Planning IP Audio Networks FINAL

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Technical Document

IP Audio Networks
Planning for Reliability
In planning a LAN (local area network) structure for use in an IP audio network, it is
important to understand the physical and electrical requirements needed to assure reliable
network performance. While a $30 Ethernet switch and a few cat5 patch cables from your local
office supply store will suffice to stream a couple of channels of audio around, any real world
studio installation needs to be carefully designed and constructed.

Audio over IP technology uses standard protocols and Ethernet switch hardware in a way
they were never designed to be used. It is a testament to the flexibility of the original designs that
it even works at all. Here’s why.

Ordinary computer LAN traffic is “bursty” by nature. There are long periods of relatively
little traffic punctuated with short bursts of data. This data in general has no absolute timing
requirement; we are simply moving data from one place to another and as long as it gets there
fast enough we’re satisfied. LAN traffic consists of 3 main classes of data:

• UDP (User Datagram Protocol) supports broadcast traffic. One transmitter can send data
to every member on the network. This is a very efficient mechanism for transmitting
information that “everyone” needs to get because the information is sent once, and there
is no inherent handshaking to assure that everyone receives the information. An example
of a UDP message would be a computer being plugged into a network. It needs to
announce to every other device on the network (without knowing what other devices may
be there) that it is present and available.

• TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a unicast protocol. One transmitter sends data to
one specific receiver, which in turn must acknowledge back to the transmitter that it
received the data correctly. This is a robust protocol for transmitting information to a
specific recipient. A example of a TCP message would be a print job being sent from a
PC to a printer. None of the other devices on the network need know anything about the
print data but it is very important that every bit of it gets to the printer correctly. Because
at the hardware level packet collisions can and do occur, TCP provides a method for
missing or corrupt data to be resent until the full message has been received correctly.
TCP messages form the majority of common office LAN traffic.

• Multicast is a third method for information transfer. It is designed for the case where the
data is of interest to more than one recipient, but not everyone. Multicast is an
improvement on UDP; no handshaking or resending is involved, and the sender transmits
the data only once. The key is that filtering is applied as to where the data is sent. This is
the job of a managed Ethernet switch. The switch maintains a list (called a Multicast
Andrew Calvanese IP Audio Networks: Planning For Reliability

Table) of the recipients (called subscribers) of each data channel and forwards the
information from the transmitter to only those receivers who have subscribed to it. The
Ethernet switch maintains this table; adding new subscribers to a data channel as they
request and removing old subscribers after they are finished with the data channel.

Multicast is the mechanism used for IP audio networking because it is the most practical. If
UDP broadcasts were used, every device on the network would be flooded with every audio
stream simultaneously when only one or even none were desired. Conversely, if TCP were used,
the transmitting device would have to send (and dutifully wait for acknowledgment of) duplicate
streams of data, one to each recipient, again flooding the network with multiple copies of the
same information. Multicast allows the intelligence built into the Ethernet switch to send the
desired audio streams to the waiting recipients with the least amount of network traffic.

Why is minimizing network traffic so important in audio over IP systems? The simple
answer is that audio streams represent a relatively huge amount of continuous (as opposed to
bursty) and timing sensitive data. In fact most people are astounded when they realize how much
information is actually transmitted in an audio stream. A few examples may help:

Figure 1: Office Network

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Andrew Calvanese IP Audio Networks: Planning For Reliability

Figure 1 shows a one minute capture of all of the network traffic on a segment of an office
network. This segment consists of 18 computers of various types and three printers. You can see
the variable nature of the network traffic, but note in particular its peak rate of 140 packets per
second; each packet represents about 1500 Bytes of data. A total of 2188 packets passed through
this network segment in one minute.

Figure 2: AoIP Without Audio

Figure 2 shows a one minute capture of the network traffic of one port of the Ethernet switch
in an AoIP system. The port being monitored was connected to a PC and no actual audio streams
were going through the port, but only background and announce messages. Note that the rate of
the traffic is absolutely consistent and high. A total of 32,892 packets passed through this one
port in one minute.

Now look at figure 3. This again shows a one minute capture of one port, but this time the
port is connected to an AoIP device that is receiving 3 stereo channels of audio. Again the traffic
rate is consistent and has risen to a rate of over 25,000 packets per second. A total of 1,581,292
packets passed through this one port in one minute, or 218 MB total data, and this is for just 3
channels of audio. Clearly Ethernet switches have to work much harder than usual in an audio
over IP network.

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Figure 3: AoIP with Audio Streams

The point is that in these audio networks a consistent and very high rate of data transfer is
going on continuously, and anything that causes a disruption in this data flow immediately
causes a disruption in the audio.

Transfer disruption generally comes in one of two types; local or global. The type of
disruption gives us a good clue as to the nature of the problem.

Local disruption occurs when the data flow to a particular device or group of devices on a
network segment is interrupted. The interruption can be partial or complete. Complete
interruption is the easiest case to analyze; the audio simply goes away. Usually it is the effect of
a broken or missing cable connection, or a defective or improperly configured switch port. If the
audio went away after someone was “working on the Ethernet switch settings,” suspect the
configuration. Otherwise, look to the cables and connections.

Partial interruption is a little more complicated; the audio seems to come and go, or
periodically break up. While intermittent cable connections or low quality cables can cause this
problem, so can an overloaded Ethernet switch (one that is being sent more data than it can
manage). Poor quality cables can be masked in an ordinary office LAN because the TCP

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protocol will keep resending data until it ultimately gets through.; once you start to stream audio
over these cables, it becomes immediately apparent that something is wrong because the audio is
clicking. popping, or dropping out (multicasting has no mechanism to replace or resend missing

A more subtle cause is the presence on the network segment of some computer or device
that can’t handle all of the data (refer to figure 3) being sent. One characteristic of a TCP
connection (common to a PC) is that the Ethernet switch will automatically slow down the
network speed if it is not getting reliable message acknowledgments from a connected device.
This happens frequently with inexpensive printers, which is one reason why Wheatstone strongly
recommends isolating AoIP networks from your common office LAN. Any slowdown in the
network traffic manifests itself as audio breakup or dropouts. Switch port settings, because they
affect network transfer speed, can also cause symptoms. This problem can manifest as sluggish
audio response when faders are moved or buttons are pressed as a device tries to keep up with its
TCP messages and responses while being flooded with millions of unneeded multicast audio

Global disruption occurs when the entire data flow throughout the network is interrupted.
Such disruption, when not due to an obvious cause such as power failure, is generally caused by
network settings and/or changes. Remember the discussion about how multicasting works? Since
audio networking depends on the Ethernet switch’s multicast table to direct the flow of audio
data, anything that affects that table will affect the audio. The bad news is that there are a number
of things that can affect the multicast table.

Since the table reflects all of the devices on the network and their status, any time this gets
changed, the table needs to be updated. Switches sometimes do this by throwing out the old table
and building a new one. Until the new table is rebuilt, the audio goes away.

Network status changes can be deliberate, as when new devices are added, or unintentional,
as when a device that was off is suddenly powered on. The ports on the Ethernet switch can be
hard coded to guard against this type of disruption, but this is indirect protection at best since
there is no way to lock the multicast table. This is another reason why Wheatstone recommends
isolating your AoIP network. All it takes is for the wrong device to get plugged into a port to kill
all of the audio. If all of the audio in the system disappears for a minute or two and then comes
back all by itself, suspect the network configuration and multicast table and find out what caused
them to change.

Now that we have some understanding of how IP audio networks work and the pitfalls in
managing them, what’s the best way to accomplish an installation and ensure its reliable
operation? In a word, planning:

• Do plan on isolating the audio network from other networks and devices.

• Do use a managed switch for any system larger than one studio.

• Do buy a large enough switch(es) for the size of your system, these systems always grow
larger over time.

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Andrew Calvanese IP Audio Networks: Planning For Reliability

• Do plan on using a separate Ethernet switch(es) dedicated to the audio network

• Do configure the switches properly as documented.

• Do use high quality cat5E or better cables throughout, including patch cords.

• Do have your cable system tested and certified, including patch cords.

• Do plan on performing any system maintenance or modifications at non-critical times.

• Do plan on using an experienced IT professional (one with experience in IP udio

networks) for large and complex installations.

IP audio networks are an exciting technology. Small systems are deceptively easy to
configure and install, but with proper planning and procedures even the largest can be a robust
and reliable audio infrastructure.

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