MECH551 - Nanotechnology Coursework 2021-22

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Faculty of Science and Engineering

Coursework – 2021/22 Academic Year

Module Code: MECH551

Module Title: Advanced Materials Engineering & Nanotechnology

Module Leader: Dr Jasper Graham-Jones

School: School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: 3pm on Monday 25 April 2022

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Responsible Academic for this coursework: Dr Alexander Besinis

Module Code: MECH551
Coursework – 2021/22
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Title: Investigation of the properties and behaviour of engineered
nanomaterials in solution using advanced analytical

You are part of a research group investigating the behaviour of a range of

nanoparticles in different solutions. This particular study focuses on the
differences between nanosolutions in ultrapure Milli-Q water and a saline-
BHI broth. It is important that the nanoparticles are fully characterised and
key information is collected to determine the effect of the media on a)
nanomaterials agglomeration, b) nanomaterials detection and recovery
when in suspension, and c) particle size and morphology. A series of
experiments and tests have been performed including nanoparticle
tracking analysis (NTA), inductively coupled plasma optical emission
spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
Stock nanosolutions of 100 mg/L were used in all experiments, which
were sonicated for at least 4h prior to testing to disperse the particles.
Data collection is now complete and all relevant files have been stored on
the DLE module page. You need to analyse that data and answer
questions a-c above.
The students are asked to prepare the essay in a “research article style
format” as they would normally present their experimental work to be
submitted for peer review to an international journal in the field of
The essay needs to follow the structure described below: Introduction,
Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions
Students have been asked to provide examples from the literature and all
statements must be well supported with references following the Harvard
referencing style.
Any evidence of plagiarism may result in the assignment being given
a zero mark.

Responsible Academic for this coursework: Dr Alexander Besinis

Module Code: MECH551
Coursework – 2021/22
Page 2 of 5
 Introduction – Brief (maximum 1 page, approx. 500 words).
 Set the scene and introduce the reader to the topic
 Provide an overview of how nanomaterials behaviour can be
affected by the media they are suspended in.
 Identify knowledge gaps and the challenges in nanomaterials
characterisation in certain media.
 Briefly describe how/which analytical techniques can be employed
to assist nanomaterials characterisation.

 Methods and Materials

 Briefly describe the materials and media included in the study.

 Briefly describe the experimental set-up for the three main
experiments of the study (NTA, ICP and TEM).
 Describe in detail how you used and analysed each set of raw data
provided to make your calculations and statistical analysis.
 Excel spreadsheets showing your data analysis, calculations and
plotted graphs should be submitted separately as electronic files.
Those files need to be annotated in a way that others can follow your

 Results
The raw data provided needs to be processed and analysed accordingly
before presenting results in graphs, charts, tables and images. Some
statistical analysis is also expected.
Your results section should also include a table where the following
information appears; i) concentration of nanoparticles in each of the
solutions, ii) average aggregate size in each of the solutions and iii) mean
primary particle size. Use the NTA data to calculate the particle size
distributions for all nanomaterials in both solutions where applicable.

Responsible Academic for this coursework: Dr Alexander Besinis

Module Code: MECH551
Coursework – 2021/22
Page 3 of 5
 Discussion - (at least 2 pages, approx. 1000 words)

Critically appraise how different media may affect nanomaterials

behaviour and the challenges characterising particles in nanosolutions.
Discuss how analytical techniques can be used to overcome these

 Conclusions - (approx. 300 words)

 References - ~30 references using Author Date format (Harvard

referencing style)

 Figures, Tables - Use appropriate figures, graphs, tables and other

visuals to further support your academic arguments. Add figure
legends and Table descriptions as required.

 Word count - 4000 words ± 10% (excluding references, appendices

and figure legends)

General Guidelines

 Include a front cover sheet.

 Include actual word count.
 Include page numbering.
 Cite references correctly in the text using the Harvard citation format.
 Include a complete reference list using the Harvard referencing
 Only include appendices that are directly relevant to your work.
 Word process and proof read your work carefully before handing it in.
 The word limit (indicative word count) allows for a 10% margin either
way. However, if you exceed the word count beyond the 10% margin,
you may be either a) doing more work than is required or b) writing in
an excessively verbose way.

Responsible Academic for this coursework: Dr Alexander Besinis

Module Code: MECH551
Coursework – 2021/22
Page 4 of 5
DLE Submission Instructions

1. Use Windows Explorer to create a new folder on your PC.

2. Rename the folder using your Student ID Number along with the
module code (MECH551) for its new name, e.g. 12345678-
3. Save all submission documents to the folder. Your main essay
should be in a PDF format and you can add additional Excel and
statistical analysis files (e.g., SPSS) as required.
4. When finished, Right-Click on the folder and select Send to
Compressed (zipped) folder.
5. Upload the Compressed (zipped) folder file to the Online-
submission on the DLE.

Note: Only one .zip file can be uploaded

Responsible Academic for this coursework: Dr Alexander Besinis

Module Code: MECH551
Coursework – 2021/22
Page 5 of 5

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