Illustrated Course Guide Microsoft Office 365 and Excel 2016 Intermediate Spiral Bound Version 1st Edition Wermers Solutions Manual

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Illustrated Course Guide Microsoft

Office 365 and Excel 2016 Intermediate

Spiral bound Version 1st Edition
Wermers Solutions Manual
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Excel Module 10: Enhancing Charts

A Guide to this Instructor’s Manual:
We have designed this Instructor’s Manual to supplement and enhance your teaching experience through classroom
activities and a cohesive module summary.

This document is organized chronologically, using the same heading in blue that you see in the textbook. Under each
heading you will find (in order): Lecture Notes that summarize the section, Teacher Tips, Classroom Activities, and Lab
Activities. Pay special attention to teaching tips, and activities geared towards quizzing your students, enhancing their
critical thinking skills, and encouraging experimentation within the software.

In addition to this Instructor’s Manual, our Instructor’s Resources Site also contains PowerPoint Presentations, Test
Banks, and other supplements to aid in your teaching experience.

Table of Contents
Module Objectives
226: Customize a Data Series 1
228: Change a Data Source and Add a Chart Style 2
230: Add Chart Elements 2
232: Format Chart Axes 3
234: Create a Combination Chart 4
236: Enhance a Chart 5
238: Summarize Data with Sparklines 5
240: Identify Data Trends 6
End of Module Material

Module Objectives
Students will have mastered the material in Excel Module 10 when they can:
 Customize a data series  Create a combination chart
 Change a data source and add a chart style  Enhance a chart
 Add chart elements  Summarize data with sparklines
 Format chart axes  Identify data trends

226: Customize a Data Series

• Switch row and column data
• Format a data series

• Define the terms data series and plot.
• Review the steps used to create a chart.
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• Demonstrate creating a chart.

• Describe the function of the Switch Row/Column button.
• Show students the effect that clicking the Switch Row/Column button has on the data displayed in the
• Show students how to format a data series.
• Review how to move and resize a chart.

Remind students that the worksheet data from the first column in the chart’s range is by default placed on
the x-axis.

1. Class Discussion: Does changing the way that data is plotted (by columns or rows) change the story
a chart tells?

2. Quick Quiz:

1. True/False: Data on the x and y axes cannot be reversed. (Answer: False)

2. A(n) ____ ____ is the sequence of values that Excel plots on the chart. (Answer: data series)

228: Change a Data Source and Add a Chart Style

• Add data to a chart
• Format a chart with a chart style

• Review how to change a data source.
• Show students how to add data to a chart.
• Show students how to add a chart style.
• Demonstrate how to add a color scheme to a chart.

1. Quick Quiz:
1. Click ____ at the top of the Chart Styles gallery to change chart colors. (Answer: Color)

2. Class Discussion: Do the colors of a chart make a difference? Why or why not?

230: Add Chart Elements

• Move a chart to a different worksheet
• Add a data table to a chart
• Add data labels to a chart
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• Define the terms chart elements and data table.
• Show students how to move the chart to its own worksheet.
• Explain the difference between data labels and data tables.
• Show students how to add a data table.
• Explain to students how to remove a data table.
• Demonstrate how to format legends.

Explain to students that data tables are available only in column, bar, line, area, and stock charts. You
cannot add a data table to a pie, XY (scatter), doughnut, radar, surface, or bubble chart.

1. Critical Thinking: Are there times you would not want to display a data table directly in your chart?

2. Quick Quiz:
1. A(n) ____ ____ is a grid that contains chart data and is attached to the bottom of a
chart. (Answer: data table)
2. Data tables are useful because the display ____. (Answer: values you used to generate
a chart)

1. Have students experiment with formatting legends.

232: Format Chart Axes

• Add axis titles
• Change the vertical axis maximum value

• Describe the y- and x-axes.
• Show students how to add axis titles.
• Show students how to change the vertical axis maximum value.
• Refer to Figure 10-9 to show a chart with formatted axes.

Remind students of the importance of not over formatting charts; instead, formatting should be used to
make charts easier to understand. For example, an axis title should not be added if the values are self-
explanatory, such as dates.
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1. Assign a Project: Have students describe in writing three enhancements that can be performed on
the value axis of a chart and how they are accomplished using Excel.

2. Critical Thinking: Review the chart shown in Figure 10-9. What do you like about the format? What
do you dislike about the format?

3. Quick Quiz:

1. True/False: Excel plots and formats chart data and places the chart axes within the chart’s plot
area. (Answer: True)
2. True/False: Categories are plotted on the vertical y-axis. (Answer: False)

1. Have students perform enhancements on the value axis of a chart.

234: Create a Combination Chart

• Add chart data
• Create a chart with two types of graphs

• Explain the purpose of a combination chart.
• Explain how to add chart data.
• Stress the importance of charting data accurately.
• Use Figure 10-10 to show a chart with an average data series.
• Demonstrate how to create a chart with two types of graphs.
• Use Figure 10-11 to show a combination chart with two types of graphs.

one of
1. Quick Q:
2. 1. True/False: You can plot two data sets on different axes by creating a combination chart.
(Answer: True)

3. Critical Thinking: When may creating a combination chart be particularly helpful?

4. Class Discussion: Have you ever had to create a chart by hand? Did you feel you were able to
accurately depict the data?

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236: Enhance a Chart

• Add a WordArt title to a chart
• Add a shape style to the plot area

• Define the term WordArt.
• Demonstrate how to create a chart title.
• Explain how to delete a chart title.
• Use Figure 10-12 to illustrate all the options in the WordArt Styles gallery.
• Discuss chart types that are useful for illustrating more specific types of data.

1. Quick Quiz:
1. True/False: Even after text is formatted as WordArt, it can be spell-checked, sorted, and used as
cell references in formulas. (Answer: False)

1. Critical Thinking: You can add emphasis to column labels or titles. When would you use WordArt?

2. Assign a Project: Assign students to groups of 2 or 3. Assign each group to research the uses of one
of the following chart types: Waterfall, Histogram, Paretao, Box & Whisker, Treemap, and
Sunburst. Students should share their results with the class.

Have students experiment with creating WordArt using their full name.

238: Summarize Data with Sparklines

• Add sparklines to a worksheet
• Format sparklines
• Add markers to sparklines

• Define sparklines.
• Demonstrate how to add sparklines and format them.
• Refer to Figure 10-15 to show formatted sparklines.

Point out that sparklines represent multiple data points and are used to show trends, quickly compare
data, and to find data outliers or data that does not fall into the range of the rest of the values. For
example, if you were comparing daily sales data and most values were between $8,000 and $10,000, but
on one day $25,000 was sold, the $25,000 value is considered a data outlier. A sparkline helps identify it as
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1. Critical Thinking: What types of your own documents may be enhanced by adding sparklines?

2. Assign a Project: Have students create a worksheet and add sparklines. The sparklines should be
formatted and markers should be added.

240: Identify Data Trends

• Compare chart data using trendlines
• Format a trendline
• Forecast future trends using trendlines

• Define the term trendline.
• Create a 2-D column chart.
• Demonstrate how to create a trendline.
• Use Figure 10-16 to show a chart with two trendlines.
• Show students how to format a trendline.
• Discuss how to choose the right trendline options.

If students have trouble selecting the trendline, tell them to make sure their mouse pointer is not a four-
headed arrow, as that will move chart objects. Once they get it selected, if the Trendline button isn’t
available, they can click the Chart Tools Layout tab.

1. Quick Quiz:
1. True/False: Trendlines graphically forecast data to help make predictive business decisions.
(Answer: True)

2. Class Discussion: Ask students to think of a scenario where they might want to forecast the future.

End of Module Material

• Concepts Reviews consist of multiple choice, matching, and screen identification questions.
• Skills Reviews provide additional hands-on, step-by-step reinforcement.
• Independent Challenges are case projects requiring critical thinking and application of the module
skills. The Independent Challenges increase in difficulty, with the first one in each module being
the easiest. Independent Challenges 2 and 3 become increasingly open-ended, requiring more
independent problem solving.
• Independent Challenge 4: Explore contain practical exercises to help students with their everyday
lives by focusing on important and useful essential skills, including creating photo montages for
scrapbooks and photo albums, retouching and color-correcting family photos, applying layer styles
and getting Help online.
• Visual Workshops are practical, self-graded capstone projects that require independent problem

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