ST104b Assessment Instructions

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Online Assessment Instructions

ST104B Statistics 2

The assessment will be a closed-book take-home online assessment within

a 3-hour window. The expected time/effort to answer all questions is 2 hours.

Candidates should answer FOUR of the following questions: Question 1 of

Section A (40 marks) and all questions from Section B (60 marks total).
Candidates are strongly advised to divide their time accordingly.

A list of formulae and extracts from statistical tables are provided after the final
question of this paper if they are required to answer the questions.

You should complete this paper using pen and paper. Please use BLACK INK

Handwritten work then needs to be scanned, converted to PDF and then

uploaded to the exam platform as ONE individual file. Please ensure that your
candidate number is written clearly at the top of each page included in the scan.
Please do not write your name anywhere on your submission.

Workings should be submitted for all questions requiring calculations. Any

necessary assumptions introduced in answering a question are to be stated.

You may use any standard non-graphing scientific calculator for your
calculations, but you may not use any computer software or program to obtain
or graph solutions. Credit will only be given if all workings are shown.

You are advised not to leave your submission to the last minute in order to allow
sufficient time to submit your work.

If you think there is any information missing or any error in any question, then
you should indicate this but proceed to answer the question stating any
assumptions you have made.

© University of London 2023

The assessment has been designed with a duration of 3 hours to provide a more
flexible window in which to complete the assessment. As a closed-book exam, the
expected amount of effort required to complete all questions is no more than 2
hours. Organise your time well. You are assured that in terms of answering all
questions, there will be no benefit in you going beyond the expected 2 hours of
effort. Your assessment has been carefully designed to help you show what you
have learned in the hours allocated.

By accessing this question paper, you agree not to commit any assessment offence.
Assessment offences include (but are not limited to) committing plagiarism and the
use or access of any paid-for or any other services offering live assistance
during an examination. You must not confer with anyone else during a live
examination; and we take conferring to include any exchange of information or
discussion about the assessment with others in any way that could potentially give
you or another student an advantage in the examination. As such, any exchanging
with others of exam questions; or any accessing of websites, blogs, forums or any
other form of oral or written communication with others which involves any
discussion of live examination questions or potential answers/solutions to
exam questions will be considered an assessment offence.

The University of London will conduct checks to ensure the academic integrity of
your work. Many students that break the University of London’s assessment
regulations did not intend to cheat but did not properly understand the University of
London’s regulations on referencing and plagiarism. The University of London
considers all forms of plagiarism, whether deliberate or otherwise, a very
serious matter and can apply severe penalties that might impact on your

The University of London’s Procedure for the Consideration of Allegations of

Assessment Offences is available online at:

Assessment Offence Procedures - University of London

© University of London 2023

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