Risk Assessment BJJ

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Risk Assessment

What is the Who might be What action is Who is Sign and date
Hazard? harmed or needed to responsible for when action
affected? remove or acting and has been
manage the when? taken and
risk? checked.

Learners hit heads Learners Learners are reset Coaches.

and limbs on the participating in rolls to the centre of the
objects outside the and drills for BJJ mats when a bout
mat area during gets too close to a
rolls/take-downs. side.
Learners fall off the
edge of the mats.

Injuries due to Learners Mats lining the floor Coaches.

impact from participating in rolls to absorb the
takedowns and rolls. and drills for BJJ. majority of impacts.
Teaching learners
how to break fall
Monitoring of
learners to ensure
are practising
safely and that they
are well spaced to
avoid accidental

Joint injuries if a Learners From the start of Coach. Learners are

partner holds a participating in rolls their training also responsible for
submission for too and drills for BJJ. learners have the tapping when
long. importance of caught, and in the
“tapping out” in absence of a tap,
time (before a blame cannot be
submission begins placed on the
to hurt) explicitly executor of the
stated. Learners submission.
are also explicitly
told about the
importance of
respecting an
opponent’s tap,
and we may
exclude, effective
immediately, any
learners we believe
to have
ignored an
opponent’s tap. We
are fully committed
to providing a safe
and supportive

Hypoxia/Loss of Learners See above See above

consciousness due participating in rolls
to choke applied for and drills for BJJ.
too long.

Light Any participant. Light bruising and Coaches.

bruising/knocks knocks are a reality
(BJJ). of martial arts
training, especially
when it involves
live rolling and
sparing such as
with BJJ but
earners, however,
should never feel
that they HAVE to
participate in live
training and even if
they do they should
always have the
freedom to decide
the intensity.

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