Introduction To Law - Effect and Application of Laws

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Introduction to Law ANTS Notes

for WLC Law


EFFECT AND Ø Mandatory

APPLICATION OF Ø For the familiarization of the Statute and to inform

LAWS the public of its existence.

Ø It is an indispensable requisite of due process.

[New Civil Code (NCC). Art. 2,as amended by EO 200)] Whether the law is punitive or not, publication is
Art. 2. Laws shall take effect after fifteen days following the
completion of their publication either in the Official Gazette Ø Publication must be full. Publication must be in
or in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines, full or it is no publication at all since its
unless it is otherwise provided. purpose is to inform the public of the contents
of the law. The mere mention of the number of the
EFFECTIVITY OF LAWS presidential decree, the title of such decree, its
whereabouts, the supposed date of effectivity, and
GR: Laws take effect 15 days following the completion of in a mere supplement of the Official Gazette
its publication. cannot satisfy the publication requirement. This is
not even substantial compliance. (Tañada v.
The fifteen-day period only applies if the law does not Tuvera, G.R. No. L-63915, December 29, 1986)
provide its own effectivity.
XPN: “Unless otherwise provided by Law”
Publication should be made in the Official Gazette and in
It depends on whether or not it has provided a specific date for the Official Gazette and in newspaper of as provided by
its effectivity:
EO 200 of Pres. Corazon Aquino in 1987.
1. If date is specified - Upon the lapse of the said period
following its complete publication and not before. I Laws shall take effect AFTER fifteen days
following the completion of their publication
2. If no date is specified - 15-day period, which may
either in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper
either be on the 15th or on the 16th day depending on
the language used by the Congress in fixing the of general circulation in the Philippines unless it
effectivity date of the statute is otherwise provided. (New Civil Code (NCC).
Art. 2, as amended by EO 200)]
a. 15th day – If the law declares that it shall become
effective *15 days after its publication." I Effectivity: It depends on whether or not it has
provided a specific date for its effectivity:
b. 16th day- If the law declares that it shall be
effective "after 15 days following its publication." I If the date is specified - Upon the lapse of the
said period following its complete publication and
3. If the law provides for immediate effectivity or upon not before.
approval - It is effective immediately after its complete
publication and not after signing by the President.
I If no date is specified - 15-day period, which
4. If the law is voluminous- Reckoning shall begin from may either be on the 15th or on the 16th day
the release of the last of the series. depending on the language used by Congress in
fixing the effectivity date of the statute.
“Unless it is otherwise provided” provision:
I If the law provides for immediate effectivity
This clause refers to the date of effectivity and not to the or upon approval - It is effective immediately
requirement of publication itself. The requirement of after its complete publication and not after
publication may not be omitted in any event. This clause signing by the President.
does not mean that the legislature may make the law effective
immediately upon approval, or on any other date without its
I If the law is voluminous- Reckoning shall begin
previous publication.
from the release of the last of the series.
It does not mean unless the law provides that there is
no need for publication.
In the case of Tañada v. Tuvera, the Supreme Court
Publication must be in full or it is no publication at all.
said that it means unless the law provides for a
(Tañada v. Tuvera, G.R. No. L-63915, December 29,
shorter or longer period of fifteen days but the
publication should not be dispensed with.

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NOTE: The reason for this rule is that the basic constitutional 3. In order that fraud may make a contract voidable,
requirement of due process must be satisfied. Without such it should be serious and should not have been
notice and publication, there would be no basis for the employed by both contracting parties. Incidental
application of the maxim ignoratia legis non excusat.
fraud only obliges the person employing it to pay
damages. (NCC, Art. 1344)

1. Municipal Ordinances (governed by the Local

Government Code): LAWS COVERED
2. Rules and regulations which are internal in nature;
3. Letters of Instruction issued by administrative The laws referred to under Art. 3 of the NCC are those of
supervisors on internal rules and guidelines; the Philippine Laws and it applies to all kinds of domestic
4. Interpretative regulations regulating only the laws, whether civil or penal, substantive or remedial.
personnel of administrative agency. However, the article is limited to mandatory and prohibitory
laws. It does not include those which are merely
XPNs to the XPNs [DEP] permissive.
Administrative rules and regulations that require publication: Prevent undue encroachment against the life, liberty, and
property of individuals.
1. The purpose of which is to implement or enforce
existing laws pursuant to a valid Delegation;
2. Penal in nature: and
3. If it diminishes Existing rights of certain individuals. MISTAKE OF MISTAKE OF
knowledge of knowledge or
Art. 3. Ignorance of the law excuses no one from some fact or acquaintance
compliance therewith. (2) facts with the laws of
Want of
constituting or the land insofar
Ignorance of the Law Excuses No One relating to the as they apply to
pertains to
subject matter the act, relation,
Ø Founded on expediency, policy, and necessity so on hand duty, or matter
as to prevent evasion of the law. under
Ø Basis of Supreme Court in saying all laws must be When some Occurs when a
published. Every person is presumed to know the facts which person having
law as long as it is properly published. It would be really exist are full knowledge
unfair to punish people for violating laws that were unknown or of the facts
Nature of
never published. some fact is come to an
supposed to erroneous
This provision refers only to mandatory or prohibitory exist which conclusion as
laws, not permissive or suppletory laws. does not really to its legal
exist effects
Good faith is Not excusable,
PRESUMPTION OF KNOWLEDGE OF LAWS Defense an excuse even in good
GR: Everyone is conclusively presumed to know the law.
Hence, ignorance of the law excuses no one from
compliance therewith. (NCC, Art. 3) Important: This only applies to ignorance of domestic
This conclusive presumption presupposes that the law has
been published. Without such notice and publication, there IGNORANCE OF A FOREIGN LAW
would be no basis for the application of the maxim ignoratia
legis non excusat. I Ignorance of Foreign Law:

XPNS: Ignorance of the foreign law is not ignorance of the

law. It is ignorance of fact because foreign laws
1. Mistake upon a doubtful or difficult question of law must be alleged and proved as a fact.
may be the basis of good faith. [NCC, Art. 526 (3)]

2. Payment by reason of a mistake in the

construction or application of a doubtful or difficult
question of law may come within the scope of the
preceding article.(NCC, Art. 2155)

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RETROACTIVITY OF LAWS (3) Political Rights

Art. 4. Laws shall have no retroactive effect, unless the
contrary is provided. (3) Example: The agreement between the Mayor and
the candidate for Vice-Mayor to split the term of
office is null and void. The constitution says a
RETROACTIVELY public office is beyond the commerce of man, a
matter of public trust, cannot be an object of a
Laws may only be applied retroactively when: contract, void ab initio. Also, it is contrary to public
1. When the law expressly provides for its
retroactivity; (4) Renunciation of rights which would violate
public policy
Note: This is only applicable to Civil Laws
2. When the law is curative or remedial in nature; Agreement between husband and wife who have
separated de facto to not sue the other of
3. When the law is procedural; concubinage or adultery isvoid.

4. When the law is penal in character and A contract of sale with right to repurchase with a
favorable to the accused; prohibition against selling the property to another
except the heirs of the vendor a retro is null and
Note: If it is not favorable, it would be an ex post void since it is a perpetual restriction on the right
facto law. of ownership. Only the prohibition is void, not the
whole contract itself. (Leal vs. IAC)
Example: The suspension of Death Penalty Law
by the 1987 Constitution benefits those who are When the government gives a person a land, the
charged of capital offenses and those cases latter is not supposed to sell that within 5 years
pending in court. because thegovernment wants to give lands to the
landless. If the recipient transacts it within the
TN: The retroactive application is automatic so prohibitive period of 5 years, he cannot waive
long as it’s a penal law and favorable to the his/her right to redeem the land because the land
accused. that was given by the government is basically
founded on public policy and you cannot waive a
5. When a substantive right is declared for the right that is given by law founded on public policy.
first time, unless vested rights are impaired;
Note: A law cannot be given a retroactive effect if
it will impair a vested right. GR: Rights may be waived

1. If waiver is:
WAIVER a. Contrary to law, public order, public policy, morals
or good customs;
It is a voluntary and intentional relinquishment or b. Prejudicial to a third person with a right recognized
abandonment of a known existing legal right, advantage, by law. (e.g. If A owes B P10M. B cannot waive
benefit, claim or privilege, which except for such waiver the the loan if B owes C and B has no other assets].
party would have enjoyed.
2. If the right is:
a. natural right, such as right to life:
It is a legally enforceable claim of one person against another, b. Inchoate, such as future inheritance.
that the other shall do a given act, or shall not do a given act.
1. Waiving party must actually have the right he is
(1) Natural right to life renouncing;
(2) Rights which did not exist yet
2. He must have full capacity to make the waiver;
Example: Waiver of future inheritance is void as it
3. Waiver must be clear and unequivocal;
is contrary to law. The right does not exists yet. If
the inheritance has already accrued, waiver may 4. Waiver must not be contrary to law, public order,
be valid except when it is done to prejudice a public morals, etc; and

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5. When formalities are required, they must be complied 6. Calendar week - Sunday to Saturday.

LEGAL PERIODS NOTE: In the computation of period, the first day shall be
excluded, and the last day included.
1. Year - 12 calendar months.
A Calendar Month is "a month designated in the SUNDAY OR LEGAL HOLIDAY?
calendar without regard to the number of days it may
contain." It is the "period of time running from the If the act to be performed within the period is:
beginning of a certain numbered day of the next month,
and if there is not sufficient number of days in the next A. Prescribed or allowed by:
month, then up to and including the last day of that a. The Rules of Court;
month." b. An order of the court; or
c. Any other applicable statute.
2. Month - 30 days, unless designated by their name, in The last day will automatically be the next working
which case, they shall be computed according to the day.
number of days which they
respectively have; B. From a contractual relationship - The act will still become due
despite the fact that the last day falls on a Sunday or a legal
3. Day- 24hours; holiday. This is because obligations arising from contracts have
the force of the law between the contracting parties.
4. Nighttime - from sunset to sunrise;

5. Week - 7 successive days regardless of which day it

would start; =========== NOTHING FOLLOWS ==========

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Art. 5. Acts executed against the provisions of mandatory

or prohibitory laws shall be void, except when the law itself
authorizes their validity. (4a)

Laws mandating people to do something are mandatory


Laws prohibiting people from doing something are prohibitory



Laws that are optionally obeyed or not are directory laws.

Violations to such are not rendered void or illegal.

A statute requiring rendition of judgment within a specified

time is generally construed to be merely directory, so that
non-compliance withthem does not invalidate the judgment

GR: Acts in violation of mandatory and prohibitory laws are



(1) When the law makes the act not void but
merely voidable.

Example: Consent of a party to a marriage should be

given freely and voluntarily, otherwise the marriage
is voidable, not void. (Art.45, FC)

(2) When the law makes the act valid, but the
wrongdoer is subject to liability.

Example: The widow is prohibited to marry within 300

days from death of husband (Art. 351) although the
marriage will be valid as long as she can procure the
marriage license without prejudice to her criminal
liability under the law.

(3) When the law itself makes the act valid when it
should have been void.

Example: Gambling is prohibited by law, except

Lotto or Sweepstakes.
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Art. 7. Laws are repealed only by subsequent ones, and their The new law which impliedly repealed the prior law is itself
violation or non-observance shall not be excused by disuse, repealed, the old one shall be revived unless the language of
or custom or practice to the contrary. the repealing statuteprovides otherwise. (US vs. Soliman)

When the courts declare a law to be inconsistent with the UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS
Constitution, the former shall be void and the latter shall
govern. The Constitution is the supreme, basic, and fundamental law
of the land. In case of conflict between Constitution and the
Administrative or executive acts, orders and regulations shall statute, the former willprevail.
be valid only when they are not contrary to the laws or the
Constitution. (5a) However, in deciding the constitutionality of the statute, every
REPEAL OF LAWS presumption favors the validity of the same and when
possible, statutesshall be given a meaning that will not bring
An existing law can only be changed by a passage of a new in conflict with the Constitution.
law that is inconsistent with the existing law. The repeal of a
law can only be done either express or implied. A law is unconstitutional when:
i. Its Enactment is not within legislative powers of
ii. Arbitrary Methods may have been established
When a newly passed law expressly provides that it repeals iii. The Purpose or effect violates the Constitution or
the old law. basic principles (i.e. Bar Flunkers Law. [In re:

Occurs when the new law does not state that it repeals the
existing law but by looking at the provisions of the new law it
is really irreconcilable with the old law.

Important: Implied repeals are not favored. The court should

not be quick to declare an implied repeal. If both statutes can
stand together, or the provisions can be reconciled, then
there is no repeal.


When the law has an expiration date, it dies without a repeal.

However,frequently violated or unused laws are not rendered


The new law which expressly repealed the old one is itself
repealed, theold one shall not be revived unless expressly so

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Art. 8. Judicial decisions applying or interpreting the laws
Supreme Court decisions may be abrogated by:
or the Constitution shall form part of the legal system of the
Philippines. (n) (i) Contrary ruling by Supreme Court itself;

A decision of a Supreme Court can only be revoked or

DECISIONS OF THE SUPREME COURT repealed if a new doctrine has been established which is
different and contrary to the old doctrine. This is different
Decisions of the Supreme Court forms part of our legal from a statute in which it can only be repealed by an
system. It is called “jurisprudence”. enactment of a subsequent law.
It is not considered as laws by virtue of the Doctrine of (ii) Corrective legislative acts of Congress
Separation of Powers. The SC cannot make laws since it is
the legislative’s function. Important: Congress cannot alter a constitutional
interpretation of the Supreme Court. That would amount to
è The duty of the Supreme Court is to interpret the an unwarranted assumption of judicial power. The Supreme
laws. Its decisions establishes the contemporaneous Court is the only one that can interpret the Constitution.
legislative intent of the law, thus, the interpretation of (Endencia vs David)
laws has the force and effect of a law. Hence, it is
partof the law of the land. DUTY OF JUDGE WHEN THE LAW IS SILENT

Art. 9. No judge or court shall decline to render judgment

DECISIONS OF THE LOWER COURT by reason of the silence, obscurity or insufficiency of the
laws. (6)
Only the Supreme Court’s decisions can establish
jurisprudence or doctrines. The decisions of the lower court
are merely persuasive in nature and do not have a mandatory
Judges are duty bound to render judgment even when the
law is silent or obscure. They can apply any law as long as it
However, the Court of Appeals may serve as a judicial guide
is fair and just. Customsand general principles of law can also
to the lower courts.
be used.


The role of the Judiciary is to apply and interpret the laws.
A Supreme Court decision, unlike laws or statutes, cannot be
However, due to this provision, courts must legislate to
applied retroactively. Its decisions can only be applied
adhere to its duties to never decline rendering of judgement.
The Judiciary must fill in the gaps of the law. (Floresca v.
Philex Mining Corp)
Persons acting faithfully to a doctrine shall not be held liable
if the said doctrine has been rejected as long as the person
TAKE NOTE CLASS: The judge must decide the case by all
acted before the doctrine was rejected by the new doctrine.
means. A judge cannot refuse to decide a case simply
because there is no law applicable. This is the argument of
è When an SC doctrine has been overruled and a
the SC that it cannot avoid a judicial legislation because there
different view is adopted, the new one shall be
are instances where the court is confronted with a problem or
applied prospectively and should not prejudice
a case where there is no applicable law, but the Civil Code
person who relied on the overturned doctrine.
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says: “the judge must have to decide the case by all means CUSTOMS
even if the law is silent,” it cannot be left hanging. He must
decide. Art. 11. Customs which are contrary to law, public order
or public policy shall not be countenanced. (n)
Art. 12. A custom must be proved as a fact, according to
Art. 10. In case of doubt in the interpretation or application the rules of evidence. (n)
of laws, it is presumed that the lawmaking body intended
right and justice to prevail. (n) Custom is defined as a rule of conduct formed by repetition
of acts, uniformly observed and practiced as a social rule,
FUNCTION OF THE JUDICIARY legally binding and obligatory.

The judiciary’s primary function is to apply the law. When the Courts take no judicial notice of customs which can only be
law is clear, no interpretation is needed. Courts will only established as evidence when proven as a fact.
interpret if there’s an ambiguity in its provisions.
Customs can only be used in the absence of an applicable law
If there are more than one possible interpretation of the law, but cannot prevail over a statutory rule or even a legal rule
the one that will achieve the ends desired by Congress shall made by the Supreme Court
be adopted.


Courts should not apply equity if equity does not serve the
ends of justice. Equity cannot be invoked to reopen a case. If
remedies are given, it should only be within what is
prescribed. Equity follows the law.


The rule on equity can only be applied in the absence of,

but never against the statute or law. Courts exercising
equity jurisdiction are bound by the rules of law and have no
arbitrary discretion to disregard them. In other words, equity
cannot be used if there is an applicable law.

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