2019-12-19 - RF1802 - CEWELL Report

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Final Report


Laboratory Geotechnical Investigations on Rock Core Samples from

Wellbores of Gamij field, Khubal field, Sri field & Linch field, ONGC.

Client: Centre for Excellence in Well Logging Technology (CEWELL),

ONGC, Baroda
Ref: MoU between ONGC and NIRM dated 01.06.2015
BDA/CEWELL/18/2018-19, Dated 05-09-2018

Project Leader : S Udaya kumar

Co-Investigators : D.Prashanth Kumar
A.Rajan Babu, Principal Scientist, CTS

Centre for Testing Services (CTS)

Email: Research
(An Autonomous [email protected]; [email protected],
Institute, Web: www.nirm.in
Ministry of Mines, Govt. of India)
Phone: +91-8153-275000; Fax: +91-8153-275002

Project No. RF-1802 May, 2019

Sl No. CONTENTS Page No.


1.0 Introduction 1

2.0 Scope of work 1

3.0 Sample Preparation 1

4.0 Methodology 4

4.1 Uniaxial Compression Test 4

4.2 Triaxial Compression Test - Multiple Failure Method 5

5.0 Test results 6

5.1 Test results of core samples from Gamij field 7 - 19

5.2 Test results of core samples from Khubal field 20 – 38

5.3 Test results of core samples from Linch field 39 – 54

5.4 Test results of core samples from Sri field 55 - 64

6.0 Acknowledgement

The National Institute of Rock Mechanics (NIRM) has carried out laboratory geotechnical
studies on core samples collected from the wellbores of Gamej field, Khubal field, Sri field and
Linch field of CEWELL, ONGC Baroda. A total of 54 core samples were received from four
locations for the determination of the following properties..

 Uniaxial compressive strength

 Static Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio
 Cohesion and Friction angle

All the tests were carried out as per the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM)
suggested methods on the prepared test specimens. Uniaxial compression tests were
carried out on 36 samples to determine the compressive strength and elastic constants.
Average Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio were calculated from the linear portion of the
stress-strain curves obtained from uniaxial compression test (20% to 60% of failure stress).
Triaxial compression tests (Multiple failure method) were conducted at various confining
pressures ranging from 2 MPa to 25 MPa. A total of 18 samples were tested under triaxial
stress conditions and determined Cohesion & Friction angle by computing the data using
Roc-data software.

This report incorporates the details of work carried out in the laboratory including the
sample preparation, methodology of testing and the test results obtained. The photographs
of samples tested under Uniaxial Compression & Triaxial compression tests are presented
along with the results.
Centre for Testing Services (CTS) National Institute of Rock Mechanics

1.0 Introduction

The Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC) is in the process of drilling deep boreholes for
exploration purpose. The Centre for Excellence in Well Logging Technology (CEWELL) Baroda, a
subsidiary of ONGC, requested National Institute of Rock Mechanics (NIRM) to carry out
laboratory geotechnical investigations on core samples collected from the wellbores of Gamej
field, Khubal field, Sri field and Linch field. The test results will form input parameters for
geomechanical modelling of wellbore stability by CEWELL. This report incorporates the details
of work carried out in the laboratory including sample preparation, methodology of testing and
the results obtained.

2.0 Scope of Work

The scope of work includes determination of the following mechanical properties.

a) Uniaxial compressive strength with Static Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio
b) Cohesion and Friction angle from triaxial compression test (Multiple failure method)

3.0 Sample Preparation

The rock core samples received for laboratory investigations comprised of shale and Sandstone
having a diameter of about 38 mm. The selected core samples were cut to the required length
using rock core cutting machine and the loading faces of the samples were polished using an
automatic surface grinder. Dimensions and their tolerances were maintained as per the ISRM
suggested methods. For uniaxial and triaxial compression testing the ratio of length to diameter
was maintained at 2. In order to avoid damage to the core sample while cutting and grinding, the
samples were enclosed with heatRecored
shrink samples
Recored samples
tube covered
during with
with and it was removed at the time
heat shrink tube
heat shrink is
of testing. The method of sample preparation tube for finishing
for finishing
shown in the Figure 1.

Cutting of sample to the required size Surface Finishing using surface grinder
Figure size Surface
size preparation methodology
1: Sample usingsurface

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A total of 54 test specimens were prepared from the core samples received and were used to
carry out Uniaxial & Triaxial compression tests. The details of the number of samples prepared
from each location is given in Table 1 and Figure 2.

Table 1 : The details of samples from each location

Area Number of samples prepared

Gamij Field 12
Khubal Field 18
Linch Field 15
Sri Field 09

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Figure 2: Samples ready for testing after preparation.

4.0 Methodology
4.1.Uniaxial Compression Test
Uniaxial compression test was carried out using 815 MTS rock mechanics test system. Axial and
lateral extensometers are attached to the sample to record the axial and lateral deformations. The
specimen is placed inside the MTS load frame shown in Figure 3, and the axial load is applied at
a constant rate of 20 KN/minute up to failure of the sample.

Figure 3: MTS extensometers and compression testing set up

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The load and deformation is recorded continuously using the data acquisition system. The axial
stress, axial strain and lateral strain are computed from the data recorded and used for calculating
the values of compressive strength, Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio.

Young’s modulus is the modulus of elasticity measuring the stiffness of a rock material. It is
defined as the ratio of the rate of change of stress with strain. This is determined from the slope
of a linear portion of stress-strain curve. Poisson’s ratio measures the ratio of lateral strain to
axial strain. Based on the linear stress-strain behavior of the samples tested, the average young’s
modulus and Poisson’s ratio are calculated between the stress range of 20 to 60 percent of the
failure stress of the specimen tested.

4.2.Triaxial Compression Test - Multiple Failure Method

Triaxial compression test was carried out to determine Compressive strength at various confining
pressure, cohesion (c) and friction angle (). The test was performed using Hoek triaxial cell and
MTS compression testing machine. In this method, a single sample is used to determine the
failure stress at different confining pressure (multiple failure method). Hoek cell along with the
sample arrangement is placed between the platens of the MTS compression-testing machine as
shown in Figure 4. Axial load is applied using 815 MTS rock mechanics test system and lateral
confining pressure by the hand pump. The test was carried out under displacement control at a
rate of 0.20 mm per minute.

The confining pressure is increased and kept constant up to the desired value. Axial load is then
applied continuously until the peak strength of the specimen is reached. At this time, the
confining pressure is increased to the next higher value and the corresponding peak strength of
the specimen is determined. This procedure is repeated for other confining pressures. The load
and displacement was recorded continuously throughout the test. Triaxial compression test
was carried out at confining pressures varying from 2 MPa to 25 MPa and the details are
provided for each sample along with the test results. Cohesion (shear strength) and friction
angle were calculated from the σ1 and σ3 values using Roc-Data software.

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Figure 4: MTS compression testing machine with Hoek triaxial cell

5.0 Test results

Fifty four test specimens were prepared from the wellbore core samples of Gamej field, Khubal
field, Sri field and Linch field for the determination of uniaxial compressive strength, Young’s
modulus, Poisson’s ratio, Cohesive strength and Internal friction angle. The results obtained
from uniaxial and Triaxial compression tests are given below.

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5.1 Test results of core samples from Gamij field

Uniaxial and Triaxial compression tests were carried out on twelve samples and the results
obtained are presented in table 2 & 3. The stress- strain curves and the Mohr-coulomb plots for
the tested samples are given in figures 5 to 16.
Table 2: Uniaxial compressive strength, Young’s modulus & Poisson’s ratio:
Plug Uniaxial Young's
Well No. CC No. Plug No. Depth compressive Modulus
(m) strength (Mpa) (Gpa)
GM-1 792.13 7.01 3.81 0.23
GM-3 792.27 6.81 4.16 0.17
GM-4 798.4 13.16 5.36 0.17
GM-6 798.48 6.99 4.34 0.31
GM-7 805.75 10.21 9.16 0.23
GM-9 805.87 10.34 7.95 -
GM-10 824.45 7.59 4.58 0.32
GM-11 824.51 5.7 7.03 -

Table 3: Cohesion & Friction angle:

Plug Depth Cohesion
Well No. CC No. Plug No. angle
(m) (MPa)
GM-2 792.17 2.86 27.14
1 GM-5 798.44 5.49 30.04
GM-8 805.83 6.18 30.84
2 GM-12 824.59 5.49 30.74

It was observed from the above tables that the compressive strength ranged from 5.70 MPa to
13.16 MPa, modulus of elasticity from 3.81 GPa to 9.16 GPa and the Poisson’s ratio from 0.17 to
0.32. The cohesion and friction angle obtained from the triaxial test data ranged from 2.86 MPa
to 6.18 MPa and 27.14 degrees to 30.84 degrees respectively.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. GM-222 / GM1

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 7.01

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 3.81

Poisson’s ratio 0.23

Figure 5: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no GM1.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. GM-222 / GM3

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 6.81

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 4.16

Poisson’s ratio 0.17

Figure 6: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no GM3.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. GM-222 / GM4

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 13.16

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 5.36

Poisson’s ratio 0.17

Figure 7: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no GM4.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. GM-222 / GM6

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 6.99

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 4.34

Poisson’s ratio 0.31

Figure 8: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no GM6.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. GM-222 / GM7

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 10.21

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 9.16

Poisson’s ratio 0.23

Figure 9: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no GM7.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. GM-222 / GM9

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 10.34

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 7.95

Poisson’s ratio --

Figure 10: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no GM9.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. GM-222 / GM10

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 7.59

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 4.58

Poisson’s ratio 0.32

Figure 11: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no GM10.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. GM-222 / GM11

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 5.7

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 7.03

Poisson’s ratio --

Figure 12: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no GM11.

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Borehole no. GM222 / GM-2

Lithology Shale

Cohesion (MPa) 2.86

Friction angle (degree) 27.14

Figure 13: Mohr-Coulomb Plot for sample no. GM-2

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Borehole no. GM222 / GM-5

Lithology Shale

Cohesion (MPa) 5.49

Friction angle (degree) 30.04

Figure 14: Mohr-Coulomb Plot for sample no. GM-5

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Borehole no. GM222 / GM-8

Lithology Shale

Cohesion (MPa) 6.18

Friction angle (degree) 30.84

Figure 15: Mohr-Coulomb Plot for sample no. GM-8

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Borehole no. GM222 / GM-12

Lithology Shale

Cohesion (MPa) 5.49

Friction angle (degree) 30.74

Figure 16: Mohr-Coulomb Plot for sample no. GM-12

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5.2 Test results of core samples from Khubal field

A total of eighteen test specimens were prepared and tested under uniaxial & triaxial stress
conditions. The compressive strength, Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio obtained from
uniaxial compression tests are presented in table 4 and the stress-strain plots are shown in figure
17 to 28. The cohesion and internal friction angle determined from triaxial compression tests are
given in table 5 and the Mohr-coulomb plots for the tested samples are given in figure 29 to 34.

Table 4: Uniaxial compressive strength, Young’s modulus & Poisson’s ratio:

Plug Uniaxial Young's
CC Plug Poisson’s
Well No. Depth compressive Modulus
No. No. ratio
(m) strength (MPa) (GPa)
KL-1A 1460.85 56.82 11.00 0.30
KL-1B 1460.90 59.74 11.71 0.31
KH # 1A
KL-2A 1366.28 42.59 15.66 0.18
KL-2C 1366.37 64.51 26.86 0.16
KH#1A KL-3A 1621.67 112.54 20.64 0.26
(KHBA) KL-3B 1621.73 113.26 21.21 0.23
KH#01 KL-4B 2497.28 69.28 28.66 0.15
(KHBA) KL-4C 2497.33 37.16 28.05 0.24
KL-5A 1434.05 23.26 11.70 0.22
KL-5B 1434.11 37.42 9.11 0.30
KL-6A 1957.10 39.03 27.19 0.16
KL-6B 1957.15 57.92 29.85 0.17

Table 5: Cohesion & Friction angle:

Friction angle
Well No. CC No. Plug No. Plug Depth (m) Cohesion (MPa)
2 KL-1C 1460.95 25.33 33.88
KH # 1A
1 KL-2B 1366.32 24.58 29.34
1 KL-3C 1621.78 35.68 41.27
2 KL-4A 2497.23 19.56 33.27
1 KL-5C 1434.16 11.40 38.25
2 KL-6C 1957.21 24.40 26.43

It can be observed from table 4 that the compressive strength, Young’s modulus and Poisson’s
ratio for sandstone samples ranged from 56.82 to 113.26 MPa, 11.0 to 21.21 GPa and 0.23 to
0.31 respectively whereas for shale samples it varied from 23.26 to 69.28 MPa, 11.70 to 29.85
GPa & 0.15 to 0.30. The cohesion & Friction angle for sandstone samples varies from 25.33 to
35.68 MPa and 33.88 to 41.27 degrees respectively and it is 11.40 to 24.58 MPa & 26.43 to
38.25 degrees respectively.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. KH#1A / KL1A

Lithology Sandstone

Compressive Strength (MPa) 56.82

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 11.00

Poisson’s ratio 0.30

Figure 17: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no KL1a.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. KH#1A / KL1B

Lithology Sandstone

Compressive Strength (MPa) 59.74

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 11.71

Poisson’s ratio 0.31

Figure 18: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no KL1b.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. KH#1A / KL2A

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 42.59

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 15.66

Poisson’s ratio 0.18

Figure 19: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no KL2a.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. KH#1A / KL2C

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 64.51

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 26.86

Poisson’s ratio 0.16

Figure 20: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no KL2c.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. KH#1A / KL3A

Lithology Sandstone

Compressive Strength (MPa) 112.54

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 20.64

Poisson’s ratio 0.26

Figure 21: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no KL3a.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. KH#1A / KL3B

Lithology Sandstone

Compressive Strength (MPa) 113.26

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 21.21

Poisson’s ratio 0.23

Figure 22: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no KL3b.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. KH#01 / KL4B

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 69.28

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 28.66

Poisson’s ratio 0.15

Figure 23: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no KL4b.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. KH#01 / KL4C

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 37.16

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 28.05

Poisson’s ratio 0.24

Figure 24: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no KL4c.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. KH#02 / KL5A

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 23.26

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 11.70

Poisson’s ratio 0.22

Figure 25: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no KL5a.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. KH#02 / KL5B

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 37.42

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 9.11

Poisson’s ratio 0.30

Figure 26: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no KL5b.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. KH#02 / KL6A

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 39.03

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 27.19

Poisson’s ratio 0.16

Figure 27: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no KL6a.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. KH#02 / KL6B

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 57.92

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 29.85

Poisson’s ratio 0.17

Figure 28: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no KL6b.

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Borehole no. KH#1A / KL1C

Lithology Sandstone

Cohesion (MPa) 25.33

Friction angle (degree) 33.88

Figure 29: Mohr-Coulomb Plot for samples no. KL1C

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Borehole no. KH#1A / KL2B

Lithology Shale

Cohesion (MPa) 24.58

Friction angle (degree) 29.34

Figure 30: Mohr-Coulomb Plot for samples no. KL2B

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Borehole no. KH#1A / KL3C

Lithology Sandstone

Cohesion (MPa) 35.68

Friction angle (degree) 41.27

Figure 31: Mohr-Coulomb Plot for samples no. KL3C

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Borehole no. KH#1A / KL4A

Lithology Shale

Cohesion (MPa) 19.56

Friction angle (degree) 33.27

Figure 32: Mohr-Coulomb Plot for samples no. KL4A

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Borehole no. KH#1A / KL5C

Lithology Shale

Cohesion (MPa) 11.40

Friction angle (degree) 38.25

Figure 33: Mohr-Coulomb Plot for samples no. KL5C

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Borehole no. KH#1A / KL6C

Lithology Shale

Cohesion (MPa) 24.40

Friction angle (degree) 26.43

Figure 34: Mohr-Coulomb Plot for samples no. KL6C

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5.3 Test results of core samples from Linch field

Uniaxial compression tests were carried out on ten samples and the results are presented in Table
6. The stress strain curves obtained for the corresponding samples are given in figure 35 to 44.
Five samples were tested under triaxial stress conditions for the determination of Cohesion &
Friction angle and the results are given in Table 7. The Mohr-coulomb plots for the samples
tested under triaxial are shown in Figure 45 to 49.

Table 6: Uniaxial compressive strength, Young’s modulus & Poisson’s ratio:

Plug Uniaxial Young's
Well No. CC No. Plug No. Depth compressive Modulus
(m) strength (MPa) (GPa)
LN-01 1813.53 23.58 5.13 0.28
LN-03 1813.7 23.90 13.23 0.17
LN-04 1815.68 21.61 4.92 0.26
LN-06 1815.86 33.01 6.61 0.32
LN-07 1818.54 29.59 6.05 0.15
LN-09 1818.63 26.29 7.85 0.16
LN-10 1824.65 70.42 17.58 0.14
LN-11 1824.7 77.44 16.98 0.21
LN-13 1835.37 19.10 15.19 -
LN-15 1835.47 18.00 17.11 0.17

Table 7: Cohesion & Friction angle:

Plug Depth Cohesion
Well No. CC No. Plug No. angle
(m) (MPa)
LN-02 1813.65 9.74 36.21
1 LN-05 1815.81 10.57 28.12
Linch-147 LN-08 1818.59 6.98 35.26
2 LN-12 1824.74 24.15 41.76
3 LN-14 1835.42 8 33.2

It can be observed from Table 6 & 7, compressive strength varies from 18.00 MPa to 77.44 MPa.
The Young’s modulus & Poisson’s ratio ranged from 4.92 GPa to 17.58 GPa and 0.14 to 0.32
respectively. The Cohesion & Friction angle calculated from triaxial test data ranged from 6.98
MPa to 24.15 MPa and 28.12 degrees to 36.21 degrees respectively.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. Linch-147 / LN-01

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 23.58

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 5.13

Poisson’s ratio 0.28

Figure 35: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no LN1.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. Linch-147 / LN-03

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 23.90

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 13.23

Poisson’s ratio 0.17

Figure 36: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no LN3.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. Linch-147 / LN-04

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 21.61

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 4.92

Poisson’s ratio 0.26

Figure 37: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no LN4.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. Linch-147 / LN-06

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 33.01

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 6.61

Poisson’s ratio 0.32

Figure 38: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no LN6.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. Linch-147 / LN-07

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 29.59

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 6.05

Poisson’s ratio 0.15

Figure 39: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no LN7.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. Linch-147 / LN-09

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 26.29

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 7.85

Poisson’s ratio 0.16

Figure 40: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no LN9.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. Linch-147 / LN-10

Lithology Sandstone

Compressive Strength (MPa) 70.42

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 17.58

Poisson’s ratio 0.14

Figure 41: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no LN10a.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. Linch-147 / LN-11

Lithology Sandstone

Compressive Strength (MPa) 77.44

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 16.98

Poisson’s ratio 0.21

Figure 42: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no LN11.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. Linch-147 / LN-13

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 19.10

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 15.19

Poisson’s ratio --

Figure 43: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no LN13.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. Linch-147 / LN-15

Lithology Shale

Compressive Strength (MPa) 18.00

Young’s Modulus (MPa) 17.11

Poisson’s ratio 0.17

Figure 44: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no LN15.

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Borehole no. Linch-147 / LN02

Lithology Shale

Cohesion (MPa) 9.74

Friction angle (degree) 36.21

Figure 45: Mohr-Coulomb Plot for sample no. LN02

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Borehole no. Linch-147 / LN05

Lithology Shale

Cohesion (MPa) 10.57

Friction angle (degree) 28.12

Figure 46: Mohr-Coulomb Plot for samples no. LN05

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Borehole no. Linch-147 / LN08

Lithology Shale

Cohesion (MPa) 6.98

Friction angle (degree) 35.26

Figure 47: Mohr-Coulomb Plot for samples no. LN08

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Borehole no. Linch-147 / LN12

Lithology Sandstone

Cohesion (MPa) 24.15

Friction angle (degree) 41.76

Figure 48: Mohr-Coulomb Plot for samples no. LN12

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Borehole no. Linch-147 / LN14

Lithology Shale

Cohesion (MPa) 8.00

Friction angle (degree) 33.20

Figure 49: Mohr-Coulomb Plot for samples no. LN14

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5.4 Test results of core samples from Sri field

A total of nine test specimens were prepared and tested for the determination of compressive
strength, Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, Cohesion and friction angle. The results obtained
from uniaxial compression tests are presented in Table 8 the stress strain curves for the
corresponding samples are shown in figure 50 to 55. The Cohesion & Friction angle computed
from triaxial test data are presented in Table 9 and the Mohr-coulomb plots are shown in Figure
56 to 58.

Table 8: Uniaxial compressive strength, Young’s modulus & Poisson’s ratio:

Plug Uniaxial Young's
Well No. CC No. Plug No. Depth compressive Modulus
(m) strength (MPa) (GPa)
1 3677.99 43.25 11.01 0.22
3 3678.12 42.46 15.24 0.23
4 3794.42 20.74 3.71 0.32
6 3794.67 15.8 3.89 0.26
7 3909.76 33.93 8.07 0.31
9 3909.87 29.48 7.48 0.32

Table 9: Cohesion & Friction angle:

Plug Depth Cohesion
Well No. CC No. Plug No. angle
(m) (MPa)
1 2 3678.05 15.17 35.84
2 5 3794.47 6.67 41.5
3 8 3909.81 12.77 37.27

It can be observed from the above tables that the compressive strength of sandstone samples
varied from 15.80 MPa to 43.25 MPa. Young’s modulus & Poisson’s ratio varied from 3.71 GPa
to 15.24 GPa and 0.22 to 0.32 respectively. The Cohesion and Internal friction angle ranged from
6.67 MPa to 15.17 MPa and 35.84 degrees to 41.50 degrees respectively.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. KGS092NASRI-2(AB) / 1

Lithology Sandstone

Compressive Strength (MPa) 43.25

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 11.01

Poisson’s ratio 0.22

Figure 50: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no SRI1.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. KGS092NASRI-2(AB) /3

Lithology Sandstone

Compressive Strength (MPa) 42.46

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 15.24

Poisson’s ratio 0.23

Figure 51: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no SRI3.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. KGS092NASRI-2(AB) /4

Lithology Sandstone

Compressive Strength (MPa) 20.74

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 3.17

Poisson’s ratio 0.32

Figure 52: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no SRI4.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. KGS092NASRI-2(AB) / 6

Lithology Sandstone

Compressive Strength (MPa) 15.80

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 3.89

Poisson’s ratio 0.26

Figure 53: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no SRI6.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. KGS092NASRI-2(AB) / 7

Lithology Sandstone

Compressive Strength (MPa) 33.93

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 8.07

Poisson’s ratio 0.31

Figure 54: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no SRI7.

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Bore well No. / Sample No. KGS092NASRI-2(AB) / 9

Lithology Sandstone

Compressive Strength (MPa) 29.48

Young’s Modulus (GPa) 7.48

Poisson’s ratio 0.32

Figure 55: Stress-strain curve and the results of UCS test for sample no SRI9.

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Borehole no. KGS092NASRI-2(AB) / 2

Lithology Sandstone

Cohesion (MPa) 15.17

Friction angle (degree) 35.84

Figure 56: Mohr-Coulomb Plot for samples no. SRI2

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Borehole no. KGS092NASRI-2(AB) / 5

Lithology Sandstone

Cohesion (MPa) 6.67

Friction angle (degree) 41.50

Figure 57: Mohr-Coulomb Plot for samples no. SRI5

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Borehole no. KGS092NASRI-2(AB) / 8

Lithology Sandstone

Cohesion (MPa) 12.77

Friction angle (degree) 37.27

Figure 58: Mohr-Coulomb Plot for samples no. SRI8

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6.0 Acknowledgement

We are highly grateful to the management of ONGC for entrusting the job to NIRM. We are
thankful to all the concerned officers of The Centre for Excellence in Well Logging Technology
(CEWELL) Baroda for extending their support and cooperation for the successful completion of
the project.

We are also thankful to Dr. H.S.Venkatesh, Director, NIRM, for permission and for extending
the facilities to carry out the project. The services of Mr. Prabhu and Mr. Vinod Kumar D of
NIRM are also acknowledged.

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