Worm Gear Condition Monitoring and Fault Detection

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Worm gear condition monitoring and fault detection from thermal images via
deep learning method

Article in Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc - Maintenance and Reliability · June 2020

DOI: 10.17531/ein.2020.3.18


22 185

3 authors, including:

Yunus Emre Karabacak Nurhan Gürsel Özmen

Karadeniz Technical University Karadeniz Technical University


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Article citation info:
KARABACAK YE, GÜRSEL ÖZMEN N, GÜMÜŞEL L. Worm gear condition monitoring and fault detection from thermal images via deep learning
method. Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc – Maintenance and Reliability 2020; 22 (3): 544–556, http://dx.doi.org/10.17531/ein.2020.3.18.



Worm gear condition monitoring and fault detection

from thermal images via deep learning method
Monitorowanie stanu i wykrywanie błędów przekładni ślimakowej
na podstawie termogramów z wykorzystaniem
metody głębokiego uczenia
Worm gearboxes (WG) are often preferred, because of their high torque, quickly reducing speed capacity and good meshing ef-
fectiveness, in many industrial applications. However, WGs may face with some serious problems like high temperature at the
speed reducer, gear wearing, pitting, scoring, fractures and damages. In order to prevent any damage, loss of time and money, it
is an important issue to detect and classify the faults of WGs and develop the maintenance plans accordingly. The present study
addresses the application of the deep learning method, convolutional neural network (CNN), in the field of thermal imaging that
were gathered from a test rig operating on different loads and speeds. Deep learning approaches, have proven their powerful ca-
pability to exploit faulty information from big data and make intelligently diagnostic decisions. Studies concerning the condition
monitoring of WGs in the literature are limited. This is the first study on WGs with infrared thermography rather than vibration
and sound measurements which have some deficiencies about hardware requirements, restricted measurement abilities and noisy
signals. For comparison, CNN was also trained, with vibration and sound data which were collected from the healthy and faulty
WGs. The results of fault diagnosis show that thermal image based CNN model on WG has achieved 100% success rate whereas
the vibration performance was 83.3 % and sound performance was 81.7%. As a result, thermal image based CNN model showed
a better diagnosing performance than the others for WGs. Moreover, condition monitoring of WGs, can be performed correctly
with less measurement costs via thermal imaging methods.
Keywords: fault diagnosis, worm gears, thermal imaging, convolutional neural networks, GoogLeNet, condi-
tion monitoring.

W wielu zastosowaniach przemysłowych preferuje się przekładnie ślimakowe, ze względu na ich wysoki moment obrotowy, moż-
liwość szybkiej redukcji prędkości i dobrą sprawność zazębienia. Jednakże przekładnie tego typu narażone są często na poważ-
ne problemy, takie jak wysoka temperatura przy reduktorze prędkości czy też zużycie, pitting (wżery), zatarcie, pęknięcie lub
uszkodzenie kół zębatych. Zapobiec takim uszkodzeniom, i związanym z nimi stratom finansowym i czasowym, można poprzez
wykrywanie i klasyfikowanie błędów przekładni i odpowiednie opracowanie planów konserwacji. Niniejsze badanie dotyczy za-
stosowania metody głębokiego uczenia oraz splotowych sieci neuronowych (SSN) do monitoringu stanu przekładni na podstawie
termogramów zarejestrowanych na stanowisku testowym pracującym przy różnych obciążeniach i prędkościach. Podejścia oparte
na uczeniu głębokim umożliwiają efektywne wykorzystanie informacji o błędach pochodzących z dużych zbiorów danych i podej-
mowanie trafnych decyzji diagnostycznych. Niewiele z dostępnych publikacji poświęconych jest monitorowaniu stanu przekładni
ślimakowych. Niniejsza praca jako pierwsza przedstawia badania przekładni ślimakowej z zastosowaniem termografii zamiast
zwyczajowo prowadzonych pomiarów drgań i dźwięku, które mają pewne wady dotyczące wymagań sprzętowych, ograniczonych
możliwości pomiarowych i głośności sygnałów. SNN opartą na danych termicznych porównano z siecią, którą uczono na zbiorach
danych wibracyjnych i akustycznych pochodzących z prawidłowo działających i uszkodzonych przekładni ślimakowych. Wyniki
diagnostyki uszkodzeń pokazują, że model SSN przekładni ślimakowej oparty na obrazie termicznym osiągnął stuprocentową
(100%) skuteczność, podczas gdy skuteczność modeli opartych na danych wibracyjnych i akustycznych wyniosła, odpowiednio,
83,3% i 81,7%. Tym samym, model SNN oparty na obrazie termicznym pozwalał na trafniejsze diagnozowanie przekładni ślima-
kowej niż pozostałe modele. Ponadto zastosowanie metod opartych na termografii pozwala na poprawne monitorowanie stanu
przy niższych kosztach pomiaru.
Słowa kluczowe: Diagnostyka błędów, przekładnie ślimakowe, termografia, splotowe sieci neuronowe, Go-
ogLeNet, monitorowanie stanu.

1. Introduction increased complexity and precision of these systems and engineering

applications, condition monitoring and reliability problems become
Industrial condition monitoring applications have improved a lot more prominent [41]. During condition monitoring, the system is real
depending on the novel monitoring technologies and artificial intel- time observed and real time measurements are done. By interpreting
ligence decision making methods. In places where production contin- the measurements, whether there is a fault in the machine or not, is de-
ues uninterrupted such as factories, power generation facilities, lifting termined and the maintenance plan is applied accordingly. Establish-
appliances, elevators, it is extremely important for systems to operate ing a reliable condition monitoring system, especially for gear faults,
without any faults in terms of cost and work safety [31]. Due to the

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ensures a smooth operation during the working of many industrial harsh working conditions and high temperature [10]. Vibration and
equipment [33]. acoustic measurements were also conducted together to improve the
Worm gear condition monitoring studies also plays a critical role performance [27]. Thermal Imaging Technique (TIT) is introduced
in the maintenance plan since they are commonly used for power and as a contactless, continuous and easy to implement technique [3] that
motion transmission in many industrial applications and machines. can sense the radiation in a long-infrared range (9-14μm) of the elec-
They contain a mechanism consisting of worm screw and worm wheel tromagnetic spectrum and produce thermal images known as ther-
that work together and differ from other types of reducers due to their mograms [29]. A single thermogram recorded in a very short time
lightness, simplicity and high gear ratio [11]. The main problem with a interval can contain multiple temperature points and provides infor-
WG is how it transfers power. The spiral motion allows huge amounts mation about the system being studied [34]. In addition, infrared ther-
of reduction in a comparatively small amount of space however this mography technique is used as a condition monitoring tool in which
motion can also cause a problematic condition that is called sliding contactless and real-time abnormal temperature distribution can be
wear. During the working of a WG set, as the worm slides across the detected [3]. Singh et al. [39] presented a comparative fault detection
apex of the wheel, it slowly rubs off the lubricant film, and as a result, approach on asynchronous motors using the infrared thermography.
the worm rubs at the metal of the wheel in a boundary lubrication They also detected in-turn and cooling system failures of induction
regime. When the worm surface leaves the wheel surface, it picks up motor with thermal imaging techniques [40]. Wakar and Demetgül
more lubricant, and starts the process over again on the next revolu- [46] collected thermal images for normal and faulty conditions un-
tion. This contact between the worm and the wheel in less lubricant der different speeds through an experimental system containing worm
conditions can cause wear and high temperature which need to be gearbox, and a multilayer perceptron was developed based on vibra-
diagnosed. The most common problems faced with WGs are the high tion and acoustic emission signals. Janssens et al. [13] detected eight
temperature at the speed reducer causing oil leakage, gear wearing, different faults of bearings using thermal image based fault detection
pitting, scoring and bearing fractures and damages. In order to prevent system and proposed two new features for thermal imaging of rotat-
any damage, loss of time and money, serious precautions should be ing machines. Al-Musawi et al. [2] developed a new coloring model
taken or predictive maintenance methods should be applied. and classified different bearing faults of a three-phase induction motor
There are commonly used techniques such as vibration monitor- based on thermal image segmentation. Younus and Yang [47] devel-
ing, acoustic monitoring, wear debris analysis, motor current analysis, oped a new intelligent detection system to classify different operating
in the literature for monitoring the conditions of gearboxes. Ghodake conditions based on the support vector machine and linear discrimi-
et al. [8] reviewed fault detection studies for worm gearboxes. Goyal nant analysis using data from infrared thermography. Zhang et al. [50]
et al. [9] performed a review study for condition monitoring and fault used singular value decomposition and Radial Basis Function neural
diagnosis for fixed axis gearboxes. Carden and Fanning [5] reviewed network for the detection of gear faults. In different condition moni-
condition monitoring studies based on vibration analysis. Liu and toring studies, artificial neural network (ANN) based methods and
Zhang [26] put ahead failure modes, condition monitoring and fault computational modelling methods were used [22].
diagnosis methods for wind turbine bearings. Sait and Sharaf-Eldeen Despite the use of many fault detection and condition monitoring
[35] conducted a review study on fault diagnostic and prognostic with studies with the use of numerous diagnosing algorithms, such as sup-
the vibration analysis technique. Sharma et al. [37] reviewed different port vector machines, empirical mode decomposition, Wigner-Ville
statistical condition indicators in time and frequency domains for gear distribution, short-time Fourier Transform, etc [22], as the evaluation
faults. Lei et al. [18] reviewed studies of empirical mode decompo- data become larger, an efficient deep learning method, CNN, was in-
sition method to diagnose faults of rotating machinery. Osman and troduced, in which extracting special features from the entire data is
Wang [32] proposed an improved Hilbert–Huang transform technique not needed. Nowadays, condition monitoring of mechanical faults in
to diagnose faults of bearings using vibration signal analysis. They rotating components, are being prescribed by intelligent diagnosing
verified the effectiveness of the suggested technique in feature extrac- methods such as artificial intelligence techniques and deep learning
tion and analysis by experimental tests. Wang et al. [45] proposed [9]. Deep learning is one of the newest machine learning techniques
a hybrid technique by using complex wavelet transform for health and has recently been used in condition monitoring studies and has
diagnosis of rotating machines. They used numerical simulation and been proved to be an effective methodology to improve the safety
experimental studies under varying operating conditions to show the and reliability of gearboxes [17]. Zhao et al. [51] was the first who
effectiveness of the hybrid technique. Loutas et al. [28] used on-line redefined the representation learning of raw data with the deep learn-
signal measurements and studied condition monitoring of a single- ing method. They proposed a local feature-based gated recurrent
stage gearbox having artificial cracks. They used acoustic emission unit network for fault diagnosis. Li et al. [25] presented a modified
and vibration measurements to make use of this purpose. Zhang et deep learning method that can be used in case of limited data access
al. [48] improved a new feature extraction method named Narrow- and compared the method with traditional deep learning methods in
band Interference Cancellation to diagnose gear faults easier. Zhang terms of diagnostic success using datasets of two different gearboxes.
and Zhao [49] proposed a compound fault detection approach based Li et al. [22] proposed a new method named augmented convolu-
on time synchronous resampling and adaptive variational mode de- tion sparse auto-encoder to diagnose pitting faults of gears by using
composition for gearboxes. With the experimental data analysis, they acoustic emission signals. Comparative analysis shows that the pro-
showed that the method is valid and can be used for fault detection of posed method gives better results than fully-connected layer neural
gearbox. Zhang et al. [50] proposed a fault diagnosis method based on network and convolutional neural network. Few researches were car-
singular value decomposition and radial basis function neural network ried out fault detection and classification with thermal image based
to detect weak gear fault signals. Zhao et al. [51] proposed a local deep learning methods. Li et al. [24] have used thermal imaging as a
feature-based recurrent unit networks for monitoring health of ma- cost-effective and practical predictive maintenance method. In their
chines. The method is a hybrid approach that integrates feature design study, they processed thermal images with a convolutional neural net-
with automatic feature learning. work (CNN) and allowed online remote condition monitoring of a
Vibration monitoring has been considered as the most prevalent gearbox. Their proposed method predicted faults on the gearbox with
technique because it is easier to gather vibration data with vibration higher accuracy rate than their vibration-based counterparts. Janssens
sensors [36]. Vibration sensors are versatile tools that measure accel- et al. [14] analyzed infrared thermal video images with deep learning
eration for various applications [43]. However, the signals obtained algorithm to determine the condition of the machine automatically.
from vibration sensors are very prone to the position of placements, Then, with deep learning, they detected the machine’s faults and oil

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level. Li et al. [23] proposed a CNN method based on infrared thermal experimental validation and performance comparison with proposed
images to detect faults of rotors and bearings on rotating machines models. Finally, section 5 gives conclusions.
and compared the results with conventional vibration or sound based
approaches and other CNN types. Condition monitoring studies based 2. Experimental System
on thermal images with CNN are limited to these publications. How-
ever, many studies have been carried out for fault detection with vi-
bration and sound based deep learning. Jing et al. [15] proposed a 2.1. Test Rig
CNN based feature learning and fault diagnosis method for gearboxes The test rig shown in Fig. 1 was built to verify the CNN-based
and showed that the CNN is more appropriate to learn features from fault diagnosis method proposed for WG. The test rig consists of three
vibration signal. Li et al. [19] proposed a deep random forest fusion main units: control panel, loading device and single stage WG con-
method by using acoustic and vibration signals. They showed that the nected to an induction motor. The loading device, control panel and
deep learning fusion can develop the ability of fault detection and WG are mounted on a steel platform. The induction motor is driven
diagnosis for gearbox. In another study, Li et al. [20] studied deep by an inverter and coupled to the WG. An elastic coupling is used
statistical feature learning to diagnose rotating machinery faults. The between the output shaft of the WG and an electromagnetic powder
experiments show that the proposed method based on deep learning brake is the loading device. A radial fan protects the loading device
has the best fault classification rate and potential for diagnosing of from excessive heat.
rotating machinery faults. The inverter is adjusted by a digital panel placed on the control
This study presents a condition monitoring application with CNN, panel. The DC loading device is powered by a transformer which has
based on thermal images of a WG test rig which simulates different 5 different outputs so that the system can be loaded at different rates
operating loads and speeds. The novelty of this study lies in the ap- as 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. Real working conditions are simu-
plication of CNN for detecting faults on WGs from thermal imaging lated with the inverter and the loading device powered by a multiple
data. Vibration and sound signal measurement and analysis devices output transformer. The output speed of the gearbox is measured with
are relatively expensive than thermal cameras. Moreover, compared a tachometer and the input voltage of the loading device with an AC/
to signal analysing devices, a camera can examine the entire surface of DC voltmeter.
WG. The operating speed and loading rate have a major impact on the
gearbox temperature, sound and vibration behaviour. In order to dis- 2.2. Measurement Elements
tinguish the fault and the effect of working conditions, measurements
Three different measuring devices were used in the experiments:
should be done for all of the operating conditions. For this reason, in
thermal camera, accelerometer and microphone. The TESTO 880 ther-
this study a test rig that can work at different speeds and loading rates
mal camera with 9 Hz image refreshing frequency (Fig. 2 (a)). Thermal
was used to collect thermal images, vibration and sound signals from
sensitivity of the camera is less than 0.1 °C and it can focus manually up
healthy and faulty WGs. Since an industrial WG is loaded at different
to a distance of 10 cm. It has 160x120 pixel detector and 32°x24° stand-
rates and operated at different speeds in the real working environment,
ard lens. The second one is a PCB ICP® type piezoelectric accelerom-
measurements at constant speed and load are only valid for a limited
eter for vibration data. (Fig. 2 (b)). The accelerometer has a sensitivity
operating range. For comparison reasons, vibration and acoustic data
of 1.02 mV/(m/s²) and allows measurements in the frequency range of
were also gathered for all working conditions. The effects of varying
0.5-10000 Hz. Phantom powered Behringer ECM8000 condenser
resolution on performance of CNN are also depicted. As far as the
microphone is used for sound measurements (Fig. 2 (c)). The micro-
authors’ search, the results of the present study are of vital importance
phone has 600-ohm resistance and −60 dB sensitivity within the fre-
to the development of WG knowledge and industry.
quency range of 15 Hz - 20 kHz. In addition, m + p VibPilot dynamic
The rest of this paper is formed as follows. Section 2 describes the
signal analyser with 4 analog outputs was used to collect and monitor
experimental system, test rig and measurement elements. Section 3
data with accelerometer and microphone.
describes the methodology and theoretical background of CNN-based
fault diagnosis and proposed models for WG. Section 4 describes

Fig. 1. Experimental setup: (a) test rig (b) the schematic diagram

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Fig. 2. (a) thermal camera, (b) accelerometer, (c) microphone

3. Methodology the computation time and to create spatial and configurable invariance
gradually [21].
This section presents the methodology used to classify WG faults Convolutional layers consist of a number of filters. These filters
that are healthy, wear, pitting and tooth breakage. Deep learning, one convolute input from the previous layer with a set of weights and cre-
of the recent machine learning methods, is used as the main tool. As ate an output called a feature map. The neurons in the filters are con-
stated in previous works [22], deep learning do not require manual ex- nected to the input data points and these points are multiplied with the
traction of fault features and also achieve better fault detection results. weights. Because all neurons in the same filter share their weight, the
It has the ability to reduce the number of network parameters through optimization time and complexity of CNN is reduced [12].
local weight sharing and to avoid the over-fitting of the network when
the number of samples is insufficient.
Ccn = f ( X ∗ Wcn + bcn ) (1)
3.1. Theoretical Background of CNN
Convolutional neural network (CNN) is one of the most used Assuming that the convolutional layer input is X ∈ R MxN , the
types of deep learning. CNN consists of convolutional and subsam- layer output can be computed as in Eqs. 1. Here, M and N are dimen-
pling layers. Each of these layers has a certain topographic structure sions of input data ; ∗ is convolution operater; Ccn is the cn-th feature
and the layers contain a different set of neurons. Each neuron is also map of the convolutional layer; X is the input data matrix; Wcn is the
linked to neurons in the previous layers. Fig. 3 shows a typical CNN weight matrix of cn-th filter of the actual layer; bcn is the cn-th bias;
architecture consisting of input, convolutional and subsampling lay- and f is nonlinear activation function that applied to the result [15].
ers, feature maps, fully connected layer and softmax regression (final To reduce the size of the features and parameters of the network
stage). Convolutional and sub-sampling layers are arranged to reduce by subsampling, the pooling layers come after the convolution lay-

Fig. 3. Typical architecture of CNN

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ers. There are three different pooling functions that calcu- Table 1. Gearbox output speeds, loading rates and measurements
late activation statistics: max pooling, mean pooling, and
WG Output
weighted pooling. Among these, max pooling is the most Loading Rates Measurements
preferred function in CNN architecture [21]. S is pooling
block size and Ccn ∈ S ; Pcn is the output of the pooling 30 rpm
layer; then max pooling activation can be written as in Eqs. Thermal imaging, vibration
Healthy and 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%
2 [15]. 50 rpm measurement, and sound
faulty WG and 100%
Pcn = max Ccn (2) 70 rpm

Finally, fully connected layer follows the combinations

of convolutional and pooling layers. The fully connected One healthy and three faulty WGs are selected. Faulty WGs were
layer is similar to a traditional neural network. So it can be applied to made by machining techniques. Healthy (H) and faulty wheels of
different classification problems. To achieve fast and accurate results, gearboxes are given in Fig. 4. Faulty gearboxes are labelled as F1
one hidden layer and softmax regression were chosen as the last layer. (wear), F2 (pitting) and F3 (tooth breakage).
In this paper, as different gearboxes, which are healthy and faulty, are
classified, the output of the softmax regression can be expressed as in 3.2.1. Infrared Thermography
Eqs. 3. Here, K is the label number, W j is the weight matrix; b j is
Infrared thermography (IRT) has become one of the most effec-
bias; and O is the final result of the CNN [15].
tive condition monitoring tools [3], as they can enable reliable fault
diagnosing results. Real-time and non-contact measurement of the
 P ( y = 1 x;W1, b1  exp(W1x + b1 )  temperature of machine equipment and elements can be carried out
   
 P ( y = 2 x;W2 , b2  with IRT. In this way, it is possible to eliminate the failures occurring
1 exp(W2 x + b2 )  (3)
... = K  ...  in the machines without causing catastrophic damage and production
 
 P ( y = K x;WK , bK 
∑ exp(W j x + b j ) exp(W x + b )  losses [30]. Under actual operating conditions, WGs are heated de-
  j =1  K K  pending on the loading rate, operating speed and environment tem-
perature. Measuring the radiant thermal energy distribution emitted
from the surface of the WG and converting this energy distribution
3.2. Fault Diagnosis Protocol into a surface thermogram constitutes the basis of the condition moni-
toring with infrared thermography and gives information about the
When gears are in operation they are subject to dynamic operat- current operating status and possible gearbox faults such as wear, pit-
ing loads that affect the temperature, vibration and sound magnitudes ting, tooth breakage [23]. Therefore, thermal images of healthy and
directly [1]. Therefore, the high temperature values or the increase in faulty WGs with 160x120 pixel were collected for the working condi-
vibration or sound amplitudes of WGs cannot always be a cause of a tions given in Table 1 and then, they were fed as visual data to train
fault in condition monitoring applications. Considering all working and validate CNN.
loads and speeds of the test rig [46], it should be demonstrated that
the increase in temperature is due to fault or normal operating load
(Table 1).

Fig. 4. Healthy (a), F1-wear (b), F2-pitting (c), F3-tooth breakage (d)

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3.2.2. Short Time Fourier Transform and Spectrogram Images of GoogLeNet properties and detailed structure of modified architecture
Signals are given in Table 2 and Table A1.
It is commonly agreed that the CNN mostly performs well with
Time-frequency analysis, one of the most common signal process-
an enormous amount of data. However, it is possible to leverage deep
ing approach, can be used to understand the changes of sound and vi-
learning even with limited data [4]. In some instances, where you
bration signal components over time [6]. Fourier transform, is used to
visualize the change of frequency components of the signal over time. Table 2. The modified GoogLeNet properties
This visual representation is called the spectrogram of the signal [38].
Vibration and sound spectograms were fed as visual data for CNN. In Depth of layers 22
this study, short time Fourier transform (STFT) was preferred in order Number of layers 144
to obtain spectrograms.
In STFT, the signal, the function of time, is divided into short seg- Number of connections 170
ments and the Fourier transform is applied for each segment. In the
Input type Image
case of continuous time, the signal is multiplied by a window function
when applying STFT operation as seen in Eqs. 4. Here, x(t ) is the Input size 224x224x3
time domain signal and w(t ) is the window function [44]:
Output type Classification
+∞ Output size 4
STFT {x(t )}(τ , ω ) = ∫ x(t ) w(t − τ )e − jωt dt (4)
−∞ Weight learn rate factor 10

Bias learn rate factor 10

STFT for discrete time is given as in Eqs. 5. Here, x[n] is the sig-
Loss Function Cross-entropy
nal and w[n] is the window function. Based on this, the spectrogram
of the STFT function (Fig. 5) is calculated as in Eqs. 6 [44]:
can’t gather more data due to cost or inconvenience, then there are
some ways to follow during the training process. Fine tuning, data
+∞ augmentation, using cosine loss function, or using autoencoders are
STFT {x[t ]}(m, ω ) = X (m, ω ) = ∑ x[n]w[n − m]e − jω n (5) some of them. This study has the data that can be considered as limited
amount. So that, we did finetuning and data augmentation, respective-
ly. In finetuning, we start with a pretrained model and updated all of
2 the model’s parameters for our new task, in essence retraining the
Spectrogram {x[t ]}(m, ω ) = X (m, ω ) (6)
whole model. All model parameters which are the number of classes
in the dataset, the batch size used for training and the number of train-
ing epochs we want to run are updated. The train
model function trains for the specified number
of epochs and after each epoch runs a full vali-
dation step. After each epoch, the training and
validation accuracies are reported. For data aug-
mentation, we used a standard GoogleNet archi-
tecture that change the inputs in such a way that
provides new data while not changing the label
value. The 160x120 size raw input images are
converted to 224x224x3 image input size with
data augmentation.
Four different deep learning models were
selected in this study (Table 3). They are ther-
mal image based CNN(IRT-CNN), vibration
signal based CNN(V-CNN), sound signal based
CNN(S-CNN) and vibration-sound signals
based CNN(VS-CNN). IRT-CNN is trained with
raw thermal images; V-CNN is trained with vi-
bration spectrogram images; S-CNN is trained
Fig. 5 Vibration and sound signals and spectrogram images
with sound spectrogram images; and VS-CNN
is trained with both of vibration and sound
spectrogram images. The technical parameters;
3.2.3. Fault Detection and Classification with Modified GoogLeNet validation frequency is selected as 6 Hz and the
Models learning rate is 0.001 for all models in the table.
A simple flowchart of training process and the images used for the
GoogLeNet architecture is used to construct CNN models in classification of faults with different CNN models are given in Fig. 6.
this study for the diagnosis of WG failures. GoogLeNet, offered by Accordingly, thermal images and signal spectrogram images of H, F1,
Szegedy et al. [42], is a deep convolutional neural network architec- F2 and F3 gearboxes are collected separately for all operating condi-
ture based on new software technologies for classification and detec- tions at first. The data of each gearbox is divided into three groups as
tion [42]. GoogLeNet is a pretrained CNN that has 22 layers deep, and train, validation and test. GoogLeNet outputs are modified to classify
the networks have an image input size of 224-by-224. The modified healthy and faulty gearboxes. Using train and validation data, CNN

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Table 3. Experimental parameters for different deep learning models

IRT-CNN V-CNN S-CNN VS-CNN Fault Diagnosis

Input Parameters Output Parameters
Healthy (H)
Vibration spectro- Sound spectrogram Vibration-sound spec-
Raw thermal images
gram images images trogram images Fault 1 (F1)

Train, Validation and Test Samples Fault 2 (F2)

Fault De-
50%; 25%; 25%

Loading Rates (LR) 0%; 25%; 50%; 75%; 100% Fault 3 (F3)

Gearbox output speed (GOS) 30 rpm; 50 rpm; 70 rpm

Fig. 6. CNN-based fault diagnosis of WG (a) flowchart of training process, and (b) Images

is trained and classification is performed based on deep features. Fi- ing LR and GOS. For all LR and GOS, the temperature distributions
nally, the trained network is tested and fault diagnosis is carried out of F1, F2 and F3 gearboxes are higher than H. The thermal images of
according to data labels. H, F1, F2 and F3 for GOS = 50 rpm and LR = 50% are given in Fig.
7. The maximum temperature for F1 is 105°C and the average surface
4. Result and Discussions temperature is 75°C. The hottest gearbox is observed as F1 during
the experiments. The maximum temperature value for F2 is 93°C and
This section contains the findings of the experiments and a brief the average surface temperature is 66°C. F2 is hotter than F3 for the
discussion on the analysis based on past and current studies. same conditions. The maximum temperature value for F3 is 88°C and
the average surface temperature is 64°C. The less heated gearbox is
4.1. Findings of Thermal Imaging and Time-Frequency Sig- observed as H. The maximum temperature value for H is 83°C and the
nal Analysis average surface temperature is 60 °C. For F1, F2, F3 and H gearboxes,
A total of 120 thermal images were collected in different loading the minimum surface temperature values measured under these condi-
rates (LR) and gearbox output speeds (GOS) for each gearbox. A total tions are 18.4°C; 16.7° C; 16.1°C; 15.7 °C, respectively. Accordingly,
of 480 thermal images were obtained from all gearboxes for training, the worn gearbox is the hottest gearbox. Pitting failure causes more
validation and testing of the IRT-CNN model. heat than the broken tooth. The healthy gearbox is the coolest one
The difference between the temperature distributions on the sur- during experiments.
faces of healthy and faulty gearboxes increases gradually with increas-

550 Eksploatacja i N iezawodnosc – Maintenance and Reliability Vol. 22, No. 3, 2020
S cience and Technology

of 0-1 s for LR = 50%, GOS = 50 rpm. The sampling

rate for time-frequency analysis was chosen as 1600 Hz
and frequencies higher than 1000 Hz were eliminated
by Butterworth low-pass filter for vibration and sound
analysis. Fig. 9, shows the time waveforms and spec-
trogram images of sound measurements for LR = 50%,
GOS = 50 rpm. The time interval for sound waveform
is 0-0.4 s. A total of 480 sound spectrogram images
were also collected for training, validation and testing
of the S-CNN model. It was seen that the amplitude
of sound and vibration signals were increasing with
increasing load and speed. Moreover, different faulty
gearboxes produced different signal amplitudes as in
Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 that the amplitudes of the sound and
vibration signal of the faulty gearboxes are higher than
the healthy gearbox. From the figures, F1 has the high-
est vibration amplitudes. These amplitudes vary from
−31.7 m/s 2 to 42.6 m/s 2 in the 0-1 s time interval
and 0-750 Hz frequency range. The H gearbox vibra-
tion signal amplitudes range from −28.4 m/s 2 to −29.4
m/s 2 and they are the lowest in the same conditions.
The vibration amplitudes of the F2 generally vary from
−32.4 m/s 2 to 30 m/s 2 and larger than amplitudes of
Fig. 7. The thermal images of H, F1, F2 and F3 gearboxes the F3. In addition, F3 has the highest sound amplitudes,
ranging from −13 dB to 75 dB in the 0-0.4 s time inter-
The number of vibration spectrogram images were 120 for each val and 0-1900 Hz frequency range. H reducer has the
gearbox in different LR and GOS. A total of 480 vibration spectro- lowest sound amplitudes varying from −10.1 dB to 68 dB in the same
grams were obtained from all gearboxes for training, validation and conditions. The sound amplitudes of the F2 are generally between −9
testing of the V-CNN model. In Fig. 8, time waveforms and spectro- dB and 72 dB which are larger than the amplitudes of the F3.
gram images for H, F1, F2 and F3 gearboxes are given in the interval

Fig. 8. Time waveforms and spectrogram images of vibration measurements

Eksploatacja i N iezawodnosc – Maintenance and Reliability Vol. 22, No. 3, 2020 551
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Fig. 9. Time waveforms and spectrogram images of sound measurements

4.2. Results of Fault Diagnosis with Different

CNN Models
The spectrogram images of vibration and sound sig-
nals were used together in training, validation and test
of the VS-CNN model. The targets for CNN models are
healthy and faulty gearboxes. Table 4 shows class labels
of gearboxes and the number of samples used for train-
ing, validation and testing of different CNN models.
Fig. 10 shows the accuracy rates for different CNN
models. Accordingly, the highest training and valida-
tion accuracy rates were achieved with the IRT-CNN
model based on thermal images. It reached 100% in the
30th iteration and 10 epochs. This success rate is 87.5%
for V-CNN and 81.67% for S-CNN model. VS-CNN,
which uses spectrogram images of vibration and sound
samples together, has the lowest training and validation Fig. 10. Accuracy rates for different CNN models
accuracy with 73.33%. Li et al. [24] achieved similar
results in their study for the condition monitoring of
bevel gearbox. However, they did not use spectrograms for training and validation of CNN models. In addition, their experi-
ments were carried out under constant
Table 4. Class labels and number of samples for CNN models speed and loading rate, and the effect of
real working conditions on temperature
Class Label Number of Training Samples Number of Validation Samples Number of Test Samples change was not taken into account suf-
ficiently (Table 6, Table 7).
H 60 30 30 Fig. 11 shows the losses in training
F1 60 30 30 and validation progresses for different
F2 60 30 30
CNN models. Losses are a quantitative
measure of the difference between the
F3 60 30 30 predicted output and the actual output,

552 Eksploatacja i N iezawodnosc – Maintenance and Reliability Vol. 22, No. 3, 2020
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and decrease with the number of iterations. Depending on

the suitability and adequacy of the data set, losses and the
number of iterations decrease. Accordingly, the highest loss
occurred during the training progress of the VS-CNN mod-
el. Training and verification loss for the IRT-CNN model
decreased to 0% in the 30th iteration and 10 epochs.
To test CNN models, 25% of the samples collected
from the gearboxes was used. Confusion matrices of differ-
ent CNN models are given in Fig. 13. The IRT-CNN model
classified all test inputs for H, F1, F2 and F3 gearboxes cor-
rectly. For this success rate, the test was repeated 10 times
and the standard deviation was found to be 0. Whereas the
confusion matrix of V-CNN model’s success rate is 83.3%
and half of the samples of the H gearbox is estimated in-
Fig. 11. Losses for different CNN models
correctly. When the S-CNN model is tested, 81.7% of the
samples are estimated correctly. The rate of misclassifica-
tion of F1 is high. The lowest test success rate belongs to
VS-CNN model. In this model, only 65% of all test samples
were estimated correctly. It can be inferred from confusion
matrix that the test samples of the A2 gearbox are classified
incorrect considerably.
Table 5 shows the success rates of CNN models trained
and tested with different numbers of samples. Accordingly,
as the number of samples increases, validation and test ac-
curacy rates and training time of all CNN models increase.
The highest validation and test accuracy rates for all models
are achieved when 120 samples are used. Validation and test
accuracy rates of IRT-CNN models are higher than all V-
CNN, S-CNN and VS-CNN models. It is notable that even
if the IRT-CNN training sample numbers are 30 or 60, it
Fig. 12. The change of accuracy rates due to thermal image resolutions still has a very high diagnostic success (89-90%). %).The
accuracy rates with the increasing amount of train-
ing and testing data of V-CNN and S-CNN models
are more affected compared to IRT-CNN models.
Even with the least number of samples, IRT-CNN
has 89.3 % accuracy.
One other topic searched in this study is the
resolution of images that are to be classified. Reso-
lution of the image varies due to different input
sources, different imaging devices and different
environment noises [16] . Variation in images
resolution alters the visual information of images
[7]. Fig. 12 shows the variation of accuracy rates
depending on the image resolutions. When the per-
formance comparison of classifier for IRT-CNN
dataset analysed from Figure 12, it is noticeable
that accuracy rate decreases when image resolu-
tion decreases. The results are in accordance with
the literature [7].
These results have shown that the IRT-CNN al-
gorithm is effective for using the original tempera-
ture values for different fault diagnosis. It is worth
noting that this study is conducted as a special case
study in a factory where the unwanted working
noises are surpassed. However, the system was
tried to be made as a real as possible. Further ef-
fort can be put and the method can be tried on a
real shift.
Table 6 and Table 7 show a general compari-
son of CNN models proposed by Li et al. [24] and
CNN models proposed from this study.

Fig. 13. Confusion matrices of CNN models

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Table 5. Effect of the number of samples on the performance of CNN models

CNN Models Number of Samples Validation Accuracy (%) Test Accuracy (%) Training Time (s)

IRT-CNN 30 90.63 89.3 122

IRT-CNN 60 95 90 123
IRT-CNN 120 100 100 366
V-CNN 30 59.38 57.1 129
V-CNN 60 65 61.7 145
V-CNN 120 87.50 83.3 456
S-CNN 30 59.38 42.9 127
S-CNN 60 58.33 41.7 142
S-CNN 120 81.67 81.7 395
VS-CNN 30 40.63 39.3 128
VS-CNN 60 46.67 55 147
VS-CNN 120 73.33 65 423

Table 6. The proposed CNN models in the study Table 7. CNN models proposed by Li et al. [24]

CNN Models Test Accuracy (%) Training Time (s) CNN Models Test Accuracy (%) Training Time (s)

IRT-CNN 100 366 IRT-CNN 100 470

V-CNN 83.3 456 V-CNN 71.53 542
S-CNN 81.7 395
VS-CNN 65 423 to show different temperature distribution under different operating
conditions. The results showed that healthy and faulty gearbox can
be correctly classified 100% with the IRT-CNN model; 83.3% with
5. Conclusions the V-CNN model; 81.7% with the S-CNN model; and 65% with the
VS-CNN model. Based on this comparison, it was found that the use
In this paper, a CNN based condition monitoring study based on of thermal images with convolutional neural networks (CNN) gener-
infrared thermal images, vibration spectrogram images and sound ates the highest classification rates. With the high resolution detector
spectrogram images was performed and the model is used to diagnose thermal cameras, successful fault detection can be made with small
different types of faults in WGs. In real working conditions with a data sets considering different operating conditions. A new possible
test rig, which can operate at different speed and loading rates, the advantage of the IRT-CNN model is that it allows remote fault diag-
CNN model based on thermal imaging yielded the most successful nosis. It can be useful to work with the thermal cameras, which are
results than other models. Thermal images collected at different load- relatively cheaper than other signal processing devices. Faults of WG
ing rates and different speeds increased the success rate of IRT-CNN. can be accurately detected with loss of cost, time and money.
The operating conditions directly affect the temperature of the gear-
box and the thermal image pattern. Also, different types of faults tend

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Appendix A

Table A1. Detailed structure of modified GoogLeNet

Patch size/ #3x3 #5x5 Pool

Layer type Output size Depth #1x1 #3x3 #5x5
stride reduce reduce proj.
Convolution 7x7/2 112x112x64 1 - - - - - -
Max pool 3x3/2 56x56x64 0 - - - - - -
Convolution 3x3/1 56x56x192 2 - 64 192 - - -
Max pool 3x3/2 28x28x192 0 - - - - - -
Inception(3a) - 28x28x256 2 64 96 128 16 32 32
Inception(3b) - 28x28x480 2 128 128 192 32 96 64
Max pool 3x3/2 14x14x480 0 - - - - - -
Inception(4a) - 14x14x512 2 192 96 208 16 48 64
Inception(4b) - 14x14x512 2 160 112 224 24 64 64
Inception(4c) - 14x14x512 2 128 128 256 24 64 64
Inception(4d) - 14x14x528 2 112 144 288 32 64 64
Inception(4e) - 14x14x832 2 256 160 320 32 128 128
Max pool 3x3/2 7x7x832 0 - - - - - -
Inception(5a) - 7x7x832 2 256 160 320 32 128 128
Inception(5b) - 7x7x1024 2 384 192 384 48 128 128
Avg pool 7x7/1 1x1x1024 0 - - - - - -
Dropout (40%) - 1x1x1024 0 - - - - - -
Fully connected - 1x1x4 1 - - - - - -
Softmax - 1x1x4 0 - - - - - -


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