Knowledge of Needle Sticks Injuries and Its Preven

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Knowledge of needle sticks injuries and its prevention among interns and post
graduate students working at a tertiary health care centre, Bangalore

Article in International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health · June 2017
DOI: 10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20172838


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3 authors:

Christy Vijay Allen Joe

Cleveland Clinic

Naveen Ramesh
St. John's Medical College, Bangalore, India


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International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
Vijay C et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2017 Jul;4(7):2443-2448 pISSN 2394-6032 | eISSN 2394-6040

Original Research Article

Knowledge of needle sticks injuries and its prevention among interns

and post graduate students working at a tertiary
health care centre, Bangalore
Christy Vijay, Allen Joe, Naveen Ramesh*

Department of Community Medicine, St John's Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Received: 02 May 2017

Accepted: 26 May 2017

Dr. Naveen Ramesh,
E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: Health care workers (HCW) especially doctors and nurses are at an increased risk of accidental needle
stick injuries (NSI) due to the occupational environment in which they work. Hence the HCWs are at a higher risk of
acquiring blood borne pathogens such as HIV, hepatitis B and C and other diseases. This study was done to assess
knowledge regarding NSI and practice regarding disposal of needles and sharps among interns and postgraduate
Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study done among 110 interns and postgraduates medical students
working in various departments of a tertiary health care centre in Bangalore. A self-administered questionnaire was
used to collect the data regarding knowledge, practices and preventive measures among HCWs in their work place.
Results: Among the 110, 55 (50%) were from intern category and 55 (50%) were from the postgraduate category and
47 (42.7%) were male and 63 (57.3%) were female students. The prevalence of NSI was found to be 36.3%. Female
participants and post graduates had better knowledge. Female participants and interns had better practice.
Conclusions: The Knowledge among the medical students (interns and postgraduates) was inadequate, indicating the
need for awareness programs to reduce the burden of NSI among HCWs.

Keywords: Needle stick injuries, Interns, Postgraduates, Knowledge, Practice

INTRODUCTION and C, and other diseases.2 Studies have also shown that
HIV and Hepatitis B are among the important diseases
A needle stick injury is penetrating stab wound from a transmitted by needle stick injuries.3
needle (or other sharp object) that may result in exposure
to blood or other body fluids. The main concern is Needle stick injuries are unsafe event among HCWs in
exposure to infectious disease agents present in the blood their working environment, while conducting procedures
or other body fluids of another person.1 like with drawing blood, administering an intramuscular
or intravenous injection or during needle recapping. The
Health care workers (HCW) especially doctors and lack of knowledge, access or failure to use
nurses are at an increased risk of occupational accidental appropriate practice in the form of personal protective
needle stick injuries (NSI) due to their hazardous work equipment contributes to increasing incidence of NSI
environment. Hence the HCWs are at higher risk of among HCWs.2 It has also been observed that the stress at
acquiring blood borne pathogens such as HIV, hepatitis B work place can also put HCW at increased risk for NSIs.2

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Vijay C et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2017 Jul;4(7):2443-2448

Generally, NSI cause only minor bleeding or visible College, Bangalore. The study period was from July –
trauma. However, even in the absence of bleeding, the December, 2016.
risk of viral infection still remains. In turn, a NSI may
also pose a risk for a patient if the injured HCW has a The calculated sample size was 100, based on a study
blood borne illness.2 done by Sharma et al, the knowledge of disease
transmission through needle stick and sharp injury was
Prospective studies have reported that the estimated risk 50.2%, with 10% absolute precision and 95% confidence
for HIV infection after a percutaneous exposure to HIV interval.7 A total of 110 subjects were contacted
infected blood is approximately 0.3%. There were more considering 10% non-responsive rate. The study group
than three million HCWs who experience a percutaneous included interns and post graduates above the age of 18
injury with a contaminated sharp object each year and years, both male and females. The participants included
these exposures result in about 1,000 HCWs ending with 55 medical interns and 55 medical postgraduates who
HIV. They also estimated that 4.4% (0.8%–18.5%) of were randomly selected from the list of interns and
HIV infections among HCW may be attributable to postgraduates. The subjects were explained about the
occupational sharps injuries worldwide.3 study objectives and written informed consenting was
obtained from all the study participants. The tool used in
Similarly for Hepatitis B, HCWs who have received this study was a standardized tool developed by Rampal
hepatitis B vaccine and have developed immunity to the et al and it was a self-administered questionnaire.8 The
virus are at virtually no risk for infection. But for an tool consisted of questions which assessed knowledge,
unvaccinated person, the risk from a single needle stick practices and preventive measures adopted by HCWs at
or a cut exposure to HBV infected blood ranges from the work place. Along with these demographic details,
6%–30% and depends on the hepatitis B e antigen past history NSI and current designation and work place
(HBeAg) status of the source individual.4 were also documented. The questionnaire consisted of 18
questions. There were 8 questions that assessed
A study done by Leigh et al in 2004 in USA showed that knowledge, 8 questions that pertained to
among all those with NSI, the combined medical and practice/prevention and remaining 2 questions looked
work productivity costs summed up to $188.5 million.5 into prevalence of a NSI. The questions in each of the
categories were coded and a cumulative score was given
Injection safety should be assessed using standardized to each of the candidates. When a candidate secured a
methods to allow for a reliable assessment. This will help score of equal to or greater than 7, the candidate had good
determines whether a facility meets the necessary knowledge/practice that is expected of an intern or
requirements for equipment, supplies and waste disposal. postgraduate.
It also identifies unsafe practices that may lead to
infections and helps estimates the proportion of health Data collected was entered and analyzed for descriptive
care facilities where injection practices are safe.6 The statistics such as frequency, mean and standard deviation.
incidence of NSI are under reported and the data Pearson‟s Chi Square test and Fishers Exact were used to
collected through NSI register may have to be inflated ten assess associations and „p‟ value less than 0.05 was
times to get the true picture.7 considered significant. Data collected was analyzed using
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version
Three major considerations are especially relevant in the 16.0.
assessment of potential unsafe injections practices: the
safety of the injection recipient, the safety of the HCW RESULTS
and the safety of the community.6
This study included 110 participants, 55 (50%) medical
The interns and postgraduates are young professional interns and 55 (50%) medical postgraduate from a tertiary
who probably for the first time in their professional life health care centre in Bangalore. There were 47 (42.7%)
come in contact with patients and during their training male and 63 (57.3%) female. The responses to the self-
period face stressful clinical situations which may lead to administered tool were as follows, Table 1.
the increased incidence of NSIs. Hence, this study
objective were to assess the level of knowledge regarding The overall response was found to be good, (scores were
NSI and practice of giving injection and disposal of more than 75% for most of the questions except for
needles among interns and postgraduate students working knowledge regarding needleless devices). At the same
at a tertiary health care centre in Bangalore. time, for very few questions the interns and postgraduates
(PG) were able to score more than 95%.
In this study, 101 (91.8%) of the participants knew about
This was a cross-sectional study done among medical the World Health Organization (WHO) Universal
interns postgraduates. Ethical approval was obtained Precautions to prevent NSI, but none were able to
from the Institution Ethics Committee, St. John‟s Medical enumerate more than three personal protective
equipment‟s (gloves, goggles, gowns, caps, mask). 9,10

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | July 2017 | Vol 4 | Issue 7 Page 2444
Vijay C et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2017 Jul;4(7):2443-2448

When asked about recent advances and other safer only 34 (30.9%) of the participants had some
devices such as needless safety devices, it was found that knowledge.11
Table 1: Responses to self-administered questionnaire.

Question Percentage
1. Do you know about Universal precaution guidelines? Yes 101 (91.8%)
2. Do you know about needleless safety device? Yes 34 (30.9%)
3. Can Hepatitis B be transmitted by Needle stick and sharp injuries? Yes 109 (99.1%)
4. Can Hepatitis C be transmitted by Needle stick and sharp injuries? Yes 97 (88.2%)
5. Can HIV/AIDS be transmitted by Needle stick and sharp injuries? Yes 110 (100%)
6. Do you need to wear gloves during Phlebotomy? Yes 110 (100%)
7. Do you wear gloves during Phlebotomy? Yes 96 (87.3%)
8. Do you wear gloves when withdrawing a needle from a patient? Yes 97 (88.2%)
9. Should needles be recapped/Bent after use? No 93 (84.5%)
10. Do you recap needles after use? No 84 (76.4%)
11. Do you disassemble used needles or sharps with your hand? No 82 (74.5%)
12. Do you wear gloves when disposing of contaminated needles or
Yes 100 (90.9%)
13. Do you separate the needle from syringe prior to disposal? Yes 95 (86.4%)
14. Do you throw used needles or sharps into the sharps bin
Yes 102 (90.7%)
15. Do you wear gloves when manipulating the sharp bin? Yes 85 (77.3%)
16. Do needle stick and sharp injuries need to be reported? Yes 109 (99.1%)
17. Have you ever had a needle stick Injury? Yes 40 (36.4%)
13 of the 40 (36.6%) who
18. Was the incident of the needle stick/sharp injury reported? Yes had NSI reported the

Table 2: Association between Knowledge of NSI with gender and designation.

Knowledge of NSI Variable Total (n = 110) Good knowledge 87 (100)

Male 47 (100%) 37 (78.7%)
Female 63 (100%) 50 (79.3%)
Intern 55 (100%) 42 (76.3%)
PG 55 (100%) 45 (81.8%)

Table 3: Association between Practice of NSI with gender and designation.

Practices in NSI Variable Total (n = 110) Good practices (n=33)

Gender Male 47 (100%) 13 (27.6%)
Female 63 (100%) 20 (31.7%)
Intern 55 (100%) 18 (32.7%)
PG 55 (100%) 15 (27.2%)

Table 4: Prevalence of NSI and reporting of the NSI.

NSI Prevalence 40 (100) P value

Reported 13 (32.5%)
Not Reported 27 (67.5%)

In relation to the questions that involved the various It was seen that the knowledge of NSI is almost equal
infections that could be transmitted via NSI 109 (99.1%), among males and females. It is also seen that post
97 (88.2%) and 110 (100%) of the individuals responded graduates have a better knowledge compared to interns.
rightly that Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS can
spread by NSI.12-14 It was seen that females have better practices with respect
to handling needles and sharps in comparison to males.

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | July 2017 | Vol 4 | Issue 7 Page 2445
Vijay C et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2017 Jul;4(7):2443-2448

Interns have better practices when compared to the needle should not be recapped but only 84 (76.4%) of
postgraduates. them did not recap the needle. In this study, 82 (74.5%)
of the participants did not disassembling used sharps and
The practice of wearing gloves during procedure needles with the hands. It was noted that 95 (86.4%) of
involving needle, 110 (100%) of the participants said that the individuals separated the needles from the syringe
it was necessary to wear gloves during phlebotomy but prior to disposal. It was also observed that 102 (90.7%) of
only 96 (87.3%) of them practiced the same. When the the participants followed the right practice of throwing
knowledge of recapping a needle was analyzed it was the used needles and sharps into the sharp bin.
noticed that 93 (84.5%) of the individuals knew that a
Table 5: Association between knowledge and practice.

Knowledge and practice of not recapping needles

Present Absent Total P value
Interns 42 (76.36%) 13 (23.64%) 55 (100%) 0.288
PGs 37 (67.27%) 18 (32.73%) 55 (100%) (Pearson Chi
Total 79 (71.81%) 31 (28.19%) 110 (100%) square value = 1.1)
Knowledge and practice of wearing gloves during phlebotomy
Interns 53 (96.36%) 2 (3.64%) 55 (100%) 0.003
PGs 43 (78.18%) 12 (21.82%) 55 (100%) (Pearson chi
Total 96 (87.27%) 14 (12.73%) 110 (100%) square value = 8.1)
Actual practice of not recapping needles
Knowledge of not recapping needles
Present 79 (84.94%) 14 (15.06%) 93 (100%) <0.001
Absent 5 (29.41%) 12 (70.59%) 17 (100%) (Fisher's exact
Total 84 (76.36%) 26 (23.64%) 110 (100%) value=24.5)

In the study population, 40 (36.6%) participants had past participants did not have complete knowledge about the
history of NSI, all had the knowledge that NSI had to be guidelines and precautions of preventing NSI. A cross-
reported; but only 13 (32.5%) reported the incident and sectional survey conducted by Sharma et al using a self-
availed treatment and this was found significant i.e., p administered questionnaire among HCWs, 94.7% were
value was <0.05. NSI was reported by 6 (10.9%) interns aware about standard precautions and 91.5% knew about
and 7 (12.7%) postgraduates. the procedure for reporting of NSI.7

Table 5, shows that interns have good knowledge as well Transmission of infections by NSI can be prevented by
as the practice of not recapping needles after use and wearing well-fitting, sterile gloves when drawing blood
wearing gloves during phlebotomy when compared to and by practice of hand hygiene.15-17 In a study from
post graduates and this was found to be statistically Ireland reported about 80% used gloves during
significant. Those who had good knowledge also had phlebotomy and disposal of sharps.9 In this study, 85
good practice of not recapping needles after use when (77.3%) of the study participants mentioned that they did
compared to those who had poor knowledge and wear glove while manipulating the bin containing sharps.
recapped needles after use and this was also found to be
statistically significant. The international guidelines reports that the safest way to
dispose of a used needle is to immediately place it in a
DISCUSSION sharps disposal container to reduce the risk of needle
sticks, cuts and punctures from loose sharps.18 Clearly
HCWs especially in the beginning of the professional there is a gap between knowledge and practice of
carrier like interns and postgraduates face stressful recapping needles among the study participants.
clinical situations putting them at increased risk of NSI at
their work place. The incidence of NSI was common Guidelines also mention that, never remove a hypodermic
occupational hazards among HCWs and its showing an needle from the syringe by hand, this may result in
upward trend. In this study, among the 110 participants, accidental needle stick cuts or punctures and needles and
50% were interns and the remaining 50% were sharps must be discarded into bin labeled „sharps‟.19,20
postgraduates perusing various postgraduate courses in
the Hospital providing tertiary health services in Only 13 out of the 40 (36.4%) reported the incident. In
Bangalore, South India. general the incidence of NSIs are underreported and in
this study only one third report NSI. The guidelines for
In this study, 101 (91.8%) participants knew about the the reporting of a NSI are, it should be reported
WHO Universal Precautions to prevent NSI, but none immediately.21 In a similar study from Mexico among the
were able to enumerate more than three personal medical faculty and students 56.7% of students had at
protective equipment‟s. This showed that most of the least one NSI, 44.5% of them reported NSI. 22 The risk

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factors for NSI were the feeling of being rushed by transmitted by NSI and appropriate methodology for
someone else, fatigue, night duties, females being the disposal the used needles and sharps. Female participants
first to get punctured and males having more number of fared better that the male participants and the interns had
punctures, which was similar to the response given by the both better practices as well as knowledge in comparison
participants in this study. In another study from China, to postgraduate students. Although postgraduate students
NSI were significantly associated with psychosocial by themselves had an exceptional knowledge of NSI they
characteristics like influence at work, job insecurity, poor quiet did not practice what they knew. The causative
quality leadership and poor social support.23 factors for a NSI were multifactorial. There is an urgent
need to educate HCWs especially young professionals
A study from Malaysia hospital revealed that the overall like medical students, interns and postgraduates about
prevalence of needle stick or sharps injuries was 23.5%.24 Universal Precaution and NSI as their health and the
Staff nurses had the highest prevalence (27.9%). The future of health industry of this country depends on them.
causes of NSI in 58% of cases were caused by
hypodermic needle and 27.2% cases were due to Funding: No funding sources
recapping. A cross-sectional study from Pakistan Conflict of interest: None declared
revealed, 64% of HCWs were exposed to at least one NSI Ethical approval: The study was approved by the
during their career and among them 73% reported NSIs Institutional Ethics Committee
for two or more times which was not the case in our
study.25 HCWs had inadequate practices regarding REFERENCES
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International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | July 2017 | Vol 4 | Issue 7 Page 2448

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