Training Delivery Mode and Methods
Training Delivery Mode and Methods
Training Delivery Mode and Methods
Learning objectives:
After reading INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. enumerate the training delivery modes recommended for use in CBT;
2. differentiate the training methods.
In the design of training program, there are 5 steps: analysis, design, development, implementation and
evaluation. Analysis and design were discussed in the previous information sheet. In designing your training
program it is very important that you choose effective training delivery modes and methods. In this information
sheet we shall discuss training modes and methods. You should be able to choose training modes and methods
appropriate for the knowledge content and skills to be trained in your competencies.
In Philippine TVET, we are required to follow the competency-based training approach. To be able to
employ this approach the training regulations recommends training modalities.
The competency-based TVET system recognizes various types of delivery modes both on and off-the-job as
the learning is driven by the competency standards specified by the industry. The following training modalities may be
adopted when designing training programs:
1. The dualized mode training delivery is preferred and recommended. Thus, programs would comprise both,
in-school and in-industry trainings or fieldwork components. You may refer to the Dual Training System (DTS)
Implementing Rules and Regulations for the details.
2. Modular/self-paced learning is a competency-based training modality where the trainee is allowed to progress
at his own pace. The trainer just facilitates the training delivery.
3. Peer teaching/mentoring is a training modality where fast learners are given the opportunity to assist the slow
4. Supervised-industry-training or on-the-job training is a training approach designed to enhance the
knowledge and skills of the trainee through actual experience in the workplace. It, also, enables the trainee to
acquire specific competencies prescribed in the training regulation.
5. Distance Learning is a formal education process in which majority of the instruction occurs when the students
and instructor are not in the same place. Distance learning may employ correspondence study, audio, video or
computer technologies.
Training delivery methods consist of the techniques and materials used by trainers to structure or design
learning experiences. Different training delivery methods may be better or worse at achieving various learning
During the design phase the different training delivery methods are examined to determine their appropriateness
for the learning objectives. Once appropriate methods are identified, they are applied to the training plan in the
development phase.
There are three categories of learning objectives: knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs).
Knowledge objectives are of three types: declarative, procedural, and strategic.
Declarative knowledge is the person's store of factual information.
Procedural knowledge is the person's understanding about how and when to apply the facts.
Strategic knowledge is used for planning, monitoring, and revising goal-directed activities.
A skill reflects one's proficiency at specific tasks such as operating a piece of equipment, giving a presentation,
or making a business decision.
The various training delivery methods can be divided into cognitive and behavioral approaches:
Cognitive methods provide information, maybe in oral or written form, demonstrate relationships among
concepts, or provide the rules for how to do something. They stimulate learning through their impact on cognitive
processes and are associated most closely with changes in knowledge and attitudes.
The lecture, discussion, e-learning and, to some extent, case studies are cognitive methods. Though these types
of methods can influence skill development, it is not their strength.
Conversely, behavioral methods allow the trainee to practice behavior in a real or simulated fashion. They
stimulate learning through experience and are best at skill development and attitude change.
Equipment simulators, business games, role plays, the in-basket technique, behaviour modelling and, to some
extent, case studies are behavioural methods.
Both behavioural and cognitive methods can be used to change attitudes, though they do so
through different means.
Learners have different learning preferences and style on how they will receive learning.
Following are methods that a trainer may use.
Training Methods:
Lecture Modular self-paced
Role Playing Debate
Group Discussion Demonstration
Forum SLE
Buzz Group Practice
Brainstorming Public Speaking
Case Study Study Circle
Field Trip
Buzz Group
o Usually used in conjunction with structure to sound out interest, views, opinions in any audiences.
o Involves everyone. Breaks up lecture, increases participant activity and alertness
o This maybe used to provide feedback
o After a segment of information presentation, the lecturer asks participants to talk among themselves for a
short time (no more than 5 minutes) in response to a question or topic he/she presents
o Used to develop creative thinking. Maybe used as part of a planning exercise or to get
ideas in order to solve a problem.
o All participants contribute their ideas on a subject or problem.
o All ideas are recorded. Participants are urged to be as open as possible.
o Contributions are not discussed or evaluated until recording stage is complete.
o As to its limitation, many ideas may not be subsequently used, it is necessary to be critical on
some suggestions, needs time for full process to occur.
Case Study
o Provides discussion and aids understanding of real issues, aids listening and discussions skills. Helps in
problem analysis.
o Provides participants with learning which maybe directly applied to a similar situation in their work.
o Detailed information about a situation or event which illustrates a particular problem is necessary. The group
addresses the problem in any way which they feel, constructive.
o This however needs careful preparation. A case may not be relevant to everyone. Participants and
contributions vary. It is time-consuming and careful guidance and intervention maybe required.
Role Playing
o It is the best-known way to help participants both experience certain feelings and practice
certain skills.
o You can set up a dramatic situation in which participants are required to confront someone else
and then discuss the feelings generated by the role-playing experience.
o In addition, you can design a role-playing exercise to enable participants to practice
constructive methods of confrontation.
Field Trip
o Field work, site work, outside visit
o Allows participants to observe the operation of an activity or process on site and record their
observation for later analysis.
o Used to explain and demonstrate a process or skills, so that each group member can understand
and reproduce the action.
o Immediate practice is a necessary part of this technique; otherwise, the process or skill maybe
Structured Learning Exercise
o Exercises are used to simulate real-life situations or incidents in order to highlight interaction and group
process or to focus on problem solving.
o The purpose, structure and operation of exercise are outlined by the trainer.
o Roles of various participants are described and allocated to various people.
o Observers may be appointed, recording of the activity is vital and the trainer usually does not intervene during
o Review and evaluation form a critical part of the learning process.
o Used to provide learners with an opportunity to demonstrate their mastery of new skills or knowledge in a
Public Speaking
o Every time a participant is called to present or offer to say something in front of the other participants, it
is actually public speaking.
o This does not make it an easy skill to perform. Besides, different people have different ways to
communicate. The bottom line is that, if a person feels confident when addressing a crowd, he or she
usually communicates more effectively.
o This confidence can be enhanced through practice.
Study Circle
o When a group of workers decide that they want to study or learn from each other’s experience,
they form a study circle.
o The group can meet in private homes in the workplace or in any private function room (secluded area). The
circle assigns a study circle leader who is responsible for minutes and organizing of the meetings
Guiding principles in method selection
o A method suitable in one situation may not be appropriate in another.
o The value of a method and the quality of tools used depends on how it is applied.
o Methods must complement one another.
James Bennett-Levy in their research entitled “Acquiring and Refining CBT Skills and
Competencies: Which Training Methods are Perceived to be Most Effective?” found that different
training methods were perceived to be differentially effective. For instance, reading, lectures/talks and
modeling were perceived to be most useful for the acquisition of declarative knowledge, while enactive
learning strategies (role- play, self-experiential work), together with modeling and reflective practice,
were perceived to be most effective in enhancing procedural skills. Self- experiential work and reflective
practice were seen as particularly helpful in improving reflective capability and interpersonal skills.
Lecture: Involves imparting information through the spoken word, sometimes supplement ed with audio or visual
• Is time- efficient for addressing a subject and imparting a large amount of information quickly
• Facilitates structuring the presentation of ideas and information
• Allows the facilitator to control the classroom by directing timing of questions
• Is ideal for factual topics
• Lack of active participation
• Facilitation centered, essentially one-way learning
• No way to use experience of group members
• Can be limited by facilitators’ perception of experience
• Can sometimes cause frustration, discontent, and alienation within the group, especially when
participants cannot express their own experience
• Give examples and analogies, using real- life illustrations of the ideas in the lecture and, if
possible, comparing the material and the participants’ knowledge and experience. what you are
• Set a time limit.
Small group discussion. is a group of no more than 7 participants who discuss and summarize a given
subject or theme. The group selects a chairperson, a recorder, and/or someone to report to plenary
• Can be done any time and anywhere
• Allows two-way communication
• Lets group members learn each other’s views and sometimes makes consensus easier
• Allows group members to take on different roles (e.g., leader, recorder) to practice
facilitation techniques
• Involves active participation
• Lets participants ask and learn about unclear aspects
• Often letspeople who feel inhibited share
• Can produce a strong sense of sharing or camaraderie
• Challenges participants to think, learn, and solve problems
Role Play is an imitation of a specific life situation that involves giving participants with details of the “person” they
are asked to play
• Helps start a discussion
• Is lively and participatory, breaking down barriers and encouraging interaction
• Can help participants improve skills, attitudes, and perceptions in real situations
• Can be used with all kinds of groups, regardless of their education levels
• Is informal and flexible and requires few resources
• Is creative
• Possibility of misinterpretation
• Reliance on goodwill and trust among group members
• Tendency to oversimplify or complicate situations
Tips for Improvement
• Structure the role-play well, keeping it brief and clear in focus.
• Give clear and concise instructions to participants.
• Carefully facilitate to deal with emotions that arise inthe follow-up discussion
• Make participation voluntary.
Case study Pairs or small groups are given, orally or in writing, a specific situation, event, or incident and asked to
analyze and solve.
• Allows rapid evaluation of trainees’ knowledge and skills
• Provides immediate feedback
• Increases analytical and thinking skills
• Is the best realistic alternative tofield practice
• Sometimes not all trainees participate.
Tips for Improvement
• Make the situation, event or incident real and focused on the topic.
• Initiate with simple case studies and gradually add more complex situations.
• Speak or write simply.
Demonstration. The trainer performs a specific operation or job, showing others how to do it. The participants, then,
practice the task.
• Provides a step-by-step process to participants
• Allows immediate practice and feedback
• Checklist can be developed to observe participants’ progress in acquiring the skill
Tips for Improvement
• Explain different steps of the procedure
• Return appropriate demonstration by
• Demonstrate an inappropriate skill, then an appropriate skill, and discuss the differences.
• Return appropriate demonstration by participants and give feedback.
• Practice
4. Participants
• How many participants are there?
• What are their characteristics?
• Are they capable of learning through those techniques?
5. Training techniques
• What can realistically be done with the techniques?
• How difficult are the techniques to use?
6. Time
• What time or period is available?
7. Cost
• Are the costs associated with the techniques realistic?
8. Space, equipment, and materials
• Are these all readily available?
90% of what he says and does Touch and hearing Teaching others 10%
Multiple Choice
Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter of your choice on your
answer sheet