8 Сынып Unit 6. the Nature Reserves Around the World

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Lesson plan

Unit 6. The Natural World School: 87

Date: 16.02.2021 Teacher name: Oshtanova M.S.

Class: 8 v Number present: Absent:

Theme of the lesson: Nature reserves around the world
Learning objectives(s) - understand with little or no support the main points in
that this lesson is extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics;
contributing to - understand specific information and detail in texts on a
growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including
some extended texts; - recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a
range of written genres;

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

 identify the theme, learn new words and use them as the basis
for discussion.
Most learners will be able to:
 identify the main points and learn new words related to the
Some learners will be able to:
 identify the main points, learn new words related to the topic,
ask and answer the questions.

Assessment criteria uses appropriate vocabulary when talking about curricular topic,
asks and answers questions.
Level of thinking Lower order of thinking skills

Value links Responsibility, respect for the nature

Cross curricular links Geography

Previous learning Endangered species, places of natural beauty, volunteering programme


Planned Planned activities Resources

Beginning Warm up
Let’s do a Crossword! Nature https://
5 min The aim: to introduce the topic to predict the content of the learningapps.org
lesson. /6268886
Descriptor: Students choose the number, guess the word
and spell it.

Main part Lead-in

Exercise 1.p.71 Excel for
5 min The aim: to introduce the topic to predict the content of the Kazakhstan
text and listen for specific information Grade 8 SB

Descriptor: Students read the introduction on the webpage

and look at the pictures. Which of the animals and plants
do you think you can find at Loch Lomond and which at
Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve? IWB

Students watch a video, listen and check.

Suggested answer key:

Loch Lomond-bluebells, ransoms, red deer, red squirrels,
Korgalzhyn nature reserve- roe deer, lynx, elk, moss,
5 min lichen, mushrooms, flamingos

Work on new words of the text. (Check these words box

p.71) The aim: to consolidate new words. IWB
Descriptor: Students look at the pictures, repeat the words.

Exercise 2 a, p.71. The aim: to read for specific Excel for

information Descriptor: 1.Students read the text Kazakhstan
2.Students correct the statements. Grade 8 SB

Teacher reads the sentences aloud and asks students to

correct them according to the text.
Answer Key
1. In the spring, the forests around Loch Lomond are
full of bluebells and ransoms.
2. Loch Lomond is famous for its fantastic wildlife
and woodland.
3. The Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve covers more than
half a million hectares.
4. The star atractions of Korgalzhyn are the greater
5 min flamingos.

Exercise 2b p.71. The aim: to consolidate new words.

Descriptor: Students find the words for: 3 habitats, 5 types
of birds, 6 other kinds of animals, 5 plants.
Excel for
Teacher explains the underlined words: rare, swampy,
Grade 8 SB
Answer Key:
Habitats: woods, wetlands, lake
Types of birds: golden eagle, fish eagle, pelican, Siberian
white crane, greater flamingo
Other types of animals: deer, red squirrel, red-necked
wallaby, roe deer, lynx, elk
5 min Plants: bluebells, ransom, moss, mushroom.

Exercise 3.
Descriptor: Students ask Wh- questions about Loch
The Aim: to consolidate the information in a text.
Suggested answers:
• Where is Loch Lomond?
• What is it famous for?
• What plants and animals can you see there?
5 min • When were the wallabies brought there?

Formative assessment https://quizizz.com/

Students do the quiz!
Where is Korgalzhyn nature reserve?
What is it famous for? https://
What plants and animals can you see there? classroom.google.
When is the best time to visit Korgalzhyn? Etc. com/c/
Home Task: Complete the text about Aksu Zhabagly 3NTM5?
nature reserve cjc=n7ah6pv
End Reflection
Feedback from learners about the nature reserves around
the world. Teacher:
- What did you like the most?
- What did you find the most difficult?
- What would you recommend to change next time?
Additional information

Differentiation – how do you Assessment – how are you Health and Safety links
plan to give more support? How planning to check learners’
do you plan to challenge the learning?
more able learners?
Assessment criteria:
Differentiation can be achieved  use appropriate
through content (Nature vocabulary when talking about
reserves around the world, curricular topic .
different tasks are used with the  ask and answer questions
same text). about two nature reserves
By support:
Less able learners will be Descriptors:
supported through step-be-step A learner
instructions, glossaries, thinking  reads the text for global
time. understanding;
 selects meaningful
By task: information, constructs the
For more able learners questions and answers;
additional leveled tasks are  evaluates the students
offered. through the quiz test.

Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer

Were the lesson objectives/learning the most relevant questions from the box on the left
objectives realistic? What did the about your lesson.
learners learn today? What was the
learning atmosphere like? Did my
planned differentiation work well? Did
I stick to timings? What changes did I
make from my plan and why?
Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next

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