Qualitative Research Sample

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“Gipakilig Pero Wa Giuyab”: An In-depth Interview on

Students Who Experienced Happiness
But Turn into Sadness


A Qualitative Research

Presented to the Senior High School Department

Of Holy Child College of Davao - Mintal Campus


In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in

Practical Research 1


Buned, Angelou O.

Cedeno, Ivreyn A.

Delos Santos, Glorie Lyn P.

Faciol, Princess Heart Via D.

Limbaga, Francine Mae

Panos, Aldren T.

Rosalejos, Valerie P.

Urgel, Leonel S.

Yamba, Mariah Ash Lea

March 2020

Chapter 1

The Problem and its settings

“Gipakilig Pero Wa Giuyab:” An In-depth Interview on

Students Who Experienced Happiness

But Turn into Sadness


Into this generation, love is a feeling that all people must have. Human

being tend to be with someone who can give them their standards and can go

with the flow, tend to live according to the beliefs and expectation to be treated

by other, in some cases people in to this stage are fun of expressing love to

someone without the guarantee of truthness (Pascale and Primavera, 2016).

People nowadays, have found love as their escape from loneliness, and

there will be a person that will fulfill it, but in the end they cannot deny the fact

that being in this kind of status is a matter of sacrificing life. Individuals have

different perceptions, and it differs on how people create meaning in every little

master piece around them. People is easy-going and walks on its directions,

students was being engaged in this stage of life, thinking that it is part of a teen

age life (Ashton et. Al., 2014).


Unrealistic expectations, some people expect too much from themselves,

and even from the people they love. Do not expect too much from something you

are not sure. Nothing is perfect. Do not expect too much from people. Nobody is

perfect. Neglecting friends and family, most people make the mistake

abandoning their close friends and family just because they are in love with

someone. The disadvantage of falling hard on love is the fact that they are losing

time on people that are always there for them. Your family and friends. Trying too

hard, lots of people push themselves too hard just to impress their crush or

someone they admire. They sometimes lose themselves in the middle of loving

the person and the values they have held unto all their lives just to appear as the

perfect partner material in the eyes of whom they admire (Onuminya,2019).

It is being considered, not in terms of the structure of relationships, nor in

terms of “needs” or “traits” or overt sexual behavior, but rather in terms of

feelings. The feeling of unrealistic love is like the feeling of fooling oneself. Thus,

knowing that it is a matter of taking risk on pushing oneself to a risky situation.

People have different means of feelings. Which is meant when people profess

love for one another has totally resisted analysis. Correlations have indicated the

degree of reciprocity and complementarity between the feelings of male and

female partners for different types of such love feelings (Hattis,1965).

Students mostly fell in love by the means of internet, without knowing if the

feeling is mutual. Everyone can freely express the feeling of being in love but not

exactly the meaning of it. Thus, finding friends using internet revealed that mostly

of individuals has weak social ties (Boyd and Marwick, 2014).


Surveying 355 students are not that easy. Thus, upon doing this survey,

the results found that there was not a strong relationship between believing in

“soul mate” and “love at first sight” and the idea that “love conquers all” from

watching comedies encourages these “unrealistic expectations” and tells that

“these findings discredit the popular assumption that exposure to romantic

comedies as a major source leading to unrealistic relation expectations among

young people” (Hefner, 2013).

The higher a couple’s expectations, the more likely the relationship will

fail, because having unrealistic expectations can, unsurprisingly, make oneself

feel less satisfied in a real-life relationship. So instead of setting unrealistic

expectations, it is important to remember that real relationships have their fair

share of romantic moments, just not nearly as many perfectly-timed ones as in

the movies. With that in mind, you can love romantic comedy for everything they

are and love real-life relationships for everything they are not (Geller, 2018).

The extreme couples may go to social media could, perhaps, be enough

to even tempt people in a happy relationship to question the excitement of their

love. As a society, the idea of what a realistic relationship looks like is already

misinterpret; social media is not doing much to help the issue. With famous

couples brandishing themselves through unrealistic imagery, it is no wonder why

modern expectations of what a relationship is meant to look like are

unreasonable. Constant exposure to a “perfect” couple makes it difficult for

upcoming generations

to understand that a relationship requires more than buying expensive gifts,

going on lavish vacations or posting intimate pictures together. Millennials are

falling in love with the idea of relationships – not people. The deterioration of

relationships worsens when they inevitably fall short of the internet’s expectations

coupled with the actual difficulties of a relationship, which require much more

than a photogenic presence to endure. The relationship value varies in other

person, not the aesthetic of the couple. A healthy relationship is not created by

constantly posting your love for one another. Love is not based on followers or

likes. Not everything that is seen in the screen were the reality


Most of the students longed for a sense of love and acceptance, a desire

to be in an enduring committed partnership with someone they love. Although

there is nothing wrong with having expectations in a relationship, but having

unrealistic expectations, can put stress on, and ruin any relationship. Just like

people, no relationship is ever perfect. All relationships will consist of both good

and bad times, joys and pains, harmony and conflict. Invariably, unrealistic

expectations are positively correlated to issues of power, manipulating and

control. Thus, it is inevitable that relationship is a matter of recovering and a

process of fighting for what is the best (Duford,2016).

The study aims to identify who experienced and encountered unrealistic

love and what is the effect of it to their lives that can be useful to the study. How

it changes them, how they feel after, and who they are now. To gather

information about the experiences of the students and use this as basis on

evaluating improvements on oneself. To be able to classify who got experienced

and what is the reasons why they experienced it. To identify the factors on

experiencing fake loves, by gathering information and asking questions by doing

an in-depth interview to the respondents of the research.

Purpose of the study

The students of Holy Child College of Davao will be the center of the

study. This study will enable individuals to enlighten their minds that everyone

can experienced unrealistic love and to turn the negative insights of students to a

positive one.

According to Clifford Dean (1961), The Scale of Feelings and Behaviors of

Love is designed to identify the patterns of behavior and feelings of people

exhibit and experience in their love relationships. It is one of the factors why

there are kind of students who gives motives on someone with no importance.

Thus, the researchers aim to know and to identify the reasons of expressing fake

love to a person. For that cause, the study will serve as an eye opener so that

everyone would exactly feel and know how it happen and the reason why it

occurs by the help of the answer of the respondents.

Research Questions

The researchers will follow the following questions:


What are the romantic gestures that can be considered as an expression

of love interest?

How can you say that you are falsely shown an interest of love?

What are your experiences or feeling in taking a fake love?

Review of Related Literature

According to Mobieg (2018), when a person have a crush, they are

romantically attracted with another person, but he or she is not to be yours just

by a glance. A “crush” does not have to be a peer or someone of the same age.

A young person can have a crush on someone older. For instance, a celebrity or

any other person. Also, a crush can be one-sided, implying that the affection is

not returned by the other person, referred to as “unrequited love”. By using the

word “crush” instead of other similar term, it implies that the feeling is not much of

a serious and is likely to be temporary. Many young people will disagree with

this, but that is the true nature of youthful crushes. No one should be ashamed of

having a crush, but they might be deeply embarrassed if talked about it in front of

them. When a person is attracted to someone, it is something that can happen

without knowing it, and it is not something everyone can deny. The identity

merges with someone else.

According to Schmanske (2018), the idea of what a realistic relationship

looks like has already been mistaken. Social media is not doing much help to the

issue. With two individuals commit themselves through unrealistic imagery, it is


no wonder why modern expectations of what a relationship is meant to look like

are unrealistic. Constant exposure to a “perfect” couple makes it difficult for

upcoming generations to understand that a relationship requires more than

buying expensive gifts, going on vacations or posting cute pictures together.

Millennials are falling in love with the idea of relationships – not people. The

degeneration of a relationships worsens when they inevitably miss the internet’s

expectations coupled with the genuine difficulties of a relationship, which require

more than a photogenic presence. The value of a relationship lies in the other

person, not the aesthetic of the couple. healthy relationship does not require you

to constantly post your love for one another. Love is not based on followers or

likes. Not everything seen on the screen is the reality.

According to Naumann (2001), the process of two individuals being

connected in a meaningful way is particularly charming. Love and attraction in

the Western world is seen as foundational to the formation and continuation of a

family, it is the basic bond between families. An ideology common to Western

society is “Love at First Sight”. While the majority of Americans believe in this

phenomenon, those with higher levels of education are likely to believe in and

have this experience.

According to Polivy (2001), people appear to behave so absurd, by put

forth great effort in repeated self-change attempts despite of the previous

failures. It is argued, through that self-change attempt requires some initial

rewards even when unsuccessful. Feeling of control and optimism often

accompany the early stages of self-modification efforts. In addition, unrealistic


expectations concerning the convenience, speed, sometimes progress of

change, and presumed benefits of changing may consume the knowledge of

one’s prior failures. It is thus important to learn to differentiate the potentially

feasible and impossible self-change goals in order to avoid over confidence and

false hopes leading to eventually failure and distress.

According to Earnshaw (2019), love without boundaries can lead to

unhappiness at least and if do not let partners, parents, children and friends

know where to stand in terms of how they expect and need to be treated, then

they will not have an equal voice. Sometimes, they ignore these needs for

boundaries in the name of “unconditional love”. However, in those moments, they

are not offering unconditional love. they are offering codependent love. This

means they are excusing or tolerating behavior in order to maintain the unhealthy

dynamics they think are healthy. Again, this leads them to a place of unbalanced

power and control rather than into a place of truly connected love in which they

offer each person an opportunity to be responsible for their behavior with others.

Another common way unconditional love is when they believe that they have to

continually offer that love to a particular person even when basic relational

expectations are no longer being fulfilled.

According to Johnson, the problem of expectations occurs when we

expect something to happen without good reasons for that expectation. If they

believe that the expectations alone will bring them what they want, they are using

expecting for nothing and setting their selves up for disappointment. This is less

obvious when expectations involve other people. Yet many of them, at some

point of life has mistakenly believed that expecting other people to behave the

way they want will actually make them behave, in that way, it is unrealistic.

Expecting life to always turn out the way they want it is guaranteed to lead to

disappointment, because life is unfair and it will not always turn out the way they

want it to be.

According to Shirey (2018), Ego Love, is when they conclude that they

already fallen in love with someone. This is often done based on euphoric

feelings of infatuation. They think about the person constantly, craving

connection with them both physically and emotionally. They want to know their

thoughts, feelings, wants, and needs. They want to know about their past, be

their present, and dream about their future together, and in return, they expect

them to do the same. They expect reciprocity, desiring them as they expect to be

desired. Giving them the time, attention, and affection, they expect the same

thing. Viewing this pro quo as healthy and necessary: they will continue to give

so long as they continue to get.

According to Lindsay (2018), when a person met someone, their

expectations might have been tainted by romantic films and fictional characters.

They probably expect to be swept off their feet, and tell their new lover “can’t live

without” you. In reality, this might not actually be what they should aim for. If

someone they love showers them with affection and gifts right at the start, it

could be a sign of love bombing – where a manipulative person makes them

believe you have found “the one”, only to start being cruel and distant once they

have get into you. It is a tactic abusive narcissists often use to control their

someone, because the victim will do anything to get the attentive, kind person

back who they thought they met at the beginning.

According to Acevedo, Aron, Fisher, and Brown (2011), they are that

person’s addicted. Love transform the brain. In early-stage relationship, euphoria

that people feel appears as increase neural activity in dopamine-rich brain areas

– areas associated with the reward system – and in areas associated with reward

pursuit. In the interior cingulate, the brain area connected to obsessive thinking,

there is even a hint of agitation, which is a typical phenomenon when people fall

in love. As a relationship advances into a long – term partnership, thinking about

the partner activates both the reward center and the brain areas involved in

attachment but less obsessive thinking. They really want their friends or family to

like this person. New evidence shows that people are often motivated to “marshal

support” for someone they are dating. This is consistent with the idea that people

in the social circle of an individual frequently play an important role in a

relationship’s success. It is a good sign that they are becoming more and more

attached to the person to be tuned to how their family and friends might think

about their partner or potential partner. They celebrate the triumphs of that

person (even if you fail to do so yourself). If they have fallen in love with

someone, there is probably an atypical reacting when they witness them

excelling at something you do not. Since romantic partners feels connected and

can share the results of each other’s accomplishments, romantic partners also

feel pride and positive emotions when they see their partner excel, even at

something they cannot achieved themselves. They certainly like this guy and

they like this person. Liking is different from love but often a prerequisite for

lovemaking. Researchers have shown in a cross-cultural study that a critical

factor recognized as direct precedent of falling in love is reciprocal liking when

you both clearly like each other. Additionally, a highly desirable assessment of

the other person’s personality tends to be a precursor to falling in love. By

knowing the person, the sense of self has evolved. As people fall in love, it

affects their whole sense of self. They take on new characteristics and features,

rising in their self – concept complexity through the influence of their new

relationship partner.

According to Camarena (2016), false hope, false confidence in her

feelings, false security on their connection. Spent endless night thinking of

someone. Had countless interrupted study sessions wondering about what they

are doing. Someone gave you false hope in what could have been something

wonderful. They caused your heart ache, pain and numbness. To look forward to

something that has a strong chance of not happening and you may or you may

not know it. You are constantly giving false hope when people say, they will get

back together. False hope comes under depression and deep emotions. They

hope that something will happen and the opposite does.

According to Ashley Papa (2018), as much as they love someone, they

can never

According to Tennov (1979), in its central argument that illustrated with

accounts from individual experiences, is that there is a well-defined and

involuntary state “limerence” (a tern chosen to avoid the confusion surrounding

“love”) , roughly equating with “being in love”. key features include possessive

thinking about the limerent object, irrationally positive evaluation of their

attributes, emotional dependency, and longing for reciprocation. Not all people

experience limerence, but it is a normal and not-pathological condition. The

negative side of limerence is apparent in the effects of unrequited limerence and

the problems limerent behaviour can pose the non-limerent. Tennov goes on to

look at limerence more broadly, again using accounts for personal experiences,

Socially it has widespread effects, most dramatically in marriage and youth

suicide. Limerence has received generally negative press from psychologists and

philosophers and Tennov briefly surveys some of the writing on the subject

(though she doesn’t attempt any kind of literary history, despite using quotes

from literature). Tennov finds surprisingly few differences between the sexes in

limerence; she also suggest that polarity may be more clear-cut with limerence

than with sexual attraction. Despite taking abroad approach, Tennov skims over

some obvious questions. Is limerence really cross-cultural? Almost all of the

personal accounts offered are from the United States and all people are given no

evidence for generalization (apart from a stray comment about love magic being

universal). What biological basis is there for limerence? People offered some

fairly naïve sociobiology (no doubt reflecting the late 70s date). But Tennov

acknowledge the limitations of Love and Limerenece, concluding with


suggestions for research and writing “This is preliminary report. Its purpose is to

open a field for investigation”. Given that love and limerence have become more

respectable topics for serious enquiry, however, Love and Limerence really

needs to be updated to reflect work done in the last twenty years. It won’t be of

much benefit to the unhappily limerent, but Love and Limerence may contribute

to both individual understanding and social policy. It can also be read simply as


According to Candice (2000) for many adolescent, romantic life begins as

journey from the social scripts they consumed in books, television, and movies to

fantasized and direct experience with a real partners, This journey, from a peer

network that eschews romantic ties of any kind to one that encourages them, is

fraught with uncertainties about how to fee, think, and act. For most American

youth, confronting such uncertainties is a central, yet challenging, part of

establishing romantic relationship. For youth who were abused as children or

who are victimized in their romantic relationships, the task maybe particularly


According to Lundy et, al (2005) as they study and examined the effects of

expressions of humor and physical attractiveness on desire for future interaction

in various types of heterosexual relationships. Physical attractiveness was

manipulated using photographs. Men were found to emphasize physical

attractiveness more than did women for dating, sexual intercourse, and a serious

relationship. Consistent with the Social Transformation Model of Humor

introduced in this article, individuals, particularly men, expressing humor were


rated as more desirable than non-humorous individuals as a serious relationship

and marriage, but only when these individuals were physically attractive.

Humorous individuals were perceived to be more cheerful but less intellectual

than non-humorous individuals. The social Transformation Model appears to be a

valuable way of looking at the interaction of humor and physical attractiveness.

Theoretical Lens

Triangular Theory of Love

Love is strange. It can be the source of both profound inspiration and

deep misery. Its complexities and dimensions have possessed everyone since

the beginning of time, and no emotion is a linked to human history as love. It

defines who they are, what they do, and how they live and yet remains an

enigmatic presence in everyone’s lives. Psychologist Robert Stenberg (1986),

presents a unique psychological approach to their understanding of this powerful

emotion. The triangular theory of love holds that love can be understood in terms

of three components that together can be viewed as forming the vertices of a

triangle. It is used as a metaphor, rather than a strict geometric model. Stenberg

explores human relationships, revealing how and why people fall in and out of

love. Stenberg applies his “triangular theory” examining the many varieties of

love through the combinations of the three components which is the following:

Intimacy. It refers to the closeness, and connectedness in a relationship or

between lovers or couples. It includes the purview of those feelings that give rise,

essentially, to the experience of warmth in a relationship. Primarily emotional or

affective in nature and involves feelings of warmth, closeness, connection, and

bondedness in the love relationship.

Passion. Refers to the drives that lead to romance, physical attraction,

sexual consummation, and related phenomena in a relationship. A strong and

barely controllable emotion that includes within its purview to those sources of

motivational and other forms of arousal.

Decision/Commitment. Refers, in the short-term, to the decision that one

loves a certain other, and in long-term, to one’s commitment to maintain that

love. These two component do not necessarily go together, in that one can

decide to love without committed in long-term.

The three components are separable, but interactive with each other.

Using this theory as a focal point, Cupid’s arrow delivers both a fresh perspective

on the experience of love during the lifetime of an individual, and a rich history of

the conceptions of love throughout the ages. It emanated from stories. Some

stories are explicitly intended as love stories (Sternberg,1998).

Types of Love Relationship

The three basic components of love combine to produce eight different types.

Nonlove (no intimacy, passion or decision/commitment) describes casual

interactions that are characterized by the absence of all three love components.

Most of personal relationship (which are essentially casual associations) can be

defined as nonlove.

Liking (intimacy only) relationship are essentially friendship. They contain

warmth, intimacy, closeness, and other positive emotional experiences but lack

both passion and commitment/decision.

Infatuation (passion love) is an intense, “love at first sight” experiences

that is characterized by extreme attraction and arousal in absence of any real

emotional intimacy and decision/commitment.

In empty love (decision/commitment) relationships, the partners are

committed to each other and the relationship but lack an intimate emotional

connection and passionate attraction. This type of love is often seen at the end of

long-term relationships (or at the beginning of arrange marriages).

Romantic love (intimacy + passion) consist on feelings of closeness and

connection coupled with strong physical attraction.

Companionate love (intimacy + decision/ commitment) is essentially a

long-term, stable, and committed friendship that is characterized by high amount

of emotional intimacy, the decision to love the partner, and the commitment to

remain in the relationship. This type of love is often seen in ‘best friendships” that

are nonsexual or in long-term marriage in which sexual attraction has faded.

Couples who experience fatuous love (passion + decision / commitment)

base their commitment to each other on passion rather than on deep emotional

intimacy. These “whirlwind” relationships are typically unstable and at risk for


Finally, consummate love (intimacy + passion +decision/commitment)

results from the combination of all three components. According to Sternberg,

this is the type of “complete” love that many individuals strive to attain,

particularly in their romantic relationship.

Because the three basic components of love occur in varying degrees

within a relationship, most love relationships will not fit cleanly into one particular

category but will reflect some combination of categories.

Significance of the Study

There are four group of people that will benefit this research or study and

the following are:

Students. Students who experienced fake love or unrealistic relationship

especially those who are studying at Holy Child College of Davao, because this

research will determine what are the effects of experiencing unrealistic or fake

love to their studies.

Teachers. Teachers will know that this issue take a big part and serves as

an eye-opener and a big factor that contribute to the students to become sad or

not in a good condition in the discussions. It will help them to be aware and to

open their mind about this issue.

Parents. It will reveal in the part of the students who experienced fake

love. Through this research, the thoughts of their children was getting involved to

this matter and to guide their children in a responsible and appropriate way.

Future Researchers. This will serve as a guide to those who will also

wanted to discover more about the importance of love. This will also serve as the

bases on the future study of the researchers through knowing and identifying the

issues that occurs in the study.


The following are the definition of terms that is used in the study.

Happiness- A state of being great or an emotional state, including positivity and

pleasant emotions.

Sadness- A state of being in sorrow or an emotional state, including negativity

and unpleasant emotions.





The study will use a qualitative research in gathering information and data.

A qualitative design is described as an unfolding model that is present in a

natural setting that enables the researcher to develop a level of detail from high

involvement in the actual experiences, it is useful in asking the perceptions of the

respondent in order to attain answers that will be used in the process of the study

(Creswell, 2003).

The study uses an in-depth interview as its basis. An in-depth interview is

typically a face-to-face interview of respondents and the researchers, thus, this

study aims to know the deep feelings of the respondents. The study will use this

design to exactly know the deep feelings and the in-depth thoughts of the

respondents. Thus, making this study, the researchers will gather data and

information through personal perception in a private way. For that cause, the

collection will be private and to avoid the spreading or leakage of personal


Role of the Researchers

The role of the researcher in qualitative research is to attempt to access

the thoughts and feelings of study participants (Creswell,2007). In every research

paper, there should always be a researcher, the researchers must perform its

obligation in order to create a good and excellence research paper. The

researchers are obliged to do their perspective tasks so that the study will be in

good condition.

First, the researchers will serve as the interviewer of the students in order

to know and gather more information about the experiences of the students who

encountered fake hope. They will conduct survey and interviews to support their

study and make it more precise and informative. Second, the researchers will

serve as the facilitator in order to make the whole duration of the data gathering

will be smooth and good. In this way if problem will occur the researchers are

responsible in solving the problem in order to continue their study and must find

way to avoid it. Lastly, the researchers will serve as analyzer. The researchers

will analyze all information and will make it clear it precise to understand.

In conducting this study, the researchers should be able to classify why

students experienced false hope. The researchers should be able to identify the

factors and the effect of experiencing fake hope and how the respondents

overcome the said issue.

Research Participants/Materials

The study that will be conducted and encourage the participation of the

students. The study will use an In-depth interview on the participants, as a way of

finding answers, this will also serve as the basis of the researchers to know the

perceptions, feelings and hidden thoughts of the respondents in which chosen

wisely by the criteria; must be a student of Holy Child College of Davao, Mintal

Campus, experienced unrealistic love, willing to share perceptions, determined

and concise on sharing personal information. The purpose of this study is to

enhance and to question the experiences of the participants who experienced to

have happy moments, but later on turn into sadness.

Data Collection

The study will use in-depth interview in gathering personal information that

best describe the feelings, emotions, attitudes, perceptions and views of the

respondents who experienced unrealistic love.


Through in-depth interview, the researchers can clearly know the deep

feelings of the respondents, thus, the researchers must be responsible in

creating and questioning the respondents.

After the researchers decide on the basis of the design of the study, the

researchers must follow the standard in collecting data. The researchers will

follow the criteria made by the researcher that would serve as the basis on

selecting the respondents. The study will use the concept of in-depth interview in

which it is a face-to-face interview with privacy. The researchers may ask

questions to the respondents that is in line to the topic. If the researchers are

satisfied with the answers, then the questioning will end. In doing this kind of

research it is inevitable to have respondents that could not cope up the

questions, the researchers will decide to translate the question into different

language that can suit the respondents’ intelligence quotients.

Data Analysis

In the analyzation of the study the researchers will use a thematic

analysis, the most common forms of analysis within a qualitative research. It

emphasizes, identifying, analyzing, and interpreting patterns of meaning (or

“themes”) within qualitative data (Braun and Clarke, 2006). It is usually uses a

common pitfall to use the main interview questions as the themes (Braun and

Clarke, 2013). They also distinguish to levels of themes: semantic and latent.

Semantic themes ‘… within the explicit or surface meanings of the data and the

analyst is that looking for anything beyond what a participant has said or what

has been written.’ (p.84). The latent level looks beyond what has been said and

‘… starts to identify or examine the underlying ideas, assumptions, and

conceptualizations and ideologies that are theorized as shaping or informing

semantic content of the data’ (p.84).

Braun and Clarke (2006), provide a six face guide which is a very useful

framework for conducting this kind of analysis. Step 1, become familiar with the

data. Step 2, generate initial codes. Step 3, search for themes. Step 4, review

themes. Step 5, define themes. And step 6, write – up.

Step 1. Become familiar with the data.

The first step in any qualitative analysis is reading and re – reading the

transcript. The interview extract that forms this examples.

Step 2. Generate initial codes.

In this part, researcher will start to organize the data in meaningful and

systematic way. Coding reduces lots of data into small pieces of meaning. There

are lots of ways to find code but the method will be determined by the

perspective and the research question that would be given to the respondents in

order to gather data.

Step 3. Search for themes.

Theme is a pattern that captures something significant or interesting about

the data and/or research question as Braun and Clarke (2006) explain, there are

no harder and fast rules about what makes a theme. Based on them, a theme is

characterized by its significance.


Step 4. Review themes.

At this part, it is important to review, modify and develop the preliminary

themes that the researcher had classified and identify in step 3. The researcher

must guarantee what would be the significance of the themes they have made.

Step 5. Define themes.

In this part, it would serve as the final refinement of the themes and the

aim is to ‘… identify the essence of what each theme is about.’. (Braun and

Clarke, 2006, p.92).

Step 6. Writing – up.

It is the endpoint of research in which the process from the beginning up

to step 5 would be consider as the basis. In this part the researcher must come

up with their themes with the most appropriate and concise way of having their


It will base on facts and rules. The researchers will study what others have

done. It will start from the more general to the more specific. In the study the

researchers will use thematic analysis so that the gathering of data and the

process of analyzing will be in smooth direction. Thus, by using this analysis the

researchers will analyze their data that will be given by the respondents and will

try to analyze the given data through the use of thematic analysis.

Trustworthiness of the Study


In order to avoid harm in the gathering of data, the researchers must be

aware on the ethics on how to arrive and make a research paper more

informative. The researchers must ask the consent and permission of the

respondents in the process of gathering information from them. The researchers

must be aware the rights of the respondents. The researchers must guarantee

the respondents that the gathering of data will be confidential, means that the

data that will be collected will be in privacy and secure to avoid the leakage of the

sources and information given by the respondents. The researchers of this study

are sure that the data gathered in this study are credible and reliable. The

information that will be gather are all facts and is not opinionated. Through face-

to-face interview, the researchers are able to produce variety of data that are

reliable to the future studies. The researchers did not make any potential bias

from the respondents that are interviewed. Thus, will provide an audit and truthful

evidences of the told study to ensure its dependability. This means that the

findings are based on participants’ responses to show that it is not a motivation of

the researcher.

Ethical Consideration

One of the relevant ethics that the researchers must apply is the

plagiarism. Plagiarism is the practice of taking credit for someone else words or

ideas, it is an act of intellectual dishonesty (Valdes,2019).


In the study the researchers will look for the types of plagiarism that the

study has.

Paraphrasing plagiarism, it means taking the words of another source and

restating them, using one’s own vocabulary. This will happen when the author

will rephrase the same information from previous authors. In this case the

researchers must rephrase someone’s idea with citation in order to avoid the said


Mosaic plagiarism, in this case the researchers must avoid combining of

text and ideas of different sources without citation in order to prevent the said

type of plagiarism. In research paper the researchers must know its limitations in

order to obtain a good quality of paperwork with reliable and creditable sources.

Next kind of plagiarism that the study may encounter will be the

Remix plagiarism, in this case it simply means as a way of paraphrasing

from multiple or various sources, that is made to make it all fitted in one

perspective. It is one of the most common types of plagiarism that is present in a

research paper, for that cause, the researchers in this study will look forward to

do not make this kind of things in order to obtain a more progressive and

effective study. The researcher must assure that their way of gathering basis

should be appropriate to an ethical consideration.

Hybrid plagiarism, is a process in which the researcher will combine

perfectly cited sources with copied passages without citation. In this part, the

researchers must always look and make way to avoid this kind of plagiarism in

order to avoid harm.


The above types of plagiarism are the types of plagiarism that the

researchers of this study will encounter, for that reason, the researcher must be

mindful and must look forward to be critical specially in citing their sources in a

good way and in a most appropriate way that the researchers can do. In addition

to that, the researchers must set this part to be the most important part because

all of the sources will serve as a basis in order to know that the study that have

been doing is right and just.


Chapter 3


In this part the researchers have found out the answers of the respondent

and have to analyse, since the researcher uses thematic analysis as a way of

analysing the given and gathered data that is being express by the respected

respondents. The researchers have concluded the following reasons why people

have experienced to fall to someone based on the perspective and on the

answers of the respondents.

Falling through Personal Behaviour

In this part, based on the answer of the respondents they have

experienced to fall through the behaviour of someone. The data is being

examined and analysed. A common answer had revealed. Based on the

respondents, it is said that they fall to someone when they know that a kind of

person express them a good attitudes and behaviour towards them. Through

expressing of behaviour, the respondents may have an attachment to someone

that is summarized in the concept map 1.

Personal behaviour

When seeing a person in personal Trusting because of his/her behaviour


Concept map 1. Personal Behaviour and physical appearance as basis of expressing love and


Based on the respondents, they have fall to someone because of the

behaviour of someone that they have fall on. As the respondents answer the

questionnaire they said that when they have met the person they will feel true

happiness and they will be shy at first because it would be their first time to be

together. In this part, it only means that one reason why respondent will

experience such thing because of the behaviour that someone had expressed on


Kay kung makit an nko siya kay kanang kuan kung makita nako siya I feel
kanang murag kuan I feel kuan basta akong heart which naga pa happy saakoa
Happy na .. ano.. na.. makakilig (R1,G1) : Ano.. kanang feel nako nako kanang
comfortable ko, pero ano wala ko kabalo ng aba siya sa akoa pud (R3,G1).
How it happen (clarifying the question).. tungod sa iyang ano pag care
kanang..kanang.. walay naga buhat.. ana! (R5,P1).
In addition to that, it is also revealed that after the person will show them a

good behavior, the respondents had built trust to someone they have been fall

on. Simply means, that after knowing the behavior of someone, the respondents

will now have trust on someone that will result to make them more attractable

and will express more feelings to someone.

Hahhahaahahahaha what kind of question is that? Charot! .ahm despite of his

flaws anmm ...people are telling him I still like him the way he is. And i think I
don't ahmm .. I'm confident that I don't look to certain person appearance but oh!
yes I know him as him by his attitudes.(R10,P2)

Uhm yes like the way uhm like the way that person uhm care ano nga murag like
care about you something like that(R6,P2).

Effective communication

In this section, the researchers identified that having a good

communication with someone can make them fall, that is why they have

experienced to fall to someone.

Having an effective communication could be one of the reason why the

respondent will fall in love to someone. When people experienced to have

interaction with others with an effective way of communication they will be an

extra meaning for them. Having effective communication can result to make

people to fall, based on the answer of the respondents the researchers will

visualize how communication can provide people to give love and fall

unexpectedly to someone. It was said that the respondents have fall to someone

because of the words that one person will express to the respondents. In this

part, based on the perspective of the respondents that one thing that surely they

will fall is that when they will have a communication with someone, they feel

happiness and they can experience happiness through having communication

with them.

Kanang siguro, kanang… kanang… ano by… sa iyang words,.. sa iyang

words,... sa mga lihok niya.. kanang ginatagaan gud kag meaning ingun ana
Kanang ano kanang… kanang gina-chat ka niya every..everytime tapos kanang

mo ingun lang siyag ay kanang gina pafeel ay kanng nagacare jud siya sa imoha

permi tapos… tapos kanang ano.. kanang..kanang mo ingun siya na.. mag kita

daw mo(R2,M1).

Hmmm…kanang ginapakitaan gud ka niyag motibo like always siya mo chat

nimo.. human daghan kay siyag mga jamming nga ginapang-nguan sa

imoha,human..kuan..kanang murag iyang action gud na ginapakita kay murag

ginapafeel niya nga gusto ka niya tas di deay(R4,M1). If ahmm... Romantic

gestures ahmm.... He will have a message conversation for you .Whether you

ate ,whether your fine,saying good morning,saying good evening all the time and

then like personal relationship like greetings ,he is always updated about you

that's the word "updated" (R10,M1)

This means that the respondents have fall to someone because of the presence

of good communication that takes place between the two of them.

Good Words as Reason of Falling

In this section, it is like similar to an effective communication, but the

researchers will separate it for the reason that in this part the respondents have

fall because of the presence of good words. The essence there is to identify why

good words could be a reason to make people to fall to someone. The

researchers have found out that one way that a person will fall to someone is

because of the words that a person have express. The researchers have

obtained that people is being engage on some flowering words that is usually

experience by the respondents but some use it emotionally that is why someone

is craving for it. A life of emotion is in the mouth that speaks thoroughly and

sweetly it can make confusion on the meaning that has been delivered in the

mind of the respondents.

Kanang siguro, kanang… kanang… ano by… sa iyang words,.. sa iyang

words, ... sa mga lihok niya.. kanang ginatagaan gud kag meaning ingun ana
(R1, M1).
Like mag Iloveyou iloveyou siya imoha tapos HAHAHA mag iloveyou iloveyou
sa Imoha tas in the end di na deay ka replyan, di na deay mo reply ug balik


In this section, comfortability will take place. Comfortability is described as

a physical sensation, a psychological state or both simultaneously (Pearson,

2009). The researchers had classified that the essence of comfortability is

presence in the two people that expresses good thing. That is the reason why the

respondents have found out that they have already fallen to someone.

Aano..ahmm..what are the romantic gestures that can be considered as

an expression? Ano.. like kanang… care, kanang mag care siya like kaon na,

igat! Tapos nakauli naka? Ana gud like that tapos kanang naga care siya sa

imoha tapos.. kanang naa siyay time (R5,M1). Ano.. kanang feel nako nako

kanang comfortable ko, pero ano wala ko kabalo ng aba siya sa akoa pud


This means, that people would possibly fall to someone if beholder of

feeling will feel comfortability to someone.


Chapter 4


The last part of our study will represent the implications and discussions to

the reasons why people had experienced to fall to someone, implication to all

people that has the sense of affection, implication to the future researchers that

would try to dig deeper this kind of study.

One of the most relevant issue that is very present in this generation is the

issue about love especially on falling, will be happy at first but as time goes by

will be sad or something that could be called as sad. Love is a feeling of having

attachment to someone, it is considered as one of the most vulnerable thing that

a person could have, the feeling of loving without knowing first the person. As to

this generation, people had been part of this issue which is relevant in to this

stage, people will try to make things better and have that mindset that if they will

have partners then they think that all things will got to be okay.

In this study, people who experienced to fall to someone was being asked

and interviewed, and yet the researchers know that this is not just the people

who experienced it, but more than this numbers of respondents. The researchers

have identified person who are close to have experienced this kind of things, on

falling to someone.

This study uses the triangular theory by Stenberg (1986), in which is

categorize into 3; intimacy, passion, and commitment/decision. In addition to this

theory, the researchers also used the types of love which is categorize into eight

parts; nonlove, liking, infatuation, empty love, romantic love, companionate love,

fatuous love and consummative love.

In this part, the researchers have found out that some of the respondents

have experience a kind of love which is considered as nonlove (no intimacy,

passion, or decision/commitment) or casual association to someone. Means that

the respondents of this study only experienced to fall in love to someone, when

they try to develop it, no more improvements happened but the chance of making

it to be fuzzy. while the other respondents have experienced liking (intimacy

only), means that they have the connection but no more passion and

commitment/decision at all.

In all, this phenomenon will serve as an eye opener to everyone, to be

mindful and be smart on deciding where to fall, and people should always look

forward for the possibilities that may happen if ever that circumstances like what

the respondents of this study had experienced.

Finally, the researchers derived with the thought that love has no

limitation, love is not all about affection, but love is all about faith, trust, loyalty

and maturity. That everyone can overcome if people will try and make self as

priority of all. Thus, taking in a relationship is another battle of individuality. Try to

make things better and be critical in every decision.

Implication to People Who Experienced to Fall to Someone

Based on the results that the researchers had presented, the implication

to the people who experienced to fall to someone is that people should organize

and try to analyze what would happen if ever they continue their feelings to

someone. It is inevitable that people can experience to fall, but the important

there is know how to manage it. People who experienced this kind of feeling

must be aware on the things that may occur as feelings develop.

Implications to People Who has the Sense of Affection

As early as people can, they must try to think and visualize the effects of

falling to someone and what would happen to them. As much as possible, they

should avoid hasty liking people, for that cause, it will help them to assure that

they may not encounter what the respondents had experienced. It will be serve

as a lesson and must look people who already experienced this kind of things to

give some advice on them and to nurture their minds in terms of this kind of

situation. In this part, people should always be practical in every decision they

will make, especially in taking this stage.

Recommendation for the Future Researchers

This study focuses on why people experiences to fall to someone, then

had a feeling of being happy but at the end will turn to sadness or misery. At this

case, this study must continue and must pursue until the main reason will be

determine. It is also important to have basis here at the national level in order to

make analyzation and visualize how it affects the life of every teenager, and

everyone here in our society. In that way, the researchers must really know why

people here in our society are close to experience this kind of things.

Conclusion Remarks

As the study end up with the facts presented, people should always

remember, to do not take for granted to hurt the feelings of other because we are

stated in a democratic country, people must also think the goodness and

expressing love to all is important that is why we should always remember that

love is something that we need to spread throughout everywhere so that we can

obtain peace and unity to all people around everywhere.

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