R Session - Note2 - Updated
R Session - Note2 - Updated
R Session - Note2 - Updated
1) Stem-leaf plot
141 148 132 138 154 142 150 146 155 158 150
140 157 148 144 150 149 145 149 159 143 141
144 144 126
Please input this data into R using “scan()” and make this as data1
> data1=scan()
3) Define data2=data1/10 and data3=data1/100. Create stem-leaf plots for data2 and
data3. Spot the differences of these stem-leaf plots to those of data1.
6.68 3.22 5.20 3.91 5.60 3.79 5.97 6.47 8.42 4.61
0.72 3.32 7.71 2.86 6.92 5.25 7.87 1.08 4.61 2.58
10.82 6.65 7.76 2.88 4.06 4.46 7.20 4.48 6.40 0.90
4.29 3.35 1.85 6.01 5.56 5.07 2.33 7.25 5.70 4.40
5.04 4.47 1.50 4.42 3.33 3.04 2.68 3.93 0.99 6.93
6.04 4.96 4.93 3.40 7.03 4.73 3.57 7.70 4.55 3.82
4.41 3.30 2.76 10.05 8.31 5.62 2.49 3.27 4.65 6.58
2.34 0.34 2.10 5.67 5.78 5.90 4.74 5.37 4.08 6.72
2.28 5.91 3.30 4.33 6.10 7.08 2.77 7.52 6.32 4.86
4.61 4.56 4.39 5.05 5.10 6.65 8.05 5.93 4.58 6.25
5) Create stem-leaf plot for data2. Comment on the shape of the data distribution.
> stem(data2)
6) Comes with R is the dataset called PlantGrowth. Type “PlantGrowth” to view this
weight group
1 4.17 ctrl
2 5.58 ctrl
3 5.18 ctrl
4 6.11 ctrl
5 4.50 ctrl
6 4.61 ctrl
7 5.17 ctrl
8 4.53 ctrl
9 5.33 ctrl
10 5.14 ctrl
11 4.81 trt1
12 4.17 trt1
13 4.41 trt1
14 3.59 trt1
15 5.87 trt1
16 3.83 trt1
17 6.03 trt1
18 4.89 trt1
19 4.32 trt1
20 4.69 trt1
21 6.31 trt2
22 5.12 trt2
23 5.54 trt2
24 5.50 trt2
25 5.37 trt2
26 5.29 trt2
27 4.92 trt2
28 6.15 trt2
29 5.80 trt2
30 5.26 trt2
> str(PlantGrowth)
main="group vs weight", xlab="weight") # still does not look nice as all groups
have same red colour.
10) Create dot-chart for PlantGrowth data by separating different group with
different colour
# plotting dotchart
We can plot a histogram by using hist() command and let R use defaults
> hist(data2)
12) hist() has many options for controlling the histogram. For help on hist(),
> help(hist)
# First clear frequency table; need to define how many classes and class width
> max(data2)
> min(data2)
Let say we want to have 8 classes. Round those numbers and find the class width
by (11 – 0.3)/8 =1.3375 ~1.35
# create “breaks”
> breaks= seq(0.2,11,by=1.35)
# to define lower bound for classes. Make sure there will be 8 breaks and min
and max values are within those breaks.
> data.freq=table(data.cut)
# to compute frequency table
>hist(data2, breaks)
> hist(data2, breaks, freq=F) # you can use “FALSE” instead of “F” or “TRUE”
instead of “T”.
16) We can also change the limits in y-axis using ylim=c() or in x-axis using
18) we can also modify the title of the histogram plot using main=” “ and label y-
axis and x-axis using ylab=” “ and xlab=” “.
> lines(density(data2))
> lines(density(data2), col="red")
> lines(density(data2), col="red", lwd=5)
> par(mfrow=c(3,1)) # if you need to plot several you can use this command.
This one will create 3 plots template in one column.
0.1223 4.4899 4.3756
0.0429 5.3288 12.3948
0.5716 6.4955 0.6959
3.3221 4.4539 8.9233
5.3692 8.1526 6.5431
9.3402 4.0381 3.8307
7.2930 5.6550 -0.2849
3.3467 6.3295 3.5793
8.3335 5.1704 4.5665
13.8492 6.7619 -2.3470
12.0085 5.6464 5.9609
16.3614 3.4317 0.8885
9.2125 1.3893 4.5288
20.4853 8.7172 6.6811
14.2028 3.7909 0.4767
21.7073 5.2067 3.5587
16.3400 6.1263 6.7503
6.4288 5.2272 -4.1793
8.0042 3.1905 10.1799
19.8347 4.0646 17.1223
[Please watch the youtube listed in UKMfolio to plot histograms with different
breaks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj1pgap4UOY]
6.68 3.22 5.20 3.91 5.60 3.79 5.97 6.47 8.42 4.61
0.72 3.32 7.71 2.86 6.92 5.25 7.87 1.08 4.61 2.58
10.82 6.65 7.76 2.88 4.06 4.46 7.20 4.48 6.40 0.90
4.29 3.35 1.85 6.01 5.56 5.07 2.33 7.25 5.70 4.40
5.04 4.47 1.50 4.42 3.33 3.04 2.68 3.93 0.99 6.93
6.04 4.96 4.93 3.40 7.03 4.73 3.57 7.70 4.55 3.82
4.41 3.30 2.76 10.05 8.31 5.62 2.49 3.27 4.65 6.58
2.34 0.34 2.10 5.67 5.78 5.90 4.74 5.37 4.08 6.72
2.28 5.91 3.30 4.33 6.10 7.08 2.77 7.52 6.32 4.86
4.61 4.56 4.39 5.05 5.10 6.65 8.05 5.93 4.58 6.25
> boxplot(data1)
#You can save the plotted figure in different format (pdf, png, jpeg, wmf)
> pdf(‘sampleplot.pdf’)
> boxplot(data1)
> dev.off()
Another example we can plot several boxplots for data that have several group.
Take PlantGrowth data for example.
> plot(data4$A, data4$B, pch=19, main=”B vs. A”, xlab=”Unit of A”, ylab=”Unit of
B”) # plot(x,y, ….)
> mean(data1)
> median(data1)
> as.numeric(names(table(data1))[which.max(table(data1))]) # mode
> getmode=function(v){uniqv=uniq(v)
> summary(data1)
d) Shape measure
> kurtosis(data1) #
> skewness (data1)