Revision 6

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REVISION 6 (Chuyên đề 23 - 25)

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions
1. Marriage is a life-long journey together, which is not simply a boat you get on together and getting off
when it does not work out.
2. It was suggested that Pedro studied the material more thoroughly before attempting to pass the exam.
3. The highway patrol advises to take the old route through the city because the interstate highway
is under major repairs.

4. Students suppose to read all the questions carefully and find out the answer to them.
5. To be successful in an interview, you should control the feeling of pressure and making a good
impression on the interviewer.
6. The world is becoming more industrialized and the number of animal species that have
become extinct have increased.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions
7. The manager his temper with the employees and shouted at them.
A. had B. lost C. took D. kept
8. All nations should hands to work out a plan to solve the problem of global warming.
A. join B. hold C. shake D. lend
9. We full advantage of the fine weather and had a day out.
A. took B. created C. did D. made
10. A survey was to study the effects of smoking on young adults.
A. commented B. filled C. conducted D. carried
11. Jeremy's friends were fond of him because of his generosity.
A. at least B. still less C. even less D. not least: nhất là
12. Donald Trump has suggested he could grant legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants who
have not serious crimes in what could be a major policy shift.
A. committed B. took C. served D. done
13. He was arrested because he answered to the description of the man.
A. searched B. pursued C. wanted D. hunted

14. At the end of the film, the young prince fall in love with a reporter.
A. felt B. made C. fell D. got
15. Henry was overweight, so he went on a strict diet and twenty kilos.
A. missed B. lost C. failed D. fell
16. Thanks to her father's encouragement, she has made great in her study.
A. standard B. development C. contribution D. progress
17. The head teacher loves Literature. She significance to reading classical novels by great
writers like Charles Dickens or Leo Tolstoy.
A. admits B. attaches C. attributes D. plays
18. As you've arrived late, you'll have to the time you've lost.
A. make up to B. do up for C. do up to D. make up for
19. The speaker fails to get his message to his audience.
A. around B. in C. across D. out
20. You are under no obligation to accept this offer.
A. whatsoever B. eventually C. apart D. indeed

21. His emotional problems from the attitudes he encountered as a child, I think.
A. stem B. flourish C. root D. sprout
22. no money would be wasted, we will use energy more efficiently.
A. so that B. in order that C. in order to D. A & B
23. We've lost everything. Still, there's no point in complaining. We'll just have to try and make
A. no bones about it B. a splash C. the best of a bad job D. a clean sweep
24. Learners of English as a foreign language often fail to between unfamiliar sounds in that
A. distinguish B. differ C. separate D. solve
25. Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have any solution.
A. come up with B. looked into C. thought over D. got round to
26. I can't of a word he is saying.
A. make sense B. grasp C. comprehend D. understand
27. When your programme first started I thought it was the best thing since sliced
A. cake B. break C. bread D. bead

28. I'm going to make all efforts to win a gold medal in for your help and concern.
A. return B. mind C. allowances D. memory
29. I see Tom and Jerry, I always feel interested because the cartoon is so exciting.
A. Whatever frequency B. No matter what times
C. However many D. No matter how many times
30. Linda refused in the musical performance because she was sick.
A. to participate B. participate C. participating D. to participating
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions
31. Readers are required to abide by the rules of the library and mind their manners.
A. memorize B. obey C. compose D. review
32. The whole village was wiped out in the earthquake last night.
A. cleaned well B. destroyed C. changed completely D. removed quickly
33. At times, I look at him and wonder what is going on his mind.
A. Never B. Always C. Hardly D. Sometimes
34. We went away on holiday last week, but in rained day in day out.
A. every other day B. every single day C. every second day D. every two days
35. It was a serious operation but he made a complete recovery and was soon as fit as a fiddle.
A. in careful health B. in easy health C. in quiet health D. in good health
36. I strongly recommend that you should take out an insurance policy in the house for your own peace of
A. to stop your sleeping B. to stop your worrying
C. to stop your thinking D. to stop your believing
37. The kidnapper gave himself up to the authorities.
A. confided himself B. surrendered
C. accommodated himself D. went up
38. Man: "I heard you have a part in the school play tonight." Woman: "Yes, and I'm on pins and
A. happy B. angry C. nervous D. confused
39. Elephants will become extinct if man continues killing them.
A. die out B. die down C. die of D. die away
40. He is over the moon about his examination result.
A. stressed B. very sad C. very happy D. satisfied
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions
41. The machine has been out of order since last month.
A. under repair B. functioning well C. sold out D. refusing orders

42. The nominating committee always meet behind closed doors, lest its deliberations become known
A. privately B. safely C. publicly D. dangerously
43. She was unhappy that she lost contact with a lot of her old friends went she went abroad to study.
A. made room for B. put in charge of C. got in touch of D. lost control of
44. Don't tell Jane anything about the surprise party for Jack. She has got a big mouth.
A. can't eat a lot B. hates parties C. talks too much D. can keep secrets
45. I would be happy to go along with the idea.
A. to disagree with the idea B. to agree with the idea
C. to support the idea D. to approve with the ideas
46. He always bends the truth.
A. says something that is completely true
B. tells a lie
C. doesn't tell the truth
D. says something that is not completely true
47. After their long-standing conflict had been resolved, the two families decided to bury the hatchet.
A. become enemies B. become friends C. give up weapons D. reach an agreement
48. Sorry, I can't come to your party. I am snowed under with work at the moment.
A. busy with B. free from C. relaxed about D. interested in
49. When being interviewed, you should focus on what the interviewer is saying or asking you.
A. to pay no attention to B. be interested in
C. be related D. express interested in
50. I'm really feeling under the weather today; I have a terrible cold.
A. diseased B. indisposed C. ailing D. well

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