2017 Transmission Annual Planning Report

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June 2017
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Copyright and Disclaimer

The purpose of this document is to provide information about ElectraNet's assessment of the
transmission system’s likely capacity to meet demand in South Australia over the next ten years.
It also provides information about ElectraNet’s intended plans for augmentation of the
transmission network. This document is not to be used by any party for other purposes, such as
making decisions to invest in further generation, transmission or distribution capacity. This
document has been prepared using information provided by, and reports prepared by, a number
of third parties.

Anyone proposing to use the information in this document should independently verify and check
the accuracy, completeness, reliability and suitability of the information in this document, and the
reports and other information relied on by ElectraNet in preparing it.

This document contains certain predictions, estimates and statements that reflect various
assumptions concerning, amongst other things, economic growth scenarios, demand forecasts
and developments within the National Electricity Market. These assumptions may or may not
prove to be accurate. The document also contains statements about ElectraNet’s future plans.
Those plans may change from time to time and should be confirmed with ElectraNet before any
decision is made or action is taken based on this document.

ElectraNet makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness or

suitability for particular purposes of the information contained within this document. ElectraNet
and its employees, agents and consultants shall have no liability (including liability to any person
by reason of negligence or negligent misstatement) for any statements, opinions, information or
matter expressed or implied arising out of, contained in, or derived from, or for any omissions
from, the information in this document, except in so far as liability under any statute cannot be

Copyright in this material is owned by or licensed to ElectraNet. Permission to publish, modify,

commercialise or alter this material must be sought directly from ElectraNet.

Reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure that the information contained in this report is
accurate at the time of writing. However, ElectraNet gives no warranty and accepts no liability for
any loss or damage incurred in reliance on this information.

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South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................. 9

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 11
1.1 ELECTRANET’S ROLE IN SUPPLYING ELECTRICITY ..................................................................... 11
1.2 NETWORK PLANNING APPROACH AND REPORTING..................................................................... 12
1.4 FEEDBACK ON THIS REPORT .................................................................................................... 14

2. THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN TRANSMISSION SYSTEM ................................................ 15

2.1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................. 15
2.2 RENEWABLE ENERGY GENERATION .......................................................................................... 17
2.3 RANGE OF SOUTH AUSTRALIAN DEMANDS ................................................................................ 18
2.4 INTERCONNECTOR TRANSFER CAPACITY .................................................................................. 19

3. A SYSTEM IN TRANSITION ........................................................................................... 20

3.1 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CONTEXT ................................................................................................. 20
3.3 CURRENT REVIEWS AND INQUIRIES .......................................................................................... 22
3.4 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT MEASURES ........................................................................ 23
3.5 ELECTRANET INITIATIVES ........................................................................................................ 23
3.5.1 South Australian Energy Transformation RIT-T ................................................................... 23
3.5.2 Grid connected battery storage ............................................................................................ 25
3.5.3 System Strength ................................................................................................................... 26
3.5.4 Northern SA Voltage Control ................................................................................................ 27
3.5.5 Frequency control following separation of South Australia from the NEM ........................... 27


AUSTRALIAN NETWORK CONSTRAINTS ............................................................................... 28
4.1 NETWORK LIMITATIONS IDENTIFIED IN THE NTNDP ................................................................... 29
4.2 TRANSMISSION NETWORK CONSTRAINTS .................................................................................. 30
4.3 NETWORK MARKET BENEFIT PROJECTS .................................................................................... 35
4.4 FUTURE NETWORK CONGESTION ............................................................................................. 38

5. SUMMER (2016-17) DEMAND REVIEW AND FORECASTS ......................................... 40

5.1 SUMMER DEMAND REVIEW ....................................................................................................... 40
5.1.1 Connection point review ....................................................................................................... 43
5.2 DEMAND FORECAST ................................................................................................................ 44
5.2.1 Review of 2016 National Electricity Forecasting Report ...................................................... 44
5.2.2 Connection point forecasts ................................................................................................... 45

6. CONNECTION OPPORTUNITIES .................................................................................. 46

6.1 CONNECTION OPPORTUNITIES FOR GENERATORS ..................................................................... 46

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June 2017

6.2 CONNECTION POINT OPPORTUNITIES FOR CUSTOMERS ............................................................. 48

6.3 SUMMARY OF CONNECTION OPPORTUNITIES ............................................................................. 49
6.4 PROPOSED NEW CONNECTION POINTS ..................................................................................... 52
6.5 CURRENT AND POTENTIAL TRANSMISSION CONNECTION HUBS ................................................... 52

7. COMPLETED, COMMITTED AND PENDING PROJECTS ............................................. 54

7.1 RECENTLY COMPLETED PROJECTS........................................................................................... 54
7.2 COMMITTED PROJECTS ........................................................................................................... 55
7.2.1 Tailem Bend substation upgrade ......................................................................................... 56
7.3 PENDING PROJECTS ................................................................................................................ 56

8. TRANSMISSION NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN ................................................... 57

8.1 PLANNING SCENARIO AND SENSITIVITIES .................................................................................. 57
8.2 SUMMARY OF PLANNING OUTCOMES ........................................................................................ 59
8.3 EMERGING SYSTEM ISSUES ..................................................................................................... 59
8.3.1 Install a grid-connected battery at Dalrymple (ESCRI-SA) .................................................. 60
8.3.2 New high capacity interconnector ........................................................................................ 61
8.3.3 Install synchronous condensers ........................................................................................... 63
8.4 CONNECTION POINTS .............................................................................................................. 64
8.4.1 Replace Eyre Peninsula 132 kV transmission lines ............................................................. 65
8.4.2 Establish a new connection point at Gawler East ................................................................ 67
8.5 MARKET BENEFIT OPPORTUNITIES ........................................................................................... 68
8.5.1 Uprate Riverland 132 kV lines .............................................................................................. 68
8.5.2 Uprate the Waterloo East to Robertstown 132 kV line ......................................................... 70
8.5.3 Apply dynamic ratings to transmission lines between South East and Tungkillo ................ 70
8.5.4 Remove plant rating limits from the Robertstown to Davenport 275 kV lines ...................... 71
8.5.5 Install an additional 100 Mvar 275 kV capacitor bank at South East ................................... 71
8.5.6 Trial modular power flow control elements to relieve congestion ........................................ 72
8.5.7 Improve Robertstown circuit breaker arrangement .............................................................. 72
8.5.8 Connect the Tailem Bend to Cherry Gardens 275 kV line at Tungkillo ............................... 73
8.5.9 Apply short term overload ratings to the Robertstown 275/132 kV transformers ................ 73
8.6 MAXIMUM DEMAND .................................................................................................................. 74
8.6.1 Upper North region eastern 132 kV line reinforcement ........................................................ 74
8.6.2 Upper North region western 132 kV line reinforcement ....................................................... 75
8.7 MINIMUM DEMAND................................................................................................................... 76
8.7.1 Install a 50 Mvar 275 kV switched reactor at Templers West .............................................. 76
8.7.2 Install a 50 Mvar 275 kV switched reactor at Blyth West ..................................................... 78
8.7.3 Install a second 50 Mvar 275 kV switched reactor at Para .................................................. 78
8.7.4 Install an additional 50 Mvar 275 kV switched reactor in the Mid North .............................. 79
8.8 MAXIMUM FAULT LEVELS ......................................................................................................... 79
8.9 EMERGENCY CONTROL SCHEMES ........................................................................................... 80
8.9.1 Implement a coordinated Over Frequency Generation Shedding scheme .......................... 81
8.9.2 Protect against system islanding for the non-credible loss of multiple generators .............. 81

APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................ 83

APPENDIX A TRANSMISSION PLANNING FRAMEWORK ..................................................... 84

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A1 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN ELECTRICITY MARKET FRAMEWORK ........................................................... 84

A1.1 Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)........................................................................ 84
A1.2 Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA) ........................................... 84
A1.3 National Electricity Rules...................................................................................................... 85
A2 ELECTRANET’S RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE RULES............................................................... 86
A2.1 Transmission annual planning report ................................................................................... 86
A2.2 Regulatory Investment test for transmission (RIT-T) ........................................................... 87

APPENDIX B COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST ................................................................................ 90

APPENDIX C REGIONAL NETWORKS .................................................................................... 93

C1 METROPOLITAN REGION .......................................................................................................... 93
C2 EASTERN HILLS REGION .......................................................................................................... 94
C3 MID NORTH REGION ................................................................................................................ 95
C4 RIVERLAND REGION ................................................................................................................ 96
C5 SOUTH EAST REGION .............................................................................................................. 97
C6 EYRE PENINSULA REGION ....................................................................................................... 98
C7 UPPER NORTH REGION ........................................................................................................... 99

APPENDIX D INTER-REGIONAL TRANSFER CAPACITY ..................................................... 100

D1 HEYWOOD INTERCONNECTOR................................................................................................ 100
D1.1 Import and export capability ............................................................................................... 100
D1.2 Heywood interconnector transfer limit equations ............................................................... 101
D2 MURRAYLINK INTERCONNECTOR ............................................................................................ 104
D2.1 Import capability ................................................................................................................. 104
D2.2 Export capability ................................................................................................................. 104

APPENDIX E FAULT LEVELS AND CIRCUIT BREAKER RATINGS ..................................... 105

APPENDIX F NETWORK SUPPORT SOLUTIONS ................................................................. 112

F1 NETWORK SUPPORT SOLUTIONS FRAMEWORK ........................................................................ 112
F2 NETWORK SUPPORT SOLUTIONS PLANNING ASSESSMENT........................................................ 112
F3 PROJECTS FOR POTENTIAL NETWORK SUPPORT SOLUTIONS .................................................... 113


G4 SUMMARY OF CONTINGENT PROJECTS ................................................................................... 129

ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................... 131

GLOSSARY OF TERMS .......................................................................................................... 133

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Figure 1-1: Role of ElectraNet in the electricity supply chain ........................................................11

Figure 2-1: South Australia’s transmission system .......................................................................15

Figure 2-2: The Main 275 kV Grid including interconnectors ........................................................16

Figure 2-3: Maximum, average, and minimum electricity demands on the SA transmission network
for the past six years ....................................................................................................................18

Figure 2-4: South Australian system wide load duration curves for 2009-10 and 2016-17 (to 8

Figure 3-1: Energy generation patterns have changed significantly in recent years .....................21

Figure 3-2: Renewable energy from wind and solar rooftop PV systems has increased significantly
over the last five years .................................................................................................................21

Figure 3-3: Potential new interconnector options .........................................................................24

Figure 3-4: Proposed Dalrymple connection site for a 30 MW, 8 MWh battery energy storage
system .........................................................................................................................................25

Figure 5-1: Daily temperature index for summer 2016-17 ............................................................42

Figure 5-2: AEMO's 2016 NEFR neutral growth forecasts............................................................45

Figure 6-1: Current and possible South Australian future transmission connection hubs .............53

Figure 8-1: Assumptions and sensitivities considered in ElectraNet’s planning process, including
potential future step load increases, generator retirements, and renewable generator connections

Figure 8-2: Proposed projects to address emerging challenges to the secure and stable operation
of the power system .....................................................................................................................60

Figure 8-3: Connection point projects...........................................................................................65

Figure 8-4: Committed and proposed market benefit projects ......................................................69

Figure 8-5: Projects that may be required if potential spot loads connect .....................................75

Figure 8-6: Projects that are proposed to manage the impact of declining minimum demand ......77

Figure A-1: ElectraNet's approach to the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T)
process ……………………………………………………………………………………...88

Figure C-1: Metropolitan transmission network and supply region………………………………….93

Figure C-2: Eastern Hills transmission network and supply region …………………………….......94

Figure C-3: Mid North transmission network and supply region ……………………………………95

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Figure C-4: Riverland transmission network and supply region ……………………………….……96

Figure C-5: South East transmission network and supply region …………………………………..97

Figure C-6: Eyre Peninsula transmission network and supply region ………………………………98

Figure C-7: Upper North transmission network and supply region ………………………………….99

Table 1: High level summary of planning outcomes .....................................................................10

Table 4-1: Potential economic dispatch limitations identified in the 2016 NTNDP ........................29

Table 4-2: Constraint equations, descriptions and ranking ...........................................................31

Table 4-3: Potential inter-regional market benefit projects............................................................36

Table 4-4: Potential intra-regional market benefit projects............................................................37

Table 4-5: Forecast South Australian transmission network congestion .......................................38

Table 5-1: 2016-17 summer temperature data compared with long term trends ...........................41

Table 5-2: Highest demand periods in summer 2016-17 ..............................................................41

Table 5-3: Recorded demands more than 100% of 10% POE demand forecast in summer
2016-17 .......................................................................................................................................43

Table 5-4: Recorded demands less than 85% of 10% POE demand forecast in summer 2016-17

Table 6-1: System conditions considered in the assessment of the ability of the South Australian
transmission system to accommodate additional generation ........................................................47

Table 6-2: Indication of available capacity to connect generation and load in 2018-19.................50

Table 6-3: Proposed new connection points for generators and customers .................................52

Table 7-1: Projects completed between 1 May 2016 and 31 May 2017 ........................................54

Table 7-2: Committed projects .....................................................................................................55

Table 8-1: Characteristics and assumptions of ElectraNet's planning scenario ............................57

Table 8-2: Summary of planning outcomes ..................................................................................59

Table 8-3: Options considered for a new high capacity interconnector .........................................62

Table 8-4: Options considered for Eyre Peninsula 132 kV line replacement ................................66

Table 8-5: Options considered for a new Gawler East connection point .......................................68

Table A-1: Summary of ETC redundancy requirements …………………………………………...…89

Table B-1: Compliance Checklist …………………………………………...………………………….90

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Table E-1: Circuit breaker ratings and system fault levels ………………………………………….105

Table F-1: Planned projects for which ElectraNet seeks or has sought proposal for network
support solutions .....................................................................................................113

Table G-1: Committed, pending and proposed and potential augmentation projects ..................115

Table G-2: Committed pending and proposed security and compliance projects ………………..118

Table G-3: Committed, pending and proposed asset replacement projects ……………………..122

Table G-4: Contingent projects ………………………………………………………………………..129

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Executive Summary
South Australia’s transmission network plays a major role in the State’s electricity supply, in an
environment of unprecedented change.

South Australia is at the forefront of energy transformation with world-leading levels of intermittent
renewable energy compared to demand.

In 2016-17, a number of significant events impacted the supply of electricity to large numbers of
South Australian customers, including a state-wide system black event in September 2016. These
events have highlighted the importance of system security and reliability as we transition to a
lower carbon emissions future.

On 9 June 2017, the Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity
Market (the Finkel Review) released its final report and blueprint designed to ensure the optimal
functioning of Australia’s electricity system in the future1.

Within this context, ElectraNet’s annual planning process has sought to pre-empt network
obstacles or opportunities, and ensure plans are in place to accommodate them.

This South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report summarises the outcomes of this
planning process, including information on the current capacity, connection opportunities, and
emerging limitations of South Australia’s electricity transmission network. It covers a ten-year
planning period and describes the current network, demand projections, emerging network
limitations or constraints, and information on completed, committed, pending and proposed
transmission network developments.

This report includes ElectraNet’s response to the emerging challenges facing South Australia’s
electricity transmission network. This includes initiatives for conducting a Regulatory Investment
Test for Transmission (RIT-T) to investigate the technical and economic feasibility of a new
transmission interconnector between South Australia and the Eastern States and non-network
alternatives, pursuing a grid-scale battery energy storage project to support higher levels of
intermittent renewable energy, and working with the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)
to address the changing requirements for system strength and frequency control to manage
system security.

Our network planning considers a wide range of potential future scenarios and developments.

This report is designed to inform stakeholders and help potential users of electricity and
generators to identify and assess opportunities in the NEM. It also helps AEMO to prepare the
National Transmission Network Development Plan, which outlines the strategic and long-term
development of the national transmission system under a range of market development

In March 2017, ElectraNet submitted a Revenue Proposal to the Australian Energy Regulator
(AER) for the 2018-19 to 2022-23 period that addresses future network investment requirements.2
These requirements are consistent with the key planning outcomes in this report, as summarised
in Table 1.

1 The Finkel Review’s Final Report is available at http://www.environment.gov.au/energy/publications/ electricity-

2 Our Revenue Proposal is available on aer.gov.au. Other documents referenced are available on electranet.com.au.
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Table 1: High level summary of planning outcomes

Planning focus Key outcomes

Emerging System security issues that may arise from low levels of system inertia and declining
system security levels of system strength (as projected in AEMO’s 2016 National Transmission
issues (e.g. Network Development Plan) could be addressed by:
system inertia,  establishing a new interconnector between South Australia and the Eastern
system strength) States to address emerging system security issues and provide net market
benefits, as is being considered by the South Australian Energy Transformation
 installing plant such as synchronous condensers
A grid-scale battery energy storage system is proposed for connection at Dalrymple,
to help improve system security and reliability.
Connection The existing network support arrangement at Port Lincoln expires in December 2018.
points A RIT-T has been commenced to determine the most cost effective way of continuing
to meet the required reliability standard at Port Lincoln beyond that date. The outcome
of this investigation could be investment in new transmission lines on the Eyre
Peninsula (e.g. a new double circuit line from Cultana to Yadnarie to Port Lincoln)
and/ or a new network support arrangement.
Market benefit A range of market benefit driven projects is proposed to reduce the impact of network
opportunities constraints and increase the capability of the transmission network, providing net
market benefits.
Maximum South Australia’s transmission network is projected to be adequate to support forecast
demand maximum demand for the duration of the planning period.
Augmentation may be needed to supply future significant individual load connections,
particularly in the Upper North region, depending on their size and location.
Minimum As the minimum demand supplied by the transmission network is forecast to
demand decrease, a series of 275 kV reactor investments (or similar) is needed to prevent
voltage levels from exceeding equipment ratings if an unplanned contingency event
was to occur at times of low demand.
Maximum fault Fault levels are forecast to remain within design and equipment limits for the duration
levels of the planning period.
Emergency ElectraNet and AEMO are working together to develop a special protection scheme
control schemes that will reduce the chance of islanding following a non-credible simultaneous loss of
multiple generators within South Australia.

We invite feedback on any aspect of this report, from our demand projections and emerging
network limitations to proposed solutions, the planning scenarios considered and the presentation
of information in this report. Your feedback will help us to serve you better and ensure we can
provide a reliable and high quality electricity supply to customers at the lowest long-run cost.

Comments and suggestions can be directed to:

Hugo Klingenberg, Senior Manager Network Development, [email protected].

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South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

1. Introduction
ElectraNet specialises in electricity transmission, providing energy and infrastructure
solutions across Australia. We power people’s lives by delivering safe, affordable and
reliable solutions to power homes, businesses and, ultimately, the economy.

Our business includes South Australia’s regulated transmission network. ElectraNet

plans, builds, operates, maintains and owns the State’s high voltage electricity
transmission network and is the principal Transmission Network Service Provider
(TNSP) in South Australia.

1.1 ElectraNet’s role in supplying electricity

South Australia’s electricity transmission network is the backbone of the electricity

supply system.

Our network transports power generated from local and interstate sources over long
distances to metropolitan and regional areas of demand (load centres).

It is one of the most extensive regional transmission systems in Australia, extending

across some 200,000 square kilometres of the State. This network consists mainly of
transmission lines operating at 132,000 and 275,000 Volts.

ElectraNet’s direct customers include power generators, the State’s electricity distributor
SA Power Networks, and large industry (Figure 1-1). The services we provide also
impact the cost and reliability of electricity for customers connected to SA Power
Networks’ distribution network.

Figure 1-1: Role of ElectraNet in the electricity supply chain

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June 2017

1.2 Network planning approach and reporting

Each year, ElectraNet reviews the capability of its transmission network and regulated
connection points to meet ongoing electricity demand, forecast under a variety of
operating scenarios. ElectraNet works with SA Power Networks, which is responsible for
distributing electricity throughout South Australia, to complete the review. ElectraNet’s
planning and forecasting processes align with the applicable regulatory requirements
(Appendix A).

This report presents the outcomes of the annual planning review and forecasting to help
you understand the network’s current capacity and how we think this may change in the
future. The report covers a 10-year planning period (1 July 2017 to 30 June 2027) and
identifies potential network capability limitations and possible solution options.

The report provides information on:

 existing transmission network performance and power transfer capability
(Chapter 2)
 emerging challenges (Chapter 3)
 developments in the national transmission network and constraints that impact
South Australia (Chapter 4)
 demand forecast for the next 10-year period (Chapter 5)
 connection opportunities (Chapter 6)
 transmission network development plans, including recently completed,
committed, and planned projects (Chapter 7).

The report does not define a single specific future development plan for the South
Australian transmission system, rather it is intended to form part of a consultation
process to ensure efficient and economical development of the transmission network
can meet forecast electricity demand over the planning period. Decisions to invest in the
South Australian transmission system will only be made at the time they become

1.3 Transmission planning responsibilities and rule requirements

ElectraNet is the principal TNSP and the jurisdictional planning body for South Australia
under clause 11.28.2 of the National Electricity Rules (Rules). As such, ElectraNet has
specific obligations (Chapter 5 of the Rules) with regard to network connection, network
planning and establishing or modifying a connection point, including technical obligations
that apply to all registered participants. In addition to the Rules, ElectraNet complies with
the South Australian Electricity Transmission Code (ETC) that sets out reliability
planning standards for each connection point on the transmission network.

As part of its planning and development responsibilities, ElectraNet must:

 consider public and worker safety paramount when planning, designing,
constructing, operating and maintaining the network
 operate the network with sufficient capability to provide the minimum level of
transmission network services required by customers

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 comply with the technical and reliability standards contained in the Rules and
jurisdictional instruments such as the ETC
 plan, develop and operate the network so there is no need to shed load under
normal and foreseeable operating conditions to achieve the quality and reliability
standards within the Rules
 conduct joint planning with distribution network service providers (DNSPs) and
other TNSPs whose networks can impact the South Australian transmission
network. That includes SA Power Networks, APA (Murraylink operator and part-
owner) and the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO, in their role as
Victorian transmission network planner). We also participate in inter-regional
system tests associated with new or augmented interconnections
 provide information to registered participants and interested parties on projected
network limitations and the required timeframes for action
 develop recommendations to address projected network limitations through joint
planning with DNSPs and consultation with registered participants and interested
parties. Solutions may include network upgrades or non-network options, such as
local generation and demand side management initiatives.

ElectraNet is also an active participant in inter-regional planning, providing advice on

network developments that may have a material inter-network impact.

ElectraNet’s annual planning review analyses the expected future capability of the South
Australian transmission network over a 10-year period, taking into account relevant
forecast loads, future generation, market network service, demand side and
transmission developments.

In accordance with clause 5.12.1(b) of the Rules, ElectraNet’s annual planning review:
 incorporates forecast demand, as submitted by SA Power Networks and direct
connect customers or as modified by ElectraNet in accordance with clause 5.11.1
of the Rules
 includes a review of the adequacy of existing connection points and relevant parts
of the transmission system and planning proposals for future connection points
 takes into account AEMO’s most recent National Transmission Network
Development Plan (NTNDP) and power system frequency risk review
 considers the potential for augmentations, or non-network alternatives to
augmentations, that are likely to provide a net economic benefit to all those who
produce, consume and transport electricity in the market.

Clause 5.12.2 of the Rules sets out the detailed requirements for ElectraNet’s
Transmission Annual Planning Report. A summary of these requirements and the
sections within the report that satisfy them is provided in Appendix B.

While every endeavour has been made to provide accurate information in this report,
transmission system planning is subject to uncertainty, including changes to demand
forecasts and generator behaviour as well as changes in government policies.

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June 2017

1.4 Feedback on this report

We are committed to ongoing improvement of the Transmission Annual Planning Report

and its value to our customers and industry stakeholders.

Stakeholders are invited to make suggestions for future improvement by sending an

email to [email protected].

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June 2017

2. The South Australian transmission system

2.1 Overview

The South Australian transmission system connects the major load centres with various
sources of generation (Figure 2-1). Most base and intermediate conventional generators
are located in the Adelaide metropolitan area, while peaking power stations are spread
throughout the State. The network has been developed with a high capacity 275 kV main
grid that links the generators and interconnectors to major load centres (e.g. Adelaide),
and to lower capacity 132 kV regional transmission systems that supply regional load
centres. Power flows on the main grid often influence flows on the regional networks.
Sometimes, limits on the regional networks can restrict the flow of power on the main

Figure 2-1: South Australia’s transmission system

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June 2017

The Main 275 kV Grid including interconnectors (Figure 2-2) is a meshed 275 kV
network that extends from the Cultana substation near Whyalla to the South East
substation near Mount Gambier. The Main Grid overlays regional networks (Figure 2-1)
that cover seven regions: Metropolitan, Eastern Hills, Mid North, Riverland, South East,
Eyre Peninsula and Upper North. A number of these regional systems include radial
transmission lines. Detailed regional network maps and associated information are
provided in Appendix C.

Figure 2-2: The Main 275 kV Grid including interconnectors

The Main Grid also includes two interconnectors that connect South Australia to the
Victorian region of the National Electricity Market (NEM): the Heywood HVAC
interconnector (est. 1989) in the state’s South East and the Murraylink HVDC
interconnector (est. 2002) in the Riverland. South Australian generation has typically
been supplemented by imported energy from Victoria since these interconnectors were
established, especially at times of high demand.

The combined maximum transfer capability for import into South Australia from Victoria
under system normal operating conditions is currently 820 MW.3 The combined
maximum transfer capability for export from South Australia to Victoria under existing
system normal operating conditions is 650 MW.4 Since the Heywood interconnector

3 Consisting of 600 MW import through Heywood interconnector and 220 MW import through Murraylink
4 Consisting of 500 MW export through Heywood interconnector and 150 MW export through Murraylink
interconnector (constrained by typical voltage limits in the Riverland).
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June 2017

upgrade was completed in mid-2016 (section 7.2.1), the combined limit is being further
increased as capacity is released in stages by AEMO.

Inter-regional transfer into and out of South Australia can be constrained to lower levels
due to prior network outages, thermal limitations, and power system stability constraints.
Actual transfer also depends on the market dispatch of scheduled generation, and the
operation of non-scheduled generation.

2.2 Renewable energy generation

South Australia has world leading levels of intermittent renewable energy penetration
compared to demand. Since 2000, about 1700 MW of wind generation has been
connected to the transmission network and about 700 MW of rooftop solar photovoltaic
(PV) generation has been installed since 2009. Total renewable generation, including
wind and solar was about 42% of the region’s electricity supply in 2015-16.5

Significant wind generation coupled with low system demand can result in low levels of
conventional generating units connected to the system. The implications of this changing
generation mix are explored in Chapter 3.

Wind is an intermittent energy source that, without significant energy storage, cannot
currently be dispatched to match the load at any given instant, unlike conventional
energy generation. It is important to consider the availability of wind generated power,
especially during maximum demand periods. This helps to ensure that the supply-
demand balance can be reliably achieved. AEMO has assessed that there is an 85%
probability that wind output is typically at least 9.4% of installed capacity in South
Australia during high demand periods over summer and this assumption is used in
planning studies.6

The addition of significant domestic roof-top solar photovoltaic (PV) generation in South
Australia since 2009 has also had the impact of reducing electricity demand from the
transmission network, especially on sunny days. The average and minimum demand
from the network has been gradually decreasing over the last five years, with slight
increases in 2015-16.

Maximum demand has fluctuated due to the wide variation in heatwave conditions
across different summers, but does not appear to display a consistent increasing or
decreasing trend, whereas average and minimum demands can be considered to
display a slowly declining trend (Figure 2-3). AEMO has assessed that roof-top solar PV
generation output during high demand periods over each of the last five summers has
varied between 0 and 7.4% of installed capacity, with an average contribution at such
times of 4.9% of installed capacity.

5 South Australian Renewable Energy Report, AEMO, December 2016, p. 3. Available at aemo.com.au.
6 Ibid , p. 17. .
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SA System Demand (MW)





2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
(to 8 June)

Maximum Demand Average Demand Minimum Demand

Figure 2-3: Maximum, average, and minimum electricity demands on the SA transmission network
for the past six years

Note that the period from 28 September to 14 October 2016, when system demands were significantly
impacted by the system black event and subsequent restoration, has been excluded in the determination of
the average and minimum demands for 2016-17.

2.3 Range of South Australian demands

The South Australian load profile is very ‘peaky’ in nature with relatively low energy
content (Figure 2 4). This means that even though demand can exceed 3000 MW on hot
summer days, demands between 1000 and 2000 MW are most common throughout the
year. It is important to consider the peaky nature of demand if network augmentation to
meet high demand is being considered. Given that very high demands only occur for a
small fraction of the year, network augmentations can often be deferred or avoided by
implementing non-network solutions, such as demand-side management and local
generation support.

ElectraNet actively considers these non-network solutions together with transmission

and distribution network augmentation options. In this way, we can deliver the overall
least cost solution to customers.

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System Demand (MW)











Duration of year
2009-10 2016-17 (to 8 June)

Figure 2-4: South Australian system wide load duration curves for 2009-10 and 2016-17 (to 8 June)

Note the very small percentage of time that relatively high demands (above 2,500 MW) are present on the
South Australian transmission network. Maximum demands have remained at a similar level, whereas
average and minimum demands have reduced substantially from 2009-10 to 2016-17.

2.4 Interconnector transfer capacity

Interconnector transfer capacity has increased since the upgrade to the Heywood
interconnector was completed in mid-2016. The combined maximum transfer capacity
between South Australia and Victoria under system normal operating conditions is now
about 820 MW for imports to South Australia, and 650 MW for exports. Interconnected
network tests continue to determine the timing of released transfer capability between
the two states. Details of the combined and individual transfer capacities for Heywood
and Murraylink interconnectors are provided in Appendix D.

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3. A system in transition
South Australia’s transmission network plays a major role in the State’s electricity
supply, in an environment of unprecedented change.

In October 2016, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Energy Ministers

agreed to an independent review (the Finkel Review) to take stock of the current state of
the security and reliability of the NEM and provide advice to governments on a
coordinated, national reform blueprint. This review draws together and builds on the
work of AEMO, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC), the AER, and gas
market reforms. The final report was published on 9 June 2017.7

The Finkel report and blueprint recognises the need to guide the transition of the market
from a system of centralised, synchronous generation to a more distributed, low-
emissions, flexible electricity system driven by new technologies and changing customer

3.1 South Australian context

South Australia is at the forefront of this energy transformation.

Driven by renewable energy policies, rapidly evolving technology and changing

customer needs, South Australia has reached world-leading levels of renewable energy
penetration as a percentage of peak demand, through large scale wind generation
developments and rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) installation.

Renewable energy generation continues to grow, with approximately 42% of energy

generated in South Australia now coming from renewable energy sources since the
commissioning of the Hornsdale Wind Farm and the closure of Northern Power Station.9
Federal and state government policies are expected to continue to drive further uptake
of renewable energy. Overall, the generation mix in South Australia has changed
substantially in recent years (Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2).

South Australia has limited interconnection to the rest of the NEM, so has greater
exposure to the system security challenges posed by high levels of renewable
generation, unlike other parts of the world such as Denmark, which have greater
interconnection to other networks.10

For these reasons, the challenges of energy transformation are nowhere more evident
or pressing than in South Australia today.

7 The Finkel Review’s Final Report is available at http://www.environment.gov.au/energy/publications/ electricity-

8 Further information is available at www.coagenergycouncil.gov.au.
9 Northern Power Station, South Australia’s last coal fired generation, closed in May 2016.
10 Denmark also generates more than 40% of its electricity from intermittent (wind) energy but can meet more than
80% of its peak demand via interconnectors with Norway, Sweden and Germany.
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2011–12 2012–13 2013–14 2014–15 2015–16 2016-17

Conventional generation Interstate generation (net interconnector imports) Renewable generation

Figure 3-1: Energy generation patterns have changed significantly in recent years

Source: AEMO’s 2016 South Australian Historical Market Information Report, and AEMO’s 2016 South
Australian Generation Forecasts report

2011–12 2015–16 2016-17 (forecast)

2.0% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4%

7.6% 6.5% 6.9%

Gas 11.5%
Wind 31.5%
20.8% 44.4% 45.7%
18.1% Interstate generation
Rooftop PV 35.6%
24.7% Others

18.1% 13.5% 6.5% 0.4% 31.5%

Gas Wind Coal Interstate generation Rooftop PV Others

Figure 3-2: Renewable energy from wind and solar rooftop PV systems has increased significantly
over the last five years

Source: AEMO’s 2016 South Australian Historical Market Information Report, and AEMO’s 2016 South
Australian Generation Forecasts report

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3.2 Recent significant events on the South Australian transmission system

In 2016-17, a number of significant events impacted the supply of electricity to large

numbers of South Australian customers. These include:
 a state-wide system black event in September 2016
 severe storm activity in December 2016 damaged the SA Power Networks’
distribution network resulting in supply interruptions to a large number of
customers in affected areas
 high temperatures in February 2017 that resulted in demand for electricity
exceeding available supply and short-term rotational load shedding (rolling
 the loss of multiple generators near Torrens Island due to a switchyard plant
explosion in March 2017.

These events are an important reminder about the value of system security and
reliability to customers.

AEMO’s reporting on the system black event included a number of recommendations11.

ElectraNet is working with AEMO to implement some of these recommendations,
including the development of a special protection scheme, addressing low levels of
system strength and in other ways managing the risk of disruption to the power system.

The projects related to these initiatives are discussed further in this Transmission Annual
Planning Report.

3.3 Current reviews and inquiries

This Transmission Annual Planning Report has been prepared at a time of significant
change in the NEM.

In addition to the Finkel Review, a range of other reviews, inquiries, and Rule changes
are currently underway by state and national bodies into the implications of the recent
extreme weather event of 28 September 2016, and wider system security issues facing
the NEM.

These include:
 a number of Parliamentary inquiries, including the Senate Select Committee
Inquiry into the Resilience of Electricity Infrastructure in a Warming World and SA
Legislative Council Select Committee Inquiry into the State-Wide electricity
blackout of Wednesday, 28 September 2016 and subsequent power outages
 the AEMC’s Review of the System Black Event in South Australia on
28 September 2016, which will be considering the need for any changes to the
regulatory frameworks to address any systemic issues that contributed to the
system black event
 the AEMC review of various Rule changes and its System Security Market
Frameworks Review, which is considering the regulatory frameworks that affect
system security in the NEM

11 Black System South Australia 28 September 2016, available from aemo.com.au.

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 the AEMO Future Power System Security program, which is examining

operational challenges arising from the generation mix, and technical options to
address these challenges12
 the Essential Services Commission of South Australia's (ESCOSA) investigation
into how electricity companies can improve power reliability on the Eyre Peninsula
 ESCOSA’s inquiry into the licensing arrangements for generators in South

ElectraNet continues to participate in these reviews and inquiries, and we will ensure
that our transmission plans remain consistent with their outcomes.

3.4 South Australian Government measures

On 12 October 2016, the South Australian Government introduced frequency control

measures to improve the security of the power system and reduce the risks of a system
black event. Changes to the Electricity (General) Regulations (SA) 2012 were introduced
requiring ElectraNet to provide advice to AEMO on power transfer limits on the Heywood
Interconnector so as to maintain the expected rate of change of frequency (RoCoF) to
3 Hz/s in relation to the potential non-credible loss of the Heywood interconnector.

The Government announced further measures on 14 March 2017, including the

installation of a 100 MW battery, the establishment of a Government owned standby
generator to provide inertia and emergency capacity, and an energy security target
requiring more energy to be sourced locally from synchronous generating plant.

Implementation of these measures will progress over the coming months.13

Implementation of the Energy Security Target component of the plan was subsequently
deferred from 1 July 2017 to 1 January 2018, while clarity is sought on the Federal
Government’s response to the Finkel Review.14

These measures were introduced pending longer-term solutions expected to flow from
current reviews, such as the System Security Market Frameworks Review and
associated Rule changes being progressed by the AEMC. Options being considered
include new technical standards for generators, provision of new services by network
businesses such as ElectraNet, the procurement of additional control services by
AEMO, and the potential establishment of new markets for services such as inertia.

3.5 ElectraNet initiatives

ElectraNet is pursuing a number of initiatives that support energy transformation in

South Australia. These initiatives are summarised in sections 3.5.1 to 3.5.5.

3.5.1 South Australian Energy Transformation RIT-T

We have commenced a RIT-T process to explore the technical and economic feasibility
of a new interconnector between South Australia and the Eastern States and alternative
non-network options.

12 Reports published by AEMO under this program are available from aemo.com.au/Electricity/National-Electricity-
13 Government of South Australia, Our Energy Plan, available at http://ourenergyplan.sa.gov.au/.
14 Refer to Energy security target – Further information, retrieved from http://www.escosa.sa.gov.au/news/energy-
news/jun2017-en-est-furtherinfo on 19 June 2017.
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On 7 November 2016, we published a Project Specification Consultation Report

(PSCR)15 and subsequently published a Market Modelling Approach and Assumptions
Report, and a Supplementary Information Paper to provide further information and
opportunity for engagement.

A cost effective new interconnector would:

 deliver system security benefits by reducing the likelihood of a system disturbance
leading to a major disruption to electricity supply
 facilitate greater competition between sources of generation and thus deliver
better prices for customers, by allowing increased access to a range of power
 open up access to the market for more renewable generation developments.

ElectraNet has identified four credible network options in consultation with the relevant
Jurisdictional Planning Bodies (Figure 3-3). These involve constructing a new
interconnector between South Australia and the eastern states, together with a range of
potential non-network solutions. The options will be analysed further in the next stage of
the RIT-T process. This analysis will take into account the South Australian
government’s energy plan, released on 14 March 2017.

A new interconnector project, or non-network alternative, could be operational by 2022,

but would only proceed if sufficient benefits to customers can be demonstrated.

1,000 MW –
2,000 MW

1,000 MW –
2,000 MW

300 MW –
1,200 MW

300 MW –
650 MW

Figure 3-3: Potential new interconnector options

15 Available at electranet.com.au.
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3.5.2 Grid connected battery storage

Subject to further analysis and approvals, we are pursuing a proof-of-concept battery

energy storage project by this coming summer to improve the reliability and security of
the power system.

This project involves installing a 30 MW 8 MWh battery energy storage system (BESS)
connected at Dalrymple (Figure 3-4). The project will provide both regulated and non-
regulated services.

The BESS is intended to provide regulated services to improve reliability of supply for
customers at Dalrymple and provide fast frequency response that can address rate of
change of frequency (RoCoF) concerns.

ElectraNet intends to lease the operation of the battery to AGL, who will use it to provide
non-regulated, competitive market services.

The need for such projects has also been identified in reviews such as the Finkel
Review and AEMO’s Future Power System Security work program, and by the COAG
Energy Council.

We believe that utility scale energy storage can play an effective role in addressing
emerging system security concerns resulting from the high penetration of non-
synchronous renewable generation and, thereby, be a key enabler of renewable energy
on an interconnected power system.

Figure 3-4: Proposed Dalrymple connection site for a 30 MW, 8 MWh battery energy storage system

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3.5.3 System Strength

In recent years, the dispatch of thermal synchronous generators in South Australia has
reduced significantly due to the combined impacts of ongoing wind generation
developments, the uptake of embedded solar PV, and the slowing of demand growth.
This reduced dispatch has significant implications for South Australian system

Concerns have been raised in relation to:

 the ability of existing protection systems to reliably detect and clear faults under
low fault level system conditions – in particular, the use of threshold current levels
in the logic of some distance relays has been identified by ElectraNet as an issue
for reducing fault levels
 the impact that reducing system strength may have on existing wind farms (and in
the future other power electronics enabled devices such as proposed solar farms)
and consequently the introduction of instability into the system including:
‒ failure for existing WFs to ride through system faults;
‒ unstable control system behaviour;
‒ voltage instability on the transmission system resulting in reduced transfer
capability and the risk of voltage collapse

Each of these possible sources of instability carries the risk of a cascading failure
resulting in significant system impacts.

AEMO’s 2016 NTNDP indicated that there may be an NSCAS gap in South Australia
related to system strength, but that detailed studies would be required to confirm that
preliminary finding.

ElectraNet is working closely with AEMO to understand the potential impact of low
system strength on power system performance, with a focus on the ability of wind farms
to ride through system disturbances and return to full power output.

ElectraNet also continues to investigate the impact of low system strength on selected
protection systems, to identify whether the performance of protection systems could be
affected. We will continue to discuss the findings with AEMO and work towards
implementing any necessary mitigation strategies.

ElectraNet supports AEMO’s detailed studies to confirm whether there is an NSCAS gap
relating to system strength in South Australia. AEMO has indicated that the study results
are expected to be available in 2017. Should an NSCAS gap be identified we will
consider appropriate measures, which could include contracting large synchronous
generators to remain in service when needed, or installing synchronous condensers, to
maintain a required level of system strength.

16 System strength refers to the ability of a power system to maintain a stable voltage and frequency under all
operating conditions. It is typically expressed in terms of a short circuit ratio (SCR) at generator connection points,
which is defined as the fault level of the system (in MVA) divided by the rated output of the relevant generator;
however, this approach does not fully account for potential interactions between different generators that are
connected nearby.
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3.5.4 Northern SA Voltage Control

In August 2016, ElectraNet commenced a RIT-T to address the need for improved
voltage control in the northern South Australia region following the closure of Northern
Power Station. A PSCR was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Rules,
as the first stage of the consultation process in relation to application of the RIT-T.

Subsequently, customers provided new information about the dynamic behaviour of

customer demand at Olympic Dam, Roxby Downs, and Prominent Hill. The dynamic
behaviour of this demand is critical to the identified need.

Our findings based on the new demand information provided by customers showed that
voltage control in the northern South Australian region meets the requirements of the
Rules. This means that the identified need for this RIT-T no longer exists.

For this reason, ElectraNet announced the cancellation of the RIT-T on 24 March 2017,
as the continuation of the process was no longer required.

3.5.5 Frequency control following separation of South Australia from the NEM

AEMO has identified that uncontrolled generator trips could occur if an unplanned
outage of the Heywood interconnector occurred at a time when generation from South
Australian wind farms exceeded South Australian demand. To address this risk, AEMO
and ElectraNet are working together to implement a coordinated Over Frequency
Generation Shedding (OFGS) scheme, to trip excess generation in a controlled way to
restore the balance between supply and demand and allow the South Australian
frequency to recover to within the frequency operating standards.

The OFGS scheme will operate by tripping South Australian wind farms in a pre-
determined sequence starting at 51.0 Hz, with those that make the smallest contribution
to system inertia tripped earliest in the sequence.

As part of AEMO’s final report into the South Australian black system event on
28 September 2016, AEMO found that there are significant difficulties in forming a stable
island in South Australia if the sudden loss of multiple generators in South Australia
results in an unplanned outage of the Heywood interconnector along with a large deficit
of South Australian supply compared to demand. In such situations, it would be
preferable to avoid islanding if at all possible.

As a result, the report included a recommendation for AEMO to work with ElectraNet to
investigate the feasibility of developing a Special Protection Scheme (SPS). The SPS
will be designed to operate in response to sudden excessive flows on the Heywood
interconnector, to initiate load shedding quickly enough to prevent separation.

ElectraNet and AEMO are currently consulting together on the design of such an SPS
(section 8.9.2).

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4. National transmission network developments and review of

South Australian network constraints
Each year AEMO publishes a National Transmission Network Development Plan
(NTNDP) in its role as the National Transmission Planner. The NTNDP considers both
potential transmission and generation developments, and supports efficient coordination
of investment planning in the NEM.

In December 2016, AEMO published its latest NTNDP which included the following
important observations on the future direction for transmission networks:
 the NEM is moving into a new era for transmission planning:
‒ transmission networks designed for transporting energy from coal
generation centres will need to transform to support large-scale renewable
generation development in new areas
‒ transmission networks will increasingly be needed for system support
services, such as frequency and voltage support, to maintain a reliable and
secure supply.
 high level modelling suggests positive net benefits for potential interconnection
developments, including a new interconnector linking South Australia with either
New South Wales or Victoria from 2021.

AEMO observed that local network and non-network options, such as synchronous
condensers or similar technologies, are also needed as part of the solution to maintain a
reliable and secure supply by providing local system strength and resilience to frequency

The 2016 NTNDP also:

 reflected on current network investment trends and how these were evolving
 examined the adequacy of transmission flow paths between significant generation
and load centres in the NEM
 identified transmission network limitations for the outlook period (20 years)
 discussed factors impacting power system security, such as levels of inertia and
the proportion of total generation managed through the dispatch process
 identified network support and control ancillary service (NSCAS) gaps which could
occur in the next five years. These are services that may be needed to manage
the security and reliability of the NEM in the near term.17

AEMO’s modelling framework uses least-cost expansion models, transmission network

power flow studies, and time-sequential market simulations to ensure feasible and
economically justifiable results. Generation placement within the national network is
based on zones identified in the NTNDP that broadly reflects actual load or generation
clusters. The South Australian zones used in the NTNDP are:
 Northern South Australia (NSA)
 Adelaide (ADE)
 South East South Australia (SESA).

17 AEMO. 2016 National Transmission Network Development Plan. Available from aemo.com.au.
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One of the inputs to network adequacy assessments in the NTNDP is AEMO’s

generation outlook. This means that if actual generation developments or retirements
deviate from AEMO’s generation outlook, some network augmentations that were not
identified by the NTNDP may become efficient options.

The NTNDP focuses on the ability of the national transmission network to reliably
support major power transfers between generation and demand centres in the NEM. As
a result, the 2016 NTNDP did not consider augmentations that may arise from:
 planning standards that differ from the planning standards and criteria defined in
 ongoing local transmission needs to meet localised peak demand outside of the
10% Probability of Exceedance (POE) regional maximum demand
 the appearance of new or contract load that are outside the available forecasts.

4.1 Network limitations identified in the NTNDP

The 2016 NTNDP classifies emerging network limitations into one of two categories:
reliability or economic dispatch limitations. There are no emerging reliability limitations
identified in South Australia.

Five potential economic dispatch limitations were identified on the South Australian
transmission network (Table 4-1). AEMO identified that these limitations will occur
mainly at times of high wind or solar generation.18 The 2015 NTNDP had identified the
same five potential economic dispatch limitations in South Australia.

Table 4-1: Potential economic dispatch limitations identified in the 2016 NTNDP

NTNDP Potential Dispatch Possible solution NTNDP 2017

zone transmission scenario scenario TAPR
limitations reference
NSA NSA-ADE High wind/solar Uprate 275 kV lines Neutral all Section
275 kV generation in between Davenport 8.5.4
corridor NSA and Robertstown
NSA 132 kV High wind/solar Uprate relevant 132 kV Neutral all, Section
network in generation in lines in Mid North Low Grid 8.5.2
the Mid North NSA region and implement Demand
region dynamic line ratings Base case
NSA 132 kV High wind/solar New interconnector to Neutral all, Sections
network in generation in SA Low Grid 8.3.2 and
the Riverland NSA and high Install reactive support Demand 8.5.1
region Murraylink in Riverland region to Base case
export to increase transfer
Victoria capacity of existing
132 kV network
Uprate 132 kV lines in
the Riverland

18 AEMO. 2016 NTNDP, p. . Available from aemo.com.au.

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NTNDP Potential Dispatch Possible solution NTNDP 2017

zone transmission scenario scenario TAPR
limitations reference
NSA 132 kV High wind/solar Rebuild Eyre Neutral all, Section
network in generation in Peninsula 132 kV lines Low Grid 8.4.1
the Eyre Eyre Peninsula as double circuit lines Demand
Peninsula region of NSA Base case
SESA Tungkillo- High wind/solar Install second 275 kV Neutral, Sections
Tailem Bend- generation in circuit between Tailem Low Grid 8.5.8 and
South East NSA and ADE Bend and Tungkillo Demand 8.3.2
corridor New interconnector to Base case

ElectraNet’s analysis indicates that these limitations (Table 4-1) are occurring now, or
are expected to occur in the near future. The occurrence and impact of the forecast
congestion will increase as new wind farms continue to be connected in the NSA zone.
Further, forecast increases in gas prices across the east coast of Australia (including in
South Australia) will reduce the level of gas power generation in South Australia.

This will increase flows into South Australia across the Heywood and Murraylink
interconnectors. Addressing these limitations may deliver market benefits unrelated to
the level of wind generation. ElectraNet will continue to engage with AEMO and explore
the appropriate network developments to efficiently address network congestion.

4.2 Transmission network constraints

AEMO uses constraint equations to manage system security and market pricing. A
constraint binds on dispatch when it alters the level of power from either a generator or
an interconnector from what it would have been if there was no constraint. Generators
(and interconnectors) can be either constrained on (above the level that would otherwise
be set by the market) or constrained down (below the level that would otherwise be set
by the market).

AEMO publishes the marginal value of a constraint when it binds. The marginal value
indicates its impact on market prices, but this measure is only an approximation and can
be misleading in some instances. At times, constraints that have a relatively small
impact can report large marginal values due to interactions between the network
limitation, price at the time and the bids of generators affected by the constraint.

ElectraNet has assessed the top binding network constraints that impacted transmission
network and interconnector flows during the 2016 calendar year (Table 4-2). Constraints
selected for assessment were in the top ten by impact on marginal value or by binding
duration in 2016. Some constraints have been grouped as they manage the same
network limit or operating condition. For example, two constraints might both manage
the overload of the same network element for different contingency events.

Many of the constraints (Table 4-2) are managing limitations and contingencies outside
of South Australia. Most of those are in Victoria and come under AEMO's oversight as
the Victorian jurisdictional transmission planner.

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Table 4-2: Constraint equations, descriptions and ranking

Where constraints are closely related to one another, they have been grouped together. Note that constraints used to manage frequency control ancillary
services have not been included.

Constraint equation and description 2016 Rank by 2016 Rank by Commentary

marginal 2016 hours 2016
value marginal binding hours
(2015) value (2015) binding
NSA_S_POR03_10 2,568,534 1 15.3 109 ElectraNet dispatches this generation under a network
Run Port Lincoln generators in accordance (2,577,658) (15.7) support agreement to supply the Port Lincoln load under
with Network Support Agreement islanded conditions
ElectraNet commenced a RIT-T in April 2017 to investigate
NSA_S_POR01_05 1,337,956 4 8 143 the most economical way of continuing to meet ETC
Run Port Lincoln generators in accordance (0) (0) reliability standards on the Eyre Peninsula after the existing
with Network Support Agreement network support arrangement expires in December 2018
NSA_S_POR03_15 1,202,877 6 7.2 155
Run Port Lincoln generators in accordance (0) (0)
with Network Support Agreement
NSA_S_POR01_ISLD 1,005,793 8 6 174
Run Port Lincoln generators in accordance (0) (0)
with Network Support Agreement
S_PLN_ISL2 988,797 9 7.4 151
Run Port Lincoln generators in accordance (0) (0)
with Network Support Agreement
V^S_NIL_SA_RECLASS 1,702,651 2 179.3 14 AEMO applied this constraint after the system black event of
Prevent flow on Heywood interconnector from (0) (0) 28 September 2016, to allow for the possibility that multiple
exceeding 700 MW if a reduction in power wind farms might simultaneously reduce their output as a
output from multiple generators in SA was to response to system voltage fluctuations
occur This constraint equation is no longer invoked, as it was
removed in late 2016

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Constraint equation and description 2016 Rank by 2016 Rank by Commentary

marginal 2016 hours 2016
value marginal binding hours
(2015) value (2015) binding
S-STTX_SNWF 1,362,930 3 210 12 AEMO uses this constraint to manage connection point
Snowtown wind farm constrained to 0 MW due (1,238) (1.2) outages
to connection point outage
SVML_000 1,217,528 5 134.8 21 This constraint could be alleviated by duplicating the
Murraylink unavailable for transfers from SA to (0) (0) Murraylink HVDC interconnector, or by establishing a new
Victoria high capacity interconnector between the Northern region of
SA and the eastern states
VSML_ZERO 640,207 16 301.6 7
Murraylink unavailable for transfers from (99,360) (78.2)
Victoria to SA
V::S_TB_275KV_W_B_1 1,180,827 7 232.3 11 This constraint equation was invoked during work to upgrade
Avoid transient instability of generators if an (0) (0) the Heywood interconnector in 2016
outage of one of the South East to Tailem The work has been completed, so the constraint equation
Bend 275 kV lines was to occur while the has now been removed
Tailem Bend 275 kV West Bus is out of service
S>NIL_HUWT_STBG 968,995 10 78.9 35 ElectraNet improved the application of dynamic ratings on
Avoid overloading the Snowtown to Bungama (738) (0.9) the Snowtown to Bungama 132 kV line in May 2017, which
132 kV line if an outage of the Hummocks to alleviates this constraint
Waterloo 132 kV line was to occur
VSML_220 890,029 12 468.1 3 This constraint could be alleviated by duplicating the
Avoid exceeding Murraylink interconnector (183,598) (123.4) Murraylink HVDC interconnector, or by establishing a new
maximum capacity during normal conditions high capacity interconnector between the Northern region of
SA and the eastern states
V_S_NIL_ROCOF 303,197 26 393 4 This constraint could be alleviated by running more high
Prevent rate of change of frequency in SA (0) (0) inertia generators in SA, or by installing high inertia
from exceeding 3 Hz/s if a non-credible outage synchronous condensers in SA
of the Heywood interconnector was to occur

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Constraint equation and description 2016 Rank by 2016 Rank by Commentary

marginal 2016 hours 2016
value marginal binding hours
(2015) value (2015) binding
V>>V_NIL_2A_R 136,123 43 966 1 AEMO's 2016 Victorian Annual Transmission Planning
Avoid overload of the South Morang (80,139) (705.2) Report indicates that the market impact of these constraints
500/300 kV transformer during system normal does not currently justify augmenting the network
conditions AEMO will continue to monitor the performance of this
constraint and explore options to increase the export limit to
New South Wales
S>V_NIL_NIL_RBNW 127,120 44 586.8 2 Murraylink exported at a significant level more often in 2016
Avoid overload of the Robertstown to North (270,134) (451.3) than in 2015, leading to a higher incidence of this constraint
West Bend #1 or #2 line during system normal The uprate of the Robertstown to North West Bend 132 kV
conditions line No. 1 by ElectraNet in 2015, and the planned uprate of
the Robertstown to North West Bend 132 kV line No. 2 in
2017 (see section 8.5.1), will alleviate this constraint
V>>N-NIL_HA 97,517 60 367.9 5 AEMO monitors the performance of this constraint
Avoid overload of the Murray to Upper Tumut (27,769) (35.9) AEMO's 2016 Victorian Transmission Annual Planning
330 kV line if an outage of the Murray to Lower Report indicates that the market benefits of increasing the
Tumut 330 kV line was to occur Victoria - New South Wales export capability is marginally
lower than the cost, even if a generation surplus in Victoria
continues over the next 10 years
V::N_NIL_V2 71,764 66 326.2 6 AEMO monitors the performance of this constraint
Avoid transient instability of generators if an (9,394) (73.7) AEMO's 2016 Victorian Transmission Annual Planning
outage of one of the 500 kV lines between Report indicates that the market benefits of increasing the
Heywood and South Morang was to occur Victoria - New South Wales export capability is marginally
lower than the cost, even if a generation surplus in Victoria
V::N_NIL_V4 37,846 91 252.3 9 continues over the next 10 years
Avoid transient instability of generators if an (82,929) (759.7)
outage of one of the 500 kV lines between
Heywood and South Morang was to occur
V::S_NIL_MAXG_AUTO 54,436 76 267.7 8 This constraint has been alleviated by the installation of
Avoid transient instability of generators if an (118,157) (241.1) series capacitors at Black Range in 2016, and by the
outage of SA's largest online generator was to increase of Heywood interconnector’s import capability to
occur 600 MW

Chapter 4 National transmission network developments and review of South Australian network constraints Page 33 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Constraint equation and description 2016 Rank by 2016 Rank by Commentary

marginal 2016 hours 2016
value marginal binding hours
(2015) value (2015) binding
VS_250_DYN 123,270 50 244.8 10 The high hours binding of this constraint in 2016 was mainly
Limit the supply-demand imbalance to no more (2,796) (18.3) caused by line outages during the Heywood interconnector
than 250 MW if a credible outage of the upgrade
Heywood interconnector was to occur This constraint could be alleviated by establishing a new
high capacity interconnector between SA and the eastern

Chapter 4 National transmission network developments and review of South Australian network constraints Page 34 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

4.3 Network market benefit projects

A range of factors can impact on the efficient development and operation of the
transmission network, such as the connection of significant new loads, a change in the
nature of the generation fleet, or higher gas prices. Such developments may lead to
network constraints that are efficient to address with network augmentation projects (or
non-network alternatives) that provide a net market benefit.

ElectraNet has identified a range of potential future inter-regional and intra-regional

market benefit projects (Table 4-3 and Table 4-4 respectively). Some of these projects
would be required if the network develops along the lines of the 2016 NTNDP generator
expansion forecasts.

Other projects may be warranted if either the least-cost generator expansion changes or
actual generator investment decisions do not follow the NTNDP generator expansion
forecasts. The specific projects that will provide net market benefits are often uncertain
until actual generator investment decisions are made or there is sufficient information
available to proceed with a RIT-T. Project timings have not been proposed or presented
because of this uncertainty.

The potential projects (Table 4-3, Table 4-4), whilst high level, have been identified
through constraint and planning analysis. ElectraNet expects that these projects would
reduce network congestion in the future and hence may deliver sufficient benefits to
customers to warrant development. These projects may also lead to minor
improvements in network reliability.

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South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Table 4-3: Potential inter-regional market benefit projects

Project name Drivers/value of potential Description of potential project Capacity/benefit Lead time Cost ($M)
project provided
New Interconnector Increased wholesale market ElectraNet proposed four interconnector 300 MW to 1-2 years RIT-T 500 to
between South competition to put downward options in the South Australian Energy 2,000 MW capacity 3-5 years 2,500
Australia and the pressure on electricity prices in Transformation Project Specification increase detailed design
Eastern States South Australia, improved Consultation Report that was published in and delivery
system security, supporting November 2016
development of renewable The net market benefit of those options,
generation and reduced along with non-interconnector options and
transmission losses the impact of the SA Government’s Energy
Plan, are currently being evaluated
Upper South East Increased generation injection at String vacant 275 kV circuit between 400-600 MW 1-2 years RIT-T 40 to 60
network Tailem Bend or Tepko, or Tailem Bend and Tungkillo and install increase in line 2 years delivery
augmentation market driven requirement for dynamic reactive support at Tailem Bend section capacity
increased interconnector As part of the assessment that is being
capacity in either direction done for the South Australian Energy
Transformation RIT-T, ElectraNet is
evaluating the net market benefit of
stringing this vacant circuit

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Table 4-4: Potential intra-regional market benefit projects

Project name Drivers/value of Description of potential Capacity/benefit Lead time Cost ($M)
potential project project provided
Davenport– Increase in renewable Rebuild Davenport–Brinkworth– 1200+ MW capacity 1-2 years RIT-T 300–600
Brinkworth–Para generation and loads Para 275 kV as a high capacity increase 5 years easement
275 kV through the Mid North AC double circuit line with twin acquisition, detailed
and Eyre Peninsula conductors design and delivery
Tie Davenport to Increased renewable Tie Davenport to Robertstown Capacity increase 1-2 years RIT-T 10–20
Robertstown 275 kV generation on the Mid 275 kV at Belalie depending on location 2 years detailed
at Belalie Substation North network of generation design and delivery
Tie Robertstown to Increased renewable Tie Robertstown to Para 275 kV Capacity increase 1-2 years 3-6
Para 275 kV at generation on the mid- at Tungkillo depending on location
Tungkillo Substation north network of generation
Strengthen Mid Increase in renewable Various line uprating and Capacity increase 2–3 years <5 (total)
North 275 kV generation in the Mid application of dynamic line depending on location
network North or Eyre ratings depending on generator of generation and local
Peninsula developments. network capability
Reconfigure Mid Increased renewable Various potential reconfiguration Capacity increase Dependent on location Dependent on
North 132 kV generation on the Mid options depending on generator depending on location of generation and load location of
network North network and load developments of generation and load generation and load

Chapter 4 National transmission network developments and review of South Australian network constraints Page 37 of 134
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4.4 Future network congestion

Following recent increases in capability across the Heywood and Murraylink

interconnectors (installation of series capacitors at Black Range and uprating of lines),
the generally higher flows across both interconnector corridors are at times expected to
remain constrained by network import and export limitations (Table 4-5).

Further significant development of renewable energy generation in South Australia could

lead to additional congestion on the transmission network.

This will depend on future generator connection locations. The limitations that could bind
as a result of such additional renewable generation connections are highlighted in Table
4-5. Where possible, references to other sections of this report are provided that contain
information regarding projects or initiatives that would resolve or mitigate the forecast

Table 4-5: Forecast South Australian transmission network congestion

Limitation Status Affected Constrained Reference to

I’connector flow: import potential
or export; mitigating
Lower South East Forecast post- Heywood Import and Section 8.5.3
Region: thermal ratings Heywood export
of 275 kV lines between interconnector
Tailem Bend and upgrade
Mid North Region: Depends on Intra-regional N/A No project
thermal ratings of 275 kV future generation currently
lines between Davenport connections proposed
and Brinkworth
Mid North Region: Depends on Intra-regional N/A Section 8.5.4
thermal ratings of 275 kV future generation
lines between Davenport connections
and Robertstown
Mid North Region: Existing Murraylink Export Section 8.5.1
thermal ratings of 132 kV
lines between
Robertstown and North
West Bend
Mid North Region: Existing; could be Intra-regional N/A Section 8.5.6
thermal ratings of 132 kV exacerbated by
lines between Waterloo future generation
and Templers connections
Mid North Region: Existing Murraylink Export Section 8.5.2
thermal ratings of 132 kV
lines between Waterloo
East and Robertstown
North West Bend, Berri Existing Murraylink Export No project
and Monash: voltage currently
limitations proposed
Robertstown 275/132 kV Depends on Intra-regional Export Section 8.5.9
transformers: thermal future generation and
ratings connections Murraylink

Chapter 4 National transmission network developments and review of South Australian network constraints Page 38 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Limitation Status Affected Constrained Reference to

I’connector flow: import potential
or export; mitigating
South East Region: Forecast post- Heywood Import and Section 8.5.3
thermal ratings of 275 kV Heywood export
lines between Tailem interconnector
Bend and Tungkillo upgrade
South East Region: Existing, and Heywood Import and Section 8.5.5
voltage stability forecast post- export
limitations Heywood
Transient instability Existing, and Heywood Import and Section 8.3.2
between South Australia forecast post- and export
and the rest of the NEM Heywood Murraylink

Congestion in Victoria frequently impacts the transfer capability of the Heywood and
Murraylink interconnectors. This will occur more often as South Australian network
limitations are addressed and as renewable generation increases in South Australia. The
most significant limitations in Victoria that will affect the ability of South Australian plant
to export power are expected to be:
 220 kV limitations in country Victoria (impacts Murraylink)
 330 kV limitations on exports from Victoria to NSW (impacts Murraylink and the
Heywood Interconnector)
 South Morang 500/330 kV transformer limitations in Victoria (impacts the
Heywood Interconnector)
 transient stability limitations on export from Victoria to South Australia (impacts the
Heywood Interconnector).

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South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

5. Summer (2016-17) demand review and forecasts

Forecasting electricity demand and network loading conditions is important because
transmission system projects take significant time to implement.

Each registered participant connected to ElectraNet's network is required to provide

demand forecast information on an annual basis according to Schedule 5.7 of the Rules.
ElectraNet uses this information and observed data (section 5.1) to forecast electricity
demand (section 5.2).

5.1 Summer demand review19

Temperatures over the summer are a key driver of maximum demand for electricity.
Consecutive days of high temperatures, such as those that make up a typical summer
heat wave, can drive state-wide demands to levels of more than double the average.

The holiday period that begins at Christmas time and extends until Australia Day
reduces the impact of high temperatures on demand, as do other calendar effects such
as weekends and public holidays. For state-wide electricity demand to reach high levels,
metropolitan Adelaide needs to experience high temperatures during summer, generally
on weekdays outside of the holiday period.

Individual connection points, however, may experience isolated heat events, driving high
localised demands independent of state-wide demand levels. This is especially possible
in holiday regions, or in regions where local industry has a seasonal demand (for
example, vintage in wine regions).

According to the Bureau of Meteorology, average maximum and minimum Adelaide

temperatures during the 2016-17 summer were within one degree of their long term
summer average (Table 5-1). Highlights include:
 many Adelaide suburbs recorded temperatures over 40 °C on 8 February, the
hottest day of the summer for the Adelaide region with about three times the
normal relative humidity for Adelaide and very low wind speeds20
 the rest of the state recorded warmer than average temperatures across most of
the rest of South Australia, including average minimum temperatures across the
state that were, as a whole, the fifth warmest on record – the warmest summer
nights since 2005-0621
 state-wide demand reached a maximum of 3,105 MW on Wednesday 8 February
 demand exceeded 2,700 MW on 7 occasions during the 2016-17 summer (Table

19 Connection points in South Australia experience maximum demands in summer.

20 Adelaide in summer 2016-17: very wet with temperatures close to average, Bureau of Meteorology, 1 March 2017 –
available at http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/current/season/sa/adelaide.shtml. Retrieved 16 May 2017.
21 South Australia in summer 2016-17: wet with warm temperatures, Bureau of Meteorology, 1 March 2017 – available
at http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/current/season/sa/summary.shtml. Retrieved 16 May 2017.
22 The measured maximum demand preceded a short period of load shedding to manage the balance between supply
and demand, in the absence of which the demand could have been higher.
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Table 5-1: 2016-17 summer temperature data compared with long term trends

December January February March

Long 2016- Long 2016- Long 2016- Long 2016-
term 17 term 17 term 17 term 17
trend trend trend trend
Max temp (°C) 43.4 41.3 45.7 41.1 44.7 42.4 41.9 38.6
Date of max temp 19-12- 25/12/ 28-01- 17/01/ 22-02- 08/02/ 06-03- 01/03/
2013 2016 2009 2017 2014 2017 1986 2017
Average max temp 27.2 28.7 29.4 30.7 29.5 28.7 26.5 29.3
Days* >30°C 9.8 12 13.5 14 12.6 11 8.2 16
Days* >35°C 3.7 6 6.3 8 5.5 4 2.6 3
Days* >40°C 0.7 1 1.8 2 0.9 2 0.1 0
Difference 1.5 1.3 -0.8 2.8
between 2016-17
average max and
long term trend

*Mean days for long term trend data, actual days for 2016-17 data

Source: Bureau of Meteorology

Table 5-2: Highest demand periods in summer 2016-17

Date Maximum demand Maximum Temperature

(MW)23 temperature (°C) demand index (°C)
Wednesday 8 February 3,10524 42.2 36.7
Thursday 9 February 3,063 40.8 37.5
Friday 10 February 2,920 39.8 36.0
Friday 6 January 2,791 39.4 35.3
Tuesday 17 January 2,768 40.9 34.5
Wednesday 1 March 2,753 38.5 34.8
Tuesday 28 February 2,723 37.6 34.0

A key high-level indicator of demand is the temperature demand index. It identifies

temperature patterns that have the potential to deliver a 10% POE demand level.

23 These values include demand supplied by non-scheduled generation and embedded generation connected to the
distribution network, but exclude demand provided by rooftop solar PV generation.
24 The measured maximum demand preceded a short period of load shedding to manage the balance between supply
and demand, in the absence of which the demand could have been higher.
Chapter 5 Summer (2016-17) demand review and forecasts Page 41 of 134
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June 2017

SA Power Networks has previously determined that a threshold value of 38 (comprised

of a 67% weighting to the day’s maximum temperature, 18% weighting to the overnight
minimum and a 15% weighting to the previous day’s average temperature25) occurring
after Australia Day provides the necessary temperature conditions to achieve 10% POE
at a state level.26

Despite the warmer than average temperatures across most of South Australia, the
temperature index did not reach 38 at any time during the summer (Figure 5 1). The
highest value of the temperature demand index was 37.8 °C; however, as this occurred
on Saturday 7 January, State demand did not exceed 2,700 MW. The three next highest
values of the temperature index occurred from Wednesday 8 February to Friday
10 February, with South Australia recording its maximum demand for the summer on
Thursday, 9 February 2017.

Given the above, ElectraNet expects that the maximum State demand recorded during
the 2016-17 summer is likely to be slightly below the 10% POE maximum demand level.


Daily Temperature Index





















Figure 5-1: Daily temperature index for summer 2016-17

25 For calculation of the temperature demand index, ElectraNet has calculated the previous day’s average temperature
using the average of the 24 hourly temperature readings.
26 Analysis of data from over 100 years found that this threshold was exceeded 19 times over a ten-week period from
20 December to the end of February. Half of this period includes the summer holiday period and weekends. Hence,
over the last 100 years, it can be assumed there have been 9–10 weather events above this threshold at times that
are expected to result in 10% POE demand conditions. As high demand is primarily driven by extreme temperature
conditions during non-holiday periods, a temperature index above 38 on a working day is considered an appropriate
indicator of 10% POE demand conditions.
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South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

5.1.1 Connection point review

As the need for transmission reinforcement is often localised, ElectraNet and SA Power
Networks review each connection point on the transmission system. During summer
2016-17, most connection points recorded maximum demands that were between 85%
and 100% of their forecast 10% POE maximum demand.

Thirteen bulk connection points exceeded 100% of ElectraNet’s 10% POE connection
point demand forecasts (Table 5-3), but all were still within the network capability. Six
connection points failed to reach 85% of their 10% POE forecast (Table 5-4).

ElectraNet and SA Power Networks’ 2017 review of connection point forecasts will
consider the measured maximum demands from summer 2016-17.

Table 5-3: Recorded demands more than 100% of 10% POE demand forecast in summer 2016-17

Connection ElectraNet 10% POE AEMO 10% Actual Date and time of
point demand forecast POE forecast Maximum maximum demand
(MW) (MW) (MW) (Market time)
Leigh Creek 1.0 1.0 1.2 9 February 20:30
Blanche 31.8 33.8 35.6 8 February 17:30
Wudinna 13.7 15.0 14.9 8 February 19:00
Baroota 7.6 7.9 8.2 9 February 19:00
Hummocks 13.0 14.6 13.7 8 February 19:00
Yadnarie 7.8 9.3 8.2 8 February 19:00
Neuroodla 0.9 1.0 0.9 9 February 19:30
Kanmantoo 1.5 1.6 1.6 8 February 19:00
Brinkworth 4.5 4.8 4.6 10 February 19:00
Templers 29.2 31.0 30.0 8 February 19:00
Waterloo 8.3 10.2 8.5 9 February 19:00
Western Suburbs 415.1 442.3 420.8 9 February 18:30
Eastern Suburbs 715.5 722.1 718.0 9 February 17:00

Table 5-4: Recorded demands less than 85% of 10% POE demand forecast in summer 2016-17

Connection ElectraNet 10% POE AEMO 10% Actual Date and time of
point demand forecast POE forecast Maximum maximum demand
(MW) (MW) (MW) (Market time)
Snuggery Rural 16.2 14.8 13.3 7January 17:30
Keith 24.5 24.8 19.3 5 January 19:00
Mt Gunson 0.2 0.2 0.127 18 January 14:00
Port Pirie System 70.7 67.9 51.6 8 February 19:30
Stony Point 0.2 0.2 0.124 19 January 21:00
Penola West 8.8 7.0 5.5 1 March 19:00

27 Actual maximum is within the margin of error of the 10% POE demand forecast
Chapter 5 Summer (2016-17) demand review and forecasts Page 43 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

5.2 Demand forecast

ElectraNet considers that our customers are best placed to understand their needs.
Given this, and in accordance with Rules clause 5.11.1, ElectraNet annually receives
10-year demand forecasts from SA Power Networks, and collaborates with AEMO to
receive forecasts from direct connect customers. ElectraNet and SA Power Networks
work together to determine and agree on any adjustments required to account for
embedded generators and major customer loads connected directly to the distribution

Transmission network development plans are revised as connection point demand

forecasts are updated. The development plans presented in this report are based on the
connection point demand forecasts that were provided by SA Power Networks in
November 2016. Details of the forecast can be found in ElectraNet’s 2017 South
Australian Connection Point Forecasts Report.28 In most cases there is very little change
in the projections of future demand for most connection points compared to the demand
forecast which was used as the basis for the augmentation plans presented in the 2016
Transmission Annual Planning Report.

In June 2016, AEMO published a minimum demand forecast for South Australia as part
of the 2016 National Electricity Forecasting Report (NEFR).29 ElectraNet has used that
forecast to determine future needs for improved voltage control at times of minimum
demand in South Australia.

5.2.1 Review of 2016 National Electricity Forecasting Report

AEMO published an annual state-wide demand forecast for South Australia as part of
the NEFR. In 2016, AEMO forecast that:
 State-wide demand would decline at an average rate of 1% per annum across the
forecast period, due to continuing high growth in rooftop solar PV – a rate higher
than typical in other regions – and also due to a projected decline in business
sector consumption
 average demands to continue to reduce over the forecast period
 In contrast, minimum demand on the South Australian transmission network to
reduce rapidly, indicating that demand centres will actually provide net injection of
generation into the South Australian transmission system from about 2026-27

AEMO’s 2016 NEFR 10% POE neutral growth forecasts for South Australian maximum,
average30 and minimum demand are presented in Figure 5-2, along with the previous
three years and current year of estimated actual maximum, average and minimum

AEMO’s 2017 NEFR had not yet been published at the time of writing this Transmission
Annual Planning Report.

28 Available from electranet.com.au.

29 Available from aemo.com.au.
30 We have calculated average demand forecasts from AEMO’s forecasts of annual energy.
Chapter 5 Summer (2016-17) demand review and forecasts Page 44 of 134
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Actual maximum demand Forecast maximum demand

Actual average demand Forecast average demand
Actual minimum demand Forecast minimum demand

Figure 5-2: AEMO's 2016 NEFR neutral growth forecasts

Source: AEMO 2016 NEFR SA Operational Demand

5.2.2 Connection point forecasts

In July 2016, AEMO published updated connection point forecasts for South Australia.
These forecasts, along with information on AEMO’s methodology for connection point
forecasting can be found on AEMO’s website.31

ElectraNet compares its forecasts (as published in the 2017 Connection Point Forecasts
Report)32 against AEMO’s forecasts. At an aggregate level, AEMO’s and ElectraNet’s
connection point forecasts are both reconciled to AEMO’s State-level forecast from the
2016 NEFR during their development. Thus the connection point forecasts inherently
reconcile to one another.

When individual connection point forecasts are considered there are some differences
between the two forecasts, but neither forecast is consistently higher or lower than the
other. The difference between the ElectraNet and AEMO connection point forecasts has
no impact on network limitations or development plans within the next ten years.
ElectraNet uses both the AEMO State-wide forecasts and its own connection point
forecasts depending on the needs of a particular planning study.

31 Available from aemo.com.au.

32 Available from electranet.com.au.
Chapter 5 Summer (2016-17) demand review and forecasts Page 45 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

6. Connection opportunities
Electricity supply in the South Australian region comes from local generation as well as
the Heywood and Murraylink interconnectors.

AEMO projects that all NEM regions will meet the reliability standard set in the Rules
over the next two years, based on the generation and storage expected to be available.
However, AEMO notes that South Australia is considered most at risk of breaching the
reliability standard, and that to meet the standard:
 All existing conventional generation must be available and operating
 Pelican Point Power Station must return to full service
 the new battery storage and diesel generation to be contracted by the South
Australian Government (as part of its Energy Plan) must be available as

ElectraNet encourages potential new generators or customers, to contact its Corporate

Development Team ([email protected]) to discuss their needs.

In this section we outline connection opportunities for generators (section 6.1) and
customers (section 6.2) and discuss the factors that influence them, followed by a
summary of the opportunities (section 6.3). We also identify proposed new connection
points (section 6.4), and current and potential transmission connection hubs
(section 6.5).

6.1 Connection opportunities for generators

ElectraNet has conducted a high level assessment of the ability of existing transmission
network nodes and connection points to accommodate new generator connections. This
study considered a range of demand, generation, and interconnector operating
conditions to determine the indicative maximum generation capacity that could be
connected without breaching existing line and transformer thermal ratings, under system
normal and single credible contingency conditions.

However, it may be noted this assessment is limited to a few operating conditions and
does not attempt to define the amount and value of constraints that may be experienced
in terms of energy lost by connecting generation at any particular location. Such
detailed market impact assessment should be carried out by the parties seeking
connection to the network.

Almost any point in the proximity of the Main Grid 275 kV transmission system should be
suitable for a new generator to connect. In particular, several 275 kV substations in the
Mid North represent strategic locations close to fuel resources, including wind. However,
there is a risk of clustering and potential issues with system security and potential
constraints that proponents need to be mindful of. The sites that are electrically
favourable for connecting generation are located along the 275 kV backbone from Port
Augusta (near Davenport and Cultana) to the South East (near Penola and Mount
Gambier). It is also important to note that connection of generation anywhere from
Tungkillo through to Tailem Bend and South East will directly have an impact on the
ability to import real power from Victoria and the rest of the NEM.

33 AEMO, Energy Supply Outlook, June 2017, p. 3. Available from aemo.com.au.

Chapter 6 Connection opportunities Page 46 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

In the metropolitan region, population density limits the ability to economically extend the
network. Also existing fault levels (Appendix E) are approaching the plant capability
limits of both ElectraNet’s and SA Power Networks’ assets, particularly in the vicinity of
Torrens Island, LeFevre, Kilburn, Northfield, Magill and within the Adelaide central
business district (CBD). Therefore, while the existing Metropolitan 275/66 kV system
otherwise has capacity to accept new generation connections, this could accelerate the
need for major augmentation and/or replacement of existing transmission and
distribution assets to address fault level issues.

The ability to accommodate additional generation was assessed for a range of operating
conditions (Table 6-1). At each location, the output of a new notional generator was
gradually increased, while interconnector import was decreased, or export was
increased as needed to maintain the supply-demand balance. The impact of existing run
back schemes was considered in the assessment (where practicable).

Table 6-1: System conditions considered in the assessment of the ability of the South Australian
transmission system to accommodate additional generation

System Demand level/ Ratings Wind Solar Conventional

condition applied generation generation generators in
output output service
1 Very high demand Low Low All
3,200 MW/ Summer 9% of capacity 5% of capacity
2 High summer demand Moderate Moderate Most
2,800 MW/ Summer 60% of capacity 45% of capacity
3 High winter demand High None Major
2,000 MW/ Winter 90% 0% of capacity generators only

4 Medium demand High Low Minimum

1,400 MW/ Spring/ 90% 5% of capacity (2 units only)
5 Medium demand Low High Major
1,400 MW/ Spring/ 9% of capacity 75% of capacity generators only
6 Low overnight demand High None Minimum
1,000 MW/ Winter 90% of capacity 0% of capacity (2 units only)
7 Very low daytime demand Low Very high Minimum
600 MW/ Spring/ Autumn 9% of capacity 95% of capacity (2 units only)
8 Very high demand 0% 0% All conventional
3,200 MW/ Summer – minus local

At each location, and for each system condition, simulations were stopped when a
voltage limitation or a thermal overload was observed on a line or transformer. This was
done for all system elements in-service, and again with single credible contingencies

There are several factors that may impact the ability of ElectraNet's transmission
network to accommodate significant amounts of new generation in the future:
 The main works for the Heywood interconnector upgrade were completed in
July 2016, and 600 MW in available transfer capacity has been released so far. 34

34 The full 650 MW capacity is expected to be released later in 2017.

Chapter 6 Connection opportunities Page 47 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

The current capacity is included in the calculation of indicative generator

connection capability. Additional incremental upgrades along key transmission
corridors, such as those in ElectraNet’s proposed Network Capability Incentive
Parameter Action Plan (NCIPAP) for the 2018-19 to 2022-23 period, would further
alleviate forecast thermal constraints. This would enable the further deployment of
generation in South Australia.
 Opportunities to minimise intra-regional transmission constraints by implementing
projects that deliver positive net market benefits are assessed by ElectraNet on an
ongoing basis. These projects would generally increase the amount of generation
that could be connected not considering transient/dynamic issues.
 The changing dispatch behaviour of existing conventional generation also has the
potential to change the pattern of power flows on the transmission system. This
may alter the capacity of the South Australian transmission network to
accommodate increased generation.

The indicative ability of ElectraNet's transmission network and connection points to

accommodate new generation (in addition to any existing and committed generation) is
summarised in section 6.3. The ability of potential low-cost projects to release additional
thermal transmission network capacity (for example, by replacing low-cost plant that may
limit the available rating of a transmission line) has not been considered. In some cases,
it may be feasible to connect larger generators if low cost upgrades can increase the
network’s transfer capacity. The study does incorporate the impact of committed
projects, including those in ElectraNet’s 2015–2018 NCIPAP.35

6.2 Connection point opportunities for customers

Almost any point in the proximity of the Main Grid 275 kV transmission system should be
suitable for a new large load to connect. However, any substantial load connections may
require deep network augmentation to provide a reliable supply arrangement. In this
context there is already an under-voltage load shedding scheme applied to load at the
northern end of the transmission system to allow for secure operation. Any further load
connections in this area would obviously exacerbate any under-voltage issues and
would therefore be incorporated into this scheme.

Metropolitan electricity demand has grown steadily until recently as a result of

residential, commercial and industrial development in the Adelaide metropolitan area.
SA Power Networks’ distribution network supplies individual electricity customers and
the existing Metropolitan 275/66 kV network can accommodate new load connections. .
However, recently the loads have either generally remained flat or declining. Depending
on their size and location, these load connections may accelerate the need for existing
assets to be substantially augmented and/or replaced.

In other regions, ElectraNet has assessed the ability of existing connection points to
accommodate the connection of new large loads (section 6.3). The values listed
represent the additional load that could be connected to the connection point's high
voltage bus, in addition to the forecast 2018–19 10% POE load. The maximum amount
of increased demand at a given connection point that could be accommodated across a
range of relevant system conditions (including system normal and credible single
contingencies) has been determined by comparing network voltage levels to the relevant
voltage criteria, for example:

35 Available from electranet.com.au.

Chapter 6 Connection opportunities Page 48 of 134
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 275 kV and 132 kV voltage levels to remain above 95% of nominal during system
normal conditions
 275 kV and 132 kV voltage levels to remain above 90% of nominal after a single
credible contingency event
 the total load at the connection point must remain at least 5% below the level at
which voltage collapse occurs (identified as the ‘knee point’ on the relevant curve
of voltage versus power transfer).

The thermal capacity of the transmission network was also applied as a limit to the
amount of additional demand that could be supplied at each connection point.

The assessment has the following limitations:

 any additional load at each existing connection point has been assumed to be
subject to the same ETC reliability requirements as the connection point. If a less-
onerous reliability requirement is acceptable for a new load, it may allow a larger
demand increase to be accommodated
 an increase in the load connected at one connection point would directly reduce
the additional load that could be accommodated at other connection points,
particularly for connection points in close electrical proximity, e.g. if 20 MW of load
connected to Berri, then 20 MW couldn’t also be connected to North West Bend.
 an increase in the generation connected at one connection point would directly
reduce the additional generation that could be accommodated at other connection
points, particularly for connection points in close electrical proximity, e.g. 25 MW of
generation connected to Yadnarie then 25 MW of generation couldn’t also be
connected to Wudinna.
 the loads and generation represent the capability of the existing transmission
network only, and do not account for any additional transformer capacity that may
be required to facilitate connection at voltage levels below 275 kV or 132 kV (as
 the ability of potential low-cost projects to release additional thermal transmission
network capacity (for example, by replacing low-cost plant that may limit the
available rating of a transmission line) has not been considered in the study. In
some cases, it may be feasible to connect larger loads if low cost upgrades can
increase the available capacity of upstream assets, however ElectraNet notes that
a large proportion on the transmission system is now limited by thermal ratings
and not substation plant and equipment limits.

6.3 Summary of connection opportunities

An indicative summary of the ability of ElectraNet’s network to accept generator or load

connections is given in Table 6-2, which should be read with the limitations described in
sections 6.1 and 6.2 in mind. We emphasise that these values only provide a high level
indication, as the actual generation or load that can be accommodated often depends on
the technical characteristics, operating profile and needs of equipment a customer
wishes to connect. If a customer needs to discuss further regarding specific generation
or load connections, it is suggested that they contact ElectraNet.

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Table 6-2: Indication of available capacity to connect generation and load in 2018-19

Connection point Additional generation that could be connected Additional

(MW) load that
could be
System Condition (see Table 6-1 for description) connected
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (MW)
Main Grid
Belalie (275 kV) 400 250 200 200 100 200 400 200
Blyth West (275 kV) 400 300 250 250 450 150 450 200
Brinkworth (275 kV) 450 100 400 300 500 300 500 160
Bungama (275 kV) 400 300 300 250 500 300 500 200
Canowie (275 kV) 200 150 100 100 100 100 400 200
Cherry Gardens (275 kV) 600+ 100 400 600+ 600+ 500 600+ 200
Cultana (275 kV) 550 500 450 450 550 450 500 120
Davenport (275 kV) 600+ 600+ 600+ 550 600+ 500 600+ 150
Mokota (275 kV) 400 250 200 200 100 200 400 200
Mount Lock (275 kV) 200 150 100 100 150 100 450 200
Robertstown (275 kV) 300 550 500 550 100 500 600+ 200
South East (275 kV)*36 600+ 600+ 600+ 600+ 600+ 600+ 600+ 140
Tailem Bend (275 kV)* 600+ 600+ 600+ 600+ 600+ 550 600+ 200
Templers West (275 kV) 350 250 200 200 400 200 400 110
Tungkillo (275 kV)* 600+ 600+ 600+ 600+ 600+ 500 600+ 200
Eastern Hills
Angas Creek (132 kV)* 150 150 100 100 100 100 100 70
Cherry Gardens (132 kV)* 100 100 100 150 150 150 150 100
Kanmantoo (132 kV)* 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 80
Mannum (132 kV)* 150 150 100 100 100 100 100 50
Mobilong (132 kV)* 300 250 300 300 300 250 250 40
Mount Barker (132 kV)* 250 250 150 250 250 200 200 120
Mount Barker South 600+ 600+ 350 600+ 600+ 500 600+ 200
(275 kV)*
Eyre Peninsula
Cultana (132 kV) 200 200 200 150 200 150 200 40
Port Lincoln (132 kV) 50 25 25 0 75 0 75 <5
Stony Point (132 kV) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 80
Whyalla Central (132 kV) 150 50 50 150 150 150 150 40
Wudinna (132 kV) 50 25 25 0 75 0 75 <5

36 * This node is on an interconnector flow path - subject to co-optimization and constraints.

Chapter 6 Connection opportunities Page 50 of 134
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Connection point Additional generation that could be connected Additional

(MW) load that
could be
System Condition (see Table 6-1 for description) connected
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (MW)
Yadnarie (132 kV) 50 25 25 0 75 0 75 10
Mid North
Ardrossan West (132 kV) 75 25 50 25 75 50 50 40
Baroota (132 kV) 0 0 <10 0 0 <10 0 <5
Brinkworth (132 kV) 250 250 200 150 300 150 250 150
Bungama 150 150 100 50 200 50 150 20
Clare North (132 kV) 150 150 100 100 150 75 150 100
Dalrymple (132 kV) 75 25 50 25 75 50 50 20
Dorrien (132 kV) 150 150 150 150 100 100 100 60
Hummocks (132 kV) 100 25 75 25 75 50 50 40
Kadina East (132 kV) 100 25 75 25 75 50 50 40
Robertstown (132 kV)* 250 150 300 250 350 200 150 40
Templers West (132 kV) 100 100 150 100 100 100 100 60
Waterloo (132 kV)* 250 50 75 75 150 50 200 40
Monash (132 kV)* 150 150 150 300 300 100 50 20
North West Bend (132 kV)* 150 150 150 300 300 100 50 20
South East
Blanche (132 kV) 100 25 0 0 100 0 75 30
Keith (132 kV)* 50 50 25 0 25 75 25 20
Kincraig (132 kV)* 75 50 50 0 25 50 25 20
Mt Gambier (132 kV) 100 25 25 0 100 25 75 30
Penola West (132 kV)* 50 25 50 0 25 50 25 20
Snuggery (132 kV) 75 25 50 0 150 25 75 40
South East (132 kV)* 150 25 0 0 100 0 75 50
Tailem Bend (132 kV)* 150 25 150 100 150 200 200 70
Upper North
Davenport (132 kV) 100 75 100 100 100 100 100 50
Leigh Creek South (132 kV) 0 0 <10 0 0 <10 0 <5
Mt Gunson (132 kV) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 0
Neuroodla (132 kV) 0 0 <10 0 0 <10 0 <5
Pimba (132 kV) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 0

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6.4 Proposed new connection points

A new connection point is proposed by SA Power Networks in the Mid North to meet
localised growing demand (Table 6-3).

Table 6-3: Proposed new connection points for generators and customers

Connection Planning Project Connection Scope of work

point region year voltage (kV)
Gawler East Mid 2022 132 Turn the Para to Roseworthy 132 kV
North (subject to line in/out at Gawler East and
request establish a 132 kV bus
from SA SA Power Networks to establish a
Power single-transformer 132/11 kV
Networks distribution substation
Refer to section 8.4.2 for more details

6.5 Current and potential transmission connection hubs

ElectraNet endeavours to develop connections for new generators and loads to provide
a cost effective, low long term constraint risk solution to the customer. Where a number
of generators and/or loads are developed in close proximity, it is important to provide
efficient connections wherever possible. This approach minimises network constraints
for the customer, maximises network utilisation, reduces connection costs, and facilitates
efficient and sustainable long-term transmission network development.

Using this approach, wind farm developments in the Mid North are connected to balance
the loading on the parallel 275 kV lines between Port Augusta and Adelaide is as far as
possible. This reduces the likelihood of generation constraints and limitations to power
transfer capability in the corridors if power transfer requirements increase in the future.

In response to a connection enquiry, ElectraNet considers the location and configuration

of the connection in order to ensure long term efficient use of the shared network. We
may recommend that generators and load customers connect to a specific network
location if efficient to do so. ElectraNet will also specify the appropriate configuration for
that connection. Nodal connection points allow parallel transmission lines to be tied
together and new generation to be efficiently placed in the system, to further balance line
loadings and maximise thermal transfer capability on the network.

ElectraNet has identified twelve potential connection hubs in the South Australian
transmission network (Figure 6-1).

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Figure 6-1: Current and possible South Australian future transmission connection hubs

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June 2017

7. Completed, committed and pending projects

This chapter summarises the significant projects to remove network limitations and
address asset condition that ElectraNet has completed, committed to and are pending
over the last year.

7.1 Recently completed projects

ElectraNet has completed several significant projects to remove network limitations and
address asset condition (Table 7-1).

Table 7-1: Projects completed between 1 May 2016 and 31 May 2017

Project description Region Project Asset in

Category service
Heywood interconnector upgrade Main Augmentation 25/07/201639
The Heywood interconnector was incrementally Grid/
augmented to raise nominal transfer limits from South
±460 MW to ±600 MW 37. This was shown to East
deliver market benefits using the RIT-T. A third
500/275 kV transformer at Heywood terminal
station was installed along with series
compensation38 on the South East to Tailem Bend
275 kV lines and the existing 132 kV transmission
system was reconfigured between Snuggery,
Keith and Tailem Bend
SA Water Morgan-Whyalla Pump Station #3 Riverland Replacement 18/08/2016
Rebuilt the Morgan to Whyalla pumping station #3
supply site to ensure continued supply reliability to
critical water infrastructure
SA Water Morgan-Whyalla Pump Station #1 Riverland Replacement 30/09/2016
Rebuilt the Morgan to Whyalla pumping station #1
supply site to ensure continued supply reliability to
critical water infrastructure
Dalrymple Substation Upgrade Mid Connection 1/11/2016
Installed an additional 25 MVA 132/33 kV North
transformer and associated switchgear to meet
ETC category 2 requirements
Para SVC Secondary Systems Main Replacement 30/11/2016
Replaced Para SVC thyristor valves and valve Grid
cooling, protection and control systems that had
reached their end of life, and installed and
integrated a 50 Mvar switched 275 kV reactor, to
ensure continued reliable voltage control on South
Australia’s 275 kV transmission system

37 A market notice was issued on 5/08/2016 releasing a transfer limit of 600 MW. The next increment of 650 MW is on
hold pending review of frequency changes impacts.
38 Series compensation reduces the “electrical distance” of a transmission line, thereby increasing the maximum
possible power transfer over the line.
39 Following installation of the series compensation by this date, testing will be undertaken and be followed by the
gradual release of additional interconnector capacity by AEMO.
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Project description Region Project Asset in

Category service
Tailem Bend – Keith #2 132 kV line insulator South Refurbishment 20/01/2017
replacement East
All porcelain disc insulator assemblies that had
reached end of life to ensure continued 132 kV
line reliability

7.2 Committed projects

Committed projects are projects where the RIT-T has been completed (where required),
and the ElectraNet Board has given approval. ElectraNet is currently undertaking several
committed projects which are expected to be completed in the near future (Table 7-2).

Table 7-2: Committed projects

Project description Region Project Expected

Category Service
SA Water Mannum-Adelaide Pump Station #2 Eastern Replacement June 2017
Rebuild the Mannum to Adelaide pumping station Hills
#2 supply site to ensure continued supply
reliability to critical water infrastructure
SA Water Morgan-Whyalla Pump Station #4 Mid North Replacement September
Rebuild the Morgan to Whyalla pumping station 2017
#4 supply site to ensure continued supply
reliability to critical water infrastructure
SA Water Mannum-Adelaide Pump Station #3 Eastern Replacement September
Rebuild the Mannum to Adelaide pumping station Hills 2017
#3 supply site to ensure continued supply
reliability to critical water infrastructure
Brinkworth – Mintaro 132 kV line remediation Mid North Refurbishment November
and insulator replacement 2017
Porcelain disc insulator assemblies that have
reached end-of-life will be replaced along with
defective poles and cross arms, to ensure
continued 132 kV line reliability
Tailem Bend Substation Upgrade Main Grid Security / November
Improve the circuit breaker arrangement to reduce Compliance 2017
constraints on the Heywood interconnector and
improve network security and reliability
SA Water Mannum-Adelaide Pump Station #1 Eastern Replacement November
Rebuild the Mannum to Adelaide pumping station Hills 2017
#1 supply site to ensure continued supply
reliability to critical water infrastructure
Various unit asset replacements Various Replacement April 2018
Replace individual unit assets, such as circuit
breakers, voltage transformers, current
transformers or protection relay sets that have
reached end of life at 36 substations to ensure
continued asset reliability

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Project description Region Project Expected

Category Service
Para-Brinkworth-Davenport Hazard Mitigation Main Grid Refurbishment December
Replace load-releasing cross arms and all 2018
porcelain disc insulators, to ensure continued
275 kV line reliability

The following section provides additional detail for our only current major committed
project (greater than $5 million expenditure at a single site): the Tailem Bend Substation
Upgrade (section 7.2.1).

Estimated project costs quoted in this chapter are presented in 2017 dollar values. Cost
estimates are provided as a range to reflect the variability of expected project costs. The
estimated range for proposed projects is typically wider than for committed and pending
projects, due to uncertainties about project scope, contingencies and risk in the early
stages of a project.

7.2.1 Tailem Bend substation upgrade

Scope of work: Extend Tailem Bend substation to accommodate an additional

275 kV diameter with two circuit breakers, associated plant and
secondary systems, and rearrange 275 kV line exits

Estimated cost: $9-10 million

Project category: Security/Compliance

Timing: November 2017

Project status: Committed, construction in progress

The Heywood Interconnector Upgrade project has increased the capacity of the
interconnector from a nominal 460 MW to 600 MW, with the target capacity of 650 MW
anticipated to be released by the end of 2017. This will result in a greater reliance on the
performance of the substations that connect South Australia to the National Electricity
Market via the Heywood Interconnector.

Tailem Bend substation has a 275 kV section that is not laid out in a ‘circuit breaker and
a half’ topology and the existing topology significantly constrains the interconnector
under certain conditions.

The planned layout will minimise the impact of these constraints on NEM participants
and improve the quality, reliability and security of supply of prescribed transmission
services. A similar upgrade was completed at South East substation in December 2015.

7.3 Pending projects

ElectraNet does not currently have any pending projects, meaning projects which have
passed the RIT-T but are not yet fully committed.

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8. Transmission Network Development Plan

ElectraNet and SA Power Networks analyse the expected future operation of the South
Australian network, taking into account forecast loads, future generation, market network
services, demand side participation and transmission developments, according to Rule
requirements. The analyses and resulting development plan (presented in this chapter)
are designed to address projected limitations on the South Australian transmission
network over a 10-year period. These developments include projects to meet various
needs, such as to:
 augment capacity to meet increasing connection point demand (if relevant)
 maintain compliance with Rules obligations
 improve system security and operational flexibility
 maintain adequate asset condition
 provide net market benefits by minimising transmission network constraints.

This development plan has been based on forecast demand (section 5.2) and diversity
factors have been applied as appropriate in each case for planning the Main Grid and
regional corridors. In the analysis, Main Grid and regional meshed networks are planned
to meet 10% POE demands with wind farm outputs set to 9.4% of their installed
capacities, which reflects the 85% confidence interval for South Australian wind farm
output during the top 10% of summer demand periods (refer to section 2.2).

8.1 Planning scenario and sensitivities

A central planning scenario has been developed and evaluated as part of ElectraNet’s
planning process. A number of sensitivities have also been applied, to represent
different assumptions about the future development of demand and generation in South
Australia. The scenario together with the sensitivities is intended to represent a range of
credible potential futures.

The planning scenario and sensitivity assumptions have been characterised (Table 8-1)
and the potential new loads and generation connections over the next ten years are
graphically represented in Figure 8-1.

Table 8-1: Characteristics and assumptions of ElectraNet's planning scenario

Characteristic Planning scenario

Connection point maximum demand ElectraNet’s 2017 Connection Point Forecasts Report 40
forecasts SA light load scenario projected by scaling embedded
rooftop solar PV at each connection point to achieve
AEMO’s 2016 NEFR 90% POE minimum demand
SA transmission system coincident AEMO’s 2016 NEFR 10% POE maximum demand
maximum demand forecast forecast
New load connections
New conventional generators As shown in Figure 8-1
New renewable generators

40 Available from electranet.com.au.

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Figure 8-1: Assumptions and sensitivities considered in ElectraNet’s planning process, including
potential future step load increases, generator retirements, and renewable generator connections

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8.2 Summary of planning outcomes

Analysis of the planning scenario and sensitivities led to a range of high level outcomes
or project recommendations (Table 8-2). Detailed outcomes, or potential projects
required to support the sensitivities, are covered in sections 8.3 to 8.9.

Table 8-2: Summary of planning outcomes

Planning Key outcomes

Emerging System security issues that may arise from low levels of system inertia and
system declining levels of system strength (as projected in AEMO’s 2016 National
security Transmission Network Development Plan) could be addressed by:
issues (e.g.  establishing a new interconnector between South Australia and the Eastern
system States to address emerging system security issues and provide net market
inertia, benefits, as is being considered by the South Australian Energy
system Transformation RIT-T
 installing plant such as synchronous condensers
A grid-scale battery energy storage system is proposed for connection at
Dalrymple to help improve system security and reliability.
Connection The existing network support arrangement at Port Lincoln expires in December
points 2018.
A RIT-T has been commenced to determine the most cost effective way of
continuing to meet the required reliability standard at Port Lincoln beyond that
date. The outcome of this investigation could be significant network investment
on the Eyre Peninsula (e.g. a new double circuit line from Cultana to Yadnarie
to Port Lincoln) and/ or a new network support arrangement.
Market A range of market benefit driven projects is proposed to reduce the impact of
benefit constraints and increase the capability of the transmission network, providing
opportunities net market benefits.
Maximum South Australia’s transmission network is projected to be adequate to supply
demand forecast maximum demand for the duration of the planning period.
Augmentation may be needed to supply future significant individual load
connections, particularly in the Upper North region, depending on their size and
Minimum As the minimum demand supplied by the transmission network is forecast to
demand decrease, a series of 275 kV reactor investments (or similar) is needed to
prevent voltage levels from exceeding equipment ratings if an unplanned
contingency event was to occur at times of low demand.
Maximum Fault levels are forecast to remain within design and equipment limits for the
fault levels duration of the planning period.
Emergency ElectraNet and AEMO are working together to develop a special protection
control scheme that will reduce the chance of islanding following a non-credible
schemes simultaneous loss of multiple generators within South Australia

8.3 Emerging system issues

South Australia has world leading penetration levels of intermittent renewable energy
generation sources. The non-synchronous nature of the renewable generation,
combined with a decreased dispatch of synchronous generation, poses unique
challenges for the secure and stable operation of the power system.

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We have developed a number of proposed projects to address these emerging

challenges (Figure 8-2, and sections 8.3.1 to 8.3.3).

ElectraNet envisages that all of these projects will have a material impact on inter-
regional transfer.

Figure 8-2: Proposed projects to address emerging challenges to the secure and stable operation of
the power system

8.3.1 Install a grid-connected battery at Dalrymple (ESCRI-SA)

Scope of work: Install a nominal 30 MW, 8 MWh battery energy storage system at
Dalrymple along with associated site establishment, high voltage
switchgear, secondary systems and telecommunications

Estimated cost: $25 - 35 million (including regulated and non-regulated component)

Chapter 8 Transmission Network Development Plan Page 60 of 134
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Project category: Augmentation

Timing: Summer 2017-18

Project status: Subject to further analysis and approvals

Project need and option analysis:

The identified need for this project is a proof of concept demonstration that utility scale
battery storage can support the integration of renewable energy.

The ESCRI-SA project will capture both regulated and non-regulated benefits.

The purpose of the regulated component is to demonstrate:

 islanded operation during contingency periods, with local demand around
Dalrymple supplied by the Wattle Point wind farm and local rooftop solar alone,
balanced by the battery storage. This will improve local supply reliability and result
in learnings applicable to other systems with 100% intermittent renewable
 the application of fast acting battery storage to providing essential system security
services such as Fast Frequency Response that can address system security
risks associated with a high Rate of Change of Frequency.

The regulated cost component is less than $6 million, which is exceeded by the
associated customer benefits.

Non-regulated services provided by the battery will be dispatched by the battery


The project is also expected to deliver substantial knowledge sharing benefits.

8.3.2 New high capacity interconnector

Scope of work: Construct a new high capacity interconnector between South

Australia and the Eastern States

Estimated cost: $250 - 500 million (South Australian component only)

Project category: Augmentation

Timing: Uncertain

Project status: Contingent – refer to Table for trigger

Project need and option analysis:

On 7 November 2016, ElectraNet commenced the South Australian Energy

Transformation RIT-T by publishing a PSCR.

As required by the Rules, the RIT-T is directed at meeting an identified need, which in
this case is defined as:
 facilitating greater competition in the wholesale electricity market, to lower
dispatch costs and consequently wholesale electricity prices, particularly in South
Australia (‘market need’)
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 providing appropriate security of supply, including inertia, frequency response and

system strength services in South Australia (‘security need’)
 facilitating the transition to lower carbon emissions and the adoption of new
technologies (‘emissions need’).

Options that were highlighted in the PSCR include new interconnectors between South
Australia and the Eastern States, supported by measures within the South Australian
system to address the needs for system strength and inertia. The RIT-T is also
considering alternative solutions that do not involve an interconnector, such as demand
response, generation options, battery storage and other solutions.

Both the timing and scope of this project are subject to further analysis and are uncertain
at this point in time.

Table 8-3: Options considered for a new high capacity interconnector

Option Description Comment Estimated cost

($ Million)
1 Central SA to Victoria Construct a new line and 500 – 1,000
interconnector associated works
(ElectraNet and
(nominally Tungkillo to Consideration will be given (without AusNet Services)
Horsham, and beyond) limitation) to HVAC, HVDC, single
circuit and double circuit options,
including staging of development
2 Mid North SA to NSW Construct a new line and 500 – 1,500
interconnector associated works
(ElectraNet and
(nominally Consideration will be given (without TransGrid)
Robertstown to limitation) to 275 kV HVAC, 330 kV
Buronga, and beyond) HVAC, HVDC, single circuit and
double circuit options, including
staging of development
3 Northern SA to NSW Construct a new high capacity 1,500 – 2,000
interconnector line(s) and associated works
(ElectraNet and
(nominally Davenport Consideration will be given (without TransGrid)
to Mt Piper) limitation) to HVAC and HVDC
options, including staging of
4 Northern SA to Construct a new high capacity 2,000 – 2,500
Queensland line(s) and associated works
(ElectraNet and
interconnector Consideration will be given (without Powerlink)
(nominally Davenport limitation) to HVAC and HVDC
to Bulli Creek) options, including staging of
5 Non-network solutions A variety of non-network To be informed via
capabilities to provide fast submissions to the
frequency response, inertia and PSCR
system strength; e.g. large-scale
batteries, demand management,

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8.3.3 Install synchronous condensers

Scope of work: Upgrade existing protection devices and install six synchronous
condensers at selected locations across the 275 kV transmission

Estimated cost: $60 - 80 million

Project category: Security/Compliance

Timing: Uncertain

Project status: Contingent – refer to Table 4 for trigger

Project need and option analysis:

AEMO has identified that the operation of large high voltage power systems such as
South Australia at low fault levels can result in the conditions of the power system being
unstable due to factors such as:41
 manufacturers’ design limits on power electronic interfaced devices such as wind
turbines and SVCs. Operation of these devices outside their minimum design
limits could give rise to generating systems’ instability and consequent
disconnection from the grid
 protection systems which rely on measurement of current (excluding differential
protection) or current and voltage during a fault to achieve two basic requirements
– selectivity (that is, to operate only for conditions for which the system has been
installed) and sensitivity (that is, to be sufficiently sensitive to faults on the
equipment it is protecting)
 inability to control voltage during normal system and market operations such as
switching of transmission lines or transformers, switching reactive plant
(capacitors and reactors), transformer tap changing, and routine variations in load
or generation.

AEMO’s preliminary analysis of 13 November 2016 concluded that two large

synchronous generating units, or combinations of smaller synchronous generating units,
are required to be online in South Australia to ensure a secure operating state as
defined in clause 4.2.2 of the Rules. AEMO also concluded that this may demonstrate
the existence of an NSCAS gap.

AEMO plans to further investigate this issue and publish a report in 2017 in relation to
this requirement, and will collaborate with ElectraNet to confirm the existence, size, and
trigger date of the NSCAS gap.42, 43

The requirement for the project is to maintain minimum fault levels in South Australia for
foreseeable operating conditions above a level that is sufficient to ensure that:
 power electronic interfaced devices such as wind turbines and static Var
compensators can remain stable

41 AEMO, SA System Strength, available at www.aemo.com.au/~/media/Files/Media_Centre/2016/SA-System-

42 AEMO, 2016 NTNDP, p 98, available at aemo.com.au.
43 AEMO invoked this operational requirement on 26 April 2017.
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 synchronous machines can remain stable and provide the fault current required for
the operation of other plant
 protection systems can adequately function
 voltage can be maintained during normal system and market operations including
switching transformers, transmission lines and reactive plant, transformer tap
changing, and routine variations in load or generation.

Both the timing and the scope of this project, and therefore the transmission
requirements, are uncertain at this point in time.

Confirmation of the existence, size, and trigger date of a potential NSCAS gap, or other
requirement for ElectraNet to address a system strength requirement in the South
Australian region, will determine the need and timing for this project.

8.4 Connection points

ElectraNet annually compares connection capability against forecast connection point

demand, considering the redundancy requirements specified for each connection point
in the ETC (Table A-1 in Appendix A). This occurs in the context of a series of regular
joint planning meetings with SA Power Networks, in which connection point projects are
considered, proposed, and planned.

Over the 10-year planning period, only one connection point – Port Lincoln – requires
action to ensure that the Category 3 reliability standard continues to be met (section
8.4.1). This action is not driven by an increase in demand, but rather by the expiry of the
existing network support arrangement.

In addition, one new connection point is proposed, at Gawler East (8.4.2), subject to
local land development activity and advice from SA Power Networks regarding required
timing. The locations of these projects are shown in Figure 8-3.

ElectraNet does not envisage that these projects will have any material impact on inter-
regional transfer.

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Figure 8-3: Connection point projects

8.4.1 Replace Eyre Peninsula 132 kV transmission lines

Scope of work: Build new double circuit 132 kV or 275 kV lines from Cultana to
Yadnarie and from Yadnarie to Port Lincoln

Estimated cost: $200-$550 million44

Project category: Augmentation (Contingent)

Timing: About 2022

Project status: Proposed

44 Based on the range of options currently being considered

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Project need and option analysis:

The existing network support arrangement that enables the category 3 ETC reliability
requirements to be met at Port Lincoln substation expires in December 2018. ElectraNet
has also assessed that significant components of the Whyalla to Yadnarie and the
Yadnarie to Port Lincoln 132 kV lines require replacement in the 2018-19 to 2022-23

ElectraNet has developed five potential options to meet this need (Table 8-4). Option 1
would directly address the identified need by replacing the relevant line components and
establishing a new network support agreement, whereas the other options would provide
additional capacity, reliability and market benefits.

We have commenced a RIT-T to determine the most economical way of continuing to

meet or exceed the ETC requirements at Port Lincoln beyond December 2018. A PSCR
was published in April 2017, and closes for consultation on 21 July 2017.

ElectraNet has included Option 1 in the capital program in our 2018-19 to 2022-23
revenue proposal to the AER. The revenue proposal also includes a contingent project
to provide the additional revenue that will be needed if the RIT-T demonstrates that any
of the other options is more economical.

Table 8-4: Options considered for Eyre Peninsula 132 kV line replacement

Option Description Comment Estimated

($ million)
1 Continue network This option would also have significant 80
support arrangement at operating costs for ongoing network support
Port Lincoln and at Port Lincoln
component replacement
works on the existing
132 kV single-circuit
transmission line
2 Construct a new double We will investigate the potential benefits of 200-300
circuit 132 kV additional emergency restoration measures
transmission line that may include network support
following a Cultana to We will also consider the potential benefits
Yadnarie and Yadnarie of upgrading the Davenport to Cultana
to Port Lincoln route 275 kV transmission lines to further improve
supply reliability and security to the Eyre
3 Construct two single We will also consider the potential benefits 200-350
circuit 132 kV of upgrading the Davenport to Cultana
transmission lines 275 kV transmission lines to further improve
following separated supply reliability and security to the Eyre
routes between Cultana Peninsula
and Port Lincoln

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Option Description Comment Estimated

($ million)
4 Construct a double New lines to be operated initially at 132 kV 280-380
circuit 275 kV We will investigate the potential benefits of
transmission line additional emergency restoration measures
following a Cultana to that may include network support
Yadnarie and Yadnarie
We will also consider the potential benefits
to Port Lincoln route
of upgrading the Davenport to Cultana
275 kV transmission lines to further improve
supply reliability and security to the Eyre
5 Construct two single New lines to be operated initially at 132 kV 400-550
circuit 275 kV We will also consider the potential benefits
transmission lines of upgrading the Davenport to Cultana
following separated 275 kV transmission lines to further improve
routes between Cultana supply reliability and security to the Eyre
and Port Lincoln Peninsula

8.4.2 Establish a new connection point at Gawler East

Scope of work: Cut into the Para to Roseworthy 132 kV line and create a 132 kV
connection point for a new 132/66/11 1x25 MVA transformer

Estimated cost: <$5 million (132 kV bus and connection point)

Project category: Connection

Timing: November 2022

Project status: Proposed

Project need and option analysis:

The new Gawler East 132 kV connection point is planned to support “greenfields”
residential development in the area. The development site allows for up to 2,450
allotments and a commercial centre with an ultimate residential demand estimated at
22 MVA and 2.5 MVA of commercial load. There are also future plans to develop the
adjacent greenfields region (Concordia), with more than double the potential ultimate
demand increase. Residential development commenced at Gawler East in 2014, with an
anticipated requirement for the new 132/11 kV zone substation by the end of 2022.

SA Power Networks have advised that they plan to work with ElectraNet to commence a
Regulatory Investment Test for Distribution (RIT-D) assessment by issuing a Non-
Network Options Report (NNOR) at a future date.

A suitable ElectraNet 132 kV transmission line traverses the planned greenfields

residential development region. Compared to the alternative of extending SA Power
Networks’ 66 kV network, a new connection point is better placed both environmentally
(as the 132 kV line already exists), and in terms of total cost to South Australian
distribution customers (as the total cost is lower), to supply SA Power Networks’
proposed 25 MVA 11 kV substation.

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The preferred option will be determined by the outcome of the RIT-D assessment (Table

Table 8-5: Options considered for a new Gawler East connection point

Option Description Comment Estimated cost

($ Million)
1 Build 132 kV bus to ElectraNet to provide 132 kV bus 11-14 (ElectraNet
provide supply to a and connection point; SA Power and SA Power
132/11 kV substation Networks to own 1x25 MVA Networks )
132/11 kV transformer
2 Build a 132/11 kV ElectraNet to own 1x25 MVA 11-14 (ElectraNet
substation with a 132/11 kV transformer and provide and SA Power
single 25 MVA an 11 kV connection point Networks )
3 Distribution solution: This option is expensive and is 16-34 (SA Power
SA Power Networks to excluded from further consideration Networks)
construct a new 66 kV
line and 66/11 kV zone

8.5 Market benefit opportunities

ElectraNet monitors congestion on the South Australian transmission network. We also

consider information regarding future likely generator and load connections, along with
AEMO’s most recent NTNDP, to predict new constraints that may develop in future

Over the next year, we plan to complete projects that form part of our 2014-15 to
2017-18 Network Capability Incentive Parameter Action Plan (NCIPAP, sections 8.5.1
and 8.5.2). We have also proposed a full range of market benefit driven projects, up to
the maximum allowance for NCIPAP projects, and one further market benefit project for
the 2018-19 to 2022-23 regulatory control period (sections 8.5.3 to 8.5.9). The locations
of these projects are illustrated in Figure 8-4.

8.5.1 Uprate Riverland 132 kV lines

Scope of work: Uprate the Robertstown to North West Bend No. 2 132 kV line and
the North West Bend to Monash No. 2 132 kV line from 80 °C
design clearances to 100 °C design clearances

Estimated cost: <$5 million

Project category: NCIPAP

Timing: June 2017

Project status: Committed

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Figure 8-4: Committed and proposed market benefit projects

Project need and option analysis:

This project is in ElectraNet’s NCIPAP for the 2014-15 to 2017-18 period. It will increase
the transfer capacity of selected Riverland 132 kV lines that connect to the Murraylink
interconnector, enabling increased power export to Victoria under high Riverland
demand by about 24 MW. It will also increase the capability of South Australian wind
farms to export power under high wind generation conditions at all times of the year.
This will be achieved by increasing the design operating temperatures of the selected
lines, from 80°C design clearances to 100°C design clearances.

ElectraNet envisages that this project will impact inter-regional transfer.

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8.5.2 Uprate the Waterloo East to Robertstown 132 kV line

Scope of work: Uprate the Waterloo East to Robertstown 132 kV line from 80°C
design clearances to 100°C design clearances

Estimated cost: <$5 million

Project category: NCIPAP

Timing: June 2018

Project status: Planned

Project need and option analysis:

This project is in ElectraNet’s NCIPAP for the 2014-15 to 2017-18 period. Increasing the
transfer capacity of this line will reduce congestion on the Murraylink interconnector,
enabling increased power export to Victoria under high Riverland demand by about
37 MW. It will also increase the capability of South Australian wind farms to export power
under high wind generation conditions at all times of the year. This will be achieved by
increasing the design operating temperatures of the selected lines, from 80°C design
clearances to 100°C design clearances.

ElectraNet envisages that this project will impact inter-regional transfer.

8.5.3 Apply dynamic ratings to transmission lines between South East and Tungkillo

Scope of work: Apply dynamic ratings to the Tailem Bend to Tungkillo, Tailem
Bend to Cherry Gardens, South East to Tailem Bend No. 1, and
South East to Tailem Bend No. 2 275 kV lines and to the Tailem
Bend to Mobilong 132 kV line

Estimated cost: <$5 million

Project category: Proposed for 2018-19 to 2022-23 NCIPAP

Timing: June 2019

Project status: Proposed

Project need and option analysis:

This project is in ElectraNet’s proposed NCIPAP for the 2018-19 to 2022-23 period.
Increasing the dynamic rating of these lines will reduce congestion on the Heywood
interconnector, enabling increased power transfers to and from Victoria by about 31 MW.
This is the average improvement expected from improving the ratings of the Tailem
Bend to Tungkillo 275 kV line summer ratings by 47 MW and the spring/autumn ratings
by 15 MW, up to the 650 MW Heywood interconnector limit.

ElectraNet envisages that this project will impact inter-regional transfer, by increasing
the thermal transfer capacity across the Heywood interconnector.

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8.5.4 Remove plant rating limits from the Robertstown to Davenport 275 kV lines

Scope of work: Remove and replace plant that are rated lower than the design
capability of the conductors on the 275 kV lines between
Robertstown and Davenport, to release further transfer capacity

Estimated cost: <$5 million

Project category: Proposed for 2018-19 to 2022-23 NCIPAP

Timing: June 2019

Project status: Proposed

Project need and option analysis:

This project is in ElectraNet’s proposed NCIPAP for the 2018-19 to 2022-23 period.
Increasing the rating of this line will alleviate forecast congestion between the northern
region of SA, where AEMO has identified that 1,400 MW of renewable generation may
connect by 2020-21, and the Adelaide metropolitan region.

This will increase the capability of the Davenport to Robertstown 275 kV lines by at least
115 MVA under summer ratings, and by more under spring/autumn and winter ratings.

ElectraNet envisages that this project will impact intra-regional transfer, but not
inter-regional transfer.

8.5.5 Install an additional 100 Mvar 275 kV capacitor bank at South East

Scope of work: Install an additional 100 Mvar 275 kV switched capacitor at South
East substation

Estimated cost: <$5 million

Project category: Proposed for 2018-19 to 2022-23 NCIPAP

Timing: June 2021

Project status: Proposed

Project need and option analysis:

This project is in ElectraNet’s proposed NCIPAP for the 2018-19 to 2022-23 period.
Installing this capacitor will alleviate forecast congestion on the Heywood interconnector
due to voltage stability limits.

This will increase the ‘firmness’ of Heywood interconnector’s notional 650 MW capability,
providing increased availability of the full capability.

ElectraNet envisages that this project will impact inter-regional transfer, by enabling
voltage stability to be maintained at increased transfer levels across the Heywood

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8.5.6 Trial modular power flow control elements to relieve congestion

Scope of work: Install modular power flow control elements to relieve congestion
on the Waterloo to Templers 132 kV line, and uprate the parallel
Robertstown to Tungkillo and Robertstown to Para 275 kV lines as
well as the Templers to Roseworthy 132 kV line

Estimated cost: $3-6 million

Project category: Proposed for 2018-19 to 2022-23 NCIPAP

Timing: June 2020

Project status: Proposed

Project need and option analysis:

This project is in ElectraNet’s proposed NCIPAP for the 2018-19 to 2022-23 period.
Uprating the relevant 275 kV and 132 kV lines and installing the modular power flow
control elements on the Waterloo to Templers 132 kV line will reduce forecast
congestion between the Adelaide metropolitan region and the northern region of SA,
where AEMO has identified that 1,400 MW of renewable generation may connect by

This will increase the transfer capacity between the northern region of SA and the
Adelaide metropolitan region by about 17 MW. During network conditions that have high
flows on the 132 kV lines relative to the 275 kV lines, the dynamic line impedance
devices are expected to alleviate constraints by more than 17 MW.

ElectraNet envisages that this project will impact intra-regional transfer, but not
inter-regional transfer.

8.5.7 Improve Robertstown circuit breaker arrangement

Scope of work: Install a single 275 kV circuit breaker and associated equipment
(including isolators, current transformer and protection) between
the 275 kV buses at Robertstown

Estimated cost: $5-8 million

Project category: Security/Compliance

Timing: June 2020

Project status: Proposed

Project need and option analysis:

The present layout of Robertstown substation poses operational challenges. During

planned outages of certain items of plant, it is possible for an unplanned 275 kV line
outage to electrically separate the 275 kV buses. This would result in large power flows
travelling from one 275 kV bus, through one Robertstown 275/132 kV transformer, and
back up the other Robertstown 275/132 kV transformer to the other 275 kV bus. To
guard against the risk of transformer overload during such times, the Murraylink
interconnector needs to be significantly constrained and generation north of Robertstown
may need to be constrained to limit potential post-contingency flows.
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This project will reduce the costs to end-use customers under outage conditions, by
reducing the constraints that are currently unavoidable due to the existing 275 kV circuit
breaker arrangement at Robertstown.

ElectraNet envisages that this project will impact inter-regional transfer, by alleviating
constraints on Murraylink interconnector during planned outages at Robertstown

8.5.8 Connect the Tailem Bend to Cherry Gardens 275 kV line at Tungkillo

Scope of work: Populate one additional diameter at Tungkillo to connect the

Tailem Bend to Cherry Gardens 275 kV line, to improve
inter-regional transfer capacity

Estimated cost: $3-6 million

Project category: Proposed for 2018-19 to 2022-23 NCIPAP

Timing: June 2020

Project status: Proposed

Project need and option analysis:

This project is in ElectraNet’s proposed NCIPAP for the 2018-19 to 2022-23 period.
Tying in the Tailem Bend to Cherry Gardens 275 kV line is expected to alleviate voltage
limitations on the Heywood interconnector, allowing the 650 MW operational limit to be
available more often.

At times when voltage limits restrict flows on the Heywood interconnector, this project
will increase the interconnector’s transfer capability by 10 MW.

ElectraNet envisages that this project will impact inter-regional transfer.

8.5.9 Apply short term overload ratings to the Robertstown 275/132 kV transformers

Scope of work: Install transformer management relays and bushing monitoring

equipment to enable the application of short term ratings to the
Robertstown 275/132 kV transformers

Estimated cost: <$5 million

Project category: Proposed for 2018-19 to 2022-23 NCIPAP

Timing: June 2022

Project status: Proposed

Project need and option analysis:

This project is in ElectraNet’s proposed NCIPAP for the 2018-19 to 2022-23 period.
Uprating the Robertstown 275/132 kV transformers will reduce forecast congestion
between the Riverland and the northern region of SA, where AEMO has identified that
1,400 MW of renewable generation may connect by 2020-21.

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This will increase the ratings of the Robertstown transformers by 48 MVA, alleviating
forecast constraints on Murraylink interconnector.

ElectraNet envisages that this project will impact inter regional transfer, by improving the
export capability of Murraylink interconnector.

8.6 Maximum demand

Maximum demands on South Australia’s electricity transmission network typically occur

during heatwave conditions in summer (section 5.1).

We have assessed the ability of the network to deliver maximum demand without
overload with all system elements in service, and allowing for any one item of plant to be
out of service.

As a result, we are projecting that the transmission network is adequate to supply

forecast maximum demand for the duration of the 10-year planning period. However, two
projects to reinforce 132 kV transmission lines may be needed if potential significant
spot loads connect in certain locations (Figure 8-5, with details in sections 8.6.1 and

8.6.1 Upper North region eastern 132 kV line reinforcement

Scope of work: Uprate or rebuild the Davenport to Leigh Creek 132 kV line and
establish associated substation assets (including reactive support).

Estimated cost: $60 million

Project category: Augmentation

Timing: Uncertain

Project status: Contingent – refer to Table 4 for trigger

Project need and option analysis:

The existing Davenport to Leigh Creek 132 kV transmission line was designed with a
thermal rating of 49 °C (120 °F), which has been shown to be inadequate for Australian
summer conditions. Most circuits designed and built to this standard have been uprated
or replaced. However, the Davenport to Leigh Creek 132 kV line continues to have an
adequate rating for the small load it currently supplies at Neuroodla, the Leigh Creek
coal mine and Leigh Creek Township, so uprating or replacement has not yet been

Aerial laser survey data has revealed that, assuming the structures are mechanically
capable, the connection of a 35 MW load at Leigh Creek would require some 300 of the
total 600 spans in the existing 240 km line to be uprated to meet minimum ground
clearance requirements.

Any step load increase causing the line to exceed its thermal limit of 10 MVA would
require the line to be significantly uprated or rebuilt.

Both the timing and scope of this project are uncertain at this point in time.

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Figure 8-5: Projects that may be required if potential spot loads connect

8.6.2 Upper North region western 132 kV line reinforcement

Scope of work: Rebuild the Davenport to Pimba 132 kV line and establish
associated substation assets (including reactive support).

Estimated cost: $110 million

Project category: Augmentation

Timing: Uncertain

Project status: Contingent – refer to Table 4 for trigger

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Project need and option analysis:

The existing Davenport to Pimba 132 kV transmission line was designed with a thermal
rating of 49 °C (120 °F), which has been shown to be inadequate for Australian summer
conditions. The line has a rating of 76 MVA, as it was uprated to allow this level of
loading during the 1980s to support the initial development of Olympic Dam. That uprate
work involved lifting the lowest spans using insulated cross-arms. This uprating
represents the mechanical limit for the structures involved.

Any step load increase causing the line to exceed its thermal limit of 76 MVA would
require the line to be rebuilt.

Both the timing and scope of this project are uncertain at this point in time.

8.7 Minimum demand

For many years, minimum demands on South Australia’s electricity transmission network
typically occurred at roughly 4 AM in the morning during periods of mild weather, such
as during April and Spring. More recently, the increasing penetration of rooftop solar PV
has seen periods in the middle of the day record even lower demand levels, typically on
mild, sunny weekends or public holidays. AEMO forecasts the level of minimum demand
in South Australia to continue to decrease over the forecast period (section 5.2.1).

Low demands drawn from the transmission level can correlate closely with a decreased
dispatch of large synchronous generators, the impacts of which are considered in
section 8.3.

Our analysis has shown that high main grid voltage levels are expected to occur at such
times of extremely low demand. Investment is needed to prevent voltage levels from
exceeding equipment ratings during system normal conditions or after an unplanned
outage of any single line, transformer, or other network element.

As a result, we have determined that four projects will be needed over the 10-year
planning period to manage the impact of declining minimum demand (Figure 8-6, details
in sections 8.7.1 to 8.7.4).

8.7.1 Install a 50 Mvar 275 kV switched reactor at Templers West

Scope of work: Install a switched 50 Mvar 275 kV reactor at Templers West

Estimated cost: <$5 million

Project category: Security/Compliance

Timing: November 2018

Project status: RIT-T to be commenced in second half of 2017

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Figure 8-6: Projects that are proposed to manage the impact of declining minimum demand

Project need and option analysis:

Studies have shown that steady-state voltage levels on the South Australian
transmission system may breach 110% at times of low demand from 2018-19, following
a single contingency event of an in-service generator or significant item of reactive
control plant. This can be addressed by installing an additional 50 Mvar 275 kV reactor
in 2018 to limit high voltage levels on the transmission network at times of low system

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Studies indicate that installing this reactor at Templers West will optimise the benefit.

As this planned reactor in combination with the other reactors planned at Blyth West and
Para (sections 8.7.2 and 0) target a similar identified need and the total cost exceeds $6
million, the RIT-T will be applied to the proposed series of investments to the RIT-T. A
more detailed options analysis, including consideration of network support options, is
planned to be done as part of the RIT-T for this project.

ElectraNet does not envisage that this project will have any material impact on inter-
regional transfer.

8.7.2 Install a 50 Mvar 275 kV switched reactor at Blyth West

Scope of work: Install a switched 50 Mvar 275 kV reactor at Blyth West

Estimated cost: <$5 million

Project category: Security/Compliance

Timing: August 2021

Project status: Proposed

Project need and option analysis:

Studies have shown that steady-state voltage levels on the South Australian
transmission system may breach 110% at times of low demand from 2021–22, following
a single contingency event of an in-service generator or significant item of reactive
control plant. This can be addressed by installing an additional 50 Mvar 275 kV reactor
in 2021 to limit high voltage levels on the transmission network at times of low system

Studies indicate that installing this reactor at Blyth West, along with the reactor proposed
for Templers West in 2018 (section 8.7.1) will optimise the benefit. A more detailed
options analysis, including consideration of network support options, is planned to be
done as part of the RIT-T for the Templers West reactor project.

ElectraNet does not envisage that this project will have any material impact on inter-
regional transfer.

8.7.3 Install a second 50 Mvar 275 kV switched reactor at Para

Scope of work: Install a second switched 50 Mvar 275 kV reactor at Para

Estimated cost: <$5 million

Project category: Security/Compliance

Timing: August 2023

Project status: Proposed

Project need and option analysis:

Studies have shown that steady-state voltage levels on the South Australian
transmission system may again breach 110% at times of low demand from 2023–24,
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following a single contingency event of an in-service generator or significant item of

reactive control plant. This can be addressed by installing an additional 50 Mvar 275 kV
reactor in 2023 to limit high voltage levels on the transmission network at times of low
system demand.

Studies indicate that installing this reactor at Para, along with the reactors proposed for
Templers West in 2018 (section 8.7.1) and Blyth West in 2021 (section 8.7.2) will
optimise the benefit. A more detailed options analysis, including consideration of network
support options, is planned to be done as part of the RIT-T for the Templers West
reactor project.

ElectraNet does not envisage that this project will have any material impact on inter-
regional transfer.

8.7.4 Install an additional 50 Mvar 275 kV switched reactor in the Mid North

Scope of work: Install an additional switched 50 Mvar 275 kV reactor in the Mid

Estimated cost: <$5 million

Project category: Security/Compliance

Timing: Before August 2027

Project status: Proposed

Project need and option analysis:

AEMO’s 2016 NEFR forecast that minimum demand supplied by SA’s transmission
network may drop to below zero from summer 2027-28 (that is, continued rooftop solar
PV installations would reach a level that will more than offset consumer demand).
ElectraNet’s studies show that steady-state voltage levels on the South Australian
transmission system may again breach 110% at such times of low demand, following a
single contingency event of an in-service generator or significant item of reactive control
plant. This can be addressed by installing an additional 50 Mvar 275 kV reactor before
August 2027, to limit high voltage levels on the transmission network at times of low
system demand.

Studies indicate that installing this reactor at a suitable location in the Mid North, along
with the reactors proposed for Templers West in 2018 (section 8.7.1), Blyth West in
2021 (section 8.7.2), and Para (section 0) will optimise the benefit.

ElectraNet does not envisage that this project will have any material impact on inter-
regional transfer.

8.8 Maximum fault levels

For safety reasons, transmission system maximum fault levels should not exceed the
fault rating of the bus or any equipment in that part of the system at any time for any
plausible network configuration. It is also important that the fault level at a substation
does not exceed the fault rating of the earth grid to prevent excessive earth potential

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Based on the 2016 NTNDP least cost generation expansion plan, there will be minimal
new conventional generation built in South Australia within the next ten years.
Substation fault levels were assessed (Appendix E) to ensure they will remain within
design and equipment limits.

8.9 Emergency Control Schemes

Effective 6 April 2017, the AEMC implemented a new rule to establish a framework for
the consideration and management of power system frequency risks arising from non-
credible contingency events.45

The framework has three main parts.

1. Power System Frequency Review
AEMO is obliged to collaborate with TNSPs to undertake an integrated, periodic
review of power system frequency risks associated with non-credible contingency
events at least every two years, with the first review expected to be completed by
April 2018.
2. New and improved emergency frequency control schemes
Where the Power System Frequency Review identifies the need for new or
modified emergency control schemes, the RIT-T or RIT-D is to be used to assess
the economic case for the change, in accordance with the existing framework for
3. The declaration and management of a Protected Event
Where the Power System Frequency Review identifies one or more non-credible
contingency events which AEMO considers it may be economically efficient to
manage using operational measures in addition to some limited load or generation
shedding, AEMO will submit a request to the Reliability Panel to have the event
declared a “protected event”. The Reliability Panel will then perform an economic
assessment, and declare the event a protected event if the benefits of managing
the event outweigh the costs.
After a protected event has been declared, AEMO will operate the power system
so that the power system security standards will be maintained if the protected
event were to occur.
If the Reliability Panel’s assessment shows that a new or modified emergency
frequency control scheme is an efficient investment to manage the protected
event, the Panel will define the target capabilities of the scheme. NSPs would be
required to design, implement and monitor the scheme in accordance with the
standard, and would be exempt from applying the RIT-T or RIT-D.

AEMO is yet to undertake the first power system frequency review. However, ElectraNet
and AEMO have previously collaborated to develop an Over Frequency Generation
Shedding Scheme (section 8.9.1), and have commenced collaboration to design a
special protection scheme to protect the South Australian electricity system against the
risks of certain non-credible events (section 8.9.2).

45 Details available at aemc.gov.au/Rule-Changes/Emergency-frequency-control-schemes-for-excess-gen.

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8.9.1 Implement a coordinated Over Frequency Generation Shedding scheme

Scope of work: Implement an Over-frequency Generation Shedding (OFGS)

scheme for South Australian wind farms, including a backup
scheme on the network side of the wind farm connections

Estimated cost: <$5 million

Project category: Security/Compliance

Timing: 2017

Project status: Committed

Project need and option analysis:

AEMO has identified that uncontrolled generator trips could happen if an unplanned
outage of the Heywood interconnector occurred at a time when generation from South
Australian wind farms exceeded South Australian demand. To address this risk, AEMO
and ElectraNet are working together to implement a coordinated OFGS scheme, to trip
excess generation in a controlled order to restore the balance between supply and
demand and allow the South Australian frequency to recover to within the frequency
operating standards.

The OFGS scheme will operate by tripping South Australian wind farms in a pre-
determined sequence starting at 51.0 Hz, with those that make the smallest contribution
to system inertia tripped earliest in the sequence.

8.9.2 Protect against system islanding for the non-credible loss of multiple generators

Scope of work: Implement a Special Protection Scheme to maintain system

security and prevent the islanding of the South Australian power
system during non-credible events

Estimated cost: $4-8 million

Project category: Security/Compliance

Timing: Stage 1: 31 December 2017, Stage 2: 2019-20

Project status: Planned

Project need and option analysis:

As part of AEMO’s final report into the South Australian black system event on 28
September 201646, AEMO found that because of the difficulties in forming a stable island
in South Australia, it would be preferable to avoid islanding if at all possible.

As a result, the AEMO report included a recommendation (Recommendation 8) for

AEMO to work with ElectraNet to investigate the feasibility of developing a Special
Protection Scheme (SPS). The SPS will be designed to operate in response to sudden
excessive flows on the Heywood interconnector, to initiate load shedding quickly enough
to prevent separation.

46 March 2017 AEMO report – Black System South Australia 28 September 2016, available from aemo.com.au
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ElectraNet and AEMO are currently consulting together on the design of such an SPS.
The SPS is proposed to be developed in a staged approach:

Stage 1: Develop an interim special protection scheme to mitigate risks to the South
Australian system by implementing very rapid load shedding to:
 help quickly restore the balance between supply and demand following
the loss of multiple generators in South Australia
 reduce the risk separation of South Australia from the rest of the NEM.
This interim scheme is proposed to be implemented in a short time frame and
the approach will simply trip pre-identified loads, largely using existing
detection devices to deliver a practical scheme in the short time frame.

Stage 2: Develop a more sophisticated and adaptive scheme with dedicated

processors that use real time load-generation balancing algorithms, real time
measurement of loads, battery status and HVDC interconnector flows. The
approach will be to use predictive methods to more accurately identify the
amount of load that needs to be tripped, after taking into account the
available response from devices that can provide rapid power injection and
load relief. The SPS will initiate action after the loss of multiple generators
within South Australia, to restore the balance between supply and demand
and thereby prevent sudden excessive flows on the Heywood interconnector
and the loss of synchronism of the South Australian system, enabling South
Australia to remain connected to the rest of the NEM.

Chapter 8 Transmission Network Development Plan Page 82 of 134

South Australian Transmission
Annual Planning Report
June 2017
June 2017

Appendix A Transmission Planning Framework

A1 South Australian electricity market framework

A1.1 Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)

AEMO has the responsibility of national transmission planner conferred on it under the national
electricity law. The South Australian Energy Minister has also requested AEMO perform certain
additional functions in the South Australian jurisdiction.

Among its other functions, AEMO is required to provide information regarding the South
Australian power system that includes:
 performance assessments of connection points between transmission and distribution
 any areas of current or future congestion on the transmission network
 generation dispatch scenarios
 historical fuel use for electricity generation and an assessment of fuel availability to
support future electricity production
 estimated greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity supply options
 existing and potential future electricity supply options
 the forecast balance between supply and demand and whether that balance falls within the
national guidelines for reliability
 the historical and forecast future demand for electricity based on both seasonal peak
usage and aggregate energy usage.

AEMO provides the above information in a collection of advisory reports for South Australia, which
are released during each year (available on AEMO’s South Australian Advisory Functions47
webpage), and in the NTNDP which is published annually in December.

A1.2 Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA)

The Essential Services Commission Act 2002, together with the Electricity Act 1996 and
regulations, establishes the Essential Services Commission of South Australia with regulatory
powers in relation to regulated industries.

Those powers include the ability to make codes, rules and guidelines, and to undertake
performance monitoring. This legislation is intended to support competitive markets in the
electricity supply industry, and provide regulatory oversight of the monopoly transmission and
distribution network sectors of the industry.

Major features of the regulatory regime include the establishment of:

 the Essential Services Commission, with specified regulatory powers in relation to the
electricity supply industry, and with significant independence from Government.
 the Energy & Water Ombudsman SA scheme (EWOSA Scheme) which provides
customers of licensed transmission, distribution and retail businesses with access to free
and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.

47 Available at aemo.com.au.
Appendix A Transmission Planning Framework Page 84 of 134
June 2017

 the establishment of the Technical Regulator, under Part 2 of the Electricity Act 1996,
which has responsibility for specified technical and safety matters in relation to the
electricity supply industry.

The principal functions and powers of the Essential Services Commission in relation to the
electricity supply industry include:
 administering the licensing regime for electricity entities (generation, transmission,
distribution, system control and off-grid suppliers), including the issuing and ongoing
monitoring of those licences
 monitoring and reporting on the performance of licensed entities with regulatory obligations
imposed under Acts of Parliament, the licences they hold, industry codes, rules and
guidelines issued by the Essential Services Commission
 making industry codes regulating the behaviour of licensed entities
 enforcing compliance with licensees’ regulatory obligations, including undertaking
enforcement action as appropriate.

A1.3 National Electricity Rules

The Rules prescribe a TNSP’s obligations with regard to network connection, network planning,
network pricing and establishing or making modifications to connection points. In addition, the
Rules detail the technical obligations that apply to all registered participants.

ElectraNet must plan and operate its transmission network in accordance with the mandated
reliability and security standards set out in the Rules.

Clause S5.1.2.1 Credible contingency events of the Rules sets out the following mandatory
requirements on TNSPs:

Network Service Providers must plan, maintain and operate their transmission and distribution
networks to allow the transfer of power from generating units to Customers with all facilities or
equipment associated with the power system in service and may be required by a Registered
Participant under a connection agreement to continue to allow the transfer of power with certain
facilities or plant associated with the power system out of service, whether or not accompanied by
the occurrence of certain faults (called credible contingency events).

In practical terms, this obligation requires the non-radial portions of the power system to be
planned with a system normal network (N) being able to withstand a single credible contingency
(N-1) without compromising the integrity of the network.

Chapter 4 of the Rules outlines system security requirements. This includes the requirement that
even during planned outages, the transmission system must have sufficient redundancy or, if this
is not inherent in the network, automatic control systems in place to return the network to a secure
operating state following a credible contingency event.

The rules are available at www.aemc.gov.au.

At time of publication, the current version of the Rules is Version 92.

Appendix A Transmission Planning Framework Page 85 of 134

June 2017

A2 ElectraNet’s responsibilities under the Rules

ElectraNet is the principal TNSP and the Jurisdictional Planning Body for South Australia under
clause 11.28.2 of the Rules. Chapter 5 of the Rules deals with a TNSP’s obligations with regard to
network connection, network planning and establishing or modifying a connection point, including
technical obligations that apply to all Registered Participants. In addition to the Rules, ElectraNet
is also required to comply with the South Australian Electricity Transmission Code (ETC) as
discussed earlier in Appendix A.

ElectraNet’s main planning and development responsibilities with regard to the South Australian
transmission network are to:
 ensure that the network is planned, designed, constructed, operated and maintained with
the safety of the public and workers as the paramount consideration
 ensure that the network is operated with sufficient capability to provide the minimum level
of transmission network services required by customers
 ensure that the network complies with technical and reliability standards contained in the
Rules and jurisdictional instruments such as the ETC
 ensure that the network is planned, developed and operated such that there will be no
requirements to shed load to achieve the Rules quality and reliability standards under
normal and foreseeable operating conditions
 conduct joint planning with DNSPs and other TNSPs whose networks are connected to the
transmission network. That is, SA Power Networks, APA (Murraylink operator and
part-owner) and AEMO
 provide information to registered participants and interested parties on projected network
limitations and the required timeframes for action
 develop recommendations to address projected network limitations through joint planning
with DNSPs and consultation with registered participants and interested parties. Solutions
may include network upgrades or non-network options, such as local generation and
demand side management initiatives.

ElectraNet is also an active participant in inter-regional planning, providing advice on network

developments which may have a material inter-network impact and participating in inter-regional
system tests associated with new or augmented interconnections.

A2.1 Transmission annual planning report

ElectraNet has conducted an annual planning review by analysing the expected future operation
of the South Australian transmission network over a 10-year period, taking into account relevant
forecast loads and future generation, market network service, demand side and transmission

In accordance with clause 5.12.1(b) of the Rules, ElectraNet’s annual planning review:
 incorporates forecast demand, as submitted by SA Power Networks and direct connect
customers or modified by ElectraNet in accordance with clause 5.11.1 of the Rules
 includes a review of the adequacy of existing connection points and relevant parts of the
transmission system and planning proposals for future connection points
 takes into account AEMO’s most recent NTNDP

Appendix A Transmission Planning Framework Page 86 of 134

June 2017

 considers the potential for augmentations, or non-network alternatives to augmentations,

that are likely to provide a net economic benefit to all those who produce, consume and
transport electricity in the market.

The results of ElectraNet’s annual planning review are published in this 2017 Transmission
Annual Planning Report as required by clause 5.12.2(a) of the Rules. Clause 5.12.2(c) states the
information that must be presented within the Transmission Annual Planning Report. Clause
5.12.2(c) is reproduced within the Compliance Checklist that appears at Appendix A, which
demonstrates ElectraNet’s assessment of compliance with the requirements of the Rules.

A2.2 Regulatory Investment test for transmission (RIT-T)

Investments in transmission network infrastructure are subject to the requirements of the RIT-T.
The RIT-T is an economic cost benefit analysis which is used to assess and rank alternative
electricity investment options.

ElectraNet applies the RIT-T, as promulgated by the Australian Energy Regulator in accordance
with clauses 5.15 and 5.16 of the Rules and with the AER’s regulatory investment test for
transmission (RIT-T) and application guidelines.48 The RIT-T is designed to deliver solutions to
identified network limitations that maximise the present value of net economic benefits to all those
who produce, consume and transport electricity in the NEM. Solutions to network limitations may
include both network and non-network options.

Clause 5.16.3(a) of the Rules requires ElectraNet apply the RIT-T to all transmission investments
with the exception of:
 urgent or unforeseen network issues that would otherwise put at risk the reliability of the
transmission network
 investments where the estimated capital cost of the most expensive feasible option is less
than $6 million
 replacement and maintenance projects where the estimated capital cost of the
augmentation component (if there is one) is less than $6 million
 network reconfigurations that have an estimated capital cost of less than $6 million, or
otherwise, are likely to have no material impact on network users
 connection assets
 negotiated transmission service investments
 protected event Emergency Frequency Control Scheme investment that is also not
intended to augment the transmission network.

The RIT-T assesses the costs and market benefits of transmission investments with the solution
delivering the highest benefit on a net present value basis being deemed to pass the test.49

48 Available at https://www.aer.gov.au/networks-pipelines/guidelines-schemes-models-reviews/regulatory-investment-
49 Where the investment is undertaken for a reliability corrective action, a preferred option may have a negative net
economic benefit (that is, a net economic cost).
Appendix A Transmission Planning Framework Page 87 of 134
June 2017

Registered participants and interested parties have an opportunity and are encouraged to be
involved during the RIT-T consultation process. In particular, proponents are invited to submit
details of potential non-network options such as generation, market network services and demand
side management initiatives that are technically and economically feasible and that reliably satisfy
the identified network limitation. Details of proposed non-network solutions can be submitted to
[email protected]. All RIT-T reports published by ElectraNet and non confidential
submissions received during the consultation process are available from electranet.com.au.

provides a summary of the process followed by ElectraNet when undertaking the RIT-T.

Determine the Develop a base Identify Determine costs Determine net

identified need case and reasonable and market economic
• Why an credible options scenarios benefits benefit
investment is • Address the • Use a set of • Assess • Quantify the
needed in the identified need variables or reasonable expected net
transmission parameters that scenarios of economic
network • Feasible are not future supply benefit of each
commercially expected to and demand for credible option
and technically change across each credible • Identify the
each of the option and preferred option
relevant credible compare to with the highest
• Sufficient time options or the existing no- expected net
to implement base case change situation economic

Figure A-1: ElectraNet's approach to the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T) process

A3 ElectraNet’s responsibilities under the Electricity Transmission Code (ETC)

The ETC sets minimum standards for transmission system redundancy and restoration times at
each transmission load connection point and requirements relating to planning, developing and
operating the South Australian transmission system. The Essential Services Commission of South
Australia (ESCOSA) is the body responsible for the ETC.

ESCOSA most recently amended the reliability standards contained in the ETC to be effective
from 1 July 2018 (Table A-1).50

50 The full version of the ETC version TC/09 is available at escosa.sa.gov.au.

Appendix A Transmission Planning Framework Page 88 of 134
June 2017

Table A-1: Summary of ETC redundancy requirements

Load category 1 2 3 4 5
Generally applies to… Small loads, Significant Medium-sized Medium-sized Adelaide
country radials, country radials loads with non- loads and large central
direct connect firm backup loads business
customers district (CBD)
Transmission line capacity
'N' capacity 100% of agreed maximum demand (AMD)
'N-1' capacity Nil 100% of AMD
'N-1' continuous capability Nil 100% of AMD for loss of single
transmission line or network
support arrangement
Restoration time to 'N' 2 days 1 hour 12 hours (or 4 4 hours for
standard after outage (as hours if 176 MW
soon as practicable – best grouped with
endeavours) category 5
Restoration time to 'N-1' N/A As soon as practicable - best endeavours
standard after outage
Transformer capacity
'N' capacity 100% of AMD
'N-1' capacity Nil 100% of AMD
'N-1' continuous capability None stated 100% of AMD Nil 100% of AMD for loss of single
for loss of transformer or network support
single arrangement
transformer or
Restoration time to 'N' 8 days 1 hour 12 hours (or 4 4 hours for
standard after outage (as hours if 176 MW
soon as practicable – best grouped with
endeavours) category 5
Restoration time to 'N-1' N/A As soon as practicable – best endeavours
standard after outage
Spare transformer Sufficient spares of each type to meet standards in the event of a failure
Allowed period to comply N/A 12 months
with required contingency
standard following a
change in forecast AMD
that causes the specific
reliability standard to be

Note: the provision of 'N' and 'N-1' equivalent capacity, as described by the ETC, includes the capacity that
is provided by in-place network support arrangements through distribution system capability, generator
capability, load interruptability, or any combination of these services.

Appendix A Transmission Planning Framework Page 89 of 134

South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Appendix B Compliance checklist

This section sets out a compliance checklist which demonstrates the compliance of ElectraNet’s
2017 Transmission Annual Planning Report with the requirements of clause 5.12.2(c) of version
92 of the Rules.

Table B-1: Compliance Checklist

Summary of requirements Section

The Transmission Annual Planning Report must be consistent with the TAPR Guidelines 51 and set out:
(1) the forecast loads submitted by a Distribution Network Service Provider in Chapter 5, and
accordance with clause 5.11.1 or as modified in accordance with clause the 2017 South
5.11.1(d), including at least: Australian
(i) a description of the forecasting methodology, sources of input information, Connection Point
and the assumptions applied in respect of the forecast loads; Forecasts
(ii) a description of high, most likely and low growth scenarios in respect of the
forecast loads;
(iii) an analysis and explanation of any aspects of forecast loads provided in the
Transmission Annual Planning Report that have changed significantly from
forecasts provided in the Transmission Annual Planning Report from the
previous year; and
(iv) an analysis and explanation of any aspects of forecast loads provided in the
Transmission Annual Planning Report from the previous year which are
significantly different from the actual outcome;
(2) planning proposals for future connection points; Section 6.4
(3) a forecast of constraints and inability to meet the network performance Chapter 8
requirements set out in schedule 5.1 or relevant legislation or regulations of a
participating jurisdiction over 1, 3 and 5 years, including at least:
(i) a description of the constraints and their causes;
(ii) the timing and likelihood of the constraints;
(iii) a brief discussion of the types of planned future projects that may address
the constraints over the next 5 years, if such projects are required; and
(iv) sufficient information to enable an understanding of the constraints and how
such forecasts were developed;
(4) in respect of information required by subparagraph (3), where an estimated N/A
reduction in forecast load would defer a forecast constraint for a period of 12
months, include:
(i) the year and months in which a constraint is forecast to occur;
(ii) the relevant connection points at which the estimated reduction in forecast
load may occur;
(iii) the estimated reduction in forecast load in MW needed; and
(iv) a statement of whether the Transmission Network Service Provider plans to
issue a request for proposals for augmentation or a non-network option
identified by the annual planning review conducted under clause 5.12.1(b)
and if so, the expected date the request will be issued;

51 The first TAPR Guideline is yet to be developed by the AER.

52 Available at electranet.com.au
Appendix B Compliance Checklist Page 90 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Summary of requirements Section

(5) for all proposed augmentations to the network the following information, in Sections 8.3 to
sufficient detail relative to the size or significance of the project and the 8.8
proposed operational date of the project:
(i) project/asset name and the month and year in which it is proposed that the
asset will become operational;
(ii) the reason for the actual or potential constraint, if any, or inability, if any, to
meet the network performance requirements set out in schedule 5.1 or
relevant legislation or regulations of a participating jurisdiction, including
load forecasts and all assumptions used;
(iii) the proposed solution to the constraint or inability to meet the network
performance requirements identified in subparagraph (ii), if any;
(iv) total cost of the proposed solution;
(v) whether the proposed solution will have a material inter-network impact. In
assessing whether an augmentation to the network will have a material
inter-network impact a Transmission Network Service Provider must have
regard to the objective set of criteria published by AEMO in accordance with
clause 5.21 (if any such criteria have been published by AEMO); and
(vi) other reasonable network options and non-network options considered to
address the actual or potential constraint or inability to meet the network
performance requirements identified in subparagraph (ii), if any. Other
reasonable network and non-network options include, but are not limited to,
interconnectors, generation options, demand side options, market network
service options and options involving other transmission and distribution
(6) the manner in which the proposed augmentations relate to the most recent Section 4.1
NTNDP and the development strategies for current or potential national
transmission flow paths that are specified in that NTNDP;
(6A) for proposed new or modified emergency frequency control schemes, the Section 8.9
manner in which the project relates to the most recent power system frequency
risk review;
(7) for all proposed replacement transmission network assets: Table G-3
(i) a brief description of the new replacement transmission network asset
project, including location;
(ii) the date from which the Transmission Network Service Provider proposes
that the proposed new replacement transmission network asset will become
(iii) the purpose of the proposed new replacement transmission network asset;
(iv) a list of any reasonable network options or non-network options to the
proposed new replacement transmission network asset which are being, or
have been, considered by the Transmission Network Service Provider (if
any). Those alternatives include, but are not limited to, interconnectors,
generation options, demand side options, market network service options
and options involving other transmission or distribution networks; and
(v) the Transmission Network Service Provider's estimated total capitalised
expenditure on the proposed new replacement transmission network asset;
(8) any information required to be included in an Transmission Annual Planning N/A
Report under clause 5.16.3(c) in relation to a network investment which is
determined to be required to address an urgent and unforeseen network issue;
(9) emergency controls in place under clause S5.1.8, including the Network Service Sections 3.5.5
Provider’s assessment of the need for new or altered emergency controls under and 8.9
that clause;
(10) facilities in place under clause S5.1.10; and Section 3.5.5

Appendix B Compliance Checklist Page 91 of 134

South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Summary of requirements Section

(11) an analysis and explanation of any other aspects of the Transmission Annual Executive
Planning Report that have changed significantly from the preceding year’s Summary
Transmission Annual Planning Report, including the reasons why the changes
have occurred; and
(12) the results of joint planning (if any) undertaken with a Transmission Network Sections 3.5.1,
Service Provider under clause 5.14.3 in the preceding year, including a 3.5.3, 3.5.5, 8.4,
summary of the process and methodology used by the Transmission Network and 8.9
Service Providers to undertake joint planning and the outcomes of that joint

Appendix B Compliance Checklist Page 92 of 134

South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Appendix C Regional networks

ElectraNet's Main Grid (Figure 2-2) is connected to seven regional networks and two
interconnectors of varying transfer capability (Appendix D) that connect South Australia to the
Victorian region of the NEM.

C1 Metropolitan region

The 275 kV transmission Metropolitan region includes connection points that service the Adelaide
central business district (CBD) and metropolitan residential, commercial and industrial loads
(Figure C-1). Over 80% of the South Australian population is contained within and serviced by the
metropolitan transmission region. As the Adelaide metropolitan region has expanded, the 66 kV
network has been progressively developed to accommodate the demand for electricity. The
development of the interconnected 66 kV network has required sources of 275/66 kV injection to
be established at strategic locations to meet the demand, and to provide an acceptable level of
supply reliability.

Figure C-1: Metropolitan transmission network and supply region

Appendix C Regional Networks Page 93 of 134

South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

C2 Eastern Hills region

The Eastern Hills 132 kV transmission system (Figure C-2) supplies six major load centres and
electricity to five SA Power Networks connection point substations as well as seven SA Water
pumping stations. The Eastern Hills derives its supply from the Main Grid 275 kV network via
three 275/132 kV substations. The Eastern Hills network has been developed progressively since
1954, and has subsequently been overlaid by the 275 kV Main Grid transmission network. The
Eastern Hills 132 kV system runs in parallel with the main 275 kV system that forms part of
Heywood interconnection. As a consequence, power flows in the Eastern Hills are determined by
flows on the Heywood interconnector as well as loads supplied within the region.

Figure C-2: Eastern Hills transmission network and supply region

Appendix C Regional Networks Page 94 of 134

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June 2017

C3 Mid North region

The Mid North 132 kV sub-transmission system network (Figure C-3) supplies five major load
centres as well as the Barossa Valley and Yorke Peninsula regions. It is supplied from the Main
Grid 275 kV system via five 275/132 kV substations. It is also connected to the 132 kV Eastern
Hills sub-transmission system at Para, and the 132 kV Riverland sub-transmission system at
Robertstown. The Mid North system has been developed progressively since 1952 and now
operates in parallel with the Main Grid system that connects the major sources of generation in
the Mid North region with the Adelaide metropolitan load centre. As a consequence, power flows
in the Mid North are not only determined by the loads that must be supplied within the region, but
also by flows on the Murraylink interconnector and flows on the Main Grid between Davenport and
the Metropolitan region.

Figure C-3: Mid North transmission network and supply region

Appendix C Regional Networks Page 95 of 134

South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

C4 Riverland region

The Riverland 132 kV transmission system (Figure C-4) comprises a network that supplies six
major load centres, numerous SA Water pumping stations and SA Power Networks' connection
point substations. It derives its electricity supply from the Main Grid through two 275/132 kV
transformers located at the Robertstown substation and from the Murraylink interconnector. The
Riverland system has been progressively developed since 1953 and comprises two 132 kV
circuits that essentially connect the Robertstown and Berri substations via a number of
intermediate connection points. The system is a connection point for the Murraylink interconnector
that connects South Australia to Victoria. As a consequence, power flows in the Riverland sub-
transmission system are determined by both the loads supplied within the region and flows on this

Figure C-4: Riverland transmission network and supply region

Appendix C Regional Networks Page 96 of 134

South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

C5 South East region

The South East region (Figure C-5) contains a mixture of electrical loads including agricultural;
light and heavy industrial; rural; urban; and commercial. The South East 132 kV transmission
system supplies ten major load centres and it derives its supply from the Main Grid via 275/132
kV substations located at Tailem Bend and South East. The network was extended to Tailem
Bend in 1976 and a 275/132 kV substation was established there to feed into South East. Gas
turbine generating plant was installed at Snuggery in 1980 and a 132/33 kV substation
constructed at Blanche in 1981. The South East network was further augmented in 1989 when the
275/132 kV South East substation was established just north of Mount Gambier and connected to
the Kincraig Mount Gambier 132 kV line. The South East substation was also connected to the
Victorian transmission system at Heywood 500/275 kV substation.

Figure C-5: South East transmission network and supply region

Appendix C Regional Networks Page 97 of 134

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June 2017

C6 Eyre Peninsula region

The Eyre Peninsula (Figure C-6) contains a mixture of electrical loads including agricultural; light
and heavy industrial; rural; urban and commercial. The Eyre Peninsula 132 kV transmission
network is characterised by long radial lines and is supplied from the Main Grid via the 275/132
kV Cultana substation. The major industrial centre of Whyalla is supplied from Cultana by 132 kV
lines, which are operated in parallel. The 275 kV network in Eyre Peninsula was extended from
Port Augusta to Cultana in 1993. From 2014, the 132 kV lines that formerly connected Whyalla to
Davenport have been reconfigured so that Whyalla and Middleback are now connected directly to
Cultana at 132 kV.

Figure C-6: Eyre Peninsula transmission network and supply region

Appendix C Regional Networks Page 98 of 134

South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

C7 Upper North region

The Upper North 132kV sub-transmission network (Figure C-7) supplies major mining loads and a
mix of agricultural, industrial, rural, urban and commercial loads. Its supply comes from the Main
Grid via a 275/132 kV Davenport substation (near Port Augusta), which also supplies the region’s
major commercial centre. The Upper North sub-transmission network comprises two radial 132 kV
lines that run from Davenport to Leigh Creek and Woomera respectively. These lines supply a
number of intermediate sites along their routes and provide connection to several regional
communities. A 275 kV connection point was provided at Davenport in 1998 to facilitate
expansion of mining operations at Olympic Dam and there are now two privately owned lines in
the region: the Olympic Dam to Pimba 132 kV line and the Davenport to Olympic Dam 275 kV

Figure C-7: Upper North transmission network and supply region

Appendix C Regional Networks Page 99 of 134

South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Appendix D Inter-regional transfer capacity

The combined maximum transfer capability for import into South Australia from Victoria under
system normal operating conditions is currently 820 MW across the Heywood (section D1) and
Murraylink (section D2) interconnectors.

The interconnector transfer capability will change once the full upgraded capacity of the Heywood
interconnector has been released, which will occur after the completion of interconnected network
tests. The combined maximum transfer capability between South Australia and Victoria under
system normal operating conditions will then increase to 870 MW across the Heywood and
Murraylink interconnectors.

D1 Heywood interconnector

The new upgraded Heywood interconnector comprises a double circuit 275 kV transmission line
from South East substation in South Australia to Heywood substation in Victoria, where three
275/500 kV transformers make the connection to the Victorian 500 kV transmission system.

Heywood interconnector transfer capacity is principally limited by thermal and voltage stability
related constraints. There are also small signal oscillatory constraints on the South Australian

These limitations may result in constrained power flows from time to time.

D1.1 Import and export capability

The import capability of the interconnector is defined by three types of equations (for system
normal operating conditions).

1. Thermal transfer capability

This equation is determined by AEMO and is based on plant and equipment rating
parameters provided by ElectraNet as the asset owner.

The South East region 275 kV and 132 kV networks operate in parallel. Generation
installed in the South East 132 kV transmission system tends to displace import on the
Heywood interconnector. In accordance with the Rules, Schedule S5.2.5.12, generation is
allowed to connect to existing networks and displace interconnection flows into a region
but by no more than on a one-for-one basis.

2. Long term and short term voltage stability transfer capability

The import capability of the Heywood interconnector due to long term and short term
voltage stability constraints under system normal operating conditions has been revised to
take into account all recently completed projects in South Australia and Victoria.

ElectraNet has developed one set of long term steady state voltage limit equations and
one set of short term voltage stability limit equations to cover the majority of network
operating conditions, using the largest output of a single generating unit as a term in the
equations. Limit equations are based on system load indices of Np = 1.4 and Nq = 3.0.

The SA system normal equations are included in Section D1.2 of this Transmission Annual
Planning Report.

Appendix D Inter-Regional Transfer Capacity Page 100 of 134

South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

3. Oscillatory Stability Transfer Capability

The oscillatory stability import and export limit in South Australia under various system
operating conditions depends on the number of thermal plants online in South Australia
with Power System Stabilisers installed.

System studies assessed the minimum number of conventional generators required online
to maintain SA import and export capability up to 870 MW and 810 MW. Results confirmed
that at least three independent conventional generators with their Power System Stabiliser
in service are required to be online at all times in order to ensure that maximum
interconnector capability is available.

D1.2 Heywood interconnector transfer limit equations

The import and export capability of the Heywood interconnector due to long term voltage stability
under system normal operating conditions has been updated to take account of all recently
completed projects in South Australia, as well as the Heywood interconnector upgrade project.
These updated South Australian system normal import and export equations, which will apply
after the full capacity of the upgraded Heywood interconnector has been released, are shown

Long term voltage stability transfer capability based on SA largest generation loss

SA import transfer capability [MW] = C1*SESA DEM + C2*LAD + C3*LB1 + C4*CAN + C5*LB2 +
SESA DEM = total South-East Region demand in MW (Keith, Kincraig, Snuggery,
Blanche, Mt Gambier, Penola West)
C1 = 2.03
Lad = Ladbroke Grove Power Station output in MW
C2 = -0.52
LB1 = Lake Bonney Wind Farm Stage 1 output in MW
C3 = -0.65
Can = Canunda Wind Farm output in MW
C4 = -0.74
LB2 = Lake Bonney Wind Farm Stage 2 output in MW
C5 = -0.79
LB3 = Lake Bonney Wind Farm Stage 3 output in MW
C6 = -0.79
Snug = Snuggery Power Station output in MW
C7 = -1.24
SALGEN = South Australia’s largest single in-service generator in MW (largest
potential generation loss under a single credible contingency)
C8 = -1.25
Const = 917

Appendix D Inter-Regional Transfer Capacity Page 101 of 134

South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Short term voltage stability transfer capability based on SA largest generation loss

SA import transfer capability [MW] = C1*SESA DEM + C2*LAD + C3*LB1 + C4*CAN + C5*LB2 +
SESA DEM = total South East Region demand in MW (Keith, Kincraig, Snuggery,
Blanche, Mt Gambier, Penola West)
C1 = 2.13
Lad = Ladbroke Grove Power Station output in MW
C2 = -0.17
LB1 = Lake Bonney Wind Farm Stage 1 output in MW
C3 = -0.38
Can = Canunda Wind Farm output in MW
C4 = -1.30
LB2 = Lake Bonney Wind Farm Stage 2 output in MW
C5 = -0.75
LB3 = Lake Bonney Wind Farm Stage 3 output in MW
C6 = -0.75
Snug = Snuggery Power Station output in MW
C7 = -0.52
SALGEN = South Australia’s largest single in-service generator in MW (largest
potential generation loss under a single credible contingency)
C8 = -1.50
Const = 927

Long term voltage stability transfer capability based on the South East – Tailem Bend
275 kV line contingency

SA import transfer capability [MW] = C1*SESA DEM + C2*LAD + C3*LB1 + C4*CAN + C5*LB2 +
SESA DEM = total South East Region demand in MW (Keith, Kincraig, Snuggery,
Blanche, Mt Gambier, Penola West)
C1 = 1.27
Lad = Ladbroke Grove Power Station output in MW
C2 = -0.65
LB1 = Lake Bonney Wind Farm Stage 1 output in MW
C3 = -0.88
Can = Canunda Wind Farm output in MW
C4 = -0.85
LB2 = Lake Bonney Wind Farm Stage 2 output in MW
C5 = -0.92
LB3 = Lake Bonney Wind Farm Stage 3 output in MW
C6 = -0.92
Snug = Snuggery Power Station output in MW
C7 = -1.58
Const = 720

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South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Short term voltage stability transfer capability based on the South East – Tailem Bend
275 kV line contingency

SA import transfer capability [MW] = C1*SESA DEM + C2*LAD + C3*LB1 + C4*CAN + C5*LB2 +
SESA DEM = total South East Region demand in MW (Keith, Kincraig, Snuggery,
Blanche, Mt Gambier, Penola West)
C1 = 1.71
Lad = Ladbroke Grove Power Station output in MW
C2 = -0.33
LB1 = Lake Bonney Wind Farm Stage 1 output in MW
C3 = -0.84
Can = Canunda Wind Farm output in MW
C4 = -0.96
LB2 = Lake Bonney Wind Farm Stage 2 output in MW
C5 = -1.01
LB3 = Lake Bonney Wind Farm Stage 3 output in MW
C6 = -1.01
Snug = Snuggery Power Station output in MW
C7 = -1.38
Const = 680

Short term voltage stability transfer capability based on the South East – Tailem Bend
275 kV line contingency

SA import transfer capability [MW] = C1*SESA DEM + C2*LAD + C3*LB1 + C4*CAN + C5*LB2 +
SESA DEM = total South East Region demand in MW (Keith, Kincraig, Snuggery,
Blanche, Mt Gambier, Penola West)
C1 = -1.37
Lad = Ladbroke Grove Power Station output in MW
C2 = 1.11
LB1 = Lake Bonney Wind Farm Stage 1 output in MW
C3 = 0.81
Can = Canunda Wind Farm output in MW
C4 = 0.78
LB2 = Lake Bonney Wind Farm Stage 2 output in MW
C5 = 0.72
LB3 = Lake Bonney Wind Farm Stage 3 output in MW
C6 = 0.72
Snug = Snuggery Power Station output in MW
C7 = 1.74
Const = 782

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South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

D2 Murraylink interconnector

The Murraylink HVDC interconnector connects the Victorian Red Cliffs 220 kV substation to the
ElectraNet 132 kV transmission system at Monash substation near Berri. The interconnector is
designed to transfer 220 MW at the receiving end (Monash or Red Cliffs). Two 132 kV circuits on
separate structures connect Monash to Robertstown substation via North West Bend substation.
Power flows throughout the Mid North 132 kV transmission system are also influenced by
Murraylink interconnector transfers.

Network limit equations that describe limitations in the Riverland region of South Australia include
the Murraylink interconnector flow term, assuming system normal conditions.

The equations also assume the Murraylink ‘run-back’ control is operational to prevent any
unacceptable overloading of ElectraNet plant and equipment.

D2.1 Import capability

The import capability of the interconnector is 220 MW for system normal summer operating
conditions. However, it should be noted that the capability of Murraylink interconnector to inject
power into South Australia is also highly influenced by the ability of the Victorian transmission
system to supply Murraylink. Under high load conditions in Victoria this factor limits the amount of
real power that can be supplied into South Australia by Murraylink.

Generation installed in the Riverland 132 kV transmission system and in the eastern region of the
Mid North 132 kV transmission system can potentially displace import on the Murraylink
interconnector. In accordance with the Rules Schedule S5.2.5.12, generation is allowed to
connect to networks and displace interconnection flows, but by no more than on a one-for-one

D2.2 Export capability

The export capability of the interconnector under system normal operating conditions is defined by
a thermal limit transfer capability equation. This equation is determined by AEMO and is based on
plant and equipment ratings and parameters provided by ElectraNet.

Due to the complex interaction between load and generation in the different electrical sub-regions
within South Australia, it is possible for the constraint on export from South Australia to Victoria
via Murraylink to be located in the Mid North region.

There are no voltage or other stability limitations which govern the Murraylink interconnector
transfer capability into South Australia.

Appendix D Inter-Regional Transfer Capacity Page 104 of 134

South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Appendix E Fault levels and circuit breaker ratings

We have estimated the three-phase and single phase-to-ground fault levels under the 10% POE
loading conditions for the South Australian transmission system (Table E-1). The fault level
interruption capacity of the lowest rated circuit breaker(s) at each location should be taken only as
a guide.

The results are purely indicative and cannot be used for the purposes of substation design, line
design, equipment uprating or any other investment related decision making purposes. Fault
levels may be higher than shown at some locations, predominantly due to the impact of
embedded generation. Interested parties needing to consider the impacts of their proposals on
fault levels should consult ElectraNet and the distribution network service provider, SA Power
Networks, for more detailed information.

The following assumptions were made when calculating maximum fault levels:
 solid fault condition (i.e. no fault impedance modelled)
 all wind farms are online
 embedded generation at Starfish Hill, Angaston, Lonsdale, Port Stanvac, Whyalla,
Canunda and KCA is online
 system normal network configuration – all network elements are in service.

The following assumptions were made when calculating minimum fault levels:
 solid fault condition (i.e. no fault impedance modelled)
 depending on the type of wind farm, their contribution has been either assumed to be zero,
or limited to their active power rating
 embedded generation is offline
 system normal network configuration – all network elements are in service (this means that
fault levels could be lower under network element outage conditions).

Table E-1: Circuit breaker ratings and system fault levels

Location Bus Circuit 2016-17 Minimum Fault Minimum Fault

Voltage Breaker Maximum Fault Level (kA) Level (kA)
(kV) Lowest Level (kA) 2 x GTs No GTs
(kA) 3 phase 1 phase 3 phase 1 phase 3 phase 1 phase

Angas Creek 132 31.5 4.9 4.6 3.5 3.7 2.7 3.0
Angas Creek 33 13.1 5.3 6.6 4.7 6.0 4.4 5.7
Ardrossan West 132 21.9 2.6 2.6 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.5
Ardrossan West 33 17.5 4.5 3.4 3.2 2.8 3.0 2.7
Baroota 132 4.4 3.4 3.1 2.3 2.4 1.9 2.1
Baroota 33 17.5 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.4 1.6
Belalie 275 31.5 5.7 4.0 2.2 2.2 1.5 1.7
Berri 132 10.9 2.7 3.1 1.8 2.1 1.6 1.9
Berri 66 21.9 4.3 5.5 3.1 3.8 2.8 3.4

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June 2017

Location Bus Circuit 2016-17 Minimum Fault Minimum Fault

Voltage Breaker Maximum Fault Level (kA) Level (kA)
(kV) Lowest Level (kA) 2 x GTs No GTs
Berri 11 20
(kA) 11.5 9.7 9.1 7.4 8.7 7.1
Back Callington 132 31.5 4.7 4.0 3.5 3.4 2.7 2.8
Back Callington 11 25 9.0 0.6 8.5 0.6 8.2 0.6
Black Range 275 40 6.5 3.6 4.7 3.2 3.8 2.9
Black Range 275 40 8.6 4.2 4.2 3.1 2.5 2.4
Blanche 132 21.9 5.5 5.6 3.6 4.0 3.3 3.8
Blanche 33 17.5 8.4 11.4 6.9 9.5 6.7 9.3
Blyth 275 31.5 5.3 4.8 2.4 2.8 1.6 2.0
Brinkworth 275 21 5.0 4.0 2.3 2.5 1.6 1.8
Brinkworth 132 15.3 7.9 8.8 4.0 5.0 2.9 3.8
Brinkworth 33 17.5 3.0 3.7 2.7 3.4 2.6 3.3
Bungama 275 31.5 5.2 4.4 2.3 2.5 1.5 1.9
Bungama 132 10.9 7.0 8.0 3.6 4.7 2.7 3.6
Bungama 33 13.1 10.6 6.5 7.9 5.7 6.9 5.4
Canowie 275 31.5 7.5 5.4 2.2 2.5 1.5 1.9
Cherry Gardens 275 31.5 13.1 13.4 4.0 5.2 2.1 2.9
Cherry Gardens 132 15.3 7.2 7.6 4.6 5.5 3.3 4.1
City West 275 40 14.4 17.8 4.0 5.4 2.0 2.8
City West - CBD 66 40 22.6 21.9 11.4 13.1 7.1 9.0
City West - South 66 40 19.0 13.7 10.5 9.8 6.9 7.4
Clare North 132 40 6.8 6.8 3.5 3.9 2.6 3.2
Clare North 33 31.5 9.5 7.0 7.1 5.9 6.3 5.6
Cultana 275 31.5 4.9 4.8 2.0 2.5 1.5 1.9
Cultana 132 31.5 6.7 7.1 3.2 4.0 2.5 3.3
Dalrymple 132 40 2.2 2.2 0.9 1.1 0.8 1.0
Dalrymple 33 8 4.1 5.5 2.5 3.4 2.3 3.3
Davenport 275 31.5 7.0 7.3 2.4 3.1 1.6 2.2
Davenport 132 40 7.4 8.5 3.7 4.8 2.8 3.8
Davenport 33 31.5 9.5 9.5 7.2 7.9 6.4 7.3
Dorrien 132 21.9 7.2 7.4 4.0 4.7 2.9 3.6
Dorrien 33 17.5 15.6 10.5 9.3 8.1 7.8 7.4
Dry Creek_West 66 21.9 20.9 18.0 9.8 9.5 6.5 7.2
Dry Creek_East 66 21.9 20.3 18.8 9.8 9.1 6.5 7.0
East Terrace 275 N/A 12.8 13.6 3.9 5.0 2.0 2.8
East Terrace 66 31.5 23.9 23.2 11.7 13.5 7.2 9.2

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June 2017

Location Bus Circuit 2016-17 Minimum Fault Minimum Fault

Voltage Breaker Maximum Fault Level (kA) Level (kA)
(kV) Lowest Level (kA) 2 x GTs No GTs
Happy Valley 275 31.5
(kA) 12.7 13.2 4.0 5.1 2.1 2.9
Happy Valley 66 21.9 26.0 22.6 12.3 13.7 7.6 9.0
Hummocks 132 10.9 4.1 4.1 2.2 2.5 1.8 2.2
Hummocks 33 17.5 4.8 4.7 3.7 3.9 3.5 3.8
Kadina East 132 40 2.3 2.6 1.5 1.9 1.3 1.7
Kadina East 33 17.5 5.8 4.4 4.4 3.7 4.0 3.6
Kanmantoo 132 10.9 4.9 4.2 3.6 3.5 2.8 3.0
Kanmantoo 33 N/A 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.6
Kanmantoo 11 13.1 3.9 2.4 3.8 2.4 3.7 2.3
Keith 132 15.3 2.2 2.1 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.8
Keith 33 31.5 4.0 5.1 3.7 4.9 3.6 4.7
Kilburn 275 31.5 15.7 16.4 4.0 5.3 2.0 2.8
Kilburn 66 21.9 20.9 18.0 9.8 9.5 6.5 7.2
Kincraig 132 15.3 2.6 2.6 2.1 2.2 2.0 2.1
Kincraig 33 17.5 4.3 6.0 3.9 5.4 3.8 5.3
Le Fevre 275 40 19.7 23.4 4.2 5.7 2.1 2.9
Le Fevre 66 25 29.7 27.5 11.4 12.5 7.1 8.7
Leigh Creek 132 N/A 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.7
Leigh Creek 33 8.7 1.5 2.2 1.5 2.1 1.4 2.0
Leigh Creek 132 N/A 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.7
Leigh Creek 33 18.4 1.0 1.3 0.9 1.3 0.9 1.2
Magill 275 15.7 14.2 14.8 4.0 5.2 2.1 2.8
Magill 66 (1) 21.9 23.7 27.8 11.7 15.3 7.2 9.9
Magill 66 (2) 21.9 12.0 8.3 8.0 6.7 5.8 5.3
Mannum 132 40 5.0 4.9 3.7 3.9 2.8 3.3
Mannum 33 31.5 5.2 4.9 4.7 4.6 4.4 4.4
Mannum – 132 N/A 4.5 4.0 3.4 3.4 2.7 2.9
Adelaide Pump 1
Mannum – 3.3 N/A 25.4 25.3 24.7 24.9 23.9 24.4
Adelaide Pump 1
Mannum – 132 N/A 4.7 4.1 3.5 3.4 2.7 2.9
Adelaide Pump 2
Mannum – 3.3 N/A 25.5 25.5 24.7 25.0 23.9 24.5
Adelaide Pump 2

Appendix E Fault Levels and Circuit Breaker Ratings Page 107 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Location Bus Circuit 2016-17 Minimum Fault Minimum Fault

Voltage Breaker Maximum Fault Level (kA) Level (kA)
(kV) Lowest Level (kA) 2 x GTs No GTs
Mannum – 132 N/A
(kA) 4.7 4.0 3.4 3.3 2.7 2.8
Adelaide Pump 3
Mannum – 3.3 N/A 25.5 25.5 24.7 25.0 23.8 24.4
Adelaide Pump 3
Mayurra 132 40 7.4 5.8 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.8
Middleback 132 40 2.9 2.6 1.6 1.7 1.4 1.6
Middleback 33 N/A 1.5 2.1 1.4 1.9 1.4 1.9
Millbrook 132 10.9 5.3 4.7 3.6 3.7 2.7 3.0
Millbrook 3.3 N/A 18.0 18.2 17.4 17.8 17.0 17.5
Mintaro 132 20 8.0 8.3 3.7 3.8 2.7 3.1
Mobilong 132 15.3 6.1 6.3 4.3 4.8 3.2 3.9
Mobilong 33 31.5 9.3 7.0 8.0 6.4 7.1 6.1
Mokota 275 50 6.2 4.3 2.3 2.4 1.6 1.8
Monash 132 31.5 2.8 3.3 1.9 2.2 1.7 2.0
Monash 66 N/A 4.2 5.5 3.0 3.8 2.7 3.4
Morgan – Whyalla 132 15.3 4.5 4.4 2.9 3.0 2.3 2.6
Pump 1
Morgan – Whyalla 3.3 N/A 27.3 27.5 23.9 24.4 23.1 23.9
Pump 1
Morgan – Whyalla 132 15.3 5.1 4.3 3.2 3.0 2.5 2.6
Pump 2
Morgan – Whyalla 3.3 N/A 19.0 19.0 17.3 17.4 16.8 17.2
Pump 2
Morgan – Whyalla 132 15.3 8.1 7.1 4.2 4.4 3.0 3.5
Pump 3
Morgan – Whyalla 3.3 N/A 19.4 19.5 17.8 18.2 17.4 17.9
Pump 3
Morgan – Whyalla 132 15.3 9.8 8.6 4.5 4.9 3.2 3.7
Pump 4
Morgan – Whyalla 3.3 N/A 19.4 19.7 17.9 18.4 17.5 18.1
Pump 4
Morphett Vale 275 31.5 11.7 11.8 3.9 4.9 2.1 2.8
Morphett Vale 66 25 22.0 17.4 11.0 11.3 7.1 8.0
Mount Barker 132 31.5 6.7 6.7 4.4 4.9 3.2 3.9
Mount Barker 66 31.5 11.3 11.9 7.9 9.1 5.9 7.3
Mount Barker 275 40 11.2 10.5 3.9 4.7 2.1 2.8
Mount Barker 66 66 11.5 11.4 8.0 8.8 6.0 7.1

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South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Location Bus Circuit 2016-17 Minimum Fault Minimum Fault

Voltage Breaker Maximum Fault Level (kA) Level (kA)
(kV) Lowest Level (kA) 2 x GTs No GTs
Mount Gambier 132 15.3
(kA) 6.8 6.6 4.4 4.9 4.1 4.6
Mount Gambier 33 17.5 7.2 6.0 6.3 5.5 6.1 5.4
Mount Gunson 132 15.3 1.1 1.1 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.0
Mount Gunson 33 N/A 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Mount Millar 132 40 2.2 1.7 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.8
Mount Millar 33 31.5 10.3 1.4 2.3 1.2 2.2 1.2
Munno Para 275 40 12.6 11.6 3.8 4.7 2.0 2.7
Munno Para 66 40 14.1 10.6 8.8 8.0 6.1 6.5
Murray – 132 15.3 5.3 5.2 3.9 4.2 3.0 3.4
Hahndorf Pump 1
Murray – 11 N/A 12.7 13.1 12.0 12.6 11.3 12.1
Hahndorf Pump 1
Murray – 132 15.3 5.9 5.6 4.2 4.4 3.1 3.6
Hahndorf Pump 2
Murray – 11 N/A 12.9 13.3 12.2 12.8 11.5 12.3
Hahndorf Pump 2
Murray – 132 15.3 5.7 5.2 4.0 4.1 3.0 3.4
Hahndorf Pump 3
Murray – 11 N/A 13.0 13.2 12.2 12.7 11.5 12.2
Hahndorf Pump 3
Neuroodla 132 N/A 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.2
Neuroodla 33 8.7 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
New Osborne 66 40 31.9 31.0 11.5 12.5 7.1 8.7
North West Bend 132 10.9 4.5 4.7 2.9 3.1 2.3 2.7
North West Bend 66 13.1 4.7 5.3 3.5 4.0 3.1 3.7
Northfield 275 31.5 15.5 15.7 4.0 5.2 2.0 2.8
Northfield 66 31.5 27.7 24.8 12.3 13.6 7.4 9.2
Para 275 31.5 18.3 20.5 4.2 5.7 2.1 2.9
Para 132 21.9 8.5 9.0 4.8 5.8 3.3 4.2
Para 66 21.9 18.6 15.7 10.4 10.8 6.8 8.0
Para 11 N/A 32.8 28.4 28.0 24.2 24.3 21.0
Parafield 275 31.5 16.6 18.1 4.1 5.4 2.1 2.8
Gardens West
Parafield 66 31.5 18.5 15.4 10.3 10.6 6.8 7.9
Gardens West
Pelican Point 275 40 19.5 22.8 4.2 5.6 2.1 2.8
Penola West 132 31.5 5.1 5.8 3.3 3.2 3.0 3.1
Penola West 33 31.5 5.3 5.4 4.6 4.5 4.5 4.5

Appendix E Fault Levels and Circuit Breaker Ratings Page 109 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Location Bus Circuit 2016-17 Minimum Fault Minimum Fault

Voltage Breaker Maximum Fault Level (kA) Level (kA)
(kV) Lowest Level (kA) 2 x GTs No GTs
Pimba 132 31.5
(kA) 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.8
Playford 275 10.5 6.7 6.9 2.4 3.0 1.6 2.1
Playford 132 10.9 4.4 4.8 2.8 3.4 2.3 2.9
Port Lincoln 132 10.9 2.7 3.0 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.7
Port Lincoln 33 17.5 6.5 5.1 1.8 2.1 1.7 2.0
Port Lincoln 11 13.1 9.0 7.7 4.1 3.5 4.0 3.4
Port Pirie 132 40 5.6 5.9 3.2 3.8 2.5 3.1
Port Pirie 33 13.1 8.9 5.3 6.9 4.7 6.1 4.5
Redhill 132 N/A 6.6 5.4 3.5 3.6 2.6 3.0
Robertstown 275 31.5 9.3 7.4 2.9 3.4 1.8 2.3
Robertstown 132 31.5 10.9 11.0 4.8 5.7 3.3 4.2
Roseworthy 132 31.5 7.3 6.2 4.2 4.3 3.0 3.4
Roseworthy 11 25 9.0 12.5 8.4 11.6 8.1 11.2
Sleaford 132 40 2.4 1.8 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6
Snowtown 132 N/A 4.4 3.1 2.2 2.1 1.8 1.8
Snuggery 132 10.9 8.5 8.9 3.4 3.8 3.2 3.7
Snuggery 33 8.7 13.1 16.6 6.4 8.8 6.2 8.6
Snuggery 11 13.1 12.6 10.9 9.2 8.0 9.0 7.8
(Industrial) (Cap)
Sunggery (Rural) 33 8.7 3.5 4.7 3.0 4.1 3.0 4.1
Snuggery (Rural) 11 13.1 5.7 5.0 5.4 4.6 5.3 4.6
South East 275 31.5 8.7 8.6 5.9 6.5 4.8 5.6
South East 132 20 10.8 11.8 6.3 7.7 5.7 7.0
Stony Point 132 31.5 3.6 2.8 2.3 2.1 1.9 1.9
Stony Point 11 N/A 9.7 0.3 8.6 0.3 8.3 0.3
Tailem Bend 275 21 8.5 5.9 4.2 4.1 2.6 3.0
Tailem Bend 132 21.9 6.7 7.7 4.9 5.9 3.6 4.7
Tailem Bend 33 25 5.9 7.6 5.4 7.0 5.1 6.6
Templers 132 10.9 7.8 7.4 4.3 4.8 3.0 3.7
Templers 33 8.7 10.1 7.3 7.9 6.4 6.9 6.0
Templers West 275 31.5 8.4 7.3 3.2 3.7 1.8 2.4
Templers West 132 40 7.4 7.1 4.3 4.8 3.0 3.7
Quarantine 1 66 N/A 14.5 14.0 7.3 6.3 5.3 5.3

Appendix E Fault Levels and Circuit Breaker Ratings Page 110 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Location Bus Circuit 2016-17 Minimum Fault Minimum Fault

Voltage Breaker Maximum Fault Level (kA) Level (kA)
(kV) Lowest Level (kA) 2 x GTs No GTs
Quarantine 2 66 N/A
(kA) 16.6 12.9 7.9 6.5 5.6 5.4
Torrens Island 275 31.5 20.7 25.7 4.3 5.9 2.1 2.9
Torrens Island 66 40 32.2 30.9 11.6 12.9 7.1 8.9
Tungkillo 275 50 12.6 10.8 4.0 4.8 2.2 2.9
Waterloo 132 10.9 10.0 8.7 4.3 4.6 3.0 3.5
Waterloo 33 13.1 6.2 4.4 5.1 3.9 4.7 3.7
Waterloo East 132 N/A 9.9 8.1 4.2 4.4 3.0 3.5
Whyalla Central 132 40 6.0 6.4 3.0 3.7 2.4 3.1
Whyalla Central 33 40 14.8 8.2 7.6 6.1 6.8 5.8
Whyalla Terminal 132 10.9 5.8 6.1 2.9 3.6 2.4 3.1
Whyalla Terminal 33 17.5 4.7 4.6 4.1 4.2 3.9 4.1
Wudinna 132 31.5 1.0 1.1 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.7
Wudinna 66 21.9 1.5 1.8 1.0 1.2 0.9 1.2
Yadnarie 132 10.9 2.6 2.5 0.9 1.1 0.8 1.1
Yadnarie 66 40 2.7 3.2 1.4 1.8 1.3 1.7
Yadnarie 11 18.4 6.3 5.5 4.6 4.0 4.5 3.9

Appendix E Fault Levels and Circuit Breaker Ratings Page 111 of 134
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June 2017

Appendix F Network support solutions

In accordance with clause 5.12.1(b).4 of the Rules, ElectraNet considers potential network
support solution options on an equal basis with network options for addressing network limitations
or constraints.

F1 Network support solutions framework

ElectraNet’s network support solutions framework facilitates a timely, efficient, and transparent
transmission planning process. It defines ElectraNet’s commitment to develop and maintain
reliable and cost efficient solutions to address network limitations or constraints. The merits of
network support solutions, either stand-alone or combined with network solutions, are considered

ElectraNet seeks proposals from non-network solution providers for potentially viable non network
options, and considers the merits of all proposals received. This includes detailed assessment of
technical feasibility, timelines, and efficiency. If a network support solution option is shown to be
the most cost effective technically viable solution, then a network support agreement is negotiated
with the proponent.

F2 Network support solutions planning assessment

Network support options are assessed according to their ability to:

 provide a level of net demand reduction that will resolve the identified limitation
 operate to reduce the level of net demand on the limited asset(s) at appropriate times (for
example, above 90% of the asset's 10% POE demand level)
 be provided at the lowest net present value (NPV) cost
 provide reliable demand reduction.

Options that are able to be delivered in time to meet the identified network need are ranked from
lowest to highest NPV in terms of cost per megawatt. The options can be considered individually
or combined with other options. A network support solution is deemed economically feasible if the
NPV cost of demand reduction (single or combined) is less than the NPV of the alternative
network solution.

For a market benefit-driven project, the option must also yield a positive net market benefit.

For projects that require application of the RIT-T, the option must satisfy the RIT-T as the
preferred option.

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South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

F3 Projects for potential network support solutions

Recently completed, in-progress, and planned consultations for forecast limitations on which
ElectraNet has sought or seeks proposals for network support solutions are outlined in Table F-1.

Table F-1: Planned projects for which ElectraNet seeks or has sought proposal for network support solutions

Project Expected Consultation status

Managing Main Grid Early 2018, Declining levels of minimum demand are forecast to reach
High Voltage Levels for first stage levels from spring 2018 that may result in voltage levels on the
Refer to sections 8.7.1 completion in Main Grid that exceed equipment ratings if a credible
to 8.7.4 of this report late 2018 contingency event was to occur at low demand times
A PSCR is planned to be published in the second half of 2017
Eyre Peninsula 2018, for The current network support arrangement that enables
Electricity Supply completion ElectraNet to meet the ETC category 3 reliability standard at
Options by 2022 Port Lincoln expires in December 2018, and significant portions
Refer to section 8.4.1 of the conductor on the Eyre Peninsula 132 kV lines are in poor
ElectraNet is currently considering the best way to continue to
meet the ETC category 3 reliability standard at Port Lincoln and
address the poor conductor condition
The PSCR was published in April 2017 and remains open for
consultation until 21 July 201753
South Australian 2018, for ElectraNet is investigating the feasibility of an additional
Energy completion in interconnector between South Australia and the Eastern
Transformation 2021 or later States, as outlined in the PSCR published in November 2016 54
Refer to section 8.3.2 of A PADR is planned to be published in the second half of 2017
this report
Gawler East New 2021, for Application of the RIT-D is planned to begin with publication by
Connection Point completion in SA Power Networks of a NNOR for this project well before
Refer to section 8.4.2 of 2022 project commitment
this report Proponents of potential network support solutions will be
encouraged to make a submission in response to the NNOR

53 Available from electranet.com.au.

54 Available from electranet.com.au.
Appendix F Network Support Solutions Page 113 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Appendix G Committed, pending, proposed and potential projects

Emerging network limitations and solution options have been identified during scenario analysis
Table G1. The committed, pending and proposed solutions are based on evaluating network as
well as non-network options using high level cost estimates. Each proposed solution is one of
potentially several options available to resolve the corresponding network limitation. We’ve also
included committed, pending and proposed projects already covered in chapters 7 and 8 to
provide a complete overview of all augmentation and market benefit projects.

The proposed solutions are subject to variation and change due to customer activity, network
developments and refined analysis. Due to uncertainties in the timing and number of customer
connections within the state, the timing and scope of projects are indicative only.

ElectraNet also has a range of committed, pending and proposed projects that relate to the
maintenance of ElectraNet’s security and compliance obligations Table G2, including the security
and compliance projects already covered in section 7.2.

There are many significant asset replacement projects (>$3M at a single site) proposed, which
are planned based on asset condition Table 0, including the projects already covered in chapter 8.
Currently there are no economically feasible non-network solutions that could resolve the
limitations presented.

ElectraNet has assessed detailed asset condition and replacement requirements for the 2018-19
to 2022-23 regulatory control period. Summary entries for line, substation and protection system
unit asset replacements are provided. These summaries relate to types of projects that we have
included in our 2018-19 to 2022-23 revenue proposal, which we submitted to the AER in March

Contingent projects that that we have included in out 2018-19 to 2022-23 revenue proposal are
listed in Table G-4.

Appendix G Committed, Pending, Proposed and Potential Projects Page 114 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

G1 Summary of committed, pending, proposed and potential augmentation projects

Table G-1: Committed, pending and proposed and potential augmentation projects

Project Limitation Proposed solution Category Region $ million

Committed and Pending Projects
2017 Heywood Interconnector transfer limitations due Minor works outstanding, including Augmentation Main Grid 35-45
to system stability and thermal constraints implementation of control scheme to bypass and market and South (ElectraNet
the capacitors under certain conditions benefit East costs only)
2017 Deterministic line ratings in various parts of the Install modern weather stations at various Augmentation Various <5
network can cause constraints at times of high monitoring locations to facilitate the and market
demand or high wind generation implementation of dynamic line ratings on benefit
critical circuits
2017 Congestion on the 132 kV network between Uprate the Robertstown – North West Bend Market Riverland <5
Robertstown and Monash restricts exports from #2 and the North West Bend – Monash #2 benefit
South Australia to Victoria across the Murraylink 132 kV lines to 100˚C line clearances (NCIPAP)
2017 Large scale renewable energy sources Design and build a grid-connected, utility Augmentation Mid North 5-8
(subject to connected to the transmission network are scale battery energy storage system at and market (ElectraNet
receipt of intermittent and do not contribute to frequency Dalrymple that will help to manage frequency benefit costs only)
ARENA control to the same extent as conventional related system security issues, as well as
grant) generation, causing potential frequency control improve the reliability of supply for customers
issues that may threaten South Australian system at Dalrymple connection point and provide
security at times when few conventional other market benefits
generators are dispatched
2018 Congestion on the 132 kV network between Uprate the Waterloo East – Robertstown Market Mid North <5
Waterloo East and Robertstown restricts exports 132 kV line to 100˚C line clearances benefit
from South Australia to Victoria across the (NCIPAP)
Murraylink Interconnector
Proposed Projects
2018 Low rated plant at Templers substation Upgrade Templers 132 kV bus and primary Augmentation Mid North <5
constrains power flows in the Mid North region plant to carry a minimum current of 1600 A

Appendix G Committed, Pending, Proposed and Potential Projects Page 115 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Project Limitation Proposed solution Category Region $ million

2018 Difficulty in manually and effectively controlling Install a coordinated control scheme to better Augmentation Main Grid/ <5
the increasing number of reactive plant and use existing reactive plant and voltage Various
voltage control facilities across the Main Grid control facilities to minimise system
constraints, whilst managing system voltage
2019 Thermal congestion across the Heywood Apply dynamic ratings to the key circuits that Market Main Grid <5
interconnector between Tailem Bend and make up the Heywood interconnector in benefit
Tungkillo and between Tailem Bend and South Australia to better account for (NCIPAP)
Mobilong when the interconnector is limited favourable weather conditions and release
below 650 MW further transfer capacity
2019 Substation plant and secondary system ratings Remove, replace or change plant and Market Main Grid <5
limit full utilisation of the Davenport-Robertstown secondary systems that are rated lower than benefit
275 kV transmission lines thermal capacity the design capability of the conductors (NCIPAP)
2020 Congestion on the Waterloo-Templers 132 kV Install power flow control technology that will Market Mid North 3-6
line limits power flows in the Mid North region increase impedance of the Waterloo- benefit
Templers 132 kV line and thereby improve (NCIPAP)
overall transfer capacity by increasing power
flows on lines with surplus capacity
2020 Transient (rotor angle) and voltage stability limit Turn the Tailem Bend - Cherry Gardens Market Main Grid 4-8
the inter-regional transfer capacity of the 275 kV line into Tungkillo substation, fully benefit
Heywood interconnector populating the diameter that is benched and (NCIPAP)
prepared ready for this
2021 Voltage limitations around South East substation Install an additional 100 Mvar capacitor at Market Main Grid <5
prevent the full thermal capacity of the Heywood South East substation benefit
interconnection corridor being utilised (NCIPAP)
2022 Thermal design ratings of the Robertstown Install new transformer management relays Market Mid North / <5
275/132 kV transformers limit transfer capability and bushing monitoring add-on equipment benefit Murraylink
across the Murraylink interconnector and apply short term ratings to the two (NCIPAP) Inter-
275/132 kV transformers at Robertstown connector

Appendix G Committed, Pending, Proposed and Potential Projects Page 116 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Project Limitation Proposed solution Category Region $ million

2022 Expiry of existing contract for network support at Construct new double circuit lines from Augmentation Eyre 200-550
Port Lincoln Cultana to Yadnarie and from Yadnarie to (Contingent) Peninsula
Significant lengths of conductor on the Whyalla to Port Lincoln, and decommission the existing
Yadnarie and the Yadnarie to Port Lincoln 132 kV 132 kV lines
lines are in poor condition and need to be
2022 Significant residential developments near Gawler Establish a new 132 kV exit point on the Para Connection Mid North 3-6
that cannot be supplied by SA Power Networks’ – Roseworthy 132 kV line at Gawler East to (ElectraNet
existing distribution network in the area provide supply to a 132/11 kV distribution costs only)
substation that will be constructed and owned
by SA Power Networks
2024-2028 Constraints applied to generation connected to Uprate selected spans to achieve T120 Market Main Grid <5
Davenport-Robertstown 275 kV transmission rating, uprate protection and metering benefit
lines systems, and implement calculation of real-
time ratings
2024-2028 Transient (rotor angle) and voltage stability limit Turn the Robertstown - Para 275 kV line into Market Main Grid 4-8
the inter-regional transfer capacity of the Tungkillo substation, fully populating the benefit
Heywood interconnector diameter that is benched and prepared ready
for this
Potential Projects
When or if Facilitate greater competition in the wholesale Establish a new high capacity interconnector Market Main Grid 200 – 500
needed: electricity market, provide appropriate security of between South Australia and the eastern benefit (SA
2021 or supply, and facilitate the transition to lower states, or implement a range of network (Contingent) component
after carbon emissions support solutions only)
When or if Connection of a step load increase that could Rebuild the Davenport to Pimba 132 kV line Augmentation Upper North 110
needed: by cause the line loading to exceed its thermal limit and establish associated substation assets (Contingent)
2027? of 76 MVA (including reactive support)
When or if Connection of a step load increase that could Uprate or rebuild the Davenport to Leigh Augmentation Upper North 60
needed: by cause the line loading to exceed its thermal limit Creek 132 kV line and establish associated (Contingent)
2027? of 10 MVA substation assets (including reactive support)

Appendix G Committed, Pending, Proposed and Potential Projects Page 117 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

G2 Summary of committed, pending and proposed security and compliance projects

Table G-2: Committed, pending and proposed security and compliance projects

Project Limitation Proposed solution Region $ million

Committed and Pending Projects
2017 Uncontrolled tripping of SA generation due to over- Implement Over-frequency Generation Shedding (OFGS) Various <5
frequency could lead to significant loss of frequency scheme for SA wind farms, including a backup scheme
control capability in SA on the network side of the wind farm connections
2017 Substandard circuit breaker arrangement at Tailem Bend Extend the Tailem Bend substation to accommodate an Main Grid 8-10
substation constrains the Heywood interconnector and additional 275 kV diameter with two circuit breakers,
places network security and reliability at risk associated plant and secondary systems, and rearrange
275 kV line exits
2017 Transformer oil containment systems need refurbishing in Install, upgrade or replace transformer oil containment Various 8–10
accordance with environment protection regulations systems and associated equipment at various sites where
assessment indicates a clear need
2018 Changing generation patterns have resulted in complex Install automated regional voltage control schemes for Eyre <5
voltage interactions in the Eyre Peninsula and Upper Eyre Peninsula and Upper North regions Peninsula/
North regions leading to potential violations of voltage Upper North
limits stipulated in the Rules and connection agreements
Proposed Projects
2018 Spencer Gulf high tower crossings for the Davenport- Undertake preparatory site works and procure spares to Eyre <5
Cultana 275 kV transmission lines, supplying the entire support a rapid restoration Peninsula
Eyre Peninsula region, would prove difficult or impossible
to restore to in a timely manner following an asset failure
2018 The Heywood interconnector is constrained during an Install, connect and commission the spare 160 MVA South East <5
outage of the existing single 275/132 kV transformer at 275/132 kV transformer as a second transformer on hot
Tailem Bend substation standby at Tailem Bend substation
2018 High voltage hazard due to lack of remote visibility of Install status indication on isolators and earth switches Various <5
manually operated isolator and earth switch status where there currently is none

Appendix G Committed, Pending, Proposed and Potential Projects Page 118 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Project Limitation Proposed solution Region $ million

2018 High voltage switching training conducted on live network Create a high voltage switching training facility to improve Metropolitan 4-8
results in network and asset performance impacts and training standards across all aspects of high voltage
training limitations switching
2018 Existing backups for ElectraNet’s control centre and data Construct a new Backup Control and Data Centre to meet Metropolitan 4-8
centre requirements require improvement to address current physical and electronic security requirements
emerging security threats
2018 Following a single contingency of an in-service generator, Install a switched 50 Mvar 275 kV reactor at Templers Main Grid <5
steady-state voltage levels on the South Australian West substation
transmission system may breach 110% of the nominal
275 kV at times of light load, high solar PV generation and
low wind generation from 2018
2019 High voltage hazard due to risk of failure of mechanical or Replace or refurbish mechanical and electrical isolation Various 10-15
electrical lock-off points on motorised air insulated high lock-off points on all motorised air insulated isolators
voltage isolators
2019 Geomagnetic induced currents resulting from enhanced Install protective monitoring and alarming to enable Various <5
solar activity may induce DC currents on transmission affected transformers to be tripped prior to serious
lines and possible transformer damage or failure damage occurring
2019 Failure of Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) plant at Kilburn Design, procure and have on standby the necessary line Metropolitan <5
substation places significant load at risk from the next components to bypass Kilburn substation
single contingency
2019 Unavailability of Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) Design and procure all the plant and equipment required Metropolitan <5
connection spares hinders restoration of supply following a to support the rapid restoration of a failed GIS-connected
225 MVA 275/66 kV transformer failure at East Terrace, 225 MVA 275/66 kV transformer
Northfield or Kilburn substation
2019 Loss of AC auxiliary supplies hinders restoration of supply Provide alternative diesel generator supplies to critical Various 5-10
during black start or other abnormal operating conditions substations (where not already provided), connection
points for mobile generators to non-critical substations,
and related AC and DC supply improvements
2019 Inadequate access tracks in difficult terrain hinder Upgrade transmission line access tracks at vulnerable Various <5
inspection and restoration of transmission lines following a locations across the network

Appendix G Committed, Pending, Proposed and Potential Projects Page 119 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Project Limitation Proposed solution Region $ million

2019 Loss of multiple generators and/or islanding of South Implement a Special Protection Scheme (SPS) and Wide Various 4-8
Australia from the remainder of the NEM puts SA system Area Monitoring Scheme (WAMS) utilising transmission-
security at risk from loss of synchronism level load tripping and phasor measurement capabilities
2020 Either Murraylink interconnection or generation north of Install a single 275 kV circuit breaker and associated Mid North / 5–8
Robertstown must be constrained during scheduled equipment between the 275 kV busses at the Murraylink
maintenance of centre breakers or associated plant at the Robertstown substation Inter-
Robertstown substation connector
2021 Generator disconnection during outages of the Canowie to Install a 275 kV circuit breaker and associated equipment Mid North <5
Robertstown 275 kV transmission line on the Robertstown exit at Canowie substation
2021 Following a single contingency of an in-service generator, Install a switched 50 Mvar 275 kV reactor at Blyth West Main Grid <5
steady-state voltage levels on the South Australian substation
transmission system may breach 110% of the nominal
275 kV at times of light load, high solar PV generation and
low wind generation from 2021
When or Minimum fault levels in South Australia may fall below the Upgrade existing protection devices and install six Main Grid 60-80
if needed level that is needed to ensure the ongoing stable operation synchronous condensers at selected locations across the
of South Australia’s electricity system 275 kV transmission network
2023 Following a single contingency of an in-service generator, Install a switched 50 Mvar 275 kV reactor at Para Main Grid <5
steady-state voltage levels on the South Australian substation
transmission system may breach 110% of the nominal
275 kV at times of light load, high solar PV generation and
low wind generation from 2023
2023 Risk of thermal damage to neutral earthing reactors and Install a monitoring and protection scheme for the neutral Various <5
resistors, and consequent unsafe operating conditions and earthing reactor and resistor installations across the
risk of damage to larger plant network
2023 Operational difficulties with starting Quarantine Power Install a 66 kV circuit breaker and associated equipment Metropolitan <5
Station #5 generator during black start conditions to tie the two Torrens Island North lines in the Torrens
Island North 66 kV switchyard

Appendix G Committed, Pending, Proposed and Potential Projects Page 120 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Project Limitation Proposed solution Region $ million

2027 Following a single contingency of an in-service generator Install a switched 50 Mvar 275 kV reactor in the Mid North Main Grid <5
or significant reactive control plant, steady-state voltage region
levels on the South Australian transmission system may
breach 110% of the nominal 275 kV at times when
minimum system demand drops to below zero due to high
rooftop solar PV generation from 2027
2024– Generation constraints and/or loss of load during plant Install an additional 132 kV circuit breaker and associated South East <5
2028 outages at the Blanche substation equipment at the Blanche substation
2024– Mintaro and Angaston generators are constrained off To be considered for 2024-2028 NCIPAP Mid North <5
2028 during 132 kV outages that result in these generators Implement full single pole reclosing capability on the
being radialised 132 kV circuits in the Mid North region
2024– Ladbroke Grove and Snuggery generators are constrained To be considered for 2024-2028 NCIPAP South East <5
2028 off during 132 kV outages that result in these generators Implement full single pole reclosing capability on the
being radialised 132 kV circuits in the South East region

Appendix G Committed, Pending, Proposed and Potential Projects Page 121 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

G3 Summary of committed, pending and proposed asset replacement projects

Table G-3: Committed, pending and proposed asset replacement projects

Project Limitation Recommended solution Region $ Alternative option(s)

timing million
Committed and Pending Projects
2017 Morgan to Whyalla pumping station #4 primary Rebuild the Morgan to Whyalla Mid North 10–13 Replace selected primary plant
plant is at end-of-technical-life and the site is pumping station #4 supply site to based on condition
not aligned with current environmental current day standards and replace the or
practices and company policies 132/3.3 kV transformers. Employ a
Replace all plant without
standardised approach across all
applying improved
pumping station sites to realise design
standardisation with other sites
and operational efficiencies
2017 Mannum to Adelaide pumping station #2 Rebuild the Mannum to Adelaide Eastern 10–14 Replace selected primary plant
primary plant is at end-of-technical-life and the pumping station #2 supply site to Hills based on condition
site is not aligned with current environmental modern-day standards and replace the or
practices and company policies 132/3.3 kV transformers. Employ a
Replace all plant without
standardised approach across all
applying improved
pumping station sites to realise design
standardisation with other sites
and operational efficiencies
2017 Mannum to Adelaide pumping station #3 Rebuild the Mannum to Adelaide Eastern 10–14 Replace selected primary plant
primary plant is at end-of-technical-life and the pumping station #3 supply site to Hills based on condition
site is not aligned with current environmental modern-day standards and replace the or
practices and company policies 132/3.3 kV transformers. Employ a
Replace all plant without
standardised approach across all
applying improved
pumping station sites to realise design
standardisation with other sites
and operational efficiencies
2017 A number of substation battery charger units Implement a planned replacement Various <5 Replace battery chargers on
have reached the end of their practical life. program to remove battery chargers failure
Spare parts are not available from service and replace with modern,
fit-for-purpose equipment

Appendix G Committed, Pending, Proposed and Potential Projects Page 122 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Project Limitation Recommended solution Region $ Alternative option(s)

timing million
2017 The majority of the primary equipment at Replace plant in poor condition at Mid North 5–8 Rebuild substation at a new
Baroota substation is in poor condition Baroota substation and implement location
flood mitigation measures. Retain only
the existing single 10 MVA 132/33 kV
2017 Porcelain disc insulators on the Brinkworth to Replace all porcelain disc insulators, Mid North 6–8 Assess and replace insulators
Mintaro 132 kV line are at end-of-life, leading along with defective poles and cross on sample-based testing results
to a high failure rate and fire start risk arms, on the Brinkworth to Mintaro
132 kV line to achieve a 15-year life
2017 Mannum to Adelaide pumping station #1 Rebuild the Mannum to Adelaide Eastern 15–20 Replace selected primary plant
primary plant is at end-of-technical-life and the pumping station #1 supply site to Hills based on condition
site is not aligned with current environmental modern-day standards and replace the or
practices and company policies 132/3.3 kV transformers. Employ a
Replace all plant without
standardised approach across all
applying improved
pumping station sites to realise design
standardisation with other sites
and operational efficiencies. Replace
associated line assets that are in poor
2018 Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) plant at East Replace existing combined phases Metro- <5 Install additional barriers for
Terrace substation requires an effective gas monitoring system with isolated politan separate monitoring of gas
monitoring system to mitigate operational and per phase systems compartments
environmental risks associated with a gas leak or
Replace GIS plant
2018 Many items of online condition monitoring Replace obsolete online asset Various 8–12 Continue corrective
equipment are now nearing the end of their condition monitoring equipment maintenance program only
usable lives (12–20 years old) and are
exhibiting high failure rates

Appendix G Committed, Pending, Proposed and Potential Projects Page 123 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Project Limitation Recommended solution Region $ Alternative option(s)

timing million
2018 Millbrook pumping station primary plant is at Rebuild the Millbrook pumping station Eastern 12–16 Replace selected primary plant
end-of-technical-life and the site is not aligned supply site to modern-day standards Hills based on condition
with current environmental practices and and replace the 132/3.3 kV or
company policies transformers. Employ a standardised
Replace all plant without
approach across all pumping station
applying improved
sites to realise design and operational
standardisation with other sites
2014- Substation assets have been identified with Program of unit asset replacements at Various 40-50 Replace individual assets on
2018 high failure rates and safety risks or have been multiple substations failure
assessed to be at the end of their technical
and economic lives
2018 AC auxiliary supplies at older substations are Replace AC auxiliary supply Various 8-12 Replacing sub-standard and
not compliant with current Australian standards equipment, switchboards and cabling hazardous equipment is
and have some safety hazards and operational at 11 substations considered to be the only viable
deficiencies option
2018 Operational risks and delays in protection and Replace protection relays and Riverland <5 Replace communication
control systems at Monash and Berri communication gateway gateway only
2018 Outages and constraints on the Murraylink Redesign and replace the Murraylink Riverland / <5 Replace the Murraylink control
Interconnector control scheme Murraylink scheme with no redesign
2018 Load-releasing cross arms on the Para- Replace load-releasing cross arms Main Grid 55-65 Rebuild 275 kV line in an
Brinkworth-Davenport 275 kV line are a safety and all porcelain disc insulators on adjacent easement and retire
risk and inadequate for access and Para-Brinkworth-Davenport 275 kV old line
maintenance. Porcelain disc insulators are at line to achieve a 15-year life extension or
end-of-life, which can lead to high failure rate
Replace load-releasing cross
and fire start risk
arms with standard cross arms
(and also strengthen the
towers) and use sample-based
testing results to assess and
replace insulators

Appendix G Committed, Pending, Proposed and Potential Projects Page 124 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Project Limitation Recommended solution Region $ Alternative option(s)

timing million
2019 Review of substation lighting identified Replace substation lighting and Various 4–8 Cost and risks assessments
compliance issues and safety hazards with associated infrastructure at sites were undertaken for the various
some existing lighting systems where hazards exist lighting functions to determine
the optimal solution to meet the
requirements under the WHS
Act and Australian Standards
2019 Risk of unplanned outages on Magill - East Replace degraded underground fluid Metro- <5 Defer replacement and manage
Terrace 275 kV underground cable instrumentation and associated politan risk
telecommunications and infrastructure or
Continue corrective
maintenance program only
Proposed Projects
2018 Davenport-Pimba 132 kV transmission line Treat low spans to achieve the Upper 4-8 Treat low spans for Davenport –
cannot safely achieve its designed nominal designed nominal ratings for North Mt Gunson – Pimba
ratings at T65 operating temperature Davenport – Mt Gunson section or
Install grid support
2019 Transformer fire suppression systems at Magill Investigate, design and install Metro- <5 Replace fire suppression
substation have been identified as a safety refurbished or replacement fire politan systems with no redesign
hazard and asset risk suppression systems
2019 Leigh Creek South transformers 1 and 2 have Replace the existing two 5 MVA Upper <5 Replace asset on failure
been assessed to be at the end of their transformers with a single new 5 MVA North or
technical lives and at high risk of failure 132/11 kV transformer and associated
Establish micro-grid
plant at Leigh Creek South substation
2021 Mount Gambier transformer 1 has been Replace the existing 50 MVA South <5 Replace asset on failure
assessed to be at the end of its technical life transformer with a new 25 MVA East
and at high risk of failure 132/33/11 kV transformer at Mount
Gambier substation

Appendix G Committed, Pending, Proposed and Potential Projects Page 125 of 134
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June 2017

Project Limitation Recommended solution Region $ Alternative option(s)

timing million
2022 Mannum transformers 1 and 2 have been Replace the existing 20 MVA Eastern <5 Replace assets on failure
assessed to be at the end of their technical transformers with two new 25 MVA Hills
lives and at high risk of failure 132/33 kV transformers (nearest
ElectraNet standard transformer size)
at Mannum substation
2022 South East SVC computer control system at Replace the existing SVC computer SA-Vic 4-8 Replace South East substation
end-of-life, leading to SVC reliability risk and control system at South East Inter- SVCs
interconnector constraints substation with a new fully supported connector
2019– Transmission line support systems (towers, Refurbish transmission line support South 8–10 Replace individual components
2023 poles) components at end-of-life, leading to a systems and extend the life of the East or sections on failure
high failure rate, and safety and network Snuggery – Blanche – Mt Gambier or
availability risk 132 kV line by renewing line asset
Full line replacement
2019– Transmission line insulator systems at end-of- Implement a program of transmission Various 50–70 Replace individual components
2023 life, leading to a high failure rate, safety and line insulator system refurbishment to or sections on failure
network availability risk, and fire start risk renew line asset components and or
extend line life
Full line replacement
2019– Transmission line conductor and earthwire Implement a program of transmission Mid North / 10–20 Replace individual corroded
2023 components at end-of-life, leading to a high line conductor and earthwire Riverland conductor sections
failure rate, safety and network availability risk, refurbishment to renew line asset or
and fire start risk components and extend line life
Full line replacement
2019– Significant lengths of conductor on the Cultana Refurbish conductor and earthwire and Eyre 30–45 Replace individual corroded
2023 to Yadnarie 132 kV line are in poor condition, extend the life of the Cultana to Peninsula conductor sections
leading to a high failure rate, safety and Yadnarie 132 kV transmission line or
network availability risk, and fire start risk
Full line replacement
2019– Significant lengths of conductor on the Refurbish conductor and earthwire and Eyre 30–45 Replace individual corroded
2023 Yadnarie to Port Lincoln 132 kV line are in extend the life of the Yadnarie to Port Peninsula conductor sections
poor condition, leading to a high failure rate, Lincoln 132 kV transmission line or
safety and network availability risk, and fire
Full line replacement
start risk

Appendix G Committed, Pending, Proposed and Potential Projects Page 126 of 134
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June 2017

Project Limitation Recommended solution Region $ Alternative option(s)

timing million
2019– Substation assets have been identified with Implement a program of unit asset Various 50–65 Replace assets on failure
2023 high failure rates and, safety risks or have replacement projects at various
been assessed to be at the end of their substations
technical and economic lives
2019– Various individual substation protection and Implement a program of unit protection Various 25–35 Replace assets on failure
2023 control systems have been assessed to be at relay and control system replacement
the end of their technical and economic lives. projects at various substations
An increased risk of failure could cause safety
and reliability issues
2019– Many items of online condition monitoring Replace obsolete online asset Various 4-8 Continue corrective
2023 equipment will be near the end of their usable condition monitoring equipment maintenance program only
lives in the 2019-2023 period (12-20 years old)
and are exhibiting high failure rates
2024– Transmission line support systems (towers, Implement a program of transmission Various 10–15 Replace individual components
2028 poles) components at end-of-life, leading to a line support system refurbishment to or sections on failure
high failure rate, and safety and network renew line asset components and or
availability risk extend line life
Full line replacement
2024– Transmission line insulator systems at end-of- Implement a program of transmission Various 50–80 Replace individual components
2028 life, leading to a high failure rate, safety and line insulator system refurbishment to or sections on failure
network availability risk, and fire start risk renew line asset components and or
extend line life
Full line replacement
2024– Transmission line conductor and earthwire Implement a program of transmission Mid North / 70–100 Replace individual corroded
2028 components at end-of-life, leading to a high line conductor and earthwire Riverland conductor sections
failure rate, safety and network availability risk, refurbishment to renew line asset or
and fire start risk components and extend line life
Full line replacement
2024– Substation assets have been identified with Implement a program of unit asset and Various 50–80 Replace assets on failure
2028 high failure rates and, safety risks or have infrastructure replacement projects at
been assessed to be at the end of their various substations
technical and economic lives

Appendix G Committed, Pending, Proposed and Potential Projects Page 127 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Project Limitation Recommended solution Region $ Alternative option(s)

timing million
2024– Various individual substation protection and Implement a program of unit protection Various 30–50 Replace assets on failure
2028 control systems have been assessed to be at relay and control system replacement
the end of their technical and economic lives. projects at various substations
An increased risk of failure could cause safety
and reliability issues

Appendix G Committed, Pending, Proposed and Potential Projects Page 128 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

G4 Summary of contingent projects

Table G-4: Contingent projects

Project Proposed trigger55 Reference $ million

Eyre Peninsula major upgrade Successful completion of the RIT-T including an assessment of credible Section 8.4.1 20056
Options currently being considered are described options identifying the duplication or replacement of the existing Cultana-
in the Eyre Peninsula Electricity Supply Options Yadnarie and/or Yadnarie-Port Lincoln transmission lines as the preferred
PSCR, published in April 2017 option

Insufficient system strength  Confirmation by AEMO of the existence of a Network Support and Section 8.3.3 40-70
Install synchronous condensers specifically Control Ancillary Services (NSCAS) gap relating to system strength, or
designed to contribute strongly to fault currents at other requirement for ElectraNet to address a system strength
a central location or locations requirement, in the South Australian region.
 Successful completion of the RIT-T (or equivalent economic evaluation)
including an assessment of credible options showing a transmission
investment is justified.
South Australian Energy Transformation Successful completion of the RIT-T for the South Australian Energy Section 8.3.2 200-50057
Options currently being considered are described Transformation with the identification of a preferred option or options:
in the South Australian Energy Transformation  demonstrating positive net market benefits and/or
PSCR, published in November 2016  addressing a reliability corrective action.
Upper North region eastern 132 kV line  Customer commitment for additional load to connect to the transmission Section 8.6.1 60
upgrade network causing the Davenport to Leigh Creek 132kV line to exceed its
Rebuild the Davenport to Leigh Creek 132 kV line thermal limit of 10 MVA.
 Successful completion of the RIT-T including an assessment of credible
options showing a new connection point and line upgrade is justified.

55 In addition, the following two trigger conditions are proposed to apply to each of the projects listed:
 Determination (if applicable) by the AER under clause 5.16.6 of the Rules that the proposed investment satisfies the RIT-T
 ElectraNet board commitment to proceed with the project subject to the AER amending the revenue determination pursuant to the Rules.
56 The differential cost over the alternative partial replacement option listed in Table G-1 at about $80 million would be around $120 million, for which funding would be sought
should the contingent project be triggered.
57 This represents an estimate of the South Australian portion of the cost of a new interconnector.
Appendix G Committed, Pending, Proposed and Potential Projects Page 129 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Project Proposed trigger55 Reference $ million

Upper North region western 132 kV line  Customer commitment for additional load to connect to the transmission Section 8.6.2 110
upgrade network causing the Davenport to Pimba 132kV line to exceed its thermal
Uprate or rebuild the Davenport to Pimba 132 kV limit of 76 MVA.
line  Successful completion of the RIT-T including an assessment of credible
options showing a transmission investment is justified.

Appendix G Committed, Pending, Proposed and Potential Projects Page 130 of 134
South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

AC Alternating current
ADE Adelaide zone as outlined in the NTNDP.
AEMO Australian Energy Market Operator
AER Australian Energy Regulator
AMD Agreed maximum demand
ARENA Australian Renewable Energy Agency
CBD Central business district
DNSP Distribution network service provider
ESCOSA Essential Services Commission of South Australia
ESCRI-SA Energy Storage for Commercial Renewable Integration – South Australia
ESD Energy storage device
ESOO Electricity statement of opportunities, published by AEMO
ETC Electricity Transmission Code (South Australia)
FCAS Frequency control ancillary service
HVAC High voltage alternating current
HVDC High voltage direct current
km Kilometres
kV Kilovolts
MVA Megavolt-ampere (a unit of apparent power)
Mvar Megavolt-ampere reactive (a unit of reactive power)
MW Megawatt (a unit of active power)
NCIPAP Network Capability Incentive Parameter Action Plan
NEFR National Electricity Forecast Report, published by AEMO
NEM National Electricity Market
NNOR Non Network Options Report (part of the RIT-D)
NPV Net present value
NSA Northern South Australia zone as identified in the NTNDP
NSCAS Network support and control ancillary service
NTNDP National Transmission Network Development Plan.
PACR Project Assessment Conclusions Report (part of the RIT-T)
PADR Project Assessment Draft Report (part of the RIT-T)
POE Probability of exceedance
PSCR Project Specification Consultation Report (part of the RIT-T)
PV Photovoltaic
RET Renewable energy target
RIT-D Regulatory investment test for distribution

Abbreviations Page 131 of 134

South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

AC Alternating current
RIT-T Regulatory investment test for transmission
RoCoF Rate of change of frequency
Rules National Electricity Rules
SESA South East South Australia region as identified in the NTNDP
SVC Static Var compensator
TNSP Transmission Network Service Provider
UFLS Under-frequency Load Shedding. The primary control measure used to maintain viable
frequency operation following a system separation event.
Var Volt-ampere reactive (a unit of reactive power: one million Var equal one Mvar)

Abbreviations Page 132 of 134

South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Glossary of Terms
Term Description
10% POE 10% probability of exceedance. This is used to indicate a value that is
expected to be exceeded once in every 10 years
90% POE 90% probability of exceedance. This is used to indicate a value that is
expected to be exceeded nine times in every 10 years
Base scenario A planning scenario developed and evaluated as part of ElectraNet's
planning process. This scenario informs ElectraNet’s business plan. See also
SA Mining Growth scenario and SA Renewable Generation Expansion
Constraint A limitation on the capability of a network, load or a generating unit that
prevents it from either transferring, consuming or generating the level of
electrical power which would otherwise be available if the limitation was
Dynamic rating A thermal rating for equipment that is variable, based on prevailing conditions
such as: ambient temperature, actual plant loading, wind speed and
direction, solar irradiation, and thermal mass of plant
Eastern Hills Region One of ElectraNet’s seven regional networks in South Australia. See
Appendix B for details
Eyre Peninsula Region One of ElectraNet’s seven regional networks in South Australia. See
Appendix B for details
Frequency control Contingency FCAS helps to stabilise system frequency from the first few
ancillary service (FCAS) seconds after a separation event, while regulation FCAS raise and lower
services help AEMO control system frequency over the longer term
Jurisdictional Planning ElectraNet is the Jurisdictional Planning Body for South Australia under
Body clause 11.28.2 of the Rules. This means that ElectraNet has specific
obligations with regard to network connection, network planning and
establishing or modifying a connection point
Main Grid ElectraNet's Main Grid is a meshed 275 kV network that is connected to two
interconnectors and seven regional networks in South Australia
Maximum demand The highest amount of electricity drawn from the network within a given time
Metropolitan Region One of ElectraNet’s seven regional networks in South Australia. See
Appendix B for details
Mid North Region One of ElectraNet’s seven regional networks in South Australia. See
Appendix B for details
N System normal network, with all network elements in-service
N-1 One network element out-of-service, with all other network elements in-
National Electricity Rules The Rules prescribe the obligations of national electricity market participants,
(Rules) including a TNSP’s obligations regarding network connection, network
planning, network pricing and establishing or making modifications to
connection points
Net present value (NPV) Net present value, usually expressed as cost per megawatt, is used to help
assess the economic feasibility of network and non-network solutions to
network limitations

Glossary of Terms Page 133 of 134

South Australian Transmission Annual Planning Report
June 2017

Term Description
Nominal voltage levels The design voltage level, nominated for a particular location on the power
system, such that power lines and circuits that are electrically connected
other than through transformers have the same nominal voltage. In
ElectraNet’s transmission system the nominal voltage level is typically
275 kV, 132 kV, or 66 kV
Non-network options Non-network options, generally refers to options which address a network
that don’t include network infrastructure, such as generation, market network
services and demand-side management initiatives
Over voltage A system condition in which actual voltage levels at one or more locations
exceeds 110% of the nominal voltage
Over-frequency generator A control scheme that coordinates tripping of generators when the system
shedding (OFGS) frequency increases due to supply exceeding demand
Peaking power plant A power plant that only generally runs during periods of very high wholesale
electricity prices, which typically correlate with times of very high electricity
Reactive power margin The reactive power margin at a given location is the amount of additional
reactive power that could be drawn that location without initiating voltage
Registered participants As defined in the Rules
Riverland Region One of ElectraNet’s seven regional networks in South Australia. See
Appendix B for details
Rules The National Electricity Rules which prescribe the obligations of national
electricity market participants, including a TNSP’s obligations regarding
network connection, network planning, network pricing and establishing or
making modifications to connection points
SA Mining Growth A planning scenario developed and evaluated as part of ElectraNet's
scenario planning process. This scenario considers a number of potential mining
loads, incorporating general information from connection enquiries that is
generalised for long-term planning
SA Renewable A planning scenario developed and evaluated as part of ElectraNet's
Generation Expansion planning process. This scenario represents an extreme yet possible expansion
scenario of SA wind generation
South East Region One of ElectraNet’s seven regional networks in South Australia. See
Appendix B for details
Thermal ratings The maximum amount of electrical power that a piece of equipment can
accommodate without overheating
Transfer limit The maximum permitted power transfer through a transmission or distribution
Under frequency load The primary control measure used to maintain viable frequency operation
shedding (UFLS) following a system separation event
Upper North Region One of ElectraNet’s seven regional networks in South Australia. See
Appendix B for details
Voltage collapse An uncontrolled decay in voltage due to reactive power losses and loads
exceeding reactive power sources, culminating in a sudden and precipitous
collapse of voltage. Voltage collapse is associated with cascading network
outages due to the mal-operation of protection equipment at low voltage
levels, leading to widespread load loss

Glossary of Terms Page 134 of 134

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