The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act (RA 10121) of 2010 Program: The Case of The Province of Maguindanao Del Norte

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Volume: 14
Pages: 314-327
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1257
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8409711
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-5-10
Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 314-327, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1257, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8409711, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act (RA 10121) of 2010 Program:
The Case of the Province of Maguindanao Del Norte
Lahodin L. Maido*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This study generally aims to assess the administrative capabilities of Maguindanao del Norte in the
implementation of the “The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act (RA 10121) of 2010
Program. Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following questions: What is the level of administrative
capability of Maguindanao del Norte in the implementation of RA 10121 / DRRMP in terms of the following
thematic areas: Disaster Prevention and Mitigation; Disaster Preparedness; Disaster Response; and Disaster
Recovery and Rehabilitation? What are the problems encountered by the selected five (5) municipalities of the
province during the implementation of the Disaster Risk Reduction Management Program?; What policy
recommendation that can be drawn from the study?A descriptive evaluative method is used in the study. The
respondents in this study consist of one hundred (100) individuals coming from the five (5) selected
municipalities. Twenty (20) respondents per municipality. The purposive sampling method was used in the
identification of respondents where the study is conducted. The research instrument used is survey
questionnaires, and a study of relevant literature and research, as well as data from the Maguindanao del Norte
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council and the selected five (5) municipalities’ Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Office.The data gathering procedure consist of two stages. The preparatory stage, in
which the materials needed in the study is prepared and the questionnaire is validated. Second stage is the actual
gathering of data. The gathering of data has been completed in two weeks. The data analysis is done using
Software Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for its validity and reliability. The statistical tools used are the
frequency count, and the mean. The frequency count is used to summarize the occurrence of the responses of the
respondents on a particular question or statement. Ranking method is also used in analyzing the problems or
challenges encountered. Based on the analysis made on the data, the province of Maguindanao del Norte is
highly capable in the implementation of DRRM (with final rating of 4.10, which is equivalent to High) on the
four (4) thematic areas: prevention and mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery and rehabilitation
program. Hence, this concludes that the level of administrative capabilities of Maguindanao del Norte in the
implementation of Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act (RA 10121) of 2010 Program was
highly capable. On the onset of conclusion, these recommendations are being formulated: First, the provincial
government must make sure that the residents benefit fully from the catastrophe resilience measures and
activities they carry out. It is not enough to just state that something was conducted efficiently if the immediate
beneficiaries are unaware of it. Second, the Maguindanao del Norte administration must guarantee that its
residents maximize the facilities for catastrophe resilience. Third, the Maguindanao del Norte should emphasize
the correct distribution of suitable equipment to all of its towns. Fourth, the police, fire department,
rescuers/volunteers, and barangay authorities should receive further training to improve their ability to assist
their constituents during calamities. Fifth, the administration of Maguindanao del Norte must devote more time,
expertise, intelligence, effort, funds, and dedication to make their local government unit a disaster-resistant
community. Sixth, it is recommended that comparable studies be done in other locations.
Keywords: disaster preparedness, disaster prevention and mitigation, RA 10121, Philippine disaster
risk reduction, management act
twenty-two (22) of which are active, due to its
geology. The Philippines has an average of five
In the Pacific Ring of Fire, the Philippines is an (5) earthquakes each day, according to the
archipelago of islands. Due to its geographical Philippine Institute on Volcanology and Seismology
location, the country is prone to all natural hazards, (PHIVOLCS). The Philippines is also prone to
including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, typhoons, typhoons, in addition to earthquakes and volcanic
and landslides. Man-made disasters are as common eruptions. Every year, the Philippines is affected by an
as natural disasters, which have become increasingly average of twenty (20) typhoons, half of which are
common as a result of climate change (Damazo, catastrophic (CFE-DMHA, 2018).
2013). Natural catastrophes are estimated to have
harmed about 2.5 billion people globally between In 2011, the United Nations University and the
1994 and 2003, with Asia being the most affected Institute of Environment and Human Security issued
continent. The Philippines has 300 volcanoes, the World Risk Report, which placed the Philippines

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 314-327, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1257, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8409711, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

as the third most disaster-prone country on the planet.

Natural or man-made disasters affect everyone, but
notably the poor, children, women, and the elderly,
who have the least ability to cope with them. (2005, prone provinces in the Philippines owing to its
Duque). Recognizing the country's precarious geographical position and physical condition (Mega
situation in terms of risks and disasters, the Cebu Blog, 2021).It is vulnerable to a variety of
Philippine government has put in place a number of n atu ra l d i s a s t e r s , i n cl u d in g flo o d s and
measures to address the problem. landslides. Maguindanao, also spelled Magindanao or
Mag ind anaw, also called Mag uin dan aon,
The National Disaster Risk Reduction and ethnolinguistic group living primarily in south-central
Management Council (NDRRMC) is part of the Mindanao, the largest island in the southern
Department of Defense and the country's main Philippines. With a name meaning “people of the
catastrophe coordinator. Disaster risk management is flooded plain,” the Maguindanao are most heavily
the systematic process of using administrative concentrated along the shores and in the flood lands of
decisions, organization, operational skills, and the Pulangi-Mindanao River basin, although many
capacities to implement policies, strategies, and coping now live in the surrounding areas. Maguindanao is one
capacities to lessen the impacts of natural hazards and of the most vulnerable provinces in both natural and
related environmental and technological disasters. This manmade hazards. Its nutrition profile is poor and the
includes structural and non-structural measures to incidence of poverty is high, which lead to illiteracy
avoid or mitigate the negative consequences of and increasing criminality that in turn become the
hazards. major blocks to improving the quality of life of the
poor majority.
RA 10121 otherwise known as the Philippine Disaster
Risk Reduction and management Act of 2010 is Maguindanao del Norte, has established and
described as “An act strengthening the Philippine implemented a Disaster Risk Reduction and
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management system, Management Plan that contribute to safe, disaster
providing for the National Disaster Risk Reduction resilient, and developed communities, capable of
Management Plan, appropriating funds therfor and for protecting and helping themselves to prevent the
other purposes”. It shifted the focus from disaster adverse effects of disaster. Hence, this study is being
response and recovery towards disaster risk reduction, pursued by the researcher to assess the administrative
preparedness and mitigation. It also modified the use capability of Maguindanao del Norte in the
and appropriation of the Calamity Fund or what is implementation of “The Philippine Disaster Risk
known to be as the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Reduction and Management Act (RA 10121) of 2010
Management Fund. This allows local governments the Prgram.
flexibility to increase funding even beyond five
percent (5%) of the IRA, for disaster reduction, Research Questions
preparedness and mitigation measures. In view thereof,
all Local Chief Executives are hereby enjoined to Generally, the study aimed to assess the level of
utilize their LDRRM to ensure that basis “rescue and administrative capability of Maguindanao del Norte in
response equiplment” are procured and to the implementation of RA 10121. Specifically it
operationalize the provisions thereof. (MCNo.2012-73, sought answers to the following questions:
1. What is the level of administrative capability of
Since 2010, the Strategic National Action Plan Maguindanao del Norte in the implementation of RA
(SNAP) on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) 2009-2019 10121 / DRRMP in terms of:
has been painstainkingly rolled-out for implementation 1.1 Prevention and Mitigation;
in the municipalities. The SNAP through a presidential 1.2 Preparedness;
Executive Order No. 888 is the GPH’s DRR road map, 1.3 Response; and
indicating the vision and strategic objectives for the 1.4 Recovery and Rehabilitation?
next 10 years. Due to lack of resources and a lot of 2. What are the problems encountered in the
other factors, the priority projects identified in HFA implementation of DRRM Program?
and SNAP have not yet been fully implemented in the 3. What policy recommendation that can be drawn
municipalities. Both HFA and SNAP are the crucial from the study?
elements leading to the passage of Republic Act (RA)
10121 also in 2010.

Maguindanao is regarded 5th of the most disaster-

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 314-327, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1257, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8409711, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Methodology Standard Geographic Code (PSGC), as of May 1, 2010

the population of the Municipality of Kabuntalan is 16,
794, this is about 14.9% higher than the 1995 report on
Research Design
population by the same office of which were about
14,665 males and 12,195 females.
A descriptive evaluative designed employed the
quantitative method of research was used in the study. Datu Odin Municipality
This design provides descriptive information on the
respondents and other data related to the objectives of “Dinaig” was the former name of the Municipality of
the study. It illustrates present conditions, practices, Datu Odin Sinsuat. The first leader was Datu Bandara
situations, or any phenomena based on impressions or who proudly established the town. The name of the
reactions of respondents. In this method, the town was derived from a Maguindanaon word
respondents answered the survey questionnaire in the “Dinaig” which literally means “unruly”. It was
easiest way that they could understand the questions created as municipality by virtue of Executive Order
well on the level of their comprehension. The survey No. 82 issued by his Excellency President Manuel A.
techniques employed were through questionnaires and Roxas on August 18, 1947; Hon. Datu Odin Sinsuat
the respective Barangays of the Municipalities were was the first appointed mayor of that time. The
represented by their official and purok leaders. Renaming of “Municipality of Dinaig” into
“Municipality of Datu Odin Sinsuat” is in grateful
Moreover, the study centered on the assessment of the recognition to the good leadership of the first
administrative capabilities of the implementation of municipal mayor. The honorable members of the
the MDRRM in the selected five (5) municipalities of Regional Legislative Assembly (RLA) in pursuant to
Maguindanao del Norte based on its four thematic Muslim Mindanao Autonomy Act No. 29 dated
areas: prevention and mitigation, preparedness, October 3, 1994, unanimously sponsored the bill on
response; and recovery and rehabilitation. December 15, 1994. The renaming was also in honor
of the late mayor Hon. Datu Odin Sinsuat, the father of
Locale of the study their colleague Hon. Assemblyman Datu Bimbo Q.
The study was conducted in the targeted municipalities
of Maguindanao del Norte. A simple description of the
Currently the municipality is composed of two
Maguindanao del Norte on its five (5) municipalities
districts, the North District and South District. Each
were as follows:
district has seventeen (17) barangays, thus a total of
Kabuntalan Municipality thirty-four (34) barangays with a total land area of
Fifty Thousand Three Hundred Twenty Hectares
The Municipality of Kabuntalan took its name from (50,320 has.). It has a total population and household
the Maguindanaon word “Tumbao” derived after the of 99,210 and 18,897, respectively (Based on PSA
direction of the kingdom, which was located at the cast Census 2015). It is a first-class municipality based on
portion that literally means “delta area.” income class having two (2) urban barangays, Awang
in the North and Poblacion Dalican in the South.
Tumbao was created into municipal district during the
governorship of Datu Udtog Matalam. Datu Lauban Sultan Kudarat Municipality
Bakar, son of the first Sultan of Bagumbayan was
appointed as first Mayor. After his term, Datu Sultan Kudarat, formerly known as Nuling, is a coastal
Carpenter Dumamba who later filed a resolution municipality in the province of Maguindanao. The
changing the town name from Tumbao to Kabuntalan municipality has a land area of 712.91 square
in memory of the first ruler and founder Datu Dikaya. kilometers or 275.26 square miles which constitutes
The word “Kabuntalan” literally means handsome or 7.15% of Maguindanao's total area. Its population as
beautiful. determined by the 2020 Census was 105,121. This
represented 7.83% of the total population of
Kabuntalan is a 5th class municipality in the 1st Maguindanao province, or 2.39% of the overall
district of Maguindanao that has seventeen (17) population of theBangsamoro Autonomous Region in
barangays. The largest in terms of area is barangay Muslim Mindanao. Based on these figures, the
Butilen and Poblacion has the smallest area. population density is computed at 147 inhabitants per
Kabuntalan has an approximate area of 28,105 square kilometer or 382 inhabitants per square mile.

According to the latest report of the Philippine

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 314-327, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1257, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8409711, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Upi Municipality This was done before the questionnaire was

administered to one hundred (100) respondents in the
Upi was formerly a barrio of Dinaig. It was separated
from Dinaig by virtue of Republic Act No. 1248, five (5) selected municipalities.
which was approved on June 10, 1955. On December
16 of the same year, President Elpidio Quirino signed Secondary sources was included in the study of
Executive Order No. 142, creating 42 barrios of relevant literature and research, as well as data from
Upi.Upi is a landlocked municipality in the coastal the Maguindanao del Norte Disaster Risk Reduction
province of Maguindanao. The municipality has a land and Management Council and the Kabuntalan, Datu
area of 742.95 square kilometers or 286.85 square Odin Sinsuat, Sultan Kudarat, Upi and Parang
miles which constitutes 7.45% of Maguindanao's total municipalities’ Disaster Risk Reduction and
area. Its population as determined by the 2020 Census Management Office.
was 59,004. This represented 4.40% of the total
population of Maguindanao province, or 1.34% of the Data Gathering Procedure
overall population of the Bangsamoro Autonomous
Region in Muslim Mindanao. Based on these figures, The data gathering procedure consisted of two stages.
the population density is computed at 79 inhabitants The first stage was the preparatory stage. In this stage,
per square kilometer or 206 inhabitants per
the materials needed in the study were prepared and
square mile.
the questionnaire was validated. A communication to
Parang Municipality the office of the Municipal Mayor asking permission
to conduct the study was sought. Upon the approval of
Parang is a coastal municipality in the province the request and with the assistance of the Municipal
of Maguindanao. The municipality has a land area of Planning Officer, the researcher made a new letter for
850.78 square kilometers or 328.49 square miles the punong barangays of the selected municipalities to
which constitutes 8.53% of Maguindanao's total area. seek permission to administer the survey.
Its population as determined by the 2020 Census was
102,914. This represented 7.67% of the total The second stage was the actual gathering of data. The
population of Maguindanao province, or 2.34% of the researcher personally explained to the respondents the
overall population of the Bangsamoro Autonomous purpose of the study. With the constructed
Region in Muslim Mindanao. Based on these figures, questionnaire as guide, the researcher gave a
the population density is computed at 121 inhabitants questionnaire to each respondent and asked few
per square kilometer or 313 inhabitants per questions to elucidate further their answer.
square mile.
The gathering of data has been completed in two
Respondent and Sampling Procedure weeks.

The respondents of the study were composed of one Statistical Treatment of Data
hundred (100) individuals coming from the five (5)
selected municipalities. Twenty (20) respondents per The data analysis was done using Software Package
municipality. for Social Sciences (SPSS) for its validity and
reliability. For the descriptive problems, mean was
The purposive sampling method was used in the used to describe the administrative capability in the
identification of respondents where the study is implementation of the program.
conducted. To represent the most prone calamity areas
and less prone calamity areas, the Municipal Disater The statistical tools used were the frequency count,
Center helped in identifying them taking into and the mean. The frequency count was used to
consideration also the security and accessibility of the summarize the occurrence of the responses of the
researcher. respondents on a particular question or statement. On
the other hand, the mean was utilized to determine the
Research Instrument average of the responses.

To respond to the research objectives and the specific A quantitative approach through ranking was also used
problems as mentioned earlier, the instrument used in in the analysis of the data, which were drawn from the
gathering data was survey questionnaires distributed to specific answers of the respondents on the
respondents who served as the primary source of data questionnaires specifically on the assistance extended
for the study. The questionnaires were validated by the by the municipal government.
experts on which to improved, retained and discarded.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 314-327, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1257, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8409711, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Ranking was also used in analyzing the problems or capability of Maguindanao del Norte in the
challenges encountered. implementation of RA 10121 / DRRMP in terms of
Prevention and Mitigation. Among the 14 indicators,
Results and Discussion indicator 14, “LGU’s conduct of periodic Maintenance
of public facilities” has the highest mean of 4.24
described as Very Capable while indicator 13,
This chapter presents the data on the extent of the “Ensuring all constructions comply with accepted
administrative capabilities of Maguindanao del Norte standards and specifications” has the lowest mean of
in the implementation of RA 10121/DRRMP in terms 4.08. All indicators are described as Very Capable.
of Prevention and Mitigation, Preparedness, Response,
Recovery and Rehabilitation. The data were obtained In general, the computed overall weighted mean was
from the respondents answers as reflected from the
4.17 which mean that the province of Maguindanao
survey questionnaires. Findings were then analyzed
del Norte is Very Capable of the implementation of the
and interpreted according to the objectives of the
RA 10121 in terms of Prevention and Mitigation.
Prevention And Mitigation Risk

Assessment Table 2 shows that the Level of administrative

capability of Maguindanao del Norte in the
Table 1. The Level of Administrative Capability of implementation of RA 10121 / DRRMP in terms of
Maguindanao del Norte in the Implementation of RA Preparedness. The 24 indicators are rated with a mean
10121 / DRRMP in Terms of Prevention and of 4.08 described as Very Capable. Indicator 2
Mitigation. “Organization and Functionality of DRRM Office in
pursuance with Sec. 12 of RA 10121 and JMC No.
2014-1” has the lowest mean 3.78 described as Very
Capable while the highest mean 4.19 is rated in
indicators number 3 and 22, “Capacity Development
of P e r s o n n e l a n d I n v o l v e m e n t of
NGOs/CSOs/Business and Private in the conduct of
training (enabler and receiver)” respectively.

Table 2. The Level of Administrative Capability of

Maguindanao del Norte in the Implementation of RA
10121 / DRRMP in Terms of Preparedness.

Table 1 shows the result of the Level of administrative

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 314-327, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1257, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8409711, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 3. The Level of Administrative Capability of

Maguindanao del Norte in the Implementation of RA
10121 / DRRMP in Terms of Response.

This implies that that the Level of administrative

capability of Maguindanao del Norte in the
implementation of RA 10121 / DRRMP in terms of
Preparedness with an overall weighted mean of 4.08 is
Very Capable.


Table 3 shows that the Level of administrative

capability of Maguindanao del Norte in the
implementation of RA 10121 / DRRMP in terms of
Preparedness of the following indicators from 1 – 17 is
described as Very Capable.

Among the 17 indicators, indicator 5, “Identification

of relief distribution points/centers” has the highest Recovery and Rehabilitation
mean of 4.25 described as high while indicator 17,
“Conduct of Rapid Damage Assessment and Needs Table 4. The Level of Administrative Capability of
Analysis (RDANA) within 72 hours after the Maguindanao del Norte in the Implementation of RA
occurrence of the disaster” has the lowest mean of 10121 / DRRMP in Terms of Recovery and
4.10, which also described as Very Capable. Rehabilitation.

Table 4.1 shows that the Level of administrative

In general, the computed overall weighted mean was
capability of Maguindanao del Norte in the
4.17 which mean that the province of Maguindanao
implementation of RA 10121 / DRRMP in terms of
del Norte is Very Capable of the implementation of the Recovery and Rehabilitation without disaster (in the
RA 10121 in terms of Response. preceding year) of the following indicators from 1 to 3
is described as Very Capable. However, indicators 1
and 3 got the mean of 4.04 described as Very Capable.
But the indicator 2 “Compliance with Build-back

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 314-327, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1257, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8409711, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Better Principle” got the lowest mean of 3.96 which

is also described as Very Capable.
Table 4.1. Without disaster (in the preceding year)
survey results from each of the five (5) selected
municipalities in the four (4) thematic areas:
Prevention and Mitigation, Preparedness, Response,
and Recovery and Rehabilitation.

Table 5. Kabuntalan Municipality

The computed overall weighted mean was 4.01 which

means that the province of Maguindanao del Norte is
Very Capable of the implementation of the RA 10121
in terms of Recovery and Rehabilitation even without
disaster in the preceding year.

Table 4.2. With disaster Table 5 shows the Level of administrative capability of
Kabuntalan Municipality in the implementation of RA
10121 / DRRMP in terms of the following four(4)
thematic areas. Indicator “Prevention and Mitigation”
got the highest mean of 3. 65 described as Very

However, indicators “Preparedness” got the mean of

3.49 which is also described as Very Capable.

The computed overall weighted mean was 3.56 which

means that the Kabuntalan Municipality is Very
Capable of the implementation of the RA 10121 in
terms of the four thematic areas.
Table 4.2 shows that the Level of administrative
Table 6. Datu Odin Sinsuat Municipality
capability of Maguindanao del Norte in the
implementation of RA 10121 / DRRMP in terms of
Recovery and Rehabilitation with disaster of the
following indicators from 4 to 6 are described as Very
Capable. However, indicators 4 and 6 got the highest
mean of 4.14, 4.01 respectively, described as Very
Capable; but the indicator 5 “Recovery Plan” got the
lowest mean of 3.99 which is also described as Very

The computed overall weighted mean was 4.04 which

means that the province of Maguindanao del Norte is
Very Capable of the implementation of the RA 10121
in terms of Recovery and Rehabilitation in times of

The following tables from 5 to 9 shows the actual

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 314-327, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1257, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8409711, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 8. Upi Municipality

Table 6 shows the Level of administrative capability of

Datu Odin Sinsuat Municipality in the implementation
of RA 10121 / DRRMP in terms of the following
four(4) thematic areas. Indicator “Prevention and
Mitigation” got the highest mean of 3. 94 described as
Very Capable.

However, indicators “Recovery and Rehabilitation”

got the mean of 3.70 which is also described as Very

The computed overall weighted mean was 3.78 which

means that the Datu Odin Sinsuat Municipality is Very
Capable of the implementation of the RA 10121 in
terms of the four thematic areas.
Table 8 shows the Level of administrative capability of
Table 7. Sultan Kudarat Municipality Upi Municipality in the implementation of RA 10121 /
DRRMP in terms of the following four(4) thematic
areas. Indicator “Preparedness” got the highest mean
of 4. 85 described as Excellently Capable.

However, indicators “Recovery and Rehabilitation”

got the mean of 4.55 which is also described as
Excellently Capable.

The computed overall weighted mean was 4.75 which

means that the Upi Municipality is Excellently
Capable of the implementation of the RA 10121 in
terms of the four thematic areas.

Table 9. Parang Municipality

Table 7 shows the Level of administrative capability of

Sultan Kudarat Municipality in the implementation of
RA 10121 / DRRMP in terms of the following four(4)
thematic areas. Indicator “Prevention and Mitigation”
got the highest mean of 3. 84 described as Very

However, indicators “Recovery and Rehabilitation”

got the mean of 3.75 which is also described as Very

The computed overall weighted mean was 3.76 which

means that the Sultan Kudarat Municipality is Very
Capable of the implementation of the RA 10121 in
terms of the four thematic areas.
Table 9 shows the Level of administrative capability of

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 314-327, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1257, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8409711, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Parang Municipality in the implementation of RA obtained from the Barangay Officials and Purok
10121 / DRRMP in terms of the following four(4) Leaders of the five (5) municipalities of Maguindanao
thematic areas. Indicator “Response” got the highest del Norte in terms of their Programs and Projects,
mean of 4. 67 described as Excellently Capable. Facilities, Equipments, Rescue and Reliefs, for the
identified problems encountered.
However, indicators “Recovery and Rehabilitation”
got the mean of 4.60 which is also described as Programs And Projects
Excellently Capable.
Table 11.1. This table presents the total data gathered
The computed overall weighted mean was 4.62 which from the constituents of respective municipalitiies of
means that the Parang Municipality is Excellently Maguindanao del Norte on problems identified with
Capable of the implementation of the RA 10121 in regards to Programs and Projects in terms of
terms of the four thematic areas. Prevention and Mitigation.

Table 10. Summary of the Distribution of the Mean Table 11.1. Prevention and Mitigation
Values of the Administrative Capabilities of the
Selected Five (5) Municipalities in Maguindanao del
Norte in the Implementation of RA 10121.

Table 10 presents the summary of mean values of the

four (4) thematic areas: Prevention and Mitigation,
preparedness, response, and recovery and Table 11(a) shows the problems identified with
rehabilitation. regards to the implementation of their Programs and
Projects under the category of Prevention and
Generally, the Maguindanao del Norte has Very Mitigation. The following indicators particularly on 1
Capable level of administrative capabilities in the and 3 are described as Capable which indicates the
implementation of RA 10121 with rating 4.10 which is need to improve the “Regular declogging of drainage
equivalent to Very Capable on the competency areas. and canals and as well as the Proper waste disposal”.
The prevention and mitigation, and response got the
highest mean of 4.17, which is equivalent to Very However, “Dredging and desilting activities in
Capable. This means that most of the DRRM officials coordination with other agencies” is described as Less
are capable in the implementation of Prevention and Capable and it only means that the municipality does
Mitigation, and Response. not correlate its interpretations with the constituents.
The municipal government’s interpretation to its
However, the Recovery and Rehabilitation got the programs and projects is not congruent to the
lowest among the four areas of competencies with the constituent’s perception to the plans and programs of
mean of 4.01, described as Very Capable. the municipality so it should be taken cared of,
The following tables from 11-14 shows the data
Table 11.2. This table presents the total data gathered

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 314-327, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1257, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8409711, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 11.3. Response

from the constituents of respective municipalitiies of
Maguindanao del Norte on problems identified with
regards to Programs and Projects in terms of

Table 11.2. Preparedness

Table 11.3 shows from the constituents of five

municipalities, the weighted mean for the proper
documentation of damage, needs, assessment is 3.35
which means that in terms of their response capability
the implementation of their projects is Capable.

The documentation program is needed for

improvement and it really implies that it should serve
as a challenge to uplift their programs in terms of
“Response” for the MDRRMO of Maguindanao del
Norte’s Local Government Resiliency.

Table 11.4. This table presents the total data gathered

from the constituents of respective municipalitiies of
Maguindanao del Norte on problems identified with
regards to Program and Projects in terms of Recovery
and Rehabilition.
Table 11.2 on the indicators from 4 to 8 under
Preparedness, “Identification of appropriate location Table 11.4. Recovery and Rehabilitaion
for food preparation” is described as Very Capable,
whereas, “Public information dissemination and
Trainings and Seminar on Calamity Preparedness” is
described as Capable. The latter value shows that
“Municipality wide-community based early warning
system” and “Provision of whistle, flash light, and
compass” were described as Less Capable. The
necessity to improve the facilities and equipments is
very indispensable to promote the resiliency measures
of the municipality. Furthermore, the municipal
government would best be accounted for if the
government would provide more funds for these.

Table 11.3. This table presents the total data gathered

from the constituents of respective municipalitiies of
Table 11.4 shows from the constituents of five
Maguindanao del Norte on problems identified with municipalities, the weighted mean for “Coordination
regards to Program and Projects in terms of Response. with neighboring local governments regarding rivers
and roads clean-up drives” was 2.39 and for “Stress

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 314-327, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1257, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8409711, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

debriefing for the community and government The latter value shows that the availability and
employees involved” with the mean 2.47 both capacity of their equipments to respond to the needs of
described as Less Capable. the people during calamities is described as Less
The total weighted mean for the two projects is 2.43.
This means that in terms of recov ery and Table 13. This table presents the total data gathered
rehabilitation, the implementation of their programs from the constituents of respective municipalitiies of
and projects was Less Capable. Maguindanao del Norte on problems identified with
regards to utilization of their Equipments.
The recovery and rehabilitation interpretation is poor
and that it should be taken into account by the local
government. It will be best catered if all the units of
the local government would be alert at all times in
times of calamities and natural disasters.


Table 12. This table presents the total data gathered

from the constituents of respective municipalitiies of
Maguindanao del Norte on problems identified with
regards to utilization of their Facilities.

The necessity to improve the facilities and equipments

is very indispensable to promote the resiliency
measures of the municipalities. Furthermore, the local
government would best be accounted for if the
government would provide more funds for these.

Rescue And Reliefs

Table 14. This table presents the total data gathered

from the constituents of respective municipalitiies of
Maguindanao del Norte on problems identified with
Table 12 shows from the constituents of five
regards to Rescue and Reliefs.
municipalities, the weighted mean for evacuation
centers which is 2.19 and for hospitals with 2.25
described as Less Capable. The overall weighted mean
of the values was 2.22 which mean that the availability
and capacity of their facilities to respond to the needs
of the people in times of calamities were Less Capable.

The availability and capacity would best be served if

the local government would provide more facilities
and enforce the efficient utilization of these. It will be
a vital help for the resiliency program of the province.


Table 13 shows from the constituents of five

municipalities, the weighted mean for light equipments Table 14 shows from the constituents of five
which is 2.46 and for heavy equipments with 2.41 both municipalities, the weighted mean for Police
described as Less Capable. The total of the two values Department with 4.06, for Fire Department with 4.12,
was 4.87 and it has an overall weighted mean of 2.43.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 314-327, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1257, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8409711, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 16. Ranking of the Perceived Suggestions and

Recommendations from the Constituents by the Five
Municipalities of Maguindanao del Norte for the
Betterment of their Disaster Risk Reduction and
for Rescuers/ Volunteers with 4.14. The total of the Management.
three values weighted mean is 4.10 which is described
as Very Capable. The mean of the three values shows
that the capacity and responsiveness of their Rescue
and Relief operations is Very Capable.

Rescue and relief operations realizing to be Very

Capable would promote balance perception but it does
not end there. The government should not stop
improving its plans and programs for best practices of
the government and for the resiliency program of the
municipal government. This table presents the perceived suggestions of all
five municipalities’ constituents in Maguindanao del
Table 15. Ranking from (lowest to highest) the Norte for the improvement of their Disaster Risk
Summary Results of the Problems Encountered from Reduction and Management. According to twenty-
the Selected Five (5) Municipalities in Maguindanao eight (28) respondents, "Equipment Dissemination"
del Norte during the Implementation of RA 10121. must come first. Twenty-four (24) people feel that
further "Establishment of Evacuation Centers" is still
necessary. In times of disaster, an "Early Warning
System through text" would be required, according to
18 of the respondents. Additionally, "House Elevation
Program" was cited as being of utmost need by
fourteen (14) respondents. While eleven (11) said that
the program organization also requires a "Established
Record of Each Family Member in the Community".

However, just five (5) respondents claim that, among

other recommended initiatives and projects, the
production of a "Citizens' Disaster Handbook" should
This table summarizes the aggregate mean of the five be given the lowest priority.
municipalities' constituents in Maguindanao del Norte
for the stated problems encountered during program This only means that the equipment dissemination is
execution. "Facilities" was ranked #1, indicating that vital in the constituents and further establishment of
the province should place greater emphasis on this evacuation centers is in dire need also. This finally
sector in this program. "Recovery And Rehabilitation" means that equipments and facilities are the main
and "Equipments" tied for second place, implying that aspects that the local government should assimilate in
these are required by the constituents in the event of a order to improve its disaster program.

However, the table shows that the four (4) theme Conclusion
categories such as: prevention and mitigation,
preparedness, response, recovery, and rehabilitation" Based on the major finding of the study, it is hereby
outcome does not correspond to the implementers' concluded that the implementation of “The Philippine
replies. "Rescue and Reliefs" came in last, implying Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act (RA
that this is the most important feature that the local 10121) of 2010 Program” in Maguindanao del Norte is
government could incorporate in order to strengthen its Very Capable.
catastrophe program.
Based on the findings, the following recommendations
are made for future studies to be conducted by future
researchers, as well as for the benefit of other local
government units who may want to replicate or base
their efforts on Maguindanao del Norte Disaster Risk

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 314-327, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1257, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8409711, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

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