CV Utsav Kashyap 12019414
CV Utsav Kashyap 12019414
CV Utsav Kashyap 12019414
Now a days the conditions at which the image taken may lead to near zero visibility for the
human eye. They may usually due to lack of clarity, just like effects enclosed on earth’s
atmosphere which have effects upon the images due to haze, fog and other day light effects.
The effects on such images may exists, so useful information taken under those scenarios
should be enhanced and made clear to recognize the objects and other useful information. To
deal with such issues caused by low light or through the imaging devices experience haze
effect many image processing algorithms were implemented. These algorithms also provide
nonlinear contrast enhancement to some extent. We took pre-existed algorithms like SMQT
(Successive mean Quantization Transform), V Transform, histogram equalization algorithms
to improve the visual quality of digital picture with large range scenes and with irregular
lighting conditions. These algorithms were performed in two different method and tested using
different image facing low light and color change and succeeded in obtaining the enhanced
image. These algorithms helps in various enhancements like color, contrast and very accurate
results of images with low light. Histogram equalization technique is implemented by
interpreting histogram of image as probability density function. To an image cumulative
distribution function is applied so that accumulated histogram values are obtained. Then the
values of the pixels are changed based on their probability and spread over the histogram.
From these algorithms we choose histogram equalization, MATLAB code is taken as reference
and made changes to implement in API (Application Program Interface) using JAVA and
confirms that the application works properly with reduction of execution time.
4.3 Proposed Algorithms:
4.3.1 SMQT Algorithm
Let x be a pixel and set D consists of d data points as input
to transform. V(x) denotes value of the data point. This
project set D is the HDR image of size D = M × N if grey
4 ENHANCEMENT IN IMAGE PROCESSING scale luminance and D = M × N × 3 if color. SMQT has only
one parameter level L, the transformed image output set of
4.1 Introduction level L is denoted as D to Ɱ is
The visual quality of the image is increased or improved by The basic function can be described by a Mean
image enhancement. Image enhancement is the simplest Quantization Units (MQUs). It consists of three steps, first
and appealing areas of digital image processing. The is mean calculation this then mean value of all the pixels in
techniques related to enhancement brings out detail that is the image, then to the second step uses mean to quantize the
highlight certain features of interest in an image. Like values of data points into {0,1}. Depending upon the pixel
increase in contrast and brightness to look better image. value is lower or higher than the mean after doing this input
Image enhancement for the digital image result to more is spited into two.
suitable for display or further image analysis like noise
removal, sharpness or brighten an image. The process of
image enhancement is mainly divided into two domains i.e.
frequency domain and spatial domain. In frequency
domain, technique operate on frequency transform of the
image where as in spatial domain, technique can operate
directly on the pixels of the image.
4.2 Contrast enhancement
Contrast enhancement is performed by the tonal
enhancement of the image. It improves the brightness
differences uniformly across the dynamic range of the
image, whereas tonal enhancement improve the brightness
differences uniformly across the dynamic range of the
image, whereas tonal enhancement amend the brightness Figure 10: The operation of one Mean Quantization Unit
differences in the shadow (dark), mid tone (grays),or (MQU) [6].
highlight (bright) regions at the require for the brightness Figure 4.2.
differences in the other regions. Here MQU is not a similar value coefficient in this
Figure 9: Shows the original and contrast enhancement transform. The MQU constitutes the main computing unit
) as follows:
Step 4: Convert HSV to RGB image by using command
‘hsv2rgb’ store into result.
Step 5: Showing output image and its histogram by using
‘imshow’ and ‘imhist’ commands.
5.1.3 MAD (Median Absolute Deviation):
The median absolute deviation of a set of data is calculate
Detail explanation of the flow chart:
1. [1] J.CalderónGonzález,C.Salazar,andÒ.Daniel,I
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2. [2] “IntroductiontoDigitalImageProcessingwithM
ATLAB-MATLAB&Simulink Based Books -
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3. [3] A.McAndrew,AnIntroductiontoDigitalImage
ProcessingWithMatlab.Boston,MA, United States:
Course Technology Press, 2004.
4. [4] “Modelo de color HSV,” Wikipedia, la
enciclopedia libre. 29-Sep-2016.
5. [5] A.McAndrew,AComputationalIntroductionto
Edition. CRC Press, 2015.
6. [6] M.Nilsson,M.Dahl,andI.Claesson,“Thesucces
Proceedings. (ICASSP ’05). IEEE International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and
Signal Processing, 2005., 2005, vol. 4, p. iv/429-iv/432