Nhess 9 451 2009
Nhess 9 451 2009
Nhess 9 451 2009
, 9, 451–458, 2009
www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci.net/9/451/2009/ Natural Hazards
© Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under and Earth
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. System Sciences
Abstract. The present study concerns analysis of the seismic 2000). Well-compacted modern dams can withstand substan-
response of earth dams. The behaviour of both the shell and tial earthquake shaking with no detrimental effects.
core of the dam is described using the simple and popular non The pseudo static approach is largely used in engineering
associated Mohr-Coulomb criterion. The use of this constitu- practice to assess the seismic stability of earth fill dams. In
tive model is justified by the difficulty to obtain constitutive this approach, the earthquake effect on a potential soil mass
parameters for more advanced constitutive relations includ- is represented by means of equivalent static horizontal force
ing isotropic and kinematic hardening. Analyses with real equal to the soil mass multiplied by a seismic coefficient.
earthquake records show that the seismic loading induces This approach is quite simplistic since it attempts to represent
plasticity in a large part of the shell and in the lower part of complex dynamic behaviour in terms of static forces. Stabil-
the core. Analysis shows that plasticity should be considered ity is expressed in terms of an overall factor of safety. The
in the analysis of the seismic response of the dam, because it implicit assumption is that the soil is rigid-perfectly plastic
leads to a decrease in the natural frequencies of the dam to- behaving as an undeformable block.
gether to energy dissipation, which could significantly affect Since the 1971 San Fernando earthquake in California
the seismic response of the dam. Plastic analysis constitutes (Ming and Li, 2003), major progress has been achieved in
also a good tool for the verification of the stability of the dam the understanding of the earthquake action on dams. Gaze-
under seismic loading. tas (1987) discussed the historical developments of theoret-
ical methods for estimating the dynamic response of earth
dams to earthquakes ground excitation. He outlined their im-
1 Introduction portant features, their advantages and limitations. Progress
in the area of geotechnical computation and numerical mod-
Seed et al. (1978, 1979) reported that the seismic perfor- eling offers interesting facilities for the analysis of the dam
mance of embankment dams has been good in general, ex- response in considering complex issues such as the soil non
cept when liquefaction or unusual circumstances have been linearity, the evolution of the pore pressure during the dam
involved. They noted that a well-built compacted embank- construction procedure and real earthquake records. De-
ment dam can withstand moderate earthquake shaking, with tailed analysis techniques include equivalent linear (decou-
peak accelerations of 0.2 g and more, with no detrimental pled) solutions, and non linear finite element and finite dif-
effects. The efficiency of modern compacted embankment ference coupled or decoupled formulations (Lin and Chao,
dams was further demonstrated in 1994 when the Los Ange- 1990; Abouseeda and Dakoulas, 1998; Cascone and Ram-
les Reservoir was severely shaken by the Northridge Earth- pello, 2003).
quake (Davis and Sakado, 1994). The seismic performance Wood (1973) showed that where the frequency at which
of embankment dams has been closely related to the nature the principal energy of the input motions approaches the
and state of compaction of the fill material USCOLD (1992, fundamental frequency of the unrestrained backfill, dynamic
amplification becomes an important factor, which is not con-
sidered in engineering approaches that assess the earth fill
Correspondence to: M. Sadek dam stability. The paper presents a numerical study of the
([email protected]) seismic behaviour of earthfill dams. It will mainly focus on
The selected example is a simplified representation of typ- λ is the wave length associated with the highest frequency
ical earth dam geometry. The dam section assumed in the component that contains appreciable energy. The conse-
present survey is a symmetric zone section with clay core quence is that reasonable analyses may be time and mem-
and foundation as shown in Fig. 1. Geotechnical properties ory consuming. In such cases, it may be possible to adjust
used in the analyses are presented in Table 1 for foundation the input by recognizing that most of the power for the input
soil and earth dam materials. The materials properties are history is contained in lower frequency components.
chosen more close to reality. The foundation is assumed to The procedure of Free-Field Boundaries used in FLAC3D
be stiff with a Young’s Modulus E=1000 MPa. The Young’s aims absorbing outward waves originating from the struc-
modulus of the shell is equal to 60 MPa, while that of the ture. The method involves the execution of free-field calcu-
core is equal to 40 MPa lations in parallel with the main-grid analysis. The lateral
boundaries of the main grid are coupled to the free-field grid
2.1 Numerical model by viscous dashpots to simulate a quiet boundary.
Rayleigh damping Rd =5% is used in the analyses to
Numerical analyses are conducted using the finite difference compensate for the energy dissipation through the medium
program FLAC3D based on a continuum finite difference (Paolucci, 2002; Lokmer et al., 2002). The behaviour of the
40 50
Displacement (cm)
Velocity (cm/sec)
20 1.4
10 10
spectral velocity(m/s)
0 0
-10 -10
-20 1
-30 -40
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Tim e(sec) Tim e(sec)
0.3 3.50E-04
spectral velocity(m/s)
0.2 3.00E-04
Acceleration (g)
0.1 0.2
1.50E-04 0
-0.1 1.00E-04 0 0.7 1.4 2.1 2.8 3.5 4.2
-0.2 5.00E-05 frequency(HZ)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
Tim e(sec) frequency(HZ)
Fig. 3. Response spectra of free horizontal motion at the dam crest.
shell and core of the dam is described using the non asso-
ciated Mohr Coulomb criterion (Table 1); in this case the
hysteretic damping is considered using Rayleigh damping
Rd =2%. The use of this model is justified by the difficulty
to obtain constitutive parameters for more advanced consti- Fig. 4. Dam deformation at the maximum of excitation (Kocaeli
tutive relations including both isotropic and kinematic hard- earthquake record) (Umax =0.30 m at the dam crest).
Figure 4. Dam deformation at the maximum of excitation (Kocaeli earthquake record)
(Umax = 0.30 m at the dam crest)
h / H 0.5
Fig. 7. Reference example: Distribution of plasticity in the dam (at maximum excitation).
0.4 Fig. 7. Reference example: Distribution of plasticity in the dam (at
(-n: the zone is
maximum at active failure now; -p: the zone has failed in the past; shear: yield criterion -
shear failure)
(-n: the zone is at active failure now; -p: the zone has failed in the
past; shear: yield criterion -shear failure).
0 H
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 h 1 1.2
Fig. 5. Velocity amplification in the dam axis (Kocaeli earthquake Abouseeda,
H. and Dakoulas P. Non-Linear Dynamic
Earth Dam-Foundation Interaction
record) (V : velocity at the base for h=0). Using0.4a BE-FE Method, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 27, pp. 917-
936, 1998
elocity amplification in the dam axis (Kocaeli earthquake record) 0.2
3 5 Gazetas,
0 G. : Seismic Response of Earth Dams: Some
Recent Developments”, Soil Dynamics
at the base for h=0) 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
and Earthquake Engineering,
0.2 0.25 0.3
(m) 6, No. 1, pp.1-48, 1987.
Dis (m ) Vol.
0 0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8 1
Ohmachi T. and Kuwano
(Vertical J., dam)
axis of the Dynamic safety of earth (Middle
and rockheight
fill dams,
of the A.A.
dam) Balkema,
3 Rotterdam (1994), 160 p. ISBN 90-5410-265-9.
v / V 1.5 v/V
Fig. 8. Displacement pattern at maximum of velocity.
Figure 8. Displacement pattern at maximum of velocity.
3.3 Influence of the input loading
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
l/L l/L
This section presents an analysis of the influence of both the
(Middle height) (Dam crest) frequency content and the loading amplitude on the seismic
response of the dam.
Figure 6. Variation of the amplification in the horizontal direction.
Fig. 6. Variation of the amplification in the horizontal direction.
3.3.1 Frequency content of seismic excitation
which could indicate the imminence of soil instability in this The seismic performance of the dam is analysed through
area. The residual (permanent) displacement is presented in time-history analysis using the 1978 Tabas earthquake record
the Fig. 9 that shows the seismic induced residual displace- that has been adjusted to have a maximum amplitude veloc-
ment in the upper part of the dam and the extremities. As ity of 0.4 m/s in order to compare it with the response under
seen from this figure, whereas the residual displacement
17 al- Kocaeli earthquake. The time history of this record is illus-
most unvarying in the lower two-thirds of the crest, it dis- trated in Fig. 12 (9101 Tabas Station). Note that the dominant
plays significant increase in the upper one-third of the dam. frequency of this record is about 0.5 Hz.
In fact, previous research works indicated this behaviour Figure 13 shows a comparison between the dynamic am-
(Ohmachi and Kuwano, 1994; Ozkan et al., 2006). That’s plification profiles obtained with the elastoplastic analyses of
why in the design of embankment dams, due to the stronger the dam subjected the Kocaeli and Tabas earthquake records.
shaking at the upper parts, special attention should be given We observe an agreement between these profiles. The max-20
to the crest to avoid undesirable deformations. imum velocity due to the Tabas earthquake record is equal
Figure 10 shows a comparison between the elastic and to 1.26 m/s (v/V =2.97); this value is higher than that ob-
elastoplastic analyses at the maximum of velocity. It can tained with the Kocaeli earthquake record (Vmax =0.95 m/s,
be observed that the plastic deformation leads to a decrease v/V =2.59).
in the velocity amplification, in particular in the upper part. Figure 14a and b depict the response spectra obtained with
This reduction attains about 50%. This result could be at- 18 the Kocaeli and Tabas earthquake records together with the
tributed to the energy dissipation by plastic deformation and input motions respectively for elastic and elastoplastic mod-
to the influence of plasticity on the reduction of the funda- eling. For elastic analysis, it can be observed that maximum
mental frequencies of the dam as illustrated Fig. 11, which peak of the response to Tabas earthquake (respectively Ko-
shows the influence of plasticity on the spectral response at caeli) occurs at the first frequency of the dam f1 dam =0.7 Hz
the crest of the dam. (respectively at f2 dam =1.4 Hz) while the second peak is
1 1.2
1 Elastic-Sv max =1.95
0.8 0.8
0.8 Plastic-Sv max=1.59e-2
h/H 0.2
0.4 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.5
(Vertical axis of the dam) (Middle height of the dam) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3
Displacement (cm)
Velocity (cm/sec)
0.6 10
v/V 0 10
1 -10 0
0.2 0.5 -20
-50 -30
0 0 -60 -40
0 1 2 3 4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
v/V l/L Time (sec) Time (sec)
(Vertical axis of the dam) (Middle height of the dam) 0.6 0.012
mum of velocity. 0.1
Figure 10. Reference example: Influence of plasticity on the maximum of velocity. 0
-0.3 0.002
obtained at the first loading frequency f1 load =0.50 Hz (re- -0.4
-0.5 0
spectively at f2 load =1.3 Hz). When plasticity is considered, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 23
1.25 1.5 1.75
Time (sec) Frequency(HZ)
the maximum spectral velocity are obtained at the loading21
dominant frequencies (f1 load =0.50 Hz for Tabas; and f2 load
for Kocaeli). Fig. 12. Tabas earthquake record (9101 Tabas Station) (a) Displace-
ment, (b) Velocity, (c) Acceleration, (d) Spectra.
Figure 12. Tabas earthquake record (9101 Tabas Station)
3.3.2 Loading amplitude
a) Displacement, b) Velocity, c) Acceleration, d) Spectra.
displacement in the horizontal direction clearly indicates the
The influence of the loading amplitude on the dam response .
presence of instability at high amplitude of the input motion.
to the Kocaeli earthquake record was investigated through
analyses conducted for three values of amplitude of the in- 3.4 Mechanical role of Core and Shell
put motion (Va =0.40, 1.60 and 3.60 m/s). Such values are
extremely high, they are considered for parametric studies. In order to investigate the mechanical role of the core rela-
Figure 15 shows the influence of the input motion amplitude tive to the shell on the overall seismic induced response of the
on the distribution of plasticity in the dam. The plasticity22 dam. Numerical simulations are carried out with the Kocaeli
distribution increases with the loading amplitude. For both earthquake record. Analyses were conducted with different
Va =1.60 and 3.60 m/s, plasticity extends to the totality of the values of the core cohesion (100×105 kPa) and the shell co-
dam. Note that these values of ground velocity correspond to hesion (0.1 kPa×105 kPa) as described in Table 2. High val-24
extremely high-magnitude earthquakes. ues of the cohesion in are used to elucidate the influence of
Figure 16 shows the influence of the loading amplitude plasticity on the response of the dam.
on the maximum of displacement in the vertical axis and at Figure 17 presents a comparison results for different mod-
the middle height of the dam. It can be observed that the els in term of the velocity amplification in three sections of
increase in the input motion amplitude leads to an important the dam: vertical axis, middle height and the crest. It can
increase in this displacement, in particular near the lateral be seen that the variation of core cohesion doesn’t induce a
extremities of the dam, where the displacement attains 3.5 m significant change in the seismic amplification. Considera-
for Va =3.6 m/s which indicates collapse. The variation of the tion of plasticity in the shell (cohesion=0.1 kPa) leads to a
Kocaeli Tabas
Kocaeli Tabas
Block State
0.8 2 shear-n shear-p
0.6 1.5
h/H v/V
0.4 1
0.2 0.5
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
v/V l/L
Block State
(Vertical axis of the dam) (Middle height of the dam) shear-n shear-p
(a) 0.9
1 3
Tabas - Load - SV =1.330e-2
m ax
0.6 2.5
Tabas - Response - SV =7.67e-2
m ax
25 Ux (m)
Kocaeli - Load - SV =3.19e-4 0.5
0.8 m ax
Kocaeli - Response - SV =1.59e-2
m ax
Spectral velocity ratio
Va = 0.40 m/s
Va = 1.60 m/s
0.1 Va = 3.60 m/s 0.5
0.4 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Ux (m) l/L
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4
Fig. 16. Influence of the loading amplitude on the maximum of
Frequency (Hz)
displacement in the dam (Kocaeli earthquake record).
(b) Figure 16. Influence of the loading amplitude on the maximum of displacement in the dam
Figure 14. Comparison of the spectra of the elastic (a) and elastoplastic (b) responses to the (Kocaeli earthquake record).
Fig. 14.andComparison
Tabas earthquake
of records (The response
the spectra of the iselastic
taken at(a)
the and
ral frequency of the dam and dominant frequency of loading
tic (b) responses to the Kocaeli and Tabas earthquake records (The
record. The response spectra confirms also that the variation
response is taken at the crest).
in core cohesion don’t affect the overall response of the dam
where we obtain practically the same result for model 1 and
decrease of about 50% in the seismic amplification. This re- 3.
sult could be attributed to the energy dissipation by plastic
deformation and to the influence of plasticity on the reduc- 4 Conclusions
tion of the fundamental frequencies of the dam as illustrated
Fig. 18, which shows the influence of plasticity on the spec- This paper included analysis of the seismic behaviour of
tral response at the crest of the dam. The Fourier spectrum earth dams. It corresponds to the response of the dam before
illustrates a large component of amplification factor at natu- water impoundment. Analyses were conducted for real
Table 2. Core and shell cohesion for different models of the earth Model1 Model2 Model3 Model4
1 2.5 3.5
0.8 2
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
0.7 2.5
100×103 100 ×103
Core cohesion (kPa) 100 100 h / H 0.5 v/V v/V
the shell in the overall seismic induced response of the earth 0.2
the investigation of the seismic response of the dam, because 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3
Earth and Rockfill Dams, 19th Rankine Lecture of the British Wood, J.: Earthquake-Induced Soil Pressures on Structures, Re-
Geotechnical Society, Geotechnique, 29(3), 215–263, 1979. port EERL 73-05, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
USCOLD (US Committee on Large Dams): Observed Performance p. 311, 1973.
of Dams during Earthquakes, Committee on Earthquakes, July,
Denver, CO, 1992.
USCOLD (US Committee on Large Dams): Observed Performance
of Dams during Earthquakes, 2, Committee on Earthquakes, Oc-
tober, Denver, CO, 2000.