize or disqualify candidates and/or political parties who violate any
from the election code.

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4.4 Educate voters on the voting process to be used in the USG elections.
4.5 Take charge of all regulations relative to the conduct of an election.
4.6 Promulgate and execute rules and guidelines for fair and orderly Central
Government and Local elections.

Section 5. The COMELEC may receive protests and petitions regarding issues that arise
before the election, which will be in a formal letter and be filed day/s before the

Section 6. The election shall commence every 2nd Wednesday of April.


Section 1. Any officer of the USG may be removed from the office as may be determined
by the Grievance Committee for any cause of the following:

A. Any violation of the USG Constitution and by Laws.

B. Misappropriation of funds.
C. Any other form of misbehavior that violates the University Code and
Student Handbook.

Section 2. Any member of the University Student Government can file for removal of
office based on the preceding section's grounds.

Section 3. The following are the process of termination:

A. Filing of termination form

B. The Grievance Committee Shall Subpoena the respondent and witness, if
C. The accused will undergo investigation with the Head of the Grievance
Committee, Members, and USG Advisers.
D. Deliberation of the Head of the Grievance Committee, Grievance
Committee Members, and USG Advisers.
E. A two-thirds (2/3) vote decision by the Head of the Grievance Committee,
Grievance Committee Members, and USG Advisers of the central
government is required to recommend termination to OSAS.
F. The Grievance Committee shall submit a report of the proceedings to the

Section 4. In case the Head of Grievance Committee is the respondent of the termination
case, the investigation team shall be composed of the USG Vice-President,
Grievance Committee Members, and Adviser.
Section 5. In case the judgment was approved by the OSAS, the accused or offender can
file an appeal to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

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Section 1. All bonafide students of Caraga State University shall pay the USG Fee as a
membership fee.

Section 2. The general funds of the USG shall consist of student USG fees collected by the
University. The funds shall be deposited as a fiduciary fund under the University
guidelines on budget and auditing rules and procedures.

Section 3. Any external funds, such as sponsorship or income-generating projects,

collected by the USG shall be subject to the Office of the Student Affairs and
Services (OSAS) review and approval.

Section 4. The University Student Government shall manage, formulate, and adopt a
budget allocation, which shall embody the work plan of programs, projects,
leadership trainings, and seminars subject to the University Administration and
Governing Body's approval.

Section 5. All expenses of the USG shall be submitted for review by the Office of the
Student Affairs and Services and the University Administration, which shall be
the ex-officio auditor of the USG.

Section 6. All college government fees and external collections shall be subject to approval
by the University Student Government and Office of Student Affairs and
Services (OSAS) by the USG fiscal code.


Section 1. Any amendment or revision of this Constitution may be proposed by the

members through an initiative and shall be amended upon a vote of at least two-
thirds (2/3) of the members.

Section 2. No amendment or revision of this Constitution shall be authorized within five

(5) years following this Constitution's approval.


Section 1. All other rules and regulations of the University Student Government
inconsistent with the provisions of this CBL are hereby repealed or amended.

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Section 1. If any provision of this University Student Government is declared invalid by

the University Code and Student Handbook, the remainder thereof not affected
thereby shall continue in full force and effect.


Section 1. This Constitution and by-laws shall take effect immediately upon ratification by
the majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite called for the purpose and shall
supersede all previous Constitution and By-Laws.

Section 2. The Constitution shall be posted in the online bulletins of the respective college
governments to inform the students about the provisions of USG CBL.

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This Constitution and By-Laws were successfully gone through the University Student
Government-wide ratification called for this purpose in January 2021.


Senate President, University Student Government
A.Y 2020 – 2021

Speaker of the House, University Student Government
A.Y 2020 – 2021


Executive Secretary, University Student Government
A.Y 2020 - 2021

President, University Student Government
A.Y 2020 – 2021


Adviser, University Student Government
A.Y 2020 - 2021

Forwarded and presented to the Office of the Student Affairs on January 2021


Director, OSAS
A.Y 2020 - 2021

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