BPA107 FF Final Exam

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Name: Nishrin M.

Diamla Subject: BPA107 - Ff

Course: BS Public Administration Teacher: Ma’am Novalyn Matuan

Final Exam

Question 1: Give Four (4) examples of each typology of violence.

1. Direct/Physical Violence
a. Domestic Violence is seen by many scientists as an instrument of social control over
women: to prevent women’s access to education, work, or social relation. In this way,
direct violence is used as a tool to build, perpetuate, and reproduce structural
b. Rape – a physical attack that harms the victim psychologically.
c. War and civil riots are visible manifestation of direct violence. In this extreme form
of violence, the actors (military junta, rebel, soldier) can be identified as well as the
2. Structural/Economical/Political Violence
a. Poor road networks hinder people from accessing basic facilities (health, education,
b. Injustices of the worldwide system for the trade in goods, which creates more and
more starving people every year.
c. Global Condition, policies by international (G7, GATT, IMF) buttress the unequal
distribution of resources: creating condition that result in severe poverty of many that
is certainly avoidable, while at the same time others continue to dominate in terms of
d. Racial Inequality, for example, many Afro-Americans in the US: an unjust structure
of inequality historically rooted in slavery perpetuates constraints in people and
unequal opportunities in education, access to medical care and justice and stable
3. Socio cultural/Psychological Violence
a. Human right abuses such as culturally accepted discrimination against women:
deprived of the right to vote or the right to inherit, subjected to domestic abuse,
excluded from employment opportunities, given lower wages than men.
b. Glorification of violence in various ways. One is, for example, a use of the media
where violence is glorified in films, comics, and the daily news.
c. Female Genital Mutilation, an obvious harmful act against female; many groups and
individuals persist in carrying it out based on cultural value and importance.
d. It is forbidden or rare for a woman to be an heir apparent or successor.
4. Ecological Violence
a. Lack of Tree-cover from ongoing deforestation.
b. Overpopulation
c. Climate Change
d. Acid Rain
Question 2: Enumerate the five transformers of conflict & give five (5) examples of each
1. Competition
a. When quick, decisive action is vital.
b. In an emergency on important issues when unpopular courses of action need
c. Cost, cutting, enforcing unpopular rules, discipline on issues vital to company welfare
when you know you’re right.
d. When you need to protect your self from people who take advantage of
noncompetitive behavior.
2. Collaborating
a. When you need to find an integrative solution and the concerns of both parties are too
important to be a compromised.
b. When your objective is to learn, and you wish to test your assumptions and
understand other’s views.
c. When you want to merge insight from people with difference perspective on a
d. When you want to gain commitment by incorporating others concerns into a
consensual decision.
3. Compromising
a. When goals are moderately important but not worth the effort or the potential
disruption involve in using more assertive modes.
b. When two opponents with equal power are strongly committed to mutually exclusive
goals as in labor management bargaining.
c. When you want to achieve a temporary settlement of a complex issue.
d. When you need to arrive at the expedient solution under time pressure as a backup
mode when collaboration or competition fails.
4. Avoiding
a. When an issue is unimportant or when other, more important issues are pressing.
b. When you perceive no chance of satisfying your concerns. For example, when you
have a low power, or you are frustrated by something that would be very difficult to
c. When the potential cost of confronting a conflict outweigh the benefits of its
d. When others can resolve the issue more effectively.
e. When the issue seems tangential or symptomatic of another, more basic issue.
5. Accommodating
a. When you realize that you are wrong- to allow a better solution to be considered, to
learn from others and to show that you are reasonable.
b. When the issue is much more important to the other person than it is to you – to
satisfy the needs of others and as a good will gesture to help maintain a cooperative
c. When you want to build up social credits for later issues that are important to you.
d. When you are outmatched and losing, and more competition would only damage your
e. When preserving harmony and avoiding disruption are especially important.
Question 3: Explain exhaustively the difference between Negotiation and Mediation.
The difference between negotiation and mediation is that negotiation involves discussion
among two or more people with the goal of reaching an agreement. Negotiation is a dispute
resolution approach where two or more parties, who have disagreeing position, values, and
interests, and competing needs and goals, attempt to jointly search for mutually acceptable
solution to their common problems. The involves parties must observe principled negotiation, a
conflict management procedure that encourages people to search for ways of meeting, their own
needs without damaging their relationship with others. While Mediation is a voluntary and
confidential process wherein a neutral third-party facilitator helps people discuss difficult issues
and negotiate an agreement involving basic steps in the process which include gathering
information, framing the issues, and developing option, negotiating, and formalizing agreements
whereby parties in mediation create their own solution and the mediator does not have any
decision-making power over the outcome. Mediation is a dispute resolution method in which an
impartial third-party assists the disputing parties engage in principles of negotiation process.

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