Substance Abuse

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Substance abuse

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Based on the past, current, and future predictions of counseling development models,

evidence exists that the growth and reinforcement of our counseling practices have positively

evolved. This has provided credible and effective services in both rehabilitative and mental

health settings. The history of counseling can be unearthed back in traditional times when

individuals in communities could gather in groups to share their stories, advice, advice, and life

experiences. Due to the development of civilization, educational facilities, hospital centers, and

religion came to being, providing various types of counseling to individuals who presented their

challenges for help. After that, counseling as a profession gained much attention and developed

in diverse ways due to responses to society's changes and a higher emphasis on human beings'

values. Almost all healthcare facilities have adopted counseling practices, specifically in mental

and rehabilitation centers, a profession that is highly upheld as one of the catalysts to recovery

among patients with mental health issues.

Many counselors are now adhering to the five basic counseling models: promotion and

coaching. Case management, comprehensive therapy, and symptom-focused therapy engage

clients in the healing process. Presently, the delivery of counseling services in the healthcare

setting incorporates crucial strategies and therapies adopted by different management; these

include existential, interpersonal, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, rational motive, and reality

therapy, among others. Moreover, the counseling profession is changing, and future trends

predict incorporating more advanced solution-based counseling services. In the future, the

incorporation of solution-based therapy, which aims at replacing problems with solutions, will be

highly used. Secondly, the end of counseling focuses on trauma-focused approaches where the

victim can be equipped with the necessary skills to understand and acknowledge their traumatic

experiences. Also, victims can understand the impacts of trauma across all dimensions of

emotional, physical, social, cognitive, and spiritual being. Therefore, the counseling session will

be practical since both parties will explore beyond their vivid recollections to address the impacts

on body mechanisms and the brain, thus providing a holistic lens of treatment.

The development of counseling practices has been enhanced by the state, federal and

community organizations that work towards creating a convenient society for trauma victims and

mental health capabilities. In the federal and state government, different measures are enacted to

regulate providers and systems of counseling to uphold people's mental health. Further, the state

promotes counseling programs by supporting research practices and innovations, building

cognitive rehabilitation centers, and providing educational programs for the counseling

profession. On the other hand, the community organization works closely with other institutions

in providing care for mentally challenged individuals and collaborates with counselors to help

those with life traumas recover. Health care reforms include implementing policy changes that

impact the provision and delivery of healthcare services. Based on studies, these reforms have

more significant impacts on the future trends of rehabilitation and substance abuse among

individuals in our communities. For instance, the reforms will positively help in information

dissemination, which includes providing knowledge and awareness of the negative impacts of

drug abuse, thus reinforcing programs that promote zero-substance abuse campaigns. Also, the

future of counseling will focus on prevention education to infect social skills of decision making,

critical analysis, and judgmental abilities.

Substance abuse hurts an individual's mental health since it affects people's abilities to

perform typically and causes addiction. In today's world, mental health issues have significantly

increased as more people indulge in substance abuse, thus impacting their physical and

psychological health. Unaddressed mental health problems contribute to challenges like poverty,

and homelessness, compromise people's safety, cause unemployment and deter the local

economy. These challenges tend to reduce the productivity of businesses, increase healthcare

costs, cause poor school performances and cause family disruption. Mental health counseling has

also improved the general well-being of major community centers. People have become aware of

the mental health challenges and problems while embracing the victims with much support and

care. Counselling education gives a personal space and time to solve one's problems in a safe,

respectful, and non-judgmental environment to regain balance and mental well-being. The

outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in negative impacts on people's cognitive

capabilities, thus demanding much attention on behavioral health services. As a result,

counseling therapy and instruction in more rehabilitation centers have increased due to high

records of mental issues recorded each day from different countries. The state, federal and

community centers are working closely to ensure that behavioral health services are fully

implemented and provided in all health sectors.

I have utilized the following references in the presentation, which provide research evidence on

overall issues of mental health and substance abuse.

Murphy, D. (Ed.). (2017). Counseling psychology: A textbook for study and practice. John Wiley

& Sons.

The book provides crucial information on the development and advancement of the counseling

profession in a healthcare setting. It also gives insight into the philosophical and historical

foundations of counseling and its significant players.


Abuse, S. (2020). Critical substance use and mental health indicators in the United States: results

from the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.

The article offers a research-based analysis of substance abuse and its impact on mental health. It

also analyses how significant issues (including Covid-19) impacted the mental wellness of

people and the contributions of community organizations towards achieving improved cognitive


Francis, P. C., & Horn, A. S. (2017). Mental health issues and counseling services in US higher

education: An overview of recent research and recommended practices. Higher Education

Policy, 30(2), 263-277.

The overview provides an analysis of how counseling services improve the mental health

abilities of individuals. Further, the authors have analyzed the present and future trends in

substance abuse while providing measures and strategies to achieve future mental wellness.

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