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Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery)

Version 1: 18 July 2008

RPL Assessment Tools

First published 2008

ISBN 978-1-74205-205-2

© Department of Education and Training

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are protected by copyright law.

Permission, however, is granted to trainers, Assessors, and Registered Training

Organisations to use, reproduce and adapt the material (third party material excluded) for
their Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment activities.

This permission is subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgement of the source.

Permission does not extend to the making of copies for hire or sale to third parties, and
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those indicated above requires the prior written permission of the Western Australian
Department of Education and Training.

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This work has been produced with the assistance of funding provided by the Council of
Australian Governments (COAG) National Reform Initiative (NRI).

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in
this RPL Assessment Kit, no guarantee can be given that all errors and omissions have
been excluded. No responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining
from action as a result of the material in this RPL Assessment Kit can be accepted by
the Western Australian Department of Education and Training.
New streamlined RPL assessment processes
To recognise prior learning it is necessary to:
 ensure that candidates know that RPL provides an alternative pathway to course
 determine in consultation with the candidate, the learning, skills and knowledge
that the candidate is able to demonstrate against the learning outcomes or
performance criteria of the course or qualification for which the candidate is
seeking entry or the award of credit
 determine whether any further evidence is needed to support the claim of
competence and arrange for appropriate additional learning experiences or gap
training where appropriate
 conduct an assessment that confirms competence.

A task-based model for RPL

A process for RPL has been developed that promotes holistic, task-based assessment,
and which focuses upon relating assessment activities to actual job tasks. The intention of
this model is to streamline and simplify recognition processes for prospective candidates.

Preparation/information provision to candidate

In planning for any assessment, assessors need to provide adequate information prior to,
throughout and after a training and assessment experience. They need to be fully aware
of the needs of the candidate, any relevant workplace personnel and the requirements of
the Training Package unit of competency or qualification.
Information is to be provided to the candidate about the assessment process. It will give
particular advice regarding how the candidate can demonstrate their competence and any
documentary evidence a candidate may wish to gather to support their application. Each
industry has unique documents that can provide evidence of experience and competence.
However, the focus of the new streamlined holistic assessment process is to focus
on demonstrated skills and knowledge and not to rely on documentary evidence as
the main source of evidence.
Some examples of documentary evidence that can support the process include:
 licences
 brief CV or work history
 certificates/results of assessment
 tickets held eg forklift, crane etc
 photographs of work undertaken
 diaries
 task sheets/job sheets
 log books
 site training records
 pay slips
 membership of relevant professional associations
 references/letters/third party verification reports from previous
 industry awards
 performance appraisals.
These items may be used to support the candidate’s claim to competency throughout the
RPL process. However, they should not be seen as a sole or sufficient determinant of
competence, which is more properly and effectively assessed through interaction,
dialogue and the practical demonstration of tasks.

The steps
Following this preparatory stage of providing information to the candidate about the
assessment process, and determining the job tasks and any clustering of competencies
appropriate for the candidate, four steps toward RPL assessment are recommended.
Step 1: self assessment completed by candidate
Step 2: interview with assessor
Step 3: demonstration/observation of tasks
Step 4: provision of further supporting evidence
Modifiable Microsoft Word® versions of all templates relating to these steps are
downloadable from this CDROM.
SIT30807 Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery)
Units of Competency
Core units
SITXCOM001A Work with colleagues and customers
SITXCOM002A Work in a socially diverse environment
SITXOHS001A Follow health, safety and security procedures
SITHIND001A Develop and update hospitality industry knowledge
SITXOHS002A Follow workplace hygiene procedures
SITHCCC001A Organise and prepare food
SITHCCC002A Present food
SITHCCC003A Receive and store kitchen supplies
SITHCCC004A Clean and maintain kitchen premises
SITHCCC005A Use basic methods of cookery
SITHCCC006A Prepare appetisers and salads
SITHCCC008A Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
SITHCCC009A Prepare vegetables, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
SITHCCC010A Select, prepare and cook poultry
SITHCCC011A Select, prepare and cook seafood
SITHCCC012A Select, prepare and cook meat
SITHCCC013A Prepare hot and cold desserts
SITHCCC014A Prepare pastry, cakes and yeast goods
SITHCCC015A Implement food safety procedures
SITHCCC029A Prepare foods according to dietary and cultural needs
SITHCCC016A Develop cost-effective menus
HLTFA301B Apply first aid
SITXCOM003A Deal with conflict situations
SITXHRM001A Coach others in job skills
SITHCCC027A Prepare, cook and serve food for food service
SITHCCC028A Prepare, cook and serve food for menus

Elective units
SITHCCC007A Prepare sandwiches
SITHCCCO21A Handle and serve cheese
SITHCCCO23A Select, prepare and serve specialised food items
Mutual recognition
Unit number Unit name Yes No
Core units
SITXCOM001A Work with colleagues and customers
SITXCOM002A Work in a socially diverse environment
SITXOHS001A Follow health, safety and security procedures
SITHIND001A Develop and update hospitality industry knowledge
SITXOHS002A Follow workplace hygiene procedures
SITHCCC001A Organise and prepare food
SITHCCC002A Present food
SITHCCC003A Receive and store kitchen supplies
SITHCCC004A Clean and maintain kitchen premises
SITHCCC005A Use basic methods of cookery
SITHCCC006A Prepare appetisers and salads
SITHCCC008A Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
SITHCCC009A Prepare vegetables, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
SITHCCC010A Select, prepare and cook poultry
SITHCCC011A Select, prepare and cook seafood
SITHCCC012A Select, prepare and cook meat
SITHCCC013A Prepare hot and cold desserts
SITHCCC014A Prepare pastry, cakes and yeast goods
SITHCCC015A Implement food safety procedures
SITHCCC029A Prepare foods according to dietary and cultural needs
SITHCCC016A Develop cost-effective menus
HLTFA301B Apply first aid
SITXCOM003A Deal with conflict situations
SITXHRM001A Coach others in job skills
SITHCCC027A Prepare, cook and serve food for food service
SITHCCC028A Prepare, cook and serve food for menus

Elective units
SITHCCC007A Prepare sandwiches
SITHCCCO21A Handle and serve cheese
SITHCCCO23A Select, prepare and serve specialised food items
SIT30807 Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery) Information for assessors
This qualification provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent as a qualified cook. Work would be undertaken in various
hospitality enterprises where food is prepared and served, including restaurants, hotels, clubs, pubs, cafés, cafeterias and coffee shops.
Individuals may have some responsibility for others and provide technical advice and support to a team.

The qualification is suitable for an Australian apprenticeship pathway.

Job roles
Individuals with this qualification are able to perform roles such as:
 preparing appertisers, salads, stocks, sauces and soups
 preparing vegetables, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
 selecting, preparing and cooking poultry, seafood and meat
 preparing hot and cold desserts, pastries, cakes and yeast goods
 planning and preparing food for buffets.

Possible job title includes:

 cook
 chef.

There are no prerequisites for entry to this qualification.
Qualification rules
To achieve a Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery), 29 units must be completed:
 all 26 core units
 3 elective units:
○ a minimum of 2 elective units must be selected from the electives listed in the training package
○ the remaining unit may be selected from any endorsed Training Package
○ a maximum of 1 language unit may be counted as an elective within this qualification.

In all cases selection of electives must be guided by the job outcome sought, local industry requirements and the characteristics of this
Candidate’s contact information

Candidate’s name

Candidate’s address:

Phone number Facsimile


Mobile number Email address

Candidate’s employer
(if applicable)

Name of candidate’s
(if applicable)

Qualification and Trade Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery)

Record of initial interview (to be conducted after the
candidate has completed the self-assessment checklist)

Qualification: Certificate III in Candidate’s name:

Hospitality (Commercial Cookery)
Assessor’s name:

Description of candidate’s tasks at What evidence the candidate is able to

work collect
(Assessor to complete this section during the (Assessor to complete this section during the
interview, with a summary of the candidate’s interview, with whatever evidence the
work history.) assessor and candidate have agreed could
be collected by the candidate.)
For example: job description, training
records, references

Candidate to tick Yes or No.

Have the purpose and the consequences of the assessment been explained? Yes q
No q
Do you understand what evidence is to be collected? Yes q
No q
Have your rights and the appeal system been fully explained? Yes q
No q
Have you discussed any special needs to be considered during assessment? Yes q
No q
If yes, provide details:

Assessor’s signature: Candidate’s signature: Date:

SIT30807 Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery)
Self-assessment information
The purpose of this self-assessment tool is to enable candidates who consider that they already have the competencies required for Certificate
III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery) to match their skills and knowledge against the qualification requirements.
To complete the self-assessment, answer all the questions by placing a tick () in the column (Yes or No) which best reflects your current level
of skills and knowledge.
As you answer each question, make a note of any evidence you have that could be used to verify your skills. For example, if you claim to be
able to select, prepare and cook seafood, you need to be able to provide evidence of this.
Some examples of different types of evidence that you could provide include:
 a résumé describing where you have worked
 testimonials from clients
 job descriptions
 photographs, samples of work
 records of formal or informal training you may have done on the job
 references
 a discussion with an assessor of work you have done and where you have carried out this work
 a demonstration to your assessor of a task, either in your workplace or at a training facility.

Typical jobs that you may have had in the hospitality industry that relate to this qualification include:
 apprentice chef
 commercial cook
 chef.
Critical aspects of evidence


SITXCOM001A Work with colleagues and customers What evidence can you provide?

Can you:
 work effectively in a team? q q
 communicate effectively in a commercial kitchen with
customers and colleagues from a broad range of
q q
 demonstrate cultural understanding and sensitivity when
responding to different types of colleagues? q q
 communicate effectively in a commercial kitchen with
customers and colleagues (including those with special
q q


SITXCOM002A Work in a socially diverse environment What evidence can you provide?

Can you:
 communicate effectively with colleagues and customers from q q
a broad range of backgrounds?
 apply knowledge of different cultures and different cultural
characteristics appropriately when communicating with
colleagues or customers?
q q
 demonstrate social and cultural understanding and sensitivity
when responding to different types of customers or
q q
 identify and respond to the cultural context of the workplace? q q
SITXOHS001A Follow health, safety and security


What evidence can you provide?
Can you:
 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the legal
requirement to work according to health, safety and security q q
 demonstrate safe work practices? q q
 participate in consultation, hazard identification and risk
assessment in a commercial kitchen? q q
SITHIND001A Develop and update hospitality industry


What evidence can you provide?
Can you:
 find hospitality information and apply this to day-to-day q q
 demonstrate knowledge of the hospitality industry, including
the main roles, functions and interrelationships of the
different sectors?
q q
 demonstrate knowledge of the key legal and ethical issues
for the hospitality industry? q q
SITXOHS002A Follow health, safety and security Yes

What evidence can you provide?
Can you:
 access and interpret hygiene procedures and apply them q q
consistently during day-to-day activities?
 understand the importance of following hygiene procedures
and the implications of disregarding these procedures? q q
 apply good hygiene practices when you are preparing and
presenting food in a commercial kitchen? q q

SITHCCC001A Organise and prepare food What evidence can you provide?

Can you:
 use knives, cleavers, food processors, blenders, mixers and q q
 use grills, salamanders, fryers, large fixed equipment such as
bain-marie and fridges? q q
 use dairy products including milk, yoghurt, cheeses and
alternatives, eg soy products? q q
 use dry goods such as flours, sugars, pastas and rice? q q
 use standard fruit and vegetables? q q
 use general food items such as sauces, condiments and
flavourings, garnishes, coatings and batters? q q
 use meat, seafood and poultry that may be fresh, frozen,
preserved or pre-prepared? q q


SITHCCC002A Present food What evidence can you provide?

Can you:
 plate, present and serve a variety of foods for entrées, main
courses, desserts, soups, sandwiches, breakfast items, q q
canapés and appetisers?

SITHCCC003A Receive and store kitchen supplies What evidence can you provide?

Can you:
 receive and store food including dry goods, dairy products,
meat and seafood, poultry, fruit and vegetables, and frozen q q
 reject food that is likely to be contaminated, eg food at the
incorrect temperature? (Food that is intended to be frozen but
has thawed or cold food that is in the temperature danger q q
 reject packaged food that has been exposed through
damaged packaging? q q
 query incorrect quantities, amounts or weights? q q
 send back incorrect products? q q


SITHCCC004A Clean and maintain kitchen premises What evidence can you provide?

Can you:
 clean and sanitise crockery, glassware, cutlery, utensils,
pots, pans, dishes, containers, chopping boards, garbage q q
bins in a commercial kitchen?
 clean walls, floors, shelves, benches and working surfaces,
ovens, stoves, cooking equipment and appliances, fridges,
freezers and cool rooms, storerooms, cupboards and q q
extraction fans in a commercial kitchen?

SITHCCC005A Use basic methods of cookery What evidence can you provide?

Can you:
 boil, poach, steam, stew, braise, roast, bake, grill, shallow-fry,
deep-fry and pan-fry as methods of cookery in a commercial q q
 use dairy products such as milk, butter, yoghurt, cheeses and
alternatives in dishes using different methods of cookery? q q
 use dry goods such as flours, sugars, pastas and rice in
dishes using different methods of cookery? q q
 use standard fruit and vegetables in dishes using different
methods of cookery? q q
 use eggs in dishes using different methods of cookery? q q
 use meat, seafood and poultry which may be fresh, frozen,
preserved or pre-prepared and may also include meat
products such as standard cuts, sausages, hams, salamis q q
and other meat products using different methods of cookery?
 use general food items such as oils, sauces, condiments and
flavourings, garnishes, coatings and batters in dishes using
different methods of cookery?
q q

SITHCCC006A Prepare appetisers and salads What evidence can you provide?

Can you:
 prepare and present hors d’oeuvres, canapés, savouries, q q
antipasto, tapas, finger food and sandwiches?
 prepare and present a variety of salads using vegetables and
fruit including classical or modern and varying ethnic and
cultural types in a commercial kitchen?
q q

SITHCCC008A Prepare stocks, sauces and soups What evidence can you provide?

Can you:
 prepare and present reduced sauces, thickened sauces, hot, q q
warm and cold emulsion sauces?
 prepare and present clear, broth, purée, cream and bisque
soups? q q
SITHCCC009A Prepare vegetables, fruits, eggs and


What evidence can you provide?
farinaceous dishes
Can you:
 prepare, cook and present pasta, rice, polenta, noodles,
couscous, semolina, pulses and cracked wheat dishes with q q
suitable accompanying sauces?
 prepare omelettes and frittatas, soufflés, eggs Benedict, egg
salads and egg dips? q q
 use aerating, binding, setting, coating, enriching, emulsifying,
glazing, clarifying, garnishing and thickening methods when
using eggs?
q q
 prepare and present a variety of vegetable and fruit dishes? q q

SITHCCC010A Select, prepare and cook poultry What evidence can you provide?

Can you:
 prepare poultry for de-boning, stuffing, filleting, rolling and q q
trussing, larding and marinating poultry?
 use roasting, pot roasting, sautéing and braising, deep-frying,
poaching, stewing and grilling methods when cooking
q q

SITHCCC011A Select, prepare and cook seafood What evidence can you provide?

Can you:
 prepare and serve shellfish including molluscs and q q
crustaceans and fish including octopus and squid?
 cook a variety of fish and shellfish, whole fish, fillets and bone
in portions of fish? q q


SITHCCC012A Select, prepare and cook meat What evidence can you provide?

Can you:
 prepare meat for boning, cutting, trimming and mincing,
weighing and portioning, larding, tenderising, rolling and q q
trussing, stuffing, tying and skewering?
 use cooking methods including roasting, grilling, frying,
braising and stewing when cooking meats? q q


SITHCCC013A Prepare hot and cold desserts What evidence can you provide?

Can you:
 prepare and present a variety of different types of desserts q q
and sweets within a fully equipped operational kitchen?

SITHCCC014A Prepare pastry, cakes and yeast goods What evidence can you provide?

Can you:
 prepare and present pastes including short and sweet
pastes, eg flans, tarts and pies, choux paste, eg profiteroles q q
and éclairs, puff paste, eg millefeuille and filo or strudel?
 prepare and present cakes including sponge cakes, Génoise
sponge, fruit cake, madeira cake, Swiss roll, meringues,
petits fours, ganache cake, pastry garnishes, tuilles, cold set q q
cakes and mousse cakes, friands and muffins?
 prepare and present yeast-based dough’s including basic
bread dough, savarin dough, croissant or Danish dough and
yeast bun dough?
q q
 prepare and present sauces including coulis, anglaise and
sabayon? q q


SITXFSA001A Implement food safety procedures What evidence can you provide?

Can you:
 access and interpret safe food-handling procedures and
consistently apply these during day-to-day food handling q q
 demonstrate knowledge of critical control points and methods
of food hazard control for each critical point? q q
 apply safe food-handling practices on many occasions across
a range of different food-handling circumstances to ensure
consistency in the application of food safety procedures
q q
SITHCCC029A Prepare foods according to dietary and


What evidence can you provide?
cultural needs
Can you:
 prepare and present foods to meet basic nutritional needs q q
and special dietary requirements?
 prepare and present foods for ethnic, specific cultural or
religious needs such as kosher, halal, vegetarian or Hindu? q q


SITHCCC016A Develop cost-effective menus What evidence can you provide?

Can you:
 develop a variety of innovative menus within budgetary q q

 develop nutritionally and seasonally balanced menus? q q

 cost menus to meet enterprise profit requirements? q q


HLTFA301B Apply first aid What evidence can you provide?

Do you:
 possess a current Senior First Aid Certificate? q q

SITXCOM003A Deal with conflict situations What evidence can you provide?

Can you:
 demonstrate knowledge of conflict resolution techniques? q q
 apply conflict resolution techniques to resolve a range of
different conflict situation in commercial kitchens or within
your job role?
q q

SITXHRM001A Coach others in job skills What evidence can you provide?

Can you:
 provide supportive on-the-job coaching with constructive and q q
supportive feedback?

 demonstrate clear oral communication skills? q q

 demonstrate knowledge of basic training principles? q q
 demonstrate coaching skills under normal workplace
conditions, including real work tasks to coach others in the
use of suitable equipment and materials?
q q
SITHCCC027B Prepare, cook and serve food for food


service and SITHCCC028B Prepare, cook and serve food for What evidence can you provide?
Can you:
 prepare, cook and serve food including appetisers and
salads, stocks and sauces, vegetables, eggs and farinaceous q q
products, poultry and game, fish and shellfish, meat, hot and
cold desserts and pastries, cakes and yeast goods?
 prepare, cook and serve food for food service periods
including breakfast, lunch, dinner and special functions over
a period of time on at least 48 occasions?
q q
 prepare, cook and serve food for menu types including à la
carte, set menu (table d’hôte) and buffet over a period of time
on at least 48 occasions?
q q
 multi-task and respond to many demands and requests
simultaneously? q q
 work as part of a team and coordinate team activities in a
positive and courteous manner? q q

SITHCCCOO7C Prepare sandwiches What evidence can you provide?

Can you:
 use appropriate ingredient combinations and precise and
uniformly cut ingredients, demonstrate neatness in q q
presentation, uniform size and shape and use attractive
service ware and garnishes?

 prepare sandwiches using different types of bread? q q

 store sandwiches using plastic wrap or foil, use bulk storage
containers and use customised containers for display,
presentation and sale?
q q
 use appropriate refrigeration when required? q q


SITHCCCO21C Handle and serve cheese What evidence can you provide?

Can you:
 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the different q q
classifications and characteristics of cheese?
 present cheeses as cheese plates, cheese trolley, table
service or buffet presentation including suitable garnishes
and accompaniments?
q q
 use safe storage and handling of cheese? q q
SITHCCCO23C Select, prepare and serve specialised food


What evidence can you provide?
Can you:
 prepare and serve a range of specialised menu items, eg q q
○ meats, poultry and game other than lamb, beef, port and
chicken? q q
○ offal and specialist meat products? q q
○ unusual fish, shellfish and other foods from salt or fresh
water? q q
○ aromatics, flavourings, spices and herbs? q q
○ seeds and nuts? q q
○ fungi? q q
○ preserves, condiments and accompaniments? q q
○ commodities from ethnic cuisines and cultural traditions
such as Mexican, Asian and Middle Eastern? q q
○ fruits, vegetables, flowers and salad items? q q
○ aquatic plants such as seaweeds? q q
○ specialist cheeses and dairy products? q q
○ bush foods and native Australian ingredients? q q
○ specialist cakes, pastries, breads, desserts, preserves
and sweets? q q
 select cookery methods appropriate to the specialised food
item taking into consideration any dietary, historical and
cultural issues?
q q
 apply food safety principles in relation to preparation, cooking
and storage of specialised food items? q q
 plan and cost specialised menus or menu items to meet
enterprise and customer requirements? q q
Is there anything else that you have done that has not been identified here? Yes q No q
If yes, provide details.
Workplace or simulated assessment – Practical assessment
Note to the assessor
It is not mandatory for all candidates to do the practical assessment.

The candidate may have provided sufficient evidence after the self-assessment, the interview and the third party evidence report to be
deemed competent.

The assessor should select which units the candidate must complete.
Reporting and recording document – Practical assessment (Demonstration/observation)
You will be assessed on SIT30807 Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery)

Record of practical assessment – SIT30807 Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery)

Candidate’s name Date

Assessor’s name Date

Work activity

Where practical assessment was


Unit(s) of competency

Assess and gather evidence for the following units:
SITHCCC006A Prepare appetisers and salads
SITHCCC008A Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
SITHCCC009A Prepare vegetables, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
SITHCCC010A Select, prepare and cook poultry
SITHCCC011A Select, prepare and cook seafood
SITHCCC012A Select, prepare and cook meat
SITHCCC013A Prepare hot and cold desserts
SITHCCC014A Prepare pastry, cakes and yeast goods
SITHCCC029A Prepare foods according to dietary and cultural needs
SITHCCC007A Prepare sandwiches
SITHCCC021A Handle and serve cheese

Assess and gather evidence for the other units listed below at the same time.
SITXOHS001A Follow health, safety and security procedures
SITXOHS002A Follow workplace hygiene procedures
SITHCCC001A Organise and prepare food
SITHCCC002A Present food
SITHCCC004A Clean and maintain kitchen premises
SITHCCC005A Use basic methods of cookery
SITHCCC027B Prepare, cook and serve food for food service
SITHCCCO23A Select, prepare and serve specialised food items can be assessed or evidence gathered at the same time providing
specialised food items are used and specialised preparation and cooking.
Specialised food items may include:
 meats, poultry and game other than lamb, beef, pork and chicken
 offal and specialist meat products
 unusual fish, shellfish and other foods from salt or fresh water
 aromatics, flavourings, spices and herbs
 seeds and nuts
 fungi
 preserves, condiments and accompaniments
 commodities from ethnic cuisines and cultural traditions such as Mexican, Asian and Middle Eastern
 fruits, vegetables, flowers and salad items
 aquatic plants, such as seaweeds
 specialist cheeses and dairy products
 bush foods and native Australian ingredients
 specialist cakes, pastries, breads, desserts and sweets.
Specialised preparation and cooking may include:
 marinating and coating
 tenderising
 hanging of meat, poultry and game
 preserving, including drying, salting, pickling, and hot and cold smoking
 techniques such as cooking on salt, and using special ovens and cooking utensils
 earth oven cooking.
SITHCCC006A Prepare appetisers and salads

Prepare and present two (2) simple salads and two (2) mixed salads that could be used on a restaurant menu using fresh seasonal
ingredients and suitable dressings or sauces.

Prepare and present two (2) hot varieties and two (2) cold varieties of hors d’oeuvres, two (2) varieties of canapés, one (1) antipasto plate,
two (2) varieties of tapas and two (2) varieties of sandwiches suitable for a cocktail function.

During the demonstration/observation of skills, did the candidate satisfactorily demonstrate competence? Yes No
SITHCCC008A Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Prepare a brown and white stock.

From the brown stock, present a reduced sauce and from the white stock, prepare a velouté and a derivative sauce.

Prepare and present half a litre of hollandaise or béarnaise sauce and one (1) litre of mayonnaise.

Prepare and present one (1) litre of clear, broth, purée, cream or bisque soups.

During the demonstration/observation of skills, did the candidate satisfactorily demonstrate competence?

Comments Yes No
SITHCCC009A Prepare vegetables, fruits, eggs and farinaceous dishes

Prepare and present freshly made pasta of your choice with an accompanying sauce suitable for a main course in a café or restaurant.

Prepare and present a meal made from rice, eg rice pilaf.

Prepare and present a meal made from a pulse, eg dhal.

Prepare, cook and present two (2) green vegetable, two (2) other vegetable and two (2) potato dishes suitable for a restaurant service.

Prepare and present one (1) omelette and frittata, one (1) soufflé, one (1) egg Benedict, one (1) egg salad and one (1) egg dip.

During the demonstration/observation of skills, did the candidate satisfactorily demonstrate competence?

Comments Yes No
SITHCCC010A Select, prepare and cook poultry

Prepare and present one (1) poultry item by de-boning, stuffing, rolling, trussing and roasting.

Prepare and present one (1) poultry item by larding and pot roasting.

Prepare and present other poultry items using filleting, marinating, sautéing and braising, deep-frying, poaching and stewing and grilling.

Prepare, cook and present two (2) green vegetable, two (2) other vegetable and two (2) potato dishes suitable for a restaurant service.

Prepare and present one (1) omelette and frittata, one (1) soufflé, one (1) egg Benedict, one (1) egg salad and one (1) egg dip.

During the demonstration/observation of skills, did the candidate satisfactorily demonstrate competence?

Comments Yes No
SITHCCC011A Select, prepare and cook seafood

Clean, gut and fillet one (1) round fish and one (1) flat fish.

Prepare, cook and present two (2) mollusc, two (2) crustacean, two (2) fish, one (1) octopus and one (1) squid dishes suitable for an
entrée or main course in a café or restaurant.

During the demonstration/observation of skills, did the candidate satisfactorily demonstrate competence?

Comments Yes No
SITHCCC012A Select, prepare and cook meat

Prepare, cook and present one (1) leg of lamb by de-boning, stuffing, trussing and roasting.

Cut, trim, portion three (3) 220 gram steaks of your choice. Steaks are to be cooked rare, medium rare and well done.

Prepare, cook and present two (2) dishes using offal suitable for an entrée or main course in a café or restaurant.

Prepare, cook and present one (1) dish using braising, one (1) dish using stewing and one (1) dish using frying methods of cooking.
Select meat cuts from venison, boar, rabbit, hare, buffalo, crocodile, kangaroo, ostrich or emu.

During the demonstration/observation of skills, did the candidate satisfactorily demonstrate competence?

Comments Yes No
SITHCCC013A Prepare hot and cold desserts

Prepare and present one (1) of each of the following – pudding, soufflé, fruit, mousse and meringue desserts/sweets with appropriate
sauces suitable for a café or restaurant.

During the demonstration/observation of skills, did the candidate satisfactorily demonstrate competence?

Comments Yes No
SITHCCC014A Prepare pastry, cakes and yeast goods

Prepare and present a flan, tart or pie using either short pastry or sweet pastry.

Prepare a choux pastry and present either éclairs or profiteroles filled and decorated.

Prepare and present a sweet or savoury strudel using either filo or strudel pastry.

Prepare puff pastry and present a sweet or savoury item from the puff pastry.

Prepare and present Danish pastries or croissants.

Prepare and present a savarin or rum babas.

Prepare and present yeast buns or hot cross buns.

Prepare and present a coulis, anglaise and sabayon.

Prepare a 1 kg basic bread dough and portion into dinner rolls and bake.

During the demonstration/observation of skills, did the candidate satisfactorily demonstrate competence?

Comments Yes No
SITHCCC029A Prepare foods according to dietary and cultural needs

Prepare and present in an appetising and attractive manner an entrée or main course and dessert for a vegan.

Prepare and present in an appetising and attractive manner an entrée or main course and dessert for a person with a special dietary
requirement, eg gluten free.

Prepare and present in an appetising and attractive manner an entrée or main course and dessert for a person from a special cultural
group, eg halal.

During the demonstration/observation of skills, did the candidate satisfactorily demonstrate competence?

Comments Yes No
SITHCCC007A Prepare sandwiches

Prepare and present two (2) varieties of open sandwiches.

Prepare and present a club sandwich.

Prepare and present (2) varieties of sandwiches using breads and filling of your choice. Calculate what food would have to be ordered to
cater for a function of 50 people.

During the demonstration/observation of skills, did the candidate satisfactorily demonstrate competence?

Comments Yes No
SITHCCC021A Handle and serve cheese

Prepare and present a variety of cheeses including white mould, blue mould, semi-hard or eye with appropriate garnishes and

During the demonstration/observation of skills, did the candidate satisfactorily demonstrate competence?

Comments Yes No
Legend: Dimensions of competency
During the demonstration/observation of skills, did the candidate show evidence of the following?
Yes No
Task skills – involving performing the task to the required standard as described in the unit of competency.
Task management skills – involving managing a number of different tasks within the job.
Contingency management skills – involving responding to problems and changes in routine.
Job/role environment skills – involving fulfilling the responsibilities and expectations of the employer/workplace.
Transfer – involving the application of skills to different contexts.

The candidate’s overall performance

met the standard. Yes q No q
Third party evidence report
SIT30807 Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery)
Note for assessor: A sample format is provided below on some skill areas, eg
communication and team skills. Third party evidence relating to other competencies should
follow a similar format.

Candidate’s name

Third party evidence

provided by

Relationship to candidate

Evidence collected
Interview at the workplace q
Interview on the telephone q
Interview conducted by


As part of the assessment for the Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery),
evidence is being sought to support a judgement about the candidate’s competence. A
letter of support from the organisation validating a range of tasks that the candidate has
successfully completed would be useful in identifying competence.

Does the candidate consistently: Yes No

 demonstrate good communication skills through interaction with others

in the workplace? q q
 communicate effectively with customers and/or colleagues from a broad
range of backgrounds? q q
 demonstrate the skills and knowledge to follow predetermined health,
safety and security procedures and incorporate safe work practices
into all workplace activities? q q
 apply good hygiene practices during day-to-day activities while working
in a commercial kitchen? q q
 work well within the team environment? q q
 deal with work issues, problems and conflicts? q q
 support others in the workplace? q q

Does the candidate consistently: Yes No

 present and serve foods effectively and within realistic time constraints? q q
 receive, handle and store kitchen supplies safely and efficiently? q q
 clean large and small commercial kitchen equipment and utensils? q q
 clean food preparation and presentation areas hygienically and safely? q q
 use large and small commercial kitchen equipment? q q
 independently plan and organise the day’s work? q q
 carry out tasks in a safe and timely manner? q q
 undertake tasks following the logical sequence of events? q q
 multi-task and respond to multiple demands and requests
simultaneously? q q
Does the candidate consistently: Yes No

List the type(s) of skills or task(s) the candidate successfully

q q

Supervisor’s Date

Assessor’s Date
Interview question bank and recording documents
Note to the assessor
It is not mandatory that you ask the candidate all the questions in this question bank.

The candidate may have provided sufficient information to demonstrate competence based on their self-assessment and documentary
evidence. You will need to use your professional judgement as to which questions you focus on at this stage of the assessment.
Reporting and recording document – Record of interview
You will be assessed on SIT30807 Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery)

Record of interview – SIT30807 Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery)

Candidate’s name Date

Assessor’s name Date

Where interview is being conducted

Unit(s) of competency

Interview question bank
SITXCOM001A Work with colleagues and customers
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element

1. Why is it important for people working in a kitchen to work as a team? 5

2. What forms of communication do you consider important for the hospitality industry? Give
examples where they can be used.
3. Why are personal presentation and personal hygiene important for a hospitality worker? What
are some important hygiene rules, eg shower regularly?
Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. It is very important for people working in a kitchen to work as a team. They must work together to prepare, cook and present meals for the
customers. If you do not work together, you are letting the team, the business and the customers down. Helping other members of the team
when help is required indicates that you are a valuable team member.
2. Oral communication, eg calling out orders in a kitchen from a docket and answering the telephone.
Written communication, eg writing dockets or menus, emails and food or drink orders to suppliers.
Nonverbal communication, eg body language including facial expressions and hand gestures can help to relay or confirm messages.
3. The way you present yourself is what people see. First impressions play a very important role in the hospitality industry.
Shower regularly and use deodorants, wear clean and ironed uniforms, brush teeth and have good dental hygiene, wear as little jewellery as
possible, wash hands regularly with hot, soapy water – no dirty fingernails and no nail polish in the kitchen.
SITXCOM002A Work in a socially diverse environment
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following question? Yes No Matrix/element

1. Have you worked with people from different cultural or social backgrounds and if so how did
1, 2
you communicate with them and what were some of the advantages of working with them?

Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested response

1. In the hospitality industry people come from all parts of the world. People from other parts of the world bring with them different religions, cultures,
foods, dietary habits, language, dress and skills. All these can be a major advantage to our hospitality industry and to us.
SITXOHS001A Follow health, safety and security procedures
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element
1. As an employee what are your responsibilities and obligations under occupational health,
safety and security procedures?
2. Have you ever had to deal with an emergency situation in a commercial kitchen, eg a bomb
threat, accident, fire, power failure and/or irate customer? If so, how did you deal with the 2
3. Have you participated in Occupational Health and Safety management practices and
Occupational Health and Safety consultation processes? What was your involvement in these 3
practices and processes?
Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. Cooperate with the employer, use equipment correctly and safely, take reasonable care of yourself and other work colleagues and wear
appropriate uniform, footwear and safety clothing when required.
2. Discuss with candidate.
3. Actively participate in OHS induction and safe work practices and demonstrate involvement in the following – hazard identification, risk
assessment, suggesting methods for and making joint decisions on how to eliminate or control risks and writing parts of OHS policies and
SITHIND001A Develop and update hospitality industry knowledge
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element
1. How do you source hospitality industry information? Explain how you keep in touch with
changing trends in food over the time that you have been involved in the industry.
2. Name five (5) hospitality sectors found in a large hotel or resort, eg front office. 3
3. Explain a medium size kitchen brigade and the duties of each section. 3
4. Name three (3) commercial and two (2) non-commercial establishments involved in the
hospitality industry.
5. The hospitality industry has many Acts and regulations that are specific to the industry like the
Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995. Give examples of some Acts and regulations and 2
describe the roles they play in the hospitality industry.
Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. The Internet, television programs relating to cooking, hospitality and tourism, hospitality and cooking magazines and books, colleagues, industry
contacts, suppliers, and education and training.
2. Front office, accounts, food and beverage, stores, food/kitchen, maintenance, room service, housekeeping, entertainment and security.
3. Head chef – menu planning and costing, rostering, and food ordering, hiring staff, training staff and cooking.
Second/sous-chef – assisting head chef with rostering, food ordering and staff training, being in charge of the kitchen on the head chef’s days
off and cooking.
Cook 1 and Cook 2 – preparation and cooking, some staff training of apprentices and kitchen hand.
2 Apprentices – preparation and cooking, receiving and storing of food supplies and general cleaning duties.
Kitchen hand – washing dishes and pots and general kitchen cleaning, and receiving and storing of food and cleaning supplies.
4. For example: commercial –Hotel; non-commercial Hospital.
5. The Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 provides a safe place for people to work in and customers to dine in, the Trade Practices Act 1974
provides protection against the sale of goods or food that are not what they say they are on a menu eg dhufish. The Liquor Control Act 1987
regulates the liquor licensing of establishments that sell alcohol.
SITXOHS002A Follow workplace hygiene procedures
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element

1. What is meant by the term cross-contamination and how do you avoid it? 1, 3, 4

2. What are the main growth requirements for pathogenic bacteria to grow? 1, 3

3. Explain the difference between food poisoning and food spoilage. 1, 3

4. Have you had to report any personal health issues or incidents of food contamination in the
workplace? Who did you report this matter to and what were the outcomes?

Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses

1. Cross-contamination is the passing of harmful food-poisoning bacteria from one place or person to another.

2. Air, food, time, temperature and water

3. Food poisoning is when someone becomes sick after eating food. The poisoning cannot be seen on the food and there are no warning signs.
Food spoilage is food that is off – it may smell, look slimy or bad and does not taste like it should if it was fresh. It is food that is not fit for human

4. Discuss with candidate.

SITHCCC001A Organise and prepare food
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element
1. Name four (4) basic precision cuts of vegetables. 2, 3
2. What is the importance of doing a preparation list or workflow plan? 2
3. List two tasks that paring knives and cook’s knives are usually used for. 1
4. How should prepared foods be stored in a refrigerator? 4
Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. Julienne – matchstick size of vegetables or fruits.
Brunoise – 3 mm fine dice of vegetables and fruit.
Macédoine – 8 mm large dice of vegetables and fruit.
Jardinière – baton shape 4 mm x 4 mm x 20 mm of vegetables and fruit.
Paysanne – thin slices 5 mm of different shapes of vegetables.
2. Workflow planning is used to save time so all the basic preparation can be ready for service. Organisation and cooperation are also important
so duties are not doubled up and people work as a team and achieve a common goal. Logical sequence is important for the workplace so that
duties, which take longest, are started first and then worked step by step. All this planning helps the team in the kitchen to be ready for the
3. Paring knives are used for peeling some vegetables and fruit like onions and lemons; trimming vegetables; cutting; segmenting fruit; and artistic
4. Prepared foods should be stored in a sealed container in the cool room or freezer with a label stating what it is and the date it was prepared. If
you do not have a sealed container, you should wrap with plastic wrap and label with what it is and the date it was prepared.
SITHCCC002A Present food
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element

1. What are some of the key principles of presenting food attractively? 1

2. List four pieces of kitchen equipment that can be used to help portion food. 2

3. How has food presentation changed over the years? 1, 2

4. Why is it important to work as a team in a positive and courteous manner? 3

Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses

1. For good food presentation you have to consider equipment like crockery and cutlery, eye appeal including the colours and shapes of the food,
the height of the meal, the textures of the food, the gloss of the sauces and the overall balance of the meal.

2. Scales are probably the most important piece of equipment used to portion food, eg meat and fish but other equipment like ladles, spoons, ice-
cream scoops, cake portioners, moulds and containers are also important for holding single portions of food.

3. Discuss with candidate.

4. It is very important for people working in a kitchen to work as a team. The kitchen team must work together to prepare cook and present meals
for the customers. If you do not work together, you are letting the team, the business and the customer down. Helping other members of the
team when help is required indicates that you are a valuable team member.
SITHCCC003A Receive and store kitchen supplies
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element
1. What are some of the key principles of stock control? 1, 2, 3

2. What does the term purchase specification mean? Give an example. 1

3. When checking in stock that has been ordered, what should you look for? 1, 2

4. What considerations should be given to hygiene procedures related to stock handling and 2, 3
5. What are the ideal temperatures to store food in a cool room, freezer and storeroom? 3

Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. Some of the key principles of stock control are: what stock needs to be ordered, what stock is already on hand, rotating stock (first in, first out),
doing regular stock takes, requisition for stock moving in and out of the stores and security for pilferage or theft.
2. Purchase specifications are very important when ordering stock from a supplier. Specific stock needs to be of the same size, quality, quantity,
packaging and type. For example, there are many varieties and sizes of potatoes and how they can be purchased.
3. Firstly you should have a copy of the order form and check against the delivery docket to see if everything has been documented. Check all
received for weight, freshness, use-by dates, freshness and ripeness, quality against damage and quantity against the number ordered.
4. Fridges and freezers should be cleaned and floors washed daily; storerooms should be tidied and floors washed daily; all goods received
should be transferred from cardboard containers into containers, trays, racks etc.; weighing equipment should be cleaned and sanitized and
loading dock should be cleaned and rubbish should be removed.
5. Cool room: 1 ºC–4 ºC, freezer: -18 ºC–-24 ºC; storeroom 18 ºC–22 ºC
SITHCCC004A Clean and maintain kitchen premises
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element
1. What are the principles of cleaning and sanitising in a commercial kitchen? 1, 2

2. Identify what information should be included on a cleaning schedule. 2

3. What points need to be considered for the removal of waste from commercial kitchens? 3

4. How should linen from a commercial kitchen be cleaned? 3

Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. Cleaning is the removing of food scraps, grease, oil, dirt and spilt foods from kitchen surfaces usually with hot water and detergent. A cleaning
schedule or roster needs to be made up so all equipment in the commercial kitchen can be cleaned.
Sanitising is the removal of contamination that cannot be seen by the naked eye. Sanitising can be accomplished through the use of chemicals
or heat.
2. The information on the cleaning schedule should include who, what, when and how to clean each piece of equipment in the commercial kitchen.
3. Use rubbish bins with tight fitting lids; use bin liners in each bin; remove rubbish and take rubbish bins out of the kitchen after each service; use
bins that are easy to manoeuvre around the kitchen (bins with wheels); collect rubbish daily; clean bins after each use; keep garbage pick-up
area clean and tidy.
4. Linen from a commercial kitchen would consist of uniforms, tea towels, dishcloths and tablecloths. Professional laundry services provide an
excellent service by washing, removing stains, sanitising and folding of all linen. If the laundry is done in house, all laundry should be treated for
the removal of stains, sanitised, washed, pressed and folded.
SITHCCC005A Use basic methods of cookery
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element
1. Explain the principles of cookery for each of the following methods of cookery: boiling, 2
poaching, steaming, stewing, braising, roasting, baking, grilling, shallow frying, deep-frying,
stir-frying and pan-frying.
2. List two foods suitable for each method of cookery listed above. 2
3. Name appropriate equipment used in a commercial kitchen for different methods of cookery. 1
Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. Boiling – is food fully submerged in liquid and cooked at 100 ºC.
Poaching – is food fully submerged in liquid and cooked just below boiling point. There is no visible movement of the liquid.
Steaming – is food surrounded and cooked by steam, either at atmospheric of high pressure. The food is suspended above the boiling liquid or
in an enclosed vessel under pressure.
Stewing – is food covered with an appropriate simmering liquid and cooked slowly and the liquid is used as the sauce.
Braising – is food that is half covered with an appropriate liquid and cooked in a container with a tight fitting lid and cooked in an oven. The
liquid is strained and can be used as an accompanying sauce.
Roasting – is food cooked in an oven or on a spit or open fire and in both cases being basted with fat.
Baking – is food cooked by dry heat in an oven.
Grilling – is food cooked by radiated heat from above and below.
Shallow frying – is food cooked in a shallow pan with a little hot fat.
Deep-frying – is food cooked while fully immersed in hot fat or oil.
Stir-frying – is food cooked rapidly in a wok.
Pan-frying – is food cooked in a small amount of fat or oil in a pan over heat.
2. Boiling – green vegetables, root vegetables, cured meats and pasta.
Poaching – eggs, seafood, poultry, fruit and tender cuts of meats.
Steaming – tender cuts of meat, poultry, seafood, dried fruits, puddings, and some vegetables.
Stewing – tougher cuts of meat, shellfish, poultry and game.
Braising – tougher cuts of meat, shellfish, poultry and game, fennel, leek and cabbage.
Roasting – tender cuts of meat, joints of meat with or without bone, poultry, game and root vegetables.
Baking – cakes, custards, meringues, yeast products, potatoes and meat poultry and fish when wrapped with foil or pastry.
Grilling – tender cuts of meat, poultry, quail, seafood, small whole fish, soft vegetables and fruits (mushrooms, tomatoes, pineapple and
mangoes), ham and bacon.
Shallow frying – tender cuts of meat, eggs, vegetables, fish and some shellfish (prawns, lobster).
Deep-frying – poultry, tender cuts of meat, fish and shellfish, vegetables and fruit, potatoes and cheese.
Stir-frying – tender cuts of meat, poultry, seafood and vegetables.
Pan-frying – tender cuts of meat, eggs, vegetables, fish and some shellfish
3. Boiling – pots, saucepans, spiders, chinois, colanders and ladles.
Poaching – fish kettles, sauteuses, spoons, ladles and egg slice.
Steaming – pressure cooker, atmospheric steamers, bamboo steamers and perforated trays.
Stewing – heavy based saucepans and bratt pan.
Braising – brasserie, ovenproof dish with lid, chinois and ladle.
Roasting – oven, spit, roasting pan and pot-roasting pot and ladle.
Baking – conventional oven, convection oven, deck oven, combi oven, baking trays and cake tins.
Grilling – grill plate, char grill and salamander.
Shallow frying – sauté pan, frying pan, spatula or palette knife.
Deep-frying – deep fryer, frying basket and spider.
Stir-frying – wok, Chinese spatula and Chinese ladle.
Pan-frying – frying pans, tongs.
SITHCCC006A Prepare appetisers and salads
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element
1. Explain what simple and compound/mixed salads are. Give three examples of each. 1
2. Explain how best to store freshly made salads. 3
3. What experience do you have in the preparation and presentation of salads?
4. What is an appetiser? Name (4) different types with appropriate sauces. 2
5. What experience do you have in the preparation and presentation of appetisers?
Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. Simple salads have one main type of ingredient with a dressing and garnish, for example tomato salad with vinaigrette dressing, cucumber
salad with yoghurt dressing and beetroot salad with sour cream dressing.
Mixed salads have more than one main type of ingredient usually mixed together with a dressing for example potato salad, Caesar salad and
Niçoise salad.
2. Prepared salads should be put in sealed containers or covered with plastic wrap and stored in a refrigerator at 1 ºC–4 ºC. Salads with
vinaigrette dressing should be dressed just before service. Washed and cleaned lettuce should be kept in a sealed container to keep it fresh
and crisp.
3. Discuss with candidate.
4. An appetiser is a dish that is served at the start of the meal to stimulate the taste buds and appetite. Appetisers may be hot or cold and different
types of appetisers may include hors d’oeuvres, tapas, antipasto and canapés. Examples are sushi with soy sauce, dolmades, chicken and
mushroom vol au vents and prosciutto and rock melon.
5. Discuss with candidate.
SITHCCC008A Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element
1. Name four (4) basic stocks and the approximate cooking time for each. 1
2. Name four (4) thickening agents used to thicken sauce and soups. 2
3. Name five (5) soup classifications and give an example of each. 3
4. What experience do you have in the preparation of stocks and soups?
5. Explain the procedure for preparing hollandaise and mayonnaise sauces. 2
6. What experience do you have in the preparation of sauces?
7. How should soups, stocks and sauces be stored to maintain optimum freshness and quality? 4
Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. Chicken stock: 2–4 hours, white beef stock: 8 hours, brown beef stock: 6–8 hours, fish stock: 20 minutes, vegetable stock: 30 minutes and
game stock: 6–8 hours.
2. Roux (white, blond and brown), beurre manié, cornstarch, arrowroot, potato starch and egg.
3. Clear soup: consommé, broth: scotch broth, purée: pumpkin, cream: cream of mushroom, bisque: lobster bisque, cold: gazpacho.
4. Discuss with candidate.
5. Hollandaise: Make a reduction using peppercorns, vinegar and water and let cool. Whisk egg yolks and the cooled reduction together over a hot
water bath until ribbon stage and remove from the heat. Add clarified butter slowly but continuously to the eggs and reduction mixture. The
sauce needs to be kept at 30 ºC–37 ºC.
Mayonnaise: Mix eggs yolks, vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper thoroughly with a whisk. Add the oil slowly until the correct consistency is
reached. Add more seasoning if required.
6. Discuss with candidate.
7. Warm emulsion sauces ready for service should be stored at 30 ºC–37 ºC. Prepared soups and sauces ready for service can be stored in a hot
bain-marie. The soups and sauces must be heated up before going into the bain-marie; they are not to be heated up in the bain-marie. Soups,
stocks and sauces not required for service need to be stored in the refrigerator at 0 ºC–4 ºC. They should be labeled with the date they were
made, and what they are. They should also be covered with a cartouche or plastic wrap to prevent a skin from forming or foods falling into them.
SITHCCC009A Prepare vegetables, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element
1. Name two (2) examples of each of the following vegetables: root, leaf, flower, stems, 1
legumes, fruit.
2. Explain three (3) quality points to look for when purchasing fresh vegetables and fruit. 1
3. Name three (3) culinary uses fresh eggs have in a commercial kitchen, eg binding. 3
4. Explain how fresh eggs should be stored. 3
5. Name three (3) farinaceous foods. 2
6. Name three (3) varieties of rice and a recipe each of these can be used in. 2
7. Name four (4) styles and shapes of pasta. 2
8. Explain how best to store farinaceous commodities in a commercial kitchen. 4
Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. Root – beetroot, carrot, turnip and parsnip; leaf – cabbage, lettuce, witlof and spinach; flower – globe artichoke, cauliflower and broccoli; stem:
celery, rhubarb, fennel and asparagus; legumes: beans, peas and sweet corn; fruit: tomato, cucumber, avocado and pumpkin.
2. Fresh vegetables and fruit should be uniform in shape and size, have a good appearance, no bruising, bright in colour for the vegetable or fruit,
firm texture, no defects and no damage from handling and transport.
3. binding, thickening, aerating, clarifying, glazing, emulsifying and enriching
4. Eggs should be stored in cartons with the round end up. The ideal place to store eggs is in the refrigerator at 2 ºC–5 ºC and 85% humidity.
Store eggs away from strong smelling foods in the refrigerator.
5. Pasta, noodles, rice, polenta, couscous and gnocchi
6. Long grain rice: rice pilaf; short grain: rice pudding; arborio: risotto.
7. Penne: smooth straight tubes; tagliatelle: wide ribbons; fusilli: corkscrew pasta; conchigli: shell shape; ravioli: stuffed pasta usually square;
farfalle: bowtie.
8. Uncooked rice is best kept in a container with a tight fitting lid in a well-ventilated storeroom. Cooked rice should be covered and stored in the
refrigerator at 0 ºC–4 ºC.
Dried pasta and couscous are best kept in their original packaging or in a container with a tight fitting lid in a well-ventilated storeroom.
SITHCCC010A Select, prepare and cook poultry
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element
1. Explain the term poultry and name four (4) types of poultry. 1
2. Explain three (3) quality points for fresh and frozen poultry. 1, 2
3. Name suitable cooking methods for two (2) types of poultry. 3
4. How should fresh and frozen poultry be handled and stored to minimise the risk of food 2
poisoning and food spoilage?
5. What experience do you have in the preparation, cooking and presentation of a variety of
poultry dishes?
Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. Poultry are birds domestically farmed for human consumption, eg chicken, turkey, duck, geese, guinea fowl, pigeon and pheasant.
2. Fresh look and smell, clean with no pin feathers, no cut skin or broken bones, no bruises, flexible breastbone and firm plump breasts. No
freezer burn. There should be no excess liquid in the freezer bags which could mean that poultry has been refrozen and thawed. Frozen poultry
should be individually wrapped with no holes in the packaging.
3. Whole chicken: roasting; chicken breast: grilling, poaching and steaming; whole turkey: roasting; turkey breast: grilling; guinea fowl: pot
roasting, braising, stewing; pigeon: pot roasting, braising, stewing; pheasant: pot roasting, braising, stewing.
4. Fresh poultry should be stored in the refrigerator between 0 ºC–4 ºC. The poultry should be placed on drip trays, covered with plastic wrap and
should not be on trays with other foods.
Frozen poultry should be stored in the freezer between -18 ºC and -24 ºC. There should be no excess liquid in the freezer bags which could
mean that poultry has been refrozen and thawed. Frozen poultry should be individually wrapped with no holes in the packaging. No freezer
Hands, trays, cutting boards, knives and other equipment should be clean to avoid cross-contamination.
5. Discuss with candidate.
SITHCCC011A Select, prepare and cook seafood
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element
1. Fish can be classified as round and flat, saltwater and freshwater, and with white and oily 1
flesh. Give an example of each.
2. Explain four (4) quality points when purchasing whole fresh fish. 1
3. Explain the quality points when purchasing fresh shellfish. 1
4. Explain some of the key points for storing fish and shellfish 1
5. Explain the most humane way to kill live seafood, e.g. yabbies, crabs. 1
6. What experience do you have in the preparation, cooking and presentation of fresh or frozen
7. What experience do you have in the preparation, cooking and presentation of fresh or frozen
Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. Examples of fish classifications – round: snapper, dhufish, red emperor, whiting and groper; flat: flounder and sole; saltwater: snapper, dhufish,
red emperor, whiting and groper; freshwater: trout, eel and salmon; white flesh: snapper, dhufish, red emperor, whiting and groper; oily flesh:
tuna, Spanish mackerel, tailor and Atlantic salmon.
2. Whole fish – colour: bright; gills: moist and bright red; appearance: wet and have a good sheen; scales: moist, have a good sheen and lie flat on
the fish; smell: saltwater fish should smell like seawater; flesh: firm.
3. Fresh shellfish – smell: fresh with no ammonia smell; eyes: shiny and black; shell: look fresh, bright and have no legs or claws missing.
4. Fresh fish and shellfish should be stored in the coldest part of the cool room. The ideal temperature to store fresh fish and shellfish is 1 ºC and
the ideal location is on racks or perforated trays covered with crushed ice.
5. The killing of live seafood should be being done humanely and quickly. Live fish should be spiked in the head to destroy the brain. Live shellfish
should be placed in the refrigerator or put into ice water. The cooling method lowers the body temperature until no movement is detected when
handled. Splitting or spiking to destroy the nerve centres should then kill the shellfish.
6. Discuss with candidate.
7. Discuss with candidate.
SITHCCC012A Select, prepare and cook meat
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element
1. Name three (3) secondary cuts from a leg of beef. 1
2. Explain the difference between lamb, hogget and mutton. 1
3. Name four (4) types of offal. Give examples of how they can be prepared and cooked. 1, 2, 3
4. Give three (3) reasons why meats are marinated. 2
5. Explain the correct procedures when storing meats. 4
6. What experience do you have in the preparation, cooking and presentation of veal, beef, lamb
and pork?
Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. Silverside, topside, round, shin and rump
2. Sheep are classified by age, the number of teeth they have and by what sex they are. Lamb is up to twelve months old, hogget are sheep which
are 1–2 years old and mutton is any sheep over 2 years of age. Meat from lamb, hogget and mutton gets increasingly darker in colour and
stronger in both smell and taste.
3. Liver, tongue, brain, sweetbreads, kidney, tripe, caul, oxtail and head
4. Meats are marinated to preserve, tenderise and add flavour.
5. Fresh meat should be stored in the refrigerator between 1 ºC–4 ºC and 85% humidity. Fresh meat can be stored layered on trays with the fat
side up and wrapped with plastic wrap, by hanging and by cryvac fat side up. When meat is received, it should be taken out of the box and
wrapping removed to prevent food spoilage. Store different types and cuts of meat separately. Meats may be smoked and cured and should be
stored on separate trays from raw meats. Fresh meat trays should be changed on a daily basis to prevent the meat from lying in its own blood.
6. Discuss with candidate.
SITHCCC013A Prepare hot and cold desserts
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element
1. Explain the procedure for preparing a mousse, bavarois or panna cotta. 1
2. What is the difference between the preparation and cooking of a sauce anglaise and a crème 3
3. Explain the difference between sorbet and ice-cream. 1
4. How is an Italian meringue prepared? 1, 2
5. Name three (3) hot and three (3) cold desserts suitable for a restaurant dessert menu. 1, 2, 3, 4
6. What experience do you have in the preparation, cooking and presentation of hot and cold
Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. Chocolate mousse: Melt chocolate and let cool slightly. Whip cream to medium peak. Whisk egg yolks, sugar and brandy over bain-marie until
ribbon stage. Whisk egg whites until soft peaks. Add chocolate to egg yolk mixture. Fold in cream then fold in egg whites. Pour into glass and
chill in the refrigerator.
2. Sauce anglaise is made from egg yolks, vanilla, sugar and milk. The sauce is cooked to coat the back of a spoon.
Crème pâtissière is made from egg yolks, vanilla, sugar, milk and flour or corn flour. Crème patisserie is cooked until the flour is cooked out.
3. Sorbets are water-based iced desserts. Sorbets can be made with sugar syrup with the addition of fruits, wine, champagne, coffee, tea or
liqueurs and finished with meringue.
Ice-cream is made from a sauce anglaise and churned in an ice-cream machine. Ice-cream can be flavoured with fruits, chocolate and nuts.
4. Bring sugar and water to the boil and brush down the sides of the pot with pastry brush and water. Boil until the syrup reaches 116 ºC–118 ºC
with a sugar thermometer. Whisk egg whites to a stiff peak and add the sugar syrup. Whisk until the mixture is cool.
5. Discuss with candidate.
6. Discuss with candidate.
SITHCCC014A Prepare pastries, cakes and yeast goods
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element
1. Explain the difference between sweet and short pastry. Name an item that can be prepared 1, 3
and cooked from each pastry.
2. Explain how to prepare choux pastry and give two (2) examples of what can be made from it. 1, 3
3. Name (3) three products that can be prepared using puff pastry. 1, 3
4. Name (3) three products that can be prepared using yeast doughs. 2, 4
5. Name three (3) types of cakes you have prepared. 2
6. What experience do you have in the preparation, cooking and presentation of pastry and
yeast goods?
Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. Sweet pastry ingredients are flour, butter, sugar and eggs. Examples are fruit tarts, chocolate tarts, lemon pies and sweet tarts.
Short pastry ingredients are flour, butter, lard, salt and water. Examples are quiche and savoury tarts.
2. Bring water and butter to the boil. Add flour and salt and cook over medium heat until the mixture reaches a thick ball. Let the mixture cool and
add eggs one at a time, mixing thoroughly until the mixture is thick and glossy and of a dropping consistency. Some examples are profiteroles,
éclairs, Paris breasts, croquembouches and gateau Saint-honoré.
3. Vol-au-vents, bouchées, beef Wellingtons, vanilla slices, palmiers and sausage rolls
4. Danish pastries, croissants, savarins, fruit buns, scrolls and bread
5. Discuss with candidate.
6. Discuss with candidate.
SITXFSA001A Implement food safety procedures
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element
1. What are the advantages of using Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) 1
2. What steps should be included in a procedure for cleaning and sanitising of food equipment 5
and utensils?
3. What information should be included on a process flowchart for the handling, preparation and 1, 2, 3
service of food?
4. How do you store, display single use items, eg disposable plates and cutlery, packaged 4
condiments, eg tomato sauce?
5. What experience do you have in the implementation of food safety procedures?
Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. Improved food safety procedures in food establishments; conformity with the legal requirements and conformity with food hygiene legislation
2. Dismantle dirty equipment and utensils and scrap all foods into a rubbish bin. Rinse equipment and utensils in clean warm water.
Wash equipment and utensils in hot water and detergent above 60 ºC. Rinse equipment and utensils in clean hot water.
Immerse equipment and utensils in clean warm water with a sanitising solution. Rinse equipment and utensils in clean warm water.
Air-dry equipment and utensils.
3. Order food using reputable suppliers. Check all foods received match what was ordered against the delivery docket. Check the quality and
weight of foods received. Check the temperature of foods that may be of high risk.
Store foods in the refrigerator at 1 ºC–4 ºC, freezer at -18 ºC– -24 ºC or in the dry storeroom.
Prepare foods in a safe and hygienic manner.
Foods can either be stored in the refrigerator after preparation or cooked.
Cooked foods can either be served or stored in the refrigerator.
Foods cooked and stored in the refrigerator can be reheated as quickly as possible above 60 ºC.
Service of foods stored in the refrigerator or cooked.
4. Store in sealed containers and wrappers. Once the items have been used for a display, they should not be re-used. Once a single portion item
has been opened and used, it should be disposed of properly to ensure no cross-contamination occurs.
5. Discuss with candidate.
SITHCCC029A Prepare foods according to dietary and cultural needs
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element
1. Explain what the Australian Dietary guidelines are. 1
2. If a person has Coeliac disease, what foods can they not eat? 1
3. What meats are Hindus forbidden to eat? 3
4. Explain the difference between a vegan and an ovo-lacto vegetarian. 1
5. Describe dishes you have prepared for customers with dietary and cultural needs.

Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. Australian Dietary guidelines were developed to help improve the diets and health of Australians. The recommendations were implemented to
help people make better choices about the foods they eat. People can eat less of certain foods, which can harm the body and more of other
foods, which help the body. Examples of the recommendations are: eat a wide variety of foods, avoid eating too much fat, avoid eating too
much sugar, use less salt and choose low-salt foods, drink more water and eat more foods with calcium and iron.
2. People with Coeliac disease cannot eat foods that contain gluten.
3. Hindus are forbidden to eat beef and veal.
4. Vegans do not eat any animal foods and eat only the foods from plants and vegetables.
Ovo-lacto vegetarians can eat eggs and milk products as well as foods from plants and vegetables.
5. Discuss with candidate.
SITHCCC016A Develop cost-effective menus
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element
1. Explain the difference between an ‘à la carte’ menu and a ‘table d'hôte’ menu. 1
2. What consideration do you have to think about before writing menus? 1
3. Why is it important to do a regular stock take of food in commercial kitchens? 2
4. What styles of menus have you planned and costed? 2
5. Have you prepared rosters? What were some of the major factors you had to consider? 2
Comments – If the questions not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. A la carte menus are menus divided into courses where guests have many choices for each course. Each dish is charged separately and each
dish is cooked to order.
Table d'hôte menus can be a fixed price with set courses; food is pre-prepared and there are limited choices for each course.
2. You have to consider who the menu is for or the type of customers, the price range you have to work within, the restaurant/hotel location, the
availability of food, staff capabilities, kitchen equipment, menu balance, type of menu and menu design.
3. Stock takes should be done on a regular basis to ascertain the quantity and value of stock in a commercial kitchen. If stock takes are done on a
weekly basis, you can check your stock balance with the previous week’s balance. Also the stock take can be used to check on portioning
sizes, wastage and pilfering or stealing.
4. Discuss with candidate.
5. Discuss with candidate. For example: budget, labour costs, award conditions and rates and employees’ days off.
HLTFA301B Apply first aid
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following question? Yes No Matrix/element

1. Do you have a current first aid certificate?

Comments – If the question not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.
SITXCOM003A Deal with conflict situations
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element
1. What are some key signs to look for when a conflict situation is about to arise? 1

2. What are some key points to use when dealing with a conflict situation? 2, 3

3. Explain what steps you should take to handle customer complaints. 2

4. Explain how you would resolve a conflict situation with another employee. 2

Comments – If the question not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. Aggressive body language. crossed arms, banging of fist on a table, invading personal space, not listening to the other person’s point of view,
constantly interrupting, raising voice, swearing, aggressive eye contact by staring and use of sarcasm
2. Focus on the issue and not the person; listen to the other’s point of view; concentrate on the main points of the conflict; find out what each
person wants and be considerate to all people involved when dealing with the conflict. The final point is to evaluate the conflict by providing
feedback to both parties for a possible resolution.
3. Listen to the person’s complaint; show empathy towards the person; confirm with the person that you have all the facts correct; find a solution to
suit both parties and follow up with the person after the resolution.
4. Discuss with candidate.
SITXHRM001A Coach others in job skills
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element
1. When conducting a coaching session the structure is very important and should include 1, 2, 3
preparation, introduction, demonstration, practice and review. Explain each of these major
2. What on-the-job coaching have you been involved with? What were the outcomes?
Comments – If the question not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. Preparation – who the trainees are and what their current level of knowledge is; break each task into stages and calculate how much time is
needed and what equipment is required.
Introduction – make the training interesting and put the trainees at ease; give an overview and clearly explain the task or skill and its
importance; check their knowledge of the task or skill and distribute any documentation.
Demonstration – demonstrate the task or skill; explain each stage and check for understanding by asking questions. Repeat demonstration if
Practice – make sure enough time is given for the trainees to complete the task or skill; ask trainees to repeat the task or skill and supervise
and assess them.
Review – all major key points and their importance; give encouragement and support and ask for any further questions.
2. Discuss with candidate.
SITHCCC027B Prepare, cook and serve food for food service and SITHCCC028B Prepare, cook and serve food for
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element
1. What types of food service have you been involved in throughout your career?
2. Have you coordinated, organised and prepared food for different service types? Explain the
outcomes of the service periods.
3. What is the importance of coordinating an end-of-service debriefs? 3
4. Explain why it is important to work as a team whilst working in a commercial kitchen. 1
5. What is your experience of preparing, cooking and serving a variety of menu items to meet
customer expectations?
6. Why is planning and organising work on a daily basis important in a commercial kitchen? 2
7. What commercial equipment have you used whilst working in a fully equipped commercial 2
Comments – If the question not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses
1. Discuss with candidate. For example: breakfast, lunch, dinner, special function and buffet.
2. Discuss with candidate.
3. End-of-service debriefs are very important in a commercial kitchen because they bring everything that has happened in the service together. Staff
discuss as a team what went well and what did not go as expected throughout the preparation and service periods. Points can be made on how to
improve for the next service.
4. It is very important for people working in a kitchen to work as a team. The kitchen team must work together to prepare, cook and present meals for
customers. If you do not work together you are letting the team, the business and the customer down. Helping other members of the team when
help is required are good qualities of a good team member.
5. Discuss with candidate.
6. Planning and organising work on a daily basis important because staff may have not worked the previous day; specials and special requests
from customers or functions need to be known and catered for and tasks need to be sequenced and prioritised.
7. Electric, gas or induction ranges, ovens including combi ovens, microwaves, grills and griddles, deep-fryers, salamanders, food processors,
blenders, mixers, slicers, pans, utensils, tilting fry pans and bratt pans, steamers and bain-marie
SITHCCCOO7C Prepare sandwiches
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element

1. Name four (4) traditional types of sandwiches used in catering, eg cocktail sandwiches. 1

2. Name six (6) types of bread or rolls used in the preparation of sandwiches. 1

3. Explain the logical and sequential order taken in the production of sandwiches for a small 1

4. How should sandwiches be stored? 2

Comments – If the question not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses

1. Cocktail, conventional, open, pinwheel, ribbon and tea or Pullman sandwiches

2. White, whole meal, rye, multigrain. sourdough, foccaccia, ciabatta, flat breads including Turkish and pita and bagels

3. Bread should be delivered on the day of production. Prepare fillings and spreads, slice meats, cheese, eggs, etc. Wash, dry and prepare all
vegetables and salad items. Assemble all platters and serving equipment including containers. Prepare sandwiches and cut into required portion
sizes. Present sandwiches on appropriate platters, containers and cover with either plastic wrap or foil and store correctly.

4. Sandwiches should be made as close to service as possible. If storage is required they should be wrapped using plastic wrap or foil or use a bulk
storage container and place in the refrigerator at 1 ºC–4 ºC.
SITHCCCO21C Handle and serve cheese
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element

1. Name a type of cheese from each of the following categories – fresh cheese, white mould, 1
blue mould, semi-hard or eye, hard, washed rind and stretched curd.

2. Name appropriate garnishes and accompaniments, which can be served with a variety of 2

3. What experience do you have in identifying, handling, presenting and storing a variety of 3

Comments – If the question not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses

1. Fresh cheese – cottage, cream, ricotta; white mould – Brie, Camembert; blue mould: Gorgonzola, Stilton; semi-hard or eye: Gruyère, Gouda,
Edam; hard: parmesan, pecorino; washed rind: Talleggio, Limburger; stretched curd: Mozzarella, Bocconcini.

2. Breads, biscuits and crackers, fresh and dried fruits, vegetables, nuts and jellies

3. Discuss with candidate.

SITHCCCO23C Select, prepare and serve specialised food items
Did the candidate satisfactorily answer the following questions? Yes No Matrix/element

1. Name some specialised food items you have prepared and served in your career. 3

2. Explain some specialised preparation and cooking techniques you have used, eg techniques 3
such as cooking on salt.

3. Name suppliers from whom you have sourced specialised food items. 1

4. What promotional activities have you used to focus on specialised food items? 2

5. What were the storage requirements for some of the specialised food items you have 4

Comments – If the question not satisfactorily addressed, state whether practical assessment or gap training is required.

Suggested responses

1. Discuss with candidate.

2. Discuss with candidate.

3. Discuss with candidate.

4. Menus, specials list, blackboards, flyers and pamphlets, media releases and the Internet

5. Discuss with candidate.

Assessment judgement

During the interview, did the candidate: Yes No

demonstrate reasonable knowledge and skill relating to:

The candidate’s underpinning knowledge was: Satisfactory q Not Yet Satisfactory q

Provide comments as to why you made the judgement you did about the candidate.

Assessor’s signature: Date:

Candidate’s signature: Date:

Recognition of Prior Learning process
Step 1: Candidates obtain the self-assessment checklist and work through to identify what they need to know and demonstrate
for the whole of trade. (Assessment tool: Self-assessment checklist)

Step 2: Candidates meet with an assessor for an interview to discuss their knowledge and skills, to identify whether they address
the required knowledge and skills for Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery). Candidates may also present
documentary evidence at this interview. If they do not present documentary evidence, the assessor and the candidate
discuss what documentary evidence could be obtained. (Assessment tool: Interview questions and recording

Assessor determines whether the candidate has a skill gap of greater or less than 10%.

Skill gap >10%: Candidate is referred to other options, eg fast-track apprenticeship, short course training to
address gaps.

Skill gap <10%: Candidate goes to Step 3.

Step 3: Candidate undertakes workplace assessment, either in the workplace or in a simulated environment. (Assessment tool:
Practical observation tasks and recording documents)

Step 4: Reference checking – Third party evidence

Assessor discusses the candidate with the employer/supervisor/peers – to be agreed between the assessor and the

Step 5: Assessment judgement

Letter for Recognition of Prior Learning candidates with a
skill gap greater than 10%

Recognition of Prior Learning assessment

This letter is to provide you with the details from the interview you attended with
__________________ [assessor] on ___________ [date] as part of a Recognition of Prior
Learning assessment, and to give advice on further training options available to you.

The assessor has identified through the assessment process that you currently have a skill gap
of greater than 10%. Based on this assessment you are unable to continue through to Stage 2
of the Recognition of Prior Learning assessment at this time.

A summary of the qualification is attached, which identifies the areas where you were assessed
as currently having the required knowledge and skills, and those areas where further training is
required to reach the standard of a tradesperson in __________________ [trade].

To discuss your next options, please contact the ________________________ on


Kind regards


[Name of RTO]
Recognition of Prior Learning
Notice of assessment outcome
Stage 1: Interview

Name of candidate: __________________________________________________________

Trade: ____________________________________________________________________

Date of interview: ________________________

Name of assessor: __________________________________________________________

Assessment outcome

1. Skill gap less than 10% q

Stage 2: Observation assessment scheduled for: ________________________ (date)


2. Skill gap greater than 10% q

Refer to Apprenticeship and Traineeship Support Network (ATSN)?

Yes q If yes, TPO attached? Yes q _____ pages No q


No q If no, give reason:

Assessor’s comments
Base your comments on your observation of the candidate during the interview.

1. Did the information session provide the candidate with sufficient information about the RPL

Yes q No q

2. Did the self-assessment checklist provide the candidate with enough information about the
trade in which they were seeking recognition?

Yes q No q

3. Approximately how long did the interview take with the candidate?

Assessor’s signature _________________________________

Date: ______________________

Manager’s signature _________________________________

Date: ______________________
Notice of assessment outcome
Stage 2: Observation assessment and reference checking

Name of candidate: _________________________________________________________

Trade: ____________________________________________________________________

Date of assessment: ________________________

Name of assessor:___________________________________________________________

1. Observation assessment undertaken: on-the-job q

at training facility q
other q ___________________
How much time did you spend on this assessment?

2. Reference checking undertaken? Yes q No q

How much time did you spend checking references?
Assessment outcome
1. The candidate is competent against Certificate III qualification and no gap training required


2. The candidate is not yet competent against Certificate III qualification and gap training is

(If you select 2 above, please attach a summary of the gap training and/or industry experience
required, and how you have negotiated for this to be undertaken between the RTO and the

3. Have you requested that Certificate III be issued? Yes q No q

Assessor’s signature _________________________________

Date: ______________________

Candidate’s signature _________________________________

Date: ______________________

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