5-Oral Kinetics
5-Oral Kinetics
5-Oral Kinetics
• Pharmacokinetic models after extravascular drug administration must consider drug absorption from
the site of administration, for example, the gut, the lung, etc
3. drug is assumed to be absorbed when it leaves the lumen and crosses the apical membrane of
the enterocytes lining the intestine
• Drug absorption from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract or any other extravascular site is dependent on:
1. the physicochemical properties of the drug and the environment in the small intestine
• The rate of change in the amount of drug in the body, dDB/dt, is dependent on the
The net rate of drug accumulation in the body at any time is equal to the rate of drug absorption less the
rate of drug elimination, regardless of whether absorption rate is zero-order or first-order
first order
Amount of drug in GI Amount of eliminated drug Zero order
Ka > Ke
Ke > Ka
• Factors influencing the elimination rate constants (Ke):
1. A small elimination rate constant, k may be caused by reduced renal drug excretion
2. A small k may also be due to reduced hepatic clearance caused by relatively inactive metabolic
enzymes such as CYPs for some patients
• Rate of systemic drug absorption from an orally administered solid dosage form encompasses many
individual rate processes, including:
• GI motility
• blood flow
• transport of the drug across the capillary membranes and into the systemic circulation
• Knowledge of the ka and k values allows for the prediction of peak and trough plasma drug
concentrations following multiple dosing
• In bioequivalence studies:
drug products are given in chemically equivalent (ie, pharmaceutical equivalents) doses, and the
respective rates of systemic absorption may not differ markedly.
Therefore, for these studies, tmax, or time of peak drug concentration, can be very useful in
comparing the respective rates of absorption of a drug from chemically equivalent drug products
Zero-order absorption model
• Zero-order drug absorption from the dosing site into the plasma usually occurs when either:
1. The drug is absorbed by a saturable process ….. Need transporters and channels
• In this model, drug in the gastrointestinal tract, DGI, is absorbed systemically at a constant rate, k0.
Drug is simultaneously and immediately eliminated from the body by a first-order rate process
defined by a first-order rate constant, k. This model is analogous to that of the administration of a drug
by intravenous infusion
• The rate of first-order elimination at any time is equal to DBk. The rate of input is simply k0
Therefore, the net change per unit time in the body can be expressed as
• The rate of drug absorption is constant until the amount of drug in the gut, DGI, is depleted. The
time for complete drug absorption to occur is equal to DGI/k0. After this time, the drug is no longer
• The drug concentration in the plasma subsequently declines in accordance with a first-order
elimination rate process Similar to Iv infusion
First-order absorption model
• This model assumes a first-order input across the gut wall and first-order elimination from the body
• This model applies mostly to the oral absorption of drugs in:
1. solution
2. rapidly dissolving dosage (immediate release) forms such as tablets, capsules, and suppositories
3. intramuscular or subcutaneous aqueous injections may also be described using a first-order
D0= dose
DGI= D0.𝒆−𝒌𝒂.𝒕 DB= D0.𝒆−𝒌𝒆.𝒕
∫ ∫ ∫
∫Integration then /Vd
• The maximum plasma concentration after oral dosing is Cmax, and the time needed to reach
maximum concentration is tmax.
• The tmax is :
• independent of dose
• dependent on the rate constants for absorption (ka) and elimination (k)
• This method allows the separation of the monoexponential constituents of a biexponential plot of
• Therefore, it is a useful procedure for fitting a curve to the experimental data of a drug when the drug
Cp= A. 𝒆
This equation, which represents first-order drug elimination, will yield a linear plot on semi log paper.
The slope is equal to - k/2.303.
The value for ka can be obtained by using the method of residuals or a feathering technique
1. Plasma concentration vs. time on a semi-logarithmic scale
2. The slope of the line representing the elimination phase is calculated (-kel/2.303).
4. Three points at the extrapolated line (residual line) are taken at three different time points
and within the absorption phase.
5. Vertical line is dropped from these three points and the corresponding plasma concentration
(time points are determined) is calculated
6. The differences between the y-coordinate values of the points on the extrapolated curve and
the y-coordinate values on the plasma concentration time curve are calculated.
Mono exponentia
straight line
Only Ke
Bi exponential:
not a straight line
Ka + Ke
T1 T2 T3
5. The values of the residuals are plotted against their corresponding time points on the same
6. A straight line should be obtained with a slope of -Ka/2.303
7. The extrapolated line representing the elimination phase and the residual line should have
the same y-intercept …. (A)
3- Estimate the absorption rate constant from the slope of the residual line
Residual line
slope = -Ka/2.303
Determination of the Model Parameters
• Tmax, Cmax and AUC
• These three parameter are important for evaluation of an extravascular dosage form and evaluation of
bioequivalence of drugs. dose, doses intervals
• Tmax: indicator of how fast a drug is absorbed, if the rate of absorption is fast, tmax is short
• Cmax: represents the highest plasma concentration that can be achieved with a single dose.
• AUC: a parameter thatcovers the entire period of sampling and it representsthe extent of absorption
and how complete is the absorption How much drug has reached the
systemic circulation
• AUC and Cmax are dependent on the dose, as the dose increases the AUC and Cmax increases
Determination of the Model Parameters
tmax = (tp)
Cl= K*Vd
F XXo o
CCl l == F .
oX o
VVdd == Volume
K .A U C
K .A U C
Normal kinetics vs. Flip-flop kinetics
• In a series of two consecutive, irreversible first-order rate processes such as absorption of a drug
from the intestine and its subsequent systemic elimination, either step can be rate-limiting in the
overall elimination process
after oral administration ……elimination of the drug from the body after oral administration is governed
primarily by how fast it can be removed once it enters the systemic circulation (elimination)
• In this case (e.g., ka > k), a plasma concentration-time profile after oral dosing exhibits:
terminal half-life similar to that after intravenous injection
When ka is much smaller than k (e.g., k > ka ) :
• drug disappearance from the body becomes governed by the rate of absorption
rather than by the rate of elimination
Ka is rate limiting
Shorter • Elimination half life = 0.693/K As K is bigger
IV bolus
IV bolus
Normal Kinetics example
Changing Ka ( K unchanged)
• Shorter tmax
• Higher Cmax
• Unchanged AUC
• Shorter tmax
• Lower Cmax
• Lower AUC
• Knowing the extent of absorption (bioavailability) helps to en-sure that the correct
dose is given extravascularly to achieve a therapeutic systemic exposure
• Although dose is known and area can be determined following an extravascular dose,
clearance is needed to estimate bioavailability
• Given that Clearance is unchanged (for the same drug), F is estimated by:
AUCoral * DoseIV
F =
AUCIV Doseoral
If the IV and oral doses were equal, F can be calculated according to:
• Ke
• Cl
• Vd
Are the same for the same drug with all different routes of administrations
Effect of F on tmax, Cmax, and AUC
◼ Increasing the bioavailability F results in:
Unchanged tmax
Higher Cmax ……... Related to dose D
Higher AUC
F = 0.5
50 F = 0.25
0 20 40 60 80 100
ti m e
Effect of Ka on tmax, Cmax, and AUC
• Shorter tmax
• Higher Cmax
• Unchanged AUC
Effect of K on tmax, Cmax, and AUC
Changing K ( Ka unchanged)
• Shorter tmax
• Lower Cmax
• Lower AUC
Effect F on tmax, Cmax, and AUC
◼ Increasing the bioavailability results in:
F=1 • Unchanged tmax
• Higher Cmax
• Higher AUC
F = 0.5
50 F = 0.25
0 20 40 60 80 100
Lag time
• In some individuals, absorption of drug after a single oral dose does not start immediately, due to
such physiologic factors as stomach-emptying time and intestinal motility. The time delay prior to
the commencement of first-order drug absorption is known as lag time
• The lag time for a drug may be observed if the two residual lines obtained by feathering the oral
absorption plasma level–time curve intersect at a point greater than t = 0 on the x axis. The time at the
point of intersection on the x axis is the lag time
Onset time:
• The lag time, t0, represents the beginning of drug absorption and should not be confused with the
pharmacologic term onset time, which represents latency, that is, the time required for the drug to
reach minimum effective concentration (MEC).
• where FkaD0/VD(ka - k) is the y-value (A) at the point of intersection of the
residual lines….Y is the same for residual and terminal lines
Shifting in time
No Shifting in time
• The second expression that describes the curve in omits the lag time, as follows:
Example 1
A 500-mg dose of the sulfonamide sulfamethoxazole is administered as an oral tablet
to a human subject. Eighty percent of the drug is absorbed, and the balance is
excreted unchanged in feces. The drug distributes into an apparently homogeneous
body volume of 12 L, and has an absorption half-life of 15 min and overall
elimination half- life of 12 h.
k = 0.693 t1/elimin
= 0.693 12 = 0.058 hr −1
Estimate AUC:
F Xo 0.8 * 5 0 0
AU C = = = 5 7 5 m g h r/L
KVd 0.058*12
Estimate tmax:
2 .3 0 3 Ka
t m ax = (Ka− K)
Estimate Cmax: max
C max =
12(0.046− 0.058)
0.046* 0.8*500 * −0.058*19.32 −0.046*19.32
e −e
C max = 10.9 mg/L
2- Recalculate the values in Problem 1 if all parameter values remained unchanged, but the
elimination half-life was increased to 18 h
k = 0.039 hr −1
t m ax = 2 3 .5 h r
AU C = 8 5 5 m g h r /L
C max = 13.3 mg/L
Example 2
The presented table gives the plasma drug concentrations that were obtained following
the oral administration of 500 mg dose of drug X. Assuming that drug X follows normal
pharmacokinetics, determine the following:
Time Conc
• Elimination rate constant (hr) (mg/L)
0.25 3.77
• Absorption rate constant 0.5 6.53
• Bioavailability 0.75 8.49
1.5 11.32
• Volume of distribution (normalized for bioavailability) 2 11.7
3 10.92
10 2.96
24 0.18
49 30 0.05
1. Determine elimination phase
Elimination phase
log (Conc) mg/L
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
time (hr)
2. Determine K
y = -0.0883x + 1.359 R2 = 0.9998
K =-slope*2.303 =0.0883*2.303
K= 0.2 hr-1
log (Conc) mg/L
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
time (hr)
3. Extrapolate the terminal line to cross the y-axis
y = -0.0883x + 1.359
1 R2 = 0.9998
log (Conc) mg/L
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
time (hr)
4. Draw the residual line
log (Conc) mg/L
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
time (hr)
5. Determine Ka
Residual line equation:
Log Cp not Cp
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
• Volume of distribution (normalized for bioavailability): VD/F
From the terminal line best fit line, intercept A =1.359.
Ka F D
(A)10 Intercept
Vd (Ka − K )
Vd Ka D 0.878*500
= Intercept = 1.359 =28.3 L
F 10 (Ka − K ) 10 (0.878− 0.2)
Example 3
A patient received a single dose of 500 mg X erythromycin in the form of a tablet that is
known to have 80% bioavailability F.
• AUC (50)
• Clearance (8 L/hr) after this single dose If K is 0.2 hr-1, Ka is 1.3 hr-1, and Vd is 40