The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act (RA 10121) of 2010 Program: The Case of The Province of Maguindanao Del Norte
The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act (RA 10121) of 2010 Program: The Case of The Province of Maguindanao Del Norte
The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act (RA 10121) of 2010 Program: The Case of The Province of Maguindanao Del Norte
The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act (RA 10121) of 2010 Program:
The Case of the Province of Maguindanao Del Norte
Lahodin L. Maido*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This study generally aims to assess the administrative capabilities of Maguindanao del Norte in the
implementation of the “The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act (RA 10121) of 2010
Program. Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following questions: What is the level of administrative
capability of Maguindanao del Norte in the implementation of RA 10121 / DRRMP in terms of the following
thematic areas: Disaster Prevention and Mitigation; Disaster Preparedness; Disaster Response; and Disaster
Recovery and Rehabilitation? What are the problems encountered by the selected five (5) municipalities of the
province during the implementation of the Disaster Risk Reduction Management Program?; What policy
recommendation that can be drawn from the study?A descriptive evaluative method is used in the study. The
respondents in this study consist of one hundred (100) individuals coming from the five (5) selected
municipalities. Twenty (20) respondents per municipality. The purposive sampling method was used in the
identification of respondents where the study is conducted. The research instrument used is survey
questionnaires, and a study of relevant literature and research, as well as data from the Maguindanao del Norte
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council and the selected five (5) municipalities’ Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Office.The data gathering procedure consist of two stages. The preparatory stage, in
which the materials needed in the study is prepared and the questionnaire is validated. Second stage is the actual
gathering of data. The gathering of data has been completed in two weeks. The data analysis is done using
Software Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for its validity and reliability. The statistical tools used are the
frequency count, and the mean. The frequency count is used to summarize the occurrence of the responses of the
respondents on a particular question or statement. Ranking method is also used in analyzing the problems or
challenges encountered. Based on the analysis made on the data, the province of Maguindanao del Norte is
highly capable in the implementation of DRRM (with final rating of 4.10, which is equivalent to High) on the
four (4) thematic areas: prevention and mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery and rehabilitation
program. Hence, this concludes that the level of administrative capabilities of Maguindanao del Norte in the
implementation of Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act (RA 10121) of 2010 Program was
highly capable. On the onset of conclusion, these recommendations are being formulated: First, the provincial
government must make sure that the residents benefit fully from the catastrophe resilience measures and
activities they carry out. It is not enough to just state that something was conducted efficiently if the immediate
beneficiaries are unaware of it. Second, the Maguindanao del Norte administration must guarantee that its
residents maximize the facilities for catastrophe resilience. Third, the Maguindanao del Norte should emphasize
the correct distribution of suitable equipment to all of its towns. Fourth, the police, fire department,
rescuers/volunteers, and barangay authorities should receive further training to improve their ability to assist
their constituents during calamities. Fifth, the administration of Maguindanao del Norte must devote more time,
expertise, intelligence, effort, funds, and dedication to make their local government unit a disaster-resistant
community. Sixth, it is recommended that comparable studies be done in other locations.
Keywords: disaster preparedness, disaster prevention and mitigation, RA 10121, Philippine disaster
risk reduction, management act
twenty-two (22) of which are active, due to its
geology. The Philippines has an average of five
In the Pacific Ring of Fire, the Philippines is an (5) earthquakes each day, according to the
archipelago of islands. Due to its geographical Philippine Institute on Volcanology and Seismology
location, the country is prone to all natural hazards, (PHIVOLCS). The Philippines is also prone to
including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, typhoons, typhoons, in addition to earthquakes and volcanic
and landslides. Man-made disasters are as common eruptions. Every year, the Philippines is affected by an
as natural disasters, which have become increasingly average of twenty (20) typhoons, half of which are
common as a result of climate change (Damazo, catastrophic (CFE-DMHA, 2018).
2013). Natural catastrophes are estimated to have
harmed about 2.5 billion people globally between In 2011, the United Nations University and the
1994 and 2003, with Asia being the most affected Institute of Environment and Human Security issued
continent. The Philippines has 300 volcanoes, the World Risk Report, which placed the Philippines
The respondents of the study were composed of one Statistical Treatment of Data
hundred (100) individuals coming from the five (5)
selected municipalities. Twenty (20) respondents per The data analysis was done using Software Package
municipality. for Social Sciences (SPSS) for its validity and
reliability. For the descriptive problems, mean was
The purposive sampling method was used in the used to describe the administrative capability in the
identification of respondents where the study is implementation of the program.
conducted. To represent the most prone calamity areas
and less prone calamity areas, the Municipal Disater The statistical tools used were the frequency count,
Center helped in identifying them taking into and the mean. The frequency count was used to
consideration also the security and accessibility of the summarize the occurrence of the responses of the
researcher. respondents on a particular question or statement. On
the other hand, the mean was utilized to determine the
Research Instrument average of the responses.
To respond to the research objectives and the specific A quantitative approach through ranking was also used
problems as mentioned earlier, the instrument used in in the analysis of the data, which were drawn from the
gathering data was survey questionnaires distributed to specific answers of the respondents on the
respondents who served as the primary source of data questionnaires specifically on the assistance extended
for the study. The questionnaires were validated by the by the municipal government.
experts on which to improved, retained and discarded.
Ranking was also used in analyzing the problems or capability of Maguindanao del Norte in the
challenges encountered. implementation of RA 10121 / DRRMP in terms of
Prevention and Mitigation. Among the 14 indicators,
Results and Discussion indicator 14, “LGU’s conduct of periodic Maintenance
of public facilities” has the highest mean of 4.24
described as Very Capable while indicator 13,
This chapter presents the data on the extent of the “Ensuring all constructions comply with accepted
administrative capabilities of Maguindanao del Norte standards and specifications” has the lowest mean of
in the implementation of RA 10121/DRRMP in terms 4.08. All indicators are described as Very Capable.
of Prevention and Mitigation, Preparedness, Response,
Recovery and Rehabilitation. The data were obtained In general, the computed overall weighted mean was
from the respondents answers as reflected from the
4.17 which mean that the province of Maguindanao
survey questionnaires. Findings were then analyzed
del Norte is Very Capable of the implementation of the
and interpreted according to the objectives of the
RA 10121 in terms of Prevention and Mitigation.
Prevention And Mitigation Risk
Table 4.2. With disaster Table 5 shows the Level of administrative capability of
Kabuntalan Municipality in the implementation of RA
10121 / DRRMP in terms of the following four(4)
thematic areas. Indicator “Prevention and Mitigation”
got the highest mean of 3. 65 described as Very
Parang Municipality in the implementation of RA obtained from the Barangay Officials and Purok
10121 / DRRMP in terms of the following four(4) Leaders of the five (5) municipalities of Maguindanao
thematic areas. Indicator “Response” got the highest del Norte in terms of their Programs and Projects,
mean of 4. 67 described as Excellently Capable. Facilities, Equipments, Rescue and Reliefs, for the
identified problems encountered.
However, indicators “Recovery and Rehabilitation”
got the mean of 4.60 which is also described as Programs And Projects
Excellently Capable.
Table 11.1. This table presents the total data gathered
The computed overall weighted mean was 4.62 which from the constituents of respective municipalitiies of
means that the Parang Municipality is Excellently Maguindanao del Norte on problems identified with
Capable of the implementation of the RA 10121 in regards to Programs and Projects in terms of
terms of the four thematic areas. Prevention and Mitigation.
Table 10. Summary of the Distribution of the Mean Table 11.1. Prevention and Mitigation
Values of the Administrative Capabilities of the
Selected Five (5) Municipalities in Maguindanao del
Norte in the Implementation of RA 10121.
debriefing for the community and government The latter value shows that the availability and
employees involved” with the mean 2.47 both capacity of their equipments to respond to the needs of
described as Less Capable. the people during calamities is described as Less
The total weighted mean for the two projects is 2.43.
This means that in terms of recov ery and Table 13. This table presents the total data gathered
rehabilitation, the implementation of their programs from the constituents of respective municipalitiies of
and projects was Less Capable. Maguindanao del Norte on problems identified with
regards to utilization of their Equipments.
The recovery and rehabilitation interpretation is poor
and that it should be taken into account by the local
government. It will be best catered if all the units of
the local government would be alert at all times in
times of calamities and natural disasters.
However, the table shows that the four (4) theme Conclusion
categories such as: prevention and mitigation,
preparedness, response, recovery, and rehabilitation" Based on the major finding of the study, it is hereby
outcome does not correspond to the implementers' concluded that the implementation of “The Philippine
replies. "Rescue and Reliefs" came in last, implying Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act (RA
that this is the most important feature that the local 10121) of 2010 Program” in Maguindanao del Norte is
government could incorporate in order to strengthen its Very Capable.
catastrophe program.
Based on the findings, the following recommendations
are made for future studies to be conducted by future
researchers, as well as for the benefit of other local
government units who may want to replicate or base
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