Hle Operation Manual Beckoff

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Operating Instructions

Operating Manual of
CNC Laser Cutting Machine


 Please read and understand this operation manual

carefully before operating and maintaining

 Please submit this operation manual together with

machine when machine is transferred to another user.

 Please keep this operation manual at the place that

is easy to take out so as to look up and refer rapidly.

Jiangsu Yawei Machine-Tool Co., Ltd.

Add: Xiancheng Industrial Park, Huanghai South Road, Jiangdu District, Yangzhou
City, Jiangsu
TEL: 0514-86880518, 0514-86880508
FAX : 0514-86882218, 0514-86880505
E-mail:[email protected]

Operating Instructions

All rights reserved © Jiangsu Yawei Machine-Tool Co., Ltd.

reserves all rights

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any

means withoutprior written consent of Jiangsu Yawei Machine-Tool Co., Ltd.

and other Yawei trademarks are registered trademark of Jiangsu Yawei

Machine-Tool Co., Ltd. No organization or individual may use the same or similar

trademark on goods without prior written consent of Jiangsu Yawei Machine-Tool Co., Ltd.

JiangsuYawei Machine-Tool Co., Ltd. may update the operating manual due to

software or hardware upgrading at any time, and all updated contents will be included in

the new manual version without prior notice.

Such information is applicable to: HLE (Beckhoff) series model product. Such

information is only applicable to the standard configuration of corresponding model

products. For the special customized products, please carefully read the description

information attached separately.

(Attention: The manual is only used by those professionals who receive the proper

training about the control and automation engineering and are familiar with various

applicable national standards. The operator shall abide by the following instructions and

explanations below. Though the document is prepared elaborately, yet the products

described in the document is still upgraded constantly, and we will not check whether the

performance data, standards or other characteristics of the products described in the

document are consistent with those of the actual products after updating every time.

are some inevitable technical or editing errors in the document, so we reserve the right to

modify the document information at any time without prior notice. For the changed
Operating Instructions

if the data, chart and text description in the document are not modified, we will not make a

special statement separately. )

Attention —— Please read the manual carefully before the operation of

laser cutting machine tool, and carry out the operation in strict accordance with the steps

specified in the manual.

Danger - The non-professional personnel are prohibited to carry out the

operation and the non-standard operation will greatly damage the equipment!

Warning – Danger of high voltage

● Please guarantee the power off when starting and contacting the electrical control

cabinet and external cable joint for preventing electric shock.

Warning - Laser beam! There is a laser emission in the process of

machine operation.

● The radiation injury brought by the direct radiation or scattered radiation to eyes or skin

shall be avoided;

● Even though the optical instrument is used, it is not allowed to see the laser beam


● The laser protective eyewear conforming to DIN EN 207 and BGV B2 shall be used.

Operating Instructions

Part 1 Introduction ................................................................ 15

1.1 Overview ............................................................................15

1.2 Scope ..................................................................................15

1.3 Safe keeping of manual .................................................15

1.4 Nouns and terms .............................................................15

1.4.1 Definition of caution, warning and attention..15

1.4.2 General safety definition......................................16

1.4.3 Technical term related to machine tool ...........17

1.5. Reference documents ...................................................18

1.6 Design reference .............................................................18

Part 2 Safety Requirements and Description .............. 20

2.1 Safety risk analysis.........................................................20

2.2 Security operations .....................................................20

2.2.1 Clothing ....................................................................21

2.2.2 Enter work area ......................................................21

2.3 Mechanical safety risk ...................................................22

2.3.1 Moving parts ...........................................................22

2.3.2 Handling of sheet metal .......................................22

2.3.3 Maintenance ............................................................23

2.4 Electrical safety risk .......................................................23

2.4.1 Improper operation................................................23

2.4.2 Illegal operation ......................................................23

2.4.3 Electrical component anomaly ..........................24

2.5 Laser warning sign .........................................................24

Operating Instructions

2.6 Safety measures of laser processing ........................27

2.6.1 Laser radiation ........................................................27

2.6.2 Optical components ..............................................28

2.7 Gas safety risk .................................................................28

2.7.1 Compressed air ......................................................28

2.7.2 Cutting auxiliary gas .............................................29

2.8 Hydraulic risk ...................................................................29

2.9 Chiller .................................................................................29

2.10 Material factor ................................................................30

2.10.1 High reflective materials ....................................30

2.10.2 Unknown materials .............................................30

2.11 Safe operation procedure ...........................................30

2.12 Safety set of moving parts .........................................31

2.13 Safety of worktable exchange ...................................33

2.14 Machines guarding .......................................................34

Part 3 Constitution and Function of the Machine ...... 35

3.1 Overview ............................................................................35

3.2 Main technical parameters ( standard configuration)


3.3 Structure and working principle .................................36

3.3.1 Machine body structure .......................................37

3.3.2 Drive of crossbeam ...............................................39

3.3.3 Drive of cutting head ............................................40

3.3. 4 Exchange worktable ............................................41

Operating Instructions

3.3.5 Protective cover .....................................................43

3.3.6 Laser generator ......................................................43

Part 4 Use and Operation .................................................. 44

4.1 Overview ............................................................................44

4.2 Machine tool operation ..................................................44

4.2.1 Introduction to control system ..........................44

4.2.2 Function description of various CNC axes ....44

4.2.3 Machine tool panel functions introduction ....45 Operation panel (touch screen) .............. 45 Machine tool control panel (key area) I

type .................................................................................. 46 Machine tool control panel (key area) II

type .................................................................................. 48 Machine tool control panel (key area) III

type .................................................................................. 51 Hand wheel ................................................ 53

4.2.4 Yawei operation interface introduction ...........57

4.2.5 Standard day-to-day operating steps...............57

4.2.6 Shutdown and recovery .......................................57

4.3 Use of worktable ..............................................................58

4.3.1 External button function ......................................58

4.3.2 Introduction to functions of main interface....59

4.3.3 Inching mode ..........................................................60

4.3.4 Automatic mode .....................................................61

Operating Instructions

4.4 Laser use and maintenance .........................................61

4.5 Use of other peripheral equipment ............................62

4.5.1 Use of voltage-stabilized source .......................62

4.5.2 Use of chiller ...........................................................63

4.5.3 Use of refrigerated air dryer ...............................64

4.6 Use of programming software .....................................64

4.7 Operation control system .............................................65

4.7.1 Overview of operation interface ........................65

4.7.2 Users Login .............................................................66

4.7.3 System status display ..........................................67

4.7.4 Channel number display ......................................67

4.7.5 Working mode display..........................................68

4.7.6 Working status display.........................................68

4.7.7 CNC and PLC controller state display .............69

4.7.8 Selection of work mode .......................................69

4.7.9 Program running under auto mode ..................70

4.7.10 Axis running in manual mode ..........................72

4.7.11 Running program under semi-auto model


4.7.12 Running ratio display and modification ........75

4.7.13 Setting/real-time feed rate display ..................75

4.7.14 Setting/return to workpiece zero .....................75

4.7.15 Automatic edge search function .....................78

4.7.16 Contour skip function ........................................81

Operating Instructions Opening of contour skip ........................ 81 Opening of contour skip ........................ 83

4.7.17 G code syntax check/ test run .........................85

4.7.18 Real-time display of laser power .....................90

4.7.19 Track backtracking function .............................90

4.7.20 Virtual running function .....................................91

4.7.21 Single step run function ....................................92

4.7.22 Servo enable/disenable......................................92

4.7.23 Laser control function ........................................92

4.7.24 Gas manual control function ............................93

4.7.25 Graphical display function and processing

time display ...............................................................................96

4.8 Beckhoff system structure ...........................................99

4.8.1 System overview ....................................................99

4.8.2 Industrial personal computer ...........................100 TwinCAT authorized registration code 100 TwinCAT Software loading1 .................. 102 Network card EtherCAT drive installation

....................................................................................... 109 Windows system fault ............................ 115

4.8.3 EtherCAT bus ........................................................ 116 Bus status check method ...................... 116 Bus fault analysis ................................... 119

4.8.4 I/O module unit ..................................................... 119

Operating Instructions

4.8.5 AX5000 Servo driver ...........................................122 Drive real-time alarm check method .... 122 Drive history alarm check method ....... 123 Common drive alarm code/handling

method .......................................................................... 125

4.8.6 Users Login ...........................................................128

4.8.7 Alarm screening function ..................................129

4.8.8 Z axis parameter setting ....................................130 Parameter setting/saving method ........ 130 Z axis parameter description ................ 132

4.8.9 Setting parameters for edge search ............133 Ultimate principle of automatic edge

search ........................................................................... 133 Detection procedure of plate edge ...... 134 Process of automatic edge search ...... 135 Setting parameters for automatic edge

search ........................................................................... 136

4.8.10 Automatic calibration of sensor ....................137 Setting of adjustment box of the sensor

....................................................................................... 137 Signal wiring of adjustment box ........ 138 Calibration timing sequence ............... 139

4.8.11 Laser manufacturer and design power setting

Operating Instructions

4.8.12 View software version ......................................140

4.9 Daily use ..........................................................................140

4.9.1Adjustment of cutting nozzle center ...............140

4.9.2 Adjustment for focal position ...........................143 Confirm the null position of the focal

position ......................................................................... 143 Selection of focal position .................... 149 Adjustment of focal position ................. 151

4.9.3 Replacement of ceramic body .........................151

4.9.4 Abnormalities treatment ....................................153

4.9.5 Disposal for cutting head falling off (Optional

item) ...........................................................................................154

4.10 Machine tool alarm .....................................................156

4.10.1 System alarm ......................................................156

4.10.2 Peripheral equipment alarm ...........................159 Gas circuit alarm ................................... 159 Limit switch alarm ................................ 159 IPG laser alarm ...................................... 160 Common fault analysis Type I for the

worktable ...................................................................... 164 Common fault analysis Type II for the

worktable ...................................................................... 167

Part 5 Laser cutting technology .................................... 170

5.1 Function of technique database ...............................170
Operating Instructions

5.1.1 Selection/downloading of technological data


5.1.2 Creation of technological parameters ...........170

5.1.3 Modification/storage of technological

parameters ...............................................................................171

5.1.4 Deletion/save of technological parameters ..171

5.1.5 Definition of technological layers ...................172

5.1.6 Piercing mode and parameter setting............173

5.2 Leapfrog function ..........................................................174

5.3 Power control function ................................................174

5.4 Piercing circle cutting function .................................174

5.5 Gas time delay function ..............................................174

5.6 Function of tool start at slow speed ........................174

5.7 cutting nozzle cleaning + automatic calibration

function ...........................................................................................175

5.8 Laser cutting principle .................................................175

5.9 Laser cutting form.........................................................176

5.10 Scope..............................................................................177

5.10.1 Definition for big and small contours by laser

cutting .......................................................................................177

5.10.2 Minimum distance of plate edge width........178

5.10.3 Minimum cutting aperture ...............................178

5.10.4 Contour spacing and the minimum contour

spacing .....................................................................................179
Operating Instructions

5.10.5 Component spacing and the minimum

component spacing ...............................................................180

5.10.6 Machining error of components ....................181

5.11 Factors influencing cutting quality ........................183

5.11.1 Cutting speed ......................................................183

5.11.2 Cutting power .....................................................184

5.11.3 Cutting gas pressure ........................................184

5.11.4 Focal position .....................................................185

5.11.5 Influence of nozzle on cutting surface ........187

5.11.6 Other considerations ........................................188

5.12 Assessment against cutting section .....................188

Part 6 Equipment installation and commissioning .. 194

6.1 Equipment environment requirements ...................194

6.2 Air compressing system .............................................195

6.2.1 Schematic diagram..............................................195

6.2.2 List of spare parts................................................198

6.2.3 Using Instructions ...............................................199

6.3 Water cooling system ..................................................201

6.3.1 List of spare parts................................................201

6.3.2 Using Instructions ...............................................201

6.4 Anti-wear hydraulic oil .................................................201

6.5 Auxiliary gas for cutting ..............................................201

6.6 Requirements for electricity utilization ...................202

6.7 Lifting and installation tools ......................................202

Operating Instructions

6.8 Computer for programming .......................................203

Part 7 Maintenance............................................................ 204

7.1 Explanation for maintenance classification ..........204

7.2 Description about maintenance personnel's

qualifications .................................................................................204

7.3 Scheduled maintenance ..............................................205

7.4 Daily maintenance for equipment .............................208

7.4.1 Air compressor .....................................................208 Selection of installation sites ............... 208 Daily maintenance of air compressors 208 Scheduled maintenance of air

compressors ................................................................ 208

7.4.2 Maintenance of the refrigerated air dryer .....212 Scheduled maintenance of refrigerated

air dryer ........................................................................ 212 Common failures diagnosis and

treatment methods...................................................... 212

7.4.3 Maintenance for valves ......................................215 Maintenance of the pressure reduction

valve of valve plate ..................................................... 215 Maintenance of the electro-air

proportional valve ....................................................... 215

7.4.4 Maintenance for laser water cooling machine

Operating Instructions Selection of installation sites ............... 216 Scheduled maintenance for laser water

cooling machine .......................................................... 217

7.4.5 Lubrication and maintenance for guide rail .220 Manual lubrication .................................. 220 Manual lubrication .................................. 221

7.4.6 Lubrication and maintenance for rack ...........222

7.4.7 Maintenance of exchange worktable..............222

7.4.8 Inspection and cleaning for optical system .222

7.5 After-sale service contact information ....................225

Appendix I: Drawing of Top Toothed Plate ................. 226

Appendix II: Comparison Table of Dewpoint
Temperature ................................................................................ 227
Appendix III: Electrical Schematic Figure .................. 228

Operating Instructions

Part 1 Introduction

1.1 Overview

Welcome to use HLE series fiber laser cutting machine produced by our company.

The machine is the new high-tech product integrating laser cutting, precision machinery

and CNC technology. It is mainly used for the cutting processing of ordinary carbon steel

plate, stainless steel plate, aluminum alloy, brass and other materials, with high efficiency,

high precision, high cost performance and other characteristics.

The contents in the current manual are about the property of Jiangsu Yawei

Machine-Tool Co., Ltd., and any part shall not be released and copied without permission.

1.2 Scope

The current manual mainly provides the necessary guidance and information required

by installation, use and maintenance of HLE series 2D NC laser cutting machine produced

by Jiangsu Yawei Machine-Tool Co., Ltd.

It covers the reference data and all information related to the use of machine tool.

The manual is prepared for the professionals, so it excludes the workshop practices

and procedures related to the general maintenance and operation.

1.3 Safe keeping of manual

The current manual (light disk or binding document) is identified as an integral part of

the machine tool. It shall be kept until the scrap of machine tool for a future reference.

If it is provided in the form of binding document, the manual shall be always available

for query and shall be kept in the safe place and keep away from the dust and moisture. If

the query is affected due to the damage, and even though only a part is damaged, the

user shall order a new written document from the manufacturer.

1.4 Nouns and terms

1.4.1 Definition of caution, warning and attention


Operating Instructions

Such term defines a procedure, condition, etc., and its violation may bring the threat

to the safety of operator (maintenance technical personnel) or field personnel and the

danger of injury or death.

Such term defines a procedure or condition and fault to be observed, and it may

damage the machine tool or its parts.

It can cause the readers' attention to the specific aspects described by the procedure.

1.4.2 General safety definition

Operator is authorized by safe manager of the factory and preforms the woks of

running the machine, including confirming any possible risk of himself and field personand

avoiding danger.

In general, after the operator is competent to the work (by training and accumulating

the experience), the operator is authorized to operating one or more machines.

Technician, Maintenance technician and Training Person

The person possessing specific skills in one or more specific areas and able to carry

out professional service and maintenance. The professionals may be employed by

manufacture, the representative of the manufacture, user or the third party.

Field Person
Field person refers to any person who is fully or partially in dangerous area owing to

any reason.

Dangerous area
Dangerous area refers to the inner of the machine or the whole area around the

machine. The safety and health of the person in this area may be threatened.

Danger refers to one or more relevant factors and conditions that can cause death or

serious injury of the operator or the person in dangerous area of the machine.

Operating Instructions

Hidden danger
In this manual, hidden danger means the possibility of danger. Operator and field

person may be hurt.

1.4.3 Technical term related to machine tool

Operation cycle
Operational cycle means the set of various processing stages of kinds of equipment
composing the machine performed.

Performance of one or more machines to achieve a final result (finished product).<br>

Finished product
Finished product means the final result when the whole running cycle of the machine


Functional group
Functional group is one component or one whole set of components equipped on the

machine, which can run separately or with other components at certain stage


Auxiliary equipment
Auxiliary equipment means one or more equipment that are not provided by Jiangsu

YaweiMachine-Tool Co., Ltd., which are of suitable configuration and dimensioninstalled

with machine and is used for finishing different machining process.

Process stage
Processing stage means intermediate stage during continuous process. During this

stage, work piece is processed by one ore more functional groups installed ondesignated

position; set of all processing stage consists of running cycle of finishing finished products.

First start
The first start after installation, including functional test.

Service operation
Simple reset or disassembling of the machine that do not need the interference of

training person can be done occasionally or regularly; so service operation (routine

maintenance) can be performed by operator. so service operation (routine maintenance)

Operating Instructions

can be performed by operator.

1.5. Reference documents

Besides this manual, other attached reference materials also help correctly use CNC

laser cutting machine.

1. Relevant data of laser generator and chiller

2. Relevant data of cutting head

3. Programming manual, etc.

1.6 Design reference

HLE series two-dimensional CNC Laser cutting machine as a whole and single unit of

its components refer and apply the following standards when designing (routine

maintenance)can be performed by operator:

GBT 2828.1-2012 sampling procedures for inspection - Part 1: Sampling schemes

indexed by acceptance quality limit(AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection

GB/T 7935-2005 Hydraulic System General Technical Specifications

GB 5226.1-2008 Safety of Machinery and Electric - Electrical Equipment of Machines

- Part 1: General technical specification;

GB/T 6576-2002 Lubricating system of machine tool

GB/T 7932-2003 Pneumatic System General Technical Specifications

GB 2894-2008 Safety Signs and Guideline for the Use;

GB 17120-2012 Metal Forming Machinery Safety Specification

JB/T 3240-1999 Metal Forming Machinery Operation Indication Visualization


GB/T 23281-2009 Metal Forming Machinery-Noise Measurement Method of Sound

Power Levels

GB7247.1-2001 Safety of Laser Products Part 1: Equipment classification,

Requirements and Users Guide;

GB 18490-2001 Laser Processing Machines - Safety Requirements

GB/T 10320-2011 Electrical Safety of Laser Equipment and Facilities

GB/Z18461-2001 Safety of Laser Products - Manufacturers Checklist for Radiation

Safety of Laser Products

Operating Instructions

GB/Z18462-2001 Laser Processing Machines - Performance Specifications and

Benchmarks for Cutting of Metals

Q/321088JWB 14-2017 Laser Cutting Machine Enterprise Standard

Operating Instructions

Part 2 Safety Requirements and Description

2.1 Safety risk analysis

There are many descriptions about safety facility. All detailed descriptions about

safety specification must be observed during installation and operation of the machine.

Failure to observe the described instruction may lead to insufficiency of the safety

condition of the design of the machine. User must train the person who uses and

manages the machine about hidden accidents, safety facility installed on the machine,

general safety rules specified by safety instructions and current effective legislation of the

country where machine will use.

If the damage of the machine and injuries of the operator or third person is caused by

failure to observe the safety rules specified in the technicaldocuments delivered together

with the machine, Jiangsu Yawei Machin-Tool Co., Ltd. will take no responsibility

2.2 Security operations

Warning 1
Before starting work, operator must be familiar with the special performance and

function of all control positions of the machine. And operator must read relevant technical

documents and manual delivered with the machine completely to fully understand;

enclosing pictures and charts must be read carefully too.

Warning 2
The machine can only be used by theoperator who is guided and trained by Jiangsu

Yawei Machine-Tool Co., Ltd. At site or at the factory of the manufacturer. The operator

need fully know the instructions in relevant technical documents and manual delivered

with themachine.

Warning 3
Instructions, warnings and general safety rules of the machine in this manual or on

the labels must be fully supported.

Warning 4
To operate a complicated industrialsystem, the physical and mental of the operator

Operating Instructions

must be in an ideal state.

Warning 5
There is possibility of accidents and dangers if one or more spare parts of the

machine are dismounted, replaced or fiddled. It is also possible to cause accidents and

dangers if the usage of the spare parts, tools or material of the user is not conformed to

manufacturer's suggestion. Under these circumstances,civil and criminal liability of the

manufacturer should not be called to account. Under these circumstances, civil and

criminal liability of the manufacturer should not be called to account.

2.2.1 Clothing

The clothing of the operator and maintenance person must be suitable for the type of

the processing equipment and the safety rules issued by the current legislation of the

country where the machine uses.

When working on the machine, please do not wear accessories and clothing such as

bracelets, watches, rings, necklaces, neckties or something else whose swing and

movement may interfere work. Be careful when working around the moving parts of the

machine; clothing (sleeve, fold of jacket, hair, etc.) should prevent hanging or hooking

these components.

2.2.2 Enter work area

Raw materials or other articles must not be placed in working area ( especially the

position of control screen and emergency stop button), which can guarantee that nothing

will impede free movement of the operator. When there is emergentsituation, it is

ensured that designated personnel must reach the designated position quickly. Warning

sign should be placed to prohibit the person who do not operate the machine directly

entering working area

Caution 1
During maintenance operation, especially when protection switch or safety equipment

do not connect, (only authorized or duly trained person is allowed), please ensure that

those person who do not operate the machine directly must not enterworking area.
Operating Instructions

Caution 2
When the maintenance operation finish, please ensure that the tools is not left in

safety cover or working area.

2.3 Mechanical safety risk

2.3.1 Moving parts

These are the worktable and cross beam. Since the worktable is under the open state

in the exchange process, the personnel may be collided and squeezed, thus leading to

the injury if the personnel close to. In the case of automatic exchange of the worktable,

since the operator is behind the machine, it is not easy to observe the surrounding

situation, and the surrounding personnel shall be noted. The operator shall be specified,

and the operator who is not specified shall not keep close to the machine.

Since the movement speed of cross beam is very fast, when the personnel carry out

the repair or other operations in the machine, the personnel shall be on duty outside the

machine, and the obvious sign shall be hung in the operational location of the machine for

indicating that the machine is under repair and anyone shall not start the machine.

Identifications shall be as follows:

机器正在维修中,任何人不得启动机器!The machine is in maintenance. Any

如有任何问题,请与 xxx 联系,电话: one shall not start the machine!
(附手机号码) If there is any question, please contact
xxx by calling: (phone number

2.3.2 Handling of sheet metal

The sheet metal handling shall choose the suitable tool for preventing the fall of a

sheet or workpiece from causing the accidents. The long and thin sheet metal shall not be

lifted by the single point; As for the thick sheet, the balance between lifting capacity and

lifting point of lifting tool shall be given attention to preventing the fall of sheet metal from

causing the machine damage or personnel injury. The special lifting tool shall be installed
Operating Instructions

as suggested.

2.3.3 Maintenance

In the case of machine maintenance, there shall be specially-assigned personnel

being on duty outside the machine, and the machine shall not be started; Or the obvious

sign shall be hung in the operation location of the machine for indicating that the machine

is under repair and anyone shall not start-up the machine tool.

In the case of optical path adjustment outside the machine, there shall be

specially-assigned personnel coordinating the work of machine and electricity, or one

person shall be determined as the responsible person who guides the machine operation.

Any part of human body shall not be inside the machine tool and any object shall not be

placed in the machine tool in the process of cross beam operation.

When the worktable is under maintenance, such as removal of oil pipe or oil cylinder,

the worktable shall be first fixed, and the location shall be proper and reliable for

preventing the fall of high pressure hydraulic oil and mobile parts from causing the

personnel injury. The maintenance shall be completed by the specified professionals.

2.4 Electrical safety risk

2.4.1 Improper operation

The operation in violation of the provisions in the manual will affect the normal

operation of machine tools and even may damage the machine tool.

The rough handling will lead to the key failure; The high manual operation speed and

collision machine tool limit may greatly shorten the service life of the machine, lead to the

serious decline of machine tool precision and even failure of normal operation. The habit

of operation according to the specification, requirements and procedures shall be


2.4.2 Illegal operation

To ensure the safe operation of the machine, the control mode of electromechanical

interlock shall be adopted in the electrical design. For example, when the protective door
Operating Instructions

in the front side of the machine is opened, the laser output will be closed. The operator

shall not change the electrical control line without permission.

The electric cabinet door of the machine shall be closed under normal

circumstances for preventing the dust from polluting the electrical cabinet.

对于违规操作产生的一切后果,江苏亚 Jiangsu Yawei Machine-Tool Co., Ltd.

威机床股份有限公司不负任何责任! will not bear any responsibility for any
consequence caused by illegal

2.4.3 Electrical component anomaly

Due to the aging of electrical components after the long-term use, the operator shall

pay special attention to the cleaning of electric cabinet, check the electrical cabinet and

limit switch regularly, and carry out the repair immediately after finding the abnormal

situation. In case of abnormal situation in the process of machine operation, the operator

shall carry out the shutdown inspection immediately until finding and removing the

problem before processing.

It shall be specially noted that the fluctuation of network voltage and interference of

the power grid will affect the normal operation of the machine, and the necessary

measures shall be taken for prevention, such as use of filter, grounding of electrical

components as required. If there is high-power machine tool or equipment nearby the

laser cutting machine, it shall be fed separately.

2.5 Laser warning sign

Sign Description

Be careful with the laser (the direct watch will

damage the eye retina, so all operators shall wear

1064nm laser protective eyeglass, and it is prohibited

to carry out the operation and watch the laser without

wearing the glass.)

Operating Instructions

Laser outlet sign (avoid the radiation of laser

emitted from such window)

Observation window

Danger, electric shock

Explanatory sign of radiation classification of laser


可见激光 Visible laser

勿直视光束 Do not look
2 类激光产品 straight at the
light beam
Class 2 laser
不 可 见 激 光 辐 Invisible laser
射 radiation
避 免 眼 或 皮 肤 Avoid eye or
skin from the
direct and
射照射 scattering

Operating Instructions

4 类激光产品 radiation
Type 4 laser

Be careful of mechanical clamp hand and plate


Be careful of poisoning and fire.

Table 2-1 Laser Warning Board

The laser warning board is shown it the Figure 2-1: The laser product can be

classified into four types (details see GB7247.1-2001) according to the safety view and

laser power as well as accessible emission limit (AEL). It can be described simply as


Class 1: A laser which is safe under the reasonable and predictable working


Class 2: Laser with emission wavelength of 400nm-700nm visible light. The eye

protection shall be provided for the avoidance reaction including the blink reflex.

Type 3A: A laser which is safe for observation by naked eyes For the laser with

emission wavelength of 400nm-700nm, the protection shall be provided for the avoidance

reaction including the blink reflex. A laser with the damage of other wavelengths to the

naked eyes is not more than Class 1. It may be dangerous to make the direct internal view

observation of Class 3A beam by optical devices (such as binocular eyepiece, telescope,

and microscope).

Class 3B: A laser with the direct internal view of beam being dangerous It is generally

safe to observe the diffuse reflection.

Class 4: The laser producing the dangerous diffuse reflection. It may cause the skin

burn and fire. Be careful to use such laser.

Operating Instructions

2.6 Safety measures of laser processing

Since the product is the high-power fiber laser processing machine, it belongs to

class-4 laser product, and it shall follow the protective measures in GB7247.1–2012. The

measures are as follows:

① Safety management personnel should be assigned and allocated with relevant

duties; operating personnel of laser machining should be trained in safety

operation and safety protection.

② The laser safety management area shall be specified, and the laser disclosed

beyond the management area shall be below the class 1. The warning boards

shall be erected in the inlet of management area, and they include: power and

class of laser generator, non-laser operator is forbidden, eye protection, name of

safety manager, etc.

③ The operating personnel of laser cutting machine must have specialized training

to master a certain level of knowledge, and could take the relevant posts after

being approved by the security manager.

④ The operating personnel of laser cutting machines or the personnel approach to

the laser shall wear suitable lasering protective eyeglasses and clothing

(GB7247.1–2012) during the operation. Meanwhile, the areas in which the

operating personnel need to wear protective eyeglasses must have a good

indoor illumination.

⑤ When the laser cutting machine is not used, the high pressure of the laser shall

be turned off for preventing the misuse.

⑥ To protect the operator, the doors and windows shall be closed during the laser


⑦ The harmful gas and substances occurring during the processing and laser

working gas shall be emitted out of the house, and all gas shall be placed

steadily and orderly.

2.6.1 Laser radiation

The beam emitted by the fiber laser is the high-energy infrared laser with wavelength
of 1064nm, and any part of the human body being exposed to will be burnt, and the eye

Operating Instructions

retina will be seriously damaged due to the direct watch. Therefore, it is prohibited to
directly see the laser or expose any part of the body to the optical transmission patch.
Meanwhile, the shield and protective door are installed around the machine for impeding
and damping the laser radiation and reflection, so it is prohibited to carry out the cutting
processing when the protective door is open.
Due to the characteristic of diffuse reflection, the laser can be overflowed from the gap
of the shield and protective door. If working under such environment for a long time, the
operator shall wear 1064nm laser protective eye-glasses.

2.6.2 Optical components

Under normal circumstances, the protection lens shall be checked every day. If there

is pollutant on the lens, the absolute ethyl alcohol with a purity of 99.5% and lens wiping

paper shall be used for cleaning. If the pollutant on the lens can't be eliminated or there is

obvious scratch on the lens, the protection lens shall be replaced.

The focus lens shall be checked once a week. If there is pollutant on the lens, the

absolute ethyl alcohol with a purity of 99.5% and lens wiping paper shall be used for

cleaning. If the pollutant on the lens can't be eliminated, the lens shall be replaced.

If the cutting quality declines, the cutting nozzle alignment and lens cleaning shall be

checked timely, and measures shall be taken timely.

Attention: The lens which is polluted or damaged shall be collected and handed

over to the lens supplier for handling, rather than the random disposal, which

because the lens is the poisonous and harmful substance, and the user doesn't

have the handling conditions.

2.7 Gas safety risk

2.7.1 Compressed air

The quality requirement of compressed air for laser cutting machine is higher, and the

air compressor shall be the oil-free type. To guarantee the pressure stability of

compressed air, the air compressor outlet shall be equipped with the air storage tank, and

the outlet of an air storage tank shall be equipped with the filter. The air handling unit

behind the air storage tank filter shall be provided by the company. The user shall check

Operating Instructions

the filter devices regularly and replace the filter element for preventing the device failure

from causing the disqualification of compressed air quality.

2.7.2 Cutting auxiliary gas

The cutting auxiliary gas is indispensable for the cutting processing. Since it is high

pressure, flammable and explosive gas, the storage and transportation shall be carried

out as required by the gas nature, and the pressure test shall be carried out for the

container regularly.

For the cutting auxiliary gas, the oxygen purity is ≥99.96%, and nitrogen purity is

≥99.99%, so it is recommended to use the liquid filling oxygen and liquid filling nitrogen as

well as gasification equipment for gas supply.

2.8 Hydraulic risk

The exchange worktable (optional) adopts the hydraulic transmission, and the
synchronization of four oil cylinders can be guaranteed through the hydraulic motor during
the up and down movement of the worktable. When the oil line is mixed with the air or the
seal ring of oil cylinder is failed, the oil cylinder will be out of sync, thus causing that the
worktable is out of level. If the oil pump is damaged, the hydraulic system will not be able
to work, and the exchange of worktable will not be completed. Under these circumstances,
the repair of hydraulic system shall be carried out. Since the hydraulic oil has a higher
pressure, the first step of the repair is turning off the hydraulic system, and the second
step is fixing the worktable for preventing the glide from causing the accident.
In case of abnormal situation in the process of worktable exchange, the emergency
stop button shall be pressed immediately, and the operation shall proceed after removing
the fault, and it can be solved by contacting the company when necessary.

2.9 Chiller
The chiller is the guarantee of constant temperature work of optical components. In
case of failure, the temperature of fiber quartz head and lens will rise, which will lead to
the change of characteristics of laser in the conduction process and seriously affect the
laser cutting. Requirements for cooling water used by chiller: The conductivity is
35-50μS/cm, PH value is 7-8, the water is replaced every 3 months, and it is
recommended to use Watsons distilled water. The joint of cooling pipe shall be checked
regularly for preventing leakage.

Operating Instructions

2.10 Material factor

2.10.1 High reflective materials

For aluminum alloy and other high reflective materials, the reflection will be serious
during cutting, and it may damage the machine tool parts. The cutting conditions shall be
given close attention to such materials for preventing the accidents.

2.10.2 Unknown materials

Except for carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum alloy and brass, other materials
shall not be processed in the machine tool without the written permission and cutting
parameters of Yawei Machine-Tool Co., Ltd.

只有对机床事故隐患、安全设施、安全 Only personnel trained effectively on

规则等进行有效培训的人员,才能操作 hidden troubles, safety facilities, safety
和维护机床。若因没能遵守随机提供的 rules and other issues of machine tools
are eligible to operate and maintain the
machine tool. Jiangsu Yawei
机床的损坏、对操作者或第三者的人身 Machine-Tool Co., Ltd. will not bear
伤害,江苏亚威机床股份有限公司不负 any responsibility for damage to
任何责任! machine tools and personal injuries to
the operator or a third party due to
failure to observe the safety
precautions as specified in the
technical document provided together
with the machine tool.

2.11 Safe operation procedure

As required by the use of machine tool, the safety operating procedures are prepared
as follows:
1. The operator shall receive the strict training and obtain the operation
permission before operation.
2. The operator shall be familiar with the machine tool characteristics and all
control buttons of the machine tool.

Operating Instructions

3. The operator shall read the relevant technical documents, manuals and
charts attached to the machine completely.
4. The operator shall be familiar with and understand the instructions,
warnings and safety rules of the machine tool.
5. The operator shall carry out the on/off operation in strict accordance with the
sequence requirements in the laser cutting machine manual.
6. The gas state shall be checked before turn-on, confirming that it meets the
use requirements.
7. The liquid level of chiller shall be checked before the start, and the gas
auxiliary gas pressure (oxygen: 0.8MPa, nitrogen: 2.5MPa) meets the use
8. Except the daily maintenance, the operator shall not remove any machine
tool parts without an authorization.
9. The operator shall wear the necessary protective articles as required by the
10. The sign shall be placed for prohibiting the operation of any personnel for
machine tool during the period of maintenance.
11. The responsible person shall be specified during the simultaneous
operation of multiple personnel, and other personnel shall obey the command.
12. The machine tool shall not work with failure, and the machine tool shall be
shut down in case of abnormal situation until the problem is solved.
13. When the equipment is under working state, the operator shall not leave the
working place.
14. The unknown materials shall not be cut.
15. The maintenance and servicing of machine tool shall be carried out as
required by the manual.
16. To prevent the fire, the fire extinguisher shall be placed in the obvious
position nearby the machine tool.
17. The site around the machine shall keep clean, orderly and greaseless, and
the sheet metal and workpiece shall be stacked orderly and cleaned timely.
18. During the feeding and blanking, the proper tool and lifting method shall be
used for preventing the fall of sheet metal (workpiece) from hurting people.
19. The maintenance of the laser shall be carried out by the personnel specified
by the company, rather than any other personnel.

2.12 Safety set of moving parts

The stroke parameters of moving parts are as follows (standard configuration product

parameters. For the customized product, the technical agreement shall prevail):
Operating Instructions

Item HLE-1530 HLE-2040

Travel of X 3040 4040
Travel of Y 1520 2020
Travel of Z 240 (Standard) 240 (Standard)
axis 120 (Optional) 120 (Optional)

Table 2-2 Stroke of Various Axes

Triple protection of soft limit, hard limit and mechanical limit of various axes




Figure 2-1 Machine Tool Limit

Operating Instructions



Figure 2-2 Machine Tool Limit

① Soft limit: The limit defined by CNC system. The axis will stop automatically when

moving to such limit.

② Origin: Datum point of machine tool returning to the reference point

③ Hard limit: The electromechanical limit switch is installed in the positive and

negative direction of the axis. When the axis operation touches the hard limit switch, the

CNC system will sound an alarm and the motion is prohibited in the axial direction.

2.13 Safety of worktable exchange

Worktable exchange shall be performed with cautious, and any misoperation will lead

to the personal injury and machine tool damage. The operator shall carry out the operation

after receiving the company's training. The following is the safety protection measures:

① It shall be confirmed that there are no miscellaneous personnel around the

worktable for preventing the safety accidents.

② It shall be guaranteed that there are no sundries in the worktable operating

path and chain for preventing worktable tip-over from causing the accidents.

Operating Instructions

③ It shall be confirmed that the worktable has not any alarm information and shall

not shield any alarm artificially.

④ Worktable exchange shall be carried out only when the cutting head is at the

upper limit.

⑤ It is prohibited to operate other parts of the machine tool during worktable

exchange until the operation is completed and the worktable is placed safely.

⑥ The worktable will stop exchange if there is any alarm in the exchange process,

and all faults shall be removed before further exchange.

⑦ The light curtain protection equipment shall be installed around the worktable

for preventing the personnel from entering it.

2.14 Machines guarding

Y axis of cross beam adopts the fully enclosed dust-proof structure, and the interior is

installed with precision ball screw, pinion and rack, linear guide rail and protective cover.

Both ends of the X gantry axis are installed with a mechanical damping device, which

greatly improve the service life and safety coefficient of the machinery. And the protective

cover is also installed.

Operating Instructions

Part 3 Constitution and Function of the


3.1 Overview

Laser cutting is the most extensively-used processing method in laser processing

industry. HLE series fiber laser cutting machine produced by the company is the precision

CNC fiber laser cutting machine with the standard configuration of German IPG fiber laser

and RAYTOOLS cutting head and equipped with BECKHOFF AC servo motor, German

original STOBER reduction box and pinion and rack, German Rexroth high precision

linear guide rail and other efficient transmission mechanisms through BECKHOFF CNC

system. The machine is stable and reliable, has good dynamic performance and great

load capacity, and is the new high-tech product integrating laser cutting, precision

machinery and CNC technology, with high speed, high precision, high efficiency and high

cost performance.

3.2 Main technical parameters ( standard configuration)

No. Parameter Name HLE-1530 HLE-2040 Unit

Processing range (length

1 3000*1500 4000*2000 mm
x width)

2 Maximum stroke of X axis 3040 4040 mm

3 Maximum stroke of Y axis 1520 2020 mm

4 Travel of Z axis 240 240 mm

Positioning speed of X
5 100 100 m/min

Positioning speed of Y
6 100 100 m/min

Maximum synthesis
7 140 140 m/min
speed of X-Y axis

Positioning speed of Z
8 60 1.0G m/min

Operating Instructions

9 Positioning precision ±0.03 ±0.03 mm

Repeated positioning
10 0.02 0.02 mm

11 Height control of Z axis Numerical control/servo

Cutting processing
12 ±0.1 ±0.1 mm

13 Kerf width 0.15-0.3 0.15-0.3 mm

Maximum load of
14 750 1200 kg

Floor area of entire

15 9000*4600 11000*5000 mm
machine tool

16 Total installed capacity 32/37 KW

17 CNC system BECKHOFF

18 Laser generator YLR-1000/YLS-2000/3000

19 Overall weight 9000 11000 kg

3.3 Structure and working principle

HLE series NC laser cutting machine introduces the current most advanced laser

cutting machine technology, gantry flight light path, electric proportional valve for

controlling the cutting auxiliary gas pressure precisely, etc., and embodies the most

advance achievements in the product appearance, structure, configuration, parameter

setting and performance optimization.

HLE series NC laser cutting machine consists of the following parts:

 Main engine part: Machine body, cross beam and drive, worktable, cutting head,

cable import, special protective fence, etc.

 Control system: BECKHOFF

 IPG fiber lasers which can save electricity, save gas and have good beam quality

 Chiller standard provided by IPG or customized based on such standard

 Drawer type manual discharging trolley

 Dust and smoke removal device (option)

 Chain chip removal machine (option)

 Worktable exchange and light curtain protection (option)

Operating Instructions

 User-friendly cutting software etc.

Figure 3-1 Unit Diagram (only for reference)

Working principle of laser cutting machine:

 The laser light generated by laser generator is transferred to over the cutting

head by through light guide fiber, then it will generate high power density laser beam by

through collimating lens and focus lens inside of the cutting head, to realize hot cutting to

sheet metal.

 X, Y, Z axis can make associated movement. Cutting head is installed on the Z

axis. Use programming software to convert DWG, DXF file and graphics to cutting

program, then CNC control system controls X,Y, Z axis as per cutting program to make

non-contact hot cutting for all kinds of contour. Z axis following-up guarantees consistent

distance between bottom of cutting head and top surface of sheet metal, to ensure good

cutting quality. Pneumatic control system provides auxiliary cutting gas with specified

pressure according to different material and thickness.

 Dust exhausting device can absorb smoke and dust produced in the cutting

process, reduce harm to the operator as well as the pollution attached to machine.

 The exchange worktable can realize continuous cutting. When cutting of one

plate is completed, the exchange table can immediately convey another plate to cutting


3.3.1 Machine body structure

The integral structure (see Fig.3-2) is adopted for the machine frame and the welding

Operating Instructions

stress of the whole machine frame is eliminated by tempering through tempering furnace

so as to ensure that the frame is uneasy to be distorted during the long-term usage. The

bed is installed with the aggregate bin and presents the funnel-shaped structure, thus

facilitating the concentration of small material and dust in the middle, convenient

discharging or manual cleaning. The manual discharging trolley has the simple and

convenient structure. The processing of various parts of the bed is carried out in the

high-precision imported boring-milling machine, guaranteeing that the size and form and

location tolerance of linear guide rail supporting surface and high-precision rack

installation surface meet the requirements.

The cross beam of laser cutting machine will produce the larger impact upon the base

in the process of high-speed movement and lead to the dynamic displacement of the

machine body, which will directly affect the stability of the laser beam and lead to the

decline of cutting quality. The design of the HLE series machine fully considers the above

factors, adopts the finite element analysis for dynamic optimization design, removes the

resonance point and makes the machine rigidity reach the optimum.

齿条 Rack
集料斗 Collecting hopper
直线导轨 Linear guide
机架 Frame
废料小车 Waste material trolley

Operating Instructions

Figure 3-2 Machine Structure Chart (only for reference)

3.3.2 Drive of crossbeam

The structural form of cross beam components is shown in Figure 3-3. The cross

beam is installed on the machine body, and constitutes the integral with the machine

through the linear guide rail. The cross beam keeps the fore and aft movement along the

linear guide rail through the servo motor, reduction box and pinion and rack driven

bilaterally. The parallelism and flatness of two linear guide rails are measured by the laser

interferometer so as to ensure enough accuracy, which is an important factor for ensuring

the high positioning accuracy of the machine tool. The part of guide rail (including the

driving elements) is covered by the protection jacket so as to prevent it from the splashing

sparks of laser and dusts.

X1 轴伺服电机 X1 servo motor

X2 轴伺服电机 X2 servo motor
Y 轴伺服电机 Y axis servo motor
直线导轨 Linear guide rail
齿条 Rack
铸铝合金横梁 Cast aluminium alloy beam
Figure 3-3 Structure of Crossbeam (For Reference Only)

The components in the crossbeam are casted by the aluminum alloy. With

Operating Instructions

optimization design of dynamic characteristic, light weight and small inertia, the

components can meet the requirements of high speed and quick frequency response of

laser cutting, which is free from lagging. Especially in the corner and sharp corner, perfect

quality and exact shape can be obtained.

Transmission by gear and rack is an input transmission without mesh clearance

which reduce the noise from the operation of machine tool and improve the stability of


3.3.3 Drive of cutting head

Refer to Fig.3-4 for the structure of driving components of cutting head. The

components of cutting head are installed in the slide carriage on the crossbeam of Y-axis,

and the slide carriage can move left and right along the linear guide rail on the beam of

Y-axis. The linear guide rail assembly and ball screw assembly of Z-axis are installed on

the carriage. Driven by the servo motor of Z-axis, the cutting head can move up and down

along the linear guide rail of Z-axis by driving from the synchronous gearing-shaped belt

and belt wheel tothe ball screw.

The cutting head is equipped with non-contact capacitive sensor. Such sensor and Z

axis servo motor can form a closed-loop system during cutting to sense the distance

between cutting nozzles and sheet metal automatically. When the flatness of sheet metal

changes, Z axis servo motor will carry out the automatic compensation for making the

distance between cutting nozzles and sheet surface keep constant.

Operating Instructions

Z 轴电机 Z axis motor

联轴器 Coupling
滚珠丝杠 Ballscrew
直线导轨 Linear guide
激光切割头 Laser cutting head
Figure 3-4 Structure of Drive Components of Cutting Head

3.3. 4 Exchange worktable

The exchange worktable consists of 1# worktable, 1# worktable, a traction a

positioning mechanism, a guide rail and other parts. It is used for lift and descend the

sheet metal cut quickly. The structure is shown in Figure 3-5.

After 1# worktable is placed on the cut sheet metal, it will be drawn by the drawing

mechanism to the cutting area, and 2# worktable can still be placed on another cut sheet.
Operating Instructions

1# worktable will exit from the startup system of cutting area after completing the sheet

metal cutting, 2# worktable will be drawn by the drawing mechanism to the cutting area,

the cutting time of 2# worktable is used to handle the sheet of 1# worktable, thus

improving the work efficiency and reducing the auxiliary time.

工位 1 切割头切割上层工作台上的板料 Cutting head at station 1 cuts the sheet

on the upper layer of worktable

牵引球 2 拖动下层工作台 Traction ball drugs the lower layer of

传动机构 Drive mechanism
定位气缸 Positioning cylinder
随链条移动的感应片控制减速位置和停 Sensor chip moving along with the
止位置 chain controls the deceleration and
stop positions
牵引球 1 拖动上层工作台 Traction ball 1 drugs the upper layer of

工位 2 配合长行程切割头,切割下层工 Station 2 cuts the sheet on lower layer

作台上的板料 of worktable in coordination with
long-stroke cutting head
Figure 3-5 Exchange Worktable

Operating Instructions

3.3.5 Protective cover

Figure 3-7 External View of Protective Cover (only for reference, optional installation of

top protective cover)

The safety cover is installed around the cutting area for preventing the radiation of

reflective and irreflexive laser to human body in the cutting process.

To facilitate the observation, the protective cover window often adopts the special

glass material for preventing the harm of 1.06μm wavelength to the human body

effectively. The protective glass shall be replaced every three years.

3.3.6 Laser generator

The fiber laser data are shown in the IPG Operation Manual.

Operating Instructions

Part 4 Use and Operation

4.1 Overview

HLE series fiber laser cutting machine is the new high-tech product integrating the

laser cutting, precision machinery and CNC technology. It is mainly used for the cutting

processing of ordinary carbon steel plate, stainless steel plate, aluminum alloy, brass and

other materials, with high efficiency, high precision, high cost performance and other


The electrical parts of HLE model fiber laser cutting machine include the

voltage-stabilized source, CNC system, laser, chiller, refrigerated air dryer and exchange

worktable. The manual will focus on introducing the operation methods, precautions, daily

maintenance and common troubleshooting of all electrical part.

In case of problematic issues in the using process, please contact us timely, and we

will give you a satisfactory reply to you within the shortest time.

4.2 Machine tool operation

4.2.1 Introduction to control system

The control system of HLE series laser cutting machine consists of German

BECKHOFF CNC system and AX series drive system based on Ethercat bus structure.

CNC system based on PC has the powerful hardware processing capacity, and can

realize the short cycle and high precision by combining the powerful TwinCAT software

and high-speed EtherCAT communication technology. There are at most 64 control

axes/main axes and 12 independent channels. Besides other important functions, the

high-end CNC functions (HSC) also can be realized, such as high-speed cutting, main

axis interpolation or coordination and motion transformation.

4.2.2 Function description of various CNC axes

HLE series laser cutting machine adopts the drive mode of four-axis linkage for

controlling the processing process of the machine tool. X direction adopts the bilateral

Operating Instructions

drive, and X2 axis is the synchronous axis of X1 axis, thus making the machine tool have

better dynamic characteristics in the processing process. Y axis adopts the unilateral drive,

and Y axis carries out the linkage with X axis for controlling the processing direction of

cutting head.

Z axis can carry out the linkage with X axis and Y axis as the CNC axis and can also

convert to the servo state for meeting the needs of different processing situations. The

cutting head installed in Z axis measures the distance between cutting nozzle and sheet

surface through the sensor and feeds the information back to the CNC system, then the

system controls Z axis motor for driving the up-and-down motion of cutting head, thus

keeping the distance between cutting nozzle and sheet unchanged and guaranteeing the

cutting quality.

4.2.3 Machine tool panel functions introduction Operation panel (touch screen)

E:\倍副测试程序 2\氮气低压测试.nc E:\Beckhoff test procedure 2\Nitrogen

low pressure test.nc
The operation panel adopts the touch screen structure design, and the screen display
Operating Instructions

technology is from German BECKHOFF and based on PCwindows operating system. The

style is concise and user friendly. Machine tool control panel (key area) I type

The machine tool control panel is used for controlling the motion of various parts of the

machine tool. The operational key of machine tool control panel consists of two parts: One

part is the standard key provided by Beckhoff, such as selection of machine tool working

mode, start-stop of program, feed axis and main axis operation, etc. The other part is the

key mouth provided by Beckhoff, and the machine tool manufacturer defines the key

function. For example: beam shutter switch, high-voltage switch, etc.

Function description of machine tool keys

Auto (Soft key) Automatic mode

Reference (Soft key) Return to reference point
Mains on (Soft key) Turn on the laser
Laser HV (Soft key) High pressure start of laser
Laser Reset (Soft key) Laser reset key
Operating Instructions

Guide Light (Soft key) Laser guiding light

Laser Test (Soft key) Laser dotting
Shutter Open (Soft key) Turn on the indicator lamp by mechanical
beam shutter
Air (Soft key) Select air
O2 (Soft key) Select oxygen
N2 (Soft key) Select nitrogen
Raise Head (Soft key) Uplift the cutting head
Locked (Soft key) High nitrogen (SMC valve)
Bow Head (Soft key) Manual servo
MDI (Soft key) Semi automatic mode
MANUAL (Soft key) Manual mode
Back Point (Soft key) Return to origin point
Work Point (Soft key) Return to original point of workpiece
Sensor Cal (Soft key) Calibration
Worktable In (Soft key) No or START of direct worktable exchange
Worktable Out (Soft No or reset of direct worktable exchange
Dowel PIN (Soft key) No or manual/auto switching of direct
worktable exchange
Clean Dust (Soft key) Dust removal
Deslag (Soft key) edge search
U+ (Soft key) NIL
Oil (Soft key) NIL
Light (Soft key) Lighting lamp
U- (Soft key) NIL
Rapid (Soft key) Manual fast/slow switching
Contour HDW (Soft Backtracking
Tip (Soft key) Indicator lamp for continuous operation
JOG (Soft key) Indicator lamp for inching operation

Operating Instructions

X+ (Soft key) Operation in X + direction

X- (Soft key) Operation in X - direction
Y+ (Soft key) Operation in Y - direction
Y- (Soft key) Operation in Y - direction

Z+ (Soft key) Operation in Z + direction

Z- (Soft key) Operation in Z - direction

Cycle start (Green Program execution
Cycle stop (Red button) Program stop
Reset (White button) Program reset button
Feed ratio (Rotary Ratio adjusting knob
Gas ratio (Rotary knob) Gas adjusting knob
Emergency stop button Emergency stop of machine tool
(Emergency) Machine tool control panel (key area) II type

Operating Instructions

The machine tool control panel is used for controlling the motion of various parts of

the machine tool. The operational key of machine tool control panel consists of two parts:

One part is the standard key provided by Beckhoff, such as selection of machine tool

working mode, start-stop of program, feed axis and main axis operation, etc. The other

part is the key mouth provided by Beckhoff, and the machine tool manufacturer defines

the key function. For example: beam shutter switch, high-voltage switch, etc.

Function description of machine tool keys

Power Control circuit switch button

USB Data transmission
Emergency (Emergency Emergency stop of machine tool
stop button)
Cycle start (Green Program execution
Cycle stop (Red button) Program stop
Home Homing of machine
Manual Manual mode
Auto (Soft key) Automatic mode
X Select X axis
Y Select Y axis
Z Select Z axis
+ Manual feed button in the positive

Operating Instructions

Rapid (Soft key) Manual fast/slow switching

- Manual feed button in the negative
Tip (Soft key) Indicator lamp for continuous operation
Hand Wheel Hand wheel
Reset (White button) Program reset button
O2 (Soft key) Select oxygen
N2 (Soft key) Select nitrogen
Air (Soft key) Select air
Return Return to original point of workpiece
Gas Out Gas outlet control button
Reference (Soft key) Return to reference point
K1 Standby
Set To Cut Z axis servo
Follow On Z axis servo light on
Auto Edge Auto edge search button
Follow ADJ Cleaning and calibration of cutting nozzle
Laser ON Pilot Off Turn on the laser
Laser Off Pilot On Turn off the laser
Laser Ready High pressure of laser
Dry Dust exhausting fan button
Pierce Manual Manual lasing
Oil Manual Standby
K2 Start worktable exchange
K3 Reset of worktable
K4 Manual/auto switching of worktable
Light Working area lighting / workspace lighting
Fume Standby
Clean Nozzle Indicator lamp for cutting nozzle cleaning

Operating Instructions Machine tool control panel (key area) III type

The machine tool control panel is used for controlling the motion of various parts of the

machine tool. The operational key of machine tool control panel consists of two parts: One

part is the standard key provided by Beckhoff, such as selection of machine tool working

mode, start-stop of program, feed axis and main axis operation, etc. The other part is the

key mouth provided by Beckhoff, and the machine tool manufacturer defines the key

function. For example: beam shutter switch, high-voltage switch, etc.

Function description of machine tool keys

Home (Soft key) Homing of machine

MANUAL (Soft key) Manual mode
Auto (Soft key) Automatic mode
X (Soft key) Selects the X axis in manual mode
Y (Soft key) Selects the Y axis in manual mode
Z (Soft key) Selects the Z axis in manual mode
+ (Soft key) Manual feed button in the positive direction
Rapid (Soft key) JOG mode fast/slow toggle button under
manual mode
— (Soft key) Manual feed button in the negative direction
Tip (Soft key) Such button light is on under the feed mode
Hand Wheel (Soft key) Hand wheel working state light
Reset (Soft key) Reset button
Operating Instructions

O2 (Soft key) Oxygen manual switch button

N2 (Soft key) Nitrogen manual switch button
Air (Soft key) Air manual switch button
Return (Soft key) Return to original point of workpiece
Gas Out (Soft key) Manual switch button of high pressure
Retrace (Soft key) Backtracking
Retract (Soft key) Uplift to the set value in Z axis
K1 (Soft key) Standby
Set To Cut (Soft key) Z axis servo
Follow On (Soft key) Z axis servo light on
Auto Edge (Soft key) Auto edge search button
Follow ADJ (Soft key) Cleaning and calibration of cutting nozzle
Laser On Pilot Off (Soft Turn on the laser
Laser Off Pilot On (Soft Turn off the laser
Laser Ready (Soft key) High pressure of laser
Dry (Soft key) Dust exhausting fan button
Pierce Manual (Soft Manual lasing
Oil Manual (Soft key) Standby
K2 (Soft key) Standby
K3 (Soft key) Standby
K4 (Soft key) Standby
Light (Soft key) Working area lighting / workspace lighting
Fume (Soft key) Standby
Clean Nozzle (Soft key) Indicator lamp for cutting nozzle cleaning
Power On (Circle Control circuit switch button
Power Off (Circle Standby

Operating Instructions

Cycle start (Circle Program execution
Feed ratio (Rotary Ratio adjusting knob
Gas pressure (Rotary Pressure adjusting knob
Height offset (Rotary Dynamic adjusting knob of cutting nozzle
knob) height
Emergency stop button Emergency stop of machine tool
(Emergency) Hand wheel

Operating Instructions

Front of hand wheel Side of hand wheel

开始 Start
停止 Stop
复位 Reset
空走 Idling
手动 Manual
自动 Auto
同轴 COX
回退 Fallback

Operating Instructions

Top of hand wheel

 Enabling of hand wheel

 The enabling key in the left side
shall be pressed when the hand wheel
executes the action.
 If the enabling key is not pressed, the
hand wheel will not work, which can prevent
the misoperation.
 Emergency stop button
 In case of an emergency, the
action of machine tool can be stopped
by pressing this button, and it has the
same function with the emergency stop
button on the side of MCP and

Operating Instructions

 Axis and function selection button

 The axis (X,Y,X,U) to be moved
shall be selected, and the machine tool
has no U axis.
 Green key: Program Start: Red
key: Program stop; Yellow button:
Program reset

 Dry running button:

 Manual/auto button, light on

during mode switch

开始 Start  Nothing

停止 Stop
 Return along the track of original
复位 Reset
空走 Idling sequence

手动 Manual
自动 Auto
同轴 COX
回退 Fallback
 Ratio knob
 This part is used in coordination
with the axis and ratio selection
switches. The selected axis moves by
an appropriate unit distance if the wheel
is rotated by one scale The clockwise
rotation is the positive direction, and
anticlockwise rotation is the negative
 USB charging interface in the top
of hand wheel
 Power switch in the top hand

Operating Instructions

4.2.4 Yawei operation interface introduction

See 4.7 Operation Control System for details.

4.2.5 Standard day-to-day operating steps

The conventional start-up steps are as follows:

1. Turn on the power of electric cabinet of machine tool

2. Turn on the power of laser
3. Turn on the power of air compressor
4. Turn on the power and open the air valve of refrigerated air dryer
5. Turn on the cutting auxiliary gas
6. Perform the operation of returning to reference point, and perform the calibration
operation of machine tool
7. (wait for 30 minutes in summer) Turn on the chiller, and turn on the laser switch
on the machine tool operation panel after the temperature of cryogenic liquid
reaches 21℃.
The conventional shutdown steps are as follows:
1. Turn off the laser switch on the machine tool operation panel
2. Perform the operation of returning to reference point, press the emergency stop
button on the machine tool operation panel, and turn off the computer.
3. Turn off the chiller
4. Turn off the cutting auxiliary gas
5. Turn off the air compressor
6. Turn off the air valve and power of refrigerated air dryer
7. Turn off the laser power
8. Turn off the power of electric cabinet of machine tool

4.2.6 Shutdown and recovery

There may be splatter or cutting nozzle colliding with the sheet in the cutting process.

In this case, the operator shall stop processing (press "CYCLE STOP" key), restore the

machine tool to the original point under manual mode for facilitating the cleaning of cutting

nozzle and lens, reset the alarm information after cleaning, and continue the processing

after confirmation.

Recovery of cutting

Operating Instructions

The cutting can be recovered by using the contour skip function, with details seeing

the contour skip function description.

Emergency stop and recovery

There may be emergency incident during the cutting processing, the operator shall

stop all actions of the machine tool and turn off the laser for preventing the serious loss

and personal injury. In this case, the operator shall press the red emergency stop button

immediately, disconnect the drive enable signal and stop the motor action; And the

operator shall stop the power output of the laser.

After fault removal, the operator shall loosen the emergency stop button and press

"RESET" for resetting the alarm information. Then the laser has been turned off and

requires to be turned on again, and the machine tool will continue cutting after homing.

4.3 Use of worktable

The direct exchange worktable employs key control, and the operation is more simple

and intuitive. It has the manual control mode and auto control mode and conforms to the

control requirements in many cases.

4.3.1 External button function

The control part of worktable mainly consists of Mode switch button, status indicator

lamp and emergency stop switch.

Operating Instructions

worktable control button

The mode switch button is used for switching the manual and auto control mode. The

status indicator lamp will be on when the worktable has the different status or is out of

order. The emergency stop button is used for the emergency stop handling in case of

emergency, and it is loosened at other times.

4.3.2 Introduction to functions of main interface

The touch screen includes four buttons, namely, start, stop, reset, manual/auto toggle

button, realizing the switch function conveniently and quickly.

Exchange start button,

manual mode: Inching entry in the
upper layer. Automatic mode:
Single pass exchange
The button light is on in the
exchange process
Under the manual mode:
Inching entry in the lower layer
Under the automatic mode:

Operating Instructions

Reset button: The reset

operation will be carried out for
the status of machine tool, and
the button indicator lamp will be
Manual/auto toggle button -
the button indicator lamp will be
off under the manual status and
will be on under the auto status.
Indicator lamp of putting the
upper worktable in place - when
the worktable is put in place, such
indicator lamp will be on.
Indicator lamp of putting the
lower worktable in place - when
the worktable is put in place, such
indicator lamp will be on.
Alarm indicator lamp - when
the worktable fails to meet the
normal working conditions, such
light will be on.
worktable emergency stop

Panel button function

4.3.3 Inching mode

The conditions to be met for inching mode are as follows: The cutting head of

Operating Instructions

machine tool is in the high place, the air pressure is not low, the pin is not inserted, and the

limit is not exceeded.

Remark: The forward and backward operation is in the low speed under the inching

mode, the inching will stop when encountering the placement detection signal, and the

action principle of exiting from exchange position is same with that of exiting from cutting



The worktable is under low-speed operation under inching mode, and please checks

the problem in case of high speed.

4.3.4 Automatic mode

The conditions to be met for automatic exchange are as follows:

The detection signal is put in place, the cutting head position is not low, there is no

alarm for low air pressure, and the axis has no action.


1. The worktable shall not be pushed and pulled by hands and the sheet workpiece shall

not be taken during the exchange operation.

2. The worktable shall be cleaned timely, and the upwarp of cutting workpiece shall be

prevented from causing the collision against the cutting head in the moving process.

3. Refer to the machine tool maintenance manual for cleaning the nail plate, track and

chain regularly, for fear of the operation fault of worktable.

4. The personnel who are not the maintenance personnel shall not remove the relevant

components of the worktable without permission. In case of emergency, please carry

out the removal and installation under the guidance of service personnel.

4.4 Laser use and maintenance

The fiber laser data are shown in the IPG Operation Manual.

Operating Instructions

4.5 Use of other peripheral equipment

4.5.1 Use of voltage-stabilized source

Press the yellow start button, and turn on the voltage-stabilized source after its

display value become steady.

Front of voltage-stabilized source

Operating Instructions


Back switch of voltage-stabilized source

XX 回路保险丝 XX circuit fuse
稳压输入开关 Voltage-stabilized input switch

4.5.2 Use of chiller

Rotate the switch from OFF to ON, and press ON button for starting the chiller after

the monitoring interface displays the "waiting for key operation".



Operating Instructions

4.5.3 Use of refrigerated air dryer

After opening the compressed air, the green button of the refrigerated air dryer is ON

and is lit, as shown in the figure below.




Refrigerated dryer

4.6 Use of programming software

Details refer to the CNCKad programming software manual

Operating Instructions

4.7 Operation control system

4.7.1 Overview of operation interface

TwinCatg 人机应用程序 TwinCatg human-machine application

通道 1 Channel 1
通道 2 Channel 2
准备 Prepare
错误 False
Y 轴驱动状态报警! Y axis drive status alarm!
轴名称 Axis Name
工件坐标 Coordinates of workpiece
机械坐标 Machine coordinates
跟随误差 Follow-up error
激光发射中……请注意防护! Laser emission in progress……Pay
attention to protection!
中文 Chinese
进给倍率 Feeding speed
技术数据 Technical Data
进给 Feed
当前 Cur
零点设定-巡边 Zero point setting - Edge search
工件零点 2.2.1 Workpiece zero point
Operating Instructions

设定零点 Set zero point

返回零点 Return to zero point
巡边长度 Edge search length
应用 Application
巡边参数 Edge search parameters
自动巡边 Automatic edge search
激活坐标旋转 Activate the coordinate rotation
偏转角度 Offset angle
技术数据 Technical Data
轮廓跳转 Contour skip
语法校验 Syntax Check
激光功率 Laser frequency
软件版本 Software version
时间 Time
单步运行 Step Into
忽略行 Ignore row
虚拟运行 Virtual operation
回溯 Backtracking
操作模式 Operating MODE
开始 Start
停止 Stop
重置 Reset
取消报警 AlarmCance
功能按键 Function key
图形显示 - Graphic display
切割参数 Cutting Parameters
返回 Return

4.7.2 Users Login

After starting the system interface, enter the user login interface; select the user in the

drop-down menu of user name, keep empty password, click OK, and finally log in the


Operating Instructions

计算机已被锁定 Computer locked

只有被许可的用户或管理员可以解锁 Only permitted user or manager can
unlock the computer
用户名 User name
密码 Password
确定 OK
取消 Cancel

Attention—— user logs in with operator authority, so there may be some

operations not available.

4.7.3 System status display

What is displayed on the uppermost part of the interface is the current system state,

including channel number display, working mode display, working state display, CNC

controller state display and PLC controller state display.

4.7.4 Channel number display

Operating Instructions

通道 1 Channel 1
Display the state information in channel 1 (* attention: the laser cutting machine only

uses the channel 1 at present*)

4.7.5 Working mode display

回参 Back
The current system is under the working mode of returning to reference point

半自动 Semi-automatic
The current system is under the semi-automatic working mode

手动 Manual
The current system is under the manual working mode

自动 Auto
The current system is under the automatic working mode

4.7.6 Working status display

选择 Selection
When the current working state is the selection state, the system waits for the user's

mode or program selection.

准备 Prepare
When the current working state is under the ready state, the system has entered the

specified mode and waits for the start command.

激活 Activate
When the current working state is under activated state, the system is in running.

Operating Instructions

保持 Preserve
When the current working state is under the hold mode, the system will stop and wait

for the further command.

错误 False
When the current working state is under the error state, the system has the error.

4.7.7 CNC and PLC controller state display

System normal

CNC controller state is normal.

PLC controller stops.

CNC controller is under the programming state.

PLC controller stops.

CNC controller is under the stop state.

PLC controller stops.

4.7.8 Selection of work mode

"Operating mode" button - If selecting the required working mode in the menu, the

corresponding change will be made in the working mode area according to the selected


Operating Instructions

自动 Auto
手动 Manual
半自动 Semi-automatic
回参 Back
操作模式 Operating MODE
开始 Start
停止 Stop

4.7.9 Program running under auto mode

Step 1:

Switch the working mode to the auto mode

Step 2:

Click "Program" directory for selecting the button, find the G code to be run, click OK

and load the program.

Step 3:

Confirm that the program directory selected currently is correct. If changing the G

code, click the program editor "#" button, modify the currently selected program in the

editor, save and turn off it, and then click the reset button, thus completing the program


Operating Instructions

激活程序 activating program

Step 4:

Click the start button for starting the program running.

Operating Instructions

激活程序 Activating program

轴名称 Axis Name
工件坐标 Coordinates of workpiece
机械坐标 Machine coordinates
跟随误差 Follow-up error

4.7.10 Axis running in manual mode

Step 1:

Switch the working mode to the manual mode

Step 2:

Select the axis for running, click the axis on the coordinate display interface, and

realize the highlighted display of the selected axis, as shown in the figure.

Operating Instructions

轴名称 Axis Name

工件坐标 Coordinates of workpiece
机械坐标 Machine coordinates
跟随误差 Follow-up error
Step 2:

Select the manual operation style.

Continuous mode:

When "+" or "-" key is pressed, the axis will keep continuous running until "+" or "-"

key is loosened and the axis stops. The axis running speed under such mode can be set,

generally 15m/min. It will take effect by clicking Download button.

操作类型 Operation type

连续模式 Continuous Mode
寸动模式 Inching mode
增加 Add
速度 Speed
Inching mode:

When "+" or "-" key is pressed, the axis will step forward according to the selected

step pitch. For example, when the step pitch is 1um, and when "+" key is pressed, the axis

will keep positive shift for 1um and then stop. At this time, if "+" key is not loosened, the
Operating Instructions

axis will not keep running. Only when "+" key is loosened and pressed again, the axis will

keep positive shift for 1um and then stop.

操作类型 Operation type

连续模式 Continuous Mode
寸动模式 Inching mode
增加 Add
速度 Speed
Step 3:

Press "+" or "-" key according to the demand. The axis starts to move.

4.7.11 Running program under semi-auto model (MDI)

Step 1:

Switch the working mode to the semi-automatic mode

Step 2:

Enter G code in the text edit box.

Step 3:

After checking and confirming the program, click the reset button, and load the


Step 4:

Click the start button, and carry out the program running

Operating Instructions

操作类型-半自动 Operation type - Semi-automatic

4.7.12 Running ratio display and modification

The system running ratio can be modified timely through the up button and down

button of ratio.

Current Ration up
ratio button

进给倍率 Feeding ratio

4.7.13 Setting/real-time feed rate display

The window realizes the real-time display of current set processing rate and actual

operation rate.

e feed
of feed

进给 Feed

4.7.14 Setting/return to workpiece zero

The system can carry out the setting of workpiece zero through two ways.

Auto zero setting:

The subprogram "PRGSTART" in the processing program will set the current point as
Operating Instructions

the workpiece zero automatically.

Manual zero setting:

The current coordinate can be set as the workpiece zero by clicking the zero setting

buttons at any time.




提示 Advisory Note
是否把当前位置设置为工件坐标原点? Whether to set the current position as
the origin of workpiece coordinates?
确认 Acknowledge
取消 Cancel
零点设定-巡边 Zero point setting - Edge search
工件零点 2.2.1 Workpiece zero point
设定零点 Set zero point
返回零点 Return to zero point
巡边长度 Edge search length
应用 Application
巡边参数 Edge search parameters
巡边关闭 Close edge search
偏转角度 Offset angle
巡边原点 Origin of edge search
技术数据 Technical Data
轮廓跳转 Contour skip
Operating Instructions

语法校验 Syntax Check

激光功率 Laser frequency
Return to zero point

After the stop of the program, the axis will return to the workpiece zero automatically

by pressing the zero return button in the figure below and clicking OK in the dialog e.

Current valid
1 coordinate

提示 Advisory Note
是否返回切割零点? Are you sure to return to the zero point
of cutting?
确认 Acknowledge
取消 Cancel
零点设定-巡边 Zero point setting - Edge search
工件零点 2.2.1 Workpiece zero point
设定零点 Set zero point
返回零点 Return to zero point
巡边长度 Edge search length
应用 Application
巡边参数 Edge search parameters
巡边关闭 Close edge search
偏转角度 Offset angle
巡边原点 Origin of edge search
Operating Instructions

技术数据 Technical Data

轮廓跳转 Contour skip
语法校验 Syntax Check
激光功率 Laser frequency

Notes - the laser cutting machine tool takes the last zero point as the
zero point of workpiece, and the record of last setting will be covered every time the zero

point is set, so please confirm the coordinates of current zero point when executing the

zero returning operation in order to avoid risks.

4.7.15 Automatic edge search function

After opening the automatic edge search function, the system will execute the

automatic edge search action before the execution of processing G code.

Step 1: Enter the edge search length in X and Y direction, and click the application

button for enter.

length in X
length in
Enter button of edge
search length

零点设定-巡边 Zero point setting - Edge search

工件零点 2.2.1 Workpiece zero point
设定零点 Set zero point
返回零点 Return to zero point
巡边长度 Edge search length
应用 Application
巡边参数 Edge search parameters

Operating Instructions

巡边关闭 Close edge search

偏转角度 Offset angle
巡边原点 Origin of edge search
技术数据 Technical Data
轮廓跳转 Contour skip
语法校验 Syntax Check
激光功率 Laser frequency
Step 2: Click the edge search on/off button for starting the edge search function.

Activate the

零点设定-巡边 Zero point setting - Edge search

工件零点 Workpiece zero point
设定零点 Set zero point
返回零点 Return to zero point
巡边长度 Edge search length
应用 Application
巡边参数 Edge search parameters
巡边关闭 Close edge search
偏转角度 Offset angle
巡边原点 Origin of edge search
技术数据 Technical Data
轮廓跳转 Contour skip
语法校验 Syntax Check
激光功率 Laser frequency
软件版本 Software version
时间 Time
Step 3: Click the edge search parameter button for checking edge search parameter

if necessary
Operating Instructions

自动寻边参数 Automatic edge search parameter

寻边速度 Edge search speed
零点偏置 X Zero offset X
零点偏置 Y Zero offset Y
粗略寻边高度 a Rough edge search height a
粗略边缘电压 b Rough edge voltage b
精细返回距离 d Fine return distance d
精细寻边高度 c Fine edge search height c
精细边缘电压 e Fine edge search voltage e
参数保存 Save Parameter
参数写入 Parameter write
Step 4:

Press "Auto edge" soft key on the operation panel for starting the edge search, and

select the code for processing after edge search.

Step 5:

Click the start button for starting the running of processing G code and sheet cutting.

Notes - The automatic edge finding function shall be opened, and the
initial position of cutting head shall be in the safety distance inside the sheet, instead of

the sheet edge or sheet outside, or it will damage the cutting head.

Operating Instructions

Notes - the automatic edge finding function requires that the voltage
feedback given by the altitude sensor shall be very accurate, or the edge finding angle will

have deviation, and even the edge finding process will not be completed. The edge finding

speed shall be higher.

4.7.16 Contour skip function Opening of contour skip

After the stop of machine processing, the processing can continue in the specified


Step 1:

Click the contour skip page, fill in the number of contour to be skip, add the number of

contour suspended currently by clicking the import button of contour number, change the

contour number through the plus sign below, and fill in the contour number manually.

Contour No. suspended currently

Import button of
current contour No.

Contour No. to be

断点续切 Continue Cutting from Break Point

当前轮廓 Current contour
从当前轮廓续切 Continue cutting from the current
从给定轮廓续切 Continue cutting from given contour
激活续切 Activate Continued Cutting
Operating Instructions

清楚续切 Clear Continued Cutting

技术数据 Technical Data
轮廓跳转 Contour skip
语法校验 Syntax Check
激光功率 Laser frequency
Step 2:

Click the button of activating continuous cutting, and click OK in the dialog box.

续切功能已开启,请先按 F7 复位键!!!Continue cutting function is already

initiated, please press F7 to reset first!
确定 OK
断点续切 Continue Cutting from Break Point
当前轮廓 Current contour
从当前轮廓续切 Continue cutting from the current
从给定轮廓续切 Continue cutting from given contour
激活续切 Activate Continued Cutting
清楚续切 Clear Continued Cutting
技术数据 Technical Data
轮廓跳转 Contour skip
语法校验 Syntax Check
激光功率 Laser frequency
Step 3:

Click the reset button. G code has changed in the program page. Display

$GOTO[Continue Cutting] in the first row of the program, and display [Continue Cutting]

M81 before the skip of contour number

Operating Instructions

激活程序 Activating program

Step 4:

The program will skip to the specified contour number for starting processing by

clicking the start button.

Notes - under normal circumstances, the contour skips is used when

the program has been started but the machine is halted halfway. We strongly disagree

that the program carries out the skip at the very start, which because the original point of

workpiece can't be recorded automatically. In this case, the original point of workpiece

shall be recorded manually before processing and then contour skip is opened for

processing, or it may produce the danger. Opening of contour skip

After opening the contour skip, if it needed to be modified or has other reasons, it can

be closed.

Step 1:

Click the button of removing continuous cutting, and click OK in the dialog box.

Operating Instructions

续切功能已开启,请先按 F7 复位键!!!Continue cutting function is already

initiated, please press F7 to reset first!
确定 OK
断点续切 Continue Cutting from Break Point
当前轮廓 Current contour
从当前轮廓续切 Continue cutting from the current
从给定轮廓续切 Continue cutting from given contour
激活续切 Activate Continued Cutting
清楚续切 Clear Continued Cutting
技术数据 Technical Data
轮廓跳转 Contour skip
语法校验 Syntax Check
激光功率 Laser frequency
Step 2:

Click the reset button, and find that the characters added when opening the contour

skip have been removed and the program recovers to the initial state in the program page.

Operating Instructions

激活程序 Activating program

Notes - the contour skip is realized by adding the sign before the
number N, so the processing G code shall have the correct contour number, or it can't


Notes - After completing G code execution, the continuous cutting sign

will be removed, without manual removal. But if the cutting is stopped artificially halfway,

the continuous cutting sign will exist. If it shall be replaced by other G codes at this time,

the removal of continuous cutting and sign in G code shall be carried out for preventing

the problems from occurring in the next processing.

4.7.17 G code syntax check/ test run

Before running, G code can carry out the syntax check or test run.

Step 1:

Click the syntax check tab, and select G code syntax check function or G code test

run function according to the demand.

Step 2:

Click the activation button, and display the activation indicator in the status bar.

Operating Instructions

激活 Activate
Step 3:

Click the start button for starting the syntax check/test run.





激活 Activate
G 代码语法检查(仅检查语法正确性) Syntax check of G code (check for
grammaticality only)
G 代码运行(完整执行 G 代码,XY 轴 Run G code (execute G code
静止) completely, XY axis maintains static)
技术数据 Technical Data
轮廓跳转 Contour skip
语法校验 Syntax Check
激光功率 Laser frequency

Notes - difference between them:

G code syntax check: Only check the writing form of G code, and don't judge whether

the coordinate value is reasonable, so the check speed is very fast.

G code test run: G code will run actually in the CNC controller, but the controller will not

send the position command value to the driver, so X and Y axes will not move, but Z axis will

follow up-and-down (M function control); the check time is consistent with that of actual G


Step 4: If G code has problem, the system will enter the error state, and the

information bar will display the red alarm, as shown in the figure below.

Operating Instructions



自动 Auto
错误 False
20392“数学式中不明项。” 20392 "Unclear item in mathematic
expression". ”
轴名称 Axis Name
工件坐标 Coordinates of workpiece
机械坐标 Machine coordinates
跟随误差 Follow-up error
激活程序 Activating program
Double click the information bar for entering the alarm list.

Operating Instructions

List of Alarms

TwinCatg 人机应用程序 TwinCatg human-machine application

通道 1 Channel 1
通道 2 Channel 2
自动 Auto
错误 False
当前事件 Current Events
20392“数学式中不明项。” 20392 "Unclear item in mathematics
expression". ”
日期 Date
时间 Time
讯息 Message
(中文) (Chinese)
查看当前 View Current
查看记录 See Stats
显示细节 Detailed display
清楚记录 Clear Record
保存记录 Record{\expndtw8 }Keeping
返回 Return
If G code format is wrong, after selecting the alarm in the list and clicking the "Locate"

alarm positioning button in the right side, the system will open the editor automatically and

highlight the error row of G code format in red. Alarm list and alarm positioning button

Operating Instructions

error row

Alarm positioning

Error line

TwinCatg 人机应用程序 TwinCatg human-machine application

通道 1 Channel 1
通道 2 Channel 2
自动 Auto
错误 False
当前事件 Current Events
20392“数学式中不明项。” 20392 "Unclear item in mathematics
expression". ”
日期 Date
时间 Time
讯息 Message
(中文) (Chinese)
查看当前 View Current
查看记录 See Stats
显示细节 Detailed display
清楚记录 Clear Record
保存记录 Record{\expndtw8 }Keeping
返回 Return

Operating Instructions

4.7.18 Real-time display of laser power

Such tab can realize the real-time monitoring of the real-time power of the laser

(optional function, change it based on the laser design)

激光器实时功率 Laser power in real time

激光器参数 Laser parametrs
激光器制造商 Laser manufacturer
激光器设计功率 The design of laser power
保存/写入 Save/Write
技术数据 Technical Data
轮廓跳转 Contour skip
语法校验 Syntax Check
激光功率 Laser frequency

4.7.19 Track backtracking function

After the system halts in the cutting process, the cutting head can be backtracked

according to the cutting track.

Step 1:

Click the stop button for halting the system.

Step 2:

Click the backtracking button for opening the backtracking function.

Operating Instructions

Opening of backtracking function

回溯 Backtracking
Step 3:

After clicking the start button, the axis will backtrack slowly according to the track.

When it backtracks to the required position, the axis will stop by pressing the stop button.

Step 4:

Click the backtracking button for closing the backtracking function.

Closing of backtracking function

回溯 Backtracking
Step 5:

Click the start button for continuing the cutting.

Notes - the backtracking function is valid only within the current contour,
and it is unable to backtrack to the last contour.

Notes - If the stop button is not pressed in the backtracking process, the
axis will stop in the starting point of such contour, and the warning information will be

displayed. At this time, if the backtracking function is closed, the axis will start the motion

automatically along the track, but there are no light and gas. After pressing the stop button

and then press the start button, there are light and gas, and the cutting starts.

4.7.20 Virtual running function

After opening the virtual running function, X and Y axis will keep running according to

the track, Z axis will keep motionless, and all M functions become invalid.

Openning of virtual Closing of virtual

running function running function

Operating Instructions

虚拟运行 Virtual operation

4.7.21 Single step run function

After opening the single step run function, the system will execute one row of G codes

only row by row every time the button is pressed.

Opening of Closing of
single step run single step run
function function

单步运行 Step operation

4.7.22 Servo enable/disenable

Servo axis enabling control

Servo Servo not
enabled enabled

使能 Enable

4.7.23 Laser control function

Click the function key button in the main page for entering the function key page, and

continue to click the laser button for seeing the laser control button. (The page can be

changed according to the different laser models)

Operating Instructions

TwinCatg 人机应用程序 TwinCatg human-machine application

通道 1 Channel 1
自动 Auto
选择 Selection
激光器红光 Laser red light
激光器上电 Laser energized
激光器高压 Laser high voltage
激光器复位 Laser reset
激光器测试 Laser test
(中文) (Chinese)
激光区 Laser area
照明气体 Lighting gas
报警屏蔽 Alarm shielding
返回 Return

4.7.24 Gas manual control function

Click the lighting/gas button in the function key page. The gas switch can be

controlled manually and the machine tool light can be turned on or off in this page.

Operating Instructions

TwinCatg 人机应用程序 TwinCatg human-machine application

通道 1 Channel 1
自动 Auto
选择 Selection
机床照明 Lighting
氧气手动开关 Manual oxygen switch
氮气手动开关 Manual nitrogen switch
空气手动开关 Manual air switch
(英文) (ENGLISH)
激光区 Laser area
照明气体 Lighting gas
报警屏蔽 Alarm shielding
返回 Return
The manual gas pressure can be set in the interface.

Operating Instructions

通道 1 Channel 1
回参 Back
保持 Preserving
机器数据 Machine data
激光测试参数 Laser test parameters
Z 轴参数 Z axis parameters
用户参数 Customer Parameters
序... S.N.
描述 Description
数值 Value
单位 Unit
最小值 Min.
最大值 Maxi
气体压力阈值系数 Threshold factor of gas pressure
交换工作台 Z 轴位置 Z axis position of exchange worktable
氧气压力手动设定 Manual setting of oxygen pressure
氮气压力手动设定 Manual setting of nitrogen pressure
空气压力手动设定 Manual setting of air pressure
Z axis parameter is set in HMI interface, and the figure below is the graphical

interface of setting of various Z axis parameters.

通道 1 Channel 1
回参 Back
保持 Preserving
机器数据 Machine data
激光测试参数 Laser test parameters
Z 轴参数 Z axis parameters
用户参数 Customer Parameters
Operating Instructions

序... S.N.
描述 Description
数值 Value
单位 Unit
最小值 Min.
最大值 Maxi
Z 轴回参后位置 Position of Z axis after returning to
reference point
Z 轴初始位置 Initial position of Z axis
Z 轴返回初始位置速度 Speed of axis Z returning to initial
Z 轴默认速度 Z axis default speed
Z 轴随动速度 Z axis follow-up speed
Z 轴随动加速度 Z axis follow-up acceleration
Z 轴停止加速度 Z axis acceleration at stall
Z 轴随动 Jerk Z axis follow-up Jerk
Z 轴随动到位窗口 Z axis follow-up in place window
Z 轴保护位置 Z axis protective location
Z 轴正常响应值 Normal response value of Z axis
Z 轴低速响应值 Low speed response value of Z axis
Z 轴探板速度 Z axis detection plate speed
Z 轴探板加速度 Z axis detection plate acceleration
Z 轴探板减速度 Z axis detection plate deceleration
Z 轴手动速度 Manual speed of Z axis
Z 轴手动快速 Fast manual speed of Z axis

4.7.25 Graphical display function and processing time


After select and load G code processing program, click the graphical display button

for entering the graphical display interface, and click CLEAR button for removing the

graph loaded once. Click RELOAD button for loading the current G code graph.

Operating Instructions

TwinCatg 人机应用程序 TwinCatg human-machine application

通道 1 Channel 1
自动 Auto
选择 Selection
(中文) (Chinese)
返回 Return

Show graph zooming

Self-adaptive graph size

Show/hide Go track

Show/hide coordinate value

Display/hide the grid

Realize the accurate display of various processing time in the HMI main interface of

the machine tool

Operating Instructions

进给 Feed
当前 Current
开机总时间 Total start-up time
运行总时间 Total operating time
出光总时间 Total lasing time
本次加工时间 Machining time
加工件数 Machining quantity
0 天 15 小时 53 分 59 秒 0 d, 15 h, 53 min, 59 sec
0 天 1 小时 23 分 57 秒 0 d, 15 h, 53 min, 59 sec
0 天 6 小时 31 分 52 秒 0 d, 6 h, 31 min, 52 sec
0 天 0 小时 0 分 0 秒 0 d, 0 h, 0 min, 0 sec
软件版本 Software version
时间 Time
技术数据 Technical Data
轮廓跳转 Contour Skip
语法校验 Syntax Check
激光功率 Laser frequency

Operating Instructions

4.8 Beckhoff system structure

4.8.1 System overview

工控机 Industrial Personal computer

EtherCAT 电缆 EtherCAT cable
IO 模块部分 IO module part
伺服驱动器 Servo driver
The entire set of system consists of four parts:

Industrial personal computer: It is the control core of the entire set of system and

consists of all control programs.

EtherCAT bus: It bears the data transmission task of the entire set of system.

IO Module: It receives the command sent by the industrial personal computer

through EtherCAT bus, and returns the current state signal to the industrial personal


机。 It has no program control function.

Servo driver: It receives the command sent by the industrial personal computer

through EtherCAT bus, controls the motor running, makes the real-time feedback of motor

state to the industrial personal computer, and has no program control function.

The process of removing the system fault is the troubleshooting process of the above

4 parts.

Operating Instructions

4.8.2 Industrial personal computer TwinCAT authorized registration code

The industrial personal computer will have a secrecy envelope, and TwinCAT

authorized registration code preinstalled by the industrial personal computer inside, with

the format as follows:



TwinCAT properties page also has the authorized registration code, and can check

the records.

Operating Instructions


registration code

确定 OK
取消 Cancel
应用 Application

Operating Instructions TwinCAT Software loading1

TwinCAT software has been preinstalled before leaving factory, and will not be

reinstalled under normal circumstances. Only when the software can't be started, the file

is damaged and there are other serious situations, it can be reinstalled by the


Notes - Reinstall the TwinCAT will lose the original laser system
program, and will restore the IPC into a blank machine which without any programs.

Therefore, before the reinstallation, please contact the R&D technician to confirm!

Notes - TwinCAT software authorized registration code is specially

used for the special machine, and each industrial personal computer has the independent

registration code.

The reinstallation of TwinCAT will not cause the loss or failure of registration code

under normal circumstances. But it is strongly recommended that the authorized

registration code of this machine shall be recorded in advance before the software


Installation Phase

Double click TwinCAT NCI installation file for entering the installation program.

Operating Instructions

Click "Next".

Select "I accept" and click "Next".

Operating Instructions

Click "Next"

Select TwinCAT NCI and click Next.

Operating Instructions

Select all, and click "Next".

Click Next.
Operating Instructions

Click "Next".

Reboot the system, thus finishing the TwinCAT NCI software installation.

Then start to install TwinCAT CNC. Double click TwinCAT CNC installation program for

Operating Instructions

entering the installation page.

Select English and click Weiter.

Operating Instructions

Click Next.

Click "Yes".

Operating Instructions

Click "Finish" and reboot the system.

Thus, finishing the software reinstallation. Please refer to BECKHOFF Laser Cutting

System Installation Manual for re-downloading the laser cutting program. Network card EtherCAT drive installation

The command of the controller is sent by the network card, so the loss of network

card drive will lead to the paralysis of all networks.

Under normal circumstances, the network card EtherCAT drive will be installed

automatically when installing TwinCAT software. But under some extreme circumstances,

such as virus destruction, system error, etc., such drive may be lost. The check method is

as follows:

Step 1:

Click TwinCAT icon in the taskbar, and select System Manager for opening it.

Step 2:
Click File‐ Open from Target for opening the hardware configuration file
downloaded by the current controller

Operating Instructions

Step 3:
Click I/O – Configuration‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ I/O Devices‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Device2 (EtherCAT),
and click Adapter tab in the right side.

Click I/Odevice

Operating Instructions

2 Click Adapter

3 Click Search

1 Click Device2

( EtherCAT

Step 4:
Click Search button, and show blank in the dialog box, thus confirming that the

network card drive is not installed(lost)

The blank has no network

card tab.

Step 5: Install the network card drive

Click the Compatible Devices button

Operating Instructions

Pop up the dialog box in the figure below

List of network card of EtherCAT List of network card of EtherCAT drive

drive which has been installed which has not been installed

Network card of EtherCAT drive

which has not been installed

Network card not supporting EtherCAT

Disabled network card list

本地连接 Local Connections

无线网络连接 Wireless Network Connection

Under normal circumstances, the network card with drive losing will appear in the
list of network card without installing EtherCAT drive At this time, select the network

Operating Instructions

card, and click the Install button in the right side, thus installing EtherCAT drive.

2 Click Install button


network card

本地连接 Local Connections

无线网络连接 Wireless Network Connection
If the similar dialog box in the figure below appears in the installation process,
please click Continue Anyway

After the successful installation of drive, the network card will appear in the list of
network card which has installed EtherCAT drive.

Operating Instructions

After the successful installation of

drive, the network card will appear


本地连接 Local Connections

无线网络连接 Wireless Network Connection
Step 6:
Return to Adapter tab, click Search button again, display the network card
installed with drive, select such network card, and click OK.

Click OK to
Select confirm



本地连接 Local Connections

See the name of such network card, MAC address and other information in

Operating Instructions

本地连接 Local Connections

Step 7:
Save the configuration file, and reactivate the configuration file. Windows system fault

Windows system is the basis of the entire laser cutting system, and the running of
all software is in it, so the system problem may lead to the occurrence of various
System recovery method:
1. GHOST file recovery

The system will have Ghost backup before leaving factory. After using Ghost fire
recovery system, the laser cutting machine will be recovered to the factory setting
2. Use of GHOST file or system reinstallation

These two methods will lead to the failure of TwinCAT authorized registration code,
and it will take a certain time period to regain the registration code, so be sure to be
cautious. If it is necessary to reinstall, please contact the R&D technical personnel.

Notes - it is prohibited to install the various entertainment and instant

messaging software, such as Thunder, QQ, etc.;

It is prohibited to the access of unknown mobile storage and the installation of system

optimization software, such as 360, etc.

Operating Instructions

4.8.3 EtherCAT bus

BECKHOFF laser cutting system adopts EtherCAT real-time industrial Ethernet

for communication, and the controller connects the site module and drive through this
network. In the case of system or hardware fault, the fault hardware position can be
seen intuitively by checking EtherCAT bus status. Bus status check method

Step 1: Click TwinCAT icon in the taskbar, and select System Manager for opening it.

Step 2: Click File‐ Open from Target for opening the hardware configuration file
downloaded by the current controller

Step 3: Click I/O – Configuration –‐ ‐ ‐ I/O Devices for seeing the hardware
module and drives under the current configuration in EtherCAT network

Operating Instructions

Step 4: Click Device2 (EtherCAT), select Online tab in the right side, and see the
status of all current modules and drives in this tab. Under normal circumstances, the
status of all modules and drives is OP.

Operating Instructions

CRC Check value

Hardware Lists
Current hardware Lost frames of

status communication

Main station status

Operating Instructions Bus fault analysis

Failures Fault possibility Troubleshooting

The main station status Controller or software
Contact R&D personnel
is not OP. fault
In case of power failure,
The module is loose insert the module again
Module and subsequent
The module position Change the module
is wrong. position and make it keep
Status display INIT
The module is consistent with that in
damaged. software setting
Replace Modules
Check the network cable,
Lost Frames are Network cable fault,
and remove the
non-zero EMC interference
interference source
Driver alarming
The drive status is not Fault of network Remove the drive alarm
OP. cable between Replace the network cable
module and drive

4.8.4 I/O module unit

Operating Instructions

Us Power light UP Power


Definition of power indicator lamp

LED Name Indicating Light Description
Us Off 24VDC bus power supply is
not accessible
ILLUMINATED 24VDC bus power supply is
Up Off 24VDC control power supply
is not accessible
ILLUMINATED 24VDC control power supply
is accessible


Operating Instructions

Definition of module internal communication indicator lamp

LED Name Indicating Light Description
LINK/ACT Off Communication fault between modules
E‐ Bus Solid The connection between modules is
normal, but doesn't enter the running
Flashing Normal communication between modules

Internet access
(X1 IN)

Internet access light

(X2 OUT)

Definition of internet access indicator lamp

Operating Instructions

LED Name Indicating Light Description

LINK/ACT Off The module is not connected with the
(X1 IN) industrial personal computer
Solid The module has been connected with the
industrial personal computer but has not
entered the running status.
Flashing The module has realized the normal
communication with the industrial personal
LINK/ACT Off The module is not connected with the
(X2 OUT) drive.
Solid The module has been connected with the
drive but has not entered the running
Flashing The module has realized the normal
communication with the drive.

4.8.5 AX5000 Servo driver Drive real-time alarm check method

Method I:
Check the drive LCD. Under normal circumstances, the drive LCD is normally on.
The first row displays the communication status OP, and the second row displays the
bus voltage (figure 1). In case of the drive alarm, the LCD will be under the flashing
state (alternate display in figure 2 and figure 3). The figure 2 displays the alarm code,
and the figure 3 display the alarm text. It shall be noted that if it is the dual-channel
drive alarm, there will be A or B sign in front of the alarm code for indicating the alarm

Operating Instructions

Notes - please pay attention to distinguishing the alarm codes of A and

B channels.

Method II:
Open System Manager, successively click I/O – Configuration ‐ ‐ ‐ I/O
Device‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Device2 (EtherCAT)‐ ‐ ‐ drive to be checked (such as Drive15
(AX5206‐ 0000‐ 0203)), click Configuration tab in the right window, and enter the
drive setting page.
See the drive alarm code in 2# sign in the figure below. After click the 4# sign
(Diagnostics), see the drive the alarm code and alarm text in 5# and 6# sign. Drive history alarm check method

Successively click Channel - Diagnostics - Error History in the drive setting page for

checking the corresponding channel.

History alarm records.

9# sign: Time of alarming
10# sign: Alarm code
11# sign: Text of alarm
12# sign: Click it to view the help document of corresponding alarm

Operating Instructions

Operating Instructions Common drive alarm code/handling method

Alarm code Alarm code Alarm text. Troubleshooting

(Hex) (Dec)

D000 53248 Drive Init state Drive status

D001 53249 Drive PreOp state indication
D002 53250 Drive Boot state
D003 53251 Drive SafeOp
D005 53253 Drive Op state
D101 53505 The hardware Check whether
enabling is not the emergency
activated. stop signal has
entered the drive.
D181~D1C6 53632~53702 Drive hardware Power off and
fault restart
Replace drive
DC30~DCBB 56368~56507 Drive hardware Power off and
fault restart
Replace drive
DD80~DD83 56704~56707 Drive hardware Power off and
fault restart
Replace drive
ECD0 60624 Drive positive
limit alarm
ECD1 60625 Drive negative
limit alarm
ED00 60672 Over temperature Check the motor
alarm of an cable
electric machine Power off and
Replace the

Operating Instructions

ED41 60737 External drive Check the
braking resistor braking resistor
overload wiring
Replace the
braking resistor
ED42 60738 Drive over Check the
temperature temperature of
Power off and
Replace drive
ED43 60739 Excessively low Check 380V
check of DC bus power supply of
voltage drive
F0A0~F0C1 61600~61633 Hardware Power off and
Malfunction restart
Replace drive
F100 61696 Failure of Check EMC
Communication interference
Check network
F102 61698 Lose hardware Check
enabling emergency stop
F106 61702 The motor is not Contact the
configured technical
F108~F109 61704~61705 Feedback error Check the motor
F185~F1D1 61829~61905 Hardware Power off and
Malfunction restart
Replace drive
F415 62485 Communication Check whether
fault the controller is

Operating Instructions

Check network
Check EMC
F700~F846 63232~63558 Feedback error Check the motor
Power off and
F850 63568 The motor cable Fasten the motor
connection is lost cable
Power off and
F852 63570 Feedback error Fasten the motor
Power off and
Replace the
F85D 63581 Feedback error Fasten the motor
Power off and
Replace the
FC00~FC02 64512~64514 Hardware Power off and
Malfunction restart
Replace drive
FC03 64515 24V control Check 24 power
voltage is too low supply
FC30~FC70 64560~64624 Hardware Power off and
Malfunction restart
Replace drive
FCB0~FCB4 64688~64692 LCD Display Power off and

Operating Instructions

Errors restart
Replace drive
FCD0 64720 Driver positive
limit alarm
FCD1 64721 Drive negative
limit alarm
FD04 64722 24V control Check 24 power
voltage is lost supply
FD10 64784 24V control Check 24 power
voltage is too high supply
FD11 64785 24V control Check 24 power
voltage is too low supply
FD17 64791 Motor overload Check machinery
FD19 64793 A/D conversion Check EMC
error interference
Replace drive
FD41 64833 Power supply Check 380V
voltage is too high power supply
FD42 64834 Power supply Check 380V
voltage is too low power supply
FD43 64835 Supply voltage Check 380V
loss power supply
FD44 64836 Power supply Check 380V
phase shortage power supply
FD51 64849 Power supply Check 380V
phase shortage power supply

4.8.6 Users Login

After starting the system interface, enter the user login interface; select the
Superuser in the drop-down menu of user name, key in the superuser password, click

Operating Instructions

OK, and finally log in the system.

计算机已被锁定 Computer locked

只有被许可的用户或管理员可以解锁 Only permitted user or manager can
unlock the computer
用户名 User name
密码 Password
确定 OK
取消 Cancel

Attention - logging in as Superuser is empowered with super user

authority, so advanced parameter may be modified; improper parameter modification may

lead to failure of the machine or even cause equipment damage and personal injury.

4.8.7 Alarm screening function

Such function is used for the equipment repair and commissioning. When the
corresponding screening is opened, the system will not detect the corresponding

Operating Instructions

安全门未关报警! Safety door not closed alarm!

(中文) (ENGLISH)

Notes - when the alarm shielding function is activated, the system will
not detect the corresponding alarm, which leads to a very big risk of equipment damage.

So it is only used for equipment repair and commissioning.

4.8.8 Z axis parameter setting Parameter setting/saving method

Z axis is the axis with the most frequent action in the entire system, and the majority

of system functions need the participation of Z axis, so the parameter setting of Z axis is

particularly important, and the change of Z axis parameter also is very cautious.

Click the machine parameter button for entering Z axis parameter setting page.

Double click the parameter item to be changed, fill in the number in the dialog box, click

OK and close the dialog box.

Click Write to PLC button for making the read-in of parameter to the controller
Operating Instructions

become valid.

Click Save button (needing Admin authority) for saving the parameter after change to

the database, and download the parameter to the controller in the next start

Operating Instructions Z axis parameter description

Parameter Name parameter specification Default Unit

Position of Z axis Set the coordinate value of Z 0 mm
after returning to axis of returning to reference
reference point point
Initial position of Z Position of executing the Z axis ‐ 10 mm
axis command M65 of uplifting to
the highest point
Z axis returns to Speed of executing the Z axis 250 mm/s
initial position command M65 of uplifting to
speed the highest point

Z axis default System default speed 50 mm/s

Z axis follow-up The speed arising when Z axis 300 mm/s
speed moves to piercing position in
the cutting process
Z axis follow-up The accelerated speed arising 12000 mm/s2
accelerated speed when the Z axis moves to
piercing position in the cutting
Z axis acceleration System parameters cannot be 15000 mm/s2
at stall modified
Z axis follow-up System parameters cannot be 250000 mm/s3
Jerk modified
Z axis protective After Z axis coordinate is lower ‐ 90 mm
location than the value, automatically
rise to the highest point so as
to prevent cutting head being
Normal response During the cutting process, for 18
value of Z axis response sensitivity of Z axis to
change in voltage value, when
the value becomes bigger, Z

Operating Instructions

axis will become more

sensitive to changes of voltage
value. In case of unstable
voltage value, Z axis rising or
falling may happen.
Low speed Response sensitivity to change 10
response value of in voltage value at the time of
Z axis assistance movements
(including edge search) by Z
If the value is set to be too
high, excess lower probing of Z
axis at the edge may occur.
Z axis detection Speed arising at the time of 20 mm/s
plate speed executing detection plate by Z
axis. Z axis finds out the speed
on the surface of the plate at
time of edge search.
Z axis detection System parameters cannot be 12000 mm/s2
plate acceleration modified
Z axis detection System parameters cannot be 12000 mm/s2
plate deceleration modified
Z axis manual Manual speed of Z axis before 25 mm/s
speed quick movement instruction is
Manual speed of Z Manual speed of Z axis after 35 mm/s
axis is fast quick movement instruction is

4.8.9 Setting parameters for edge search Ultimate principle of automatic edge search

Z axis slowly moves along with surface undulation of the plate. When reaching to
the edge of the plate, voltage value of altitude sensor will suddenly change. After the
system detects such voltage change, it will deem that the plate edge has arrived.
Operating Instructions

Record current coordinate value, and then move location to repeat the above
movements. Find two plate edge points in X direction, and one plate edge point in Y
direction, as well as gain plate null point and plate deflection angle by means of internal
This shows that detection of automatic edge search depends on stable change in
voltage value, thus, it's necessary to ensure normal change in voltage value of altitude
sensor when automatic edge search is adopted. Detection procedure of plate edge

粗寻 Rough search
粗寻高度 Rough search height
精寻高度 Fine search height
精寻 Fine search
返回距离 Distance Back
1. Cutting head reaches to rough search height
2. Cutting head moves to the edge at the speed of edge search
3. Cutting head reaches to the edge
4. Cutting head stops and is uplifted to the highest point
5. Cutting head returns in light of the specified return distance
6. Cutting head lowers to fine search height
7. Step-by-step movement by cutting head
Operating Instructions

8. Cutting head reaches to the edge

9. Cutting head stops and is uplifted to the highest point
10. Completion of edge detection Process of automatic edge search

2#准备点 2# preparation point

2#边缘点 2# edge point
x 方向 X direction
寻边距离 Edge search distance
Y 方向 Y direction
3#准备点 3# preparation point
3#边缘点 3# edge point
1#边缘点 1# edge point
起始点 Start point
板材原点 Origin of sheet

Operating Instructions

Moving trail of cutting head (red arrow):

Initial point=>1#edge point=>2#preparation point=>2#edge point=>3#preparation

point=>3#edge point=>original point of the plate

Notes —— it can be known from the track in the figure that the edge
search distance in X and Y directions must be set appropriately, otherwise the cutting

head may find the wrong edge, causing failures in edge search. Setting parameters for automatic edge search

自动寻边参数 Automatic edge search parameter

寻边速度 Edge search speed
零点偏置 X Zero offset X
零点偏置 Y Zero offset Y
粗略寻边高度 a Rough edge search height a
粗劣边缘电压 b Rough Edge Voltage
精细返回距离 d Fine return distance d
精细寻边高度 c Fine edge search height c
精细边缘电压 e Fine edge search voltage e
参数保存 Save Parameter
参数写入 Parameter write

Operating Instructions

Parameter Name Parameter Name Default Unit

Edge search Edge search speed 8000 mm/mi
speed n
Zero offset X Zero offset X 2 mm
Zero offset Y Zero offset Y 2 mm
Rough edge Rough edge search height 5 mm
search height
Rough edge Rough edge voltage 6 V
Fine return Fine return distance 20 mm
Height of fine Height of fine edge search 2 mm
edge search
Voltage of fine Voltage of fine edge 2.3 V

4.8.10 Automatic calibration of sensor Setting of adjustment box of the sensor

Step 1:
Change control mode of adjustment box to external IO control.
Enter Config1, activate TeachMo mode, and cancel PaSelct mode and SensCon

The second step: Change measurement range of the sensor to 20mm

Operating Instructions Signal wiring of adjustment box

IO point of the system


0 IO point of
the system

Notes—— only signal wirings relating to automatic calibration are

Operating Instructions

marked in the figure! Calibration timing sequence

4.8.11 Laser manufacturer and design power setting

The system needs to set manufacturer, model and design power of the laser currently

used, and then the laser can be controlled and accurate analog quantity signal will be sent

out to control laser power.

After selecting laser manufacturer and filling in design power, the data is saved in
the database by clicking save/writ in key and will be automatically recalled at the time
of initiation next time without setting up again.

Notes —— The setting can be altered only by Superuser and above.

Operating Instructions

4.8.12 View software version

Such new page can view current laser library version, PLC version and HMI

4.9 Daily use

4.9.1Adjustment of cutting nozzle center

During the cutting process, the beam will be illuminated to cutting materials through

cutting nozzle after focusing, and cutting auxiliary gas will be blown out through the eyelet

at the same time. Making beam and gas concentric is the basic condition for cutting metal

materials. Therefore, before cutting, adjustment must be conducted for the sake of making

beam and eyelet of cutting nozzle concentric, which can ensure concentric beam and gas.

The specific adjustment method is shown as follows:

1. Set polishing beam parameters of cutting nozzle center in HMI interface (parameters

can be appropriately adjusted and the hole actually drilled shall be smooth)

Operating Instructions

TwinCat 人机应用程序 TwinCat human-machine application

通道 1 Channel 1
未准备好 not ready
机器数据 Machine data
激光测试参数 Laser test parameters
Z 轴参数 Z axis parameters
序... S.N.
描述 Description
数值 Value
单位 Unit
最小值 Min.
最大值 Maxi
激光测试功率 Laser test power
激光测试频率 Laser test frequency
激光测试占空比 Laser test duty ratio
激光测试时间 Laser test time
2. Paste a length of adhesive tape to the eyelet of cutting nozzle, take hands away from

underneath of the cutting nozzle, turn off red guiding light, press "beam shutter switch"

button once (the time interval for pressing "beam shutter switch" button twice shall be

more than 2s).

Operating Instructions

3. Observe whether moulages of eyelet formed by laser and cutting nozzle eyelet on the

adhesive tape are concentric. In case of failing to be concentric, adjust two adjusting

screws on the left and right of cutting head with socket head wrench.

cutting nozzle trace

Laser beam piercing

4. Repeat step 2 and 3 until traces of eyelet formed by laser and cutting nozzle are


Operating Instructions

Use socket head wrench to

adjust X in the center
Use socket head wrench to
adjust Y in the center

Adjustment of cutting nozzle center

After the cutting machine is adjusted based on the above requirements, trial cutting

processing for various plates with different thicknesses can be conducted. Modification

against various parameters shall be conducted in accordance with machining results in

order to achieve the best machining effect.

4.9.2 Adjustment for focal position

During the process of laser cutting, relative location of focus on cutting board surface

after beam focusing will have a great influence on cutting quality, thus correctly confirming

and adjusting focal position become very important. Confirm the null position of the focal position

Null position of focal position represents the reading of focus on the cutting head in

the adjustment dial gauge when focus of laser beam is exactly on the plate surface under

the situation of Z axis initiating follow-up. The method for confirming null position is as
Operating Instructions

a) Prepare one stainless steel without film which is 500mm long, 500mm wide and
1mm thick as well as free from deformation and whose surface shall be clean; 2.0
One common cutting nozzle
b) Confirm calibration action of machine tool is normal with accurate position
c) Steadily place the plate on the worktable surface and there is no upwarp or
voidance happening to four corners after slightly pressing them (unstable
placement may influence test accuracy).

d) Adjust cutting head focal position to scale "+1"

Operating Instructions

Adjusting knob in the

focal position

BT240 cutting head

e) Move cutting head to the lower right corner of the plate by means of red
guiding light positioning. The distance between red guiding light and plate edge is

Operating Instructions

f) Confirm each alarming signal of the machine tool hasn't been shielded
(Especially the door switch and the cutting head related alarm)

Initiate alarm screening function

under home page and shield
door-trip signal, etc.

通用参数 common parameters

信号配置 Signal configuration
功能开关 Function switch
X 负向位置 X negative direction position
下面 Below
Y 负向位置 Y negative direction position
右边 Right

Operating Instructions

手动按钮 Manual button

开启 Open
加工信息显示 Display machining information
开启 CCD Enable CCD
随动高度限制 Follow-up height restriction
干涉仪 Interferometer
关闭 Close
通信协议 Communication Protocol
出激光时自动关闭红光 Close red light when laser is emitted
授权到期提醒 Authority expiration reminder
激光通信延时 Laser communication delay
自动润滑周期 Auto Lube Cycle
自动润滑时间 Automatic lubrication time
开启报警屏蔽 Enable alarm shielding
天 Day
秒 second
开启待机功能 Enable standby function
分 Minutes
g) Find out and execute "FOCUSTEST" in the subprogram. (Now Beckhoff fails to

find the function)

For execution of test program, firstly carry out program marking, and then
make the first cutting based on current focal position, and pause after completion
of cutting (pause once after each cutting after the 38th contour)
h) After machine tool pauses, check whether "PROGRAM STOP" key on the
machine tool control panel is illumined, and then check whether the program
segment is executed to "M00".
i) After confirming these two are free from error, open machine tool protective
door and adjust focal position, and then adjust the knob 0.25mm in the negative
j) After completing adjustment, close the protective door, the program will
continue to execute the next cutting program segment by pressing "PROGRAM
START" key, and operation of step I shall be repeated. Take out test board after
completion of program cutting. (Don't press reset key midway)

Operating Instructions

k) Earnestly observe 9 straight lines corresponding to scale; the thinnest one

straight line corresponds to the null position of focal position of focus lens.

By observation, it can be known that the

thinnest place is the scale -0.5, that is to say
that when the focus scale is adjusted to -0.5
and the follow-up height is 1mm, focus is
exactly on the surface of the plate

l) If the focal position discovered is between -1~+1, the lens free from problems
can be initially judged. The null position of focal position shall be recorded. If the null
position of the focal position found fails to be within such scope, contact after-sales
service personnel of Yawei.

Operating Instructions Selection of focal position

When different plates are cut, focus of laser cutting shall be in different places. In

case of no reasonable adjustment, cutting quality will be greatly influenced, bad quality of

cross section, failure in cutting through, etc. will occur and even cutting head parts will be

damaged. Therefore, before cutting different plates, firstly confirm whether it's necessary

to adjust focal position.

At the time of actual cutting, a certain height between cutting nozzle and plate surface

must be kept which shall be considered at the time of selecting focal position. For

selection of specific focal position, refer to the following table.

Operating Instructions

The position of Cutting material and section features

Selection of focus
Usage mode of workpiece (including
carbon steel sheet)
Laser focus is on
The focus is on the workpiece surface.
the surface of Zero position
The upper surface is cut to be smooth,
cutting workpiece
while the lower surface is cut to be
Usage mode of stainless steel and other
The focus shall workpiece.
Laser focus is on move based on the The focus is in the metal plate. The
the surface of distance slightly high-pressure nitrogen is used to blow
The interior of smaller than plate away molten slag and protect a cross
cutting workpiece thickness in the section in the cutting process. Cutting
negative direction. range will be broadened along with the
increase in workpiece plate thickness.
Usage mode at the time of cutting
aluminium alloy plate.
The focus shall When the aluminium alloy plate is cut,
Laser focus is on move slightly larger the high-pressure nitrogen is used to
the surface of than the plate blow away molten slag and protect a
Cutting workpiece thickness in the cross section in the cutting process.
negative direction. Cutting range will be broadened along
with the increase in workpiece plate

For example: Cut 3mm stainless steel

①Firstly, confirms the null position of the focal point of the lens and assumes the

scale is 1 at the moment.

②The plate thickness is 3mm. Confirm focus position moves by 2mm towards the

negative direction and adjust the scale to -1.

Notes: When materials other than the above-mentioned are cut, consult

commissioning personnel.

Operating Instructions Adjustment of focal position

BT240 cutting head

a) Manually unscrew the knob shown in the figure until the null position of

the knob is the measured focal position.

Screw the null position to the set value

position-1 shown in the figure

b) Cover focus adjustment coverplate.

4.9.3 Replacement of ceramic body

Once the ceramic body is damaged, servo system will be influenced and even failure

in operation will happen, so it's necessary to replace it with new ceramic body.

Replacement steps are as follows:

① Take down cutting nozzle

② Loosen locknut as well as taking down locknut and ceramic body at the same


③ Install new ceramic body on the locknut

Operating Instructions

④ Ceramic body and locknut shall be equipped with cutting head (notice that the

probe on the ceramic body shall coincide to the eyelet corresponding to cutting

head and it's necessary to prevent the ceramic body being damaged due to

creeping down in the whole process)

⑤ Install the cutting nozzle (sequence for all parts from top to bottom: ceramic body,

locknut and cutting nozzle)

Top down

Ceramic body

Lock nut



Operating Instructions

Replace ceramic body

4.9.4 Abnormalities treatment

1. Loss of cutting head signal may arise due to electromagnetic interference and

cutting splash interference in the cutting process, and when continuing cutting, cutting

nozzle touching the plate happens and alarming signals such as "cutting head touching

plate" will emerge on the adjustment box. At the moment, for the purpose of avoiding

damaging cutting nozzle, stop machine operation, execute calibration anew and then

continue processing.

Unscrew two knobs in the

left and right, and then take
out protection lens for

Operating Instructions

2. In case of spatter in the cutting process, immediately stop processing, take out

protection lens and check whether surface of protection lens is polluted. In case of being

polluted, clear up the surface with alcohol and lens wiping paper; and execute "calibration"

procedure to clean cutting nozzle as well as protecting service life and processing quality

of protection lens and cutting nozzle.

4.9.5 Disposal for cutting head falling off (Optional item)

The cutting head is fixed to slide carriage which is absorbed on magnetic Z axis

sliding plate. The bolt shall be inserted between two plates to prevent relative slip. In

general, cutting head is in the position of proper functioning. Once a collision happens,

cutting head may fall off (shown in the following figure)

At the moment, shedding sensors on the cutting head from top to bottom and from left

to right fail to induce the cutting head, so the alarm is triggered.

When the cutting head is reinstalled to the right position, the alarm is released (shown
Operating Instructions

in the following figure)

If the alarm cannot be released by pressing the reset button, it's necessary to check

whether the sensor is damaged. If the yellow light on the sensor is on, it means normality;

in case of yellow light on the sensor failing to be on, it's necessary to check the sensor.

Check whether cracking or displacement happens. In case of still failing in settlement, call

after-sales service center of Yawei.

Operating Instructions

Shedding sensors in
the slide carriage
from top to bottom

Positions of outside
slide carriage and

4.10 Machine tool alarm

4.10.1 System alarm

Due to influence of working environment, the system may give alarms against various

Operating Instructions

phenomena in the working process. In case of alarm, it's necessary to timely investigate

alarm information for the sake of preventing system from suffering serious damage.

Common system alarms and handling methods are shown in the following figure.

Operating Instructions

Alarm sign Alarm text. Troubleshooting

700003 The protective door fails to be Close the protective door
700004 Laser fault For the detail, refer to IPG laser
700006 The servo fails to be well prepared Loosen the emergency stop key
and press "RESET" key
700007 Air pressure low For the detail, refer to the gas
circuit alarm of this Chapter
700008 Break of sensor Check concentric cable on the
lines(PRECITECT) cutting head
700009 Sensor fails to be Contact after-sales service
ready(PRECITECT) personnel of Yawei
700010 Time of cutting nozzle touching the Contact after-sales service
plate exceeds 1.0s personnel of Yawei
700011 Capacitive sensor touches the Contact after-sales service
workpiece personnel of Yawei
700012 The electrode of cutting nozzle is Install the cutting nozzle
700013 The laser fails to be well prepared Turn on the laser
700014 The worktable fails to be in place For the detail, refer to worktable
part of this Chapter
700015 The Z axis fails to stop aloft and the Raise Z axis to the highest order
exchange of worktables is
700016 The laser fails to be initiated Starting of laser
700017 Directional red light fails to be The directional red light shall be
turned off turned off
700037 Set the time of manually enabling Contact after-sales service
optical shutter personnel of Yawei
700040 Homing of machine failed Execute homing of machine
700100 X axis reference point fails to be Execute homing of machine
700101 Y axis reference point fails to be Execute homing of machine

Operating Instructions

700102 Z axis reference point fails to be Execute homing of machine


Common system alarms and handling method

4.10.2 Peripheral equipment alarm

In the process of cutting laser cutting machine, the cutting machine stops workings on

account of breakdown of external equipment, thus it's a must handle external alarm and

recover the cutting machine to normal cutting status. Gas circuit alarm

When the air pressure is too low, "low air pressure" alarm will arise. In case of the

above situation occurring, carry out investigation based on the following steps:

1. Check whether air compressor is turned on

2. Check whether the refrigerated air dryer valve is turned on

3. Check whether the air circuit transmission pipe is damaged and the

whether the air leakage happens in the transmission process Limit switch alarm

"X/Y/Z reaching to a soft limit" alarm information may arise in the machining process

of the cutting machine and current position of X, Y or Z axis has reached to the set value

of axis limit parameters at the moment, so it's a must enter the manual state to move the

axis in the negative direction, and then alarm can be eliminated and the position can be

readjusted to carry out machining.

Operating Instructions IPG laser alarm

Warning message Causes Troubleshooting

Laser module fails to be Communication • Download the log file on the same
connected between laser module day when breakdown happens as
Laser module and microcontroller well as compress and send such log
disconnected may encounter file to the company
Lamp Failure Breakdown happening • Anticlockwise unscrew the
Indication lamps failure to the indicator lamp indicator lamp with breakdown to
above the laser doesn't check whether it's well-connected
influence laser and clockwise reinstall the indicator
operation lamp after settlement. • If the alarm
information still exists, the indicator
lamp needs to be replaced. Tumour
scar may
Module overheat The temperature of • Check LaserNet Status to read
Module overheat each laser module module temperature and actual
reaches to 32°C water flow
• Compare an actual water flow and
needed water flow (see IPG
operation manual for the detail)
• Check whether liquid level of chiller
conforms to requirements
Chiller alarm Water temperature or • Check chiller pate to know about
Chiller warning water pressure further information
exceeds set value
Reserved module is It means breakdown • Download the log file on the same
enabled happens to one laser day when breakdown happens as
Reserved Module ON module, the reserved well as compress and send such log
module is enabled and file to the company
the laser can continue
to work
Breakdown happens to Discharge resistance is • It's necessary to replace the
discharging circuit damaged discharge resistance and contact
Discharge circuit defect our company to confirm follow-up
Operating Instructions

• Download the log file on the same
day when breakdown happens as
well as compress and send such log
file to the company
Laser Temperature is When laser module • Check the default temperature set
too low temperature is lower for the chiller (low temperature:
Laser temperature is too than set value, the 21℃; high temperature: 28℃)
low laser fails to give off
Effective laser modules Effective laser modules • Download the log file on the same
decrease are insufficient, so the day when breakdown happens as
Reduced active Modules laser fails to give off well as compress and send such log
light file to the company
E-Stop Internal or external • Refer to E-Stop Button and E-Stop
Emergency stop emergency stop circuit external handling methods
of the laser is enabled,
which will arise with
E-Stop button or
E-Stop external
E-Stop button The emergency stop • Check and reset laser emergency
Emergency stop button button of the laser is stop switch
pressed down. • If the alarm information still exists,
check and turn on the power
E-stop external Either of two external • Check and reset emergency stop
External emergency emergency stop of machine tool
stop circuits shall be turned • Check and solve the Water in
on and the yellow Laser alarm
interlocking indicator
lamp before the laser
will be illumined
Laser overheat Temperature of laser • Check LaserNet Status to read
Laser overheat module rises to 35°C module temperature and actual
water flow
• Compare an actual water flow and
needed water flow (see IPG
Operating Instructions

operation manual for the detail)

• Check whether liquid level of chiller
conforms to requirements
• If the alarm still exists, contact our
Laser Fiber Interlock Breakdown may • Check whether red guiding light is
Optical fiber safety happen to optical fiber visible. In case of failing to be
interlock of the laser is of the laser visible, it means the optical fiber
enabled may be damaged
• Check the temperature of the
cooling water of head of optical fiber
• If breakdown happens for several
times, contact our company
High back reflection High reflection light • Check whether the red guiding
High reflection light arises in the working light is visible, if the red guiding light
area is very weak or invisible, it means
that interior of optical fiber may be
Laser module failure The interior of one • Check LaserNet module page
Breakdown happens to laser module may (Modules)
laser module suffer breakdowns • Download the log file on the same
day when breakdown happens as
well as compress and send such log
file to the company
Chiller failure Chiller failure • Check status of the chiller Water
Chiller failure level, water quality, air filter, etc.
Combiner failure The same as the • Check the red guiding line. If a red
Breakdown happens to Critical Error guiding line is invisible, it means that
the combiner the interior may suffer a breakdown
• Download the log file on the same
day when breakdown happens as
well as compress and send such log
file to the company
Initialization Error Breakdown happens to • Download the log file on the same
initial failure firmware or structure day when breakdown happens as
well as compress and send such log
Operating Instructions

file to the company

Electronics overheat It means that • Check whether the setting
Electronic devices are of temperature of temperature of temperature sensor
overheating electronic devices in in the electronic device cabinet. If
the electronic device such setting temperature isn't 50℃,
cabinet is higher than set it to 50℃
50℃, which won't • Check whether the air conditioner
influence the operation in the electronic device cabinet is
of the laser working
• Check LaserNet Status, if the
alarm still exists, measure an actual
temperature in the electronic device
Low water flow:Laser Alarm message: Laser • Check and compare an actual
Cooling water flow of the error will arise at the water flow with a designated water
laser is too low same time, operation of flow. For a designated water flow,
the laser will be refer to the IPG laser instruction
stopped or the laser • Check whether the waterway valve
cannot be enabled is opened or whether the water pipe
is extruded or bent
• Check whether chiller alarm arises
on the LaserNet status page
(Status) to confirm whether
breakdown happens to chiller
• Check water level of the chiller as
well as water pressure of inlet water
and outlet water
Low water flow: The water flow of the • Check the flow switch, whether the
fiber con connector at the optical green LED light of OUT1 is illumined
Water flow of fiber optic fiber output end is too and whether the flow is higher than
connector is too low low a critical value
• Check whether the waterway valve
is opened or whether the water pipe
is extruded or bent
• Check whether chiller alarm arises
on the LaserNet status page
Operating Instructions

(Status) to confirm whether

breakdown happens to chiller
• Check water level of the chiller as
well as water pressure of inlet water
and outlet water
Water in Laser Water leakage into • Shut down main power supply
Water enters the laser laser happens by a quickly
detection of a water • Check the cause of water leakage
leakage sensor in the laser which may be loose
• If there is no water in the laser, the
cause may be sensor breakdown,
contact our company
Water in Beam Switch / Water enters the optical • Observe whether water leakage
Fiber to Beam Coupler shutter happens in the laser
Water enters the optical • In case of failing to find out the
shutter cause, contact our company
Laser temperature is too The average • Set a low temperature of the chiller
low temperature of the to 21℃
Laser Temperature is laser module is lower
too low than 18℃

Alarm and processing methods of the IPG laser Common fault analysis Type I for the worktable

1. The Z axis are low or air pressure is low

Raise Z axis to the highest order

Check the air circuit, including whether the air compressor is turned on and the

refrigerated air dryer valve is turned on

2. The bolt fails to be inserted

If the air cylinder bolt fails to act as required, an air compressor is likely not enabled.

Or the worktable fails to be in place and the air cylinder bolt cannot be inserted.

Solutions: Open air compressor and relevant gas circuit; check whether the worktable

is appropriately opened in the automatic status or whether there are foreign matters

Operating Instructions

blocking the groove.

Attention: Tighten the nut close to switch after completing adjustment

3. Separation of traction block

Traction block shown in the following figure has been in the groove when the

worktable advances and retreats which is used to drive the worktable to advance and

retreat. In case of separation of traction block, inching shall be selected for operation

mode of worktable. Move the worktable to the given position, put the traction block into the

groove, adjust the level of worktable and lathe bed and then observe whether normal

exchange arises after manually operating the worktable.

Traction block

Operating Instructions

Proximity switch

4. If the switch indicator lamp fails to be lighted due to switch separation blade

warding off the switch, Firstly, check whether sufficient sensing distance between

separation blade and switch exists, and in case of insufficient distance make separation

blade close to the switch as far as possible; And then check whether the switch is

damaged and timely contact Yawei in case of being damaged.

5. If limit alarm (shown in the following figure) arises,

Limit switch

Firstly, move the worktable away from heading switch position, and then check

whether the light of proximity switch is normal, and manually execute exchange inspection

anew after alarm resetting.

Attention: After completing adjustment of proximity switch, it's necessary to tighten


Operating Instructions Common fault analysis Type II for the worktable

1. The Z axis are low or air pressure is low

Raise Z axis to the highest order

Check the air circuit, including whether the air compressor is turned on and the

refrigerated air dryer valve is turned on

2. The bolt fails to be inserted

As shown in the following figure, air cylinder is in the right and the bolt is in the left.

Upper magnetic switch being lit indicates entering and lower magnetic switch being lit

indicates going out.

Solutions: Check whether the worktable is in place and adjust upper layer/lower layer

inspection proximity switch as per relative location of bolt and U-shape groove proximity


If bolt is left-of-center based on U-shape groove, move proximity switch to the left

If bolt is right-of-center based on U-shape groove, move proximity switch to the right

Attention: Tighten the nut close to switch after completing adjustment

Latch pin
3. Separation of traction block

Traction block shown in the following figure has been in the groove when the

worktable advances and retreats which are used to drive the traction block to advance and

retreat and won't be in the groove when the worktable rises and goes down.
Operating Instructions

In case of separation of traction block, inching shall be selected for operation mode of

worktable. Life the worktable to the middle position and make small sheet iron lean

against proximity switch under the worktable in order to make the light on. Press "enter the

cutting position" until the traction block enters the U-shape groove, and make the

worktable drop to lower limit and take away small sheet iron ultimately.

Figure 112 Traction Block

Operating Instructions

Proximity switch
4. At the time of inching or single pass, the worktable fails in getting in and out

Firstly confirm guiding pin-out and locking pin-out in case of inching, and such action

is unnecessary for single pass.

In case of upper layer fails in getting in and out, view whether there is a "lower limit

check" signal on the signal monitoring page; if no, adjust the distance between lower limit

proximity switch and sensor chip to 3-4mm in order to make it take effect.

In case of lower layer fails in getting in and out, view whether there is an "upper limit

check" signal on the signal monitoring page; if no, adjust the distance between upper limit

proximity switch and sensor chip to 3-4mm in order to make it take effect.

Attention: After completing adjustment of proximity switch, it's necessary to tighten


Operating Instructions

Part 5 Laser cutting technology

5.1 Function of technique database

5.1.1 Selection/downloading of technological data

Before cutting, the user needs to select parameters suitable to current cutting plate

from technological database and download such parameters to the system.

Step 1:

Click laser parameter button to enter technological database interface.

Step 2:

Select needed parameter group from the tree bar in the left.

Step 3:

Click and apply current parameter buttons and download parameters to the system.

Button for parameter

Selection of technological
parameter group

5.1.2 Creation of technological parameters

Step 1:

Click creation button under the tree bar.

Step 2:

Fill the information on new technological parameters in the basic information bar in

the upper right.

Operating Instructions

Step 3:

Fill parameters in the detailed parameter list in the lower right.

Step 4:

Click save button under the tree bar.

5.1.3 Modification/storage of technological parameters

In the process of actual use, it's necessary to appropriately modify parameters in the

original database on the basis of practical situation.

Step 1:

Select technology group to be modified.

Step 2:

The window in the lower right is used for setting detailed parameters of the

technological group which can be modified as needed.

Step 3:

By clicking the save button underneath the tree bar, modified parameters are saved in

the database.

5.1.4 Deletion/save of technological parameters

Step 1:

Select technology group to be modified.

Step 2:

By clicking the delete button under the tree bar, the technological group will be


After modifying basic information on technological group in the upper right window,

the technological group will be saved to the database according to newly defined basic

information by clicking save button under the tree bar.

Operating Instructions

5.1.5 Definition of technological layers

Each group of technological parameters includes six groups of cutting parameters,

corresponding to six layers, respectively. The method is as follows:

Layer I: Standard cutting-call subprogram "STANDARD"

Layer II: Scan cutting-call program "FAST"

Layer III: Precise cutting-call subprogram "FINE"

Layer IV: Standard marking-call subprogram "ETCH"

Layer V: Burn membrane-call subprogram "FILM"

Layer VI: Spline cutting-call subprogram "SPLINE"

Operating Instructions

Attention: High-pressure nitrogen is generally adopted for cutting stainless steel

5.1.6 Piercing mode and parameter setting

There are five piercing modes to be selected by the system. In theory, different

piercing modes can be set in standard cutting, precise cutting and spline cutting.

Standard piercing: After the cutting head reaches to stated piercing height, piercing


Multistage piercing: The cutting head reaches to the height step by step pursuant to

given series of multistage piercing and carries out step-by-step piercing.

Advance blasting hole+ normal piercing: The cutting head will reach to the higher

advance blasting hole height first, and then will start standard piercing after transient


Advance blasting hole+ multi-stag piercing: The cutting head will reach to the higher

advance blasting hole height first, and then will start multistage piercing after transient


Flying cutting: No piercing.

Piercing parameters for each group of technological parameters are set on the

following page

Operating Instructions

5.2 Leapfrog function

Whether leapfrog function is enabled in the cutting process of the layer in the cutting

parameters. In case of adopting leapfrog, set starting height and starting distance of the

leapfrog in the "common parameters".

5.3 Power control function

Whether the power control function in the cutting process of the layer is enabled can

be set in the cutting parameters

5.4 Piercing circle cutting function

The piercing circle cutting function may be enabled and related parameters set

through the common parameters.

5.5 Gas time delay function

Whether the gas time delay function is enabled can be set in the common parameters

with relevant parameters set.

5.6 Function of tool start at slow speed

Whether the function of tool start at slow speed is enabled can be set in the common

parameters with relevant parameters set.

Operating Instructions

5.7 cutting nozzle cleaning + automatic calibration function

Step 1:

Move the cutting head to the upward side of calibration board with distance between

cutting head and plate surface being more than 30mm.

Step 2:

Switch the working mode to the auto mode

Step 2:

Click the program directory to select button, seek for HEADCAL.NC in

C:\CNC_Standard, click confirm and load program

Step 3:

Confirm program directory and name currently selected are errorless and click start

button to start calibration.

Step 4:

Complete cutting nozzle cleaning + calibration, manually move Z axis and confirm

whether the voltage value is accurate.

Notes —— Automatic calibration function requires that the sensor

calibration box mode is set to be automatic calibration mode, or calibration won't succeed.

Notes ——HEADCAL. NC calibration program and catalog may be

changed on account of difference in sensors. For the detail, consult research personnel.

5.8 Laser cutting principle

Laser cutting is an advanced cutting process widely used in the material processing.

It makes use of focused laser beam with high power and high density to illuminate the

workpiece and make material illuminated quickly melted, gasified and ablated or reach the

fire point, and it also removes molten materials with jet stream concentric with beam to

cutting apart the workpiece. Laser cutting technology is adopted to cut various metals,

non-metal sheet and composite materials, which is widely used in various fields.

Operating Instructions

5.9 Laser cutting form

Laser cuttings can be divided into laser fusion cutting, laser vaporization cutting and

laser oxidation cutting:

Laser fusion cutting
Laser fusion cutting refers to using the laser heating to melt the metal materials, and

jetting the non-oxidizing gas (N2, Ar, He etc.) through the nozzle with concentric light

beam and eliminating the liquid metal depending on the strong pressure to form a kerf.

Laser fusion cutting is mainly used for the cutting of materials that are difficult to be

oxidized or reactive metal, including stainless steel, titanium, aluminum and their alloys.

Good cutting quality arises, while the cost is higher than that of oxygen cutting.
Laser vaporization cutting
Laser beam with high capability and high density is used to heat the workpiece as

well as make the temperature quickly rise and reach to the boiling point of the material

within a very short time, and then the material vaporization happens with steam formed.

Jet velocity of such steam is fast. When the steam is ejected, notch on the material is

formed. In general, heat of evaporation of the material is large, so great power and power

density is needed at the time of laser vaporization cutting.

Laser vaporization cutting is usually used for extremely thin metal material instead of

wood, some ceramic and other materials which have no melting state and fail in

condensation after material steaming.

Laser oxidation cutting
The principles of laser oxygen cutting is similar to oxyacetylene cutting, for which, the

laser is used as the preheated heating source, and oxygen and other active gas will be

adopted will be used as cutting gas. On one hand, the ejected gas will oxidize with metal,

releasing abundant oxidation heat; On the other hand, the melted oxide and the melt will

be blown out from the reaction area, and the kerf will be formed in the metal. Brief

introduction is as follows:

Laser oxygen cutting is mainly used for metal materials easily oxidized, such as

carbon steel. It can also be used for processing such materials as stainless steel, but it will

result in a black and rough cross section, and the cost of which is lower than that of inert

gas cutting.

Operating Instructions

5.10 Scope

5.10.1 Definition for big and small contours by laser


Contour Size
Thickness of
Small Big contour
sheet (mm)
contour (mm) (mm)
1 0.4-2 ≧ 6
2 0.8-3 ≧ 7
3 1.6-4 ≧ 8
4 1.6-5 ≧ 8
5 2-5 ≧ 8
6 2.4-5 ≧ 8
8 3.2-8 ≧ 11
10 4-9 ≧ 13
12 4.8-10 ≧ 15
16 6-13 ≧ 25
20 6-20 ≧ 30
25 10-20 ≧ 35

Operating Instructions

5.10.2 Minimum distance of plate edge width

Cutting in the place which is 10mm away from plate edge is to ensure the minimum

distance at the time of normal processing

Schematic diagram of minimum distance of plate edge width

5.10.3 Minimum cutting aperture

The eyelet is formed by cutting based on special technique and eyelet cutting has

much to do with plate thickness and eyelet density. The numerical value in the following

table is only for reference. The optimal process shall be based on actual condition and


The minimum processing

Plate thickness
Medium carbon steel, stainless
≧ Plate thickness
steel and aluminum alloy

Other materials ≧ (0.5*Plate thickness)

Table for the relationship between plate thickness and the minimum processing


* If the aperture is smaller than the minimum aperture, workpiece quality

will be influenced or unqualified products will arise.

Operating Instructions

5.10.4 Contour spacing and the minimum contour spacing

The distance between holes or the distance between hole and outer contour is called

as contour spacing. The minimum contour spacing in one component is called as the

minimum contour spacing.

For example: 22.50 refer to contour spacing and 10.50 refer to the minimum contour

spacing shown in the following figure.

Schematic diagram of contour spacing and the minimum contour spacing

Relationship between the minimum contour space and plate thickness

Plate thickness Plate thickness

0.5-3mm exceeds 4mm
The minimum
Equal to the plate
contour spacing is equal 3mm
to plate thickness
Relationship table between the minimum contour space and plate thickness

Operating Instructions

5.10.5 Component spacing and the minimum component


The distance between two component outer contours is called as component spacing.

Incoming line and outgoing line of components are constituent parts of components. The

distance between lead and contour shall be considered for the spacing between


10mm component spacing is good for stable processing and can effectively reduce

the influence of heat effect on cross section quality.

For example,

"4" is the part spacing in X direction and "10" is the part spacing in Y direction as

shown in the following figure.

Figure of component spacing

To create the best production condition, spacing between workpiece shall be larger

than the minimum workpiece spacing.

Materials Cutting Material thickness

Operating Instructions

gases More than 10

Carbon steel ≧ Plate
Oxygen ≧ 10mm
plate thickness

Stainless ≧ 10mm ≧ 10mm

≧ 10mm ≧ 10mm
alloy Nitrogen

Carbon steel
≧ 10mm Don't cut!
Table of plate component spacing

5.10.6 Machining error of components

Laser cutting falls into hot working. Approximately 0.15-0.3mm materials will be

removed in the cutting process, and hot working will cause thermal deformation. In case of

failing to reasonably relieve the influence of heat effect, machining error of components

will be enlarged. Especially for local thermal deformation, it's necessary to take measures

for prevention.

The following table sets forth reference standard of error range which can be realized

by laser cutting. Programming and processing personnel shall be very familiar with error

values. Because of heat effect having a lot to do with material and processing method,

changing technology at the time of processing can effectively avoid error enlargement.

Thicknes Component length (mm)

s of sheet 300-100
0-10 10-100 100-300
(mm) 0
0.5-2.9 ±0.1 ±0.1 ±0.2 ±0.25
3.0-5.9 ±0.2 ±0.2 ±0.2 ±0.25
6.0-9.9 ±0.2 ±0.2 ±0.2 ±0.3
±0.25 ±0.25 ±0.3 ±0.3
15.0-19. ±0.3 ±0.3 ±0.3 ±0.3

Operating Instructions

20.0-25 ±0.35 ±0.35 ±0.35 ±0.4
Thicknes Component length (mm)
s of sheet 1000-20 2000-30 3000-40
(mm) 00 00 00

0.5-2.9 ±0.3 ±0.4 ±0.5

3.0-5.9 ±0.4 ±0.5 ±0.6

6.0-9.9 ±0.4 ±0.5 ±0.6

±0.4 ±0.6 ±0.8
±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.8

20.0-25 ±0.6 ±0.7 ±1.0

Table of machining errors

* Empirical value is given in the table and component error arising in the
course of practical processing shall be smaller than such empirical value. Due
to difference in component shapes and materials, in some cases, numerical
value in the table will be exceeded.
* Description about numerical value in the table

--To attain the minimum dimension error, it's a must to use appropriate props for

compensation at the time of processing.

--No influence of section roughness is considered for data in the table.

--Measure in the place without dregs instead of the initial point of cutting.

--Distortion, stress, etc. of worktable will have a negative effect on measurement


--It's necessary to measure the same component in the unified position of the optical

path, and then comparability will arise.

--Good optics system and optical components are the premise of error control.

--Error arising from oxygen cutting is bigger than that arising from nitrogen cutting.

Operating Instructions

5.11 Factors influencing cutting quality

5.11.1 Cutting speed

At the time of laser cutting, cutting speed is selected in accordance with texture and

thickness of plate to be cut. Difference in cutting speeds will have a great effect on laser

cutting quality. Good cutting quality can be realized by selecting proper cutting speed.

Feed speed can be judged as per cutting sparks: In general, cutting sparks are

diffused from top to bottom. When sparks incline, it means the feed speed is too fast; In

case the sparks are not diffused, but gathered together, it indicates that the feeding speed

is too low. Appropriate cutting speed is shown in the figure. As shown in the following

figure, smooth line on the cutting arises and no molten stains happen to half bottom.

Design sketch for cutting sparks incurred by cutting speed

火花由上往下扩散 Spark diffuses from top down
火花倾斜速度太快 Spark inclines too fast
火花不扩散速度太慢 Spark does not diffuse or diffuses too

Influence brought by too fast cutting feed speed:

1. May give rise to cutting failure and have sparks all around.

2. Some areas can be cut off while others cannot.

3. Coarser cutting section will arise

4. As shown in the figure: The cutting feed speed is too fast, which causes the plate

fails to be timely cut off, slanted bar pattern arises on the cutting surface and molten stains

happen to half bottom.

Operating Instructions

Cutting design sketch

喷嘴 Nozzle
辅助气体 Auxiliary gas
无法及时切断造成斜角 Bevel angle caused by failure to cut off
熔渍 Molten stain
Influence brought by too slow cutting feed speed:
1. May lead to over-melted sheet metal and rougher cutting fracture surface.

2. The kerf will broaden accordingly, resulting in solvation at small round angle or

sharp corner and bad effect.

3. Cutting efficiency is influenced.

5.11.2 Cutting power

At the time of laser cutting, selected laser power has a certain influence on cutting

quality. Cutting power shall be confirmed pursuant to the texture and thickness of the plate

to be cut. Too big or small power will result in failure in getting good cutting section.

At the time of laser cutting, too small laser power will lead to failure in cutting; If

the laser power is set to be too big, the whole cutting plane will be molten with too big

kerf and failure in getting good cutting quality;

If set laser power is insufficiency, cutting molten stains will arise and tumour scar will

happen to cutting section.

5.11.3 Cutting gas pressure

At the time of laser cutting, select different cutting gases on the basis of difference in

plates to be cut. Selection of cutting gas and its pressure has a great effect on laser

cutting quality.

Operating Instructions

The functions of cutting gas mainly include: helping to combust, heat dissipation,

blowing off the molten stains generated during cutting, preventing the residue popping

upwards to entering the nozzle and protecting focusing lens. When cutting thin plate at

high speed, high gas pressure is needed to prevent bonded slag on the back of the

notch; When thick plate is cut or cutting speed is slow, appropriately lower the air

pressure; When non-metallic material is cut, it's the best to lower the air pressure for the

sake of preventing cut surface being frosted. In addition, oxygen purity has a great

effect on cutting quality. If oxygen purity decreases by 2%, cutting speed needs to

decrease by 50% with bad cut surface quality. Therefore, for the purpose of ensuring

purity of auxiliary gas, it's also necessary to notice the cleanliness of gas pipeline.

Because impurities in the gas or pipeline will block gas pressure reduction valve after

usage for a long time, resulting in unstable cutting gas pressure, machining quality will

certainly deteriorate. If cutting gas pressure is too low, the cavity will arise on the cut


For O2, O2 will increase after increasing air pressure, which will help beam increase

power of the plate surface, or it will decrease. Oxygen will incur oxidization to material

surface and release more energy, thus air pressure is generally small and focal position

is close to upper surface of the material; N2 is more used for cooling notch, so air

pressure is generally big and the focal position is close the upper surface of the material.

It's necessary for nitrogen cutting to consume high energy to reach melting point of

sheet metal.

Based on experience: At the time of carbon steel sheet by oxygen cutting, if it's

necessary to increase fineness and flatness of the kerf, cutting speed can be slightly

lowered based on the original standard parameters as well as laser power and air

pressure will have some effect.

5.11.4 Focal position

Principle for setting focus The distance between the cutting nozzle and surface of

cutting workpiece is A which is called as nozzle cutting height or punching height.

Definition of focal position: It means the distance between the focus to upper surface of

cutting workpiece as shown in Figure 4-3. B is the focus height. The focal position above

Operating Instructions

the surface is generally called as tangential focus and focal position below the surface is

generally called as negative focus.

Schematic diagram of laser focusing

Relationship between focus position and cutting section
Influences brought by laser cutting focus being in different positions when different
plates are cut on plate punching and cutting section as well as the selection of focal
position when plates with different textures and thicknesses are cut are shown in the
following figure.
Name and Diagrammatic Cutting material and section features
position of the Drawing
Used for cutting thin sheet
Zero focus: The focus is on the workpiece surface. The
focus on the upper surface is cut to be smooth, while the
workpiece lower surface is cut to be unsmooth.
喷嘴 Nozzle
切幅 Cutting
Used for cutting carbon steel sheet
The focus is on the surface, thus the
smooth surface range is quite large, the kerf is

Positive focus: wider than the kerf of zero focal length, the gas
喷嘴 Nozzle flow is quite large in cutting and the piercing time
focus in the plate
切幅 Cutting
is longer than that of zero focus.

Used for cutting stainless steel, aluminium

plate and thick plate
Negative focus: When the stainless steel is cut, the
focus on the plate high-pressure nitrogen is used to blow away
喷嘴 Nozzle molten slag and protect a cross section in the
切幅 Cutting
Operating Instructions

breadth cutting process. Kerf will be broadened along

with the increase in workpiece plate thickness.

Relationship between focus and cutting section

5.11.5 Influence of nozzle on cutting surface

Influence incurred by disalignment of nozzle and beam on cutting quality:

1. Cutting section will be influenced. When cutting gas is ejected, uneven air flow

happens, which makes cutting section easily suffer the phenomenon of molten stains on

one of two sides. The thin plate of below 3mm will be less influenced, while the plate

above 3mm will be seriously influenced and sometimes failure in cutting will occur.

2. Affecting angle quality, partial over-melted phenomenon will occur when cutting

small workpiece with sharp angle or small angle, cutting plate; sharp corners may not be

achieved when cutting the thick plate.

3. Piercing will be influenced. Instability and time which is uneasy to be controlled at

the time of punching will cause superfusion when the thick plate is penetrated and the

penetration condition is hard to be grasped which will have less effect on thin plate


For usage of nozzle, the following two issues need to be noticed:

1. Model of nozzles

Because nozzle size influences distribution of outlet pressure and cutting speed.

When the nozzle diameter is too big, strong cooling effect of the jet stream in cutting area

will narrow down heat affected zone; When the nozzle diameter is too small, smooth

ejectment of slags will be impeded.

2. Nozzle distance

When the nozzle distance is too small, strong return pressure will be exerted to the

lens, weakening the ability of dispersing cutting product spurted; When the nozzle

distance is too big, unnecessary kinetic energy loss will happen, which goes against


Nozzle aperture has a serious influence on cutting quality and piercing quality. At

present, nozzles with aperture of φ1.5mm or φ2mm are usually used for laser cutting.
Operating Instructions

5.11.6 Other considerations

Laser cutting is a process combined melting with vaporization, and there are factors

affecting the cutting quality; in addition to the process parameters of the machine tool and

process materials, other factors are summarized as follows:

1. For selection in the punch tape, confirm the position of piercing points in light of

practical situation;

2. Selection of line leading mode, angle and length.

3. The material use ratio and proper setting of component distance and sheet metal

spacing from heat effect;

4. The selection of processing route by heat deformation shall be taken into


5. Proper application of micro circular arc chamfering;

The experience shall be concluded based on actual production conditions and the

optimum process shall be selected based on the component processed.

5.12 Assessment against cutting section

Structural steel: Cut by O2
Defect Possible reasons Solutions
No burr; consistent lead line
Appropriate power
Appropriate feed

Feed rate is too

Decrease feed rate
Large offset of lead line at the high
Increase laser
bottom, wider cut on the bottom Laser power is too
Increase gas
Too low gas
Decrease focus
Focus is too high
Burrs on the bottom surface in
the form of drip are similar to slags Feed rate is too
Decrease feed rate
which are easy to be removed high
Increase gas
Too low gas
Decrease focus
Focus is too high

Metal burrs connected together

Focus is too high Decrease focus
could be removed as a whole

Operating Instructions

Metal burrs on the bottom are Feed rate is too

Decrease feed rate
hard to be removed high
Increase gas
Too low gas
Use purer gas
Impure gas
Decrease focus
Focus is too high
Burrs can be seen only on one
side Nozzle alignment
is incorrect Align to nozzle
Defects occur in Replace nozzle
nozzle exit

Material is discharged from the


Too low power

Increase power
Feed rate is too
Decrease feed rate

Structural steel: Cut by O2

Defect Possible reasons Elimination;
Inclined plane cutting
Good cutting quality happens to
two surfaces, while bad cutting Polarizing mirror is
quality happens to another two improper, installation is Check polarizing
surfaces incorrect or defective mirror
The polarizing
mirror is installed in the Check deflecting
position of deflecting mirror

Processing gas
Use oxygen as
error (N2)
Blue plasma and workpiece processing gas
Feed rate is too
failing to be cut through Decrease feed rate
Increase power
Too low power

Operating Instructions

Too high gas

Inaccurate cutting surface pressure Reduce gas pressure
Nozzle is Change the nozzles
damaged Mount proper nozzle
Too large diameter Use material with
of nozzle smooth and even surface
Poor material
No burr; inclined lead line
The notch becomes narrower at
the bottom
Feed rate is too
Decrease feed rate

Too high gas

Feed rate is too
Crater arises low Reduce gas pressure
Focus is too high Increase feed rate
Rust on the plate Decrease focus
surface arises Use the material with
Processed better quality
workpiece is
Impure material
Too high gas
Feed rate is too
Crater arises low Reduce gas pressure
Focus is too high Increase feed rate
Rust on the plate Decrease focus
surface arises Use the material with
Processed better quality
workpiece is
Impure material
Focus is too high Decrease focus
Too rough cutting surface Too high gas Reduce gas pressure
pressure Increase feed rate

Operating Instructions

Feed rate is too Cool material


Stainless steel Cut by N2 under high pressure

Defect Possible reasons Solutions
Drop-shaped fine regular burrs
Focus is too low
Raise focus
Feed rate is too
Decrease feed rate

Irregular filament-shaped burrs Feed rate is too

are found on both sides; surface of low Increase feed rate
large sheet metal discolors Focus is too high Decrease focus
Too low gas Increase gas
pressure pressure
Overheated Cool material
Long irregular burrs happen to Nozzle alignment
Align to nozzle
one cutting edge fails
Decrease focus
Focus is too high
Increase gas
Too low gas
Built On Speed
Too low speed
Oxygen impurities Use high-quality
Cutting edge gets yellow
mix in nitrogen nitrogen
Plasma arises on the straight
Feed rate is too
Decrease feed rate
Increase power
Too low power
Raise focus
Focus is too low

Feed rate is too

Decrease feed rate
Disperse beam Increase power
Too low power
Raise focus
Focus is too low
Angle tolerance is
Decrease angle
too high
Modulation is too
Plasma arises at the corner Decrease
modulation or
Acceleration is too
accelerated speed
Laser beam starts to let out Acceleration is too Decrease
around high acceleration
Operating Instructions

Focus is too low Raise focus

Materials melted Bore a round hole
are not discharged
Change the
Nozzle is damaged nozzles
Rough cut
The lens is dirty Clean lens; replace
if necessary
Material is discharged from the
Too low power
Increase power
Acceleration is too
Decrease feed rate
Reduce gas
Too high gas

Aluminum alloy: Cut by N2 under high pressure

Defect Solutions
Long irregular filamentous burrs
Focus is too
happen to both sides which are hard to be
high Decrease focus
Too low gas Increase gas
pressure pressure
Feed rate is Increase feed rate
too low

Long irregular burrs happens to both

sides which are hard to be removed
Feed rate is
Increase feed rate
too low

Too large
Mount proper
diameter of
Change the
Rough cut Nozzle is
Reduce gas
Too high gas
Tiny regular burrs arise which are hard
to be removed Focus is too
low Raise focus
Feed rate is Decrease feed rate
too high

Plasma arises on the straight section Feed rate is Decrease feed rate
Operating Instructions

too high Raise focus

Focus is too
Feed rate is
Disperse beam Decrease feed rate
too high
tolerance is too Decrease angle
high tolerance
Plasma arises at the corner Modulation Decrease
is too high modulation or
Acceleration accelerated speed
is too high
Speed of
approach is too Decrease speed of
Laser beam starts to let out around high approach
Focus is too Raise focus
Nozzle is Change the
Rough cut
damaged nozzles
Material is discharged from the upside

Too low
power Increase power
Acceleration Decrease feed rate
is too high

Operating Instructions

Part 6 Equipment installation and


6.1 Equipment environment requirements

1. Ambient humidity: 0℃--40℃, RH: 15%--75%, Appropriate temperature and

humidity are very important to stable operation of equipment. If temperature and humidity

exceed limiting values, normal operation of equipment may be influenced. If the humidity

exceeds the standard, the fiber laser generator needs to be preheated for about half an

hour, and then normal machining can be conducted. If possible, users are suggested to

install an air conditioner for fiber laser.

2. Equipment installation location or air inhaled by air compressor shall be free from

aromatic substances (such as solvent and hydrocarbon) which will generate "air bond",

resulting in imperviousness of laser beam and equipment damage.

3. Equipment must be far away from atmospheric media (rain, hail, snow and mist),

can be used only in a clean indoor industrial environment and is forbidden to be used in

explosive, dusty air, etc.

4. Equipment shall be fixed with setscrews (provided by Yawei). The site where the

equipment is installed is required to be smooth as far as possible with unevenness

(difference between the highest point and the lowest point) ≤10mm; Casting thickness of

ground reinforced concrete shall be ≥150mm.

There shall be no stamping, bending or shearing machine tools near the equipment

for the purpose of avoiding the vibration effect. In case of failing to meet the requirement,

excavate damping ditch or install additional damping facilities between equipment and


Requirements against damping ditch: Width ≥100mm, depth≥concrete layer

thickness. The damping ditch shall be annular, able to encircle the whole equipment and

filled with yellow sand or similar buffer material.

5. The electromagnetic environment is normal without welding machine or current

impulsive disturbance.

Operating Instructions

6.2 Air compressing system

6.2.1 Schematic diagram

Gas circuit diagram

排风口控制 Exhaust outlet control

重描版本号 Retrace version
重描签名 Retrace signature
重描日期 Retrace date
工作台定位 Worktable positioning
用户自备或协商解决 Self-prepared or subject to negotiation
吸膦尘 4 号位控制 #4 position control of phosphine dust
吸膦尘 3 号位控制 #3 position control of phosphine dust
吸膦尘 3 号位控制 #3 position control of phosphine dust
吸膦尘 1 号位控制 #1 position control of phosphine dust
Operating Instructions

压力控制 Pressure Control

2#工作台位气红工作 Limit air cylinder of #2 worktable works
1#工作台位气红工作 Limit air cylinder of # 1 worktable
吸合时 0.8-2.5MPa 氧气通过 0.8-2.5MPa oxygen passes at the time
of closing
吸合时 0.8-2.5MPa 氧气 氦气 空气通过 0.8-2.5MPa oxygen, helium and air
passes at the time of closing
吸合时 0.8-2.5MPa 空气通过 0.8-2.5MPa air passes at the time of
吸合时 0.8-2.5MPa 氦气通过 0.8-2.5MPa helium passes at the time
of closing
线圈/信号序号 Coil/signal sequence number
操作说明 Operations comments
氧气 Oxygen
氦气 Helium
减压阀(低压氦气) Reducing valve (low pressure helium)
减压阀(高压氦气) Reducing valve (high pressure helium)
二位二通开关阀(高压氮气) Two-position and two-port switching
valve (high-pressure nitrogen)
二位三通电磁阀(风门 2) Two-position three-way
electromagnetic valve (ventilation door
二位三通电磁阀(风门 1) Two-position three-way
切割辅助气体过滤器 electromagnetic valve (ventilation door
Filter for cutting auxiliary gas
二位五通电磁阀 2-position 5-way solenoid valve
电-器比例阀 Electro-air proportional valve
三联开关阀 Three-way switch valve
减压阀(切割辅助气体) Pressure reduction valve (cutting
auxiliary gas)
减压阀(风门,工作台) Reducing valve (ventilation door,
减压阀(压缩空气) Pressure reduction valve (air
空气过滤器(压缩空气) Air filter (compressed air)
空气过滤器(凝聚式) Air filter (agglomerate)
纯度≥99.96% Purity ≥99.96%
纯度≥99.99% Purity ≥99.96%
用户自备 Prepared by users
带减压开关阀 Switching valve with pressure
冷冻式干燥机 Refrigerated dryer
主管路过滤器 Main pipeline filter
空气过滤器 3 Air filter 3

Operating Instructions

空气过滤器 2 Air filter 2

空气过滤器 1 Air filter 1
空气储气罐 Air storage tank
无油压缩机/螺杆压缩机 Ooilless compressor/screw
用户自备空气过滤器 3 Self-prepared air filter 3
用户自备空气过滤器 2 Self-prepared air filter 2
用户自备空气过滤器 1 Self-prepared air filter 1
安庆市无油/阿弗拉斯/英格索兰 Anqing oilless/Atlas/IngersoII Rand
序号 No.
名称 Name
型号及规格 Model & Spec.
件数 Parts Qty.
备注 Remarks
标记 Marks
处数 Revision
分区 Zoning
设计 Designed by
冯高俊 Feng Gaojun
蔡卫红 Cai Weihong
蔡诚 Cai Cheng
冷志城 Leng Zhicheng
审核 Vetting
更改大件号 Modified document No.
签名 Signature
年月日 Date:
标准化 STD
阶段标记 Stage mark
质量 Quality inspection
比例 Ratio
HLE-激光切割机 HLE-laser cutting machine
江苏亚威机床股份有限公司 Jiangsu Yawei Machine-Tool Co., Ltd.
气动原理图 Schematic pneumatic diagram
共 数 Total
第 数 of

Operating Instructions

6.2.2 List of spare parts

No. Name Parts Remarks

1 Air compressor 1 Prepared by users
2 Air storage tank 1 Prepared by users
3 Air filter 1 1 Prepared by users
4 Air filter 2 1 Prepared by users
5 Air filter 3 1 Prepared by users
6 Air filter 1 SMC
8 Frozen type air dryer 1 SMC
9 Air filter 1 SMC
10 Air filter (removal of oil vapor) 1 SMC
Pressure reduction valve (air
11 1 QTYH
Pressure reduction valve (ventilation door
12 1 SMC
and worktable)
Pressure reduction valve (cutting auxiliary
14 1 SMC
15 Three-way switch valve 1 SMC
16 Electricity and gas proportional valve 1 SMC
Two-position and five-port
17 2 SMC
electromagnetic valve (worktable limit)
Two-position and three-port
electromagnetic valve (ventilation door 1)
Two-position and three-port
19 electromagnetic valve (ventilation door 4 AIRTAC
2,3,4 and 5)
22 Filter for cutting auxiliary gas 1 Kaipu
Two-position and two-port switching valve
23 1 Nitrogen
(high-pressure nitrogen)
Pressure reduction valve (high-pressure
25 1
Pressure reduction valve (low-pressure
26 1

Operating Instructions

30 Nitrogen Prepared by users

31 Oxygen Prepared by users

6.2.3 Using Instructions

Coil/signal Action description

sequence number
DT1 0.01-2.5MPa nitrogen passes at the time of closing
DT2 0.005-0.8MPa oxygen passes at the time of closing
DT3 0.005-0.8MPa air passes at the time of closing
DT4 Enable 0.01-0.8MPa nitrogen, oxygen and air pass based on set value
DT5 0.8-2.5Mpa nitrogen passes at the time of closing
DT6 Positioning cylinder of 1# worktable act
DT7 Positioning cylinder of 2# worktable act
DT8 Pressure Monitoring
DT9 Position 1 control for smog and dust removal
DT10 Position 2 control for smog and dust removal
DT11 Position 3 control for smog and dust removal
DT12 Position 4 control for smog and dust removal

空压机 Compressor
储气罐 Air storage tank
一级过滤器 Grade I filter
二级过滤器 Grade II filter
三级过滤器 Tertiary filter
接设备 Connected to the equipment

Operating Instructions

No. Name Performance Parameters

1) If only oxygen/ nitrogen cutting (recommended) is
Working pressure is 0.8-1MPa with flow >0.6m3/min and oil
Air content<2ppm.
compressor 2) In some cases, air cutting is adopted (cutting thickness
and quality deteriorate and the section is yellowish and grey
with increased burrs) Working pressure is 1.3MPa with
flow >1m3/min and oil content<2ppm.
1) If only oxygen/ nitrogen cutting (recommended) is
Volume > 0.6m3 and withstand voltage> 1MPa.
Air storage
2 2) In some cases, air cutting is adopted (cutting thickness
and quality deteriorate and the section is yellowish and grey
with increased burrs) Withstand voltage>1.3MPa and
volume > 1.0m3.
Treatment capacity is 1.5 m3/min, degreasing accuracy is
3 Grade I filter
3mg/m3 (3ppm) and dedusting accuracy is 3μm.
Grade II Treatment capacity is 1.5 m3/min, degreasing accuracy is
filter 0.1mg/m3 (0.1ppm) and dedusting accuracy is 1μm.
Treatment capacity is 1.5 m3/min, degreasing accuracy is
5 Tertiary filter
0.01mg/m3 (0.01ppm) and dedusting accuracy is 0.01μm.
Post Script:

1. Rubber hose connector (HLE1530.63.2-4) is adopted for machine tool air inlet;

2. The air storage tank outlet is equipped with stainless steel ball valve for controlling air


3. One 10m long rubber pipe provided by Yawei is used to connect machine tool and

source gas. If the source gas position is too far away from machine tool,

The user shall use a rigid tube to transport source gas here (length shall be confirmed

based on manufacturer's actual state); However, it is necessary to ensure pressure

entering the inlet of machine tool and prevent too much pressure consumed. The air outlet

of source gas adopts rubber hose connector HLE1530.63.2-4.

4. Machine tool nitrogen air inlet is of ½ internal thread; Oxygen air inlet is of G5/8 thread

Operating Instructions

6.3 Water cooling system

Prepare cooling water needed by HLE series according to the following requirements.

Electric conductivity μS/cm 35~50

Hardness mol/m3 (Ca++,
< 0.25
Standard reference Mg++ )
index Chloride content ppm. < 4.45
Sulfide content ppm. < 4.45
pH Value 7~8

Attention: It's suggested to adopt distilled water with low conductivity and "Watsons" is

recommended. There shall be a sufficient ventilation space at the installation location of the

chiller to guarantee enough cyclic space for discharged hot gas.

6.3.1 List of spare parts

No. Name Model & Spec. Remarks
1 Matching with laser 1

6.3.2 Using Instructions

For the detail about technical parameters, use and maintenance of the chiller, see

Operating Manual of the product

6.4 Anti-wear hydraulic oil

Capacity: 50L, recommended brand and model: Kunlun L-HM46 (high pressure)

6.5 Auxiliary gas for cutting

1. Prepare oxygen (O2) with a purity ≥99.96%

1) Recommended to use liquid canned oxygen+ gasification equipment for gas supply.

The pressure of the liquid tank is 2 MPa and outlet thread is G 5/8.

2) In case of using container oxygen for gas supply, the pressure of oxygen gas

cylinder shall be ≥12MPa.

Operating Instructions

3) Red copper is usually cut, so it's a must to use liquid canned oxygen+ gasification

equipment for gas supply.

The pressure of the liquid tank (commonly known as Dewar flask) ≥2.5MPa and

gasifying content of vaporizer ≥100m3/h.

2. Prepare nitrogen (N2) with a purity ≥99.99%

1) In order to ensure stainless steel and aluminium alloy plate can be normally cut,

the canned liquid nitrogen + gasification equipment for gas supply is highly recommended.

2KW/2.5KW laser generator, pressure of the liquid tank (commonly known as Dewar flask)

≥2.5MPa and gasifying content of vaporizer ≥100m3/h.

2) In case of using container nitrogen for gas supply, the pressure of nitrogen gas

cylinder shall be ≥12MPa.

3) Customers usually using nitrogen to cut 8mm (included) and above stainless steel

can consider the storage tank of "Kuaiyileng" company.

6.6 Requirements for electricity utilization

The cutting machine adopts high-power laser, CNC system and special large scale

integrated circuit, etc. To make machine tool stably run, stable power supply is required.

Power requirements:

1. Voltage and frequency of electric power supply network

Power Grid Rated Voltage Rated Voltage

Three. 380V(±5%) 50/60Hz(±1%)

2. Current for air switch releasing of electric cabinet provided to users and factory is


Grounding protection: Grounding resistance of electric power supply network ≤10Ω

6.7 Lifting and installation tools

The weight of equipment host is 10-15t which shall be lifted by travelling crane at the

time of installation; In case of no travelling crane, lease hoisting equipment and prepare

slings (such as wirerope and soft hammock) according to the arrival time of equipment.

Prepare handheld percussion drill, Φ17*150 drill bit, 10t hydraulic low jack (the

minimum gas of allowable height <50mm) as well as connector socket which is long


Operating Instructions

6.8 Computer for programming

Prepare a computer which is applicable to WIN 7 system software to be used by

programming software. The configuration requirement is as follows:

CPU: >2GHZ(Dual core);

Internal storage: >2G;

Hard disk: >500GB; Discrete graphics card;

Operating Instructions

Part 7 Maintenance

7.1 Explanation for maintenance classification

Maintenance shall be classified to be the following levels:
Level I: Operation to be executed by the operator;
Level II: Operation to be executed by the agent technology personnel;
Level III: An operation to be executed by after-sales service personnel of Jiangsu
Yawei Machine-Tool Co., Ltd.
Confirmation of maintenance level is only related to qualification of the operator, and
regardless of maintenance level, division of maintenance is as follows: Daily maintenance,
scheduled maintenance and remedial maintenance.
In general, operators and maintenance technical personnel shall execute Level I and
Level II operations, and when the above personnel fails in operation and judgment,
contact technical service department of Jiangsu Yawei Machine-Tool Co., Ltd. timely.

7.2 Description about maintenance personnel's qualifications

Generic Maintainers
Maintenance and operation personnel designated must possess theoretical and
practical knowledge
The operator must have special knowledge on the operation of machine tool.
Unless there is an instruction of the Jiangsu Yawei Machine-Tool Co., Ltd., the
operator cannot carry out equipment maintenance (Level I)
Maintenance technical personnel
Maintenance technical personnel must possess specialized knowledge enabling
them to get involved with machine tools' parts or system (such as electricity, water and oil).
Maintenance technical personnel must participate in the training related to machine tool
organized by the Jiangsu Yawei Machine-Tool Co., Ltd.
Unless there is an instruction of the Jiangsu Yawei Machine-Tool Co., Ltd., the
maintenance technical personnel cannot carry out Level I and Level II operation.
The authorized personnel from the Jiangsu Yawei Machine-Tool Co., Ltd.
Staff from the technical service department of the Jiangsu Yawei Machine-Tool Co.,
Ltd. or personnel specially recognized by the technical service department of the Jiangsu
Yawei Machine-Tool Co., Ltd.
The authorized technicians from the Jiangsu Yawei Machine-Tool Co., Ltd. can carry
out Level I, Level II and Level III operation.

Operating Instructions

7.3 Scheduled maintenance

Scheduled maintenance refers to operation based on a preset time period for the
purpose of ensuring stable operation as well as constant product quality of machine tools.
For daily maintenance and scheduled maintenance for laser, CNC system, water
cooling machine, freezer dryer, gear box and pinion and rack mechanism, refer to relevant
user manual. Scheduled maintenance is shown in the following table:

Operating Instructions

Item Parts of Maintenance grade of service
Check focus lens status Class 1
and cleaning
External cleaning for Class 1
cutting head
Check for cutting nozzle 24H Class 1
Check for fittings of Class 1
cutting head sensor
Check cutting head Class 1
Cutting cooling water
head Replacement of protection
As appropriate Class 1
Center of cutting nozzle 24H Class 1
Detection for focal As appropriate
Class 1
Check for lens cone As appropriate Class 1
Check for cutting gas As appropriate Class 1
purity degree
Detection for air humidity As appropriate Class 1
Detection for filter screen
240H Class 1
Laser of laser cooling water
generator Check whether a water
leakage happens to 240H Class 1
cooling water interface
Check for water level and Class 1
water flow
Replacement of cooling Class 1
water and filter
Cleaning of water tanks Class 1
refrigerators 720H
and cooling fins
Cleaning of filter screen 360H Class 1
Check for a temperature
As appropriate Class 1
setting of the chiller

Operating Instructions

Check for tightness and Class 1

lubrication of the chain
Cleaning for worktable rail 56H Class 1
Table Check for worktable Class 1
rubber wheel
Check for worktable nail Class 1
Cleaning for blanking Class 1
Cleaning shield, cover Class 1
and machine body and
control panel of machine
Check whether the dust Class 1
mark is broken
Body Lubrication and oil filling Class 1
for each axis
Cleaning and smearing Class 1
lubricating oil for X/Y axis 720H
Lubrication for Z axis ball Class 1
Check for power from Class 1
As appropriate
voltage-stabilized source
Drainage by air Class 1
Check and cleaning for
1500H Second-level
Air circuit each filter
unit Replacement for each
3000H Level II/III
Check for the pressure of
As appropriate Class 1
each air gauge

Operating Instructions

7.4 Daily maintenance for equipment

In order to ensure the normal operation of the fiber laser cutting machine, the
equipment needs to be maintained daily. Operating instruction shall be strictly followed in
the operation process and the specially-assigned personnel shall take charge of
maintenance without rough handling to avoid damage to components and parts.

7.4.1 Air compressor Selection of installation sites

The air compressor shall be installed in a wide area with a good daylighting for the
purpose of facilitating operation and overhauling
Air humidity shall below with little dust, clean air and good ventilation, to avoid arene
or getting close to the place generating dust Daily maintenance of air compressors

Daily cleaning and arrangement

To ensure reliable operation of air compressor, carry out regular inspection in strict
accordance with relevant instruction of air compressor;
Check power supply and voltage of air compressor, take strict precautions against
phase-deficient operation with damage to motor
Check whether oil leak, air leakage and water leakage happen to the whole machine
as well as contact relevant after-sales service personnel
Check whether abnormal noise or vibration arises, timely halt for inspection and
contact relevant after-sales service personnel
Check service hours of air compressor as well as time and pressure difference of
various consumables, and carry out cleaning or replacement on schedule Scheduled maintenance of air compressors

Scheduled maintenance for air compressors

Operating Instructions

Maintenan Content Of Maintenance

ce period
1. Before startup, open the drain valve to discharge sewage every
2. Before startup, check oil level every day which shall be
between 1/4 and 3/4
Daily 3. Check whether the power supply and voltage are normal.
4. Run for several minutes after startup and check whether
pressure and exhaust temperature are normal
5. Keep air compressor and surrounding environment healthful
and clean
1. Cleaning for aftercoolers and radiators
Every 2
2. Cleaning of steam traps
3. Cleaning of air filters
Monthly 1. Cleaning for electric cabinet
1. Check air filter and carry out adjustment or replacement as
Per 1000h 2. Check condensate receiver and clean float valve if necessary
3. Check belt tension and status and conduct adjustment if
1. Replace an air filter
2. Replace an oil filter
3. Replace an oil-gas separator
Per 4000h
4. Replace the engine oil
5. Check unloading valve, check valve, thermostatic valve and oil
cut-off valve
Attention: For replacement method of consumables, refer to the air
compressor specification. In case of any question, consult the supplier or
contact after-sales service personnel of Yawei

Equipment Mode: Responsible Person:
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5
Inspection content and requirement
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1

y 1. Open drain valve to discharge sewage

ai 2. Check the oil level which shall be between 1/4 and 3/4

3. Check whether the power supply and voltage are
4. Run for several minutes after startup and check
whether pressure and exhaust temperature are normal

5. Keep air compressor and surrounding environment

healthful and clean

E Inspection content and requirement Implementation

ve 1. Clean aftercooler and radiator of air compressor

ry 2. Clean drain trap

3. Cleaning of air filters


1. Cleaning for electric cabinet

P 1. Check air filter and carry out adjustment or

er replacement as needed

10 2. Check condensate receiver and clean float valve if

00 necessary

h 3. Check belt tension and status and conduct

adjustment if necessary

P 1. Replace air filter

er 2. Replace oil filter

40 3. Replace an oil-gas separator

00 4. Replace the engine oil

h 5. Check unloading valve, check valve, thermostatic

valve, oil cut-off valve and pressure switch

Operating Instructions

7.4.2 Maintenance of the refrigerated air dryer

a) In order to prevent internal parts of dryers and compressors from being damaged, it's

necessary to avoid installing the unit in a dusty environment and in an environment containing

gaseous pollutant (such as sulfur, ammonia, chloride and marine environment)

b) The unit can run continuously for a long time. However, components of the unit need to be

maintained on a regular basis, and then stable trouble-free operation of the unit for a long time

can be ensured

c) In case of needing help or spare parts, it's necessary to provide unit model and serial

number shown on the nameplate of the unit

d) Before maintenance of refrigerated air dryers, confirm decompression of airline is

conducted and power supply of the unit is shut off

e) In case of leakage of refrigerating fluid, realize indoor air ventilation firstly Scheduled maintenance of refrigerated air dryer

Maintenan Content Of Maintenance

ce period
1. Check whether the power indicator lamp is lit.
2. Check whether dewpoint indicating instrument is in the green area
weekly 1. Check whether the blowoff valve works normally
Every 4 1. Clear up condenser fins
month 2. Check power consumption
1. Turn off the unit, conduct complete maintenance for blowoff valve,
Per 12 rinse blowoff valve with clear water or replace blowoff valve with new
months one
2. Turn off the unit and replace filter elements of the front and rear filters
Attention: For replacement method of consumables, refer to the refrigerated air dryer
specification. In case of any question, consult the supplier or contact after-sales
service personnel of Yawei Common failures diagnosis and treatment methods

a) Detailed annotation regarding refrigerated air dryer indicator lamp: Red area:

① High dewpoint, machine breakdown or failure in refrigeration

Operating Instructions

② Flue gas temperature too high, over 65℃

③ Failure in startup to work for a long time

Green area: Each system works normally

Blue area:

① Low dewpoint, frozen water and increase in pressure drop

② Equipment setting goes wrong

③ In extremely cold areas, intake air temperature is lower than the pressure dewpoint of the

refrigerated air dryer (appropriate shutdown is allowed)

b) The blowoff valve: Quick-wear part (replaced once a year). In case of air leakage

happening to new machine, move for several times from top to bottom and back and forth to

make lubricating oil work. In case of air leakage existing all the time, the blowoff valve can be

dismantled for cleaning with detergent. If ineffective, replace the blowoff valve

c) Refrigerated air dryer fails to work in summer which may be caused by too high intake air

temperature. It's necessary to take apart the rear cover, press reset switch and switch on the

power anew for working

d) Pressure drop is too big after the refrigerated air dryer is used for a short time:

① The pipeline is relatively dirty at the time of installation

② Air compressor is dirty

③ The load of air dryer is heavy

Operating Instructions

Equipment Mode: Responsible Person:

D 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
ail 0 1 2 3 4 5
Inspection content and requirement
y 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3

m 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1

1. Check whether the power indicator lamp is lit.

2. Check whether dewpoint indicating instrument is in
the green area

w Inspection content and requirement Implementation

1. Check whether the blowoff valve works normally



1. Check condenser fins



2. Check power consumption

E Turn off the unit, conduct complete maintenance for

ve blowoff valve, rinse blowoff valve with clear water or replace

ry blowoff valve with new one

m 2. Replace filter elements of the front and the rear filters



Operating Instructions

7.4.3 Maintenance for valves Maintenance of the pressure reduction valve of valve plate

a) Check whether the reading of pressure reduction valve on the pressure gauge is normal

b) Check whether air leakage happens to pipeline near the pressure reduction valve

c) Check whether abnormal sound happens to the pressure reduction valve Maintenance of the electro-air proportional valve

a) Keep the prefilter of the electro-air proportional valve clean

b) Keep the filter screen at the inlet of electro-air proportional valve clean

Scheduled maintenance for the electro-air proportional valve

Maintenanc Content Of Maintenance

e period
1. Take apart prefilter of the electro-air proportional valve, change air
inflow and air outflow directions, exhaust into the air and blow away
2. Use cotton swab dipped in the ethyl alcohol to clean impurities
adhered to an inlet screen of electro-air proportional valve
Every year 1. Replace filter elements of prefilter of electro-air proportional valve
Attention: For replacement method of consumables, in principle, carry out a
replacement every 5000h without necessity for replacement in the later period after
contacting Yawei
Maintenance table

Operating Instructions
Equipment Mode: Responsible Person:
Maintenance for valves (pressure reduction valve and electro-air proportional valve)

Inspection content and requirement Implementation

1. Check whether the reading of pressure reduction valve on the pressure

gauge is normal

weekly 2. Check whether air leakage happens to pipeline near the pressure reduction


3. Check whether abnormal sound happens to the pressure reduction valve

semi-ann 1. Take apart prefilter of the electro-air proportional valve, change air inflow

ually and air outflow directions, exhaust into the air and blow away impurities.

2. Use cotton swab dipped in the ethyl alcohol to clean impurities adhered to

an inlet screen of electro-air proportional valve

1. Replace filter elements of prefilter of electro-air proportional valve

7.4.4 Maintenance for laser water cooling machine Selection of installation sites

a) Installation location shall be level and can bear unit weight

b) Sufficient space shall be left around and above the equipment to facilitate air motion and

equipment maintenance

Operating Instructions Scheduled maintenance for laser water cooling machine

Maintena Content Of Maintenance

1. Check whether temperature of chiller is normally set with
high-temperature liquid of 31℃ and low-temperature liquid of 21℃
2. Check whether water pressure, waterway sealing and water
temperature are normal
1. Ensure the surface of laser water cooling machine is clean
2. Clear up the inlet air filter screen (for a little dirt, use compressed air or
brush for removal; for plenty of dirt, use a neutral detergent for washing it
out and conduct reinstallation after dehumidification and dryness)
1. Check whether the condenser is blocked. If so, use compressed air or
neutral detergent for scrub and removal
2. Replace cooling water and use distilled water
3. Clean filter element of a fluid circuit filter to avoid filter element being
blocked, take out the filter element, rinse dirt on the surface, and put the
filter element back to ensure sealing.
4. Check filter element of filter
Replace chiller filter element
Attention: (a) In case of leakage of refrigerating fluid, ventilation must be conducted
timely, or toxic hazard will arise.
(b) In case of stopping usage of chiller for a long time, discharge all the water in the
laser water cooling machine and ensure ventilation and drying.
(c) The delay will happen when restarting the compressor after stalling because a
delay timer is installed in the machine
(d) For the replacement of filter elements, contact after-sales service personnel of


Equipment Mode: Responsible Person:

D 1 1 1 1 1 1
Inspection content and requirement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
ail 0 1 2 3 4 5

y 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3

m 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1

1. Check whether chiller temperature is set normally.

2. Check whether water temperature, sealing and water
pressure are normal.

Inspection content and requirement Implementation

1. Ensure the surface of laser water cooling machine is

w clean

ee 2. Clear up the inlet air filter screen (for a little dirt, use

kly compressed air or brush for removal; for plenty of dirt, use a

neutral detergent for washing it out and conduct reinstallation

after dehumidification and dryness)

Inspection content and requirement

E 1. Check whether the condenser is blocked. If so, use

ve compressed air or neutral detergent for scrub and removal

ry 2. Replace cooling water with distilled water and keep an

3 electric conductivity of 30-50us/cm

3. Clean filter element of a fluid circuit filter to avoid

m filter element being blocked, take out the filter element, rinse

on dirt on the surface, and put the filter element back to ensure

th sealing.

s 4. Check filter elements of chiller and filter

Replace high-temperature and low-temperature filter

elements of the chiller

Maintenance table

Operating Instructions

7.4.5 Lubrication and maintenance for guide rail Manual lubrication

序号 No.
润滑点位置 Location of lubricating point
油或油脂型号 Type of oil or grease
润滑方式 Lubrication Mode
维护周期 Service Periods
备注 Remarks
X 轴导轨润滑 X axis guide rail lubrication
Y 轴导轨与丝杆轴承润滑 Y axis guide rail and screw bearing
Z 轴导轨与丝杆螺母润滑 Z axis guide rail and screw nut
0#极压锂基润滑脂 0# EP lithium base grease
采用手工集中润滑方式 Manual collective lubrication method
每月 Monthly
共4处 Totally four
共5处 5 sites in total
Schematic diagram for lubrication of linear guide rail and roller screw rod

Operating Instructions

Oil injecting method: At the time of pressing oil gun, press it for three times slowly,

clear up and wipe off unnecessary or used lubricating grease.

Position for oil filling: Lubricating nozzle of X, Y and Z axis of machine tool

X axis




nozzle *4

Z axis
Y axis
nut bed
rod bearing
nozzle*1 Manual lubrication

Position for oil filling: The oil pump shall be installed in the side of machine tool and

under the X axis drag chain support. Lubricating grease shall be regularly filled to the oil


Lubrication interval: Low liquid level alarm is set. Visual inspection for liquid level of oil

pump shall be conducted when necessary.

Operating Instructions

7.4.6 Lubrication and maintenance for rack

Model of grease: 00# lubricating grease, worked cone penetration: 355-475 and basic

oil viscosity: 460 (Mobilith SHC007 is recommended).

Lubrication method: Open X axis and Y axis dust-proofing HEMA protective cover to

remove polluted lubricating grease and smear new lubricating grease with a brush.

Lubricating position: Rack and tooth flank of X axis and Y axis

Lubrication interval: Conducted once per quarter.

7.4.7 Maintenance of exchange worktable

a) Maintenance for transmission chain of exchange worktable

The majority of the chain is in the area for cutting materials, so dust is easy to enter

movement joints of the chain, resulting in movement of the chain isn't smooth as well as in

case of no maintenance for a long time, the chain joint will be jammed, and even the chain

will be broken in the exchange process, so it's required that cleaning chain stains and

lubricating the chain shall be conducted once a month.

b) Cleaning for exchange worktable rail

The rail in the machine body is in the cutting area and tiny cutting wastes are easy to

adhere to the rail, causing unsmooth movement of trolley of the worktable and damage to

trolley roller for long-term use, thus it is suggested to clean the rail once a month.

7.4.8 Inspection and cleaning for optical system

The maintenance spare parts that users shall prepare usually are as below:
Analytically pure acetone: purity: 99.5%, 500ml per bottle;
Analytically pure alcohol: purity: 99.5%, 500ml per bottle;
Pledget: 1;
Lens paper: 5;
Blowing balloon: 1:
Medical dropper needle: 1;
Cotton swab: 2;

a) Precautions

1) The surface of optical lens (protective glass, focus lens, etc.) shall not be

Operating Instructions

directly touched with hands which easily incurs scratch to the lens surface.

Please clean the lenses in case of any oil stain or dust on the surfaces as it can

affect the use of lenses seriously.

2) It is strictly prohibited to wash the optical lens surfaces with water or

cleanser essence. The surfaces of lenses are plated with a special layer of

membrane, which will be damaged if the lens is washed with them.

3) Please don't place the lenses in the damp places; otherwise, the lens

surfaces will be aged.

4) Lens surface must be clean. Dust, dirt or moisture on the lens surface which

can easily absorb laser will result in damage to lens coating film; The laser beam

quality will be influenced, and even no laser beam will be generated.

5) In case of damage to the lens, the lens shall be timely sent to the supplier for

repair. Don't use the damaged lens as far as possible, or the damage to the lens

which can be repaired will be accelerated.

6) At the time of installing or replacing protective glass or focus lens, don't exert

too much strength, or deformation of the lens will arise, which will affect beam


b) Methods to install or replace optical lenses

1) Before installation of optical lens, the following items shall be noticed: Wear

clean clothes, use soap or cleanser essence to clean hands and wear light, thin,

clean and white gloves; It is strictly prohibited to touch the lenses with any part of

the hand. Hold the lenses from the side and don't touch the coated surfaces of

lenses directly when taking them.

2) Don't blow with the mouth facing the lenses when assembling them. Please

place the lenses on a clean table steadily with several pieces of lens professional

paper lying under them. Try to be careful when taking lenses to avoid a bruise

and a fall, and never exert any force on their coating surfaces. The bases where

the lenses are installed shall be clean and the dust and dirt inside the bases shall

be cleared with clean air gun before the lenses are placed into the bases gently.

3) When installing lenses into bases, never fix the lenses with too strong force

in order to avoid lens deformation and the further influence in the quality of light

Operating Instructions

4) Announcements at the time of replacing an optical lens: Be careful when

taking out the lens from the packing box to prevent damaging lens by collision;

Don't exert any strength to the lens before the wrapping paper is unpacked; When

taking out the reflector and focus lens from the packing box, wear clean gloves

and take it out from the side of the lens; When removing the wrapping paper from

the lens, avoid dust, etc. falling down to the lens; After taking out the lens, remove

dust on the lens with spray gun, and place the lens on the paper special for

optical lens; Remove dust and dirt on the lens support frame and fixed mount,

and avoid other foreign matters falling down to the lens at the time of assembly;

When installing the lens to the microscope stand, avoid overexertion to prevent

lens deformation; After completion of lens assembly, remove dust and foreign

matters on the lens with clean air gun.

c) Lens cleaning steps

Lenses needed to be cleaned by fiber laser cutting machine include protection lens,

focus lens and collimating lens. Necessary wiping tools cover cotton swab, alcohol or

acetone and compressed air special for optical fiber. Compressed air is used for cleaning

before disassembling the lens.

Lens cleaning steps: Use special cotton swab dipped in the alcohol to move around

the circumference from the center of the lens to scrub the lens. After completing scrubbing

of one circumference, take another new cotton swab to repeat the above operation until

the lens becomes clean, and don't adopt used cotton swab; Take rinsed lens to the

light-filled place for observation. If the reflection situation of the lens is good, it means that

lens has been cleaned up; if there are spot, watermark and other flaws, it's necessary to

continue cleaning the lens; Place the rinsed lens on the microscope stand.

d) Storage of optical lens

1) The proper storage of optical lens could maintain the good quality of the


2) The temperature of storage environment is 10-30℃, and the lens may not

be placed in the freezing chamber or similar environment, or else condensation

and frost would be caused when it is taken out, which would damage the lens

easily. The temperature of storage environment may not exceed 30℃, or else the

coating film on the lens surface may be impacted.

Operating Instructions

3) The lens shall be stored in a box in a non-vibrating environment, or else the

lens could be easily deformed, thus influencing its use performance.

7.5 After-sale service contact information

The manual includes scheduled maintenance operations which don't need a direct
participation by authorized technicians by the Jiangsu Yawei Machine-Tool Co., Ltd. or
some necessary information on remedial maintenance operation.
Any additional relevant information, clarification requirement or technical service is
provided by the Jiangsu Yawei Machine-Tool Co., Ltd. to users.

Operating Instructions

Appendix I: Drawing of Top Toothed Plate

Operating Instructions

Appendix II: Comparison Table of Dewpoint


相对湿度,% Relative humidity, %

室温 Room Temperature
Attention: adjust the temperature setting of chiller to ensure set high temperature is

higher than the dewpoint temperature based on existing room temperature.

Operating Instructions

Appendix III: Electrical Schematic Figure


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