HW 2
HW 2
HW 2
due 9/24/13
In this problem you will find an expression for entropy in terms of thePcanonical distribution
function ρs = e Z where the partition function Z is given by Z = s e−Es /kT . Start from
S = − ∂T N,V and show that S = −k s ρs ln ρs . This formula (sometimes called the
Shannon Entropy) is accepted as the general definition of entropy, even in situations like
information theory where there is no underlying free energy.
An ideal gas of N particles is confined to a two-dimensional disk of radius R. Each particle is
attracted to the center by a force that increases proportional to its distance from the center,
so the Hamiltonian is
N 2
X pi 1 2
H= + kr
2m 2 i
where k is the effective spring constant of the central force and m is the mass of the particles.
(a) Write down the partition function for the full system.
(b) Calculate the average energy, pressure, and heat capacity of the system.
(c) Using the single particle partition function, compute the probability that a given
particle is in the shaded region of the figure (greater than a distance a from the center but
less than b).
Pathria 3.15: Show that the partition function QN (V, T ) of an extreme relativistic gas con-
sisting of N monatomic molecules with energy-momentum relationship = pc, c being the
speed of light, is given by
( 3 )N
1 kT
QN (V, T ) = 8πV .
N! hc
Next, using the inversion formula (3.4.7), derive an expression for the density of states g(E)
of this system.
Consider a system of N magnetic dipoles, each of which has an energy + in the ‘up’ state
and − in the ‘down’ state.
a) Enumerate the number of microstates Ω(N, E) accessible to the system at energy E
and show that the entropy is given by Eq. (3.10.9).
S N + E N + E N − E N − E
=− ln − ln
Nk 2N 2N 2N 2N
b) Now consider the same system in the canonical ensemble. Evaluate the partition
function for the N particle system and show that QN = QN
1 .
Consider a system of N non-interacting spins of angular momentum J in the presence of an
external field H. The energy levels for each spin are gµB Hm, where m = −J, −J +1 . . . J. a)
Compute the partition function for this system (evaluate all sums). b) Compute the average
magnetic moment for the system. c) Compare your results to the J = 1/2 example from
lecture and the J = ∞ classical case (take the limit J → ∞ and g → 0 such that µB gJ
retains the constant value µ0 ). d) Evaluate the Curie constant for the generic spin J case.