CLOZE TEST - Docx.second

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The passage discusses an elderly man named Albert Roberts who adopted an active lifestyle of daily exercise after being advised by his doctor to quit smoking and exercise more.

The passage is about an elderly man named Albert Roberts who adopted an active lifestyle of daily exercise after being advised by his doctor to quit smoking and exercise more.

Albert Roberts gets up early every morning to go for a walk, then swims for an hour at the pool in the mornings. In the afternoons he rests, and on Monday evenings he does yoga. He also goes to the gym twice a week.


Complete each blank with only one word.

Example 0: Last

Its never too late to take up sport. 0............ year Albert Roberts, aged 72, was very ill. His doctor told him to give up smoking and take up exercise. Now he gets up 1............ six oclock every morning and 2............ for a walk. He gets home at seven and 3............ a shower. 4............ breakfast he goes to the swimming pool and swims for an hour. 5............ the afternoons, he rests. He sometimes 6............ a newspaper or has a gentle game of bowls. 7............ Monday evenings Albert 8............ yoga. He finds this very relaxing. He also goes to the gym 9............ a week. At the weekend Albert 10............ in. These days hes really well and very happy.
Departamento de Educacin y Ciencia

Escuela Oficial de Idiomas n 2 de Zaragoza

Complete each blank with only one word.
Example 0: is

Anna Martin 0 ............ 36. Shes married and 1............ with her husband, John, in 2............ enormous old house in South London. They 3............ two daughters. 4............ names are Paula and Elizabeth. Anna is a journalist and John works in a bank. The family like 5............ . Annas parents are from Italy and Anna speaks Italian. In her free time, she 6............ French. Anna loves dancing, but she cant 7............ very well. She doesnt 8............ sport and she hates watching TV. Anna and John 9............ very happy right now they dont have 10............ problems!

COMPLETE THE SECOND SENTENCE SO THAT IT HAS A SIMILAR MEANING TO THE FIRST, USING THE WORD GIVEN. USE BETWEEN TWO AND FIVE WORDS. 1. Its not necessary to make your bed. HAVE. You .make your bed. 2. How can you concentrate with that loud music? ABLE. How .with that loud music? 3. Smoking is forbidden in public places. ALLOWED. You .in public places. 4. Stan does well in sports. AT. Stan .sports . 5. They will probably complete their project by tomorrow. BE. Their project .by tomorrow. 6. I go to all the schools basketball games. NEVER. I ..any of the school basketball games. 7. I wasnt invited to Joes party. ME. Joe .to his party. 8. He dreamt they were taking him on a strange journey. WAS. He dreamt .on a strange journey. 9. Dan stayed at home to finish his homework. DID. Dan because he had to finish his homework. 10. Bill didnt study hard as a child but now he does. USE. Bill ...hard as a child but now he does.

11. I enjoy skiing more than anything else. NOTHING. In my opinion, ..skiing. 12. Theres no need to come early. HAVE. You .early . 13. Computer technology is going to change our lives. BE. Our lives .by computer technology. 14. The band began playing two hours ago and they are still playing. BEEN. The band two hours. 15. Their new single was released in London not long ago. JUST. Their new single in London. 16. He bought his car in January. SINCE. He .Januar y. 17. The last time I went to the theatre was quite a while ago. NOT. I the theatre recently. 18. Next month, our ballet group is performing in Paris for the first time. NEVER. Our ballet group Paris before. 19. Danny looked exhausted after so many days of work. WORKING. Danny looked exhausted because he .so many days. 20. Scientists have done a lot of research on droughts. SCIENTIFIC. A lot of on droughts. 21. If you do nothing about the problem, it will only get worse. BETTER.

The problem .you do something about it. 22. I cant get a drivers licence until I am 18. ABLE. When I turn 18, I ..a drivers licence. 23. Our teacher is annoyed when we dont do our homework. GET. Our teacher ....if we did our homework. 24. There are many CDs to choose from in this shop. RANGE. This shop .of CDs to choose from. 25. The student who wrote the best composition has won prizes for writing. WHOSE. The student, ..., has won prizes for writing. 26. Montreal is a city where most people are French speaking. LIVE. The majority of ..Montreal speak French. 27. James was upset because someone stole his bicycle. WHOSE. James, was stolen, was upset.

28. Gail is writing a book about how people live in Thailand. WAY. Gail is writing a book ....Thailand. 29. The shoes were so expensive that I didnt buy them. HAD. If the shoes .so much, I would have bought them. 30. Do you know where I live, Sue? asked Danny. WHETHER. Danny asked ..lived. 31. The reported said, I was here yesterday. BEEN. The reporter said that .before. she Sue about

32. Dont worry so much! my mother said. TOLD. My mother much. 33. Our guide makes sure we dont disturb the wildlife in the forest. LET. Our guide ..the wildlife in the forest. 34. I wont allow you to watch television if you dont do your homework. UNLESS I wont let you ..your homework. 35. I find sports boring. IN. I .sp orts. 36. We waited for Danny to leave and then served dinner. AFTER. Dinner .left. 37. Michael arrived on time but the doctor came after two hours. FOR. Michael .two hours when the doctor arrived. 38. I wanted to go, but I couldnt. IF. I would have .to. 39. It was wrong to take the money. HAVE. You ..the money. 40. Tom did not expect to find the lesson so interesting. MORE. Tom ...than he had expected. 41. Well miss the film if we dont hurry, said Bob. WOULD. Bob said that if they ...miss the film. CLOZE TEST. READ THE TEXT AND FILL IN THE GAPS WITH ONE SUITABLE WORD TEXT 1.- CHEWING GUM IMPROVES BRAINPOWER gone

I was (1) _____ to chewing gum all the time (2) _____ I was a teenager. Naturally, this terrible habit got me into trouble (3) _____ my teachers. They said that I (4) _____ know that chewing gum was not (5) _____ in class. I wanted to tell (6) _____ that (7) _____ gum helped me concentrate. But I knew they thought I was (8) _____ excuses, so I obediently got rid (9) _____ my gum. You can imagine (10) _____ excited I was when I read an article in the newspaper (11) _____ some positive effects (12) _____ the chewing gum. (13) _____ to new studies, one of the keys (14) _____ get a better brainpower is chewing gum! In fact, the experiments showed that gum chewers improved their memories by up to 35%. A better memory is not the only benefit of chewing gum. In (15) _____, chewing gum may also (16) _____ good for your health. One study showed that sugar-free (17) _____ could help someone lose (18) _____ much as five kilos in a year. (19) _____ is easy to understand that chewing gum manufacturers are pleased all these new developments may increase chewing gum sales (20) _____ the world. Unfortunately, it may (21) _____ some time before teachers let student (22) _____ gum freely in class. TEXT 2.- LEFT HOMELESS When John Baker and his family returned from their holiday (1) _____ the 3rd of May 1999, they discovered their house (2) _____ vanished without a trace. The Bakers had been (3) _____ vacation for several days, when Oklahoma City, (4) _____ they lived, (5) _____ hit by a tornado. The violent winds had picked up their three-bedroom (6) _____ and dropped it over 100 metres away! The twister had damaged or destroyed more (7) _____ 8000 homes and caused over a billion dollars worth of damage. The Bakers home had (8) _____ destroyed by one of 74 tornadoes that had (9) _____ parts of Oklahoma and southern Kansas that year. Tragically, 48 people had (10) _____ their lives. Tornadoes are one of natures (11) _____ violent storms. With winds of up to 400 kilometres an hour, a tornado (12) _____ destroy everything in (13) _____ path. Every year, an average of 800 tornadoes is reported in the USA alone. In (14) _____ to property damage, tornadoes often result (15) _____ injuries and even deaths. Fortunately today, the National Weather Service can predict within 11 minutes where

and when a tornado is likely to occur. These early warnings (16) _____ saved countless lives. TEXT 3.- TEEN SLEEP Teachers complain that their adolescent students seem to be half-asleep during their lessons. One (1) _____ may be lack of sleep. According to experts, teenagers (2) _____ about nine hours of sleep a night.(3) _____, recent studies (4) _____ that most teenagers get (5) _____ than seven hours. For a variety of reasons, teenagers often have trouble falling (6) _____ early. Unfortunately for (7) _____, a typical school day (8) _____ around 8 oclock, (9) _____ they cant sleep late. Yet getting sufficient sleep plays an important role in memory and learning ability. Its not surprising, therefore, that students have (10)_____ paying attention during their lessons, no matter (11) _____ interesting the lesson is. The fact is that many high school students start their school day (12) _____ exhausted. They (13) _____ part of the day struggling to stay awake, so they have a slim possibility of concentrating in class Some educators feel that we should try to see the world through teenagers eyes. Instead (14) _____ finding fault with students, we should look at the school timetable. In fact, some schools have come up with a novel idea to help adolescents out by starting classes (15) _____. Teachers in these schools report that the students are (16) _____ alert. (17) _____ knows? If the idea catches on, we might see more schools changing their timetables (18) _____ suit the teenagers sleep needs. TEXT 4.- JEANS WITH A DIFFERENCE Greek fashion designer Katerina Vagia has shown the world that a (1) _____ of jeans can be a work of art. Katerina paints designs (2) _____ jeans and other denim clothes. Each design is unique and her clients include people in Greece and (3) _____ the world. Yet, Katerina might never have begun her fashion career, if it (4) _____ been for an accident. One day, when working on a series of paintings, Katerina accidentally sat on (5) _____ of them. When she (6) _____ up, she saw the wet paint (7) _____ made a pattern on her jeans. She (8) _____ the jeans to a party and everyone told her how beautiful (9) _____ were. Several guests (10) _____ the party became Katerinas first

customers. Perhaps her most (11) _____ customer is actress Elizabeth Taylor. A friend of Ms Taylors (12)_____ Katerina wearing some of her own designs a beautifullypainted denim coat. Ms Tailors friend, (13) _____ also worked in fashion, asked Katerina (14) _____ make a jacket for Ms Taylor. Katerina spent 36 hours (15) _____ on the jacket but it was worth (16) _____. Ms Taylor could not have (17) _____ happier with the results. Katerina considers (18) _____ an artist. She feels that each item of hand-painted denim clothing is (19) _____ a work of art. Before she decides on a design, Katerina tries to (20) _____ the new customer. This way, she feels she can get an idea of the persons character and tastes so she can (21) _____ a painting that best suits the customer. Katerina feels that her denim paintings are (22) _____ for young and old. TEXT 5.- IMPROVING YOUR ENGLISH Thanks for your letter. I will try to answer you in English without (1) _____ too many mistakes. I have (2) _____ having a wonderful time here in London. If you (3) _____ recommended this course, I (4) _____ never have come. So I really (5) _____ to thank you. The school has courses (6) _____ basic to advanced levels. Im (7) _____ the intermediate course. (8) _____ day we learn something new. The speaking lessons are the (9) _____ fun. We have a fantastic teacher (10) _____ is always making jokes so his lessons are never (11) _____. The school also organizes trips (12) _____ us and weve (13) _____ visited several museums. My favourite was the British museum (14) _____ has works of art from all over the world. We (15) _____ also taken a few trips outside London. We went (16) _____ Cambridge last week (17) _____ we saw the beautiful old university buildings. Two afternoons (18) _____ week we have time (19) _____ to wander around London. I think I must (20) _____ visited every market in the city. The markets (21) _____ filled with all kinds of great bargains. The (22) _____ thing about shopping is that we use our English. You have a hard time buying something (23)_____ you speak English. Anyway, youll be really (24) _____ at how good my English is when we (25) _____ next week. TEXT 6.- THE TEACHER WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE Learning has never been easy for me. I used to feel that there was no point in (1) _____ to school because I couldnt understand what was (2) _____ on the board.

I (3) _____ to try much harder than my peers to be good (4) _____ anything academic. The (5) _____ is that Im dyslexic. (6) _____ day I heard about a special teacher called Mrs Evans who might (7) _____ able to help (8) _____ with this problem. My parents asked (9) _____ I would like to see her and I agreed. At our first meeting she gave me some books to read (10) _____ dyslexia and (11) ____ , John, you (12) _____ not be ashamed of who you are. Promise me that you (13)_____ remember this. According (14)_____ Mrs Evans, dyslexics often have higher (15) _____ average intelligence. She made a point of telling me about famous people (16) _____ are dyslexic. I now see Mrs Evans twice a week. She (17) _____ me special exercises for homework which (18) _____ be completed by the following lesson. I can now read and write (19) _____ better than before. She says that she (20) _____ determined to make me into a star pupil. TEXT 7.- BLACKMOOR YOUTH ORCHESTRA The Blackmoor Youth Orchestras first CD has just (1) _____ released, although the orchestra has been (2) _____ regularly in the town of Blackmoor (3) _____ several years. The orchestra welcomes complete beginners, who have (4) _____ played an instrument before. Many young people have become excellent musicians who (5) _____ won prizes all over the country. Blackmoor Youth Orchestra has performed throughout the UK, and has been abroad several (6) _____ as well. The orchestras manager and founder, San Cane, first came up with the idea of (7) _____ a youth orchestra when he came across some local teenagers (8) _____ guitars in the towns city centre. Blackmore has (9) _____ been a poor mining town, with (10) _____ facilities for young people. I wanted to give our kids the chance (11) _____ make music in the right kind of environment, with a proper framework, explained Cane. Over the (12) _____ few months, the Blackmoor Youth Orchestra has been rehearsing night and (13) _____, in preparation for a competition (14) _____ is to take place (15) _____ the Royal Albert Hall in London. Against everyones expectations, said Cane, Blackmoor has proved itself to be one of the (16) _____ youth orchestras (17) _____ the North of England, and the kids here take great pride in that.

TEXT 8.- I GREW UP TOO QUICKLY When I look back on my youth, I realize that I never had the chance to enjoy (1) _____ a teenager. As the (2) _____ of five children, I was always expected to (3) _____ at home. My mother died before I was 12 years old, and my father was in need of a helping hand to (4) _____ after the family. We couldnt (5) _____ to employ help, and I accepted my new responsibilities without question. I love my father dearly, and was willing to do everything I (6) _____ to make life easier for him. Soon I was more (7) _____ less in charge of the household; I (8) _____ the bills, (9) _____ the shopping and kept the house (10) _____. Every now and (11) _____, my father cooked a meal or helped (12) _____ with our homework, but most of the time he had to work (13) _____ hours and we hardly saw him. (14) _____ my brothers and sisters wanted to go somewhere, they asked me (15) _____ permission, not him. I even had to punish them on occasion, but generally, they (16) _____ challenge my authority. By the time I (17) _____ 14, I had complete control of the family budget. So I certainly had my hands full, and there was (18) _____ time for friends or hobbies. Sometimes I longed for a little bit of peace and quiet, but I tried to reassure myself that one day things (19)_____ be different. Fortunately, my father started to do well, and, (20) _____ a little late, I had the chance to actually be a teenager - and enjoy it! TEXT 9.- COPING WITH TEENAGERS: ADVICE FOR PARENTS As children get older, they start to challenge the authority of (1) _____ parents. Sooner (2) _____ later, they may also start changing their appearance in ways their parents (3) _____ approve of. What is the (4) _____ way of handling arguments (5) _____ teenage children? If a teenager (6) _____ forced to wear certain clothes, he might just change into something else as (7) _____ as he is out of your sight. Of course, its not only choice of clothing that parents worry (8) _____. There are (9) _____ other issues. For instance, even (10) _____ the child agrees to change clothes, body piercings and tattoos are not so easy (11) _____ remove. Teenagers are more likely to ask parents (12) _____ their opinion if open discussion is encouraged. Good communication helps to avoid arguments. Teenagers often say that

if they were treated more (13) _____ adults, life at home (14) _____ be a lot easier. Shouting will only make a teenager less willing to listen. If things start to get heated, parents should wait (15) _____ tempers cool down before continuing the discussion. They (16) _____ try saying something like, Lets discuss this later, when (17) _____ are all feeling calmer. Parents (18) _____ entitled to express their own ideas, but they should also be prepared to listen (19) _____ their teenagers views as well. Teenagers (20) _____ make compromises unless they know that their opinions are respected. TEXT 10.- THE STAR OF THE SCHOOL The person I most admired at school was a girl (1) _____ Wendy. She had lovely (2) _____ hair and was quite beautiful (3) _____ she didnt seem to know it. Wendy was good (4) _____ all subjects languages, maths, art and science, and she could always (5) _____ people laugh. Making friends seemed to be easy for her, too, and she got (6) _____ well with her peers. Wendy was confident and was often asked to speak in (7) _____ of the class or even the whole school. Wendy was also the (8) _____ popular speaker in the debating society and she enjoyed (9) _____ with other people. When it came to our final year, according (10) _____ school tradition, one pupil (11) _____ chosen as head girl. There was always a lot of competition (12) _____ many grils wanted to be chosen, but I was sure that Wendy (13) _____ be the one. Surprisingly, she (14) _____ selected but she didnt mind because she went (15) _____ influencing other people. I always thought that one day I would read about Wendy in the newspapers, but (16) _____ leaving school, I never heard of (17) _____ again.

If you wish some advice about how to do a cloze test, please turn the page and read the tips. Be careful not to read the answers to the exercise! Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space. If you ask most pet owners what the main benefit of keeping a pet is, the answer will

probably be companionship. They are (1) ________ not aware that (2) ________ pets can be responsible for improving their health. But scientists have now proved (3) ________ some owners have always believed (4) ________ is that animals can be good (5) ________ you. A recent study at Cambridge University has shown an improvement in (6) ________ the physical and mental (7) ________ of new dog owners. This is not just (8) ________ of the increase (9) ________ the amount of walking they do, either. Owners have also been found to be less (10) ________ to suffer from ailments (11) ________ as headaches, backache, colds and flu. Owners of cats have shown (12) ________ improvements. There is, however, no information so (13) ________ on fish or budgie owners. But whatever pet you have, it (14) ________ probably be beneficial to any children in the household. Studies have shown (15) ________ pets can improve childrens social skills, teaching them, for (16) ________, to understand the importance of communication without words. Looking (17) ________ a pet is a gentle introduction to responsibility. For all of us, the action of stroking a pet (18) ________ be very therapeutic. This (19) ________, in fact, led to (20) ________ use of Pets as Therapy, where dogs visit long-stay patients in homes and hospitals.


First, slowly read all the text without filling any of the gaps. Read it two or

three times until you have a clear understanding of what the text is about. Then only complete the gaps you are absolutely sure of. Next try and find out what the missing words in the remaining gaps are. See which part of speech may fit in each gap (article?, pronoun?, noun?, adverb?, adjective?, preposition?, conjunction?, verb?) and pay special attention to the grammar around the words in each gap. Many of the gaps may include the following: - preposition following a noun, adjective or verb. (Example: good at languages) - prepositional phrase. (Example: in spite of)

- adverb. (Example: He moved to Zaragoza two years ago) - connector. (Example: First, he arrives; then he sits down; finally, he leaves.) - conjunction. (Example: Although he is five, he can speak five languages. - auxiliary verb. (Example: He has won 2 matches) - an article or some other kind of determiner. (Example: I have no time) - a relative. (Example: Juan, who I met two years ago, is my best friend) - a pronoun, either subject or object. (Example: it is difficult to know) - is there a comparative or superlative involved? (Example: she's taller than me) Some sentences may seem to be complete and contain gaps that appear to be unnecessary. If you find gaps like this, you will probably need the following: - an adverb. (Example: He is always late) - a modal verb. (Example: They can swim very well) - a word to change the emphasis of the sentence: She's good enough to be queen The problems are too difficult A few gaps may demand a vocabulary item consistent with the topic of the text; or a word which is part of an idiomatic expression (example: Good heavens!); or a word which collocates with another one (example: do a job); or a word which is part of a phrasal verb (example: I was held up by traffic). If after putting into practice the techniques above you still have some gaps left, make a wild guess (adivnalo a ojo). Some teachers may award you a full mark or half a mark if they understand that your suggested word shows a good command of English grammar and vocabulary although the word you wrote in the gap is not the correct one or doesn't fully fit in the overall meaning of the text. Never leave a gap blank and never fill in a gap with a word you know for sure is wrong.

KEY CLOZE 1 1. at 2. goes 3. has 4. After 5. In 6. reads 7. On 8. does 9. once (or twice) 10. stays KEY CLOZE 2 1. lives 2. an 3. have 4. Their 5. travelling 6. studies, learns 7. dance 8. like 9. are 10. any

KEY cloze test 21 1. probably/perhaps /maybe 2. keeping/having/ some/certain 3. what 4. which 5. for 6. both 7. health 8. because 9. in 10. likely/prone 11. such 12. similar 13. far 14. will 15. that 16. example/instance 17. after 18. can 19. has 20. the

SOLUTIONS: COMPLETE THE SECOND SENTENCE SO THAT IT HAS A SIMILAR MEANING TO THE FIRST, USING THE WORD GIVEN. USE BETWEEN TWO AND FIVE WORDS. 1. Its not necessary to make your bed. HAVE. You dont have to make your bed. 2. How can you concentrate with that loud music? ABLE. How are you able to concentrate with that loud music? 3. Smoking is forbidden in public places. ALLOWED. You are not allowed to smoke in public places. 4. Stan does well in sports. AT. Stan is good at sports. 5. They will probably complete their project by tomorrow. BE. Their project will probably be completed/ might be finished by tomorrow. 6. I go to all the schools basketball games. NEVER. I never miss any of the school basketball games. 7. I wasnt invited to Joes party. ME. Joe didnt invite me to his party. 8. He dreamt they were taking him on a strange journey. WAS. He dreamt ( that) he was being taken on a strange journey. 9. Dan stayed at home to finish his homework. DID. Dan didnt go out because he had to finish his homework. 10. Bill didnt study hard as a child but now he does. USE. Bill didnt use to study hard as a child but now he does. 11. I enjoy skiing more than anything else. NOTHING. In my opinion, there is nothing better than skiing. 12. Theres no need to come early. HAVE. You dont have to come early. 13. Computer technology is going to change our lives. BE. Our lives are going to be changed by computer technology. 14. The band began playing two hours ago and they are still playing. BEEN.

The band has been playing for two hours. 15. Their new single was released in London not long ago. JUST. Their new single has just been released in London. 16. He bought his car in January. SINCE. He has had his car since January. 17. The last time I went to the theatre was quite a while ago. NOT. I have not been to the theatre recently. 18. Next month, our ballet group is performing in Paris for the first time. NEVER. Our ballet group has never performed in Paris before. 19. Danny looked exhausted after so many days of work. WORKING. Danny looked exhausted because he had been working so many days. 20. Scientists have done a lot of research on droughts. SCIENTIFIC. A lot of scientific research has been done on droughts. 21. If you do nothing about the problem, it will only get worse. BETTER. The problem will not get better if you do something about it. 22. I cant get a drivers licence until I am 18. ABLE. When I turn 18, I will be able to get a drivers licence. 23. Our teacher is annoyed when we dont do our homework. GET. Our teacher wouldnt get annoyed if we did our homework. 24. There are many CDs to choose from in this shop. RANGE. This shop has a wide range of CDs to choose from. 25. The student who wrote the best composition has won prizes for writing. WHOSE. The student,whose composition was the best, has won prizes for writing. 26. Montreal is a city where most people are French speaking. LIVE. The majority of people who live in Montreal speak French. 27. James was upset because someone stole his bicycle. WHOSE. James, whose bicycle was stolen, was upset.

28. Gail is writing a book about how people live in Thailand. WAY. Gail is writing a book about the way of living in / people live in Thailand. 29. The shoes were so expensive that I didnt buy them. HAD. If the shoes hadnt cost so much, I would have bought them. 30. Do you know where I live, Sue? asked Danny. WHETHER. Danny asked Sue whether she knew where he lived. 31. The reported said, I was here yesterday. BEEN. The reporter said that she had been there the day before. 32. Dont worry so much! my mother said. TOLD. My mother told me not to worry so much. 33. Our guide makes sure we dont disturb the wildlife in the forest. LET. Our guide doesnt/wont let us disturb the wildlife in the forest. 34. I wont allow you to watch television if you dont do your homework. UNLESS I wont let you watch television unless you do your homework. 35. I find sports boring. IN. I am not interested in sports. 36. We waited for Danny to leave and then served dinner. AFTER. Dinner was served after Dany left. 37. Michael arrived on time but the doctor came after two hours. FOR. Michael had been waiting for two hours when the doctor arrived. 38. I wanted to go, but I couldnt. IF. I would have gone if I had been able to. 39. It was wrong to take the money. HAVE. You shouldnt have taken the money. 40. Tom did not expect to find the lesson so interesting. MORE. Tom found the lesson more interesting than he had expected. 41. Well miss the film if we dont hurry, said Bob. WOULD. Bob said that if they didnt hurry, they would miss the film.

SOLUTIONS: CLOZE TEST. READ THE TEXT AND FILL IN THE GAPS WITH ONE SUITABLE WORD TEXT 1.- CHEWING GUM IMPROVES BRAINPOWER 1. used 2. when 3. with 4. should 5. allowed 6. them 7. chewing 8. making 9. of 10. how 11. about 12. of 13. According 14. to 15. addition 16. be 17. gum 18. as 19. It 20. around 21. take 22. chew

TEXT 2.- LEFT HOMELESS (1) on (2) had (3) on (4) where TEXT 3.- TEEN SLEEP (1) reason (2) need (3) However (4) show (5) less (6) asleep (7) them (8) begins/starts (9) so (10) difficulty (11) how (12) feeling (13) spend (14) of (15) later (16) more (17) Who (18) to (5) was (6) house (7) than (8) been (9) affected (10) lost (11) most (12) can (13) its (14) addition (15) in (16) have

TEXT 4.- JEANS WITH A DIFFERENCE 1. pair 2. on 3. around 4. hadnt 5. one 6. stood 7. had 8. wore 9. they 10. at 11. famous 12. saw 13. who 14. to 15. working 16. it 17. been 18. herself 19. like 20. meet 21. design 22. suitable

TEXT 5.- IMPROVING YOUR ENGLISH 1. making 2. been 3. hadnt 4. would 5. want 6. from 7. doing 8. Every 9. most 10. who 11. boring 12. for 13. already 14. which 15. have 16. to 17.and/where 18. a 19. off 20. have 21. are 22. best 23. unless 24. surprised 25. meet

TEXT 6.- THE TEACHER WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE 1. going 2. written 3. had 4. at 6. One 7. be 8. me 9. if 11. said 12. should 13. will 14. to 15. than 16. Who 17. gives 18. must 19. much 20. is

5. reason/problem 10. about TEXT 7.- BLACKMOOR YOUTH ORCHESTRA 1. been 2. playing 3. for 4. never 5. have 6. times 7. starting 8. playing 9. always

10. few 11. to 12. past/last 13. day

14. which 15. at 16. best 17. in

TEXT 8.- I GREW UP TOO QUICKLY 1. being 2. oldest 3. help 4. look 5. afford 6. could 7. or 8. paid 9. did 10. clean/tidy 11. then 12. us 13. long 14. If/when 15. for 16. didnt 17. was 18. no/little 19. would 20. although

TEXT 9.- COPING WITH TEENAGERS: ADVICE FOR PARENTS 1. their 2. or 3. dont 4. best 5. with 6. is 7. soon 8. about 9. many 10. if 11. to 12. for 13. like 14. would 15. until 16. should 17. we 18. are 19. to 20. wont

TEXT 10.- THE STAR OF THE SCHOOL 1. called 2. black/straight 3. although/but 4. at 5. make 6. on 7. front 8. most 9. being 10. to 11. was 12. because 13. would 14. wasnt 15. on 16. after 17. her

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