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Date: 17th Oct 2022


Welcome to Movate Technologies Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Movate” / the “Company”). With
reference to your discussions with us, we understand that you are the kind of person that we are looking for
to play a key role in helping to drive the business toward achieving its market potential and with such
understanding, we are pleased to extend an offer of employment on the terms and conditions asstated herein.

Upon your joining the Company, you would be designated as Engineer Trainee-Networking. Please read
these Terms and Conditions and signify your acceptance by signing at the designated space below.


1. Please be specifically informed that this offer of employment is a conditional offer letter given to you based
on the interview(s) and tests (if any) attended by you as part of the campus hiring process of Movate. You
would receive the final offer letter only upon you meeting the following conditions:

a. you should complete a one hundred and twenty (120) hours of training under the Center of
Excellence (CoE) initiative in your final year of your academic graduation.
b. >=90% attendance in Virtual Interactive Learning and Training (VILT)
c. Passing all training assessments with >80% threshold (upto 2 attempts would be provided to
students for each module of training assessment. If you fail to clear in the first attempt, then you
should clear all the training assessment modules in the second attempt. If you fail, you would not
be considered eligible for final offer letter and recruitment process thereto.
d. 90% Lab Utilization
e. 90% E-Learning Completion
f. you are passing in all subjects of your academic graduation with minimum 70% percentage and
within the scheduled original course duration.
g. In case, if it emerges after you are joining the training program of Movate that you have a backlog
of subjects under your academic graduation and have not passed through, you should ensure
completing the same within the scheduled original course duration to be eligible for selection to
h. You are completing and passing through necessary HR formalities, including but not limited to
Background Verification.

2. Movate will have the absolute right and discretion to offer employment to you notwithstanding your
successful completion of the training as stated in this conditional offer letter, you passing your academic
degree qualification and you meeting the requisite standards specified by Movate. Further, you agree that
Movate offering employment to you will be purely based on business requirements of Movate.

3. You shall not be eligible for or paid any stipend for the one hundred and twenty (120) hours of
training that you undergo as part of the Center of Excellence initiative.

4. Please be specifically informed that this offer of employment is specific to projects that the Company may
get from time to time from its existing or prospective clients, details of client and the project are
confidential that shall be disclosed to you at the time of you joining the Company and subject to execution
of appropriate Service Agreement, Confidentiality Agreement, and such other documents as part of on-
boarding formalities.


Regd. Address: 6th Floor, Ambit IT Park, No. 32A & B, Ambit Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600058, Tamil
Nadu, India Tel: +91 44 6632 2000; www.csscorp.com

1. Gross Cost to Company: The position includes a gross CTC of Rs.3,20,000/- (Rupees Three Lakh
Twenty Thousand only) per annum, before deductions, as explained further in Annexure 1. Subject
to and on your successful completion of mandatory ‘on project training’, completion of probationary
period and clearance of client assessment on your progress, your annual compensation may be
increased by the Company, at its sole discretion, to Rs 3,75,000 /- (Rupees Three Lakh Seventy-
Five Thousand Only).

2. Annual Guaranteed Compensation. Your Annual Guaranteed Compensation will be Rs.3,04,000/-

(Rupees Three Lakh Four Thousand Only).

3. Annual Variable Compensation. Depending on your and Company’s performance, you would be
entitled for an Annual Variable Compensation upto a maximum of Rs.16,000/- (Rupees Sixteen
Thousand Only). The Annual Variable Compensation shall be calculated on the GrossCost to
Company for each grade of employee and at the percentage mentioned in the Employee Handbook
which you can access in Company’s Intranet portal ‘HIVE’. On your joining the Company,
youundertake to go through Company’s intranet and get familiar with all the applicable policies and
processes of the Company.

4. Other Benefits. Upon you joining the Company, you will be positioned as Grade JL 1B in the
Company which entitles you to certain other benefits. The details are enclosed in Annexure 1.

5. Medical Insurance: In accordance with the Company's policy, you and your family (one spouse &
maximum 2 Children) will be covered under a Medical Insurance scheme, the benefits of which are
enclosed in Annexure 1.

6. Location: Your initial place of work will be Chennai. However, your services are transferable, and
you may be assigned after reasonable notice to any location in India or abroad where the Company or
any one of its associates or customers, conducts business. While on transfer, you will be governed by
the rules, regulations, and conditions of service of that location.

7. Time Zones: You shall be present in the office during normal working hours or in shifts or in
different time zones like, US time zones/APAC/EMEA, as per the Project requirements that shall be
communicated by the designated authority.

8. Annual Leave: You will be entitled to twenty-four (24) working days of leave per annum subject to
prior approval by your reporting manager of the Company. On your joining, kindly refer to the
Company's leave policy for further details in this regard. By agreeing to these terms and conditions,
you agree to visit Company’s intranet at periodic intervals and get familiarized with all the then
applicable policies of the Company and any failure to do so shall not be an excuse not to comply with
the same.

9. E-mail ID & Contact Details: You will need to communicate your personal e-mail ID, at the time of
joining, such e-mail ID, so communicated by you, can be treated as the authenticated (without
limiting the rights of the Company to notify / communicate to you through any other mode or e-mail
IDs) e- mail address for any communication from you. You will also keep us informed in writing of any
change in your residential address, civil or marital status and such other matters.

10. Transport Facility: In accordance with the Company's policy, company transport facility is available
only for certain grades of employees working in US & UK time zones. If you wish to use this facility, a


Regd. Address: 6th Floor, Ambit IT Park, No. 32A & B, Ambit Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600058, Tamil
Nadu, India Tel: +91 44 6632 2000; www.csscorp.com
subsidized amount based on the distance would be deducted from your monthly salary. More details
would be provided upon your joining.

11. Probation: You will be on probation for a period of six (6) months from the date of you joining the
services of the Company, which may be extended by the Company at its discretion, including but not
limited to for reasons such as non-completion of training(s) to the reasonable satisfaction of the
Company. At the end of the probation period, your services with the Company would be confirmed
subject to your performance meeting the requisite standards. During the probation period, either
party may terminate employment by giving Two (2) month notice in writing or Two (2) month of gross
CTC in lieu of notice. However, the Company reserves the right not to accept payment in lieu of the
said notice and at its sole discretion enforce the notice period.

12. On being given with final offer letter and you accepting the same and joining Movate, you must sign a
“24-month service agreement” which will be effective, from the first day of your employment with

13. You should have your personal laptop/Desktop to ensure you complete all the relevant training modules
and should complete the lab exercises to become eligible for the final selection.

14. General: The above terms and conditions are based on Company policies and other rules currently
applicable in India and are subject to amendments, regulations of the Company as shall be in force.
Only those authorized by a specific power of attorney may sign legal documents, representing the
Company. In all service matters, including those not specifically covered here, such as Travel, Leave,
Retirement, etc., you will be governed by the rules/policies of the Company framed from time to time.
As a token of acceptance of this offer letter, please sign the duplicate copy attached and return to the
Company or confirm your acceptance by e-mail to [email protected] on or
before 2 business days else, this Offer letter stands void.

For Movate Technologies Private Limited

P R Manikantan
Senior Director, Campus, and Institutional Alliances


Regd. Address: 6th Floor, Ambit IT Park, No. 32A & B, Ambit Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600058, Tamil
Nadu, India Tel: +91 44 6632 2000; www.csscorp.com

1. I understand that I have been offered the conditional offer on the basis that the particulars furnished by me
in my application, resume or any other document are factually correct. If, at any time before or after the
start/commencement of the center of excellence training program, it transpires/ comes to the notice or
brought to the knowledge that I/undersigned have made a false/in-correct statement (or have not
disclosed a material fact) sought from undersigned which Movate relied in good faith to admit me for the
CoE training program, my selection shall be rendered null and void ab initio and liable to be terminated
forthwith without seeking any explanation or clarification. I fully agree that I will not be considered for any
certifications provided by Movate.

2. I understand that I am expected to clear and to meet all the set performance evaluation criteria as may be
decided by Movate from time to time, before I could be declared successful candidate to receive the final
offer from Movate. I hereby agree and understand that if I don’t clear all the assessments, I will be
declared unsuccessful in the CoE training program, and no further attempt/ chance may be given to the
undersigned, nor I the undersigned will have the right to question the correctness of the result declared by
Movate. As a logical corollary, I will not be considered for absorption/ employment by with Movate.

3. I understand and agree that in case I absent myself without reporting or without proper reasons or decide
to leave the CoE training program, I will not be considered for final offer and receive any certifications
provided by Movate.

4. I understand and agree that my selection shall come to an end automatically, that too, without any notice
and any time, in the eventuality if it is found that I have indulged in, including but not limited to, activities
like dishonesty, disobedience, insubordination, revealing confidential material to any other party,
misconduct or indiscipline. It is hereby understood and agreed that these instances are illustrative in nature
and are not exhaustive. In such circumstances my conditional offer gets annulled, and I will not be
considered for future employment with Movate and would not receive any certifications provided by

5. I understand that on joining Movate as an employee, I may be posted to any location within India, as per
business requirements of Movate. I further understand that the decision taken by Movate in this regard
would be final and binding on me.

6. I understand that Movate functions on a 24x7 work environment, and I am expected to work an average of
5 days a week or as per business requirements of Movate.

7. I understand on joining Movate as an Employee I must sign a “24-month service agreement” which will be
effective, from my first day of employment onwards, with Movate.

8. I am aware that I should possess a personal laptop/Desktop and I should complete all the relevant training
modules and lab exercises to become eligible for the final selection.

The undersigned accepts the above conditional employment offer, agrees that it contains the terms of
employmentwith MOVATE, and that there are no other terms, expressed or implied, except the terms and
conditions incorporated by reference herein-above. By accepting this conditional employment offer, the
undersigned is acknowledging that no prior employment obligations or other contractual restrictions exist
which preclude employment with MOVATE. It is further understood that this offer is confidential and
disclosure outside of the undersigned’s family or financial, accounting, and/or legal advisers may result in
termination of employment or withdrawal of this offer.


Candidate Signature Date


Regd. Address: 6th Floor, Ambit IT Park, No. 32A & B, Ambit Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600058, Tamil
Nadu, India Tel: +91 44 6632 2000; www.csscorp.com
Annexure -1
Salary Working

Designation: Engineer Trainee-Networking Grade: JL 1B

Explanatory Notes Monthly Annual

Guaranteed Compensation

Basic Pay 30% On TGC 7,600 91,200

House Rent Allowance 50% On Basic 3,800 45,600

Statutory Bonus As per the Act 1,520 18,240
Special Allowance* Balancing Component 10,613 127,360

Statutory Benefits
Provident Fund (Employer Contribution) As per the Act 1,800 21,600
Total Guaranteed Compensation (TGC) 25,333 304,000

Variable Compensation

Variable Performance Pay (VPP) 5% On CTC 16,000

Total Variable Compensation** 16,000

Gross Cost to Company (CTC) 320,000

Night Shift Allowance (US) 22 days 3,300 39,600
Total Allowances 39,600
Personal Accident Disability Cover 750,000
Accidental Death Cover 1,500,000
Group Term Life Insurance Cover 1,500,000
Employee Direct Linked Insurance Cover 705,000
Hospitalization Insurance for Self, Spouse & 2 Dependent children 200,000
Gratuity as per prevailing rules
Leave Encashment upon exit up to 60 days Basic
Statutory Deductions like: - Provident Fund, ESIC, Labour Welfare Fund, Income Tax & Profession Tax - As per
applicable rules
*Special Allowance includes Flexi option - LTA, Meal Card and NPS Contribution
**Tax Exemption on Flexi Option will be provided as per prevailing IT Rules on production of proofs.
** As per current policy all variable payments are eligible to be paid only if on rolls as on date of payment.
** Variable Performance Pay (VPP) will be paid twice in a year (i.e.) October and April based on the Individual and
Company’s performance.


Regd. Address: 6th Floor, Ambit IT Park, No. 32A & B, Ambit Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600058, Tamil
Nadu, India Tel: +91 44 6632 2000; www.csscorp.com
Date: 17th Oct 2022


Welcome to Movate Technologies Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Movate” / the “Company”). With
reference to your discussions with us, we understand that you are the kind of person that we are looking for
to play a key role in helping to drive the business toward achieving its market potential and with such
understanding, we are pleased to extend an offer of employment on the terms and conditions asstated herein.

Upon your joining the Company, you would be designated as Engineer Trainee-Networking. Please read
these Terms and Conditions and signify your acceptance by signing at the designated space below.


5. Please be specifically informed that this offer of employment is a conditional offer letter given to you based
on the interview(s) and tests (if any) attended by you as part of the campus hiring process of Movate. You
would receive the final offer letter only upon you meeting the following conditions:

a. you should complete a one hundred and twenty (120) hours of training under the Center of
Excellence (CoE) initiative in your final year of your academic graduation.
b. >=90% attendance in Virtual Interactive Learning and Training (VILT)
c. Passing all training assessments with >80% threshold (upto 2 attempts would be provided to
students for each module of training assessment. If you fail to clear in the first attempt, then you
should clear all the training assessment modules in the second attempt. If you fail, you would not
be considered eligible for final offer letter and recruitment process thereto.
d. 90% Lab Utilization
e. 90% E-Learning Completion
f. you are passing in all subjects of your academic graduation with minimum 70% percentage and
within the scheduled original course duration.
g. In case, if it emerges after you are joining the training program of Movate that you have a backlog
of subjects under your academic graduation and have not passed through, you should ensure
completing the same within the scheduled original course duration to be eligible for selection to
h. You are completing and passing through necessary HR formalities, including but not limited to
Background Verification.

6. Movate will have the absolute right and discretion to offer employment to you notwithstanding your
successful completion of the training as stated in this conditional offer letter, you passing your academic
degree qualification and you meeting the requisite standards specified by Movate. Further, you agree that
Movate offering employment to you will be purely based on business requirements of Movate.

7. You shall not be eligible for or paid any stipend for the one hundred and twenty (120) hours of
training that you undergo as part of the Center of Excellence initiative.

8. Please be specifically informed that this offer of employment is specific to projects that the Company may
get from time to time from its existing or prospective clients, details of client and the project are
confidential that shall be disclosed to you at the time of you joining the Company and subject to execution
of appropriate Service Agreement, Confidentiality Agreement, and such other documents as part of on-
boarding formalities.


Regd. Address: 6th Floor, Ambit IT Park, No. 32A & B, Ambit Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600058, Tamil
Nadu, India Tel: +91 44 6632 2000; www.csscorp.com

15. Gross Cost to Company: The position includes a gross CTC of Rs.3,20,000/- (Rupees Three Lakh
Twenty Thousand only) per annum, before deductions, as explained further in Annexure 1. Subject
to and on your successful completion of mandatory ‘on project training’, completion of probationary
period and clearance of client assessment on your progress, your annual compensation may be
increased by the Company, at its sole discretion, to Rs 3,75,000 /- (Rupees Three Lakh Seventy-
Five Thousand Only).

16. Annual Guaranteed Compensation. Your Annual Guaranteed Compensation will be Rs.3,04,000/-
(Rupees Three Lakh Four Thousand Only).

17. Annual Variable Compensation. Depending on your and Company’s performance, you would be
entitled for an Annual Variable Compensation upto a maximum of Rs.16,000/- (Rupees Sixteen
Thousand Only). The Annual Variable Compensation shall be calculated on the GrossCost to
Company for each grade of employee and at the percentage mentioned in the Employee Handbook
which you can access in Company’s Intranet portal ‘HIVE’. On your joining the Company,
youundertake to go through Company’s intranet and get familiar with all the applicable policies and
processes of the Company.

18. Other Benefits. Upon you joining the Company, you will be positioned as Grade JL 1B in the
Company which entitles you to certain other benefits. The details are enclosed in Annexure 1.

19. Medical Insurance: In accordance with the Company's policy, you and your family (one spouse &
maximum 2 Children) will be covered under a Medical Insurance scheme, the benefits of which are
enclosed in Annexure 1.

20. Location: Your initial place of work will be Chennai. However, your services are transferable, and
you may be assigned after reasonable notice to any location in India or abroad where the Company or
any one of its associates or customers, conducts business. While on transfer, you will be governed by
the rules, regulations, and conditions of service of that location.

21. Time Zones: You shall be present in the office during normal working hours or in shifts or in
different time zones like, US time zones/APAC/EMEA, as per the Project requirements that shall be
communicated by the designated authority.

22. Annual Leave: You will be entitled to twenty-four (24) working days of leave per annum subject to
prior approval by your reporting manager of the Company. On your joining, kindly refer to the
Company's leave policy for further details in this regard. By agreeing to these terms and conditions,
you agree to visit Company’s intranet at periodic intervals and get familiarized with all the then
applicable policies of the Company and any failure to do so shall not be an excuse not to comply with
the same.

23. E-mail ID & Contact Details: You will need to communicate your personal e-mail ID, at the time of
joining, such e-mail ID, so communicated by you, can be treated as the authenticated (without
limiting the rights of the Company to notify / communicate to you through any other mode or e-mail
IDs) e- mail address for any communication from you. You will also keep us informed in writing of any
change in your residential address, civil or marital status and such other matters.

24. Transport Facility: In accordance with the Company's policy, company transport facility is available
only for certain grades of employees working in US & UK time zones. If you wish to use this facility, a


Regd. Address: 6th Floor, Ambit IT Park, No. 32A & B, Ambit Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600058, Tamil
Nadu, India Tel: +91 44 6632 2000; www.csscorp.com
subsidized amount based on the distance would be deducted from your monthly salary. More details
would be provided upon your joining.

25. Probation: You will be on probation for a period of six (6) months from the date of you joining the
services of the Company, which may be extended by the Company at its discretion, including but not
limited to for reasons such as non-completion of training(s) to the reasonable satisfaction of the
Company. At the end of the probation period, your services with the Company would be confirmed
subject to your performance meeting the requisite standards. During the probation period, either
party may terminate employment by giving Two (2) month notice in writing or Two (2) month of gross
CTC in lieu of notice. However, the Company reserves the right not to accept payment in lieu of the
said notice and at its sole discretion enforce the notice period.

26. On being given with final offer letter and you accepting the same and joining Movate, you must sign a
“24-month service agreement” which will be effective, from the first day of your employment with

27. You should have your personal laptop/Desktop to ensure you complete all the relevant training modules
and should complete the lab exercises to become eligible for the final selection.

28. General: The above terms and conditions are based on Company policies and other rules currently
applicable in India and are subject to amendments, regulations of the Company as shall be in force.
Only those authorized by a specific power of attorney may sign legal documents, representing the
Company. In all service matters, including those not specifically covered here, such as Travel, Leave,
Retirement, etc., you will be governed by the rules/policies of the Company framed from time to time.
As a token of acceptance of this offer letter, please sign the duplicate copy attached and return to the
Company or confirm your acceptance by e-mail to [email protected] on or
before 2 business days else, this Offer letter stands void.

For Movate Technologies Private Limited

P R Manikantan
Senior Director, Campus, and Institutional Alliances


Regd. Address: 6th Floor, Ambit IT Park, No. 32A & B, Ambit Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600058, Tamil
Nadu, India Tel: +91 44 6632 2000; www.csscorp.com

9. I understand that I have been offered the conditional offer on the basis that the particulars furnished by me
in my application, resume or any other document are factually correct. If, at any time before or after the
start/commencement of the center of excellence training program, it transpires/ comes to the notice or
brought to the knowledge that I/undersigned have made a false/in-correct statement (or have not
disclosed a material fact) sought from undersigned which Movate relied in good faith to admit me for the
CoE training program, my selection shall be rendered null and void ab initio and liable to be terminated
forthwith without seeking any explanation or clarification. I fully agree that I will not be considered for any
certifications provided by Movate.

10. I understand that I am expected to clear and to meet all the set performance evaluation criteria as may be
decided by Movate from time to time, before I could be declared successful candidate to receive the final
offer from Movate. I hereby agree and understand that if I don’t clear all the assessments, I will be
declared unsuccessful in the CoE training program, and no further attempt/ chance may be given to the
undersigned, nor I the undersigned will have the right to question the correctness of the result declared by
Movate. As a logical corollary, I will not be considered for absorption/ employment by with Movate.

11. I understand and agree that in case I absent myself without reporting or without proper reasons or decide
to leave the CoE training program, I will not be considered for final offer and receive any certifications
provided by Movate.

12. I understand and agree that my selection shall come to an end automatically, that too, without any notice
and any time, in the eventuality if it is found that I have indulged in, including but not limited to, activities
like dishonesty, disobedience, insubordination, revealing confidential material to any other party,
misconduct or indiscipline. It is hereby understood and agreed that these instances are illustrative in nature
and are not exhaustive. In such circumstances my conditional offer gets annulled, and I will not be
considered for future employment with Movate and would not receive any certifications provided by

13. I understand that on joining Movate as an employee, I may be posted to any location within India, as per
business requirements of Movate. I further understand that the decision taken by Movate in this regard
would be final and binding on me.

14. I understand that Movate functions on a 24x7 work environment, and I am expected to work an average of
5 days a week or as per business requirements of Movate.

15. I understand on joining Movate as an Employee I must sign a “24-month service agreement” which will be
effective, from my first day of employment onwards, with Movate.

16. I am aware that I should possess a personal laptop/Desktop and I should complete all the relevant training
modules and lab exercises to become eligible for the final selection.

The undersigned accepts the above conditional employment offer, agrees that it contains the terms of
employmentwith MOVATE, and that there are no other terms, expressed or implied, except the terms and
conditions incorporated by reference herein-above. By accepting this conditional employment offer, the
undersigned is acknowledging that no prior employment obligations or other contractual restrictions exist
which preclude employment with MOVATE. It is further understood that this offer is confidential and
disclosure outside of the undersigned’s family or financial, accounting, and/or legal advisers may result in
termination of employment or withdrawal of this offer.


Candidate Signature Date


Regd. Address: 6th Floor, Ambit IT Park, No. 32A & B, Ambit Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600058, Tamil
Nadu, India Tel: +91 44 6632 2000; www.csscorp.com
Annexure -1
Salary Working

Designation: Engineer Trainee-Networking Grade: JL 1B

Explanatory Notes Monthly Annual

Guaranteed Compensation

Basic Pay 30% On TGC 7,600 91,200

House Rent Allowance 50% On Basic 3,800 45,600

Statutory Bonus As per the Act 1,520 18,240
Special Allowance* Balancing Component 10,613 127,360

Statutory Benefits
Provident Fund (Employer Contribution) As per the Act 1,800 21,600
Total Guaranteed Compensation (TGC) 25,333 304,000

Variable Compensation

Variable Performance Pay (VPP) 5% On CTC 16,000

Total Variable Compensation** 16,000

Gross Cost to Company (CTC) 320,000

Night Shift Allowance (US) 22 days 3,300 39,600
Total Allowances 39,600
Personal Accident Disability Cover 750,000
Accidental Death Cover 1,500,000
Group Term Life Insurance Cover 1,500,000
Employee Direct Linked Insurance Cover 705,000
Hospitalization Insurance for Self, Spouse & 2 Dependent children 200,000
Gratuity as per prevailing rules
Leave Encashment upon exit up to 60 days Basic
Statutory Deductions like: - Provident Fund, ESIC, Labour Welfare Fund, Income Tax & Profession Tax - As per
applicable rules
*Special Allowance includes Flexi option - LTA, Meal Card and NPS Contribution
**Tax Exemption on Flexi Option will be provided as per prevailing IT Rules on production of proofs.
** As per current policy all variable payments are eligible to be paid only if on rolls as on date of payment.
** Variable Performance Pay (VPP) will be paid twice in a year (i.e.) October and April based on the Individual and
Company’s performance.


Regd. Address: 6th Floor, Ambit IT Park, No. 32A & B, Ambit Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600058, Tamil
Nadu, India Tel: +91 44 6632 2000; www.csscorp.com
Date: 17th Oct 2022


Welcome to Movate Technologies Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Movate” / the “Company”). With
reference to your discussions with us, we understand that you are the kind of person that we are looking for
to play a key role in helping to drive the business toward achieving its market potential and with such
understanding, we are pleased to extend an offer of employment on the terms and conditions asstated herein.

Upon your joining the Company, you would be designated as Engineer Trainee-Networking. Please read
these Terms and Conditions and signify your acceptance by signing at the designated space below.


9. Please be specifically informed that this offer of employment is a conditional offer letter given to you based
on the interview(s) and tests (if any) attended by you as part of the campus hiring process of Movate. You
would receive the final offer letter only upon you meeting the following conditions:

a. you should complete a one hundred and twenty (120) hours of training under the Center of
Excellence (CoE) initiative in your final year of your academic graduation.
b. >=90% attendance in Virtual Interactive Learning and Training (VILT)
c. Passing all training assessments with >80% threshold (upto 2 attempts would be provided to
students for each module of training assessment. If you fail to clear in the first attempt, then you
should clear all the training assessment modules in the second attempt. If you fail, you would not
be considered eligible for final offer letter and recruitment process thereto.
d. 90% Lab Utilization
e. 90% E-Learning Completion
f. you are passing in all subjects of your academic graduation with minimum 70% percentage and
within the scheduled original course duration.
g. In case, if it emerges after you are joining the training program of Movate that you have a backlog
of subjects under your academic graduation and have not passed through, you should ensure
completing the same within the scheduled original course duration to be eligible for selection to
h. You are completing and passing through necessary HR formalities, including but not limited to
Background Verification.

10. Movate will have the absolute right and discretion to offer employment to you notwithstanding your
successful completion of the training as stated in this conditional offer letter, you passing your academic
degree qualification and you meeting the requisite standards specified by Movate. Further, you agree that
Movate offering employment to you will be purely based on business requirements of Movate.

11. You shall not be eligible for or paid any stipend for the one hundred and twenty (120) hours of
training that you undergo as part of the Center of Excellence initiative.

12. Please be specifically informed that this offer of employment is specific to projects that the Company may
get from time to time from its existing or prospective clients, details of client and the project are
confidential that shall be disclosed to you at the time of you joining the Company and subject to execution
of appropriate Service Agreement, Confidentiality Agreement, and such other documents as part of on-
boarding formalities.


Regd. Address: 6th Floor, Ambit IT Park, No. 32A & B, Ambit Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600058, Tamil
Nadu, India Tel: +91 44 6632 2000; www.csscorp.com

29. Gross Cost to Company: The position includes a gross CTC of Rs.3,20,000/- (Rupees Three Lakh
Twenty Thousand only) per annum, before deductions, as explained further in Annexure 1. Subject
to and on your successful completion of mandatory ‘on project training’, completion of probationary
period and clearance of client assessment on your progress, your annual compensation may be
increased by the Company, at its sole discretion, to Rs 3,75,000 /- (Rupees Three Lakh Seventy-
Five Thousand Only).

30. Annual Guaranteed Compensation. Your Annual Guaranteed Compensation will be Rs.3,04,000/-
(Rupees Three Lakh Four Thousand Only).

31. Annual Variable Compensation. Depending on your and Company’s performance, you would be
entitled for an Annual Variable Compensation upto a maximum of Rs.16,000/- (Rupees Sixteen
Thousand Only). The Annual Variable Compensation shall be calculated on the GrossCost to
Company for each grade of employee and at the percentage mentioned in the Employee Handbook
which you can access in Company’s Intranet portal ‘HIVE’. On your joining the Company,
youundertake to go through Company’s intranet and get familiar with all the applicable policies and
processes of the Company.

32. Other Benefits. Upon you joining the Company, you will be positioned as Grade JL 1B in the
Company which entitles you to certain other benefits. The details are enclosed in Annexure 1.

33. Medical Insurance: In accordance with the Company's policy, you and your family (one spouse &
maximum 2 Children) will be covered under a Medical Insurance scheme, the benefits of which are
enclosed in Annexure 1.

34. Location: Your initial place of work will be Chennai. However, your services are transferable, and
you may be assigned after reasonable notice to any location in India or abroad where the Company or
any one of its associates or customers, conducts business. While on transfer, you will be governed by
the rules, regulations, and conditions of service of that location.

35. Time Zones: You shall be present in the office during normal working hours or in shifts or in
different time zones like, US time zones/APAC/EMEA, as per the Project requirements that shall be
communicated by the designated authority.

36. Annual Leave: You will be entitled to twenty-four (24) working days of leave per annum subject to
prior approval by your reporting manager of the Company. On your joining, kindly refer to the
Company's leave policy for further details in this regard. By agreeing to these terms and conditions,
you agree to visit Company’s intranet at periodic intervals and get familiarized with all the then
applicable policies of the Company and any failure to do so shall not be an excuse not to comply with
the same.

37. E-mail ID & Contact Details: You will need to communicate your personal e-mail ID, at the time of
joining, such e-mail ID, so communicated by you, can be treated as the authenticated (without
limiting the rights of the Company to notify / communicate to you through any other mode or e-mail
IDs) e- mail address for any communication from you. You will also keep us informed in writing of any
change in your residential address, civil or marital status and such other matters.

38. Transport Facility: In accordance with the Company's policy, company transport facility is available
only for certain grades of employees working in US & UK time zones. If you wish to use this facility, a


Regd. Address: 6th Floor, Ambit IT Park, No. 32A & B, Ambit Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600058, Tamil
Nadu, India Tel: +91 44 6632 2000; www.csscorp.com
subsidized amount based on the distance would be deducted from your monthly salary. More details
would be provided upon your joining.

39. Probation: You will be on probation for a period of six (6) months from the date of you joining the
services of the Company, which may be extended by the Company at its discretion, including but not
limited to for reasons such as non-completion of training(s) to the reasonable satisfaction of the
Company. At the end of the probation period, your services with the Company would be confirmed
subject to your performance meeting the requisite standards. During the probation period, either
party may terminate employment by giving Two (2) month notice in writing or Two (2) month of gross
CTC in lieu of notice. However, the Company reserves the right not to accept payment in lieu of the
said notice and at its sole discretion enforce the notice period.

40. On being given with final offer letter and you accepting the same and joining Movate, you must sign a
“24-month service agreement” which will be effective, from the first day of your employment with

41. You should have your personal laptop/Desktop to ensure you complete all the relevant training modules
and should complete the lab exercises to become eligible for the final selection.

42. General: The above terms and conditions are based on Company policies and other rules currently
applicable in India and are subject to amendments, regulations of the Company as shall be in force.
Only those authorized by a specific power of attorney may sign legal documents, representing the
Company. In all service matters, including those not specifically covered here, such as Travel, Leave,
Retirement, etc., you will be governed by the rules/policies of the Company framed from time to time.
As a token of acceptance of this offer letter, please sign the duplicate copy attached and return to the
Company or confirm your acceptance by e-mail to [email protected] on or
before 2 business days else, this Offer letter stands void.

For Movate Technologies Private Limited

P R Manikantan
Senior Director, Campus, and Institutional Alliances


Regd. Address: 6th Floor, Ambit IT Park, No. 32A & B, Ambit Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600058, Tamil
Nadu, India Tel: +91 44 6632 2000; www.csscorp.com

17. I understand that I have been offered the conditional offer on the basis that the particulars furnished by me
in my application, resume or any other document are factually correct. If, at any time before or after the
start/commencement of the center of excellence training program, it transpires/ comes to the notice or
brought to the knowledge that I/undersigned have made a false/in-correct statement (or have not
disclosed a material fact) sought from undersigned which Movate relied in good faith to admit me for the
CoE training program, my selection shall be rendered null and void ab initio and liable to be terminated
forthwith without seeking any explanation or clarification. I fully agree that I will not be considered for any
certifications provided by Movate.

18. I understand that I am expected to clear and to meet all the set performance evaluation criteria as may be
decided by Movate from time to time, before I could be declared successful candidate to receive the final
offer from Movate. I hereby agree and understand that if I don’t clear all the assessments, I will be
declared unsuccessful in the CoE training program, and no further attempt/ chance may be given to the
undersigned, nor I the undersigned will have the right to question the correctness of the result declared by
Movate. As a logical corollary, I will not be considered for absorption/ employment by with Movate.

19. I understand and agree that in case I absent myself without reporting or without proper reasons or decide
to leave the CoE training program, I will not be considered for final offer and receive any certifications
provided by Movate.

20. I understand and agree that my selection shall come to an end automatically, that too, without any notice
and any time, in the eventuality if it is found that I have indulged in, including but not limited to, activities
like dishonesty, disobedience, insubordination, revealing confidential material to any other party,
misconduct or indiscipline. It is hereby understood and agreed that these instances are illustrative in nature
and are not exhaustive. In such circumstances my conditional offer gets annulled, and I will not be
considered for future employment with Movate and would not receive any certifications provided by

21. I understand that on joining Movate as an employee, I may be posted to any location within India, as per
business requirements of Movate. I further understand that the decision taken by Movate in this regard
would be final and binding on me.

22. I understand that Movate functions on a 24x7 work environment, and I am expected to work an average of
5 days a week or as per business requirements of Movate.

23. I understand on joining Movate as an Employee I must sign a “24-month service agreement” which will be
effective, from my first day of employment onwards, with Movate.

24. I am aware that I should possess a personal laptop/Desktop and I should complete all the relevant training
modules and lab exercises to become eligible for the final selection.

The undersigned accepts the above conditional employment offer, agrees that it contains the terms of
employmentwith MOVATE, and that there are no other terms, expressed or implied, except the terms and
conditions incorporated by reference herein-above. By accepting this conditional employment offer, the
undersigned is acknowledging that no prior employment obligations or other contractual restrictions exist
which preclude employment with MOVATE. It is further understood that this offer is confidential and
disclosure outside of the undersigned’s family or financial, accounting, and/or legal advisers may result in
termination of employment or withdrawal of this offer.


Candidate Signature Date


Regd. Address: 6th Floor, Ambit IT Park, No. 32A & B, Ambit Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600058, Tamil
Nadu, India Tel: +91 44 6632 2000; www.csscorp.com
Annexure -1
Salary Working

Designation: Engineer Trainee-Networking Grade: JL 1B

Explanatory Notes Monthly Annual

Guaranteed Compensation

Basic Pay 30% On TGC 7,600 91,200

House Rent Allowance 50% On Basic 3,800 45,600

Statutory Bonus As per the Act 1,520 18,240
Special Allowance* Balancing Component 10,613 127,360

Statutory Benefits
Provident Fund (Employer Contribution) As per the Act 1,800 21,600
Total Guaranteed Compensation (TGC) 25,333 304,000

Variable Compensation

Variable Performance Pay (VPP) 5% On CTC 16,000

Total Variable Compensation** 16,000

Gross Cost to Company (CTC) 320,000

Night Shift Allowance (US) 22 days 3,300 39,600
Total Allowances 39,600
Personal Accident Disability Cover 750,000
Accidental Death Cover 1,500,000
Group Term Life Insurance Cover 1,500,000
Employee Direct Linked Insurance Cover 705,000
Hospitalization Insurance for Self, Spouse & 2 Dependent children 200,000
Gratuity as per prevailing rules
Leave Encashment upon exit up to 60 days Basic
Statutory Deductions like: - Provident Fund, ESIC, Labour Welfare Fund, Income Tax & Profession Tax - As per
applicable rules
*Special Allowance includes Flexi option - LTA, Meal Card and NPS Contribution
**Tax Exemption on Flexi Option will be provided as per prevailing IT Rules on production of proofs.
** As per current policy all variable payments are eligible to be paid only if on rolls as on date of payment.
** Variable Performance Pay (VPP) will be paid twice in a year (i.e.) October and April based on the Individual and
Company’s performance.


Regd. Address: 6th Floor, Ambit IT Park, No. 32A & B, Ambit Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600058, Tamil
Nadu, India Tel: +91 44 6632 2000; www.csscorp.com
Date: 17th Oct 2022


Welcome to Movate Technologies Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Movate” / the “Company”). With
reference to your discussions with us, we understand that you are the kind of person that we are looking for
to play a key role in helping to drive the business toward achieving its market potential and with such
understanding, we are pleased to extend an offer of employment on the terms and conditions asstated herein.

Upon your joining the Company, you would be designated as Engineer Trainee-Networking. Please read
these Terms and Conditions and signify your acceptance by signing at the designated space below.


13. Please be specifically informed that this offer of employment is a conditional offer letter given to you based
on the interview(s) and tests (if any) attended by you as part of the campus hiring process of Movate. You
would receive the final offer letter only upon you meeting the following conditions:

a. you should complete a one hundred and twenty (120) hours of training under the Center of
Excellence (CoE) initiative in your final year of your academic graduation.
b. >=90% attendance in Virtual Interactive Learning and Training (VILT)
c. Passing all training assessments with >80% threshold (upto 2 attempts would be provided to
students for each module of training assessment. If you fail to clear in the first attempt, then you
should clear all the training assessment modules in the second attempt. If you fail, you would not
be considered eligible for final offer letter and recruitment process thereto.
d. 90% Lab Utilization
e. 90% E-Learning Completion
f. you are passing in all subjects of your academic graduation with minimum 70% percentage and
within the scheduled original course duration.
g. In case, if it emerges after you are joining the training program of Movate that you have a backlog
of subjects under your academic graduation and have not passed through, you should ensure
completing the same within the scheduled original course duration to be eligible for selection to
h. You are completing and passing through necessary HR formalities, including but not limited to
Background Verification.

14. Movate will have the absolute right and discretion to offer employment to you notwithstanding your
successful completion of the training as stated in this conditional offer letter, you passing your academic
degree qualification and you meeting the requisite standards specified by Movate. Further, you agree that
Movate offering employment to you will be purely based on business requirements of Movate.

15. You shall not be eligible for or paid any stipend for the one hundred and twenty (120) hours of
training that you undergo as part of the Center of Excellence initiative.

16. Please be specifically informed that this offer of employment is specific to projects that the Company may
get from time to time from its existing or prospective clients, details of client and the project are
confidential that shall be disclosed to you at the time of you joining the Company and subject to execution
of appropriate Service Agreement, Confidentiality Agreement, and such other documents as part of on-
boarding formalities.


Regd. Address: 6th Floor, Ambit IT Park, No. 32A & B, Ambit Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600058, Tamil
Nadu, India Tel: +91 44 6632 2000; www.csscorp.com

43. Gross Cost to Company: The position includes a gross CTC of Rs.3,20,000/- (Rupees Three Lakh
Twenty Thousand only) per annum, before deductions, as explained further in Annexure 1. Subject
to and on your successful completion of mandatory ‘on project training’, completion of probationary
period and clearance of client assessment on your progress, your annual compensation may be
increased by the Company, at its sole discretion, to Rs 3,75,000 /- (Rupees Three Lakh Seventy-
Five Thousand Only).

44. Annual Guaranteed Compensation. Your Annual Guaranteed Compensation will be Rs.3,04,000/-
(Rupees Three Lakh Four Thousand Only).

45. Annual Variable Compensation. Depending on your and Company’s performance, you would be
entitled for an Annual Variable Compensation upto a maximum of Rs.16,000/- (Rupees Sixteen
Thousand Only). The Annual Variable Compensation shall be calculated on the GrossCost to
Company for each grade of employee and at the percentage mentioned in the Employee Handbook
which you can access in Company’s Intranet portal ‘HIVE’. On your joining the Company,
youundertake to go through Company’s intranet and get familiar with all the applicable policies and
processes of the Company.

46. Other Benefits. Upon you joining the Company, you will be positioned as Grade JL 1B in the
Company which entitles you to certain other benefits. The details are enclosed in Annexure 1.

47. Medical Insurance: In accordance with the Company's policy, you and your family (one spouse &
maximum 2 Children) will be covered under a Medical Insurance scheme, the benefits of which are
enclosed in Annexure 1.

48. Location: Your initial place of work will be Chennai. However, your services are transferable, and
you may be assigned after reasonable notice to any location in India or abroad where the Company or
any one of its associates or customers, conducts business. While on transfer, you will be governed by
the rules, regulations, and conditions of service of that location.

49. Time Zones: You shall be present in the office during normal working hours or in shifts or in
different time zones like, US time zones/APAC/EMEA, as per the Project requirements that shall be
communicated by the designated authority.

50. Annual Leave: You will be entitled to twenty-four (24) working days of leave per annum subject to
prior approval by your reporting manager of the Company. On your joining, kindly refer to the
Company's leave policy for further details in this regard. By agreeing to these terms and conditions,
you agree to visit Company’s intranet at periodic intervals and get familiarized with all the then
applicable policies of the Company and any failure to do so shall not be an excuse not to comply with
the same.

51. E-mail ID & Contact Details: You will need to communicate your personal e-mail ID, at the time of
joining, such e-mail ID, so communicated by you, can be treated as the authenticated (without
limiting the rights of the Company to notify / communicate to you through any other mode or e-mail
IDs) e- mail address for any communication from you. You will also keep us informed in writing of any
change in your residential address, civil or marital status and such other matters.

52. Transport Facility: In accordance with the Company's policy, company transport facility is available
only for certain grades of employees working in US & UK time zones. If you wish to use this facility, a


Regd. Address: 6th Floor, Ambit IT Park, No. 32A & B, Ambit Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600058, Tamil
Nadu, India Tel: +91 44 6632 2000; www.csscorp.com
subsidized amount based on the distance would be deducted from your monthly salary. More details
would be provided upon your joining.

53. Probation: You will be on probation for a period of six (6) months from the date of you joining the
services of the Company, which may be extended by the Company at its discretion, including but not
limited to for reasons such as non-completion of training(s) to the reasonable satisfaction of the
Company. At the end of the probation period, your services with the Company would be confirmed
subject to your performance meeting the requisite standards. During the probation period, either
party may terminate employment by giving Two (2) month notice in writing or Two (2) month of gross
CTC in lieu of notice. However, the Company reserves the right not to accept payment in lieu of the
said notice and at its sole discretion enforce the notice period.

54. On being given with final offer letter and you accepting the same and joining Movate, you must sign a
“24-month service agreement” which will be effective, from the first day of your employment with

55. You should have your personal laptop/Desktop to ensure you complete all the relevant training modules
and should complete the lab exercises to become eligible for the final selection.

56. General: The above terms and conditions are based on Company policies and other rules currently
applicable in India and are subject to amendments, regulations of the Company as shall be in force.
Only those authorized by a specific power of attorney may sign legal documents, representing the
Company. In all service matters, including those not specifically covered here, such as Travel, Leave,
Retirement, etc., you will be governed by the rules/policies of the Company framed from time to time.
As a token of acceptance of this offer letter, please sign the duplicate copy attached and return to the
Company or confirm your acceptance by e-mail to [email protected] on or
before 2 business days else, this Offer letter stands void.

For Movate Technologies Private Limited

P R Manikantan
Senior Director, Campus, and Institutional Alliances


Regd. Address: 6th Floor, Ambit IT Park, No. 32A & B, Ambit Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600058, Tamil
Nadu, India Tel: +91 44 6632 2000; www.csscorp.com

25. I understand that I have been offered the conditional offer on the basis that the particulars furnished by me
in my application, resume or any other document are factually correct. If, at any time before or after the
start/commencement of the center of excellence training program, it transpires/ comes to the notice or
brought to the knowledge that I/undersigned have made a false/in-correct statement (or have not
disclosed a material fact) sought from undersigned which Movate relied in good faith to admit me for the
CoE training program, my selection shall be rendered null and void ab initio and liable to be terminated
forthwith without seeking any explanation or clarification. I fully agree that I will not be considered for any
certifications provided by Movate.

26. I understand that I am expected to clear and to meet all the set performance evaluation criteria as may be
decided by Movate from time to time, before I could be declared successful candidate to receive the final
offer from Movate. I hereby agree and understand that if I don’t clear all the assessments, I will be
declared unsuccessful in the CoE training program, and no further attempt/ chance may be given to the
undersigned, nor I the undersigned will have the right to question the correctness of the result declared by
Movate. As a logical corollary, I will not be considered for absorption/ employment by with Movate.

27. I understand and agree that in case I absent myself without reporting or without proper reasons or decide
to leave the CoE training program, I will not be considered for final offer and receive any certifications
provided by Movate.

28. I understand and agree that my selection shall come to an end automatically, that too, without any notice
and any time, in the eventuality if it is found that I have indulged in, including but not limited to, activities
like dishonesty, disobedience, insubordination, revealing confidential material to any other party,
misconduct or indiscipline. It is hereby understood and agreed that these instances are illustrative in nature
and are not exhaustive. In such circumstances my conditional offer gets annulled, and I will not be
considered for future employment with Movate and would not receive any certifications provided by

29. I understand that on joining Movate as an employee, I may be posted to any location within India, as per
business requirements of Movate. I further understand that the decision taken by Movate in this regard
would be final and binding on me.

30. I understand that Movate functions on a 24x7 work environment, and I am expected to work an average of
5 days a week or as per business requirements of Movate.

31. I understand on joining Movate as an Employee I must sign a “24-month service agreement” which will be
effective, from my first day of employment onwards, with Movate.

32. I am aware that I should possess a personal laptop/Desktop and I should complete all the relevant training
modules and lab exercises to become eligible for the final selection.

The undersigned accepts the above conditional employment offer, agrees that it contains the terms of
employmentwith MOVATE, and that there are no other terms, expressed or implied, except the terms and
conditions incorporated by reference herein-above. By accepting this conditional employment offer, the
undersigned is acknowledging that no prior employment obligations or other contractual restrictions exist
which preclude employment with MOVATE. It is further understood that this offer is confidential and
disclosure outside of the undersigned’s family or financial, accounting, and/or legal advisers may result in
termination of employment or withdrawal of this offer.


Candidate Signature Date


Regd. Address: 6th Floor, Ambit IT Park, No. 32A & B, Ambit Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600058, Tamil
Nadu, India Tel: +91 44 6632 2000; www.csscorp.com
Annexure -1
Salary Working

Designation: Engineer Trainee-Networking Grade: JL 1B

Explanatory Notes Monthly Annual

Guaranteed Compensation

Basic Pay 30% On TGC 7,600 91,200

House Rent Allowance 50% On Basic 3,800 45,600

Statutory Bonus As per the Act 1,520 18,240
Special Allowance* Balancing Component 10,613 127,360

Statutory Benefits
Provident Fund (Employer Contribution) As per the Act 1,800 21,600
Total Guaranteed Compensation (TGC) 25,333 304,000

Variable Compensation

Variable Performance Pay (VPP) 5% On CTC 16,000

Total Variable Compensation** 16,000

Gross Cost to Company (CTC) 320,000

Night Shift Allowance (US) 22 days 3,300 39,600
Total Allowances 39,600
Personal Accident Disability Cover 750,000
Accidental Death Cover 1,500,000
Group Term Life Insurance Cover 1,500,000
Employee Direct Linked Insurance Cover 705,000
Hospitalization Insurance for Self, Spouse & 2 Dependent children 200,000
Gratuity as per prevailing rules
Leave Encashment upon exit up to 60 days Basic
Statutory Deductions like: - Provident Fund, ESIC, Labour Welfare Fund, Income Tax & Profession Tax - As per
applicable rules
*Special Allowance includes Flexi option - LTA, Meal Card and NPS Contribution
**Tax Exemption on Flexi Option will be provided as per prevailing IT Rules on production of proofs.
** As per current policy all variable payments are eligible to be paid only if on rolls as on date of payment.
** Variable Performance Pay (VPP) will be paid twice in a year (i.e.) October and April based on the Individual and
Company’s performance.


Regd. Address: 6th Floor, Ambit IT Park, No. 32A & B, Ambit Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600058, Tamil
Nadu, India Tel: +91 44 6632 2000; www.csscorp.com

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