Outcomes of Treatment of Cats With Feline Infectious Peritonitis Using Parenterally Administered Remdesivir, With or Without Transition To Orally Administered GS-441524

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Received: 30 October 2022 Accepted: 27 June 2023

DOI: 10.1111/jvim.16803


Outcomes of treatment of cats with feline infectious

peritonitis using parenterally administered remdesivir, with or
without transition to orally administered GS-441524

Sally J. Coggins 1 | Jacqui M. Norris 1 | Richard Malik 2,3 | Merran Govendir 1 |

Evelyn J. Hall 1 | Benjamin Kimble 1 | Mary F. Thompson 1

Sydney School of Veterinary Science, The
University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Abstract
Wales, Australia
Background: Nucleoside analog GS-441524 is effective in treating cats with feline
Centre for Veterinary Education, The
University of Sydney, NSW, Australia
infectious peritonitis (FIP). Investigation into the use of parent nucleotide analog
Animal and Veterinary Science, Charles Sturt remdesivir (GS-5734) is needed.
University, NSW, Australia
Objectives: To assess efficacy and tolerability of remdesivir with or without transi-
Correspondence tion to GS-441524 in cats with FIP and document clinical and clinicopathologic pro-
Sally J. Coggins, Sydney School of Veterinary gression over 6 months.
Science, The University of Sydney, NSW,
2006, Australia. Animals: Twenty-eight client-owned cats with FIP.
Email: [email protected] Methods: Cats were prospectively recruited between May 2021 and May 2022. An
Funding information induction dosage of remdesivir 10 to 15 mg/kg intravenously or subcutaneously
Cat Protection Society of NSW; EveryCat
q24h was utilized for 4 doses, with a maintenance dosage of remdesivir (6-15 mg/kg
Health Foundation, Grant/Award Numbers:
W21-006, W21-018 SC) or GS-441524 (10-15 mg/kg per os) every 24 hours continued for at least
84 days. Laboratory testing, veterinary, and owner assessments were recorded.
[Correction added after first online publication
on 20 July 2023. Placement of sub-heading in Results: Twenty-four cats survived to 6 months (86%). Three cats died within
Table 2 has been amended.]
48 hours. Excluding these, survival from 48 hours to 6 months was 96% (24/25).
Remission was achieved by day 84 in 56% (14/25). Three cats required secondary
treatment for re-emergent FIP. Remission was achieved in all 3 after higher dosing
(15-20 mg/kg). Adverse reactions were occasional site discomfort and skin irritation
with remdesivir injection. Markers of treatment success included resolution of
pyrexia, effusions, and presenting signs of FIP in the first half of treatment and nor-
malization of globulin concentration, and continued body weight gains in the latter
half of the treatment period.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Parenteral administration of remdesivir and
oral administration of GS-441524 are effective and well-tolerated treatments for FIP.
Early emphasis on clinical, and later emphasis on clinicopathologic response, appears
prudent when monitoring treatment efficacy.

Abbreviations: AG, albumin to globulin ratio (albumin:globulin); ALKP, alkaline phosphatase; ALT, alanine transaminase; AST, aspartate transaminase; BSH, British shorthair; BW, body weight; CK,
creatine kinase; DIF, direct immunofluorescence; DSH, domestic shorthair; DMH, domestic medium hair; EDTA, ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid; FeCV, feline enteric coronavirus; FCoV, feline
coronavirus; FIP, feline infectious peritonitis; GGT, gamma-glutamyl transferase; IHC, immunohistochemistry; IV, intravenous; LH, lithium heparin; PO, per os; QoL, quality of life; qRT-PCR,
quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction; RI, reference interval; SC, subcutaneous; TBil, total bilirubin; total T4, total thyroxine concentration.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2023 The Authors. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

J Vet Intern Med. 2023;1–12. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jvim 1

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antiviral, clinical trial, feline coronavirus, nucleoside analog

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N legal sources. Glucocorticoid treatment was gradually discontinued

within 1 to 2 weeks where applicable. Use of other antiviral or immu-
Remission and long-term survival occur in cats with FIP after administra- nomodulatory drugs precluded enrolment.
tion of the adenosine nucleoside analog GS-441524.1,2 Additional stud- A convincing FIP diagnosis required supportive clinical signs, com-
ies further corroborate the value of GS-441524 in effecting a clinical bined with a positive result from 1 or more of the following 4 tests,
cure for effusive, noneffusive, ocular, and neurologic forms of FIP when with tests 1 to 3 requiring detection of FCoV antigen within macro-
dosage is sufficiently high.3-5 Remdesivir (GS-5734) is a prodrug of GS- phages located in tissues, aspirates, or body cavity effusions, as
441524.6,7 Knowledge in several species including mice, rhesus monkeys, described in Worthing et al (2012).
and humans suggests remdesivir undergoes rapid metabolic conversion (a) Immunocytochemistry by direct immunofluorescence (DIF) on
in vivo, with GS-441524 the major circulating metabolite. GS-441524 effusions with total protein >35 g/L and low cellularity (<5000 cell/μL)
undergoes intracellular phosphorylation to form a nucleoside monopho- of predominantly macrophages and neutrophils. (b) Immunocytochemis-
sphate and subsequently, the active triphosphate (GS-443902), which try by DIF on aspirates from lesions with pyogranulomatous inflamma-
disrupts viral replication by mimicking endogenous adenine as it is incor- tion on cytology. (c) Immunohistochemistry (IHC) on tissue biopsies
porated into viral RNA. Absence of veterinary licensing and progres- with corresponding supportive histopathological changes. (d) Detection
sion to commercialization of GS-441524 has seen the emergence of an of FCoV ribonucleic acid via quantitative reverse transcriptase polymer-
unlicensed drug market. Purportedly, thousands of cats have undergone ase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) on effusions only.15
treatment globally, with the majority successfully achieving remission FCoV qRT-PCR on blood, tissue biopsy, or aspirates was not
and likely cure, however, importation of unregistered compounds for vet- accepted because of the possibility of false positives with avirulent feline
erinary use remains illegal in many parts of the world.4,12 enteric coronavirus (FeCV), as transient viremia and detection of FeCV
In November 2020, Australian veterinarians gained legal access to a occurs within sentinel organs of healthy cats (with so-called systemic
compounded, injectable formulation of remdesivir (100 mg vials) from a FeCV infection).16-18 FIP was classified as effusive or non-effusive, with
veterinary compounding pharmacy (BOVA Aus, Australia). In late 2021, a or without ocular involvement, and with or without neurologic involve-
50 mg tablet formulation of GS-441524 became available from the same ment. Cats were tested on enrolment using Anigen Rapid FIV Ab/FeLV
compounder. No safety data or pharmacokinetic studies were available Ag test kits (BioNote Inc, Life Bioscience, Australia), although feline retro-
for the use of remdesivir in cats, however, considering successful use of viral positivity was only to be noted and was not an exclusion criteria.
GS-441524, and with no registered alternative, Australian veterinarians Cat owners were required to pay for medications and veterinary
began to utilize compounded remdesivir administered parenterally and services. Monitoring comprising regular, extensive laboratory testing
later GS-441524 administered orally, for cats with FIP. Extrapolated data and capture of subjective and objective veterinary and owner assess-
from other species was used to estimate a starting dosage13,14 and the ments throughout the treatment period (minimum 84 days) and con-
administration regimen evolved with clinical experience. tinued out to 12 months, was provided at no charge (Figure 1).
The aim of this prospective case-series was to document survival Case recruitment came via an addendum to the laboratory report-
and describe the clinical course of cats with FIP treated with com- ing of FIP cases confirmed by DIF and IHC provided by Veterinary
pounded remdesivir administered parenterally as monotherapy, with or Pathology Diagnostic Services (Sydney School of Veterinary Science,
without transition to compounded GS-441524 administered orally. The University of Sydney, Australia), currently the only laboratory in
Because of the global significance of these treatment options and need Australia offering these tests commercially. The addendum was also
for peer-reviewed studies, this investigation records clinicopathologic applied to FCoV RT-qPCR results for effusions via an external labora-
changes over 6 months, with monitoring beyond 12 months ongoing. tory (IDEXX Laboratories Pty Ltd, Australia). Recruitment also followed
conference presentations, webinars, podcasts, social media platforms,
and an article in The Veterinarian. Cats remained in the care of their
2 | METHODS owners and primary care veterinarians. This study was approved by
The University of Sydney Animal Ethics Committee (2021/1874).
2.1 | Study cohort, inclusion criteria, and case
2.2 | Treatment protocols
Client-owned cats with a convincing diagnosis of FIP were recruited
for this non-randomized prospective case series. There was no Compounded remdesivir and GS-441524 for parenteral or oral admin-
untreated cohort, as it was deemed unethical to withhold treatment istration, respectively, were obtained by primary care veterinarians via
from infected cats given the availability of effective treatment from prescription from Bova Aus.
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F I G U R E 1 Treatment and monitoring protocol for cats with FIP receiving parenteral administered remdesivir with or without transition to
GS-441524 administered orally.

Treatment was continued for a minimum of 84 days and at least Protocol 1 (Remdesivir-lo): The original treatment protocol com-
2 weeks beyond achievement of remission. Remission was defined as prised 10 mg/kg remdesivir q24h administered as a slow
(a) body condition score of ≥5/9,19 (b) normothermia, (c) complete res- (10-15 minutes) intravenous (IV) infusion on days 0, 1, 2, and 3 (induc-
olution of presenting signs of FIP, (d) normalization of the following tion phase). The maintenance phase used 6 mg/kg administered sub-
analytes to within the relevant reference intervals: plasma total biliru- cutaneously (SC) q24h for a minimum of 84 days total treatment or
bin concentration, plasma globulin concentration (with an extended at least 2 weeks beyond achievement of remission
albumin:globulin [AG] ratio of ≥0.6), neutrophil, and lymphocyte (as defined below). If ocular or neurologic manifestations were appar-
counts, (d) quality of life (QoL) score equating to a score ≥44/55 (aver- ent, a higher maintenance dosage of 10 mg/kg was utilized.3
age of 4/5 or higher for questions 1 to 11 in the owner assessment Protocol 2 (Remdesivir-hi): In response to the suboptimal durabil-
questionnaire [Appendix 2]). ity of remission achieved in some of the initial cases, dosages were
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TABLE 1 Treatment protocol “Remdesivir-hi.” for trauma, triage, and tracking (AFAST and TFAST) was also per-

FIP Induction dose Maintenance dose formed. Online questionnaires via REDCap (Appendices 1 and 2),
presentation of remdesivir of remdesivir were utilized to capture owner-perceived general health and QoL
Effusive 10 mg/kg q24h IV or 8-10 mg/kg SC q24h impression (modified Karnofsky score approach), and veterinary-
SC for 4 days out to 84 days reported examination findings, adverse events, and drug and sample
Non-effusive 15 mg/kg q24h IV or 10-12 mg/kg SC q24h collection details.
SC for 4 days out to 84 days
Neurologic 15 mg/kg q24h SC IV 12-15 mg/kg SC q24h
and/or or SC for 4 days out to 84 days 2.3.2 | Sample collection and analyses

At each examination (Figure 1), 3.9 mL blood was collected into

1.3 mL plain, lithium heparin (LH) and ethylenediamine tetra-acetic
adjusted upwards in a revised protocol approved by The University of acid (EDTA) tubes, and fresh blood smears were prepared. Urine
Sydney Animal Ethics Committee (2021/1874) and outlined in (3-5 mL) was obtained (voided or cystocentesis) and body-cavity cent-
Table 1. esis performed, if applicable. Samples were transported on ice to Vet-
Protocol 3 (Remdesivir/GS-441524): After the release of com- erinary Pathology Diagnostic Services (Sydney School of Veterinary
pounded GS-441524 50 mg tablets in late 2021 (half-way through Science, The University of Sydney, Australia), for analysis and storage.
case recruitment), if continued treatment with remdesivir was threat- A complete blood count was performed using a Sysmex XN-10
ened by adverse responses to daily injections, veterinarians could automated hematology analyzer (Sysmex America Inc, Lincolnshire),
elect to transition cats to orally administered GS-441524 at the same with RapidDiff-stained manual blood smear read by a clinical pathology
dosage but rounded up to the nearest half tablet (25 mg). Tablets technician. A biochemistry panel consisting of CK, ALP, ALT, AST, GGT,
were administered in the starved state, followed by 3 to 5 mL of triglycerides, total protein (Biuret method), albumin, globulin, cholesterol
water or a tablespoon of wet food, to ensure passage to the stomach. (total), glucose, total bilirubin, creatinine, urea, calcium (uncorrected),
A meal was offered 30 minutes later. Where oral GS-441524 dos- inorganic phosphate, sodium, potassium, chloride, and total thyroxine
ages were increased to ≥20 mg/kg, total daily dosage was given was performed using a Konelab 30i (Thermo Fisher Scientific Australia
divided q12h. Pty Ltd, Australia) analyzer. Serum was submitted to an external labora-
For all protocols, it was emphasized to attending veterinarians tory (IDEXX Laboratories Pty Ltd, Australia) for symmetric dimethylargi-
that dosages be promptly increased to comply with the maintenance nine measurement. After centrifugation at 12 000g for 10 minutes, the
dosage (in mg/kg) with BW gain. Veterinarians were also advised remaining EDTA cell pellet and plasma, LH plasma, and serum were
not to reduce the dosage administered should cats experience BW stored at 80 C. Urine-specific gravity was measured using a standard
reductions. Ancillary medications including appetite stimulants and human optical refractometer. When present, sequential body cavity
anti-emetics were permitted. Use of gabapentin PO and transmu- effusions were submitted for DIF, including qualitative cytologic evalua-
cosal buprenorphine were supported in the case of injection site tion and protein analysis (total protein, albumin, globulin, AG ratio via
discomfort. Biuret method) and qRT-PCR. On occasion, because of courier issues
If clinical or clinicopathologic abnormalities persisted, or related to the COVID-19 pandemic, external laboratories (IDEXX Labo-
worsened, during treatment (eg, persistent hyperglobulinemia or ratories Pty Ltd, ASAP Laboratory Ltd, Australia) and in-house analyzer
development of new or recurrent signs such as uveitis), or cats hematology and biochemical profiles were utilized to ensure timely
showed re-emergent signs consistent with FIP relapse after comple- analysis. Where ultrasonographic or radiographic signs of disease were
tion of their primary course of treatment, a dosage increase of present, clinicians were encouraged to repeat diagnostic imaging
5 mg/kg was recommended for cats receiving either remdesivir or toward the end of the course of treatment.
GS-441524. For cats requiring a second course of treatment, a full
84-day course was prescribed at a dosage 5 mg/kg higher than their
initial course. 2.3.3 | Statistical analysis

All statistical analyses were conducted in R Studio (v2022.07.1) using

2.3 | Case management R (v 4.2.1) and figures were produced using the package ggplot2, by
statistician and author Hall.20,21 The primary outcome was to deter-
2.3.1 | Clinical assessments mine survival rates to 6 months, with the secondary outcome of docu-
menting the clinicopathologic progression in recruited cats.
Cats underwent physical examinations weekly for 4 weeks, every Descriptive statistics were obtained for survival, analytes by week of
2 weeks to treatment completion, then every 1 or 2 months, out to treatment, days to normalization, and length of treatment. To obtain
12 months (Figure 1). Where available to the treating veterinarian, predicted means for analytes over time, a linear mixed model was
serial abdominal, and thoracic-focused assessment with sonography used with a fixed effect of Time and random effect of cat. Before
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T A B L E 2 Number of cats with effusive and non-effusive FIP that TABLE 3 Clinical signs observed at time of diagnosis in 28 cats
tested positive to each confirmatory test. with FIP.

Confirmatory test n Clinical abnormality Number of cats %

Effusive FIP (n = 23) Inappetence 27 96
DIF positive/PCR positive 11 Low body condition score 25 89
DIF positive/PCR negative 5 Ascites 18 64
DIF positive/PCR not performed 1 Pyrexia 12 43
PCR positive (DIF negative) 6 Icterus 10 36
Non-effusive FIP (n = 5) Labored breathing 9 32
IHC positive (tissue) 3 Palpable abdominal organ enlargement 7 25
DIF positive (aspirates) 2 Mesenteric lymph node enlargement 8 27

Abbreviations: DIF, direct immunofluorescence; FCoV qRT-PCR, feline Tachycardia 4 14

coronavirus quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction; Palpably abnormal kidneys (renomegaly) 3 11
IHC, immunohistochemistry. Uveitis 1 4
Ileocecocolic mural mass 1 4
Systolic cardiac murmur 1 4
analysis, data were assessed for normality using the Shapiro-Wilk test, Arrhythmia 1 4
and variables not meeting normality requirements were loge trans-
formed to approximate normality.
T A B L E 4 Clinicopathologic abnormalities present at time of
diagnosis of 28 cats with FIP.
3 | RESULTS Clinicopathologic abnormality Number of cats %
Hypoalbuminemia 26 93
3.1 | Study cohort
Hyperbilirubinemia 22 79
Anemia 17 61
Twenty-eight cats with a convincing diagnosis of FIP (Table 2) were
Hyperglobulinemia 16 57
recruited between May 2021 and May 2022. Of these, 18 (64%)
Neutrophilia 14 50
were pedigree breeds comprising British shorthair (BSH; 5 cats), Bur-
Increases in serum ALT activities 11 39
mese (4), Cornish rex (2), Russian blue (2), Ragdoll (1), Exotic shorthair
(1), Maine coon (1), Australian mist (1), Tonkinese (1), and 10 (36%) Lymphopenia 9 32

were domestic crossbreds; 8 domestic shorthair (DSH), 1 domestic Leucocytosis 6 21

medium hair (DMH) and 1 DSH cross Scottish shorthair. Of the Hyperproteinemia 4 14
28 cats, 22 (78%) were castrated males, 5 (18%) were spayed females, Hypoproteinemia 3 11
and 1 (4%) entire female. The majority (23/28; 82%) of cats were aged Lymphocytosis 1 3
<1 year at diagnosis, median 7.5 months; (IQR 6-12 months, range
3-164 months). Fifty-four percent (15/28) of cases were enrolled in
the 2 months of May/June (Fall/Winter) and 36% (10/28) in at time of treatment commencement, 22 were quiet, alert, and respon-
September/October (Spring). All cats were feline immunodeficiency sive (78%) and 1 was bright, alert, and responsive (4%).
virus and feline leukemia virus negative. Hypoalbuminemia and hyperbilirubinemia were the most com-
mon biochemical abnormalities, present in 93% and 79% of cases,
respectively. The remaining presenting clinicopathologic abnormalities
3.2 | Clinicopathologic abnormalities on initiation are presented in Table 4 in descending order of prevalence. All cats
of treatment had an AG ratio of ≤0.6 on day 0 of treatment, with a median of 0.4
(IQR 0.3-0.5).
Twenty-three cats had effusive and 5 had non-effusive presentations.
One cat with effusive disease had concurrent ocular involvement (ante-
rior uveitis). No cats had signs of neurologic disease. Of the 23 effusive 3.3 | Antiviral treatment regimens
FIP cases, 16 (69%) had purely peritoneal effusions, 5 (22%) had pleural
effusions, and 2 (9%) had bicavitary effusions. Inappetence (96%) and Remdesivir administered parenterally was the sole treatment in 15/28
reduced BW (89%) were the most reported clinical findings, with the cats (54%); of these, 11 received Remdesivir-lo and 4 received
remaining presenting clinical abnormalities presented in Table 3 in des- Remdesivir-hi. The remaining 13/28 (46%) cats received Remdesivir/
cending order of prevalence. Five of the 28 cats (18%) were obtunded GS-441524. Median duration of remdesivir administrated parenterally
19391676, 0, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jvim.16803 by Turkey Cochrane Evidence Aid, Wiley Online Library on [25/08/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

F I G U R E 2 Duration of treatment and protocol received in 28 cats with FIP treated with parenteral remdesivir with or without transition onto
oral GS-441524.

before transition to GS-441524 administered orally was 20 days course of treatment, when signs referable to FIP (pyrexia, lethargy,
(range 5-160 days). This transition was elected when injection site dis- and inappetence) recurred between 2 and 13 days after discontinuing
comfort became problematic. treatment (Figure 2); all had received Remdesivir-lo. All 3 cats com-
menced a second course of treatment using a dosage 5 mg/kg higher
than their primary course, and all achieved remission states just
3.4 | Survival outcomes to 6 months after beyond the 6-month time point (2 received BOVA products for
initiation of treatment 84 days, 1 received unregistered tablet formulations of GS-441524
for 75 days).
Twenty-four of 28 cats (86%) survived to 6 months, including 3 that
were obtunded at diagnosis. Two cats that presented in moribund
states and received Remdesivir-hi but died within 48 hours of com- 3.5 | Recurrence rates and dosage compliance
mencing treatment. Another cat receiving Remdesivir-lo developed a
urethral obstruction and owners elected euthanasia on day 2 of treat- The recurrence rate to 6 months for cats that achieved remission
ment (Figure 2). All 3 had effusive FIP. These cats are not included in whilst receiving Remdesivir-lo was 30% (3/10), compared with no
further discussion of the response to treatment. recurrence for the Remdesivir-hi (n = 2) and Remdesivir/GS-441524
Of the 25 cats that survived the initial 48 hours, 24 lived to (n = 13) groups. Transient inadvertent dosage reductions below
6 months, a survival rate of 96% (26/27). A total of 15/25 cats (60%) 6 mg/kg (5.26-5.99 mg/kg) occurred in 8/10 cats receiving
that survived beyond the first 48 hours met the criteria for clinical Remdesivir-lo because of BW increases between examinations. Of
remission and completed treatment by day 84 (Figure 2), except for these 8 cats, 1 (13%) experienced indicators of clinical relapse within
1 cat that received an additional 6 days of treatment because of an their primary course of treatment and 3 (37%) relapsed after
owner communication error. The primary treatment course was completion.
extended in 10 of 25 cats (40%), with 5 of these also requiring dosage These findings prompted treatment protocol revisions and the
increases. Three cats were still receiving treatment at the 6-month creation of Remdesivir-hi and Remdesivir/GS-441524 protocols. No
time point (Figure 2). Three of the 25 cats (12%) required a secondary recurrence of FIP in cats receiving these revised protocols was
19391676, 0, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jvim.16803 by Turkey Cochrane Evidence Aid, Wiley Online Library on [25/08/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

F I G U R E 3 Days to
normalization for key clinical and
clinicopathologic parameters in
25 cats with FIP that survived to
complete 84 days of treatment,
ordered from the most to least
rapid to resolve. Bars indicate
average days to normalization for
an individual variable. Bar-lines
indicate the SE.

recorded for 6 months. The stipulation to round up to the nearest half respectively; Figure 3). Hyperglobulinemia was slower to normalize,
tablet of oral GS-441524 in Remdesivir/GS-441524 reduced the taking a median of 35 days (IQR 23.5-42.3). Plasma albumin concen-
occurrence of inadvertent dosage reductions because of BW gains tration and PCV took longer to improve and in some instances
between examinations. This resulted in transiently higher dosages remained slightly below their reference intervals at treatment comple-
being administered as cats grew into each half-tablet dosage increase tion. The AG ratio gradually rose from week 2 of treatment, normaliz-
(20.3-28.1 mg/kg). ing above 0.6 between weeks 7 and 9 (median 49 days, IQR
35-63 days; Figure 3).
For the 9/25 cats (36%) that had serum ALT activity above the ref-
3.6 | Clinicopathologic findings during the first erence interval at diagnosis, resolution occurred in 5 cats over
12 weeks of treatment the course of treatment. Four cats had persistent mildly high ALT activ-
ity after completion of treatment. Of the 16 cats (64%) with serum ALT
Marked and rapid clinical improvements were observed in all 25 cats activity within the reference interval (RI) at the time of diagnosis, 8 cats
that completed 12 weeks of treatment. Pyrexia resolved in a median (50%) subsequently had a serum ALT activity in excess of 128 U/L (>2
of 7 days (IQR 3.5-7; Figure 3). For the 23 effusive cases, effusion  upper extent of RI), median 175 U/L; IQR 128-266 (RI 4-64 U/L) at
resolved within a median of 9.5 days (IQR 6.25-17.25; Figure 4), com- 1 or more time points throughout the treatment, although these
monly coinciding with a transient reduction in BW, reduction in PCV, resolved during treatment or once remission was achieved.
and increase in plasma globulin concentration (Figure 4). This effect
typically peaked by day 14 of treatment. Cats had gained an average
of 30% of their day 0 BW at the time of treatment completion and 3.7 | Further observations
owners reported a rapid improvement in QoL within the first 2 weeks
of treatment (Figure 5). Six cats had sufficient residual effusion to Eosinophilia was observed in 13/25 cats (52%) that completed
allow repeat centesis with paired DIF and FCoV qRT-PCR. Four cats 12 weeks of treatment. Of these, 6 received Remdesivir-lo and
were negative to both tests at day 7, 1 was negative to both tests at 7 received Remdesivir/GS-441524. For 10 cats this was a single
day 21, with the final cat remaining positive for both tests at day occurrence during treatment and for 1 cat this occurred after treat-
7, with subsequent resolution of effusion by day 14. ment ceased. The median time until the first documentation of eosin-
Where present, mesenteric lymphadenomegaly (8 cats), renome- ophilia was 63 days (IQR 37-89). Eosinophilia was typically mild to
galy (3 cats), and ileocecocolic mass effect (1 cat) resolved palpably moderate (median 2.66  109/L; IQR 2.2-3.0; RI 0.04-1.90).
and ultrasonographically by 6 weeks, except 2 cats that had residual During the primary course of treatment, 4 cats developed comor-
mild mesenteric lymphadenopathy (width 5.4-6.3 mm). Anterior uve- bid conditions (including upper respiratory tract signs and dermato-
itis (1 cat) present at diagnosis, resolved by week 4. phytosis) requiring specific adjunctive treatment. Two cats underwent
Hyperbilirubinemia, hyperproteinemia, and leucocyte abnormali- surgical procedures (including ovariohysterectomy and enucleation).
ties normalized within 2 to 3 weeks (median 14 days, IQR 7-24; FIP treatment was continued throughout with no perceived decrease
median 21 days, IQR 11-28 and median 9 days, IQR 7-30, in efficacy or adverse effects.
19391676, 0, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jvim.16803 by Turkey Cochrane Evidence Aid, Wiley Online Library on [25/08/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

F I G U R E 4 Trend observed in the 20 effusive FIP cases that survived to complete 84 days of treatment using remdesivir administered
parenterally with and without a transition onto GS-441524 PO. The dashed vertical line indicates the average time of effusion resolution. 
symbolled line represents the mean globulin concentration by week of treatment expressed in g/L. • symbolled line represents the mean percent
of BW change from day 0 by week of treatment. Δ symbolled line represents the mean PCV by week of treatment expressed as L/L. Gray-shaded
areas represent the SE for each variable.

3.8 | Adverse drug reactions remdesivir and GS-441524 tablets were well tolerated and effective
in producing remission states in cats with naturally occurring FIP, with
Of the 25 cats that survived 12 weeks of treatment, 2 cats (8%) had an 86% survival to 6 months, increasing to 96% survival if they are
extreme adverse reactions because of perceived stinging after subcu- alive after the first 48 hours of treatment.
taneous administration of remdesivir. This includes aggressive and These high remission rates are consistent with existing reports
aversive behavior toward owners and veterinary staff, ultimately pro- documenting therapeutic efficacy using GS-441524 by injection or
hibiting continued injectable treatment. Mild injection site discomfort orally for the treatment of FIP. Subcutaneous administration of GS-
was reported in 13/25 (52%) of cats and mild localized injection site 441524 achieves survival rates of 77% beyond 6 months in cats with
reactions observed in 5/25 (20%), characterized by localized thicken- naturally occurring FIP, excluding those with ocular and severe neuro-
ing of the dermis, mild pruritus with or without focal alopecia. All logic forms, in which blood-brain and blood-eye drug penetration are
resolved on completion of injections. No adverse effects were uncertain.1,2,22 Owner-reported outcomes for 393 cats receiving
observed in cats receiving GS-441524 tablets. treatment for a presumptive diagnosis of FIP demonstrate a 96% sur-
vival rate, providing further evidence to support the use of GS-
441524.4 This study has several limitations: only 54% of cats had
4 | DISCUSSION reached 6 months post-treatment at the time of reporting, owners
used multiple brands of unregistered formulations of GS-441524 (par-
FIP was historically recognized as an invariably fatal disease. This enteral and oral), definitive diagnoses were not documented, and case
study demonstrated that compounded formulations of injectable recruitment is likely biased, with a positive outcome more likely to
19391676, 0, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jvim.16803 by Turkey Cochrane Evidence Aid, Wiley Online Library on [25/08/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

F I G U R E 5 (A) Percentage of BW change relative to day 0, by week of treatment for 25 cats with FIP receiving remdesivir with or without a
transition to oral GS-441524. (B) Quality of life score by week of treatment for 25 cats with FIP receiving remdesivir with or without a transition
to oral GS-441524 (modified Karnofsky score, where the highest possible score is 55). For both (A) and (B) boxes depict the median (horizontal
line) and interquartile range, whiskers representing the range, dots representing outliers.
19391676, 0, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jvim.16803 by Turkey Cochrane Evidence Aid, Wiley Online Library on [25/08/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

prompt owner participation.4 Higher survival rates of 100% are also because of BW increases, 4 (50%) went on to develop either re-
reported to 6 months in 18 cats using an unregistered oral complex emergent signs of FIP during treatment or came out of remission.
formulation containing GS-441524, although cats with severe disease Although other factors might have influenced these outcomes, it
were excluded because of perceived risks associated with oral admin- appears prudent to utilize the higher dosages in Remdesivir-hi and
istration and potentially reduced gastrointestinal drug absorption in Remdesivir/GS-441524, weighing cats every 2 weeks and adjusting
moribund cats.5 In contrast, parenteral, and especially intravenous dosages upwards to accommodate for the anticipated substantial BW
administration negates the limitations of oral therapy. increase (average 30%) during the 84-day treatment period.
This current study, therefore, did not exclude advanced disease The observation that 3 cats (1 receiving Remdesivir-lo, 2 receiving
states, as it was considered important to determine treatment efficacy Remdesivir/GS-441524) demonstrated signs consistent with clinical
across the full range of clinical presentations. A total of 5/28 cats relapse of FIP during their initial treatment period might suggest
(18%) in this study were obtunded or moribund at the time of treat- either the emergence of antiviral resistance, variations in drug distri-
ment commencement, yet 3 achieved remission and survived beyond bution, initial viral load, or virus strain. Further research is required to
6 months, suggesting that although cats with advanced disease might better characterize the mechanisms for such variations in clinical
be at greater risk for death in the first 48 hours, remission can still be response and highlights the need for continued investigation into
achieved and attempting treatment is worthwhile. pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, dosage optimization, and the
Rapid resolution of clinical signs associated with FIP was achieved potential role of combination drug therapy. Parenteral administration
in all cats that survived to 6 months, again consistent with existing of remdesivir and oral administration of GS-441524 were well toler-
reports utilizing parenteral and oral administration of GS-441524.1,2,5 ated. The transition to GS-441524 tablets circumvented injection site
Resolution of pyrexia and inappetence was achieved within 1 week, discomfort (generally mild, though occasionally severe). Thirty-eight
with improved QoL scores, resolution of icterus, effusions, and oph- percent of cats had mildly high serum ALT activity (typically less than
thalmic changes to follow within 2 to 4 weeks of starting treatment. a 2-fold increase) at the time of diagnosis. Mechanisms to explain this
In contrast, clinicopathologic derangements such as hyperglobuline- finding might include FIP-induced immune-mediated inflammation,
mia, hypoalbuminemia, and anemia tended to resolve later during hepatic hypoxia or hypovolemia, and in some instances, hemolysis
treatment. This might support a clinical decision to emphasize moni- artifact.27 Increase in serum ALT activity often resolved during treat-
toring physical examination findings in the first half of treatment and ment, or in some instances persisted beyond the point where
hematologic and biochemical measurements in the latter half of treat- treatment was discontinued (without FIP relapse), and therefore is
ment. Critically, the presence of hyperglobulinemia beyond the first unlikely to represent an adverse drug effect.
6 weeks of treatment should prompt a dosage increase, or consider- There was no obvious explanation for the eosinophilia documen-
ation of the addition of a second antiviral agent (such as the protease ted in 56% of cats in this trial. Fecal examinations were not per-
inhibitor GC37623 or molnupiravir24-26) as treatment data grows and formed, thus co-infection with parasitic species cannot be excluded
drug availability improves. Treatment extension should be considered but is considered unlikely, as anthelmintic prophylaxis was current. No
if abnormalities referable for FIP remain beyond week 10 of dermatologic changes were observed, bar mild alopecia and skin thick-
treatment. The trend observed in effusive cases, whereby a BW drop, ening at the injection site in some, but not all, cats with eosinophilia.
globulin concentration spike, and PCV drop coincides with effusion Krentz5 also reports mild eosinophilia in 61% of cats receiving an oral
resorption at week 2, is another important observation of which clini- formulation containing GS-441524. It is of great interest that
cians should be aware, with similar trends previously documented.2 In increased eosinophil counts are thought to hold positive prognostic
isolation, these findings could be erroneously interpreted as a nega- value in human patients with COVID-19.28-30 Further investigation as
tive response to treatment, however, if paired with positive clinical to the implication of eosinophilia in cats receiving treatment with anti-
responses (resolution of pyrexia, improved appetite, and demeanor, viral drugs is required.
resolution of effusions), this appears not to be the case. Given the At the time of writing, remdesivir and GS-441524 for veterinary
voluminous and highly proteinaceous composition of FIP effusions, use is only legally available in a limited number of countries. Much of
hyperglobulinemia and reduction in PCV might represent systemic the world, however, remains without easy and timely legal access to
protein resorption and transient hemodilution because of body cavity both these drugs. As newer antivirals continue to show promise in FIP
fluid shifts. treatment,25 legal access to drugs such as molnupiravir, EIDD 1931,
It is important to note that the protocols outlined in this study and nirmatrelvir/ritonavir (Paxlovid) are likely to become more globally
evolved over the course of the recruitment period and were not pro- accessible. This study provides a robust framework to guide the
spectively assigned in a randomized manner. Although differences in expected clinicopathologic response during effective antiviral therapy
recurrence rates were observed (with a 30% likelihood of recurrence using nucleoside and nucleotide analog for comparative purposes in
using Remdesivir-lo, compared with zero recurrence with Remdesivir- future drug trials.
hi and Remdesivir/GS-441524), determination of the statistical signifi- Various methodologies have been used for the detection of FCoV
cance of these results would require much larger prospective, blind, antigen within macrophages from cellular aspirates or effusions
randomized trials. Of the 8 cats receiving Remdesivir-lo that experi- (immunocytochemistry) leading to variability in the reported specific-
enced inadvertent dosage reductions (dropping below 6 mg/kg) ity of such testing.31-37 The technique used in the current study has
19391676, 0, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jvim.16803 by Turkey Cochrane Evidence Aid, Wiley Online Library on [25/08/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

100% specificity and 75% sensitivity and is, therefore, a definitive test presentations has not been influenced by the aforementioned compa-
when the result is positive.31 It is important for clinicians to be aware nies and organizations.
of variations in immunocytochemistry techniques and to be familiar
with the specificity of the methodology employed by their local labo- OF F-LABEL ANTIMI CROBIAL DECLARATION
ratory when interpreting positive results. This paper discusses the off-label use of compounded antiviral for-
Limitations of this study included the lack of a control group mulations for the treatment of FIP in cats. Gilead Sciences, Inc. hold
(because of ethical reasons), the relatively small number of cases the patent for remdesivir and GS-441524 and have declined regis-
within the 3 treatment groups, and the need to adapt treatment pro- tration for veterinary use. In Australia, compounded drugs are not
tocols to optimize outcomes in this client-owned cohort of cats. Full classified as veterinary chemicals under the Agricultural and Veteri-
fluid analysis was not performed on every effusive case at the time of nary Chemicals Code and are therefore exempt from regulations
diagnosis because of limitations in the study design. This might have associated with registered drugs. Australian veterinarians are per-
prohibited the detection of comorbid disease such as neoplasia or mitted to write a prescription to a registered pharmacist to com-
bacterial infection which might have affected outcomes in cats that pound a drug if there is not a registered veterinary product suitable
died in the first 48 hours of treatment. for use.
Compounded remdesivir administered parenterally as monother-
apy or with a subsequent transition onto compounded GS-441524 INSTITU TIONAL ANIMAL C AR E AND USE COMMITTEE
administered orally can be considered a well-tolerated and effective (IACUC) OR OTHER APPROVAL DECLARATION
treatment for naturally occurring FIP. Access to both parenteral and This study was approved by The University of Sydney Animal Ethics
oral formulations is advantageous, allowing for treatment flexibility Committee Project number: 2021/1874.
across the spectrum of disease states and patient temperaments. Reg-
ular monitoring of body weight and dosage adjustments are vital to HUMAN E THICS APPROVAL DECLARATION
ensure a sufficient dosage is being maintained. Dosage increases and Authors declare human ethics approval was not needed for this study.
treatment extensions beyond 84 days might be required, as directed
by individual response. Repeat treatment might also be required in a OR CID
minority of cases, although remission rates after repeat treatment Sally J. Coggins https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8683-5014
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