Santo Lin I 2020
Santo Lin I 2020
Santo Lin I 2020
Sacral fractures are a heterogeneous group of fractures and playing a fundamental role in giving stability to the
occurring in young people following road traffic accidents pelvic ring during load-bearing.1 It is in contact with sev-
and falls from height, or in the elderly with osteoporosis eral critical structures such as nerves, blood vessels, uro-
following trivial trauma. genital and other pelvic organs. A fracture of the sacrum is
This heterogeneity, combined with the low incidence of therefore troublesome as it determines an impairment in
sacral fractures, determines a lack of experience amongst ambulation and it may present various associated lesions.
physicians, often leading to misdiagnosis, underestima- Sacral fractures are a heterogeneous group of fractures
tion and inadequate treatment. The diagnosis should be occurring in young people following road accidents and
made by assessing specific features during the clinical pre- falls from height or in the elderly with osteoporosis fol-
sentation, while computed tomography (CT) scan contin- lowing trivial trauma. The incidence of non-osteoporotic
ues to be the choice of investigation. sacral fractures has been reported as 2.1 cases per 100,000
people, while osteoporotic fractures have been reported
Sacral fractures can be treated non-operatively or surgi-
to have an incidence of 1–5% in elderly patients at risk.2–4
cally. Non-operative treatment is based on rest, pain
Both fracture groups are reported to be increasing: non-
relief therapy and early mobilization as tolerated. Surgi-
osteoporotic has tripled in the decade between 2002 and
cal techniques can be split into two main groups: poste-
2011 and the incidence of osteoporotic fractures is also
rior pelvic fixation techniques and lumbopelvic fixation
increasing because of the aging of the population, with
techniques. Anterior pelvic fixation techniques should be
the prospect of continuing to further increase in the com-
considered when sacral fractures are associated with ante-
ing years.1,2,5 However, the reported growth must also be
rior pelvic ring injuries, in order to increase stability and
attributed to the greater and more widespread use of
reduce the risk of posterior implant failure. To improve
computed tomography (CT) scan, which allows a higher
fracture reduction, different solutions could be adopted,
rate of diagnosis.6 This heterogeneity, combined with the
including special positioning of the patient, manipulation
low incidence of sacral fractures, determines a lack of
techniques and use of specific reduction tools. Patients
experience amongst physicians, often leading to misdiag-
suffering from spinopelvic dissociation with associated
nosis, underestimation and inadequate treatment.7 Good
neurologic lesions hardly ever recover completely, with
knowledge of sacral fractures and their characteristics is
residual lower-limb neurologic sequelae, urinary prob-
therefore essential to correctly diagnose and manage
lems and sexual disfunction.
these patients, in order to competently deal with both
Herein, we present issues, challenges and solutions related simple and complex fractures.
to the management of sacral fractures. This review aims to highlight recent advances in diag-
Keywords: fixation; lumbopelvic fixation; neurological nosis, management and treatment of this challenging
lesion; sacral fracture fracture group.
Fig. 1 The four combined sacral fracture types: (A) H-shaped; (B) U-shaped; (C) Lambda-shaped (λ); (D) T-shaped.
Sacral fractures: an update
which increases with axial load or activities, mimicking the Principles of management
pain from lumbar stenosis or metastasis, generally without Presence of instability, displacement, association with pel-
radiculopathy).32,33 Sacral stress fractures are typically seen vic ring damage and neurologic injury determine the need
in athletes reporting low back pain in absence of trauma.34 for operative treatment.30,50 Non-displaced isolated high
Active bleeding must be promptly identified and transverse fractures, or fractures below the sacroiliac joint
addressed (derives from medial and lateral sacral arteries, level (S3/S4–S5) are normally considered stable, along
presacral venous plexus, superior gluteal artery and iliac with longitudinal incomplete fractures. Complete longitu-
arteries).25,35 Pelvic stabilization with a pelvic binder, a dinal fractures and displaced transverse fractures are con-
sheet or an external fixator is essential if bleeding is related sidered unstable and require surgical fixation.7 The same
to pelvic instability. In the case of persistent haemody- is true for U-shaped fractures characterized by spinopelvic
namic instability or bleeding from isolated sacral fractures, instability, and U-shaped insufficiency fractures, which
pelvic packing or embolization must be considered.36 would usually require surgical fixation as they present
Of note is that 62% of transverse fractures are associ- an intrinsic instability which could lead to a progressive
ated with spine lesions, 25% with thoracolumbar lesions, kyphotic deviation and delayed neurological sequelae.21,51
and 11% with lumbosacral lesions, particularly related to A displacement greater than 10 mm indicates surgical
high-energy trauma, able to disrupt the robust lumbosa- treatment.36 As for association with high-energy pelvic
cral ligaments.31 Insufficiency fractures could be associ- ring injury, AO/OTA type A injuries, and some non-
ated with vertebral compression fracture.37 displaced cases of LC injuries are considered stable and
should be managed conservatively.52,53 AO/OTA type B
displaced and type C injuries, however, require surgical
Plain radiographs (anteroposterior [AP] pelvis, inlet/outlet fixation since they are unstable.36 In the elderly, according
views) are the first line of investigation, but could miss up to the FFP classification, FFP II injuries could be conserva-
to 50% of sacral fractures. Inlet and outlet views could be tively treated as the fractures are usually stable enough to
combined with standard AP view in order to improve the permit early mobilization of the patient, while FFP III and
IV are unstable and should be surgically stabilized.5 Surgi- longitudinal fractures of the sacral ala, isolated or associ-
cal treatment of neurologic injury is controversial. A lesion ated with stable LC pelvic injuries.52,53 Nonetheless, some
above S4 presenting with cauda equina syndrome, often authors have proposed the surgical treatment of anteri-
owing to zone III fractures, would call for direct or indirect orly displaced low transverse fractures associated with
surgical decompression, even if diagnosed late. Indeed, neurologic injury.56 Conservative treatment of insuffi-
when faced with fracture fragments encroaching onto the ciency fractures is considered for stable non-displaced or
sacral canal or compressing neural roots, responsible for incomplete fractures, isolated or associated with anterior
neurologic deficit, surgical reduction is indicated. How- pubic rami fractures in the context of FFP II. If conserva-
ever, with regard to other neurologic lesions, a surgical tive treatment fails, surgical treatment must be consid-
decompression is not guaranteed to produce a better out- ered.5 The use of calcium and vitamin D drug supply,
come than non-surgical treatment.36,54 bisphosphonates, and teriparatide enhances the healing
Recently, a lumbosacral injury classification system process and improves pain relief.5,42,57
(LSICS) has been developed to help clinical decision. It Treatment of stress fractures consists of rest for around
focusses particularly on complex injuries, giving each frac- six weeks from high-impact sports or activities and bene-
ture a score ranging from 0 to 10, based on fracture mor- fits from medical therapy such calcium or vitamin D intake
phology, ligament injury and neurologic injury, where in some cases associated with Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
less than 4 indicates conservative treatment and above 4 over a period of 3–6 months.58
indicates surgical stabilization.55 Surgical techniques can be split into two main groups:
posterior pelvic fixation techniques and lumbopelvic fix-
ation techniques (Figs 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8).59 If the fracture is
Treatment associated with pelvic ring injury, anterior pelvic fixation
Sacral fractures can be treated non-operatively or surgi- techniques can be performed.60 Posterior pelvic fixation
cally. Non-operative treatment is based on rest, pain relief techniques connect the ilium to the sacrum. They can be
therapy and early mobilization as tolerated. In high- performed either percutaneously or in an open manner.
energy fractures, it is indicated in the case of low trans- Among the percutaneous techniques, iliosacral screw
verse fractures, marginal avulsions or stable non-displaced fixation is the most common technique used.61 It is
Fig. 4 (A) Axial CT scan showing Dennis I fracture over left sacral ala; (B) Patient in supine position, under fluoroscopic control
and left buttock stab incision, surgeon tries to identify correct position of guide wire for sacral body 1 screw insertion; (C) Lateral
fluoroscopic image demonstrating upper end of the first sacral vertebra (blue arrow), the iliac cortical density (red line), the greater
sciatic notch (black arrow) and the upper nerve root tunnel (red arrows); (D) S1 sacral foramina are demonstrated by red circles.
Guide wire for screw insertion is positioned above left S1 foramen; (E) Postoperative anteroposterior (AP) pelvic radiograph; (F) inlet
and (G) outlet views demonstrating fixation of the pelvic ring (injury to pubis symphysis was addressed with a plate).
Sacral fractures: an update
Fig. 5 (A) Axial computed tomography (CT) pelvic slice showing Denis II fracture with a small bone fragment in the Sacral 1 (S1)
foramen causing S1 nerve root compression. (B) Patient positioned in prone position. (C) Midline exposure and for decompression
of the nerve root. (D) Bony fragment removal (arrows). (E and F) Pelvic ring fracture was fixed with left SI sacroiliac screw and an
anterior external fixator frame for the pubic rami fracture.
Fig. 6 (A) Three-dimensional pelvic image of a male patient sustaining after motorcycle accident an anteroposterior (AP) III injury
with sacral fracture through body of S1 (Dennis III sacral fracture). (B) Fluoroscopic inlet view showing sacral fracture displacement.
(C) Fluoroscopic AP pelvic view showing pubis diastasis anteriorly. (D) Intraoperative picture showing application of C-clamp and
anterior external fixator for initial temporarily stabilization of the pelvic ring. (E) Fluoroscopic pelvic inlet view showing reduction
of the sacral fracture. (F) Fluoroscopic AP pelvic view showing reduction of the pubic diastasis anteriorly. (G) Fluoroscopic AP view
showing fixation of the pubis symphysis with two plates. (H) Fluoroscopic inlet pelvic view showing fixation of pubis symphysis
with two plates. (I) Fluoroscopic inlet pelvic view showing insertion of S1 sacroiliac (SI) screws. (J) Fluoroscopic pelvic outlet
view showing fixation of the sacrum with two SI screws and one S2 screw and a tension band plate. (K) Fluoroscopic pelvic inlet
view showing fixation of the sacrum with two SI screws and one S2 screw and a tension band plate. (L) Fluoroscopic pelvic inlet
view showing symmetric pelvic ring. (M) AP postoperative pelvic radiograph showing reconstruction of the ring anteriorly and
posteriorly. (N) Axial cut of pelvic computed tomography (CT) scan showing reduction of the sacral fracture and safe placement of
S1 screws. (O) Axial cut of pelvic CT scan showing safe placement of S2 screw.
Fig. 7 (A) Lateral sacral radiograph showing a U-type fracture. Patient presented with full sacral plexus neurological symptoms,
incontinence. Underwent diverting stoma post decompression of spinal canal and orif with tension band plate and bilateral sacral
wing locking plates to address vertical fracture plane at levels of S1–S3. (B) Prone position of patient. (C) Fluoroscopic image for
identification of the fracture level and decompression. (D) Lateral fluoroscopic image showing application of sacral wing plates and
insertion of sacroiliac (SI) body screw. (E) Lateral fluoroscopic view showing fixation of sacral fracture with tension band plate and
bilateral sacral wing locking plates. (F) Fluoroscopic outlet view showing fixation of fracture. (G) Intraoperative picture showing
midline incision and application of plates. (H) Anteroposterior, (I) inlet, and (J) outlet pelvic postoperative radiographs showing
stabilization of the ring posteriorly.
characterized by cannulated screw insertion through the been proposed in the ‘within ring’-based sacroiliac rod
safe corridor of S1 or S2 body, the latter being associated fixation system.72 In addition, other minimally invasive
with higher malpositioning rates.62 In some cases, where surgical techniques, such as tension band plate, and
required, the use of the S3 corridor has been described.63 adjustable plate, have been described to address some of
In osteoporotic fractures, iliosacral screws can be aug- the drawbacks of iliosacral screws.73 Other posterior sac-
mented with cement to increase the stability of the roiliac open techniques that have been described include
implant.1,64,65 Sacroplasty is an alternative to iliosacral Beaujon’s sacroiliac assembly, and the Pitiè-Salpetriere
screw for sacral ala incomplete insufficiency fractures shortening osteotomy.74,75
and consists of percutaneous cement injection into the Lumbopelvic fixation techniques connect the lumbar
fracture site for pain relief and stability restoration.66 spine to the ilium. The lumbar-iliac technique is performed
Transsacral implants, such as transiliac-transsacral in an open manner and links the lower vertebral bodies
screws or transsacral bars, are alternative percutaneous with the ilium using bilateral pedicle screws connected
techniques in which a long-threaded implant passes all with bars. In cases of high degree of instability, a more
the way across the S1 or S2 corridor to the contralateral stable construct is obtainable connecting both L4 and L5
ilium.67 Transiliac bridging systems are minimally invasive to the ilium; alternatively fixation from L5 to the ilium
techniques which connect the back side of the left and could be sufficient.76 Similarly, the iliac screws are usually
right ilium with a plate fixed with screws or a bar fixed single but have also been known to be double.77 If the
with pedicle screws and introduced subcutaneously above-mentioned lumbar-iliac technique is combined
behind the sacrum by bilateral limited incisions, acting as with iliosacral screws or transiliac plate, it makes up the
transiliac internal fixators.68–71 The addition of an S1 pedi- triangular osteosynthesis assembly, originally proposed as
cle screw in direct contact with the fracture has recently unilateral but also described as bilateral with greater
Sacral fractures: an update
Fig. 8 (A) Three-dimensional pelvic model showing bilateral sacral fractures and pubis diastasis anteriorly. (B) Anteroposterior,
(C) outlet, and (D) inlet fluoroscopic views showing stabilization of the fracture with spinopelvic fixation and sacroiliac screws to S1
body (triangular configuration). Pubis symphysis was stabilized with plating anteriorly.
stability, representing the most stable technique for the been proposed, lumbopelvic implants, associated with
stabilization of the dorsal pelvic ring, especially in osteo- anterior fixation, are those which provide the highest sta-
porotic bone.78–81 bility to counteract shear forces.85,86 High transverse sacral
Anterior pelvic fixation techniques should be consid- fractures (U- or H-shaped) can be treated with bilateral
ered when sacral fractures are associated with anterior ileosacral or transsacral-transiliac screw in the case of a
pelvic ring injuries, in order to increase stability and reduce transverse component classifiable as Roy-Camille type I. In
the risk of posterior implant failure. They include retro- Roy-Camille II or III injuries, open reduction and decom-
grade transpubic screw, anterior internal fixator, or plate pression is required if neurologic injury is present.
and screws.17,82 In low-energy fractures, sacral ala fractures are treated
Overall, indications and aims of surgical treatment are with iliosacral screw fixation, feasible in both the S1 and
different depending on the energy of the fracture. In high- S2 corridor.87,88 Sacroplasty is indicated as an alterna-
energy fractures, the objective of surgery is anatomic tive to iliosacral screw in incomplete sacral ala fractures
reduction and restoration of stability by rigid fixation, without the interruption of bone cortices.66 In the case
while in low-energy ones the objective is restoration of of displaced transverse fracture or association with neu-
stability with a rigid fixation as minimally invasive as pos- rologic injury, on the other hand, treatment should be
sible, with reduction becoming less relevant.5 performed in an open manner using lumbopelvic fixa-
Following high-energy trauma, longitudinal sacral frac- tion, triangular osteosynthesis having shown the highest
tures isolated or most commonly associated with a rota- stability.5,81,89
tionally unstable AO/OTA B pelvic ring injury, if successfully
reduced with external manoeuvres, can be treated using
uni- or bilateral iliosacral screw, or transiliac bridging sys-
tem in cases where iliosacral screw is not feasible.83,84 Treatment of sacral fractures is challenging as it presents a
When the obtained closed reduction is not sufficient, open wide range of complications with reported rates of up to
reduction and internal fixation is required. When longitu- 40–50% of cases in certain fracture types.90 Perioperative
dinal fractures are associated with vertically unstable AO/ complications include implant malpositioning (15%),91,92
OTA C injuries, although different fixation methods have neural lesions of L4–L5, S1 roots (2–15%),92 blood loss in
open approaches,93 superior gluteal artery damage (1.2%), the lumbosacral orientation is crucial, otherwise a sagittal
and ureteral damage and bowel lesion, which is a rare sce- imbalance will occur, with a deterioration of functional
nario.75,94 Postoperative complications include infection (low outcome and chronic back pain.110,111
with minimally invasive or percutaneous techniques60,73,86
Neurologic recovery
but rising to up to 50% with open lumbopelvic fixation, and
up to 20% if treated with plates);74,95 wound healing prob- As for clinical outcome, prognosis of neurologic injury is
lems;93,96,97 instrumentation failure (11–17%);85 soft tissue strictly related to the severity of the sacral fracture. It has
irritation requiring implant removal;74,98,99 cement leakage recently been shown how in a sacral fracture combined
after sacroplasty100,101 and cerebrospinal fluid leakage.75 with lumbar plexus injury, the higher the instability, the
poorer the neurological recovery will be, with an impact
on gait outcomes.112 Accordingly, patients suffering from
Outcomes spinopelvic dissociation with associated neurologic
Functional outcome lesions hardly ever recover completely, with residual
lower-limb neurologic sequelae, urinary problems and
The clinical outcome of high-energy fractures is related to sexual disfunction.96,102 Here, with regard to clinical out-
the severity of initial trauma. Series of patients after spin- come, the degree of the initial displacement of the trans-
opelvic dissociation have shown poor clinical outcome in verse component was found to be closely linked to the
up to 42% of cases, directly related to the degree of initial neurological recovery rate.104 Another factor found to be
displacement and bad long-term outcomes with a patient- associated with neurologic deficits is postoperative reduc-
reported health score lower than that of the general popu- tion with more than 10 mm residual displacement and
lation, with no improvement from the one-year to 10-year fragment encroachment into canal and post foramen.113
follow-up.102–104 Similarly, chronic residual pain is espe- Regardless of the treatment, neurologic injuries often
cially frequent after vertical unstable fractures or spinopel- recover with time, although a complete recovery is seen in
vic dissociation, where it has been found to persist in up to less than half of patients. Recovery is better when surgical
100% of patients, also in long-term follow-up.96,102,103 decompression is associated, even if this is controversial.54
However, after 10 years, patients have shown a significant In the case of cauda equina syndrome, surgical decom-
recovery in independence of daily activities compared pression improves neurologic recovery.114 Indirect decom-
with at one-year follow-up.103 Regarding the fixation tech- pression by fracture reduction has shown better results
nique, iliosacral screws have better results in terms of early compared to direct laminectomy.115 Also the decompres-
return to everyday activities compared to posterior plates, sion timing (< 72 h) does not have a clear influence.
and satisfactory surgical outcomes even when treating Although some authors state that it does not seem to
AO/OTA type B or C unstable injuries, without the advan- influence the outcome, others say that an early decom-
tage of the use of a second screw.69,105 Low-energy frac- pression would improve the outcome, but it is often not
tures are related to high mortality rates, with a 12-month feasible because of the severe condition of the patients
mortality of 28% and loss of pre-morbidity abilities in 34% during the acute phase.18,115
of cases.106,107 Patients suffering from sacral insufficiency
fractures, if operated, present a higher rate of return to
pre-injury level than conservatively treated patients, with Discussion/conclusions
a significant reduction of postoperative pain.88,108 Isolated Sacral fractures are complex fractures as the sacrum is
insufficiency fractures, if treated with a posterior transiliac- considered the keystone of the pelvic girdle and thus is
transsacral screw, have shown a 75% rate of returning subjected to high stresses, being responsible for around
home compared to 20% of conservatively treated patients, 60% of pelvic stability. This highlights the utmost impor-
and a 100% ability to ambulate compared to 70% of non- tance of restoring its anatomy and mechanics with the
operated patients.109 highest possible accuracy after a fracture, making its man-
agement extremely challenging.116
Fracture healing The first major issue related to sacral fracture manage-
A sacral fracture takes 8–12 weeks to heal and fusion rates ment is the characteristics of the patients who suffer from
following sacral fractures have been reported to be 85– this condition. They could be young people suffering
90%.6,105 Malunion can occur after delayed treatment or from a high-energy trauma or elderly patients suffering
insufficient reduction, with a consequent alteration of pel- from low-energy trauma. Both conditions, if not well
vic incidence. This is more frequent with Roy-Camille II and managed, present high mortality rates. Another issue is
III fractures and in the case of spinopelvic dissociation.102,104 related to fracture classification. In order to correctly iden-
After spinopelvic dissociation injuries, the restoration of tify the clinical situation, fracture characteristics and its
Sacral fractures: an update
implications, a surgeon could usually take advantage of Surgical treatment represents another big challenge for
fracture classifications. However, given the heterogeneity surgeons facing sacral fractures, because it is related to
of sacral fractures, none of the available classifications is high complication rates and poor outcomes, either related
comprehensive of all possible aspects related to these to percutaneous or closed techniques, both being charac-
fractures, as they are unable to really help the user better terized by benefits and drawbacks. Percutaneous and
understand the fracture. For this purpose, a survey has minimally invasive techniques present perioperative com-
been conducted among AOSpine/Trauma members to plications but fewer postoperative complications com-
identify the main controversies of sacral fractures. They pared to open techniques. Furthermore, it is generally
submitted queries to surgeons about their perceptions of difficult to obtain a good reduction with these tech-
different topics such as severity of different fracture pat- niques.93 Open techniques are burdened by some periop-
terns, risk of neurologic injury following disparate fracture erative complications such as a higher quantity of blood
location, involvement of S1–L5 facet and insufficiency loss and longer surgical time, but their principal limita-
fractures. Based on the variety of the answers, they con- tions are related to higher correlation with postoperative
cluded the need for a new comprehensive and accepted complications. However, they allow a more easily achiev-
classification which is able to take into account all the rel- able and more accurate reduction. Therefore, to reduce
evant factors associated with this complex fracture group.8 complications and improve outcomes, except for cases of
Furthermore, the diagnosis of sacral fractures is chal- high vertical instability or spinopelvic dissociation in which
lenging, with high rates of mis- or delayed diagnosis.30 open lumbopelvic fixation implants ensure better stabil-
The origin of this problem is multifactorial: first of all the ity, the use of percutaneous or minimally invasive tech-
low incidence of sacral fractures results in the majority niques should always be attempted. However, to do so,
of surgeons having little experience when dealing with their drawbacks, such as perioperative complications and
them; the variability of clinical presentation, which dif- difficulty to obtain reduction, must be addressed.
fers according to the energy of fracture and associated Perioperative complications of percutaneous tech-
lesions and is often arduous because of altered mental niques such as malpositioning, consequent neural lesions
status, both in the case of high-energy trauma due to and radiation exposure are typically related to the iliosa-
associated life-threatening conditions and in the case of cral screw technique. Accurate preoperative planning and
insufficiency fractures due to the general impairment of the aid given by modern instrumentation to control posi-
the fragile patient; the variety of available imaging tech- tioning could reduce malpositioning rate, radiation expo-
niques which do not have the same diagnostic power, sure and surgical time.73,83,92,117,118
notably in relation to X-rays which often, being the first- To improve fracture reduction, different solutions
line exam, are not powerful enough to detect the frac- could be adopted: special positioning of the patient i.e.
ture, also because of intercurrent difficulties such as air ‘hyperextended’ supine position in case of transverse frac-
in the bowel, non-compliance of the patient, sclerotic tures; manipulation techniques, especially useful in cases
degeneration or arthritis of pelvic bones overlapping the of sacral fractures associated with pelvic ring injuries, such
sacrum. A solution to this issue could be to use more as manipulating the iliac wings together with controlling
X-ray views (inlet, outlet) and to set the mandatory indi- rotations of the lower limbs when facing a type B pelvic
cation to always deepen the diagnostic process with at injury; the use of specific aids such as transcondylar trac-
least a CT scan in case of X-rays showing indirect signs tion, indicated in case of impacted transverse fracture,
of sacral fractures or high clinical suspicion after a care- Schanz pin, useful as a percutaneous aid to perform
ful evaluation.7,96 reduction manouvres and to mantain the obtained reduc-
Management of sacral fractures is also troublesome, tion until the definitive fixation, or frames such as the
since common accepted standards able to drive the treat- ‘Starr frame’, able to apply controlled forces to reduce the
ment strategy are missing and the few that do exist, such fracture on different planes simultaneously.75,119–121
as the stability of the fracture, are not easy to interpret. In Finally, minimally invasive lumbopelvic fixation has also
order to address this issue, and to help the surgeon facing recently been proposed, with promising results,60,76,122,123
a sacral fracture give an indication whether to operate or thus, it could minimize the high rate of complications
not, the lumbosacral injury classification system (LSICS) related to such an invasive technique.
has recently been proposed. It is a scoring system, which, In conclusion, sacral fractures represent unique injuries
similar to what has been done for the cervical and thoraco- with a variety of fracture patterns. They can be associated
lumbar spine, guides surgical management, recommend- with shock, intrapelvic solid organ injuries and neurologi-
ing surgical treatment for each fracture with a score higher cal sequalae. Their treatment possesses many challenges
than 4, on the basis of morphology, ligament integrity and requires input from a multidisciplinary team for an
and neurologic status.55 optimum outcome.
10. Vajapey S, Matic G, Hartz C, Miller TL. Sacral stress fractures: a rare but curable
Author Information
1Academic Unit of Trauma and Orthopaedics, University of Genoa, Italy. cause of back pain in athletes. Sports Health 2019;11:446–452.
2Academic Department of Trauma and Orthopaedics, LGI, University of Leeds, UK. 11. Beckmann N, Cai C. CT characteristics of traumatic sacral fractures in association
3NIHR Leeds Biomedical Research Center, Chapel Allerton Hospital, Leeds, UK. with pelvic ring injuries: correlation using the Young-Burgess classification system. Emerg
Radiol 2017;24:255–262.
Correspondence should be sent to: Peter V. Giannoudis, Academic Department 12. Park YS, Baek SW, Kim HS, Park KC. Management of sacral fractures associated
of Trauma and Orthopaedics, School of Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds with spinal or pelvic ring injury. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2012;73:239–242.
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Email: [email protected] dislocation classification compendium-2018. J Orthop Trauma 2018;32:S1–S170.
14. Burgess AR, Eastridge BJ, Young JW, et al. Pelvic ring disruptions: effective
ICMJE Conflict of interest statement
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PVG reports a research grant to study the effect of platelet reach plasma (PRP) and
mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) on fracture healing of tibial fractures from Zimmer 15. Rommens PM, Hofmann A. Comprehensive classification of fragility fractures of
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Orthopaedics and Traumatology (ESTROT), outside the submitted work. for osteosynthesis in transverse sacral fractures. Surg Radiol Anat 2018;40:521–528.
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suffering injuries from airborne sports. Eur Spine J 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s00586-019-05983-6
Funding statement
[Epub ahead of print].
No benefits in any form have been received or will be received from a commercial
party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this article. 18. Tian W, Chen WH, Jia J. Traumatic spino-pelvic dissociation with bilateral
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