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DIFFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 2. Solve the differential equation: xdy  ydx  0

Calculator Technique for All First Order Differential Equation
Prepared by Engr. George Ezar Namoc Quiriado

What is Differential Equation?

It is an equation involving at least one derivative. It is oftentimes conveniently written in
terms of differentials to aid analysis and solution.
Dependent variable (DV) is the variable Independent variable (IV) is the
that is being differentiated with respect to variable that the dependent variable
another variable. It is usually in the depends on. It is usually in the
"numerator" of the derivative. “denominator" of the derivative.
2 y y w  3 w w
5  6y  sinx .  3  6w 0
x 2 x t x x
DV: y IV: x DV: w IV: x, t
3. Solve the differential equation: dy  tanxtanydx  0
An ordinary differential equation A partial differential equation (PDE) is
(ODE) is an equation that contains one an equation that involves partial 4. If dy=(2x-3)dx and y=2 when x=3, find the value of y when x=5.
or several derivatives of an unknown derivatives of an unknown function of
function two or more variables.
5. A function g(x, y) is homogeneous of degree n if g tx,ty   t n g  x,y  for all t.
2 y y 2
dT dT dT 2
dT 2
 5  6y  sinx  2  2 c Determine the degree of the function shown
x 2 x 2
dx dy dz dt y
A. f 2 x
 2y e  x2 B. tan   C. sin x  y 
1. Determine the order and degree of the following differential equations: y
 d4 b 
 db 
a. 5  4   5    b7  b5  p 2 3
c. (2xy")  (yy')  3xy  x 2

6. Solve the differential equation: y dx  xy  x
dy  0
 dp   dp  Calculator Technique for All First Order Differential Equation
b. 2xy"   2y '   x  2
2 3
d. y ' y   x  y ' 
 
Linear differential equation (LDE) Non-Linear differential equation (NDE)

y'' e x y' y  sinx y''' 3yy'' y  e x

dx dy
t2  y  7t  3y  sint
dt dt
d2 y dy y ''  siny  y '  e x
x2 x  3xy  3
dx 2 dx

7. Solve the differential equation: 3x  xy  2 dx  x  2y dy  0
 Solving both Homogenous/Complementary Solution
12. The charge q flowing through a circuit is given by the equation
INTEGRATING FACTORS FOR NON-EXACT DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION q''' 4q'' q' 6q  0 . Solve for the charge q at time t > 0.

 
8. Solve the differential equation: 4xy  3y  x dx  x  x  2y  dy  0
2 13. Solve the following equation in which s is the displacement of an object at time t.
stt  2st  s  0
Calculator Technique for All First Order Differential Equation
 2i i
14. The current i flowing through a circuit is given by the equation 2
2  5i  0 .
t t
Solve for the current i at time t > 0.

15. Solve the following equation in which s is the displacement of an object at time t.
s   2s   s  0
4 2


16. Find the differential equation out of the general solution given y  6  3xe  cosx
17. Find the differential equation out of the general solution given y  4xe sin2x
9. Solve the integrating factor of y'tanx  secx  y
Finding Particular Solution using Method of Undetermined Coefficients

 
2 18. Find the general solution of the differential equation y’’  3y’  2y  12x
10. Solve the differential equation: 2 y  4x dx  xdy  0
19. Find the general solution of the differential equation y’’ – y’  2y  e
20. Find the general solution of the differential equation y’’' 2y'’  3y  9
11. Solve the differential equation: y'  y  0 21. Find the general solution of the differential equation y'' y' 2y  sin2x
Calculator Technique for All First Order Differential Equation 22. Find the general solution of the differential equation y'' y' 2y  cos2x
23. Find the general solution of the differential equation y’’ – y’  y  3e sin2t
24. Find the general solution of the differential equation y’’ – y’  2y  3e cos3t

Finding Particular Solution using Variation of Parameters

25. Find the general solution of the nonhomogenous differential equation D  1 y  cscx

 v1  'y1   v 2  'y 2  0
 v1  '  y1  '  v2  '  y2  '  φ
Calculator Technique for Variation of Parameters
33. A body at a temperature of 50° F is placed outdoors where the temperature is 100° F.
If after 5 minutes the temperature of the body is 60° F, find (a) how long it will take the
body to reach a temperature of 75° F and (b) the temperature of the body after 20

34. A tank initially holds 100 gal of a brine solution containing 1 Ib of salt. At t = 0 another
brine solution containing 1 Ib of salt per gallon is poured into the tank at the rate of 3
gal/min, while the well-stirred mixture leaves the tank at the same rate. Find (a) the
amount of salt in the tank at any time t and (b) the time at which the mixture in the
tank contains 2 Ib of salt.

35. A tank contains 1000 liters of pure water. Brine that contains 0.05 kg of salt per liter of
water enters the tank at a rate of 5 liters/min. Brine that contains 0.04 kg of salt per
liter of water enters the tank at the rate of 10 liters/min. The solution is kept
SOLVING NONHOMOGENOUS DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION WITH INITIAL CONDITIONS thoroughly mixed and drains from the tank at 15 liters/min. How much salt is left in the
tank after 1 hour?

26. Solve y' 6y  sinx y  0   0 36. A 50-gal tank initially contains 10 gal of fresh water. At t = 0, a brine solution
y' 6y  sinx and x=0 when y=0. find the value of y when x=1. containing 1 Ib of salt per gallon is poured into the tank at the rate of 4 gal/min, while
27. If
the well-stirred mixture leaves the tank at the rate of 2 gal/min. Find (a) the amount of
time required for overflow to occur and (b) the amount of salt in the tank at the
28. Find the differential equation satisfied by the family of parabolas having their vertices 37. An RL circuit has an emf given (in volts) by 3 sin2t, a resistance of 10 ohms, an
at the origin and their foci on the y-axis. inductance of 0.5 henry, and an initial current of 6 amperes. Find the current in the
circuit at any time t.
29. Find the orthogonal trajectories of the family of curves x2+y2=c2?
38. An RC circuit has an emf given (in volts) by 400 cos 2t, a resistance of 100 ohms, and
30. During a certain epidemic, the number of people that are infected at any time a capacitance of 10 -2 farad. Initially there is no charge on the capacitor. Find the
increases at a rate proportional to the number of people that are infected at that time. current in the circuit at any time
If 1,000 people are infected when the epidemic is first discovered, and 1,200 are
infected 7 days later, how many people are infected 12 days after the epidemic is first 39. An RCL circuit connected in series has R = 180 ohms, C = 1/280 farad, L = 20
discovered? Find the time needed to triple the infected people. henries, and an applied voltage E(i) = 10 sin t. Assuming no initial charge on the
capacitor, but an initial current of 1 ampere at t = 0 when the voltage is first applied,
31. A certain radioactive material is known to decay at a rate proportional to the amount find the subsequent charge on the capacitor.
present. If initially there is 50 milligrams of the material present and after two hours it
is observed that the material has lost 10 percent of its original mass, (a) the mass of
the material after four hours, and (b) the time at which the material has decayed to
one half of its initial mass.

32. A cup of tea is prepared in a preheated cup with hot water so that the temperature of
both the cup and the brewing tea is initially 190° F. The cup is then left to cool in a
room kept at a constant 72° F. Two minutes later, the temperature of the tea is 150°
F. Determine (a) the temperature of the tea after 5 minutes and (b) the time required
for the tea to reach 100° F.

C. more than one dependent variable A. x C. y

A. x y  x  2y  2   c
2 2
1. The following is true for the following
D. equal number of dependent and B. x2 D. y2
partial differential equation used in
B. x y  x  2y  2   c
2 2
independent variables
mechanics known as the Korteweg–de
15. Solve the differential equation
Vries equation. xy 2  x  2y  2   c
w  w 3
6. It is the power to which the highest
order derivative is raised when the
C. 
3x  xy  2 dx  x3  2y dy  0 
 3  6w 0 xy 2  x  2y  2   c
differential coefficients are free from D.
t x x 3 2 2
radicals and fractions. A. x y  3x  x  c
11. Solve the equation
A. linear; 3rd order 3 2 2
A. degree C. order  4xy  3y 2

 x dx  x  x  2y  dy  0 B. x y  3x  y  c
C. nonlinear; 3rd order
B. exponent D. root 3 2 2
B. linear; 1st order C. x y  3x  y  c
7. The differential equation
D. nonlinear; 1st order
dy A.  
x2 4xy  4y 2  x  c
3 2 2
D. x y  3x  x  c
 P(x)y  Q(x)y n
B. 
2. Determine the order and degree, dx with n=1 is: x 4xy  4y  x   c
3 2
16. Solve the equation:
respectively, of the differential equation A. Bernoulli type
C. 
5 10 B. Variable separable x 4xy  4y  x   c
2 2 dQ

 d4 b   db  dt 10  2t
5  4   5    b7  b5  p C. Linear Type
D. 
 dp  x 4xy  4y  x   c
3 2
 dp  D. Homogeneous
40t  4t 2  c
.A. 1, 10 C. 4, 5 Qt  
B. 5, 4 D. 10, 1 12. Solve the equation A. 10  2t
1.5 2  3y  sin2x, y  0   6 y  x  y  dx   x  2y  1 dy  0 40t  4t 2  c
 8. Given dx , Qt  
 u 
f  u,v    u2  v 2 log   y(2) most nearly is B. 10  2t
  v 
A. y  x  y  1  ce
3. Given 30t  3t 2  c
Qt  
. Solve for the degree of homogeneity. A. 0.17643 C. 0.58024 C. 10  2t
B. y  x  y  1  ce
B. 0.29872 D. 0.32046
30t  3t 2  c
A. 2 C. 3 x  x  y  1  ce x Qt  
B. 1 D. 0 9. Consider the differential equation C. D. 10  2t
y" 2y' 8y  0 The x  x  y  1  ce  x
derivatives are D.
4. The differential equation 17. Solve the equation:
taken with respect to t. Determine the
dy 2 values of r for which the given 13. Solve the equation y'' y' 2y  0
2  x y  2x  3, y  0   5
 
x 2x
dx is
differential has solution of the form 3x2 ydx  y 4  x3 dy  0 A. y  c1e  c 2e
y  ert x 2x
A. linear 3 4
A. 3x  y  cx
3 4
C. 3x  y  cy B. y  c1e  c 2 e
B. nonlinear x 2x
C. linear with fixed constants A. 2 and -4 C. 4 and -2 3 4
B. 3x  y  cx
3 4
D. 3x  y  cy C y  c1e  c 2e
D. not linear or nonlinear B. 1 and 3 D. 4 and -4 x 2x
D. y  c1e  c 2e
10. Solve the equation 14. Find the integrating factor of the
5. A partial differential equation has equation
y  x  y  1 dx  x  x  3y  2  dy  0 18. Solve the equation:
A. one independent variable  
4xy  3y2  x dx  x  x  2y  dy  0 dI2
 20
 200I  0
B. two or more independent variables dt 2 dt
23. A solution of differential equation 3 32. A hot pie that was cooked at a constant
 9  2
 c1 cos5t  c 2 sin5t  containing a number of arbitrary y    cx2  x5  temperature of 325° F is taken directly
A. I  e constants equal to the order of the A.  2  from an oven and placed outdoors in
B. I  e  c1 cos5t  c 2 sin5t 
equation. 3 the shade to cool on a day when the air
 2  2
y    cx2  x5  temperature in the shade is 85° F.
C. I  e
 c1 cos10t  c 2 sin10t  A. particular solution B.  9  After 5 minutes in the shade, the
 c1 cos10t  c 2 sin10t  B. singular solution 3 temperature of the pie had been
D. I  e  2  2
C. general solution y    cx2  x5  reduced to 250° F. Determine (a) the
C.  9 
D. integral solution temperature of the pie after 20 minutes
19. Find the degree of the differential 3 and (b) the time required for the pie to
 9  2
y’  x   y  xy’  . 24. Find the particular solution of the y    cx2  x5  reach 275° F.
equation D.  2 
A. one C. two nonhomogenous differential A. (a) 238.6°F; (b) 4.12min
B. three D. four equation C. (a) 138.6°F; (b) 4.12min
28. The orthogonal trajectories of the B. (a) 238.6°F; (b) 3.12min
y’’ – 3y’ – 4y  8e t sin  2t 
family of curves x2  y2  c2 are D. (a) 138.6°F; (b) 3.12min
20. Which of the following functions is 10 t 2
homogeneous? y e sin 2t   e t cos  2t 
A. 13 13 A. lines C. hyperbolas 33. A bar of iron, previously heated to
A. xsiny  ysinx C. arcsin xy 10 2 B. parabolas D. ellipses 1200° C, is cooled in a large bath of
xy y  e t sin 2t   e t cos  2t 
x B. 13 13 water maintained at a constant
x  ycos   22
29. Find the equation of the family of temperature of 50° C. The bar cools by
B. y D. x  y 5 7
y  e t sin 2t   e t cos  2t  orthogonal trajectories of the system of 200° in the first minute. How much
C. 13 13 longer will it take to cool a second
21. Solve the equation: parabolas y 2  2x  C
7 t 5 200°?
y"' 6y" 11y' 6y  0 y e sin 2t   e t cos  2t  A. y  ce  x C. y  ce x
D. 13 13 A. 1.24 min C. 2.48 min
x 2x
A. y  c1e  c 2e  c 3e
3x B. y  ce2x D. y  ce 2x B. 2.41 min D. 4.82 min
x 2x 3x 25. What is the degree of the equation
B. y  c1e  c 2e  c 3e 30. The rate of population growth of a 34. A body of unknown temperature is
x 2x 3x y ' y  sinx ?
C. y  c1e  c 2e  c 3e country is proportional to the number of placed in a refrigerator at a constant
A. zero C. one-half inhabitants. If a population of a country temperature of 0° F. If after 20 minutes
x 2x 3x
D. y  c1e  c 2e  c 3e B. two D. one now is 40 million and 50 million in 10 the temperature of the body is 40° F
years time, what will be its population and after 40 minutes the temperature
22. Find the general solution of the 26. Which of the following equations 20years from now? of the body is 20° F, find the initial
nonhomogenous differential is an exact DE? temperature of the body.
equation y’’ – y’ – 2y  5sin3x. A. x 2

 1 dx – xydy  0 A. 56.19 C. 62.18 A. 60° F C. 80° F
B. 71.29 D. 59.24 B. 70° F D. 90° F
y  c1e  x  c 2e2x –
sin3x  cos3x
26 B. 
2xy dx  2  x2 dy  0 
31. A certain radioactive element follows 35. A cup of tea is prepared in a preheated
11 3 xdy   3x  2y  dx  0 the “law of exponential change” and cup with hot water so that the
y  c1e x 2x
 c 2e – sin3x  cos3x C.
B. 26 26 2 has a “half-life” of 38 hours. Find the temperature of both the cup and the
D. x ydy – ydx  0 percentage of radioactivity that remains brewing tea is initially 190° F. The cup
11 3
y  c1e  x  c 2e2x  sin3x  cos3x after 76 hours. is then left to cool in a room kept at a
C. 26 26 1
3 constant 72° F. Two minutes later, the
11 3 y'- y = x 4 y 3
y  c1e  x  c 2e2x  sin3x  cos3x 27. Solve 4 A. 35.6% C. 37.6% temperature of the tea is 150° F.
D. 26 26 B. 25.5% D. 45.7% Determine (a) the temperature of the
tea after 5 minutes and (b) the time
required for the tea to reach 100° F.
when the tank contains 240 liters of A. 1/10 A C. 5/10 A 12 10t
A. (a) 113.9°F; (b) 6.95 min brine. B. 5 A D. 1 A C. I  e cos10t
C. (a) 113.9°F; (b) 7.95 min A. 183.30 N C. 231.60 N 12
B. (a) 213.9°F; (b) 6.95 min B. 230.45 N D. 134.75 N 40. Using the above situation, Find the D. I   e 10t sin10t
D. (a) 213.9°F; (b) 7.95 min transient current in the circuit
38. A tank contains 1000 liters of pure e 50t e 50t
36. The temperature of a metal is 20oC.It water. Brine that contains 0.05 kg of A.  C. 42. A 10 ohms resistance R and a 1.0
10 10 henry inductance L are in series. An
is submerged in a large body of liquid salt per liter of water enters the tank at
e 50t e 50t AC voltage e(t) = 100sin 377t is applied
of temperature 5oC. After one (1) a rate of 5 liters/min. Brine that B.  D.
minute, the temperature of the metal contains 0.04 kg of salt per liter of 10 10 across the series circuit. The applicable
dropped down to 10oC. What will be water enters the tank at the rate of 10 di
differential equation is: Ri  L  et 
the temperature of the metal after 30 liters/min. The solution is kept 41. An RCL circuit connected in series has dt
seconds? thoroughly mixed and drains from the R = 10 ohms, C = 10-2 farad, L = 0.5 Solve for the particular solution (without
tank at 15 liters/min. How much salt is henry, and an applied voltage E = 12 the complimentary solution) to the
A. 13.65°C C. 15.12 °C left in the tank after 1 hour? volts. Assuming no initial current and differential equation, and determine the
B. 12.46 °C D. 17.34 °C A. 26.83 kg C. 25.72 kg no initial charge at t = 0 when the amplitude of the resulting sinusoidal
B. 24.89 kg D. 23.55 kg voltage is first applied, find the current i(t).
37. A tank contains 200 liters of fresh subsequent current in the system.
water. Brine containing 2.50 N/liter of 39. An RL circuit has an emf of 5 volts, a 12 10t A. 0.265 ampere C. 0.292 ampere
A. I  e sin10t
dissolved salt runs into the tank at the resistance of 50 ohms, an inductance 5 B. 0.321 ampere D. 0.241 ampere
rate of 8 liters/min and the mixture kept of 1 henry, and no initial current. Find 12
uniform by stirring runs out at 4 the steady state current. B. I   e 10t cos10t
liters/min. Find the amount of salt

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