Detection of Plant Disease FF
Detection of Plant Disease FF
Detection of Plant Disease FF
Shyam gupta , Shubham mittal , Arjun singh
Disease in plants plays a very important role in overall growth and
development of plants . There are many factors which can cause disease in
plants like external environment , lack of nutrition etc . Whenever a plant
gets any disease it directly impacts its leaves and fruits. Different diseases
cause different types of patterns on leaves. Usually remote sensing
technology is used to find multi spectral image and hyper spectral images .
By taking images and processing through different pattern recognition
algorithms we can detect the disease. The major concern is accuracy , to
achieve accuracy new method is proposed which combine BP, PCA are
combined with SVD methods
Image processing is a new technology . There are lots of uses of this
technique in different sectors . images are of two types analog and digital .
For any image processing we need an image in digital format, for
digitization the image should be examined on each sample are quantised
utilised a range of bits . Then the processing of images is done by
computers .[1] With back propagation , we can train a network covering a
whole range of layers .[3] Good options networks are marked as feed
forward networks. Their related patterns coordinate and form a non cyclic
graph, when the whole network is prepared for a specific implementation
,then that network is transformed to be trained . now training or learning
can start.[2]
Learning techniques are mainly of two types: Supervised learning and
unsupervised learning . Supervised learning is defined when there is a fixed
labelled data set and the model is getting trained according to that data
set[4] . In unsupervised learning technique there is no labelled data set for
training the model ,system learn by itself, here information neither
classified nor labelled .[5]
HSI COLOUR SPACE model is an upgrade of the RGB model . The HSI
model is very much the same as a human vision. It senses the colour the
same as humans . The HSI was introduced to better manipulation of
colour and was developed to closely replicate the human perspective of
colour sensing . The HSI is very suitable for images processing tasks like
equalization ,convolution , histogram etc . It works by changing the
brightness value since I depend on R,G and B. H always gives values
ranging between 0 to 180 degrees . [10]
But H can have values between 0 to 360 degrees. If G<B , then the degree
of H will be more than 180 degrees . so , if G<B , we only have to compare H
first then take it as the hue value .
GREEN 60% 1 0.375
BLUE 120% 1 0.375
RED 180% 1 0.375
BLACK 60% 1 0.375
WHITE - 0 0.75
YELLOW - 0 0
Flow chart :
Figure 1
The first thing you need to do is load your training data image and your test
Then, we use an algorithm called Extreme Detection to find the positions of
the objects in each image. We compare those positions with the positions of
the objects in our training data photos . Then for sparse feature
representation systems generate descriptors which have both character
detection and extraction .
The resistance point in the feature is to find the same photo for another
photo , so we have to continuously keep matching between two photos .
Now both images will be put together one at a 90 degree angle and another
at a different angle but the position of both images will be the same . After
all this if the image is still not clearly seen so change the angle then a
filtering process is introduced which filters images /object/ pixels in image
then again process of matching starts where keys points and image are
being compared .
In figure 2, numbers of photos are taken of data and thus photos are
labelled as training data sets. The second folder named the train data set
has some other photos . The train and trained data are then matched using
the SIFT algorithm. [9]
In this study we conducted to detect the plant diseases in grape and wheat
using BP networks. The two types of diseases were detected by using three
colour features, colour, texture and shape. Image recognition was
conducted by using PCA to diminish the dimensions of the features data
set . By using the introduced methodology disease can be found in plants
in the early stage and can be cured in the early stage so that disease will not
harm the whole tree.
In the below table ,the ratio of the number of correctly identified samples
to the total number of tested samples is called accuracy . Here values in
accuracy percentage of each disease are shown .
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