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Narrative Texts in the Form of

Fairy Tales and Folklore

Arranged by :
Fanny Yulia M.
Jasmine Isnaini R.
Bunga Keyza M.
Nelsha Virnaris W.


Jl. KH. Raden Mas Ali No. 1 Tawangsari Taman Sidoarjo
Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023

 What is Narrative Text?
Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic event and it tries to find the resolutions
to solve the problems. An important part of narrtive textis the narrative mode, the set of methods used
to communicate the narrative through a process narration.
The purpose of narrative text is to amuse or to entertain the reader with a story. There are many
types of narrative texts but we will only mention 2, namely folk tales and fairy tales.

 What is Folklore?
Folklore is a story from the past that has been passed down from generation to generation to the
next generation. There are many forms of folklore itself, starting from the story of an area, a character,
to stories about animals in ancient times. Folklore can be entertainment, social and culture of a

 What is a Fairytale?
Fairy tale is form of narrative that takes form of short story that typically features entities such as
dwarfs, dragons, elves, fairies, giants, gnomes, goblins, griffins, mermaids, talking animals,
trolls,unicorns, or witches, and usually involve magic or enchantments.

The Generic Structure of Narrative

o Orientation
This part contains sets the scene: where and the story happened and introduces the participants of
the story: who and what is involved in the story.
o Complcation
This part tells the beginning of the problems which leads to the crisis (climax) of the main
o Resolution
This part the problem (the crisis) is resolved, either in happy ending or in a sad (tragic) ending.
o Re-Orientation/Coda
This is aclosing remark to the story and it isoptional. It consists of moral lesson, advice or
teaching from the writer.

After this there are several examples of narrative texts from fairy tales and folklore.

Bawang Merah Bawang Putih

Once upon a time, there
was a family who lived
happily. They have a beautiful daughter named Bawang Putih. But one day, Bawang Putih's mother
fell ill and eventually died. After that incident, Bawang Putih lived with her father.
Bawang Putih's father was a trader who often traveled far. Because he could not bear to leave
Bawang Putih alone at home, Bawang Putih's father finally decided to remarry a widow. The widow
had one child named Bawang Merah.
"From now on you will have a mother and half sister for you, her name is Bawang Merah," said
the father.
Bawang Putih was happy because she had a new family. The stepmother and Bawang Merah
were very sweet to her. However, the kindness was only momentary. Bawang Putih's mother and
stepsister had evil traits. They were kind to Bawang Putih only when her father was with her.
But when his father went to trade, they ordered Bawang Putih to do all the housework like a
maid. It turned out that Bawang Putih's misfortune did not stop there. After some time, Bawang
Putih's father also fell ill and eventually died. Now, the stepmother and Bawang Merah are getting
mean to Bawang Putih.
"Now you do all the housework every day," said her stepmother after her father was buried.
Even Bawang Putih's resting time was also increasingly limited. Every day he has to serve all the
needs of Bawang Merah and her stepmother. Until one morning when Bawang Putih was washing in
the river, one of Bawang Putih's favorite scarves was unknowingly washed away.
"Brother, sorry your scarf was washed away in the river," said Bawang Putih.
"Don't ever come back to this house if you can't find my shawl!" Shallot snapped.
Finally, Bawang Putih went down the river to find the shawl. Until late at night, he had not found
the shawl. While walking down the river, Bawang Putih saw a hut, it turned out that the hut was
inhabited by an old woman alone. Bawang Putih finally asked permission to stay overnight.
"Grandma, may I have permission to stay at your house?" asked Bawang Putih.
The grandmother was kind enough, she invited Bawang Putih to stay the night. The grandmother
also asked about Bawang Putih, and how she got there. Bawang Putih also told about her fate, so that
the grandmother who heard it felt sorry. Apparently, the shawl that Bawang Putih was looking for was
found by the grandmother.
"While crossing the river, I found this shawl stuck in the rocks," said Grandma.
"Grandma, thank you very much," said Bawang Putih happily.
But the grandmother was willing to give up the shawl on the condition that Bawang Putih had to
accompany her for a week.
"I want to give this shawl. But there is a condition. You have to stay here for a week," said
Bawang Putih happily accepted the offer.
"I will gladly accompany you, Grandma." A week had passed, and now it was Bawang Putih's
time to go home.
Because while living there Bawang Putih was very diligent, the grandmother gave her the scarf
she had found and gave Bawang Putih a present. He was told to choose between two pumpkins to take
with him.
At first Bawang Putih wanted to refuse, but because she
wanted to respect the gift, Bawang Putih finally chose a small
pumpkin for fear that she would not be able to carry it. And the
grandmother just smiled at that reason.
After that, Bawang Putih immediately went home and handed
the shawl to Bawang Merah. After that he immediately went to
the kitchen to split the pumpkin and cook it. However, how
shocked he was, because when the pumpkin was cut open, it
turned out that the pumpkin contained a lot of gold gems.
Inadvertently, Bawang Putih's stepmother saw it and immediately took all the gold. Not only that,
he also forced Bawang Putih to tell him where he got the magic pumpkin from. Hearing Bawang
Putih's story, an evil intention emerged in the mind of the greedy stepmother.
The next morning, he ordered Bawang Merah to do the same thing as Bawang Putih did, she
hoped she would be able to bring home a bigger pumpkin so that it contained more.
Long story short, the lazy Bawang Merah arrived at Grandma's hut, and she stayed there for a
week. But because of his lazy nature, he just lazed around and didn't want to help the grandmother's
work. And when it was time to go home, he was asked to choose a pumpkin as a gift.
Without thinking, he immediately took a large pumpkin and immediately ran home without
saying thank you. After arriving home, his mother was very happy to see her son carrying a very large
He thought there must be quite a lot of gold in it. Because they didn't want Bawang Putih to know
and they were afraid that Bawang Putih would ask for her share, they told Bawang Putih to wash in
the river.
After that they entered the room and locked it tightly. With impatience, they immediately split the
pumpkin. But beyond expectations, not gold in it. But the gourd was filled with snakes, scorpions,
centipedes, and various venomous animals.
Quickly the animals came out of the pumpkin and bit the two children and the greedy mother.
The Goose Lays Golden Eggs

In ancient times there was a husband and wife farmer who lived simply. Even though they only
have a field of rice fields and a goose, they live quietly.
Their pet goose always gives eggs every day so they can be used for daily food or sometimes also
sold. The results of their rice fields are also sufficient for their lives even though they are simple.
One day the farmer was confused because the eggs the goose produced were not ordinary eggs,
but golden eggs.
But the farmer and his wife were of course happy because the golden eggs were then sold and the
results could be used to meet their various needs.
The goose gave them golden eggs every day, so that from a simple life, the farmer and his wife
became rich. They no longer needed to work as hard as before.
Unfortunately, after living a prosperous life, the farmer had
bad thoughts because his heart was getting greedy, and wanted to
get more. He began to wonder how his goose could lay a golden
In his mind he felt that in the stomach of the goose there
must be a source of gold such as gold coins so that it could
produce golden eggs every day.
Finally he said to his wife, "Shall we cut open the goose's
stomach?" If he could lay a golden egg every day, it meant he had gold coins in his stomach. If we cut
open its stomach, we can get richer with the gold we have.”
The wife became greedy like her husband and agreed to the farmer's proposal. So they caught the
goose and then split it.
The moral of this fairy tale is that we don't get greedy. Like the farmer when he lived a simple life
he could be happy, but once he was rich he became greedy and eventually lost because he lost his
source of wealth.
So be grateful for what you have, and if you get an advantage, you should be even more grateful,
not greedy.
Roro Jonggrang

in ancient times, there was a kingdom called Prambanan led by Prabu Baka. Roro Jonggrang was
the daughter of Prabu Baka as well as the daughter of the Prambanan Kingdom who was known to be
very beautiful.

The story begins when the father of Roro Jonggrang died in the battle against Bandung
Bondowoso, the leader of the Pengging Kingdom.

This defeat made Bandung Bondowoso succeed in controlling the Prambanan Kingdom. Bandung
Bondowoso is known as a leader who is unbeatable, cruel, and has an army of genies to help him.
Seeing the existence of the beautiful Roro Jonggrang, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love. He also asked
Roro Jonggrang to become his queen.

Bandung Bondowoso immediately proposed to Roro Jonggrang. But the princess refused,
because she did not want to marry her father's killer. The refusal made Bandung Bondowoso angry.

Every day, Bandung Bondowoso kept pressing Roro Jonggrang to become his queen. Tired of
Bandung Bondowoso's insistence, and thinking about the safety of his people, Roro Jonggrang finally
found a way.

She is willing to accept Bandung Bondowoso's proposal, as long as the man is able to meet her

"I am willing to become your empress on one condition. If you succeed in doing so, then I will
marry you. But if not, let me leave here," said Roro Jonggrang.

"Whatever you ask for, I will definitely give it," replied Bandung Bondowoso to Roro

"Then build me a thousand temples overnight. Everything must be finished before sunrise," said
Roro Jonggrang.

Even though he was confused and annoyed when he heard it, Bandung Bondowoso agreed to
Roro Jonggrang's request. He immediately asked for the help of the jinn to build 1000 temples.
Sure enough, thanks to his supernatural powers and
the help of the genies, the temple buildings were slowly
being completed one by one. Roro Jonggrang, who saw
this from a distance, started to panic.

He is looking for ways to thwart Bandung

Bondowoso's efforts. Then, Roro Jonggrang
immediately asked the women for help to collect straw
and burn it. While some others were ordered to pound
the mortar.

This is done to present an atmosphere like the morning. A tinge of red radiated into the sky
accompanied by a frenzied sound, and the crowing of the rooster succeeded in making Bandung
Bondowoso's troop of genies frantic.

They thought that dawn had come and left before their bodies were scorched by the sun.
Nevertheless, Banung Bondowoso believes he has completed 1,000 temples.

"This is the temple you asked for and is already standing," said Bandung Bondowoso.

Roro Jonggrang then counted the number of temples and it turned out that there were only 999 of
them. "The number is less than one. It means you have failed to meet the conditions that I proposed,"
exclaimed Roro Jonggrang.

Seeing this, Bandung Bondowoso was surprised. He then felt angry.

"That's impossible! I've never lost. Whatever I want, I'll definitely get," said Bandung

Not accepting this fact, Bandung Bondowoso felt angry. He then stared intently at Roro
Jonggrang, and said, "Then you can complete it," he continued.

Bandung Bondowoso also cursed Roro Jonggrang to become a temple. That way, Roro Jonggrang
became the 1000th temple. Now, these 1000 temples are known as Prambanan Temple or Roro
Jonggrang Temple.

Alue Naga

One day Sultan Meurah received news about the unrest of his people in a certain place, then he
visited that place, namely a village on the outskirts of Kuta Raja to find out more about the complaints
of his people.

"Sir, many of our livestock disappeared while on the Lamyong hill," complained a farmer.
"Sometimes the hill causes earthquakes so that landslides often occur and endanger people who
happen to pass under it," added another. "Since when did this happen?" asked Sultan Meurah. "It's
been a long time, my lord, before my lord's father died," explained another.

Arriving at the palace, the Sultan summoned his best friend Renggali, the younger brother of
King Linge Mude. "I've always been amazed by the hill in Lamnyong," said Sultan Meurah. "Why is
there a hill that extends there even though around it are swamps which are always watery," continued
Sultan Meurah. "According to the story of the old man, the hill suddenly appeared one night,"
explained Renggali, "my brother, Raja Linge Mude, was suspicious of the hill when he first came to
Kuta Raja, as if the hill was calling him," he added. "Try to find out what's really wrong with that
hill!" Sultan's orders.

So Renggali left for the hill, he traced every inch and side of the hill, from the seafront in the
north to the south side, "a strange hill," whispered Renggali to himself. Then he climbed the higher
part and stood on it, suddenly from under his feet warm water flowed. Renggali was shocked and
jumped down while rolling.

"Forgive the servant of King Linge's son!" Suddenly the hill he had stepped on sounded. Renggali
was shocked and immediately got ready, "who are you?" he shouted. The water that flowed more and
more from the hill wet his feet, "servant the dragon, your father's friend," came the answer from the
hill followed by a roar.

Renggali was very surprised and paid close attention to the hill which was in the shape of a giant
snake's head even though it was filled with shrubs and trees. “Is that you? Then where is my father?
Ask Renggali. The water flowing more and more and inundated Renggali's feet. "Call Sultan Alam, I
will make a confession!" Sob the hill. So Renggali hurriedly left the strange place. Arriving at the
palace when it was dark, Renggali told the strange incident to the Sultan.

"Is that the Green Dragon that disappeared with your father?" asked Sultan Meurah curiously.
"Why did he want to meet my father, did he not know the Sultan had died?" Sultan Meurah added. So
they both went to the hill, when they got there suddenly the hill rumbled. "Why doesn't Sultan Alam
come?" Sounds from the hills. "He died long ago, it's been a long time, why are you in this state
Green Dragon? We thought you had returned to your country, then where is King Linge?" asked
Sultan Meurah. The hill rumbled so loudly that it terrified the people living near the hill.

"Punish the servant of Sultan Meurah," begged the hill. "Servant has betrayed, servant deserves to
be punished," he continued. "I have stolen and consumed the white buffalo, a gift from Mr. Tapa to
Sultan Alam that was entrusted to us, and I have killed Raja Linge," he explained. Renggali's body
shook hearing the Green Dragon's explanation, "how could you kill your own best friend?" Ask

"Initially I was ordered by Sultan Alam to deliver gifts in the form of swords to his friends, all of
them had arrived until only 2 swords remained for Raja Linge and Tuan Tapa, so I visited Raja Linge
first, he also intended to go to Tuan Tapa to take medicine. his wife, when he got there Tuan Tapa
entrusted 6 white buffaloes for Sultan Alam, the buffaloes were big and fat.

Because there was a mandate from Tuan Tapa, Raja Linge decided to accompany him to Kuta
Raja, so we returned to Linge to deliver his wife's medicine. But along the way I was tempted to eat
the white buffalo meat, so I stole the 2 buffaloes and I ate them. King Linge panicked and looked for
the thief, then I slandered Kule the tiger king as the thief, then King Linge killed him.

On the way from Linge to Kuta Raja we rested on the banks of the Peusangan river and my
appetite again rose to eat the delicious buffalo, then I stole 2 more, Raja Linge was furious and then I
slandered Buya the crocodile king as the thief so he killed the crocodile. When I was about to enter
Kuta Raja, Raja Linge cleaned himself and gave birth to clothes by the river, then I stole 2 buffaloes
and ate them but this time Raja Linge found out about it and we argued and fought, Raja Linge had
the opportunity to kill me but he didn't do it so I was the one who kill him," said the dragon with tears
in his eyes.

"Forgive me, punish me!" heard the sobs of the dragon. Why are you trapped here?” asked Sultan
Meurah. "King Linge thrust his sword into the servant's body so that the servant's body was paralyzed
and then fell and pressed on him, a blow from King Linge to the ground made the ground split open
and I was buried here with him," explained the dragon.

"I accept this situation, let me die and be buried with my friend," begged the Green Dragon.
"Give him a Renggali punishment, you and your brother have more right to punish him," said Sultan
Meurah. "My father doesn't want to kill him, let alone me, I will release him," Renggali replied. "Not!
I want to be punished according to my actions," asked the Green Dragon. "Then release him!" Order
of the Sultan of Meurah.

So the two of them walked around the

dragon's body to look for King Linge's sword.
After finding it, Renggali pulled hard and
released the sword, but the Green Dragon still
wouldn't move. "Punish the servant of Sultan
Meurah!" Asked the Green Dragon. "You have
received enough punishment from King Linge,
his son has already released you, go to your
country!" Order of the Sultan of Meurah.
While crying the dragon shifted his body and slowly headed for the sea. Then a groove or small
river is formed due to the movement of the dragon. So later in the day the area on the outskirts of
Kuta Raja was called Alue Naga, there was a small river which was surrounded by swamps which
were always filled with tears of regret for a dragon who had betrayed his best friend.

Situ Bagendit

Once upon a time in a village, there lived a rich woman named Nyai Bagendit. Nyai Bagendit is a
widow with abundant inheritance from her late husband who had left her earlier.

Unfortunately, Nyai Bagendit and her husband were not blessed with children, so she lived
alone.During her life, Nyai Bagendit only thought about wealth and was very afraid of falling into
poverty. This makes him a stingy person even though he has earned the nickname of the richest man
in his village.

Nyai Bagendit is also known as a woman who is arrogant and cruel to others. He likes to show off
his wealth in front of the villagers who are mostly poor and have a hard life. Even if residents borrow
money from him, Nyai Bagendit will provide high interest. Residents who cannot pay will be forced
to give up their homes and possessions. In collecting loans, it was not uncommon for Nyai Bagendit
to use errands who often acted harshly.

One day Nyai Bagendit was busy counting the money and gold she got while relaxing in the yard.
Not long after, an old beggar with a wooden stick with a shabby and dirty appearance came to him.

The old beggar was about to ask for a glass of water because he was thirsty after a very long
journey. Nyai Bagendit didn't care and scolded the old beggar in very harsh language. In an impolite
way, Nyai Bagendit then drove the old beggar out of her yard.

The old beggar was sad and disappointed with the treatment he received and said that he would
teach Nyai Bagendit's rude attitude a lesson. Nyai Bagendit just laughed and mocked the old beggar,
then immediately entered the house.

Unexpectedly, the old beggar performed his magic by sticking a wooden stick in Nyai Bagendit's
yard. After the wooden stick was removed, an overflow of water came out of the ground which slowly
caused a flood. Residents who realized this panicked and ran for their lives, while the old beggar
disappeared somewhere.

When the water started to rise, Nyai Bagendit realized that her house was almost drowned by the
flood. He took a box of gold while screaming for help, hoping that some residents would help him to a
safe place.

But the village where he lived was deserted and no one heard his screams. Nyai Bagendit
drowned along with all her wealth, while the village where she lived turned into a lake which is now
called Situ Bagendit.

Bawang Merah Bawang Putih : https://jateng.tribunnews.com/2022/04/07/dongeng-bawang-merah-

The Goose Lays Golden Eggs : https://temanggung.pikiran-rakyat.com/entertainment/pr-


Roro Jonggrang : https://kumparan.com/viral-food-travel/cerita-roro-jonggrang-kisah-pilu-di-balik-


Alue Naga : https://histori.id/kisah-legenda-alue-naga/

Situ Bagendit : https://regional.kompas.com/read/2022/02/22/170134778/dongeng-situ-bagendit-


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