Review of Related Literature

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This chapter provide a summary of the various articles, journals, and dissertations

used as reference and guide throughout the study. The various documents serve as the

foundation of giving initial ideas and/or knowledge with related subject matter. This

includes conceptual and research literature, and synthesis.

Foreign Literature

According to Hopkins (2020), the world is getting smaller through the use of

technology such as social media. No wonder that the widespread use of social media

share thoughts, personal and professional stories and interactions which has a

significant influence on how people communicate today in general (University of the

People, n.d.). It is believed that it has an adverse effect on social skills and

communication among adolescents. In addition, engaging in various forms of social

media has become a routine daily activity for most children and adolescents (Fuller J,

2020). Bhamare (2018) recognized that communication is constantly evolving, some

people are used to seeing their friend’s online avatar as if the face. Social media, as

mentioned, can be a great educational tool for students. Thus, serves as an effective

device for academic performances. Moreover, it helps to improve writing skills in a

clear and succinct way; in addition, this can also result to their social skills and the

ability to use social media for educational purposes (Bruce, 2020). Hopkins (2020)

added that social media and education can complement one another if utilized

effectively. The technologies that allow these platforms to function are also one of the

driving forces behind the impact of this technology on education. As social media

takes up a large space in the lives of people, it is important to know how it impacts the

student’s communication skills. Alrubail (2019) stated that social media’s impact does

not necessarily mean negative impact. Students use different social media platform
such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and etc., in which has a positive impact to

students wherein it can lead to effective communication skills. There are positive

effects of social media according to Blaylock (2018), wherein these develops new

educational opportunities for students. One of these effects is the way people write or

their communication style.

Foreign Studies

Nowadays, messages became shorter and more concise in which people adapted for

summarized writing as well. Abbreviation, on the other hand, is common in texting

where it has generated controversy among some scholars and cited studies because it

has negative effects on literacy skills such as writing skills and accuracy of reading. In

line with that, in this era of social media when we are reaching out and engaging more

and more people. The more we allow for and understand the importance of all the

various levels of communication, the more we can skillfully and effectively use each

one. Gordhamer (2018) stated Five Levels of Effective Communication in Social

Media Age. Having “public reply” as level 1: a public interaction which if done

correctly, can Deinbert (n.d.) recognized that digital innovations have been ubiquitous

and profoundly ingrained in all things we do in a short period of time. It is neither

feasible nor necessary to fully unwind them. Everyone likes, or at least accept, this

bargain. Knowledge of social media’s ills and unintended consequences is spreading,

and particular platforms rise and fall, but social media as a whole remain popular, and

the surveillance-based economic system underlying them is constantly expanding.

Social media is like a drug, but what makes it particularly addictive is that it is

adaptive Berger (n.d). It adjusts based on your preferences and behaviors, which

makes it both more useful and engaging and interesting, and more addictive.

Teenagers often remark that they cannot leave Facebook because they would face
social ostracization. Employing what Vaidhyanathan (2018) calls “infrastructural

imperialism” organizations often offer social media as the readiest way to access their

services, excluding those who opt out of social media while subtly but powerfully

shaping the choices of those who opt in. Not surprisingly, people with authoritarian

inclinations are actively taking advantage of the propitious environment that social

media offer (Gunitsky, 2018). A recent survey by the Oxford Internet Institute found

that 48 countries have at least one government agency or political party engaging in

shaping public opinion through social media. Authoritarian-minded leaders routinely

lambaste “fake news” while at the same time shamelessly pushing patent falsehoods.

Local Literature

The word social media has been difficult to define for years, until many

platforms appeared, providing individuals with opportunities to monitor all content

being generated and empowering them to be content creators and users. In a research

study conducted by Yashem and El Badawy (2018), how students use social media

with regards to studying. In their research, 92% of respondents use the internet.

Others said specifically that, because they can Google equations, they use social

media sites for their math homework. Most of them, therefore use social media in a

positive way which allows them to do better at school. In line with that, according to

Talaue, G. (2018), in education, the use of social media provides students with

the ability to obtain more useful information, to connect with learning groups and

other educational systems that make education convenient. Tools for social networks

provide multiple opportunities for students and institutions to enhance learning

methods. In addition, as cited in the study of Baruah (2018), as a superset beyond

social communication, social media has driven by ubiquitously open and flexible

networking methods, the way organizations, groups, and people interact has been
dramatically transformed by social media. In the study "Predicting the Future with

Social Media" (Asur, S. & Huberman, B. 2020, as cited in Baruah, 2022), they

explain how it is possible to use social media material to forecast real-world results.

According to Broughtons and Higgins company (2019) talks at length the

policy and practice relating to the use of social media by employees. They were

guided by the fact that they had already engaged to some extent with the issue of

social media, what it might mean for their organization and how they were going to

formulate and communicate a policy. They predominantly specified that social

networking requires the use of an online platform or website that allows people to

connect via a number of services, typically for a social purpose, most of which are

web-based and give people opportunities to interact over the internet, e.g. through e-

mail and 'instant messaging'. Data have shown strong associations between the use of

social networking by learners and their personal and group resilience (P < .05).

Characteristics of social media use, faith, and clinical placement were linked to

resilience and the perceived helpfulness of the communication skills (P < .01). In

conclusion, social networking can and should be used to foster resilience among

nursing students as a learning tool. Significant positive correlations have been

identified between personal and group use of social media and resilience. The more

social media was used by the student, the greater resilience it reported (Washawski, S.

et al., 2018). Regarding students’ attitude towards communication skills, the results

reveal that there were no significant differences between class teachers and childhood

teachers’ students in their positive and negative attitudes toward communication skills

according to Ihmeideh, F. (2018). It may explain by that there are no formal training

sessions in communication skills during programs of class teachers and childhood

teachers' preparation or the lesser number of childhood teacher students’ in this study
may have been partly responsible for the lack of a significant difference. However,

senior students have high positive attitudes toward communication skills than

sophomore and junior. This result agrees with a previous study suggested that older,

mature students have high positive attitudes toward communication skills training

(Rees & Garrud, 2001, as cited in Ilmeideh, 2010). At the same time, sophomore

students have high negative attitudes toward communication skills than senior and

junior students.

Furthermore, Asemanyi (2015) found out that learners would help enhance

their output in and course by being respectful of each other's ideas and adjusting to

new teaching methods or techniques used by communication skills in this case. More

optimistic attitudes and expectations towards learning must be established by learners.

Another recommendation for the research was that the communication skills course

helps students a lot in the job market, especially in interviews, so if students take the

course seriously and try to work hard on it, it would be helpful. Again in all areas of

human life, communication is very important and as such, every person must learn

good communication skills. Some of the respondents' feedback on how to enhance the

success of students in the course was that it improves their ability to listen, speak,

read and write, which will be very useful to them in all their efforts, including writing

their thesis and other books.

Local Studies

In the research study conducted by Bakeer (2018), the results of the study

showed that the introduction of ICTs and social media had a positive impact on the

growth of the writing capacity of students. In addition, undergraduates are pleased

with the future achievements in the growth of writing skills by combining ICTs and

social media. Writing is a cognitive instrument used to test memory, reasoning ability
and linguistic order to effectively communicate ideas since a text's skillful structure

means successful understanding. In pursuant with that, Sámano’s study (as cited in

Bakeer, 2018), it does not mean that it is possible to learn English or any other

language entirely through social media platforms, but it can be used as a medium for

creating a good learning atmosphere and a place in an informal setting for practice.

Social media also allow topics to be improved because they develop self-motivation

on topics seen in class, which reinforces skills such as written expression and

creativity in a snowball effect. The findings showed that social media creates a good

environment for learning and that teachers can take advantage of the topics seen in the

classroom to strengthen them. Sámano found that 78% of teachers believe that the

English of their students is enhanced by social media.

Moreover, a study explored the impressions of students of the use of social

media in the process of teaching English in a higher institution in Indonesia. Findings

from this study indicate that the majority of students displayed a constructive outlook

towards the writing classroom and a willingness to use social media. Factors such as

large classrooms, the lack of internet training and the lack of equipment could

however be potential obstacles to the use of social media in the classroom (Rahman &

Salija, 2018, as cited in Bakeer, 2018). In line with that, a survey of 2,462 advanced

placement and national writing project teachers was conducted by Purcell, Buchanan,

and Friedrich (2019). They find that digital technologies shape student writing in

myriad ways and have also become useful tools for middle and high school students

to teach writing. These educators see the internet and digital technologies such as

social networking sites, cell phones and texting, generally facilitating the personal

expression and creativity of teenagers, expanding the audience for their written

material, and encouraging teenagers to write more frequently in more formats than in
previous generations. On the other hand, Subramanian (2019) associated the

influences of social media in interpersonal communication in which verbal skill is

included. According to him, you are probably more likely to talk to friends and family

via mobile devices than face-to-face in a society where communicating and over-

sharing online is the norm. Both contact and interaction barriers have been overcome

by social networks, and now one can share his/her opinions and thoughts on a variety

of subjects. Students and experts are able to connect and engage with like-minded

individuals and may ask for advice and opinion on a specific subject. Another positive

influence of the social networking site is to connect people to accomplish a specific

goal on a massive forum. In order to bring lasting change to society, this is really



The mentioned statements in the conceptual and research literature were useful in this

current study. Based on the studies presented, the researchers came with the

conclusion that technology continue to grow and advance, it has large implications on

the way world continues to evolve socially, as well as how people as an individual

function in social situations. People develop such skills in keeping up with new

methods of socializing and advancing in the professional arena. As well as social

media becomes an integral part of a student’s full life, as well as people’s lives. Using

social media would provide students with the right access to quality information.

Social media has been found to provide a broader and quicker means of circulating

information not only to an institution's students, but also to the general public.

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