Small Rum. 21
Small Rum. 21
Small Rum. 21
Keywords: Rearing strategies are key factors in the overall success of goat enterprises. In order to investigate the cost-benefit
Economic performance ratio of alternative methods for rearing and the impact on the course of Eimeria infections, 36 Canarian goat kids
Eimeria infection were subjected to three different regimes under field conditions. Two groups of animals were naturally reared
Goat kid growth
with their mothers, feeding goat milk until weaning at 6 (Early weaning, EW) and 9 weeks of age (Traditional
Rearing system
weaning, TW). In the remaining group, goat kids were artificially reared with a milk replacer until 9 weeks of age
(Artificial feeding, AF). Coprological analysis were performed weekly to determine Eimeria oocyst shedding and,
with the same frequency, changes in body weights and faecal consistency were recorded. Goat kids from group
TW showed the best growth rate, while growth performance of groups EW and AF were statistical similar. Be
sides, compared to group TW, EW and AF management practices resulted in an overall increase of about 40 %
and more than 100 % of the total number of oocysts excreted until the end of the experiment (week 15),
respectively. Although the three experimental groups were infected with the same Eimeria species, differences in
their oocysts excretion kinetics, including those of most pathogenic species, were observed throughout the
experiment, indicating that the type of rearing may affect the outcome of underlying coccidiosis in the farm.
Finally, the economic analysis determined that, mainly conditioned by the market price of goat milk, total
operating costs per goat kid from groups EW (56.37 €) and AF (48.63 €) systems were considerably lower than
those obtained in group TW (96.32 €). The selection of the former two rearing systems should be conditioned
though to the use of management strategies preventing coccidiosis outbreaks.
1. Introduction other hand, artificial rearing during the first weeks of life can result in
good daily weight gain, and is of particular interest in disease eradica
In the Canary Islands and some Mediterranean regions, goat kids are tion and control programs (Morales-delaNuez et al., 2011). However,
traditionally reared with their dams, and later they are weaned at despite the fact that several automatic feeding systems are commercially
around 9 weeks of life. Although this practice promotes an optimal available (Bimczok et al., 2005) and milk replacer is markedly cheaper
growth and reduces weaning shock, it decreases the availability of milk than goat milk, many small and medium farmers are reluctant to its use
for cheese production, and may lead to economic losses (Lu and because, in their opinion, this type of rearing involves greater labor cost
Potchoiba, 1988; Argüello et al., 2005). Thus, it has been reported that (Argüello et al., 2005).
early weaning at 4 and 6 weeks increases the marketable quantity of Infections produced by Eimeria spp. are one of the most important
milk without causing a negative impact on the growth of goat kids, parasitic diseases in goat production systems worldwide (Chartier and
which provides important benefits to the farm (Gökdal et al., 2017; Paraud, 2012), mainly in arid and semi-arid areas (Ruiz et al., 2006;
Panzuti et al., 2018). Nevertheless, abrupt early weaning may cause Cavalcante et al., 2012). Although 100 % of the animals of a herd may be
growth retardation and weight loss, because the maturation of the infected by the parasite, clinical disease is mainly reported in young
digestive system is still incomplete (Magistrelli et al., 2013). On the animals (Ruiz et al., 2006; Keeton and Navarre, 2018), while adults are
* Corresponding author at: Canary Islands Institute for Agricultural Research, P.O. box 60, 38200, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Torres).
Received 24 July 2020; Received in revised form 30 August 2021; Accepted 31 August 2021
Available online 4 September 2021
0921-4488/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Torres et al. Small Ruminant Research 204 (2021) 106518
usually asymptomatic carriers due to development of immunity (Dai 10 of the experiment. Animal procedures were conducted in strict
et al., 2006; Ruiz et al., 2013a). Clinical signs associated to coccidiosis accordance with national ethics, the current European Animal Welfare
by Eimeria spp. include dehydration, anorexia, weight loss, weakness Legislation (ART13TFEU) and by institutional review board-approved
and recumbency. Coccidiosis is also accompanied by diarrhea varying in protocols.
severity from yellowish to brownish faeces of different consistency,
sometimes watery faeces containing blood and small pieces of the in 2.2. Clinical and parasitological determinations
testinal mucosa (Ruiz et al., 2013a, b; Ruiz et al., 2014).
Monospecific Eimeria infections in goats are uncommon in field The amount of oocysts per gram of faeces (OPG) was determined
conditions, where the rule is that, irrespectively of the age, animals are using a modified McMaster technique (Thienpont et al., 1979). Dilutions
infected by two, three or even more different Eimeria spp. (Balick of the faecal suspension by 10 or 100 times were done to enable counting
a-Ramisz et al., 2012; Zhao et al., 2012). Four species are known to be when the number of oocysts was very high. The faecal consistency (FS)
highly pathogenic and most times they are the most prevalent, namely was scored immediately after individual collection according to keys
E. ninakohlyakimovae, E. arloingi, E. christenseni and E. caprina described previously (Ruiz et al., 2014). Signs of diarrhoea were judged
(Hashemnia et al., 2012; Andrews, 2013). In goat kids, coccidiosis may as evident when FS was > 0 or when faeces of lower consistency were
be a problem from the third or fourth week of life onwards and, observed down legs, including explosive, fluid and watery diarrhoea.
particularly, during weaning due to stress caused by changes on feeding Every sampling week, faecal samples from animals of each group
diets, separation from their dams, location into different pens, etc. (Ruiz were also pooled for the identification of the different Eimeria species.
et al., 2006). This leads to important economic losses, which are derived For this purpose, faecal cultures were performed in 2 % potassium di
from deaths, delayed growth rate, treatments and veterinary assistance chromate at room temperature (20− 25 ◦ C) for at least one week in Petri
(Fthenakis and Papadopoulos, 2018; Windsor et al., 2018). culture-dishes to allow sporulation. Oocysts were then concentrated by
The aim of the present study was to assess the cost benefit associated flotation in saturated sodium chloride, washed with distilled water,
with the application of three management strategies of rearing goat kids centrifuged at 1500 x g for 10 min and preserved at 4 ◦ C until the
and to evaluate the impact on the course of Eimeria infections in field analysis was performed. The identification was carried out under a 40X
conditions. objective using a calibrated eyepiece according to keys reported previ
ously (Levine and Ivens, 1986; Alyousif et al., 1992; Soe and Pomroy,
2. Materials and methods 1992).
Table 1 where f(x) was BW at age x, W0 and Wf were the zero- and infinite-time
Composition of the feeds. values of BW, respectively, and b was constant (Porter et al., 2010). BW
Starter Early-weaning Milk and age were given in kilograms and weeks, respectively. Calculations
concentrate concentrate replacer were carried out with non-linear regression option. From these param
Crude protein 17.0 17.0 23.0 eters, time of inflection (timeI), BW at inflection (BWI) and the growth
(%) rate per day at inflection ( were calculated according to Porter
Crude fat (%) 3.4 2.5 23.0 et al. (2010).
Crude fibre (%) 6.0 4.2 0.0 Faecal oocyst counts were transformed into the logarithm of OPG
Crude ash (%) 6.1 6.0 8.2
plus one (log[OPG + 1]) to obtain normal distributions (Kolmogorov-
A. Torres et al. Small Ruminant Research 204 (2021) 106518
Smirnov’s Normality Test). Comparison of OPG counts among the three Table 2
management strategies was performed by One Way Repeated Measures Growth parameters in goat kids reared under three different management stra
Analysis of Variance. For all pairwise multiple comparison procedures tegies corresponding to Gompertz equation.1
the Holm-Sidak method was used, while Krustal-Wallis test was Traditional Early Artificial SEM P-
employed for faecal score analysis. The average faecal consistency score weaning weaning feeding value
per animal and the average of log (OPG + 1) per animal were calculated Wf (kg) 29.75b 22.75a 21.94a 1.357 0.031
and then compared among the three groups by one-way ANOVA with b (wk− 1) 0.12 0.16 0.16 0.010 0.169
pairwise post-hoc comparisons by the Tukey test. timeI (wk) 6.50 5.25 5.50 0.420 0.451
BWI (kg) 10.95b 8.37a 8.08a 0.499 0.031
The Pearson correlation test was used for the analysis of the associ 182.37 157.69 175.14 5.523 0.174
ation between parasitological and productive parameters (BW) at all (g/d)
sampling times (weeks 5–15). Additionally, total weight gains from R-Square 0.991 0.962 0.965
week 5 of life up to the end of the study for each kid was calculated and a–b
Means without a common superscript letter within the same row are different
Pearson correlations between this parameter and the average OPG and (P < 0.05) by using Turkey test.
FS were determined, both for each experimental group and for all three 1
W0 and Wf are the zero- and infinite-time values of BW, respectively, b is
groups together. Finally, peak OPG values of goat kids from groups TW, constant, timeI is time of inflection, BWI is BW at inflection time and is
EW and AF were correlated with weight gain at each week following the growth rate per day at inflection time.
OPG peaks and with total weight gain between the week were peak OPG
values were found and the end of the study.
Analysis were carried out by the statistical software SigmaPlot 12.0
and the differences were considered significant at P < 0.05.
3. Results
Mean values and statistical differences of FS recorded from the ani animals from AF group during weeks 5 and 7 (FS > 1.8), however, this
mals of the three experimental groups are depicted in Fig. 2. The analysis value did not remain consistent and showed fluctuations. On the other
of the results shows that the highest mean FS values were observed in hand, the animals from EW group showed a reduction in faecal consis
tency with FS values close to 1.6 in a later period (weeks 10–11), while
goat kids from TW group showed a lower mean FS value throughout the
experiment compared to the other two groups, with a slight increase at
week 11. The comparative analysis of the average faecal consistency
score per animal showed significant differences between groups, espe
cially relevant when comparing TW and FA groups.
Mean OPG values of the three experimental groups throughout the
study has been depicted in Fig. 3. As for the faecal consistency score, the
average of log(OPG + 1) per animal were calculated and then compared
among management strategies, the results showing significant differ
ences between the three groups, particularly when comparing EW and
AF groups. In the course of the study, TW group showed peak values at
week 7th of life and, in general, had lower mean OPG counts when
compared with the other two experimental groups. This difference was
more evident when comparisons were performed on cumulative counts
at the end of the experiment (data not shown). The kinetics of faecal
oocyst counts was different in EW and AF groups compared to TW group,
with peak values at week 9. OPG values were significantly higher in AF
group with respect groups TW and EW (P < 0.001) at this time point.
Fig. 1. Growth curves of goat kids reared under three different management
Actually, faecal counts of several animals artificially fed were extremely
strategies. The lines indicate fitted values based on the Gompertz equation.
A. Torres et al. Small Ruminant Research 204 (2021) 106518
The number (N) of oocysts used for Eimeria spp identification is given in bold. Other spp included: E. alijevi, E. caprina, E. caprovina, E. jolchijevi, E. hirci, E. aspheronica; W: weeks of age. Mean OPG values ± SEM (x 104) are
Fig. 3. Fluctuation of Eimeria oocyst counts in goat kids reared under three
different management strategies. The data are expressed as transformed Log
values (OPG + 1) and averages ± SEM are represented. a–cMeans without a
common superscript letter at the same week are different (P < 0.05) by using
Holm-Sidak test.
high at this week, with values reaching almost 8 million OPG, despite
these animals showed significantly lower mean OPG values at the
beginning of the study (P <0.001) compared with the other two groups.
The EW group, after reaching peak values at week 9th of life, showed
Eimeria spp. detected in faecal samples and mean faecal oocyst count for goats reared under three different management systems.
higher mean oocyst counts than the other two experimental groups,
reaching statistical significance at weeks 11, 12 and 15 of the study (P <
Changes in OPG counts were positively associated to faecal score, (22.1±16.7)
particularly in EW group (Fig. 2 and 3), while peak values for faecal
scores in group AF (highest score between weeks 7 and 8 of life) pre
According to higher OPG counts and transient increased values of N¼100
faecal scores observed in groups EW and AF, goat kids from both groups
showed decreased BWs as depicted in Fig. 1. Nevertheless, the statistical
between faecal oocyst counts and BW could only be demonstrated in
were detected at the two time points after the peak of oocyst shedding
(week 9), at which points higher OPG counts were associated with lower
weight gains (P < 0.05).
high at the beginning of the sampling period (weeks 5–6 of life) in group
TW, remained relatively low up to week 13 and showed an additional
indicated in parentheses.
increase at weeks 14 and 15; while just the opposite was recorded for
Mean OPG x104 ± SEM
E. ninakholyakimovae
E. ninakholyakimovae
E. ninakholyakimovae
E. christenseni
E. christenseni
Other spp
Other spp
E. arloingi
E. arloingi
E. arloingi
between weeks 9 and 10. During this period, when the percentage of
Table 3
these two species was higher, an increase in the FS values was also
observed. The recording of data for goat kids reared under AF also
A. Torres et al. Small Ruminant Research 204 (2021) 106518
revealed that peak values for the most pathogenic Eimeria species gain reaches its peak at this point. However by using this formula, the
(E. ninakohlyakimovae and E. arloingi) were found between week 8 and values estimated in this study for optimal slaughter age and weight are
11, coinciding with highest values for OPG counts but, in this occasion, greater than in the real management practice, because most of the
the reduction of faecal consistency (higher FS) was observed earlier. goatkeepers in Canary Islands slaughter the male kids at a very young
After treatment with diclazuril (week 10), an increase in the per age: 15 days and 5–6 kg live weight (Argüello et al., 2005). Therefore, if
centages of E. arloingi and E. ninakohlyakimove was found three weeks the kids are slaughtered with higher live weights, regardless of the
later in groups TW and AF. In contrast to the previous two groups, lactation method used, there would be a significant increase in the yield
E. christenseni was the most abundant species during the whole period of the carcasses.
examined after treatment in group EW. The better growth performances exhibited by the goat kids belonging
to group TW, in comparison with the other two groups, might be
attributable not only to the intrinsic differences in nutrient composition
3.3. Economic efficiency
among goat milk, milk replacer and early-weaning concentrate but also
to the presence (long- or short-term) or absence of the dam with the
Feeding costs for the three management strategies are given in
newborn ruminant. On this way, De Paula Vieira et al. (2012) demon
Table 4. Total operating costs per goat kid of group TW (96.32 €) were
strated that dairy calves reared with an older social companion
considerably higher than in EW (56.37 €) and AF (48.63 €) systems.
increased solid feed intake preweaning and BW gains before and after
These differences would be mainly determined by the market price of
weaning when compared with calves housed in groups of a similar age,
goat milk, early-weaning concentrate and milk replacer. Therefore,
due to the different feeding behavior as consequence of social learning.
weaning at 6 weeks of age and artificial feeding reduced feeding costs by
Thus, calves that consume little solid feed before weaning are more
around 40 % and 50 % compared to weaning at 9 weeks, respectively. In
likely to experience poor growth and prolonged hunger after weaning
addition, early-weaned goat kids do not seem to generate an important
until intake of solid feed meets their requirements for maintenance and
extra labor respect to the traditional weaning. Nevertheless, goat kids
growth (Costa et al., 2015). Furthermore, Abecia et al. (2014) reported
artificially reared using an automated feeding system required almost
differences in acetate:propionate ratio in the rumen between goat kids
twice more labor expense than those reared under natural suckling
reared with their dams and artificially reared, suggesting that the
concentrate and forage intake were lower in the animals fed on milk
replacer and isolated from adult animals, despite both groups having
4. Discussion access to the same forage and concentrate offered ad libitum.
Many authors also found a lower growth in early-weaned and/or
4.1. Growth performance artificially reared goat kids compared to those traditionally reared
(Argüello et al., 2004; Paez Lama et al., 2013; Tsiplakou et al., 2016),
The estimated Wf values obtained in the present experiment were highlighting that the severity of weaning shock may affect the growth
lower than the real Canarian goat adult weight, referenced by Castro rate immediately thereafter. However, others authors did not observe
et al. (2017) at 45 and 70 kg for females and males, respectively. It has differences in live weight at different ages between natural and artificial
been reported that Gompertz model can underestimate the asymptote rearing systems (Delgado-Pertíñez et al., 2009a, b; De Palo et al., 2015).
constant in goats, especially when the kid’s weighing age is limited to Indeed, new technology and feed additives in manufacturing milk re
less of 4 months of life (Najari et al., 2007). Besides, it is important to placers and starter feeds for calves, lambs and goat kids have improved
emphasize that the performance of Gompertz equation or any other its palatability, stability, and digestibility. On the other hand, it should
growth models may be constrained by short-term variations that are less be noted that groups EW and AF both had a similar growth pattern
influent in long-term growth as noted by Rocha et al. (2015). Moreover, throughout the experimental period (Fig. 1). Thus, the BW of EW kids at
the literature reports a wide range for timeI and BWI for different goat 15 wk (16.18 ± 3.82 kg) was statistically similar to that of AF kids
breeds, and even for the same breed. Thus, for example, Gaddour and (17.07 ± 1.31 kg), but both were significantly lower than that of TW kids
Najari (2008) and Kume and Hajno (2010) estimated for Alpine goats a (20.42 ± 3.71 kg). In the present study, a compensatory weight gain
BWI of 6.08 and 9.04 kg at a timeI of 15.5 and 47 days, respectively. after weaning for groups EW and AF could not be found. However, other
Ghiasi et al. (2018) noted that such differences in growth parameters studies demonstrated a growth compensation in animals weaned at early
may be explained by genotype factor, data structure and management stages or artificially reared, which might be achieved by increasing
strategy. The same authors apprised that age and weight at inflection feeding supply and/or a more efficient use of food after weaning (Paez
point may be used to determine the optimal slaughter age, because BW Lama et al., 2013; Panzuti et al., 2018). Anyway, it would be interesting
for further works to determine the minimum age at which appreciable
Table 4 compensation can take place in Canarian goats reared under alternative
Feeding costs per goat kid reared under three different management strategies.1 weaning systems, because the resulting changes in growth rates may
Traditional Early Artificial only have a short-time effect.
weaning weaning feeding
Marketable milk consumed 108.40 49.72 – 4.2. Clinical and parasitological findings
Suckled milk cost (€) 88.89 40.77 – Goat kids get contact with Eimeria spp. short after kidding, probably
Early-weaning concentrate – 5.46 –
consumed (kg)
by the intake of oocysts adhered to the udders of their dams and, sub
Early-weaning concentrate – 7.65 – sequently, by the ingestion of oocysts from the contaminated environ
cost (€) ment (Hidalgo Argüello and Cordero del Campillo, 1999). However, the
Milk replacer consumed (kg) – – 11.54 susceptibility of goat kids to coccidian infections and the development of
Milk replacer cost (€) 30.00
– –
clinical sings seems to be higher from the 3 weeks of life onward, most
Total feed costs (€) 88.89 48.42 30.00
Labor expense (€) 7.43 7.95 14.63 likely because certain physiological changes in the gastrointestinal tract
Other artificial feeding costs – – 4.00 of the ruminant are needed to facilitate the infection and further
(€) development of the parasite, at the same time as the protection provided
Total operating costs 96.32 56.37 48.63 by the colostrum of the dam begins to be less effective (Gregory et al.,
From birth to the 9th week of age. Other artificial feeding costs included: 1989). This finding is in agreement with observations of vet practi
automated feeding system depreciation, electricity and water consumption. tioners showing that clinical signs compatible with coccidiosis are rare
A. Torres et al. Small Ruminant Research 204 (2021) 106518
under field conditions in goat kids younger than one month; this was the This estimation, although not technically accurate, could constitute an
reason why faecal sampling was started at 5 weeks of age. Accordingly, approximation to understand the average oocyst contamination of the
Matos et al. (2018) showed that, under experimental conditions, the environment in the different experimental groups, which has unques
prepatent period of primary infected goat kids at week 3 and 4 of life tionable epidemiological implications. For a more precise calculation of
with E. ninakohlyakimovae was slightly longer, and their corresponding cumulative counts, daily rather than weekly counts should have been
OPG peak values were delayed some days when compared to primary considered and the amount of faeces daily released by each animal
infected animals at week 5. In the same way, younger goat kids, examined (Ruiz et al., 2014).
particularly those primary infected at 3 week of age, showed milder Changes in OPG counts were associated to faecal scores, which is
clinical signs compared to animals from older groups. In agreement, consistent with other studies that reported lower faecal consistency
animals subjected either to TW or EW did not display any significant associated with multiplication of the parasite and subsequent damage to
reduced faecal consistency compatible to diarrhoea at the beginning of the intestinal mucosa (Ruiz et al., 2013a, b; Daugschies and Najdrowski,
the experiment. By contrast, goat kids reared under AF had slightly high 2015). The relation between these two parameters was more evident in
faecal score (around 2) at week 5 of age, which was most probably not group EW, while peak values for faecal scores in group AF (highest score
attributed to Eimeria infections though, as OPG counts at this time were between weeks 7 and 8 of life) preceded the increased in faecal oocyst
relatively low and significantly reduced when compared to the other two counts (weeks 8–10). This observation would indicate that damage of
experimental groups. It has been documented that goat milk contains the intestinal mucosa and development of clinical sings already occurred
bioactive components that improve nutrient absorption, reduce the before the oocyst excretion resulting from the gamogony started. Goat
incidence of intestinal infection and balance the gut microflora in case of Eimeria species developing macroschizonts during merogony I in endo
gastrointestinal disorder (Park, 2009). Conversely, milk replacers are thelial cells of the intestinal lymph vessels (such as
mainly based on cow’s milk powder with bigger fat globules, cereals and E. ninakohlyakimovae, E. arloingi or E. christenseni) may cause severe
vegetable fats (Hernández-Castellano et al., 2015), which have digestive injury of the gut mucosa and even develop a protective immune
limitations in goat kids and may be the reason behind the diarrhoea. response during prepatency (Matos et al., 2017). Variations in the
It was unlikely that other microbial agents (bacteria or viruses, or occurrence of these Eimeria species (having different prepatent periods)
protozoa of the Cryptosporidium genus) were a major contributor to in the infected animals could explain why the negative association be
diarrhoea throughout the experiment as there is no history of outbreaks tween these two parameters (OPG and FS) does not always coincide in
by these other pathogens in this farm and these microbial infections are time and, accordingly, no significant correlation could be demonstrated
usually associated with earlier onset of clinical symptoms that was in any of the three management strategies.
observed in this study kids (Molina et al., 1994). Giardia infections re In agreement to widely accepted evidence that Eimeria infections
ported in this region are usually asymptomatic (Ruiz et al., 2008). may affect growth performance (Daugschies and Najdrowski, 2005; Ruiz
In arid and semi-arid regions, clinical coccidiosis is particularly et al., 2013a; Matos et al., 2018), experimental groups that showed
evident between 6–8 weeks, sometimes coinciding with weaning, higher OPG counts throughout the study (AF and EW), had greater
although the exact period could be affected by numerous factors growth delay. However, as previously referred for FS, significant nega
including the degree of environmental contamination, the species tive correlations between these two parameters could not be demon
involved, and even climatic factors (Ruiz et al., 2006). Accordingly, strated synchronously over time. In contrast, the effects of high OPG
overall faecal oocyst counts found in the present study started to become levels on growth performance were observed in subsequent weeks,
significant from week 7 onwards. However, the comparative analysis although correlations could only be demonstrated in TW group.
between the three experimental groups determined some differences The high percentage of E. christenseni identified in the course of the
when comparing mean OPG values, which were particularly evident in study, which is considered of minor pathogenicity compared to
AF group in relation to TW and EW groups. Furthermore, differences in E. ninakohlyakimovae and E. arloingi (Taylor and Catchpole, 1994),
the pattern of oocyst shedding were observed between the three man would explain that, despite high OPG counts reported in all groups, the
agement systems with peak oocyst shedding detected two weeks earlier presence of diarrhoea was not so evident and, indeed, watery diarrohea
for the TW group compared to EW or AF. Besides, around period where or bloody diarrhoea containing pieces of intestinal mucosa (score higher
the maximum oocyst peak occurred, the highest faecal oocyst counts that 2) was barely observed. Actually, means OPG counts largely
corresponded to AF group, with significant differences being recorded exceeded the value of 105 OPG in most of the sampling times, which we
with respect to groups TW and EW. These high levels of OPG counts could considered the threshold OPG value of clinical coccidiosis in goats
(almost 8 million OPG in some cases) could be explained by accumu in the Canary Islands.
lation of infective oocysts in pens where goat kids artificially fed were The high prevalence of E. christenseni found in the study farm is in
reared, as discussed by Medrano-Galarza et al. (2018) for cattle in farms agreement with data recorded by our group in current field experiments
using automated milk feeders. Interestingly, the progressive contami on goat coccidiosis in the Canary Island, which contrasts with that
nation of the pens would have occurred despite initial counts where published by Ruiz et al. (2006), who found E. christenseni as a minor
relatively low. In contrast to AF group, animals from groups TW and EW Eimeria species in the same geographical environment. Further studies
were housed in larger pens together with their dams. OPG counts of the would be necessary to determine whether the increase in the prevalence
mothers were not determined but, we could refer to previous data from of E. christenseni in these approximately 15 years is due to the continued
the same area showing that faecal oocyst counts in dairy goats were use of anticoccidials such as diclazuril, which seem to have a greater
relatively low (Ruiz et al., 2006), so it is expected that the environmental effect on pathogenic Eimeria species, or to self-selection derived from the
coccidian contamination of these pens was not too high. The increased immune response (innate, acquired or passive immunity transmitted by
susceptibility associated with early weaning stress could explain the colostrum), which would be more effective in highly immunogenic
higher OPG counts during the last weeks of the study observed in goat pathogenic species such as E. ninakohlyakimovae (Ruiz et al., 2013a).
kids from group EW. As indicated in the results section, although the Eimeria species
Thus, based on comparative OPG analysis among the three different identified in the different experimental groups were the same, the oocyst
management practices discussed above, TW would be the strategy in shedding kinetics were different for each of the experimental group.
which the lowest oocyst counts were overall found. Differences were However, no patterns were found for drawing definitive conclusions. As
more evident when cumulative instead of week by week counts were expected, an association between the decrease in faecal consistency and
considered. Actually, when compared to TW, EW and AF resulted in an the increase in the percentages of species considered pathogenic (e. g.
increase of about 40 % and more than 100 % of the total amount of E. arloingi and E. ninakohlyakimovae) was recorded, although this tem
oocysts released up to the end of the experiment (week 15), respectively. poral connection would have a time delay of at least 1 week.
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