Smart IOT Based Pothole Detection and Filling System

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Smart IOT Based Pothole Detection and Filling

2023 International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Communication, IoT and Security (ICISCoIS) | 979-8-3503-3583-5/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICISCOIS56541.2023.10100458

Priya Gurwani Prof. Rubi Mandal Shruti Chaudhari

Dept. of Information Technology Dept. of Information Technology Dept. of Information Technology
SVKM’s IOT Dhule SVKM’s IOT Dhule SVKM’s IOT Dhule
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Mitali Jadhav Sejal Sonawane

Dept. of Information Technology Dept. of Information Technology
SVKM’s IOT Dhule SVKM’s IOT Dhule
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—In most developing nations, a failure to maintain based, and 3D reconstruction assessments. The first method
the current road infrastructure frequently results in the is very expensive because it needs high-end laser scanners,
growth of potholes, cracks, etc. One of the difficulties in whereas the second method is less accurate and less
preventing accidents is dealing with excessive traffic. The dependable because of surface vibration brought on by
foundation of our project is the ability to spot the potholes and breakers and the joints used to expand the bridge. So, the
fix them in two layers to prevent accidents. Additionally, the
third is considering that it makes use of image processing
device keeps track of potholes and reduces labor expenses. The
proposal describes an Internet-of-Things platform using basic There are various existing methods for detecting
ultrasonic sensor, a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, a camera module potholes, but each one has its own disadvantages. This essay
for the Raspberry Pi 5MP and a mobile phone with Wi-Fi examines previous research in the field and suggests a
access. Our strategy is to fix the potholes in two layers after the practical solution that could be very beneficial to
detection phase is complete. Plastic trash will be used in the consumers.
first layer so that it can be recycled, and the concrete layer of Recently, there has been a lot of interest in
the road material will fill the pothole in the second layer. This computer vision and deep learning techniques as potential
filling allowed the plastic waste to be handled more effectively. answers to the issues with pothole detecting systems.
The governments and road maintenance authorities have
However, using the system as a whole is rather expensive
access to the information stored in the system. The suggested
solution provides local authorities with real-time, objective because these applications require so much processing
data regarding the condition of a city's roadways a specific power.
area so they can take further action. This study report focuses on filling and detection.
For the purpose of identifying potholes, we applied
Keywords—Potholes, Internet-of-Things, ultrasonic sensor, canny edge detection-based segmentation. Edge detection
Raspberry Pi, Plastic trash and thresholding approaches are those that many researchers
use the most. Using various image processing approaches,
pothole detection and counting helps to categorize different
I. INTRODUCTION road profile types. Different processing approaches,
One of the key forms of communication and an essential including Potholes are found using edge detection along
component of a country's economy are its roads. Poor road with image filtering, segmentation, and clustering
maintenance causes emerging nations to face a number of techniques. The outcomes were assessed using the standard
difficulties, including a high rate of fatal accidents. The root performance metrics of precision, sensitivity, specificity,
of this may potentially result in someone's death. As of and computing time.
February 2017, there were 2,948,206 registered cars in the A mechanism is proposed, in which any initial potholes will
nation, which put extra strain on the roads' use and led to be filled in two stages. The plastic trash came first, followed
constant deterioration of the road surface, which resulted in by the concrete foundation. Over 15 million amounts of
potholes. The majority of the issues cannot be avoided due plastic are consumed annually in India. We have applied the
to their nature. Highway condition monitoring requires 3 R's methodology, which stands for reducing costs,
physical manpower and is time-consuming, inefficient, and repairing potholes, and reusing plastic waste. Waste plastic
costly. We require a lot of human resources, even if we is the second significant issue that we all face. Plastic
think of it as a solution. People will become financially garbage production is significantly rising. Shopping bags,
conscious as a result and spend a lot of money. Due to this, betel nut wrappers, cold drink bottles, and any types of
several methods that employ relatively little manpower are plastic that are only used once have a substantial negative
used to make the process simple and cost effective. environmental and social impact. economic difficulty Plastic
is omnipresent in today's lifestyles and getting rid of it is a
Here we proposed a prototype where potholes detection big concern. Because it is a non-biodegradable product,
and filling is done. Finding the potholes can be done using a these materials contribute to environmental degradation and
variety of methods. Some of them include vibration, vision-

979-8-3503-3583-5/23/$31.00 2023
c IEEE 472

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issues like breast cancer, animal and human reproductive photos using Kinect, the depth of the curves was produced,
issues, and genital anomalies. they estimated the volume roughly. Although the equipment's
So, to overcome both of these problems, we are price was much reduced, the error rate needed to evaluate the
developing a machine that will help to lessen the amount of potholes remained high.
road debris and waste plastic that is dispersed throughout
our surroundings. By using an ultrasonic sensor to find C. Detection based on vibration:
potholes and filling them with waste plastic, the amount of
time it takes to fix potholes decreases, as does the cost of
Yu and Yu [7] used a laptop-connected accelerometer.
material. Effective recycling of waste plastic results in
longer-lasting roadways, which benefits everyone. Along with this, an oscilloscope was also utilized to do
investigation on the discovered pothole. This system's
II.RELATED WORK AND ANALYSIS portability and affordability were two of its main benefits.
Another strategy utilized by Erikson et al. [6] involved the
Based on the technology used, the current study in this field, deployment of a laptop with a GPS device called Pothole
the detection of potholes is divided into three parts. It Patrol (P2). It was put in an automobile and a three-axis
depicts the previous work's classification and will discuss acceleration sensor analyzed the information gathered and
drawbacks of each of the techniques. transferred it to the main server. The main problem with
these vibration-based approaches was that they gave
inaccurate results but couldn't tell the difference between a
speed breaker and a pothole.


Tools to be Used:
1) Raspberry Pi Board-

Fig 1. Pothole Detection Methods

A. Vision based Methods

Research findings were presented by Koch and Brilakis.

The drawback was that they could only detect one pothole
because they relied on still photographs. They suggested
utilizing MATLAB's 2D pictures and texture comparison to
find potholes through processing Toolboxes. A technique
for locating rough surfaces and potholes on highways using
spatial clustering was recently described by Buza et al. Koch Fig 2. Raspberry Pi Board
[2] et al [4]. used vision tracking onto several image frames
to evaluate the extent of potholes as a more sophisticated There is only one small computer board called the
approach. The limitations in this situation were the use of Raspberry Pi that can be used for a variety of purposes. It
expensive equipment, the challenge of obtaining video from can be connected to a computer display or TV and can be
a moving vehicle, and the length of time required for used with a standard mouse along with a keyboard.
computation during model training.
2) Cameras-
B. 3D Construction

1) To build an accurate digital image from the reflected pulse

lasers were utilized. Chang et al. projected 3D Cloud Points
with their altitudes using these lasers; while the findings were
precise, the method was expensive to put into practice. Li et
al. improved on this by introducing a far more affordable
method that made use of digital cameras and various coplanar
schemes to detect more accurate features. [1]

2) In an additional effort to lower the cost of the apparatus,

Moazzam et al. [3] and Joubert et al. [5] used the Xbox
Fig 3. Camera Module
Kinect sensor for pothole detection. They gathered depth

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An IR filter integrated into the Highly Durable Camera is d. Image resizing:
intended to decrease the camera's susceptibility to infrared
radiation. Pictures taken outdoors look more authentic as a Since this high-resolution original pothole photograph was
result, by deleting this filter, the other images can be altered. taken, additional data was stored [9]. It can take extra
Without the filter, this camera can be used for night vision. processing time to use the original pothole image. The
image must be scaled down to a lower resolution in order to
3) SD- Cards: facilitate quicker processing and effective segmentation.

e. Canny Edge Detection:

The Canny technique includes filters to find all the

necessary edges in the blurred image. The edges of the
potholes were identified and segmented using the Canny
edge detection approach [10].

Fig 4. SD-Card

Since the Raspberry Pi lacks internal storage, an SD card is

required. This is the best, most portable solution because all
Raspberry Pi units have a dedicated SD card slot, and they
Fig 5. Flow of Filling
work with all Raspberry Pi models.

IV.METHODS The detection and filling methods used by our system are
shown in the aforementioned graphic as it operates.
A. Detection through Image Processing

a. Gray Scale Filtering: B. Depth of Potholes:

Gray scale filtering makes things easier to see. It A pothole's range and depth can be determined using an
distinguishes between an image's highlights and shadow ultrasonic sensor module. Along with a camera, it will
details [10]. The first stage in image processing is to measure the depth and range [9]. The pothole's size and
transform an RGB image into a grayscale one. On the depth are determined by connecting an ultrasonic transducer,
original pothole image, as a pre-processing filter, filter was and the results are displayed on a mobile device.
used to enhance edge detection with less noise.

b. Gaussian Filtering:

A smoothing and blurring tool is a Gaussian filter. To

improve edge recognition with less noise, the original
pothole image was pre-processed using the Gaussian Filter
[8]. By comparing the values, it determines the outlines in
the grayscale image.

c. Median Filtering: Fig 6. Ultrasonic Sensor

Median Filtering is one of the smoothing techniques, so it For measuring distance, ultrasonic sensors are helpful. It
helps to generate a smoothed output image and eliminate locates potholes and assesses their size and depth. Based on
random noise from a grayscale image. The areas and borders their depth, potholes are divided into shallow and deep
of an image are preserved with a median filter. potholes characteristics. We can avoid collisions and
mishaps with the aid of the ultrasonic sensor [10]. Sound
waves are used by a device known as an ultrasonic sensor to

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measure an object's distance. It worked by making a sound Studies have shown that the utilization of waste plastics in
wave at a particular frequency and then checking for the bituminous construction has a lot of potential because their
sound wave's reflection again to measure distance. small additions of bitumen 5-10% by weight help to
significantly increase the stability, strength, fatigue life.
Mixing other waste with bitumen leads to improved
durability and performance too [5]. Thus, plastic trash can
be recycled in road construction to fill the potholes and help
to build better roadways.

For preparing bituminous mixtures from waste plastic, there

are two conventional techniques for creating mixtures from
waste plastic, the dry process, and the wet process. The wet
method adds powdered scrap plastic that has been treated
Fig 7. The Raspberry Pi receives the distance calculated as will be heated with hot bitumen, whereas the dry process
Distance = Speed/Time. adds processed waste plastic to hot aggregates after it has
been shredded [3]. We used the dry processing method since
C. Filling Pothole in Two Layers: it is inexpensive, allows for the addition of more plastic,
doesn't require any new equipment, and can readily be
The presence of moisture, weak underlying support, traffic adapted by industry.
loads, and freeze-thaw cycles are some common causes of
potholes. When an agency is deciding whether or not to
patch a pothole, the possible safety and reliability issues that
could occur from an unrepaired pothole should always be
considered [8].

Fig 8. Filling of Pothole Fig 10. Filling Material

Surface layer: As dry process is preferable to use for single works.

This procedure involves heating aggregates to 170 °C,
The various safety and reliability issues that could arise mixing them, and then adding a modifier to provide a
from an unrepaired pothole should always be taken into homogenous coating of modifiers over the aggregates [2].
consideration by the agency when considering whether or In order to ensure consistency, the modified BM is
not to patch it [3]. The pothole is first cleaned of water and subsequently mixed once more for a period with hot
debris before the sides are leveled to a depth where the bitumen (160°C). The mixture is compressed at 120°C.
pavement is sound using the semi-permanent method. The
patch is exceptionally long-lasting and tightly compacted Limitations:
using the semi-permanent repairing technique.
Our system uses image processing to detect potholes since
it is cost-effective, but live detection requires a higher-
resolution camera and so it is not deployed in our system.
Bitumen and plastic waste were used to fill the base layer
in our system; bitumen is obtained by melting it, which
was challenging because it requires temperature up to


As filling is the most important stage to complete, detection

Base layer:
is the first thing that needs to be done. First, a camera is

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used to detect the pothole, and a message is delivered and is The above figure shows the ultrasonic sensor through which
forwarded to the Raspberry Pi. After the potholes have been the depth of the potholes will be detected. It shows Two
determined using image processing, an ultrasonic sensor is components: a transmitter and a receiver [2]. If the
used to determine their final depth. ultrasonic signal is reflected by a message sent by the
transmitter, and it returns message back the pothole is
detected to the receiver.

Fig 11. Pothole Detected (in VNC Viewer)

The above figure shows that the pothole is successfully

detected through a camera.

Fig 14. Proposed Module for Detection

This model will benefit the application for detecting and

reporting potholes and it will further fill the potholes in two
layers. The proposed application could offer value to the
smart cities mobility programme by designing or improving
the city's current infrastructure.

Fig 12. Edges Detected

By converting RGB images to grayscale images, picture

pre-processing is achieved. Then the image segmentation is
carried out using various morphological procedures, such as
blurring and removing noise. With the help of an image
segmentation method like Canny Edge Detection, the above
figure displays all edge features for detection of potholes.

Fig 15. Proposed Module for Filling Process

Fig 13. Measuring Depth

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