Planned Parenthood Great Northwest 2022 Impact Report Digital

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Planned Parenthood Great Northwest,
Hawai‘i, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky

Fighting for an
Equitable Future

This January marked the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. For more than 49 years, Roe and the
constitutional right to abortion fundamentally changed our cultural understanding of abortion and
reproductive rights. Roe provided us reassurance that the United States Constitution would protect
our human right to basic, fundamental health care, and it would provide institutional support for
our efforts.

We see firsthand in every single one of our states the hurdles our patients conquer every day to
access care. These are the stories that keep me up at night, the stories that make me want to scream,
and the stories that make me work even harder.

This is a moment for us to continue reimagining what is possible for our communities: A vision for
the future that centers those historically left behind, and an opportunity to create a more equitable
healthcare landscape for all. Last year, we began implementing this vision by investing in programs
and resources that expand access, educate, and empower, like our patient navigators, teen council,
and clinical trainings.

Our right to abortion was stolen from us last June, and since then we’ve seen unbridled attacks on
reproductive health care, including abortion, gender affirming care, and birth control. Each of our
staff has heard heartbreaking stories from patients desperate to access the care they need, or who,
out of fear, delayed care to a point that risked their life.

We will always keep fighting for our reproductive freedoms, and we can only do that with the
support of donors like you. A better, more equitable future is ours — and we’ll build it together!

Rebecca Gibron
Chief Executive Officer
Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawaiʻi, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky


Navigating Barriers to Care
Patient navigators help patients access the health care they need, including financial assistance,
counseling services, and scheduling appointments. Over the last year, our patient navigator
team has been in overdrive helping patients in states with abortion bans find care out-of-state.
Our patient navigators manage appointments for patients to ensure they receive services in
a timely manner and at a location most convenient for them. They also identify and connect
patients to resources to overcome barriers like transportation, lodging, and financial assistance.

The thing with abortion care, it’s time sensitive. So, if somebody
shows up in my clinic today, we want to be financially prepared.
We turn no one away for abortion care for financial reasons.”
Rachel Brown,
Health Center Manager

“When patients find themselves in need of an

abortion, they reach out to friends and families
in nearby states where services are protected,
and they know they have a support system,”
said Kristine Smith, Area Services Director.
This often means that patients will travel
further from their home to receive care.

A key to the success of the patient navigator

program is that staff across the nation work
with each other to ensure patients always
receive the compassionate care for which
Planned Parenthood is known. “All of us can
say to a patient ‘We will get you connected to
services today’ and then we make it happen,”
said Rachel Brown, Health Center Manager.

While staff works with patients to navigate

the daily challenges of accessing reproductive
Without access to legal, safe, health care, the need continues to grow.
It’s through renewed investment from donors
and compassionate birth control that Planned Parenthood can continue to provide
and abortion services, I would our patients with healthcare services they need,
not have graduated from college, when they need it, without judgement, and with
fierce compassion.
chosen when to start a family,
and been able to take care of
my three daughters.”
Laurel R.
Planned Parenthood patient


Reproductive Rights
Prevail at the Ballot Box
A persistent lack of access to medically accurate sexual health education and preventative care
has led to Kentuckians facing chronically negative educational, economic, and health outcomes.

When I’m out in the community,
all I hear is that people want more
access to health care, not less.”
Tamarra Wieder
As a result of our advocacy efforts, Kentuckians
voted down an anti-abortion ballot measure that
would have amended the state constitution to
remove the right to an abortion. “Most people
in Kentucky knew somebody that this ballot
Kentucky State Director measure would impact, and they showed up
Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates because they know that abortion is health care
and Kentuckians deserve better,” said Wieder.
Through strategic investment thanks
to the generosity of new and longtime In Kentucky and across the country, we’re
philanthropic partnerships, we’re responding hearing loud-and-clear that people believe
to this community need. We’re reaching more abortion services should be accessible. By you
Kentuckians with sexual health knowledge, defending our unapologetic fight for abortion
gaining a broader volunteer base, and access and health equity through your continued
increasing civic engagement. investment, we are empowered for the long haul.



Health Centers Health Centers

5,314 27,406
Patients Patients


Health Centers Health Centers

5,235 5,509
Patients Patients


Health Centers Health Centers

6,109 50,518
Patients Patients


Care for All
Gender Affirming Hormone Care (GAHC) is
one of the fastest growing service areas at
PPGNHAIK. We are proud to offer GAHC at
all our health centers. We believe everyone
deserves access to inclusive and affirming care.

In September 2021, GAHC was expanded to

Indiana and Kentucky. Since then, the number of
patients receiving GAHC at PPGNHAIK has nearly
doubled. Our affiliate serves approximately one
third of all GAHC patients across the Planned
Parenthood federation.

Growth in our GAHC Services

3,365 patients

As a transgender man,
I personally live with the urgency
of bodily autonomy. I am very
6,738 visits
worried that I will have more
healthcare access than my
5926 patients
daughter. We need Planned
12,814 visits Courtney G.
Patient and donor


Improving Patient Care

I cannot say enough things
about the kindness and respect
I was given on a very tough
day while I was there; the care
Across our six states, clinicians met
with patients through

was top notch from genuinely appointments
concerned doctors and
nurses. I was able to receive
treatment for multiple issues 9,838
and appreciated the follow up a seen through telehealth
few days later to check in on my
mental and physical health.”
Planned Parenthood patient 16,595
received abortion-related care

At PPGNHAIK, our staff ensures the full spectrum

of reproductive and sexual health care options
are accessible to patients so they can make
received contraception
informed choices that best meet their needs.
This past year, with the support of philanthropic
funding, PPGNHAIK invested in seven new
ultrasounds for health centers across the affiliate,
and we are planning to replace up to 10 more
aging machines in 2023. 56%
of our patients
Ultrasound machines are one of the most
are uninsured
expensive, yet crucial pieces of equipment or on Medicaid
needed at health centers. Newer ultrasound
machines are intuitive for staff and provide
better image quality, improving patient care.
For example, adding a new ultrasound machine
at our Tacoma Health Center allowed us to
increase the gestational age of abortion services,
and it also allowed us to start offering sedation
services that keep our patients as comfortable as
possible. This allows us to better serve patients
who might be delaying care because they are
traveling from a state with an active abortion ban.


Future Reproductive Rights
Leaders in Action
Teen Council is PPGNHAIK’s peer education program that trains young people to be effective
sexual health educators and social justice advocates in their community.

Teen Council members completed Teen Council members

20 80 hours
educated more than

22 of training on the essential 3,200

elements of peer education and of their peers
the fundamentals of sexual health.

I was the most interested when we
discussed the different kinds of
birth control, protective wear, etc.
you can use. I didn’t know much
Teen Council members are also actively engaged
with their community by participating in events
like the Civic Action Summit in Honolulu, and
they participate in advocacy rallies and speaking
opportunities with their legislators.

about these things beforehand.” This year, more than 80 teens in Washington
Teen Council Member
state participated in Teen Lobby Day.



Together we advocate, educate,

and provide exceptional health care
supporting sexual health, wellness,
and reproductive freedom — without
judgment, without fear, without fail.


Rebecca Gibron Email: [email protected]

Chief Executive Officer
Phone: 866-674-2538
Jennifer Allen
Chief Policy Officer Website:

Stacey Baker
Chief Human Resources and Equity Officer
Scott Boyd
Chief Financial Officer Twitter: @ppgnhaik

Sharon Dudash Instagram: @ppgnhaik

Chief Operating Officer
Kenneth Ford
Chief Information Officer
TikTok: @ppallianceadvocates
Jennifer Schlatter
Chief Development Officer

Christine Stanley
Chief Legal Counsel

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