Knowledge Base Article Template

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How to Use This Template
This template should be used as a jumping off point for your company’s knowledge base
article(s). Use this template to create any article you need for your customer support
knowledge base.

A thorough knowledge base can empower your customers to solve problems themselves, make
them more comfortable with your products and services, and reduce the wait times and
workload for your support teams – so make sure this article is easily accessible, clear, and

Whenever you want to write a new knowledge base article, simply make a copy of this
template, erase the italicized instructions, and fill in your own content. We’ve also included a
knowledge base article best practices checklist for you to reference before publishing.

Once you’re ready to begin, delete this page and start filling out your info below.

Remember, you should add/edit/delete any copy or sections as you see fit.
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Knowledge Base Article Template

[Article Title]
Last Updated: [Insert date the article was last updated]

Applies to:
[List the types of customers this article applies to, like “Monthly Users,” or “Pro Account

Common Causes/Issues:
[What would cause someone to read this article? For example: “When you need to build a new
custom report,” or “This often happens when you forget to input all of a contact’s

Solution Overview:
[Provide a quick rundown on how to solve the problem. I.e. “To solve this issue, first do Step A,
then Step B, and finally Step C.]

Video Walkthrough:
[If you produced a training video on this topic, embed it here.]

Tactical Rundown:
[This section should go more in depth on how exactly to alleviate the issue your customer has
come here to solve. Each step should have its own section header and contain images or GIFs
to aid when appropriate.]

Step 1

[Input instructions for step one, then copy and paste this section and its header for each
additional step if required. Remember to use visuals where appropriate.]

Related Article(s):
[Include the links and titles for any knowledge base articles related to this one.]

Was This Article Helpful?

[Include a way for readers to let you know whether or not the content was helpful. This can be a
yes/no or thumbs up/thumbs down feature, a 1-5 rating, or a link to provide feedback through
email or a survey.]

Still Need Help?

[Provide a way for customers to get in touch with you if they still have questions. This can be a
link to your support page, a chat popup, or the email address for the best person to reach out
Knowledge Base Article
Best Practices Checklist:
❏ Did you run this process by a customer or a fellow employee to see if he or she is able to
follow along?
❏ Do you use visual aids such as images, videos, and/or GIFs where appropriate?
❏ Do you explain the process directly, clearly, and concisely, without unnecessary filler
❏ Do you provide related articles for similar issues or topics?
❏ Do you provide continued contact information for readers who still need help?
❏ Did you set a reminder to revisit this article periodically to ensure that the content is
accurate and up-to-date?

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