Industrial Training Guidelines New
Industrial Training Guidelines New
Industrial Training Guidelines New
Industrial Training Module, is a compulsory module for all undergraduates of
BScEngHons at the Faculty of Engineering.
Hence, undergraduates are strictly advised to read and understand the content of the
guidelines mentioned before the commencement of training.
August 2023
Preface i
Contents ii
1. Introduction 4
2. Aims & Objectives 4-6
3. Advantages 6
4. Eligibility 7
5. Duration of Training and Deadlines 7
6. Placements for Training 7-8
7. Responsibilities of Training Employers and Undergraduates 8-9
8. Training Modules 10
9. Continuous Assessment 10
10. Daily Diary 10-11
11. Discipline 11
12. Guideline and conduct at training establishment 11-12
13. Attendance/ leave during training 12
14. Training Inspections 13
15. Training Reports 13
16 Deadlines for submission of reports 14
17. Assessment of Undergraduate Performance 14-15
18. Exceptional Training Reports 15
19. Repeat Training 15
20. Absence from Training 15
21. Notices and Instructions to Undergraduates 15
22. Communications during Training 15-16
23. Contact Personnel 16
Annex A-1 Placement Application Forms-Cadet 18
Annex A-2 Placement Application Forms-Day scholars 19
Annex B Work Site Information Sheet 20
Annex C Training Contract Form 20
Annex D Four - Weekly Continuous Assessment Report 24
Annex E Leave Form 27
Annex F Industrial Training Monitoring Report 28-29
Annex G Instructions for writing the Training Report 30
Annex H Training Report Cover Page and Certification page Format 32
Annex J-1 Feed Back Form – 1: Evaluation of Training Establishment 33
Annex J-2 Feed Back Form – 2: Self-Evaluation 34
Annex K Contact Personnel at the General Sir John Kotelawala Defence
University /NAITA 33
Annex L Industrial Training Module descriptors of respective degree
programmes 36
Annex M Department guideline for the respective degree programmers
Mandatory Reading for BScEngHons Degree undergraduates who are undergoing
Industrial Training
1. Introduction
The Industrial Training module provides the students of BScEngHons at the General
Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, a valuable opportunity to obtain practical
exposure. It is sandwiched in the middle of academic activities of the Faculty of
Engineering. This compulsory module enables undergraduates to start developing their
capabilities to become professional engineers. Expected Program Outcomes (POs) and
Learning Outcomes (LOs) of this module are indicated in sections 2.1 and 2.2 below and in
Industrial Training module descriptor and department guidelines of the respective degree
programmes are available in ‘Annex L & M’ of this guide book.
Industrial placements are made on completion of the Semester 6. The total duration
of industrial training is 24 weeks. The placement is determined by individual departments
and Industrial Training Unit (see section 5).
e. `Modern Tool Usage − Create, select and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and
modelling, to complex engineering problems, with an understanding of the
f. The Engineer and Society − Apply reasoning informed by contextual
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the
consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and
solutions to complex engineering problems.
g. Environment and Sustainability − Understand and evaluate the
sustainability and impact of professional engineering work in the solution of
complex engineering problems in societal and environmental contexts.
h. Ethics − Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
i. Individual and Team work − Function effectively as an individual, and as
a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.
j. Communication − Communicate effectively on complex engineering
activities2 with the engineering com-munity and with society at large, such as being
able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make
effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
k. Project Management and Finance − Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of engineering management principles and economic decision-
making and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to
manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
I Lifelong Learning − Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadcast context of
technological change.
3. Advantages
a. Exposure to industry
b. Application of theories of science of engineering in industrial environments
c. Enhancement of existing knowledge and skills
d. Acquisition of new knowledge and skills
e. Networking with all hierarchical levels
f. Engage in design with industrial requirements
g. Earning Recognition
h. Opportunity to identify own strengths and weaknesses
j. Bringing back learning, towards subsequent academic work
k. Opening up opportunities for career development
4. Eligibility
Semester six (6) undergraduates of the Faculty of Engineering can apply for their
respective Industrial Training Module. Repeaters of the Industrial Training Module are
required to submit their application to Training Engineer through HOD of the respective
department with recommendations from their respective department coordinator.
c. But if the said vacancies fall under the quota allocated for KDU by that
organization, it will not be accepted.
d. Once the distribution of vacancies among students are finalized, exchanging
or changing training places is prohibited.
5. Duration of Training
Any subsequent change of training establishment after the initial
placement is not recommended. Such changes will be entertained only in
unavoidable circumstances. Requests for such changes must always be
coordinated with training coordinators of the respective Department and the
Industrial Training Unit with the approval of HoD. If changed, particulars of the
new place should be similarly notified to NAITA & University within a week of
c. The terms and condition of the Training Contract (Annex. C), shall
be mutually acceptable to the Undergraduate and the Training Employer
prior to the commencement of training.
e. Rotation of undergraduates among different departments /sections
in accordance with a pre-planned schedule to ensure that they acquire
maximum possible experience.
7.3 Undergraduates:
h. Officer Cadets are required to adhere to rules and regulations
promulgated by the General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University and
the Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies.
Trainees, at regular intervals (once per every four weeks) should complete and
upload their progress documents (f) , through email to Industrial Training Unit
“[email protected]”. In addition, hard copy of the same to be
submitted along with the final report at the end of the training. Late
submissions will result in deduction of marks at the assessment. The report must
carry signature and the seal of the supervisor.
8. Training Modules
a. Trainees should maintain the Daily Diary provided by NAITA with brief
descriptions of daily activities and/or involvements, observations, etc., of the
b. Updated Daily Diary should be available at all times as a reference for the
visiting officials to monitor and evaluate training. Daily Diary will be assessed
during these visits and at the final assessment. The information documented in
the Daily Diary must be described in detail in the Training Report.
c. During each visit by such officials, they may record their comments in the
‘Inspection Report’ cage provided in the Daily Diary. It is also the duty of the
undergraduate to ensure that the visiting official should make such a remark in
the diary.
d. At the end of the training, the Trainee must obtain comments and
signature/s from the training supervisor/s in the Daily Diary.
11. Discipline
training period.
b. All students must adhere to all orders and instructions given in the
Standing Orders book in addition to orders or instructions that may be issued from
time by Vice Chancellor/Dean FOE/Dean FDSS/ HODs/Squadron Commanders or
Troop Commanders –Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies.
a. All students should adhere to dress code and adhere to the regulations
regarding hair and facial hair. In occasions where formal attire is to be worn, for
males the KDU tie with tie pin and for females smart dress should be worn.
c. All students will obey all lawful commands given by their supervisors/
superiors and are to carry out such orders to the highest expectations.
d. All students will conform to the established customs and practices of KDU
during this training.
j. Undergraduates are required to demonstrate ethical behaviour at all times.
a. Undergraduates may apply for one day of casual leave and half a day of
medical leave for each month of training completed. The Undergraduate should
earn this leave by successful completion of the previous month of training.
Undergraduates shall note that such leave is not an entitled privilege and
should be enjoyed only after obtaining the due approval, which would be at
the sole discretion of the Training Employer. Further, any student requiring
additional leave for personal requirement/ matter to request such leave from
the respective HOD, Training Engineer by an email.
c. The officer cadets should submit a duly perfected Leave Form, to the
respective HoDs and Dean – Faculty of Defence & Strategic Studies through
Training Engineer – Industrial Training Unit or respective squadron commanders
of General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University.
d. Any additional leave required to sit for Examinations and other purposes
including Medical Leave should be covered by working on holidays/weekends or
during extended training period. Prior approval for such leave should be obtained
from the Training Employer, HoD and Training Engineer-. Industrial Training
Updated Daily Diary & the Structured Training Programme prepared should
be available with the trainee at any time for visiting officer’s reference.
These visits are to ensure that the Undergraduate performs satisfactorily and that
the training received is appropriate to the expected outcomes of the Industrial
Training module. If not, the visiting official will discuss the matter with the
training supervisor in view of improving. The visiting officials may discuss the
Training Schedule and how it relates to expected outcomes.
Annex F is a specimen of the form that would be used by such visiting personnel
to report the progress of the Undergraduate to the Industrial Training Unit of the
General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University. Further, visiting personnel
should record his/her comments in “Inspection report” cage provided in Daily
Upon completion of the training, all undergraduates must prepare and submit a
comprehensive report on the Industrial Training.
Final Industrial Training Reports must be word processed, printed with cover
page which is attached as Annex H (refer to Annex G and the guideline given by
Hard copy & soft copy of reports should be handed over to Industrial Training Unit
on or before the specified deadline.
A presentation of ten to fifteen minutes (with an average of 15 slides) is
required to be made for this purpose
b. Daily Diary
Three copies of training reports judged good, moderate and low would be
retained with the respective department or ITU for future references of IESL &
UGC evaluations.
20. Absence from Training
Annex A-1
(EFQAC - D – 05)
Stream : Intake :
Service No. :
Name :
Tele Number :
Email :
Service of the Cadet : SL Army SL Navy SL Air Force
Preferred Organization:
Please indicate your preference for an organization by placing 1, 2 or 3 in the cages below.
Organization 1:
Organization 2:
Organization 3:
Remarks Official/ Personal Sig. Training Engineer
nnex A-2
Reg. No. :
Name :
Tele Number :
Email :
Preferred Organization:
Please indicate your preference for an organization by placing 1, 2 or 3 in the cages below.
Organization 1: ……………………………………………….
Organization 2: ……………………………………………….
Organization 3: ……………………………………………….
Note: Assignment to any of the above locations will be based on your preference and
YGPA of year 2.
Remarks Official/ Personal Sig. Training Engineer
Annex. B
Date: // /
1. Name of Undergraduate:
4. Name of Establishment
6.3 E-mail
8. Field:
………………………… ………………………..
Signature of Undergraduate Signature of Site Officer
(Supervising Training)
Company Seal
Annex C
The Training Employer will be registered on the register of training contracts at the
National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority immediately after registration or prior to the
commencement of training whichever is the earliest. All copies of this contract must be appended.
The same applies to amendments to the provisions of this contract by reason of extension of
training periods, termination or any such matter. All such amendments to this contract shall be
permissible only after prior approval is granted by NAITA. It is the responsibility of the training
employer to hand over a duly certified copy of this contract after obtaining registration at NAITA.
The Training Employer is required to inform NAITA whenever the Trainee has been
absorbed into regular employment in his establishment.
The Training Employer AND The Trainee
Name of the Firm
Address In
Tele: No
Date of Birth
N.I.C. No. Male/ Female WHEREAS the Training Employer has agreed to
engage the Trainee fo the purpose of providing INITIAL TRAINING/FURTHER TRAINING/RE-
OF………………............................................................................................. AND WHEREAS the
said Trainee Employer and Trainee have agreed to abide by the provisions of Tertiary and
Vocational Education Act No.20 of 1990 and the regulations made there under which govern such
training in Sri Lanka.
The following contract is hereby entered into between the aforesaid Training Employer and
the Trainee:
A. The duration of training according to the Training Order F. The Training Employer shall
recognised under Act. No.20 of 1990 shall be a period of: pay the Trainee a suitable
.................months/years. gross allowance of
From …………….. To ……………………... Rs.................. per month or
such sum as may be
determined from time to time
by the National Apprentice
and Industrial Training
G. The Training Employer shall
ensure that skills and
B. The training shall take place in knowledge are imparted to the
………………………………………………………………… Trainee in accordance with the
………………………………………………………………… training objectives laid down
………………………………………………………………… in the Training Order and that
and other work place usually associated with the the relevant subject matter is
headquarters of the Firm. covered and the training
objectives are achieved within
the stipulated training duration
H. The Training Employer shall
impart the training himself if
suitably qualified, or through
other suitably qualified
employees in his
C. The regular weekly training hours shall be 45 ½ hours. I. The Training Employer shall
D. The nature, content and syllabus for training, during the provide the Trainee with a
entire period of training shall substantially conform to the copy of the Training Order at
Training order provided for such Trainee occupation the commencement of training.
J The Training employer shall
provide the trainee with
E. The probation period shall be three months for Training training aids and equipment
courses of duration up to two years, and six months for and in particular training tools,
training courses of duration of more than two years consumable and literature
necessary for training in the
establishment and shall also
provide the trainee all the
facilities required by the
trainee to sit the examinations
and National Trade Tests
conducted by the National
Apprentice and Industrial
Training Authority in the
Trainee occupation, such
trainee is undergoing training.
K. The Training employer shall ensure that R. The trainee shall observe strictly the rules and
the trainee attends all other training regulations of the establishment/training
programmes to be followed outside the employer.
establishment as specified under the S. The trainee shall treat tools, machinery and
Training order. other Equipment installations with due care
L. The training employer shall allot the trainee and only use them for the purpose which they
only with such work as serves the purpose are intended.
of the training and is in keeping with the T. The trainee shall keep all books of records
physical abilities and constitution of the
issued for the purpose of training in proper
order and duly entered and submit same for
M. The Training employer shall ensure that the regular inspection by the employer and the
trainee’s Character is developed and not inspector of NAITA.
exposed to moral or physical hazards.
N. The training employer shall also grant all
the U. The trainee shall observe the business and
necessary leave of absence to the trainee to trade secrets of the training employer.
follow training programmes or sit for
examinations and Tests referred to in
clauses J & K above. V. The trainee shall notify the training employer
immediately of absence due to sickness,
O. The Trainee shall make every effort to
accident or other reason, and submit medical
acquire the skills and knowledge to achieve
certificates if necessary.
the training objective as envisaged under
the Training Order.
P. The trainee shall carry out with due care the W. The trainee shall be entitled to fourteen days
work assigned by the training employer of casual leave and seven days of medical
during the course of training. leave. However, if the training period is less
Q. The trainee shall adhere to all directions than one year the above leave entitlement shall
issued as part of training by the training apply on a proportionate basis.
employer the trainer or any other
authorised person.
It is also hereby agreed between the training employer and the Trainee that the following
general rules apply during the period of this contract:
a. That the Trainee shall be covered by the Workmen’s Compensation Ordinance and the
Factories Ordinance;
b. Where the training contract of a Trainee is terminated after the completion of the
probationary period through the failure of the Training Employer to carry out the terms and
conditions of this contract, he shall pay to the Trainee, compensation, the quantum of which shall
be determined by the NAITA and where this contract is terminated after the completion of the
probationary period through the failure of the Trainee to carry out the terms and conditions, of the
contract, he or his legal representative shall pay to the employer, compensation, the quantum of
which shall be determined by the NAITA. All procedure to be followed in this regard shall strictly
be in accordance with the provisions set out in Act No.20 of 1990 and regulations made
c. That any disputes arising between parties to this contract related to training shall be referred
to the Chairman, NAITA for arbitration. The decision of the Chairman, NAITA shall be final.
d. The Trainee shall be considered as a ‘workman’ as defined under the Industrial Disputes
……………………....... ………………………
Sig. of Training Employer Sig. of Trainee/parent or guardian
(Company Seal)
Annex. D
# Report Details
1 Report Number 1☐ 2☐ 3☐ 4☐ 5☐ 6☐
2 Index Number
3 Discipline
☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
4 Contact Phone Number
5 Email
5 Name of Supervisor
6 Supervisor Position
8 Email
Important Note!
A summary of undergraduate’s work experience during the considered four (04) weeks
period to be attached along with this duly filled Annex. Highlight any shortcomings,
problems that the undergraduate experienced, if there were any, for the purpose of
improving. Finally, make sure to attach completed assessment by the Supervisor (see
Endorsement by the Undergraduate
Signature of
Annex. D (contd.)
Supervisor’s Assessment on
[rate on a scale from 1 (Disagree) to 5 (Agree)]
A Behavioral: 1 2 3 4 5
1 Thinks independently ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
2 Takes initiatives ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
3 Reliable ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
4 Organized and manages time well ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
5 Results oriented ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
6 Ability to learn from all levels of workers ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
7 Adaptability to different environments ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
8 Open to different opinions ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
9 Demonstrate good ethics ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
10 Accept constructive criticism ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
11 Ready to seek assistance when necessary ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
12 Communicates well in all formats ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
B Technical: 1 2 3 4 5
1 Knows fundamentals related to work ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
2 Able to apply fundamentals to practice ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
3 Able to analyse and troubleshoot problems ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
4 Engages modern tools and techniques ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
5 Develops related hands on skills ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
6 Concerned with quality ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
7 Performs work in a safe manner ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
8 Develops skills in planning & ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
9 Understands costs & benefits relationships ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
10 Understands business operations in local & ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
global context
E Endorsement by the Supervisor:
Name of the
2 Position
3 Signature
4 Date
Annex. E
(When leave in excess of one week)
1. Name of Undergraduate :
/ / / /
From To
Date:………………………… (Signature of Undergraduate)
This form is solely for the information of the University Staff who are expected to visit
the Training Establishments for training inspections. It does not replace the standard leave
application form and procedures of the Training Establishment to which the Undergraduate
needs to adhere
Annex. F
Entries made are (1) Up to date Not up to date
07.3 Quality of notes made in the Diary (1) V. Good Good Fair Poor
07.4 Quality of sketches diagrams and figures
drawn in the Diary (1) V. Good Good Fair Poor
Yes / No
09. Opinion of the Training Supervisor of the Establishment on:
14. Signature
Delete what is not applicable,
Use a separate sheet of paper if space provided is not sufficient
NOTE: This completed form should reach Industrial Training Unit at least within five (5) working
days, of inspection.
If any of the members of the Academic Departments feels that the received training by the
undergraduate is not in line with expected outcomes, they should immediately inform respective
coordinators of the Industrial Training Unit and the Academic Department.
Annex. G
The undergraduate is kindly requested to adhere to the following format & structure in preparing
the report. Hence please check each item below has been fulfilled before submitting the report.
# Parameter Guide
1 Size of Paper A4
Format: Structure:
# Item Guide
1 Cover As per annex J
2 Preface A brief account of the report
3 Acknowledgement Appreciation of those who helped in the internship process
4 Table of Contents Three header levels (e.g. 2.7.1) are adequate
5 List of Abbreviations Descriptions of Abbreviations used
6 List of Figures Figures (including charts) Numbered as per the Chapter
7 List of Tables Tables Numbered as per the Chapter
Main purpose of this section is to write an account on the
activities which the undergraduate has engaged, in order
to achieve the expected outcomes. The content should
reflect on these expected outcomes paying attention to the
relevant mapping of the learning outcomes as provided in
the Annexure E of this guide.
Annex. H
Faculty of Engineering
50 mm
50 mm
Date of Submission:
[Undergraduate’s Name]
[Index Number]
Annex J - 1
Please circle appropriate number against each statement with respect to KDU Engineering
Graduates trained in your workplace.
(1–Very poor / 2–poor / 3– Average / 4– Good / 5– Excellent)
Annex J-2
/03 (01 Dec
Please answer all questions by circling appropriate number against each statement.
(5–Strongly Agree, 4–Agree, 3–Neither Agree nor Disagree, 2–Disagree, 1–
Strongly Disagree)
Annex K
Contact Information
HOD Electrical Electronic Telecommunication and
Biomedical /Engineering 0710219258