Expedited Promax - Civpro
Expedited Promax - Civpro
Expedited Promax - Civpro
First Level Courts (a) For money owed under any of the
Sec. 2. Objectives. — 1. Contract of Lease;
(a) To protect and advance the 2. Contract of Loan and other credit
constitutional right of persons to a accommodations;
speedy disposition of their cases; 3. Contract of Services; or
(b) To provide a simplified and 4. Contract of Sale of personal
inexpensive procedure for the property, excluding the recovery of
disposition of small claims cases; the personal property, UNLESS it is
and made the subject of a compromise
(c) To introduce innovations and agreement between the parties.
best practices for the benefit of the
underprivileged. (b) The enforcement
of barangay amicable settlement
SCOPE agreements and arbitration awards,
These rules, shall govern where the money claim does not
the expedited procedures in the: exceed One Million Pesos
1. Metropolitan Trial Courts; (P1,000,000.00), PROVIDED that no
2. Municipal Trial Courts in execution has been enforced by
Cities; the barangay within six (6) months
3. Municipal Trial Courts; and from the date of the settlement or
4. Municipal Circuit Trial Courts. date of receipt of the award or from
the date the obligation stipulated or
Small Claims adjudged in the arbitration award
becomes due and demandable,
*Does not exceed 1M pursuant to Section 417, Chapter VII
of Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise
1. Small Claims; definition known as The Local Government
Code of 1991.
An action that is purely civil in nature
where the claim or relief raised by 4. Can lawyers attend small
the plaintiff is solely for the payment claims proceedings? Exception?
or reimbursement of a sum of money.
It EXCLUDES seeking other claims Sec. 18. Appearance of Attorneys Not
or reliefs aside from payment or Allowed. — No attorney shall appear
reimbursement of sum of money and in behalf of or represent a party at
those coupled with provisional the hearing, unless the attorney is the
remedies. plaintiff or defendant.
For juridical entities a board (a) The court has no jurisdiction over
resolution or secretary's certificate the subject matter;
authorizing the person to file the (b) There is another action pending
claim must be attached to the between the same parties for the
Statement of Claim/s. same cause;
(c) The action is barred by prior
No formal pleading, other than the judgment;
Statement of Claim/s described in (d) The claim is barred by the statute
this Rule, is necessary to initiate a of limitations;
small claims action. (e) The court has no jurisdiction over
the person of the defendant;
6. Effect if you don’t attach all (f) Venue is improperly laid;
evidence, documents to the statement (g) Plaintiff has no legal capacity to
of claims? sue;
(h) The Statement of Claim/s states
Then, the same shall be allowed no cause of action;
during the hearing UNLESS good (i) That a condition precedent for
cause is shown for the admission of filing the claim has not been
additional evidence. complied with; and
(j) Plaintiff failed to submit the
required affidavits, as provided in However, if the plaintiff is engaged in
Section 7 of this Rule. the business of lending, banking and
similar activities, and has a branch
The order of dismissal shall state if it within the municipality or city where
is with or without prejudice. the defendant resides or is holding
business, the Statement of Claim/s
If, during the hearing, the court is shall be filed in the court of the city
able to determine that there exists a or municipality where the defendant
ground for dismissal of the resides or is holding business. If there
Statement of Claim/s, the court are two (2) or more defendants, it
may, on its own initiative, dismiss the shall be filed in the court of the city
case even if such ground is not or municipality where any of them
pleaded in the defendant's resides or is holding business, at the
Response (Form 3-SCC). option of the plaintiff.
10. Rules on venue in small However, if more than five (5) small
claims? claims are filed by one party within
the calendar year, regardless of the
Sec. 5. Venue for Small Claims judicial station, an additional filing
Cases. — The regular rules on venue fee of Five Hundred Pesos
shall apply. (P500.00) shall be paid for every
claim filed after the fifth (5th) claim, A. If more than 5 small claims
and an additional One Hundred filed within the calendar year
Pesos (P100.00) or a total of Six
Hundred Pesos (P600.00) for every - After the 5th claim: 500 pesos (every
claim filed after the tenth (10th) claim: 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th claims)
claim, and another One Hundred
Pesos (P100.00) or a total of Seven - After the 10th claim: 600 pesos (11th,
Hundred Pesos (P700) for every 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th claim)
claim filed after the fifteenth (15th)
claim, progressively and - After the 15th claim: 700 pesos
NOTE: Indigent is not exempt from
If a case is dismissed without payment of P1,000.00) fee for
prejudice under Sec. 12 (f) of this service of summons and processes.
Rule, and is re-filed within one (1)
year from notice of dismissal, the 13. Verified response how many
plaintiff shall pay a fixed amount of days?
Two Thousand Pesos (P2,000.00) as Sec. 13. Response. — The defendant
filing fee, inclusive of the One shall file with the court and serve on
Thousand Peso (P1,000.00) fee for the plaintiff a duly accomplished and
service of summons and processes. verified Response (Form 3-
SCC) within a non-extendible period
If the plaintiff is engaged in the of ten (10) calendar days from receipt
business of lending, banking, and of Summons. The Response shall be
similar activities, the amount of filing accompanied by certified
and other legal fees shall be the photocopies of documents, as well
same as those applicable to cases as affidavits of witnesses and other
filed under the regular rules of evidence in support thereof. No
procedure. evidence shall be allowed during the
hearing which was not attached to or
A claim filed with a motion to sue as submitted together with the
indigent (Form 6-SCC) shall be Response, unless good cause is
referred to the Executive Judge for shown for the admission of
immediate action in case of multi- additional evidence.
sala courts. If the motion is granted
by the Executive Judge, the case Sec. 14. Effect of Failure to File
shall be raffled off or assigned to the Response. — Should the defendant
court designated to hear fail to file his/her/its Response within
small claims cases. If the motion is the required period, and likewise fail
denied, the plaintiff shall be given to appear on the date set for
five (5) calendar days within which to hearing, the court shall render
pay the docket fees, otherwise, the judgment within twenty-four (24)
case shall be dismissed without hours from the termination of the
prejudice. In no case shall a party, hearing, as may \be warranted by
even if declared an indigent, be the facts alleged in the Statement of
exempt from the payment of the One Claim/s and its attachments.
Thousand Peso (P1,000.00) fee for
service of summons and processes. Should the defendant fail to file
his/her/its Response within the
required period but appear on the
date set for hearing, the court shall documentary evidence to support his
ascertain what defense he/she/it has defense, the court shall order
to offer, which shall constitute him/her/it to submit original copies of
his/her/its Response, proceed to such documents within three (3)
hear the case on the same day as if calendar days from the termination
a Response has been filed and, of the hearing and, upon receipt
thereafter, render judgment within thereof or expiration of the period to
twenty-four (24) hours from the file the court shall render judgment
termination of the hearing. If the within twenty four (24) hours.
defendant relies on documentary
evidence to support his defense, the 16. Non-appearance of the parties
court shall order him/her/it to submit
original copies of such documents Sec. 19. Non-appearance of
within three (3) calendar days from parties. —
the termination of the hearing and,
upon receipt thereof or expiration of Plaintiff
the period to file the court shall Failure of the plaintiff to appear shall
render judgment within twenty four be cause for the dismissal of the
(24) hours. Statement of Claim/s without
prejudice. The defendant who
14. Can there be a permissive appears in the absence of the
counterclaim? plaintiff shall be entitled to judgment
on the counterclaim.
YES. Provided that the amount and
nature thereof are within the Defendant
coverage of this rule and the Failure of the defendant to appear
prescribed docket and the other shall have the same effect as failure
legal fees are paid. to file a Response under Section 14
of this Rule. This shall not apply
15. Effect of Failure to File Response. where one of two or more defendants
who are sued under a common
The court shall render cause of action and have pleaded a
judgment within twenty-four (24) common defense appears at the
hours from the termination of the hearing.
hearing, as may be warranted by the
facts alleged in the Statement of Both parties
Claim/s and its attachments. Failure of both parties to appear
shall cause the dismissal with
Failed to file response but appeared prejudice of both the Statement of
on the hearing day Claim/s and the counterclaim.