Loadsensing CMT Edge v.2.5 - Draft

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User Guide

Loadsensing CMT Edge

Version 2.5

User Guide
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]

User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

Table of contents

1. Purpose 3

1.1 Changelog 4

2. Edge devices network 5

2.1 Loadsensing network 5

2.2 Network Main Page 7

2.2.1 Edge devices list general view 8

2.2.2 Operations 12

2.3 Edge devices (detail) 15

2.3.1 Edge devices general view 16

2.3.2 Operations 20

3. Status 22

3.1 Gateway status 22

3.2 Logs 25

4. Configuration 26

4.1 General settings 27

4.2 Edge devices network radio (LoRa) 29

4.3 Internet configuration 31

4.3.1 Interface selection 31

4.3.2 Cellular configuration 33

4.3.3 Other relevant information 34


NTP 35

Network watchdog 36

Required network ports 36

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

4.4 Remote Access configuration 38

4.4.1 Passwords management 38

Administrator user password 38

View Only user password 39

4.4.2 Remote tunnel management 39

4.5 CSV data files configuration 41

4.5.1 Creating and deleting a Compacted Custom CSV file 42

4.5.2 Adding parameters to an existing Compacted Custom CSV file 44

4.5.3 Modifying or deleting an existing parameter 46

4.6 Data Output 48

4.6.1 FTP 48

4.6.2 Modbus TCP 54

4.6.3 REST API Calls 58

4.7 Maintenance 59

4.7.1 Configuration import and export process 59

4.7.2 Gateway firmware upgrade 60

4.7.3 Delete all 63

4.7.4 Reboot 65

5. Good Practices 66

5.1 Select appropriate Internet access interface 66

5.2 Setting the sampling rate remotely 67

5.3 Solution deployment procedure (step by step) 68

Contact Worldsensing 69

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

1. Purpose

This document describes the content and configuration of the Loadsensing CMT Edge solution.

CMT Edge solution is the piece of software embedded on the CMT Edge gateway, which enables
the connectivity with edge devices, data storage and Internet connection for remote access or
third party applications.

This is a specific document updated to the specific firmware version 2.5 available for all types of
loadsensing CMT Edge gateways. Please look for the specific document if you are using a different
firmware version.

This document is divided into three main sections, according to the CMT Edge gateway menu:

- Network: This tab displays the edge devices network, their status and readings.
- Status: Here all relevant information related to the gateway is displayed, as well as all logs
registered while the gateway is operating.
- Configuration: The tab where all configurations are done: Internet and radio access
configuration, data output for third party software, etc…

It also describes the most relevant good practices to deploy a Loadsensing CMT Edge system.

More information about this solution is available at our knowledge base at

https://worldsensing.zendesk.com/ , where a specific guide for each gateway model can be
found, as well as the quick start guide and other more specific annexe documents.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

1.1 Changelog

1. New sensor implementation: Support for the Loadsensing Digital Logger connected to the
Measurand Shape Array (SAA).
2. New sensor implementation: Support for the Loadsensing Digital Logger connected with the
new generation of RST Digital Bus In-Place Inclinometer (IPI), also called Gen4.
3. New sensor implementation: Support for the Loadsensing Digital Logger connected with the
Vaisala WXT563 weather transmitter; Error CSV file available for the sensor.
4. Engineering units: New formulae for the wireless tiltmeter data conversion to millimeters (mm)
or millimeters per minute (mm/m) and angle variation with axes rotation.
5. New User interface design

1. In some cases, slot times were higher than the sampling rate. A dishonour sampling rate
warning appeared if you exceeded the recommended number of nodes on a specified sampling
rate. Bug Fixed.
2. Coverage tests map visualization not showing properly. Updated with satellite view on this
3. When a node that was previously configured in a custom compacted file is deleted, the data
from the node is no longer visible on the list. All configured rows are shown correctly in this
version, the data source for this node’s columns are shown as ‘Unknown’ in this case.
4. Issue with monthly compression of rotated files, fixed.
5. When a radio message is received during the compaction process, it seems that some of the
data is not recorded. Compacted custom files now show all data.
6. Roaming SIMs and global SIMs not working properly on 4G rugged gateways in previous
versions, now fixed.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

2. Edge devices network

2.1 Loadsensing network

This is the main page, the one displayed when the gateway is accessed. It can also be accessed by
clicking on the “NETWORKS” menu.

It displays the information about the different networks created on this gateway under its
Network ID number.

A personalized name may be given to the network under the feature “Name” (see “Network main
page” below).

It also displays the number of both active and inactive edge devices, in a green square if active
(connected) or red, if inactive (disconnected).

CMT Edge can only have a unique network operative, even though more than one network may
appear on the system. This means the software will only accept (receive, process and store)
incoming data from a unique radio, the one configured on the “Configuration / Network” tab.

This radio may be modified or re-configured (by modifying the type of radio, password or
network ID). In case of modifying these parameters (on the configuration tab or in the edge
devices during the network commissioning process), a new network may appear in the software,
containing the edge device as disconnected.

All messages received by the gateway with the wrong radio ID will automatically be discarded,
and the readings of the edge device broadcasting the messages will not be processed or stored.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

The Loadsensing CMT Edge is delivered with a default Network ID, which matches with the
Gateway ID, and a unique specific password. This information is delivered in the Gateway
Information Sheet (GIS), provided with the gateway.

Refer to the specific section for more information about network credentials management.

Finally, clicking on the network ID or name (if available) will display the network where the data
can be visualized and the devices can be configured.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

2.2 Network Main Page

The network main page is accessible by clicking on the network ID or Name on the previous

By accessing the network, the network menu is displayed, where this information can be

1) Network general information (Name, comments. Check “Operations” tab for more info)
2) Compacted custom files of the network
3) Signal coverage test map access button
4) Edge devices detail and sampling rate operation buttons
5) Copyright and data server version information

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

2.2.1 Edge devices list general view

The network main page displays the information related to the edge devices connected to the
whole network, such as compacted custom files [1], coverage test access button [2] or edge
device list with relevant information for a quick check [3]

[1] The Loadsensing CMT Edge solution allows configuring monthly Compacted Custom CSV
(Comma Separated File) files. This CSV file structure and configuration is explained at the “CSV
Data files configuration” tab. They are available to be downloaded manually to be analysed using
a CSV editor (eg, MS Excel or similar), or can be pushed via FTP to a FTP server.

The system will feed the configured files and close them by the end of the month, renaming them
with the year and month number, and creating a current file with the readings generated during
the current month.

The current month file will be available for FTP upload, while all older files will remain on the
gateway available for direct download.

Up to five compacted CSV files can be created, which will be kept stored until the gateway is
flashed again by the Worldsensing operations team, or if “Delete all” options is applied. Oldest
files are zipped to save space on the gateway, and hidden. The full list can be displayed by clicking
on the + More button

Important: When upgrading from version 2.3 to 2.4.1 the Compacted ENG units file and the
Compacted custom file will automatically be created as Compacted custom CSV files. New nodes

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

added after this version will not be automatically added to the CSVs, as they will be managed as
Compacted Custom CSV files

[2] Signal coverage test map button redirects to a new page, where all the results of the coverage
tests of that network previously performed using the configuration Android app are displayed
(The ones where messages reach the gateway).
Results are geographically plotted if GPS option is enabled in the Android device used to
configure the edge device
A comma separated (CSV) file is available for download with all results

Clicking on the coverage test located on the map, displays the device
ID and all relevant information of the test, such as spreading factor
messages received vs sent, location, token and timestamp.
The test will be coloured according to the shortest spreading factor
with more than 50% of the messages received by the gateway..

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

Also, all the results of the network can be downloaded by clicking on the “DOWNLOAD ALL TESTS
OF THIS NETWORK” icon, which will download a CSV file. This is specially useful for indoor tests,
or those ones done without GPS location, or offline tests. In this case, the Token ID will be
displayed in the Android application.
Finally, clicking on the button “DELETE TESTS” all the tests of the network will be deleted, leaving
the map blank.

[3] Edge devices general overview

In this tab a general overview of all the devices that have been connected to the network is

By clicking on the lens icon next to Nodes, a search box will appear. By setting the edge device ID
and clicking “Search” the specific device will appear. Leaving the box blank, and clicking the
“Search” button will display the full list of devices again. The search button will be hidden by
clicking the lens icon again.

The “All” checkbox will select all the nodes of the list. This feature may be used to apply changes
to all the devices of the list (See operations paragraph)

Finally, a list of devices is displayed-

- ID: This is the Device ID configured in the device. By default, it is the same as the serial
number. It can be modified using the Android application, for example for replacing a
node. All readings on CSV files are pointed using this parameter.

Several operations can be done with the connected devices. This may provoke displaying
a specific tag (icon) to inform about the sampling rate status if this parameter has been
modified from the CMT Edge. The tag will not be shown if the sampling rate has only been
modified from the mobile application:
- A change in the sampling rate is pending. While the orange label is active,
the changes may be cancelled.
- The sampling rate of the node has been set through the CMT Edge.
- Sampling rate Dishonored. The sampling rate set or pending exceeds the
maximum frequency recommended by the internal algorithm. This may provoke

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

data loss due to messages on air collision and should be avoided.

- Name: It is a text to easily identify the device. This parameter is configurable.

- Status: Current status of the node, shown using a specific TAG.

- At least one radio message has been received from the device in the last 15
- No radio message has been received from the device in the last 15
hours (no reading message nor 2 consecutive healths).

- Piconode and Analog data loggers with sensors powered to

12/24VDC will be marked as Low Battery when sensors are incorrectly powered.
This may provoke erratic reading acquisition. In this case, the batteries should be
- Exclusive for the DIG2 data logger with MDT SmartLink sensor
connected to the DIG nodes which does have the Initial Reading set.
- Exclusive for the DIG2 data logger with MDT SmartLink sensor
connected to the DIG node which does not have the Initial Reading set.
- In the ID column. The sampling rate set or pending exceeds the maximum
frequency recommended.

- Datalogger model Firmware coded, can not be modified.

- Serial number Firmware coded, can not be modified.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

2.2.2 Operations

Two operations are available on this screen; Network configuration and edge devices sampling
rate management.

[1] Clicking on the pen icon allows modifying the network name and set comments related to the
network. This information is displayed on this screen.

Once the required information is updated, “Save” button must be clicked. This process will
redirect to the initial screen, with the new parameters set and a “Changes saved” message in

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

[2] Remote edge devices sampling rate management.

This feature allows setting or modifying the current sampling rate of the edge devices connected
to the network.
For this purpose, the required nodes checkbox must be marked (“All'' checkbox can be used if all
the devices have to be modified with the sampling rate) and “Change sampling rate” button must
be selected.
This button redirects to the sampling rate configuration screen, where the available sampling
rates can be selected.

Clicking on the “Save” button will apply these changes. As soon as a radio message is received
from an edge device, the gateway will send the appropriate command to modify the sampling
rate. During this period the sampling rate modification icon will appear in orange, and the

operation may be cancelled.

Once the gateway identifies the sampling rate has been modified, the icon will change the color
to white, indicating the sampling rate modification has succeeded . At this point the
changes can not be undone. The sampling rate can be modified as many times as required.

Depending on the size of the network or the device model, shortest sampling rates may not be
available, in order to avoid data collisions on the network which may provoke data loss. This
limitation may be avoided by enabling the checkbox of the message. This way the unavailable
sampling rates will be available.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

Devices with the sampling rate modified to a higher frequency than the recommended by the
system will be permanently marked with the dishonored icon

Note: Changing the sampling rate using the Android device will not modify the parameters
displayed on the gateway.

It is highly recommended to set the definitive sampling rate from the gateway interface for all the
devices. This procedure confirms that radio communications are OK in both directions (gateway
to device and vice versa).

It also decreases the compacted files generation delay, which may be up to one hour, as it
optimizes message sending timings. Any new device should also be configured in this way.

Setting the sampling rate from the gateway also optimizes the performance of the whole system.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

2.3 Edge devices (detail)

Clicking on a node ID or name (if it has been configured before) redirects to the edge device
detailed screen. Here the device information is displayed, and data (readings and data logger
health information can be viewed and downloaded, as well as configuring some parameters.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

2.3.1 Edge devices general view

These are the different items available in the site:

[1] Node information: Some of the information displayed in this area is directly sent by the data
logger, such as the Model, Firmware version and serial number.

Some others can be entered manually, as an Identifier (name), Installation date and other

[2] Node CSV files: All nodes store different information in monthly files. These files are available
to download by clicking them, and are stored in CSV format. All readings belonging to the current
month are stored in the first file, generally named as NODE_ID-FILETYPE-current.csv.

Clicking +More will expand the list of the previous months. The second one containing the
information of the previous month will be stored in the same format, with the data in the
filename instead of Current, (YYYY-MM), while all other files are stored in a zipped format for
space saving.

● XXXX-readings-ZZZZ.csv: Stores all readings taken by the data logger at the chosen

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

● XXXX-health-ZZZZ.csv: Stores all data logger status messages sent automatically every 7
hours. This frequency cannot be changed.
● XXXX-reading-errors-ZZZZ.csv: from firmware version 2.1 and above. Some devices may
report timestamped errors. These errors may be registered due to out of range
situations, unresponsive sensors or other more specific errors reported by digital
sensors. (Check specific edge device user guide for more information.

[3] Last messages and Time-series graphs:

Displays the last readings taken from all sensor channels configured.

In addition, clicking on the graph icon next to each reading will display a graph of the last 400

If available, clicking the Gear icon at the left will redirect to the Engineering units configuration
menu for the device.

[4] Status: Displays relevant information about the device radio performance.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

● Status: May appear as OK or DISCONNECTED. In case the gateway doesn’t receive any
radio message for 15 hours (two missing health files) the status will change from OK to
DISCONNECTED. When a message is received the status will return to OK.
● Messages received: Displays the amount of messages received during the last 5 days
(per day) as well as the total number of messages received and missed. Depending on the
colour, the reason for the data loss will be displayed:

● Power: Displays a timestamped list of the radio parameters of the latest received
○ RSSI (dBm): Received Signal strength indicator
○ SF: Spreading factor
○ Freq (MHz): Frequency used to send the message

[5] Metadata: Reserved. No information is currently displayed on this tab.

[6] Last messages: last messages received from the node in JSON format.

4 different messages may be displayed in this area:

- healthV2 message, containing information related to the health message sent by the
node every 7 hours, such as battery voltage, device uptime, temperature, etc…

- coverateTestV1 message. This one contains information related to the coverage tests
carried out using the Android application. The Token ID is the most relevant value sent by
this message.

- xxxReadingsVy message. This message contains information related to the readings

done by the edge device, such as readings themselves and timestamp when it has been

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

done. The name and parameters of this message may vary depending on the type of edge
device and sensor configured/connected.

- spstAggCfgV1 message. This message is displayed when the sampling rate is modified
from the CMT Edge user interface. It contains relevant parameters as the new slot time
and sampling period configured by doing this operation.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

2.3.2 Operations
Several customizations of the device are available on this page, such as node info customization
and engineering units configuration:

● CUSTOMIZATION: Main information configuration option is available by clicking the pen

icon. This tab opens a submenu where NAME, INSTALLATION DATE and COMMENTS can
be added. This menu also allows deactivating the Monitoring status emails, enabled by
default. Deactivating this option by selecting “No” in the scroll menu ignores the status of
this specific node for status reports sent by email. Useful if the logger is definitely
disconnected and does not require any specific monitoring.

Save button must be clicked to apply the changes.

● ENGINEERING UNITS: All readings taken by the sensors and sent by the edge device to
the gateway are sent in raw data. These readings can be converted by the gateway to a
configured engineering unit so they can be stored in the CSV files and displayed in the
gateway. EG: A Vibrating wire piezometer will send readings in Hertz. The gateway will
convert them to digits, and the engineering units option allows converting them to
MAMSL or any other required measurement.

Engineering units menu will be displayed by clicking on the gear icon. “USE ENGINEERING
UNITS” checkbox must be enabled to allow the configuration options. This step is
independent for every channel of measurement.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

It is relevant to understand that CH0 Logical = CH1 physical. Once the configuration is
done, click SAVE. Each type of edge device will display different options. Check the edge
device user guide at our knowledge base for more information.

Once configured, engineering units will also be displayed in the Last readings and Time
Series graphs, as well as stored in CSV files. (Example of a INC15 Tiltmeter with Axis

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

3. Status
This paragraph details the STATUS tab at the CMT Edge user interface, where all the status
Information is displayed, as well as the event logs register.

3.1 Gateway status

This paragraph, available at STATUS tab displays all the relevant information related to the
gateway main details, applications and connectivity.

The status is automatically self-updated every 5 minutes.

● General

Displays general information about the device an the CMT Edge status

○ Gateway serial number (coded by Worldsensing, different to manufacturer S/N)

○ Gateway model (Identifies the hardware model, as well as the frequency range)
○ Firmware version (Displays the current version, it can be upgraded)
○ Date: Displays the current time and date set on the gateway.
○ Uptime in minutes: Amount of minutes since the gateway was connected or
rebooted last time.
○ Input voltage: Displays the voltage that powers the gateway. This reading has a
precision of +/- 0.35 V.
○ Voltage history: Allows downloading CSV files containing the historical records of
voltage, registered every 15 minutes. Not divided by months.

● Application

Displays information related to the different applications of the gateway, and how they
are performing

○ Network ID: Displays the current radio network ID configured. It matches with the
Gateway Serial Number by default, but it can be modified.
○ Internet connection (ping): Indicates whether or not the gateway is able to
connect to the Loadsensing servers. Used for connectivity check.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

○ Status reporting: Indicates whether or not the gateway is able to send status
reports to Worldsensing. These reports are sent via HTTP (port 80) to
loadsensing.wocs3.com and provide monitoring information of the gateway’s
status to Worldsensing Technical Support.
○ Remote access: Indicates whether or not the gateway is able to open a remote
access connection to the Worldsensing server. This Remote access allows the user
accessing the CMT Edge via web, through
https://loadsensing.wocs3.com/[Gateway_Serial_Number], as well as
Worldsensing technical support department remotely for maintenance purposes.

● Network

Displays the parameters configured on the active network interface.

○ Selected interface: Displays Internet connection selected (Cellular or Ethernet).

○ Ethernet status: Indicates if the Ethernet interface is active (up) or inactive (not
○ Ethernet IP and Netmask: Displays the Ethernet configuration in case of being
active when monitored.
○ Cellular modem status: Same as Ethernet status for Cellular connection.
○ Cellular modem IP: IP address assigned to the cellular interface, if enabled.
○ Default gateway and DNS servers: Displays associated addresses.

● Cellular Modem

This information is provided by the ISP, it may not be shown even if the interface is

○ Status: Indicates whether or not the current cellular modem status is correct.
○ IMSI: Identification number of a given user in a cellular network.
○ Operator: Telecommunication operator used for the cellular modem (ISP).
○ Roaming: Indicates whether or not roaming mode is activated on the SIM card
(The roaming function is enabled by default on the gateway, to be controlled by
the SIM card provider)
○ Mode: Indicates the technology (algorithm) used in telecommunications to define
the channels and bandwidth to be used.
○ Signal: Indicates the signal coverage of the telecommunications operator in

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

3.2 Logs
Logs tab displays registered actions or events, and are selectable by day. A maximum of 10 daily
log files are available.

This tab provides information about:

● System actions: edge device deletion, time update, geographical area modification...
● Node irregularities: edge device time synchronization issues, etc...
● Unsuccessful actions: FTP data upload failure, etc...
● Regular actions carried out manually or automatically by the device: file overwriting
on gateway memory, new data file creation, etc.

Records are organized by two types:

● INFO: event information.

● ALERT: events that should not occur, usually due to some misconfiguration.

All records are time stamped in UTC

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

4. Configuration
The CONFIGURATION tab displays different gateway configuration options. These options are
separated in 4 blocks:

● Data retrieval: Configuration options to configure and receive data from CMT Edgem
● Communication interfaces: Network interface and radio interface related configurations.
● Export / Import: Configuration management tasks.
● Maintenance tasks: Basic maintenance operations.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

4.1 General settings

This option, available at [Configuration]>[General]. It allows modifying the time zone and
configuring the monitoring email list.

The CMT Edge gateway has an internal clock configured in UTC used to register all sensor
readings, events and possible incidents. This clock is protected with an internal battery and
synchronized via NTP.

However, a different time zone can be configured in the CMT Edge. By doing so, data will be
retrieved and visualized in local time, thus simplifying monitoring tasks.

This time zone modification implies automatic modification of the time zone, as well as summer
time modification. This only applies to visualization and csv timestamping, as an internal task of
the software. Radio messages are always sent/received in UTC, just like edge devices do.

Worldsensing strongly recommends setting the appropriate time zone during the initial
deployment, prior to field installation, in order to avoid any timestamp issues with CSV file
generation. Modifying the Time Zone once readings have already arrived to the CMT edge
solution modifies future readings timestamp, but previous timestamps remain, creating an
inconsistency in the CSV files.

Furthermore, the CMT Edge solution allows sending automatic emails as a monitoring service, by
registering mail addresses on the “Monitoring notification emails” section.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

This service is enabled by setting at least one email account, without any account limit. A unique
email account should be set per line, without any semicolon or similar icon. By doing this, the
email accounts will receive periodical emails indicating the following events:

● Notification in case of edge device status change: gets disconnected (after no messages
have been received for 15 hours) or connected again.

● Daily reminder of the disconnected edge devices, if they exist.

● Monthly status report with the status of all existing edge devices.

Email example

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

4.2 Edge devices network radio (LoRa)

This page allows configuring Wireless Sensor Radio Network parameters.

There are three different gateway models, with different radio models available, according to the
geographical areas where they may be placed. The radio model will be selected based on the
local regulations defined by the country where the device will be located.

For some countries, an advanced menu may be displayed. This refers to the possibility of
choosing one of the multiple channel groups available for data transmission. A group, usually 0, is
set by default, but it can be modified on each gateway. This configuration may avoid or minimize
data packet collisions in environments where several gateways are communicating with large
amounts of edge devices at high sampling rates, as each group of edge devices will communicate
with the gateway in different frequency groups.

Note: changing the default configuration, even the channel group at advanced options, requires
modifying these parameters at the edge devices during the setup using the Android application.
Otherwise, the CMT Edge gateway may not receive the radio message, and data will not be
registered on the system.

Network type, ID and password must match at both CMT Edge and edge devices.

The available parameters to configure are:

Country and frequency (Network type)

○ Varies depending on the gateway model. Check the appropriate radio model
according to the country regulations.
○ Depending on the network model, different channel groups, channels or specific
spreading factors may be chosen.

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User Manual
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Version 2.5

● Network ID
○ It is a numeric identifier for the wireless sensor network.
○ Same as the Gateway Serial number by default.

● Network Password
○ This password is used to encrypt all data in transit on the Wireless Sensor
○ The default factory password is printed on the Gateway Information Sheet.

The parameters displayed in this page may be modified under the user risk. Worldsensing
recommends modifying them only in case of gateway replacement. In this case, a new CMT Edge
gateway with the same radio configuration as the replaced ones will continue receiving messages
from all connected edge devices, without any need of re-configuring them.

Note: The password can not be recovered once modified. Worldsensing keeps a digital copy of
the GIS which contains the factory parameters, including the original password. Setting and losing
a new password may require setting a new one and re-configuring all connected edge devices.

The process which manages radio message reception is protected by a watchdog, which reboots
the gateway in case of not being able to parse any radio message during 8 Hours (no message
during 1 Health message period). Rebooting the CMT Edge gateway minimizes data loss as the
process is correctly started again, in case of service failure.

If no messages are received for 8 hours, the gateway will restart due to the radio watchdog.

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Version 2.5

4.3 Internet configuration

The Internet configuration option is available at configuration / Internet tab.

It allows selecting the interface the gateway will use to connect to the Internet. It can be done via
Ethernet physical interface using an ethernet cable with an RJ-45 connector (either LAN or WAN)
or Cellular, by inserting a SIM card.

4.3.1 Interface selection

By default, the interface selection is set on automatic mode.

The gateway is factory-configured to communicate with the Internet as fast as possible. When
booting, the device will try connecting to the Internet by using the Ethernet configuration using a
DHCP configuration. In case the Ethernet connection (link) is not detected, it will switch to Cellular
interface, by connecting to a mobile network using the SIM card with a default configuration and
PIN number deactivated. An APN database is stored in the internal memory, the device will select
the most appropriate one and try to connect. In case of not connecting to any network, the
gateway will remain standalone, without internet connection.

Internet communication is available with this setup. However, this configuration is not the most
appropriate one. Worldsensing recommends configuring the deployed interface once the
gateway has connected to the Internet in automatic mode, or in a previous step using the local
interface for the initial setup. (Check gateway user guide at our knowledge base)

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Version 2.5

This modification is done at the Network connection option, by selecting the Manual
configuration, and selecting the deployed network.

Network connection

○ Automatic (default)
■ The network connection mode is automatically configured upon gateway startup.
■ The device will configure the Internet connection as described in the previous

○ Manual Configuration.
Note: This setting overrides auto-detection and launches the selected connection type.

■ Cellular modem
● Launches a cellular connection with the settings configured in the
● Ethernet interface is deactivated but can be used for feeding the device
with a PoE injector.
■ Ethernet with DHCP
■ Ethernet interface is deactivated but can be used for feeding the device
with a PoE injector.
■ Receives an IP automatically from an existing DHCP server on the
Note: This option is the easiest to configure for an Ethernet interface but it may
not be ideal for connecting directly to the gateway in a LAN environment, as the IP
address may vary. Dynamic IP addresses may affect any routing or firewalling

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08014 Barcelona, Spain
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User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

configuration, such as port forwarding. Static IP address configuration is

recommended for this kind of installation.
● Ethernet with Static IP
○ This mode requires manually setting of the network parameters:
■ IP address
■ Subnet mask
■ Default gateway
■ DNS servers
Once the changes on this web have been made, it is required pressing the “SAVE
CONFIGURATION” button and applying a reboot of the device. Otherwise the previous
configuration will remain, even if it has been saved.

4.3.2 Cellular configuration

The cellular modem configuration tab contains some configuration parameters specific to this
type of connection.

Note: This tab should be checked when deploying a cellular interface only, if required. This
configuration is applied whenever a Cellular connection is used, regardless of whether it was the
result of an automatic or manual configuration in the Internet tab.

These are the options available to configure in this tab:

● PIN (personal identification number) setting

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Version 2.5

○ Off ( selected by default)

■ The gateway will not attempt to unlock the SIM card.
■ The cellular connection will fail in case the SIM card is PIN protected
○ On
■ This setting allows configuring the PIN code for a PIN-locked SIM card.
■ Important: the gateway will automatically attempt to unlock the SIM card.
In case the configured PIN and the real one are different, the SIM card will
get blocked once the system exhausts the three possible attempts.
■ There is no way to enter the PUK code in the gateway. A PUK-locked SIM
card needs to be installed in a mobile device for unlocking.

● APN (access point name) settings

○ APN Auto selection (default)
■ Every mobile operator requires a specific configuration for connection to
its network. The CMT Edge gateway has a database with hundreds of
operator configurations worldwide. The CMT edge will try to recognize and
configure the SIM card connection accordingly.
■ The configuration may be wrong for non-standard and some other
operators not available on the list.
○ Manual APN configuration
■ This setting allows manual input of the mobile operator configuration
■ This feature should be used in case auto-selection does not configure the
connection properly.

Important: roaming is allowed by default in the CMT Edge gateway. This feature can not be
disabled in the device, it should be blocked on the service provider side to avoid using this
feature, which may incur on unwanted expenses.

4.3.3 Other relevant information

Some other parameters and features are available on the CMT Edge, which can be configured to
personalize the system according to the requirements of the deployment.

CMT Edge uses a preconfigured SMTP configuration to send monitoring emails to the list of email
addresses configured at GENERAL tab.

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User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

This configuration is available at [CONFIGURATION] > [INTERNET] tab, at SMTP Server option:

The platform allows setting a custom configuration of this parameter. This way, the monitoring
emails will be sent from the configured email address instead of being sent by a Worldsensing
account, which has been specially deployed for this specific CMT Edge instance.

This configuration requires the “Save configuration” button to be clicked and the gateway
rebooted to take effect.

Each CMT Edge instance periodically synchronizes with a NTP (Network time protocol) server to
have the date and time updated. This is required to display and register readings correctly.

This server can be configured at [CONFIGURATION] > [INTERNET] tab, at NTP Server option. It can
be configured to use a different NTP server, which may be useful in offline deployments (where
the system is not Internet connected), by selecting the local network NTP server IP address.

This configuration requires the “Save configuration” button to be clicked and the gateway
rebooted to take effect.

Worldsensing recommends leaving this parameter by default for Internet connected


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08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

Network watchdog
The Internet interface (both ethernet and cellular) are by default protected by a watchdog. This
network watchdog monitores the status of the Internet connection by triggering a controlled
gateway reboot, which will close and restart correctly the gateway, restarting the Internet access

This watchdog is triggered when the CMT Edge identifies a connectivity issue. The CMT Edge pings
every 5 minutes to Worldsensing servers. In case of not receiving a positive response during 8
consecutive tries, this means, 40 minutes, the reboot is triggered.

This feature should be deactivated ONLY in offline deployments, as the system will not be able to
ping external servers.

It increases the reliability level, specially for remote installations, as it minimizes the Internet
access issues due to device malfunction.

Required network ports

The CMT Edge gateway requires some generic ports to be open for a normal performance. Also
some other ones may be required for specific features, such as integration with third party

Most of these ports are open by default in most of the networks, and the user should not face
networking issues in most of them, but in managed networks these port openings may be
required to the IT department.

Cellular networks normally allow communicating through these ports without any other

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08014 Barcelona, Spain
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User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

- TCP 80 (HTTP port): This port is required for gateway monitoring. The gateway will
periodically send a message to the Worldsensing monitoring platform with relevant
information, such as input voltage, messages received/lost, CPU and RAM usage, etc…
This information is available for Worldsensing Technical support department, which is
useful for troubleshooting in case of raising an incident in our support platform.
- TCP 443 (HTTPS port): This port is the one used to access the gateway via the web. Also
used for REST API call integrations.
- UDP 1194 (VPN port): This port is used to enable remote access. Check the Remote
Access Configuration paragraph for more information.
- UDP 123 (NTP port): Required for time synchronization. May use an internal address for
LAN environments.

Other ports may also be required depending on the project requirements.

- TCP 502 (Modbus TCP): Required for Modbus TCP communication with third party
- TCP 21 (FTP): Required for FTP communication with third party software. This port is
configurable by the user at the FTP client.
Note: More ports may be required to be open depending on the FTP configuration.

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Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

4.4 Remote Access configuration

This page is available at the Configuration tab, by clicking the Remote access option. It allows
configuring how the users access the CMT edge plattform, including both method, users and

4.4.1 Passwords management

CMT Edge is delivered together with a preconfigured user with administrator privileges and a
predefined password. This user (Admin) and the password are used to access the gateway from
all the interfaces available: Internet access via Public IP address (regardless of the physical
interface used), Remote access tunnel (https://loadsensing.wocs3.com/GW_ID) or Local interface,
by using the USB-C to Ethernet adapter.

Administrator user password

Here the Admin user password can be modified.

The previous Admin password will be required when the device is accessed remotely (IP or
Remote tunnel), but no previous password will be required when modifying it through the local

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08014 Barcelona, Spain
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User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

“Change Admin password” button must be clicked to apply changes.

Note: Keep the new password safely. The Worldsensing support team only keeps a digital copy of
the default password, provided at the Gateway information sheet.

Changing the default passwords also affects the local interface (unlike previous firmware

The Worldsensing support department may set the passwords to defaults remotely. Contact us
by opening a support ticket at our support platform to recover the original one.

View Only user password

A view only user may be enabled. This user named “viewonly” allows access to the CMT edge with
limited privileges: All configuration options will be disabled in the User Interface.

This user is disabled by default. It needs to be enabled by ticking the checkbox, setting a new
password, and clicking “Set viewonly configuration” button.

This user can be disabled by an Admin user remotely.

4.4.2 Remote tunnel management

CMT Edge platform is deployed locally on the gateway, but it may be connected to the
Worldsensing platform using a VPN connection. This VPN tunnel service allows accessing the
gateway through a known URL instead of accessing via Public IP address, which may be variable,
specially when using dynamic IP addresses, as most SIM cards do. This known URL is
https://loadsensing.wocs3.com/{Gateway_ID}, unique for every instance deployed, and accessible
with the credentials provided at the GIS.

This VPN tunnel also allows Worldsensing technical support team remote access for
troubleshooting and support purposes.

This feature is enabled by default, but may be disabled if required.

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Version 2.5

There are two main scenarios where this tunnel should be disabled only:

- Offline environments without Internet access ( together with the network watchdog)
- When using a public IP address. Sim cards providing a public IP address must be
requested specifically, and are usually more expensive than the ones available in the
market. In this case, it is relevant requesting a fixed IP address, to have a known IP
address to access the system

Note: tunnel deactivation is done immediately, once the “save tunnel configuration” button is
applied. This may provoke connection loss if the operation is done through the tunnel URL.
Worldsensing recommends disabling this function (if required) from the local interface to avoid
any connectivity issue.

Firewall rules for the Cellular interface

For the Cellular interface connected gateways some firewall rules are applied, which only accepts
incoming traffic from the tunnel. Deactivating the tunnel when using this interface could generate
a huge data usage in case of being exposed to an external attack.

These firewall rules are not applied when the device is connected via Ethernet, as the security is
provided by the network where it has been connected.

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08014 Barcelona, Spain
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User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

4.5 CSV data files configuration

This tab is available at [Configuration]>[Compacted CSV] tab. It allows creating up to 5
personalized CSV with any received reading information from any edge device connected to the
network. This includes raw data readings, engineering units converted readings and error
messages. No health information can be added to these files.

These files are complementary to the edge device CSV files, already explained in their section.
They can be used to mix different readings from different edge devices, to include all readings
from a specific area, type of sensor, or simplify the data output for a third party monitoring
software, as it allows header customization. As well as edge device files, these files will be time
stamped using the timezone configured at CONFIGURATION > General tab

Once a file is created, it will keep the structure, not adding or deleting columns if a new device is
added to or deleted from the network. It will keep the same monthly structure as edge device
files do, creating a current file for the current month and renaming it with year-month at the end
of the month. These files are displayed at the Network main page. Deleted edge devices will be

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08014 Barcelona, Spain
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Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

displayed as “Unknown” at the devices list, with empty data values being written as no info is
available at the platform.

These files may be modified during the entire life of the project. When a specific Compacted
custom CSV file is modified, the previous one is closed and renamed as
"compacted-custom-readings-<net_id>-<name>-<year>-<month>.change0.dat", leaving the new
modified version with the default name,
"compacted-custom-readings-<net_id>-<name>-current.dat". Future modifications of this file
throughout the current month will apply the same criteria, renaming previous versions as
change01, change02, etc ..

This process is restarted on the next month, creating change0 files again, as the Year and the
Month are both available on the header of the file, for a fast identification.

4.5.1 Creating and deleting a Compacted Custom CSV file

This guide explains the steps to create a new CSV file

1 Network selection

Each file is associated with an existing edge devices network. Even though a unique network may
be enabled on the system, this can be changed in Radio settings, for example, to create a new
network keeping readings from an older installation in the CMT edge platform.

The required network must be selected on the Network box, where all existing networks are

2 File name creation

Click on the + icon next to the

filename list. A pop-up
window will appear
requesting the name for the
new file. Click Accept to create
the new file.

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Version 2.5

Immediately a blank new file

will be created and displayed
in the file list. Any blank
spaces will be underscored, to
minimize integration issues.

This way, a new File has been created (New_Example_File)

3 Deleting a file

Deleting a file requires two steps; Selecting the network the file belongs to (step 1) and clicking -
icon. A new window will pop-up asking about the task to be done. Accept button must be clicked
to delete the file.

Once any of these procedures is completed, a green message will be displayed indicating the
operation has been successfully done.

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Version 2.5

4.5.2 Adding parameters to an existing Compacted Custom CSV file

Once the file has been created, the next step is adding all required readings (both raw or
converted) or error messages. First of all, an existing CSV file must be selected. Automatically all
available edge devices ID of that network and the selectable parameters will appear in a drop
down form

This form contains these parameters:

● Node: The Node ID of the edge devices available on the network

● Column: It contains all the available variables to store in the CSV file. Same column name
as present in the corresponding readings CSV file.
● Header name: Box to assign a name to the header for the column of the variable
selected. Blank spaces will be replaced by an underscore. Same as the column field by

Once a variable is selected and configured, Add button must be clicked.

Alternatively, all RAW readings from the edge device, or all engineering units of the device
previously configured on the CMT Edge platform can be selected by clicking “add raw” or “add

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
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Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

eng” buttons. This option will add all the selected parameters with default header names, which
can be modified later.

In this example, Add Eng button has been clicked, adding all the engineering units configured for
the Edge device 6920, a 1-channel Vibrating Wire data logger.

Once all the required parameters have been added to the CSV file, SAVE button must be clicked
to save the configuration. This will automatically create the CSV file. This file may not be
immediately available on the edge devices network page, it will appear as soon as enough
readings arrive to the platform to create a new timestamped line on a new CSV file. This process
may take up to one hour if sampling rates of the nodes have not been remotely set from the

A green bar will be displayed if the process has been completed.

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Version 2.5

4.5.3 Modifying or deleting an existing parameter

Any CSV can be modified after it has been created by the user, adding, deleting or modifying the
order or the header name of any of the existing parameters.

Adding and deleting a parameter (column) of the CSV file

A new parameter can be added following the steps in the previous paragraph. Once created, it
can be deleted by clicking the Trash icon in the right side of the parameter.

A message must be accepted to apply changes.

Modifying a parameter name (column header name) of the CSV file.

A column may be modified by clicking the pen icon next to the trash icon at the right side of the
parameter to be modified. Any blank space will be replaced by an underscore.

Modifying the parameter order (column order) of the CSV file.

Any parameter can be moved to any position if required. This will modify the order of
that specific parameter at the CSV file. This configuration is done by clicking the selected
parameter and moving to the desired position. This step may require doing it in several
steps in long CSV files.

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Version 2.5

Note: Modifying the order or header name, and deleting any parameter from an existing CSV will
alter its structure, which may affect any integration done with a third party software, if this
compacted custom CSV file is uploaded.

Finally, once all required modifications are done, “SAVE” button must be clicked. A “Changes
saved” green bar will be displayed, and the list of parameters of the CSV file will be updated.
Otherwise the changes will be lost once another operation is done.

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08014 Barcelona, Spain
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Version 2.5

4.6 Data Output

CMT Edge platform is designed to easily integrate with third party software platforms, for
monitoring or data backup purposes. Three main options are available to automate data
acquisition by external platforms.

4.6.1 FTP
At [CONFIGURATION]>[FTP client], an FTP client can be enabled and configured. This feature
allows sending data to a configured FTP Server, and it is the most commonly used method for
automatically uploading data to a monitoring software platform, to create and display reading
charts, threshold alarms configuration, etc… It can also be used for backup purposes, by sending
all readings received by the CMT Edge platform to a backup server.

The FTP client uploads all new readings received periodically. Readings stored on Edge device CSV
files are pushed every 3 minutes if they exist, while compacted CSV file readings are pushed every
15 minutes. This means a FTP upload may not happen if no new readings exist, or more than one
reading will be uploaded if sampling rate is lower than this period. This option is not configurable.


The FTP client requires configuring a FTP server, where data is going to be uploaded.

This information may be provided by the monitoring software provider or by the IT department in
charge of the FTP server deployment.

These parameters must be filled to configure and enable the FTP client:

-Enable FTP: This checkbox will enable or disable the FTP client. A correct configuration will not
work until this option is enabled. Any incorrect configuration of the FTP client will pass the FTP
test if this checkbox is not enabled.

-Hostname: Box to set the URL or IP address of the FTP site. Temporarily, the IP address of a FTP
site may be set if the URL does not work due to DNS issues.

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-Port number: FTP uses Port TCP21 by default, and it is predefined in the system. This port may
be modified according to the FTP site requirements.

-Credentials (Username & Password): The FTP client allows uploading data using anonymous
login, or using a predefined Username and Password. Leave “Use anonymous FTP” checkbox
unmarked for login using predefined credentials. Enabling this option will disable Username and
Password options.

-Protocol: FTP, FTPS or FTPS (ignoring self-signed certificates) options are available. This
information should be provided by the IT department in charge of the FTP site.

- The first one (FTP) refers to the unsecured system, which does not use any encryption
- FTPS option is used for connecting to secured FTP servers, when a CA certificate provided
by a certification authority is used, such as Verisign, Thawte, etc...
- FTPS (ignoring self-signed certificates) option is used to connect to those secured FTP
servers where the certificates have been generated locally, instead of by a CA.

NOTE: CMT Edge platform’s FTP client does not support SFTP protocol.

-FTP mode: Passive or Extended passive modes are available. To be defined by the IT department
in charge of the FTP server.

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Version 2.5


The second part of the configuration is related to how data will be transferred to the FTP site.
Three different ways to upload data are possible, depending on the Output method selected

- Append to the end of file: This option creates a monthly file on the FTP server, similar to
the Edge device and compacted files, named as current, and renamed with the Month
and Year at the end of the month. Adds a line for each new reading uploaded.

This method dumps the whole file again in the case the file is not found on the server
during the upload process. This method is useful for backup purposes.

- Create unique file name at every upload: This option creates a new file on every
upload, with the device ID, date and time stamped on the file name, with all new readings
generated since the last upload process.

This process may generate a lot of files, which may increase data consumption on the
gateway side (part of the upload process requires listing all files existing on the FTP server
folder). The user will be asked to mark a checkbox accepting the file management on the
server side.

This option is usually selected for data uploading to monitoring platforms, where the file
is parsed as soon as it is uploaded to the FTP site, and deleted once data is registered.

- Overwrite at every upload: This option uploads a unique file to the FTP site. Similar to
the Append mode, but it will overwrite all existing readings in the file on every upload,
leaving only the new ones available. Useful for monitoring platforms which require a
fixed name for the file, as no time nor date are modified on the file name.

As well as the Create unique file option, it will also be asked to mark a checkbox
explaining the performance of this method.

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In all the cases, a file (or bunch of files if “Create unique file at every upload” option is selected)
will be created for every edge device available on the network, if the type of file has been
selected. Previously configured Custom compacted files can also be uploaded if this option is

Different paths are available on the FTP client configuration option. Each one refers to a specific
type of file. A different path may be set to each file to be uploaded, in order to store them in
different subfolders on the FTP site.

Enabling the checkbox and setting a correct path is mandatory to upload that type of file.

Note: Default paths may be set as full path “/” or relative path “./” (without quotes). Any
configured subfolder must be previously configured on the FTP site, and correct permissions
must be set.

This list describes the list of available types of files available at this firmware version.

Health: Uploads and stores any Health information of all the existing edge devices. A Health file
will be created for every edge device connected.

LS-G6-VW data: Uploads and stores any information sent by any Loadsensing Vibrating Wire data
logger available on the network.

LS-G6-DIG data: Uploads and stores any information related to any Geosense IPI, RST ASCII IPI, or
Sisgeo V2 (Legacy) instrument sent by any Digital data logger available on the network.

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LS-G6-VOLT data: Uploads and stores any information sent by any Loadsensing Analog (4
channel) data logger available on the network (Excluding DGSI Serial HD IPIs).

LS-G6-PICO data: Uploads and stores any information sent by any Loadsensing Piconode data
logger available on the network.

LS-G6-INC15 data: Uploads and stores any information sent by any Loadsensing 15º biaxial
tiltmeter available on the network.

LS-G6-DIG MDT data: Uploads and stores any information related to any MDT MPBX instrument
sent by any Digital data logger available on the network.

LS-G6-DIG Sisgeo data: Uploads and stores any information related to any Sisgeo instrument with
V3 firmware version sent by any Digital data logger available on the network.

LS-G6-DIG GeoFlex/GeoSmart/GeoString data: Uploads and stores any information related to any
GeoFlex, GeoSmart or GeoSmart IPI sent by any Digital data logger available on the network.

LS-G6-DIG Modbus RTU:Uploads and stores any information related to any Geokon IPI or
thermistor, Insitu Level Troll / Baro Troll, Keller PR36XW and PR36XiW CTD, Vaisala WXT563 or RST
Modbus IPI sensor sent by any Digital data logger available on the network.

LS-G6-DIG Measurand SAA: Uploads and stores any information related to any Measurand
ShapeArray instrument sent by any Digital data logger available on the network.

LS-G6-VOLT DGSI IPI data: Uploads and stores any information related to any DGSI Serial HD IPI
sent by any Analog data logger available on the network.

LS-G6-LASER data: Uploads and stores any information sent by any Loadsensing Laser distance
meter available on the network.

LS-G6-INC360 data: Uploads and stores any information sent by any Loadsensing triaxial tiltmeter
available on the network.

LS-G6-LASER360 data: Uploads and stores any information sent by any Loadsensing Laser
distance meter + Triaxial tiltmeter available on the network.

SHM data & Weather data: Reserved, not to be used.

Custom compacted data: Uploads and stores all information stored in ALL the configured custom

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5


Once all configurations are done, “SAVE AND TEST” button has to be clicked. By doing this, the FTP
client will try to connect to the server, following this process:

1. The platform creates a connection to the FTP server using the credentials configured.
2. A test file is created, filled with data, and finally deleted on the server, in order to test the
connectivity is OK.
3. CMT Edge checks the last file or data uploaded to the server.
4. It then uploads the latest data (with the selected output method to the selected paths).

A green bar with a success message will be displayed if the process is successfully completed.

A red bar with a fail message will be displayed if the process is unsuccessful, as well as a message
indicating the issue at the FTP Client configuration page, under Output configuration option.

During the service normal performance, should an error occur, the reading file should be
uploaded again, or the full file from the beginning of the month ( for append mode) should be
uploaded. The error will be logged in the platform logs page.

Note: Both FTP server or CMT Edge internet access may require additional network ports to be
open for a correct performance, due to passive mode port usage.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

4.6.2 Modbus TCP

Loadsensing CMT Edge may also be connected to a Modbus TCP client by configuring the Modbus

This protocol uses TCP502 port, which should be enabled in the network to allow communication.
There is no possibility of modifying this feature.

This option is only available for wired network configurations, to be used in LAN environments,
and SIM connected gateways with public IP addresses as it requires a known IP address to
connect to the client. Anyway, it is recommended only to be used in LAN environments, as this
protocol is insecure by design, without no user and password requirements, nor data encryption.

Unlike using FTP protocol, no historical information is available. Latest readings and edge device
status is stored in the CMT Edge platform database, and it has to be periodically read by the
ModBUS TCP Client.

The loadsensing network is organized by assigning a Unit ID to each edge device, and all available
data (timestamps, last reading, etc…) related to each Unit ID is stored in registers assigned to
each Unit ID.

Due to the loadsensing CMT Edge Modbus configuration, up to 246 Unit ID may be configured, to
achieve information from 246 edge devices. Unit ID 247 is reserved for edge device status

The ModBUS registers have a size of 16 bit , and may be accessed by using Function code 4 (Read
input registers). This size may not be enough to display some information, such as timestamps or
long readings; in these cases two consecutive registers may be required to get the data.

Once a reading from a specific edge device arrives at the CMT Edge platform, The associated
registers are updated, overwriting the previous information.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

Modbus TCP gateway configuration

Modbus TCP Gateway configuration is enabled by selecting the appropriate interface, Wired
(Ethernet) or All (including cellular modem interface)

Once the interface is selected, “SAVE” button next to the selected option must be pressed. This
will enable the connectivity with external Modbus TCP clients using the selected one. A
configuration saved message will be displayed. Access again to the Modbus gateway page to
continue with the configuration.

Next required step is configuring the Message Timeout. This timeout refers to the time data will
be available at the registers. A radio message arrives to the CMT Edge platform, and it is stored in
the register for the period of time configured in this parameter. Once this time has passed, the
information stored will be deleted. If this reading has been updated due to a new message
arrival, the timeout restarts.

If the data of the register has not been renewed, an error will be sent to the ModBUS TCP request
due to the empty register.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

Setting this parameter to “NEVER” keeps the latest reading received from the edge device, even if
it is offline. This option avoids receiving error messages at the ModBUS client, but may provoke
receiving duplicate readings.

Therefore, it is recommended setting the message timeout at least equal to the highest sampling
rate configured on the network, as this feature is common to all the UNIT IDs configured.

Available timeout periods match with the sampling rate configurable at the edge devices.

Save button next to the scroll menu must be pressed to apply the changes, and a Configuration
saved menu will be displayed, same as in the previous operation.

Unit ID configuration

This second part of the ModBUS gateway configuration will assign Unit IDs to the connected edge
devices by creating a list with Unit IDs. Once created, the edge devices can be assigned to the

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

UNIT ids. It is mandatory for Edge devices to be online while this configuration is done, as
disconnected nodes are not eligible for this list.

A specific Unit ID can be typed at Unit ID option (not necessarily sequential). Once typed, “Add
row” Button must be pressed to add the Unit ID to the list. A scroll menu will appear next to the
recently created Unit ID, where an Edge device ID can be assigned.

As unit IDs are unique, CMT Edge platform does not allow duplication by mistake, displaying an
error message.

Finally, a Unit ID can be deleted by pressing the “Trash” icon

Save button under the Unit ID list must be pressed to apply the changes, and a Configuration
saved menu will be displayed, same as in both previous operations.

At this moment, a list of Unit IDs associated with the Edge devices is accessible in the CMT Edge

IMPORTANT NOTE: All detailed information, including the Modbus memory map and example
videos is available at Worldsensing knowledge base.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

4.6.3 REST API Calls

The CMT Edge platform is also accessible via REST API calls. This integration method allows
receiving information from the platform such as latest readings and network status. It also allows
some other operations such as edge devices and a full edge devices network deletion.

Requests can be done to both URL (https://loadsensing.wocs3.com/{CMT_Edge_ID}) or directly to

the IP address, so it is available for any Internet connected or LAN environment deployment.
Admin credentials will be required for this purpose.

Messages responding to GET requests are received in JSON format, with all the information
displayed in a similar way to the Last messages explained in the Edge devices (Detail) paragraph.

The available REST API calls available are organized in three different types:

- INVENTORY: Calls included in this group return information about the networks created in
the platform, list of edge devices at each network, and detailed general information of
each edge device.
- DATA: Two specific calls will return the latest reading of all the devices connected to a
specific network, or just the latest reading of a specific device in the platform.
- MONITORING: Displays peripheral information related to the network, related to the
radio network quality. Some of these API calls allow receiving information such as
coverage tests, lost/received messages, RSSI and other radio parameters of a whole
network or specific edge device, etc...

IMPORTANT NOTE: A detailed article with detailed information related to integration with third
party software using REST API calls can be found at Worldsensing knowledge base.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

4.7 Maintenance
Different Maintenance tasks can be carried out at the configuration tab at CMT Edge platform

4.7.1 Configuration import and export process

CMT Edge allows exporting the entire configuration into a file, which can be used for backup
purposes, or for loading this configuration in another gateway.

This feature is specially useful for gateway replacement, as it simplifies the task and reduces
operational times. It will only require manual configuration for the Internet access, and previous
Radio network configuration.

It also allows migrating from old 3G gateways to new Loadsensing Rugged 4G Gateways, and
from 1.X firmware version to the latest 2.5 firmware versions, which includes new features and
latest integrations.

● The Export option is not available in Gateways prior to firmware version 1.16.2
● The Export/Import function is not available in Gateways prior to firmware version 2.3

Important note: Check Worldsensing Knowledge base to download the document with the
detailed procedure

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

4.7.2 Gateway firmware upgrade

The CMT Edge platform allows upgrading the firmware using OTA files published at Worldsensing
Knowledge base. These files vary depending on the gateway hardware type (3G or 4G gateway).
The appropriate firmware version file should be used depending on the hardware and current
firmware version.

This procedure allows adding new radios to the CMT Edge, new features or new compatibilities.
The three different available gateway models are:

1) Loadsensing 3G gateway 1.X. 3G gateway model with firmware versions lower than 1.16.2.
Can only be upgraded up to 1.16.2 firmware version. Future versions will not include new
features and developments, and will be published just for bug fixing.
2) Loadsensing 3G gateway 2.X. Same hardware than previous version with 2.0 firmware
version. Available on version 2.0 onwards. Future versions will include bugfix and new
3) Loadsensing rugged 4G Gateway. Available on 2.4.1 firmware version onwards. Include
bug fixes and new features.

This information is available on Gateway status tab:

a. 3G model: LS-G6-GW-X (X refers to the region)

b. 4G model: LS-G6-KIO-GW-X (X refers to the region)

Firmware upgrades are done version by version. This means upgrading it from 2.3 to 2.5 will
require two steps: from 2.3 to 2.4.1 and from 2.4.1 to 2.5, according to published versions.

Note: Worldsensing strongly recommends reading the notes and communications about the
update prior to proceeding with it, as it may contain relevant information.

Note: This feature is available in version 1.14 or higher. For lower version gateways, this feature is
only available after upgrading remotely by Worldsensing to version 1.14.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

This procedure is done, once required OTA files are locally downloaded, at Configuration tab,
Upload firmware section.

Pressing the “Select file” button [1] and selecting the OTA file [2] stored locally is required. Then,
pressing “Upload & install new firmware” button [2] uploads the OTA file to the platform and
starts the upgrade.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

The platform will check the uploaded file and display an error message if the file does not fit with
a valid radio or firmware version (in the case of corrupted files or another file type selected by

CMT Edge will remain unavailable during the upgrade process, which may take up to 30 minutes.
Once upgraded the gateway is rebooted and it goes back to normal.

Note: Upgrading a 3G gateway from 1.x to 2.x version cannot be done remotely. It is necessary to
do it with physical access to the gateway by Worldensing. Please contact your sales manager for a

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

4.7.3 Delete all

“Delete all” option deletes all data contained in the CMT Edge. This feature is useful for deleting all
readings and networks generated during any test carried out prior to the final deployment. It is
also useful for leaving a blank instance for a new project, reusing the CMT Edge gateway.

This process will erase the whole existing network, including CSV files, formulas and peripheral
configuration. It will also delete all logs and reset Compacted CSV, FTP client, General and
ModBus gateway configurations.

It will NOT modify any credentials, radio configuration nor network settings, which should be
manually configured if required.

Note: This process can not be undone

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

This process requires typing “Yes, delete all” as seen on the image below, and pressing the
“Confirm” button to proceed, as it is a critical process that can not be reverted.

Even if this option erases all the edge devices and the networks, as the devices still communicate
with the gateway (Radio configuration isn’t modified), the configured network and the devices will
appear once they send a new radio message.

Edge devices require being unpowered, reconfigured, or factory reset before this process to
avoid generating unwanted devices or readings.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

4.7.4 Reboot

Rebooting the gateway may be required to apply some configuration changes at CMT Edge
platform. The CMT Edge will inform you about this requirement when required. This option is
available at Configuration / Reboot option.

Rebooting the CMT Edge may take several minutes depending on the Firmware version and
performance. It may also take some extra time enabling remote access depending on the
Internet connection.

Reboot Now button should be pressed and accept the displayed message.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

5. Good Practices

5.1 Select appropriate Internet access interface

As explained in the Internet section (refer to it for more information) the CMT Edge gateway is
factory-configured to communicate with the Internet without prior configuration by using
Automatic mode. When booting, the device will try connecting to the Internet by using the
Ethernet configuration using a DHCP configuration. In case the Ethernet connection (link) is not
detected, it will switch to the Cellular interface. In case of not connecting to any network, the
gateway will remain standalone, without an internet connection.

Internet communication is available with this setup. However, this configuration is not the most
appropriate one.

Worldsensing strongly recommends configuring the Network connection in Manual Configuration

Mode at Configuration / Internet tab, and selecting the appropriate option.

“Cellular modem” option should be selected for SIM card based deployments, while Ethernet
option (both DHCP or static IP configuration) in deployments providing Internet connectivity via
Ethernet cable.

This configuration will ensure a faster and more reliable connection after reboots.

It will also decrease CPU usage, which may be critical to ensure a good performance of the
deployment, specially on big networks, short sampling rates, and API Call integrations, as they
require a high CPU usage.

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

5.2 Setting the sampling rate remotely

Setting the sampling rate from the CMT Edge platform is considered to be a good practice.
Sampling rate is initially set to the edge devices using the Loadsensing Android application. At this
point, and depending on the network size and sampling rate selected, the Android app will assign
a predefined maximum slot time to the connected device.

Setting the sampling rate to the device remotely will shorten the slots time, getting reading from
the devices sooner in the platform.

This configuration allows optimizing the radio network performance, getting the readings added
in near-real time in the Compacted CSV files (and FTP servers if the FTP feature is configured), and
also decreasing the CPU usage.

The maximum slot time refers to the maximum period of time an edge device may take between
the reading is taken and the message is sent via radio. This time is considerably higher than the
time used to send the message, and is necessary to avoid radio messages collisions.

This procedure is already explained in this document HERE

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

5.3 Solution deployment procedure (step by step)

This procedure is a step-by-step short guide to be carried out for correctly deploying CMT Edge
on a project. Worldsensing recommends following these steps to avoid misconfigurations during
the deployment.

1) Connect the gateway to the Internet, following the steps on the appropriate Gateway user
guide available on our knowledge base. It should be installed on the previously plannified
place; a coverage test may be required to select the optimal place. It is relevant to setting
the correct Internet access interface as described in the paragraph 5.1. It is also relevant
to reconfigure the radio settings if required (gateway replacement, etc…)

2) Configure general tab, specially setting the timezone and monitoring emails, as described
in the paragraph 4.1

3) Check the Status of the gateway. Upgrade the gateway to the latest version if required, as
described in the annex available in the knowledge base and in the paragraph. The
configuration file may be imported if required at this moment if required.

4) Edge devices deployment on field using the Android application. Check our knowledge
base for more information.

5) Remotely set the sampling rate of the nodes to optimize the network as described in
paragraph 5.2

6) Once readings are arriving to the gateway engineering units and other minor
configurations can be implemented.

7) Data export configuration if required, such as Compacted Custom CSV files creation, FTP
client or Modbus TCP implementation, etc...

Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85
[email protected]
User Manual
Loadsensing CMT Edge
Version 2.5

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Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
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(+34) 93 418 05 85
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